diff --git a/extra/tc-lisp-talk/authors.txt b/extra/tc-lisp-talk/authors.txt
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+Doug Coleman
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diff --git a/extra/tc-lisp-talk/tc-lisp-talk.factor b/extra/tc-lisp-talk/tc-lisp-talk.factor
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+! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
+! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
+USING: assocs combinators constructors eval help.markup kernel
+multiline namespaces parser sequences sequences.private slides
+vocabs.refresh words fry ;
+IN: tc-lisp-talk
+CONSTANT: tc-lisp-slides
+ { $slide "Factor!"
+ { $url "http://factorcode.org" }
+ "Development started in 2003"
+ "Open source (BSD license)"
+ "Influenced by Forth, Lisp, and Smalltalk"
+ "Blurs the line between language and library"
+ "Interactive development"
+ }
+ { $slide "First, some examples"
+ { $code "3 weeks ago noon monday ." }
+ { $code "USE: roman 2009 >roman ." }
+ { $code <" : average ( seq -- x )
+ [ sum ] [ length ] bi / ;"> }
+ { $code "1 miles [ km ] undo >float ." }
+ { $code "[ readln eval>string print t ] loop" }
+ }
+ { $slide "XML Literals"
+ { $code
+ <" USING: splitting xml.writer xml.syntax ;
+{ "one" "two" "three" }
+[ [XML - <->
XML] ] map
+<-> XML> pprint-xml">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Differences between Factor and Lisp"
+ "Single-implementation language"
+ "Less nesting, shorter word length"
+ { "Dynamic reloading of code from files with " { $link refresh-all } }
+ "More generic protocols -- sequences, assocs, streams"
+ "More cross-platform"
+ "No standard for the language"
+ "Evaluates left to right"
+ }
+ { $slide "Terminology"
+ { "Words - functions" }
+ { "Vocabularies - collections of code in the same namespace" }
+ { "Quotations - blocks of code" { $code "[ dup reverse append ]" } }
+ { "Combinators - higher order functions" }
+ { "Static stack effect - known stack effect at compile-time" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Defining a word"
+ "Defined at parse time"
+ "Parts: name, stack effect, definition"
+ "Composed of tokens separated by whitespace"
+ { $code ": palindrome? ( string -- ? ) dup reverse = ;" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Non-static stack effect"
+ "Not a good practice, nor useful"
+ "Not compiled by the optimizing compiler"
+ { $code "100 iota [ ] each" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Module system"
+ "Code divided up into vocabulary roots"
+ "core/ -- just enough code to bootstrap Factor"
+ "basis/ -- optimizing compiler, the UI, tools, libraries"
+ "extra/ -- demos, unpolished code, experiments"
+ "work/ -- your works in progress"
+ }
+ { $slide "Module system (part 2)"
+ "Each vocabulary corresponds to a directory on disk, with documentation and test files"
+ { "Code for the " { $snippet "math" } " vocabulary: " { $snippet "~/factor/core/math/math.factor" } }
+ { "Documentation for the " { $snippet "math" } " vocabulary: " { $snippet "~/factor/core/math/math-docs.factor" } }
+ { "Unit tests for the " { $snippet "math" } " vocabulary: " { $snippet " ~/factor/core/math/math-tests.factor" } }
+ }
+ { $slide "Using a library"
+ "Each file starts with a USING: list"
+ "To use a library, simply include it in this list"
+ "Refreshing code loads dependencies correctly"
+ }
+ { $slide "Object system"
+ "Based on CLOS"
+ { "We define generic words that operate on the top of the stack with " { $link POSTPONE: GENERIC: } " or on an implicit parameter with " { $link POSTPONE: HOOK: } }
+ }
+ { $slide "Object system example: shape protocol"
+ "In ~/factor/work/shapes/shapes.factor"
+ { $code <" IN: shapes
+GENERIC: area ( shape -- x )
+GENERIC: perimeter ( shape -- x )">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Implementing the shape protocol: circles"
+ "In ~/factor/work/shapes/circle/circle.factor"
+ { $code <" USING: shapes constructors math
+math.constants ;
+IN: shapes.circle
+TUPLE: circle radius ;
+CONSTRUCTOR: circle ( radius -- obj ) ;
+M: circle area radius>> sq pi * ;
+M: circle perimeter radius>> pi * 2 * ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Dynamic variables"
+ "Implemented as a stack of hashtables"
+ { "Useful words are " { $link get } ", " { $link set } }
+ "Input, output, error streams are stored in dynamic variables"
+ { $code <" "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
+ readln print
+] with-string-reader">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "The global namespace"
+ "The global namespace is just the namespace at the bottom of the namespace stack"
+ { "Useful words are " { $link get-global } ", " { $link set-global } }
+ "Factor idiom for changing a particular namespace"
+ { $code <" SYMBOL: king
+global [ "Henry VIII" king set ] bind">
+ }
+ { $code "with-scope" }
+ { $code "namestack" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Hooks"
+ "Dispatch on a dynamic variable"
+ { $code <" HOOK: computer-name os ( -- string )
+M: macosx computer-name uname first ;
+macosx \ os set-global
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Interpolate"
+ "Replaces variables in a string"
+ { $code
+<" "Dawg" "name" set
+"rims" "noun" set
+"bling" "verb1" set
+"roll" "verb2" set
+ "Sup ${name}, we heard you liked ${noun}, so we put ${noun} on your car so you can ${verb1} while you ${verb2}."
+ interpolate
+] with-string-writer print ">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Sequence protocol"
+ "All sequences obey a protocol of generics"
+ { "Is an object a " { $link sequence? } }
+ { "Getting the " { $link length } }
+ { "Accessing the " { $link nth } " element" }
+ { "Setting an element - " { $link set-nth } }
+ }
+ { $slide "Examples of sequences in Factor"
+ "Arrays are mutable"
+ "Vectors are mutable and growable"
+ { "Arrays " { $code "{ \"abc\" \"def\" 50 }" } }
+ { "Vectors " { $code "V{ \"abc\" \"def\" 50 }" } }
+ { "Byte-arrays " { $code "B{ 1 2 3 }" } }
+ { "Byte-vectors " { $code "BV{ 11 22 33 }" } }
+ }
+ { $slide "Specialized arrays and vectors"
+ { "Specialized int arrays " { $code "int-array{ -20 -30 40 }" } }
+ { "Specialized uint arrays " { $code "uint-array{ 20 30 40 }" } }
+ { "Specialized float vectors " { $code "float-vector{ 20 30 40 }" } }
+ "35 others C-type arrays"
+ }
+ { $slide "Specialized arrays code"
+ "One line per array/vector"
+ { "In ~/factor/basis/specialized-arrays/float/float.factor"
+ { $code <" << "float" define-array >>"> }
+ }
+ { "In ~/factor/basis/specialized-vectors/float/float.factor"
+ { $code <" << "float" define-vector >>"> }
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Speciailzied arrays are implemented using functors"
+ "Like C++ templates"
+ "Eliminate boilerplate in ways other abstractions don't"
+ "Contains a definition section and a functor body"
+ "Uses the interpolate vocabulary"
+ }
+ { $slide "Functor for sorting"
+ { $code
+ <" FUNCTOR: define-sorting ( NAME QUOT -- )
+: NAME<=> ( obj1 obj2 -- <=> ) QUOT compare ;
+: NAME>=< ( obj1 obj2 -- >=< )
+ NAME<=> invert-comparison ;
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Example of sorting functor"
+ { $code <" USING: sorting.functor ;
+<< "length" [ length ] define-sorting >>">
+ }
+ { $code
+ <" { { 1 2 3 } { 1 2 } { 1 } }
+[ length<=> ] sort">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Combinators"
+ "Used to implement higher order functions (dataflow and control flow)"
+ "Compiler optimizes away quotations completely"
+ "Optimized code is just tight loops in registers"
+ "Most loops can be expressed with combinators or tail-recursion"
+ }
+ { $slide "Combinators that act on one value"
+ { $link bi }
+ { $code "10 [ 1 - ] [ 1 + ] bi" }
+ { $link tri }
+ { $code "10 [ 1 - ] [ 1 + ] [ 2 * ] tri" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Combinators that act on two values"
+ { $link 2bi }
+ { $code "10 1 [ - ] [ + ] 2bi" }
+ { $link bi* }
+ { $code "10 20 [ 1 - ] [ 1 + ] bi*" }
+ { $link bi@ }
+ { $code "5 9 [ sq ] bi@" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Sequence combinators"
+ { $link each }
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 4 5 } [ sq . ] each" }
+ { $link map }
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 4 5 } [ sq ] map" }
+ { $link filter }
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 4 5 } [ even? ] filter" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Multiple sequence combinators"
+ { $link 2each }
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 } { 10 20 30 } [ + . ] 2each" }
+ { $link 2map }
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 } { 10 20 30 } [ + ] 2map" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Control flow: if"
+ { $link if }
+ { $code <" 10 random dup even? [ 2 / ] [ 1 - ] if"> }
+ { $link when }
+ { $code <" 10 random dup even? [ 2 / ] when"> }
+ { $link unless }
+ { $code <" 10 random dup even? [ 1 - ] unless"> }
+ }
+ { $slide "Control flow: case"
+ { $link case }
+ { $code <" ERROR: not-possible obj ;
+10 random 5 <=> {
+ { +lt+ [ "Less" ] }
+ { +gt+ [ "More" ] }
+ { +eq+ [ "Equal" ] }
+ [ not-possible ]
+} case">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Fry"
+ "Used to construct quotations"
+ { "'Holes', represented by " { $snippet "_" } " are filled left to right" }
+ { $code "10 4 '[ _ + ] call" }
+ { $code "3 4 '[ _ sq _ + ] call" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Locals"
+ "When data flow combinators and shuffle words are not enough"
+ "Name your input parameters"
+ "Used in about 1% of all words"
+ }
+ { $slide "Locals example"
+ "Area of a triangle using Heron's formula"
+ { $code
+ <" :: area ( a b c -- x )
+ a b c + + 2 / :> p
+ p
+ p a - *
+ p b - *
+ p c - * sqrt ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Previous example without locals"
+ "A bit unwieldy..."
+ { $code
+ <" : area ( a b c -- x )
+ [ ] [ + + 2 / ] 3bi
+ [ '[ _ - ] tri@ ] [ neg ] bi
+ * * * sqrt ;"> }
+ }
+ { $slide "More idiomatic version"
+ "But there's a trick: put the lengths in an array"
+ { $code <" : v-n ( v n -- w ) '[ _ - ] map ;
+: area ( seq -- x )
+ [ 0 suffix ] [ sum 2 / ] bi
+ v-n product sqrt ;"> }
+ }
+ { $slide "Implementing an abstraction"
+ { "Suppose we want to get the price of the customer's first order, but any one of the steps along the way could be a nil value (" { $link f } " in Factor):" }
+ { $code
+ "dup [ orders>> ] when"
+ "dup [ first ] when"
+ "dup [ price>> ] when"
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "This is hard with mainstream syntax!"
+ { $code
+ <" var customer = ...;
+var orders = (customer == null ? null : customer.orders);
+var order = (orders == null ? null : orders[0]);
+var price = (order == null ? null : order.price);"> }
+ }
+ { $slide "An ad-hoc solution"
+ "Something like..."
+ { $code "var price = customer.?orders.?[0].?price;" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Macros in Factor"
+ "Expand at compile-time"
+ "Return a quotation to be compiled"
+ "Can express non-static stack effects"
+ "Not as widely used as combinators, 60 macros so far"
+ { $code "{ 1 2 3 4 5 } 5 firstn" }
+ }
+ { $slide "A macro solution"
+ "Returns a quotation to the compiler"
+ "Constructed using map, fry, and concat"
+ { $code <" MACRO: plox ( seq -- quot )
+ [
+ '[ dup _ when ]
+ ] map [ ] concat-as ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Macro example"
+ "Return the caaar of a sequence"
+ { "Return " { $snippet f } " on failure" }
+ { $code <" : caaar ( seq/f -- x/f )
+ {
+ [ first ]
+ [ first ]
+ [ first ]
+ } plox ;">
+ }
+ { $code <" { { f } } caaar"> }
+ { $code <" { { { 1 2 3 } } } caaar"> }
+ }
+ { $slide "Smart combinators"
+ "Use stack checker to infer inputs and outputs"
+ "Even fewer uses than macros"
+ { $code "{ 1 10 20 34 } sum" }
+ { $code "[ 1 10 20 34 ] sum-outputs" }
+ { $code "[ 2 2 [ even? ] both? ] [ + ] [ - ] smart-if" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Fibonacci"
+ "Not tail recursive"
+ "Call tree is huge"
+ { $code <" : fib ( n -- x )
+ dup 1 <= [
+ [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi +
+ ] unless ;">
+ }
+ { $code "36 iota [ fib ] map ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Memoized Fibonacci"
+ "Change one word and it's efficient"
+ { $code <" MEMO: fib ( n -- x )
+ dup 1 <= [
+ [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi +
+ ] unless ;">
+ }
+ { $code "36 iota [ fib ] map ." }
+ }
+ { $slide "Destructors"
+ "Deterministic resource disposal"
+ "Any step can fail and we don't want to leak resources"
+ "We want to conditionally clean up sometimes -- if everything succeeds, we might wish to retain the buffer"
+ }
+ { $slide "Example in C"
+ { $code
+<" void do_stuff()
+ void *obj1, *obj2;
+ if(!(*obj1 = malloc(256))) goto end;
+ if(!(*obj2 = malloc(256))) goto cleanup1;
+ ... work goes here...
+cleanup2: free(*obj2);
+cleanup1: free(*obj1);
+end: return;
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Example: allocating and disposing two buffers"
+ { $code <" : do-stuff ( -- )
+ [
+ 256 malloc &free
+ 256 malloc &free
+ ... work goes here ...
+ ] with-destructors ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Example: allocating two buffers for later"
+ { $code <" : do-stuff ( -- )
+ [
+ 256 malloc |free
+ 256 malloc |free
+ ... work goes here ...
+ ] with-destructors ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Example: disposing of an output port"
+ { $code <" M: output-port dispose*
+ [
+ {
+ [ handle>> &dispose drop ]
+ [ buffer>> &dispose drop ]
+ [ port-flush ]
+ [ handle>> shutdown ]
+ } cleave
+ ] with-destructors ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Rapid application development"
+ "We lost the dice to Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights"
+ "Two regular dice, one special die"
+ { $vocab-link "dice" }
+ }
+ { $slide "The essence of Factor"
+ "Nicely named words abstract away the stack, leaving readable code"
+ { $code <" : surround ( seq left right -- seq' )
+ swapd 3append ;">
+ }
+ { $code <" : glue ( left right middle -- seq' )
+ swap 3append ;">
+ }
+ { $code HEREDOC: xyz
+"a" "b" "c" 3append
+"a" "<" ">" surround
+"a" "b" ", " glue
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "C FFI demo"
+ "Easy to call C functions from Factor"
+ "Handles C structures, C types, callbacks"
+ "Used extensively in the Windows and Unix backends"
+ { $code
+ <" FUNCTION: double pow ( double x, double y ) ;
+2 5.0 pow .">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Windows win32 example"
+ { $code
+<" M: windows gmt-offset
+ ( -- hours minutes seconds )
+ dup GetTimeZoneInformation {
+ win32-error-string throw
+ ] }
+ ] }
+ } case neg 60 /mod 0 ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Struct and function"
+ { "LONG" "Bias" }
+ { { "WCHAR" 32 } "StandardName" }
+ { "SYSTEMTIME" "StandardDate" }
+ { "LONG" "StandardBias" }
+ { { "WCHAR" 32 } "DaylightName" }
+ { "SYSTEMTIME" "DaylightDate" }
+ { "LONG" "DaylightBias" } ;">
+ }
+ { $code <" FUNCTION: DWORD GetTimeZoneInformation (
+ lpTimeZoneInformation
+) ;">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Cocoa FFI"
+ { $code <" IMPORT: NSAlert [
+ NSAlert -> new
+ [ -> retain ] [
+ "Raptor" &CFRelease
+ -> setMessageText:
+ ] [
+ "Look out!" &CFRelease
+ -> setInformativeText:
+ ] tri -> runModal drop
+] with-destructors">
+ }
+ }
+ { $slide "Deployment demo"
+ "Vocabularies can be deployed"
+ "Standalone .app on Mac"
+ "An executable and dll on Windows"
+ { $vocab-link "webkit-demo" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Interesting programs"
+ { $vocab-link "terrain" }
+ { $vocab-link "gpu.demos.raytrace" }
+ { $vocab-link "gpu.demos.bunny" }
+ }
+ { $slide "Factor's source tree"
+ "Lines of code in core/: 9,500"
+ "Lines of code in basis/: 120,000"
+ "Lines of code in extra/: 51,000"
+ "Lines of tests: 44,000"
+ "Lines of documentation: 44,500"
+ }
+ { $slide "VM trivia"
+ "Lines of C++ code: 12860"
+ "Generational garbage collection"
+ "Non-optimizing compiler"
+ "Loads an image file and runs it"
+ }
+ { $slide "Why should I use Factor?"
+ "More abstractions over time"
+ "We fix reported bugs quickly"
+ "Stackable, fluent language"
+ "Supports extreme programming"
+ "Beer-friendly programming"
+ }
+ { $slide "Questions?"
+ }
+: tc-lisp-talk ( -- ) tc-lisp-slides slides-window ;
+MAIN: tc-lisp-talk