Merge branch 'master' of git://

Doug Coleman 2009-08-11 16:19:43 -05:00
commit 3cae26b9cd
10 changed files with 65 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ C-STRUCT: complex-holder
[ C{ 1.0 2.0 } ] [ "h" get complex-holder-z ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ "complex-float" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ number ] [ "complex-float" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ "complex-double" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ number ] [ "complex-double" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ HELP: <date>
{ $values { "year" integer } { "month" integer } { "day" integer } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Returns a timestamp object representing the start of the specified day in your current timezone." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"2010 12 25 <date> >gmt midnight ."
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar prettyprint ;"
"2010 12 25 <date> instant >>gmt-offset ."
"T{ timestamp { year 2010 } { month 12 } { day 25 } }"
} ;

View File

@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ HELP: build-tree
{ $errors "Throws an " { $link inference-error } " if stack effect inference fails." } ;
HELP: build-sub-tree
{ $values { "#call" #call } { "word/quot" { $or word quotation } } { "nodes/f" { $maybe "a sequence of nodes" } } }
{ $values { "in-d" "a sequence of values" } { "out-d" "a sequence of values" } { "word/quot" { $or word quotation } } { "nodes/f" { $maybe "a sequence of nodes" } } }
{ $description "Attempts to construct tree SSA IR from a quotation, starting with an initial data stack of values from the call site. Outputs " { $link f } " if stack effect inference fails." } ;

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@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ IN: editors
ARTICLE: "editor" "Editor integration"
"Factor development is best done with one of the supported editors; this allows you to quickly jump to definitions from the Factor environment."
{ $subsection edit }
"Depending on the editor you are using, you must load one of the child vocabularies of the " { $vocab-link "editors" } " vocabulary, for example " { $vocab-link "editors.emacs" } ", for example:"
"Depending on the editor you are using, you must load one of the child vocabularies of the " { $vocab-link "editors" } " vocabulary, for example " { $vocab-link "editors.emacs" } ":"
{ $code "USE: editors.emacs" }
"If you intend to always use the same editor, it helps to have it load during stage 2 bootstrap. Place the code to load and possibly configure it in the " { $link "factor-boot-rc" } "."
"Editor integration vocabularies store a quotation in a global variable when loaded:"
{ $subsection edit-hook }
"If a syntax error was thrown while loading a source file, you can jump to the location of the error in your editor:"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
USING: help.syntax ;
IN: editors.gvim
ABOUT: { "vim" "vim" }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
USING: definitions editors help help.markup help.syntax io io.files
io.pathnames words ;
USING: definitions editors help help.markup help.syntax
io io.files io.pathnames words ;
IN: editors.vim
ABOUT: { "vim" "vim" }
ARTICLE: { "vim" "vim" } "Vim support"
"This module makes the " { $link edit } " word work with Vim by setting the " { $link edit-hook } " global variable to call " { $link vim } ". The " { $link vim-path } " variable contains the name of the vim executable. The default " { $link vim-path } " is " { $snippet "\"gvim\"" } "."
"This module makes the " { $link edit } " word work with Vim by setting the " { $link edit-hook } " global variable to call " { $link vim } "."
"If you intend to use this module regularly, it helps to have it load during stage 2 bootstrap. On Windows, place the following example " { $snippet ".factor-boot-rc" } " in the directory returned by " { $link home } ":"
{ $code
"USING: modules namespaces ;"
"REQUIRES: libs/vim ;"
"USE: vim"
"\"c:\\\\program files\\\\vim\\\\vim70\\\\gvim\" vim-path set-global"
"The " { $link vim-path } " variable contains the name of the vim executable. The default " { $link vim-path } " is " { $snippet "\"vim\"" } ". Which is not very useful, as it starts vim in the same terminal where you started factor."
{ $list
{ "If you want to use gvim instead or are on a Windows platform use " { $vocab-link "editors.gvim" } "." }
{ "If you want to start vim in an extra terminal, use something like this:" { $code "{ \"urxvt\" \"-e\" \"vim\" } vim-path set-global" } "Replace " { $snippet "urxvt" } " by your terminal of choice." }
"On Unix, you may omit the last line if " { $snippet "\"vim\"" } " is in your " { $snippet "$PATH" } "."
"You may also wish to install Vim support files to enable syntax hilighting and other features. These are in the " { $link resource-path } " in " { $snippet "misc/vim" } "." ;
"You may also wish to install Vim support files to enable syntax hilighting and other features. These are in the " { $link resource-path } " in " { $snippet "misc/vim" } "."
{ $see-also "editor" }

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: definitions io io.launcher kernel math math.parser
namespaces parser prettyprint sequences editors accessors
make ;
make strings ;
IN: editors.vim
SYMBOL: vim-path
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SINGLETON: vim
M: vim vim-command
vim-path get ,
vim-path get dup string? [ , ] [ % ] if
[ , ] [ number>string "+" prepend , ] bi*
] { } make ;

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ $nl
! { { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/syntax-error.tiff" } "Syntax error" { $link "syntax" } }
{ { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/compiler-error.tiff" } "Compiler error" { $link "compiler-errors" } }
{ { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/linkage-error.tiff" } "Linkage error" { $link "loading-libs" } }
{ { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/unit-test-error.tiff" } "Unit test failure" { $link "tools.test" } }
{ { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/help-lint-error.tiff" } "Help lint failure" { $link "help.lint" } }
{ { $image "vocab:ui/tools/error-list/icons/unit-test-error.tiff" } "Unit test failure" { $link "tools.test" } }
} ;

View File

@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ Note: The syntax-highlighting file is automatically generated to include the
names of all the vocabularies Factor knows about. To regenerate it manually,
run the following code in the listener:
USE: editors.vim.generate-syntax
"editors.vim.generate-syntax" run
...or run it from the command-line:

misc/vim/syntax/factor.vim Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: factor
" Maintainer: Alex Chapman <>
@ -28,15 +29,15 @@ syn match factorTodo /\(TODO\|FIXME\|XXX\):\=/ contained
syn match factorComment /\<#! .*/ contains=factorTodo
syn match factorComment /\<! .*/ contains=factorTodo
syn cluster factorDefnContents contains=@factorCluster,factorStackEffect,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn cluster factorDefnContents contains=@factorCluster,factorStackEffect,factorLiteralStackEffect,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn region factorDefn matchgroup=factorDefnDelims start=/\<\(MACRO\|MEMO\|:\)\?:\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents
syn region factorMethod matchgroup=factorMethodDelims start=/\<M:\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents
syn region factorDefn matchgroup=factorDefnDelims start=/\<\(SYNTAX\|\(MACRO\|MEMO\)\?:\?\):\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents
syn region factorMethod matchgroup=factorMethodDelims start=/\<M::\?\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents
syn region factorGeneric matchgroup=factorGenericDelims start=/\<GENERIC:\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/$/ contains=factorStackEffect
syn region factorGenericN matchgroup=factorGenericNDelims start=/\<GENERIC#\s\+\S\+\s\+\d\+\>/ end=/$/ contains=factorStackEffect
syn region factorPrivateDefn matchgroup=factorPrivateDefnDelims start=/\<\(MACRO\|MEMO\|:\)\?:\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents contained
syn region factorPrivateMethod matchgroup=factorPrivateMethodDelims start=/\<M:\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents contained
syn region factorPrivateDefn matchgroup=factorPrivateDefnDelims start=/\<\(SYNTAX\|\(MACRO\|MEMO\)\?:\?\):\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents contained
syn region factorPrivateMethod matchgroup=factorPrivateMethodDelims start=/\<M::\?\s\+\S\+\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/\<;\>/ contains=@factorDefnContents contained
syn region factorPGeneric matchgroup=factorPGenericDelims start=/\<GENERIC:\s\+\S\+\>/ end=/$/ contains=factorStackEffect contained
syn region factorPGenericN matchgroup=factorPGenericNDelims start=/\<GENERIC#\s\+\S\+\s\+\d\+\>/ end=/$/ contains=factorStackEffect
@ -44,13 +45,13 @@ syn region None matchgroup=factorPrivate start=/\<<PRIVATE\>/ end=/\<PRIVATE>\>/
syn keyword factorBoolean boolean f general-t t
syn keyword factorCompileDirective inline foldable parsing
syn keyword factorCompileDirective inline foldable recursive
syn keyword factorKeyword or tuck 2bi 2tri while wrapper nip 4dip wrapper? bi* callstack>array both? hashcode die dupd callstack callstack? 3dup tri@ pick curry build ?execute 3bi prepose >boolean ?if clone eq? tri* ? = swapd call-clear 2over 2keep 3keep clear 2dup when not tuple? dup 2bi* 2tri* call tri-curry object bi@ do unless* if* loop bi-curry* drop when* assert= retainstack assert? -rot execute 2bi@ 2tri@ boa with either? 3drop bi curry? datastack until 3dip over 3curry roll tri-curry* swap tri-curry@ 2nip and throw set-retainstack bi-curry (clone) hashcode* compose spin 2dip if 3tri unless compose? tuple keep 2curry equal? set-datastack assert tri 2drop most <wrapper> boolean? identity-tuple? null new set-callstack dip bi-curry@ rot -roll xor identity-tuple boolean
syn keyword factorKeyword ?at assoc? assoc-clone-like assoc= delete-at* assoc-partition extract-keys new-assoc value? assoc-size map>assoc push-at assoc-like key? assoc-intersect update assoc-union assoc-combine at* assoc-empty? at+ set-at assoc-all? assoc-subset? assoc-hashcode change-at assoc-each assoc-diff zip values value-at rename-at inc-at enum? at cache assoc>map <enum> assoc assoc-map enum value-at* remove-all assoc-map-as >alist assoc-filter-as substitute-here clear-assoc assoc-stack substitute assoc-filter 2cache delete-at assoc-find keys assoc-any? unzip
syn keyword factorKeyword case execute-effect dispatch-case-quot <buckets> no-cond no-case? 3cleave>quot contiguous-range? 2cleave cond>quot wrong-values? no-cond? cleave>quot no-case hash-dispatch-quot case>quot 3cleave wrong-values alist>quot hash-case-table hash-case-quot case-find (distribute-buckets) cond cleave distribute-buckets call-effect 2cleave>quot recursive-hashcode linear-case-quot spread spread>quot
syn keyword factorKeyword ?at assoc? assoc-clone-like assoc= delete-at* assoc-partition extract-keys new-assoc value? assoc-size map>assoc push-at assoc-like key? assoc-intersect assoc-refine update assoc-union assoc-combine at* assoc-empty? at+ set-at assoc-all? assoc-subset? assoc-hashcode change-at assoc-each assoc-diff zip values value-at rename-at inc-at enum? at cache assoc>map <enum> assoc assoc-map enum value-at* remove-all assoc-map-as >alist assoc-filter-as substitute-here clear-assoc assoc-stack maybe-set-at substitute assoc-filter 2cache delete-at assoc-find keys assoc-any? unzip
syn keyword factorKeyword case execute-effect no-cond no-case? 3cleave>quot 2cleave cond>quot wrong-values? no-cond? cleave>quot no-case case>quot 3cleave wrong-values to-fixed-point alist>quot case-find cond cleave call-effect 2cleave>quot recursive-hashcode linear-case-quot spread spread>quot
syn keyword factorKeyword byte-array>bignum sgn >bignum next-float number= each-integer next-power-of-2 ?1+ fp-special? imaginary-part mod recip float>bits rational >float number? 2^ bignum? integer fixnum? neg fixnum sq bignum fp-snan? fp-infinity? denominator (all-integers?) times find-last-integer (each-integer) bit? * + fp-bitwise= - fp-qnan? / power-of-2? >= bitand find-integer complex <fp-nan> < log2 > integer? real number bits>double double>bits bitor 2/ zero? rem fp-nan-payload all-integers? (find-integer) real-part prev-float align bits>float float? shift float 1+ 1- fp-nan? abs bitxor ratio? even? <= /mod odd? >integer ratio rational? bitnot real? >fixnum complex? /i numerator /f
syn keyword factorKeyword append assert-sequence= find-last-from trim-head-slice clone-like 3sequence assert-sequence? map-as filter-here last-index-from prepare-index reversed index-from cut* pad-tail (indices) concat-as remq but-last snip trim-tail nths nth 2pusher sequence slice? <slice> partition remove-nth tail-slice empty? tail* if-empty find-from virtual-sequence? member? set-length delq drop-prefix unclip iota unclip-last-slice bounds-error? sequence-hashcode-step map start midpoint@ rest-slice prepend fourth sift delete sigma new-sequence follow like delete-nth first4 1sequence reverse slice unless-empty padding virtual@ repetition? index 4sequence max-length set-second immutable-sequence first2 first3 replicate-as reduce-index unclip-slice supremum insert-nth trim-tail-slice tail 3append short count suffix concat flip filter sum immutable? 2sequence delete-all start* indices snip-slice check-slice sequence? head map-find reduce append-as reverse-here sequence= halves collapse-slice interleave 2map binary-reduce virtual-seq slice-error? product bounds-check? bounds-check harvest immutable find produce remove pad-head replicate set-fourth peek shorten reversed? map-find-last 3map-as 2unclip-slice shorter? 3map find-last head-slice pop* 2map-as tail-slice* but-last-slice 2map-reduce iota? accumulate each pusher cut-slice new-resizable each-index head-slice* 2reverse-each sequence-hashcode memq? pop set-nth ?nth <flat-slice> second change-each join when-empty accumulator immutable-sequence? <reversed> all? 3append-as virtual-sequence subseq? push-either new-like length last-index push-if 2all? lengthen assert-sequence copy map-reduce move third first 3each tail? set-first prefix bounds-error any? <repetition> trim-slice exchange surround 2reduce cut change-nth min-length set-third produce-as push-all head? delete-slice rest sum-lengths 2each head* infimum glue slice-error subseq replace-slice push repetition map-index trim-head unclip-last mismatch trim
syn keyword factorKeyword append assert-sequence= find-last-from trim-head-slice clone-like 3sequence assert-sequence? map-as filter-here last-index-from reversed index-from cut* pad-tail (indices) concat-as remq but-last snip trim-tail nths nth 2pusher sequence slice? <slice> partition remove-nth tail-slice empty? tail* if-empty find-from virtual-sequence? member? set-length delq drop-prefix unclip iota unclip-last-slice bounds-error? sequence-hashcode-step map start midpoint@ rest-slice prepend fourth sift delete sigma new-sequence follow like delete-nth first4 1sequence reverse slice unless-empty padding virtual@ repetition? set-last index 4sequence max-length set-second immutable-sequence first2 first3 replicate-as reduce-index unclip-slice supremum insert-nth trim-tail-slice tail 3append short count suffix concat flip filter sum immutable? 2sequence map-integers delete-all start* indices snip-slice check-slice sequence? head map-find reduce append-as reverse-here sequence= halves collapse-slice interleave 2map binary-reduce virtual-seq slice-error? product bounds-check? bounds-check harvest immutable find produce remove pad-head last replicate set-fourth shorten reversed? map-find-last 3map-as 2unclip-slice shorter? 3map find-last head-slice pop* 2map-as tail-slice* but-last-slice 2map-reduce iota? accumulate each pusher cut-slice new-resizable each-index head-slice* 2reverse-each sequence-hashcode memq? pop set-nth ?nth <flat-slice> second change-each join when-empty accumulator immutable-sequence? <reversed> all? 3append-as virtual-sequence subseq? push-either new-like length last-index push-if 2all? lengthen assert-sequence copy map-reduce move third first 3each tail? set-first prefix bounds-error any? <repetition> trim-slice exchange surround 2reduce cut change-nth min-length set-third produce-as push-all head? delete-slice rest sum-lengths 2each head* infimum glue slice-error subseq replace-slice push repetition map-index trim-head unclip-last mismatch trim
syn keyword factorKeyword global +@ change set-namestack change-global init-namespaces on off set-global namespace set with-scope bind with-variable inc dec counter initialize namestack get get-global make-assoc
syn keyword factorKeyword <array> 2array 3array pair >array 1array 4array pair? array resize-array array?
syn keyword factorKeyword +character+ bad-seek-type? readln stream-seek read print with-output-stream contents write1 stream-write1 stream-copy stream-element-type with-input-stream stream-print stream-read stream-contents bl seek-output bad-seek-type nl stream-nl write flush stream-lines +byte+ stream-flush read1 seek-absolute? stream-read1 lines stream-readln stream-read-until each-line seek-end with-output-stream* seek-absolute with-streams seek-input seek-relative? input-stream stream-write read-partial seek-end? seek-relative error-stream read-until with-input-stream* with-streams* each-block output-stream stream-read-partial
@ -136,37 +137,39 @@ syn match factorMultiStringContents /.*/ contained
"syn match factorStackEffectErr /\<)\>/
"syn region factorStackEffectErr start=/\<(\>/ end=/\<)\>/
syn region factorStackEffect start=/\<(\>/ end=/\<)\>/ contained
"syn region factorStackEffect start=/\<(\>/ end=/\<)\>/ contained
syn match factorStackEffect /\<( .*--.* )\>/ contained
syn match factorLiteralStackEffect /\<(( .*--.* ))\>/
"adapted from lisp.vim
if exists("g:factor_norainbow")
syn region factorQuotation matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\[\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<\]\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorQuotation matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<\]\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorQuotation0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation1,factorArray1
syn region factorQuotation1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation2,factorArray2
syn region factorQuotation2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation3,factorArray3
syn region factorQuotation3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation4,factorArray4
syn region factorQuotation4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation5,factorArray5
syn region factorQuotation5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation6,factorArray6
syn region factorQuotation6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation7,factorArray7
syn region factorQuotation7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation8,factorArray8
syn region factorQuotation8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation9,factorArray9
syn region factorQuotation9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\[\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation0,factorArray0
syn region factorQuotation0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation1,factorArray1
syn region factorQuotation1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation2,factorArray2
syn region factorQuotation2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation3,factorArray3
syn region factorQuotation3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation4,factorArray4
syn region factorQuotation4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation5,factorArray5
syn region factorQuotation5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation6,factorArray6
syn region factorQuotation6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation7,factorArray7
syn region factorQuotation7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation8,factorArray8
syn region factorQuotation8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation9,factorArray9
syn region factorQuotation9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\(\('\|\$\|\)\[\)\|\[\(let\||\)\>/ end=/\<\]\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorQuotation0,factorArray0
if exists("g:factor_norainbow")
syn region factorArray matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<}\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorArray matchgroup=factorDelimiter start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ matchgroup=factorDelimiter end=/\<}\>/ contains=ALL
syn region factorArray0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray1,factorQuotation1
syn region factorArray1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray2,factorQuotation2
syn region factorArray2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray3,factorQuotation3
syn region factorArray3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray4,factorQuotation4
syn region factorArray4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray5,factorQuotation5
syn region factorArray5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray6,factorQuotation6
syn region factorArray6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray7,factorQuotation7
syn region factorArray7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray8,factorQuotation8
syn region factorArray8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray9,factorQuotation9
syn region factorArray9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn region factorArray0 matchgroup=hlLevel0 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray1,factorQuotation1
syn region factorArray1 contained matchgroup=hlLevel1 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray2,factorQuotation2
syn region factorArray2 contained matchgroup=hlLevel2 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray3,factorQuotation3
syn region factorArray3 contained matchgroup=hlLevel3 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray4,factorQuotation4
syn region factorArray4 contained matchgroup=hlLevel4 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray5,factorQuotation5
syn region factorArray5 contained matchgroup=hlLevel5 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray6,factorQuotation6
syn region factorArray6 contained matchgroup=hlLevel6 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray7,factorQuotation7
syn region factorArray7 contained matchgroup=hlLevel7 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray8,factorQuotation8
syn region factorArray8 contained matchgroup=hlLevel8 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray9,factorQuotation9
syn region factorArray9 contained matchgroup=hlLevel9 start=/\<\(V\|H\|T\|W\|F\|B\|\$\)\?{\>/ end=/\<}\>/ contains=@factorCluster,factorArray0,factorQuotation0
syn match factorBracketErr /\<\]\>/
@ -184,6 +187,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_factor_syn_inits")
HiLink factorComment Comment
HiLink factorStackEffect Typedef
HiLink factorLiteralStackEffect Typedef
HiLink factorTodo Todo
HiLink factorInclude Include
HiLink factorRepeat Repeat
@ -270,8 +274,9 @@ endif
let b:current_syntax = "factor"
set sw=4
set ts=4
set sts=4
set expandtab
set autoindent " annoying?
" vim: syntax=vim