Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ unit-test
H{ } clone
2 [
2dup [ , f ] cache
2dup [ , f ] cache drop
] times
] make
] { } make
] unit-test
@ -324,14 +324,20 @@ define-builtin
} define-builtin
"tuple" "kernel" create {
"tuple" "kernel" create { } define-builtin
"tuple" "kernel" lookup
{ "tuple-layout" "tuples.private" }
{ "tuple-layout" "tuples.private" }
{ "object" "kernel" }
{ "delegate" "kernel" }
{ "set-delegate" "kernel" }
} define-builtin
"tuple" "kernel" lookup define-tuple-layout
! Define general-t type, which is any object that is not f.
"general-t" "kernel" create
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ HELP: class-types
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of builtin type numbers whose instances can possibly be instances of the given class." } ;
HELP: class<
{ $values { "class1" "a class" } { "class2" "a class" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $values { "first" "a class" } { "second" "a class" } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if all instances of " { $snippet "class1" } " are also instances of " { $snippet "class2" } "." }
{ $notes "Classes are partially ordered. This means that if " { $snippet "class1 <= class2" } " and " { $snippet "class2 <= class1" } ", then " { $snippet "class1 = class2" } ". Also, if " { $snippet "class1 <= class2" } " and " { $snippet "class2 <= class3" } ", then " { $snippet "class1 <= class3" } "." } ;
@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ PREDICATE: predicate < word "predicating" word-prop >boolean ;
#! Output f for non-classes to work with algebra code
dup class? [ "superclass" word-prop ] [ drop f ] if ;
: superclasses ( class -- supers )
[ dup ] [ dup superclass swap ] [ ] unfold reverse nip ;
: members ( class -- seq )
#! Output f for non-classes to work with algebra code
dup class? [ "members" word-prop ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ unit-test
-12 -13 [ [ 0 swap fixnum- ] 2apply ] compile-call
] unit-test
[ 2 ] [
SBUF" " [ 2 slot 2 [ slot ] keep ] compile-call nip
[ 1 ] [
SBUF" " [ 1 slot 1 [ slot ] keep ] compile-call nip
] unit-test
! Test slow shuffles
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
! Store tagged ptr in reg
"tuple" get tuple %store-tagged
] H{
{ +input+ { { [ tuple-layout? ] "layout" } }
{ +input+ { { [ tuple-layout? ] "layout" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "tuple" } } }
{ +output+ { "tuple" } }
} define-intrinsic
@ -19,20 +19,23 @@ HELP: <encoder>
{ $values { "stream" "an output stream" }
{ "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" }
{ "newstream" "an encoded output stream" } }
{ $description "Wraps the given stream in a new stream using the given encoding for all output. The encoding descriptor can either be a class or an instance of something conforming to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." } ;
{ $description "Wraps the given stream in a new stream using the given encoding for all output. The encoding descriptor can either be a class or an instance of something conforming to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." }
$low-level-note ;
HELP: <decoder>
{ $values { "stream" "an input stream" }
{ "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" }
{ "newstream" "an encoded output stream" } }
{ $description "Wraps the given stream in a new stream using the given encoding for all input. The encoding descriptor can either be a class or an instance of something conforming to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." } ;
{ $description "Wraps the given stream in a new stream using the given encoding for all input. The encoding descriptor can either be a class or an instance of something conforming to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." }
$low-level-note ;
HELP: <encoder-duplex>
{ $values { "stream-in" "an input stream" }
{ "stream-out" "an output stream" }
{ "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" }
{ "duplex" "an encoded duplex stream" } }
{ $description "Wraps the given streams in an encoder or decoder stream, and puts them together in a duplex stream for input and output. If either input stream is already encoded, that encoding is stripped off before it is reencoded. The encoding descriptor must conform to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." } ;
{ $description "Wraps the given streams in an encoder or decoder stream, and puts them together in a duplex stream for input and output. If either input stream is already encoded, that encoding is stripped off before it is reencoded. The encoding descriptor must conform to the " { $link "encodings-protocol" } "." }
$low-level-note ;
{ <encoder> <decoder> <encoder-duplex> } related-words
@ -58,12 +61,14 @@ ARTICLE: "encodings-protocol" "Encoding protocol"
HELP: decode-char
{ $values { "stream" "an underlying input stream" }
{ "encoding" "An encoding descriptor tuple" } { "char/f" "a code point or " { $link f } } }
{ $description "Reads a single code point from the underlying stream, interpreting it by the encoding. This should not be used directly." } ;
{ $contract "Reads a single code point from the underlying stream, interpreting it by the encoding." }
$low-level-note ;
HELP: encode-char
{ $values { "char" "a character" }
{ "stream" "an underlying output stream" }
{ "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } }
{ $description "Writes the code point in the encoding to the underlying stream given. This should not be used directly." } ;
{ $contract "Writes the code point in the encoding to the underlying stream given." }
$low-level-note ;
{ encode-char decode-char } related-words
@ -264,12 +264,10 @@ DEFER: copy-tree-into
prepend-path ;
: temp-directory ( -- path )
"temp" resource-path
dup exists? not
[ dup make-directory ]
when ;
"temp" resource-path dup make-directories ;
: temp-file ( name -- path ) temp-directory prepend-path ;
: temp-file ( name -- path )
temp-directory prepend-path ;
M: object normalize-pathname ( path -- path' )
"resource:" ?head [
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ TUPLE: foo bar baz ;
C: <foo> foo
[ { "bar" "baz" } ] [ 1 2 <foo> <mirror> keys ] unit-test
[ { "delegate" "bar" "baz" } ] [ 1 2 <foo> <mirror> keys ] unit-test
[ 1 t ] [ "bar" 1 2 <foo> <mirror> at* ] unit-test
@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ arrays classes slots slots.private tuples math vectors
quotations sorting prettyprint ;
IN: mirrors
GENERIC: object-slots ( obj -- seq )
: all-slots ( class -- slots )
superclasses [ "slots" word-prop ] map concat ;
M: object object-slots class "slots" word-prop ;
M: tuple object-slots
dup class "slots" word-prop
swap delegate [ 1 tail-slice ] unless ;
: object-slots ( obj -- seq )
class all-slots ;
TUPLE: mirror object slots ;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ HELP: define-tuple-predicate
$low-level-note ;
HELP: redefine-tuple-class
{ $values { "class" class } { "superclass" class } { "newslots" "a sequence of strings" } }
{ $values { "class" class } { "superclass" class } { "slots" "a sequence of strings" } }
{ $description "If the new slot layout differs from the existing one, updates all existing instances of this tuple class, and forgets any slot accessor words which are no longer needed."
"If the class is not a tuple class word, this word does nothing." }
@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ C: <erg's-reshape-problem> erg's-reshape-problem
! Inheritance
TUPLE: computer cpu ram ;
C: <computer> computer
[ "TUPLE: computer cpu ram ;" ] [
[ \ computer see ] with-string-writer string-lines second
@ -264,11 +265,23 @@ C: <laptop> laptop
[ t ] [ "laptop" get computer? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "laptop" get tuple? ] unit-test
[ "Pentium" ] [ "laptop" get cpu>> ] unit-test
[ 128 ] [ "laptop" get ram>> ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "laptop" get battery>> 3 hours = ] unit-test
[ laptop ] [
"laptop" get tuple-layout
dup layout-echelon swap
layout-superclasses nth
] unit-test
[ "TUPLE: laptop < computer battery ;" ] [
[ \ laptop see ] with-string-writer string-lines second
] unit-test
TUPLE: server < computer rackmount? ;
[ { tuple computer laptop } ] [ laptop superclasses ] unit-test
TUPLE: server < computer rackmount ;
C: <server> server
[ t ] [ server tuple-class? ] unit-test
@ -276,11 +289,15 @@ C: <server> server
[ t ] [ server computer class< ] unit-test
[ t ] [ server computer classes-intersect? ] unit-test
[ ] [ "Pentium" 128 "1U" <server> "server" set ] unit-test
[ ] [ "PowerPC" 64 "1U" <server> "server" set ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "server" get server? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "server" get computer? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "server" get tuple? ] unit-test
[ "PowerPC" ] [ "server" get cpu>> ] unit-test
[ 64 ] [ "server" get ram>> ] unit-test
[ "1U" ] [ "server" get rackmount>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "server" get laptop? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "laptop" get server? ] unit-test
@ -288,7 +305,10 @@ C: <server> server
[ f ] [ laptop server class< ] unit-test
[ f ] [ laptop server classes-intersect? ] unit-test
[ "TUPLE: server < computer rackmount? ;" ] [
[ f ] [ 1 2 <computer> laptop? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ \ + server? ] unit-test
[ "TUPLE: server < computer rackmount ;" ] [
[ \ server see ] with-string-writer string-lines second
] unit-test
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: arrays definitions hashtables kernel
kernel.private math namespaces sequences sequences.private
strings vectors words quotations memory combinators generic
classes classes.private slots.deprecated slots.private slots
compiler.units ;
compiler.units math.private ;
IN: tuples
M: tuple delegate 2 slot ;
@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ ERROR: no-tuple-class class ;
GENERIC: tuple-layout ( object -- layout )
M: class tuple-layout "layout" word-prop ;
M: tuple tuple-layout 1 slot ;
: tuple-size tuple-layout layout-size ; inline
@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ layout-size swap [ array-nth ] curry map ] keep
layout-class add* ;
: >tuple ( sequence -- tuple )
: >tuple ( seq -- tuple )
dup first tuple-layout <tuple> [
>r 1 tail-slice dup length r>
[ tuple-size min ] keep
@ -49,33 +55,56 @@ PRIVATE>
2drop f
] if ;
M: tuple-class tuple-layout "layout" word-prop ;
! Predicate generation. We optimize at the expense of simplicity
: (tuple-predicate-quot) ( class -- quot )
#! 4 slot == layout-superclasses
#! 5 slot == layout-echelon
[ 1 slot dup 5 slot ] %
dup tuple-layout layout-echelon ,
[ fixnum>= ] %
dup tuple-layout layout-echelon ,
[ swap 4 slot array-nth ] %
literalize ,
[ eq? ] %
] [ ] make ,
[ drop f ] ,
\ if ,
] [ ] make ;
: tuple-predicate-quot ( class -- quot )
[ dup tuple? ] %
(tuple-predicate-quot) ,
[ drop f ] ,
\ if ,
] [ ] make ;
: define-tuple-predicate ( class -- )
dup tuple-layout
[ over tuple? [ swap 1 slot eq? ] [ 2drop f ] if ] curry
define-predicate ;
dup tuple-predicate-quot define-predicate ;
: delegate-slot-spec
T{ slot-spec f
} ;
: superclass-size ( class -- n )
superclasses 1 head-slice*
[ "slot-names" word-prop length ] map sum ;
: generate-tuple-slots ( class slots -- slot-specs slot-names )
over superclass-size 2 + simple-slots
dup [ slot-spec-name ] map ;
: define-tuple-slots ( class slots -- )
dupd 3 simple-slots
2dup [ slot-spec-name ] map "slot-names" set-word-prop
2dup delegate-slot-spec add* "slots" set-word-prop
2dup define-slots
define-accessors ;
dupd generate-tuple-slots
>r dupd "slots" set-word-prop
r> dupd "slot-names" set-word-prop
dup "slots" word-prop 2dup define-slots define-accessors ;
: make-tuple-layout ( class -- layout )
dup superclass-size over "slot-names" word-prop length +
over superclasses dup length 1- <tuple-layout> ;
: define-tuple-layout ( class -- )
dup "slot-names" word-prop length 1+ { } 0 <tuple-layout>
"layout" set-word-prop ;
dup make-tuple-layout "layout" set-word-prop ;
: removed-slots ( class newslots -- seq )
swap "slot-names" word-prop seq-diff ;
@ -178,9 +178,16 @@ ARTICLE: "encodings-introduction" "An introduction to encodings"
"Not all encodings can represent all Unicode code points, but Unicode can represent basically everything that exists in modern encodings. Some encodings are language-specific, and some can represent everything in Unicode. Though the world is moving toward Unicode and UTF-8, the reality today is that there are several encodings which must be taken into account." $nl
"Factor uses a system of encoding descriptors to denote encodings. Encoding descriptors are objects which describe encodings. Examples are " { $link utf8 } ", " { $link ascii } " and " { $link binary } ". Encoding descriptors can be passed around independently. Each encoding descriptor has some method for constructing an encoded or decoded stream, and the resulting stream has an encoding descriptor stored which has methods for reading or writing characters." $nl
"Constructors for streams which deal with bytes usually take an encoding as an explicit parameter. For example, to open a text file for reading whose contents are in UTF-8, use the following"
{ $code "\"filename\" utf8 <file-reader>" }
{ $code "\"file.txt\" utf8 <file-reader>" }
"If there is an error in the encoded stream, a replacement character (0xFFFD) will be inserted. To throw an exception upon error, use a strict encoding as follows"
{ $code "\"filename\" utf8 strict <file-reader>" } ;
{ $code "\"file.txt\" utf8 strict <file-reader>" }
"In a similar way, encodings can be specified when opening a file for writing."
{ $code "\"file.txt\" ascii <file-writer>" }
"An encoding is also needed for some words that don't return streams, such as " { $link file-contents } ", for example"
{ $code "\"file.txt\" utf16 file-contents" }
"Encoding descriptors are also used by " { $link "io.streams.byte-array" } " and taken by combinators like " { $link with-file-writer } " and " { $link with-byte-reader } " which deal with streams. It is " { $emphasis "not" } " used with " { $link "io.streams.string" } " because these deal with abstract text."
"When the " { $link binary } " encoding is used, a " { $link byte-array } " is expected for writing and returned for reading, since the stream deals with bytes. All other encodings deal with strings, since they are used to represent text." ;
ARTICLE: "io" "Input and output"
{ $heading "Streams" }
@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ TUPLE: file-responder root hook special ;
[ 2drop <304> ] [ file-responder get hook>> call ] if ;
: serving-path ( filename -- filename )
"" or file-responder get root>> prepend-path ;
file-responder get root>> right-trim-separators
rot "" or left-trim-separators 3append ;
: serve-file ( filename -- response )
dup mime-type
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel words inspector slots quotations sequences assocs
math arrays inference effects shuffle continuations debugger
tuples namespaces vectors bit-arrays byte-arrays strings sbufs
math.functions macros sequences.private combinators ;
math.functions macros sequences.private combinators mirrors ;
IN: inverse
TUPLE: fail ;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ MACRO: undo ( quot -- ) [undo] ;
"predicate" word-prop [ dupd call assure ] curry ;
: slot-readers ( class -- quot )
"slots" word-prop 1 tail ! tail gets rid of delegate
all-slots 1 tail ! tail gets rid of delegate
[ slot-spec-reader 1quotation [ keep ] curry ] map concat
[ ] like [ drop ] compose ;
@ -24,14 +24,18 @@ ARTICLE: "io.encodings.8-bit" "8-bit encodings"
{ $subsection windows-1252 }
{ $subsection ebcdic }
{ $subsection mac-roman }
"Other encodings can be defined using the following utility"
"Words used in defining these"
{ $subsection 8-bit }
{ $subsection define-8-bit-encoding } ;
ABOUT: "io.encodings.8-bit"
HELP: 8-bit
{ $class-description "Describes an 8-bit encoding, including its name (a symbol) and a table used for encoding and decoding." } ;
HELP: define-8-bit-encoding
{ $values { "name" "a string" } { "path" "a path" } }
{ $description "Creates a new encoding with the given name, using the resource file at the path to tell how to encode and decode octets. The resource file should be in a similar format to those at" } ;
{ $description "Creates a new encoding with the given name, using the resource file at the path to tell how to encode and decode octets. The resource file should be in a similar format to those at " { $url "" } } ;
HELP: latin1
{ $description "This is the ISO-8859-1 encoding, also called Latin-1: Western European. It is an 8-bit superset of ASCII which is the default for a mimetype starting with 'text' and provides the characters necessary for most western European languages." }
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: math.parser arrays io.encodings sequences kernel
assocs hashtables io.encodings.ascii combinators.cleave
generic parser tuples words io io.files splitting namespaces
classes quotations math compiler.units ;
math compiler.units accessors ;
IN: io.encodings.8-bit
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ IN: io.encodings.8-bit
2dup swap length <= [ tail ] [ drop ] if ;
: process-contents ( lines -- assoc )
[ "#" split first ] map
[ "#" split1 drop ] map
[ empty? not ] subset
[ "\t " split 2 head [ 2 tail-if hex> ] map ] map ;
[ "\t" split 2 head [ 2 tail-if hex> ] map ] map ;
: byte>ch ( assoc -- array )
256 replacement-char <array>
@ -53,39 +53,32 @@ IN: io.encodings.8-bit
ascii file-lines process-contents
[ byte>ch ] [ ch>byte ] bi ;
: empty-tuple-class ( string -- class )
"io.encodings.8-bit" create
dup tuple { } define-tuple-class ;
TUPLE: 8-bit name decode encode ;
: data-quot ( class word data -- quot )
>r [ word-name ] 2apply "/" swap 3append
"/data" append in get create dup 1quotation swap r>
1quotation define ;
: encode-8-bit ( char stream assoc -- )
swapd at* [ encode-error ] unless swap stream-write1 ;
: method-with-data ( class data word quot -- )
>r swap >r 2dup r> data-quot r>
compose >r create-method r> define ;
M: 8-bit encode-char
encode>> encode-8-bit ;
: encode-8-bit ( char stream encoding assoc -- )
nip swapd at* [ encode-error ] unless swap stream-write1 ;
: define-encode-char ( class assoc -- )
\ encode-char [ encode-8-bit ] method-with-data ;
: decode-8-bit ( stream encoding array -- char/f )
nip swap stream-read1
: decode-8-bit ( stream array -- char/f )
swap stream-read1 dup
[ swap nth [ replacement-char ] unless* ]
[ drop f ] if* ;
[ nip ] if ;
: define-decode-char ( class array -- )
\ decode-char [ decode-8-bit ] method-with-data ;
M: 8-bit decode-char
decode>> decode-8-bit ;
: 8-bit-methods ( class byte>ch ch>byte -- )
>r over r> define-encode-char define-decode-char ;
: make-8-bit ( word byte>ch ch>byte -- )
[ 8-bit construct-boa ] 2curry dupd curry define ;
: define-8-bit-encoding ( name path -- )
>r empty-tuple-class r> parse-file 8-bit-methods ;
>r in get create r> parse-file make-8-bit ;
[ mappings [ full-path define-8-bit-encoding ] assoc-each ] with-compilation-unit
"io.encodings.8-bit" in [
mappings [ full-path define-8-bit-encoding ] assoc-each
] with-variable
] with-compilation-unit
@ -11,15 +11,19 @@ ARTICLE: "io.encodings.utf16" "UTF-16"
ABOUT: "io.encodings.utf16"
HELP: utf16le
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16LE, that is, UTF-16 in little endian, without a byte order mark. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." } ;
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16LE, that is, UTF-16 in little endian, without a byte order mark. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
HELP: utf16be
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16BE, that is, UTF-16 in big endian, without a byte order mark. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." } ;
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16BE, that is, UTF-16 in big endian, without a byte order mark. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
HELP: utf16
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16, that is, UTF-16 with a byte order mark. This is the most useful for general input and output in UTF-16. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." } ;
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16, that is, UTF-16 with a byte order mark. This is the most useful for general input and output in UTF-16. Streams can be made which read or write wth this encoding." }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
HELP: utf16n
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16 without a byte order mark in native endian order. This is useful mostly for FFI calls which take input of strings in of wide_t*." } ;
{ $class-description "The encoding descriptor for UTF-16 without a byte order mark in native endian order. This is useful mostly for FFI calls which take input of strings in of wide_t*." }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
{ utf16 utf16le utf16be utf16n } related-words
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types io.files kernel
USING: alien.c-types io.backend io.files kernel
math windows windows.kernel32 combinators.cleave
windows.time calendar combinators math.functions
sequences namespaces words symbols ;
@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
USING: kernel sequences strings namespaces math assocs shuffle
vectors arrays combinators.lib math.parser match
unicode.categories sequences.deep peg peg.private
|||| math.ranges words ;
|||| math.ranges words memoize ;
IN: peg.parsers
TUPLE: just-parser p1 ;
M: just-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: just-pattern
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ TUPLE: just-parser p1 ;
M: just-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
just-parser-p1 compiled-parser just-pattern curry ;
: just ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: just ( parser -- parser )
just-parser construct-boa ;
: 1token ( ch -- parser ) 1string token ;
@ -47,10 +48,10 @@ PRIVATE>
: exactly-n ( parser n -- parser' )
MEMO: exactly-n ( parser n -- parser' )
swap <repetition> seq ;
: at-most-n ( parser n -- parser' )
MEMO: at-most-n ( parser n -- parser' )
dup zero? [
2drop epsilon
] [
@ -58,15 +59,15 @@ PRIVATE>
-rot 1- at-most-n 2choice
] if ;
: at-least-n ( parser n -- parser' )
MEMO: at-least-n ( parser n -- parser' )
dupd exactly-n swap repeat0 2seq
[ flatten-vectors ] action ;
: from-m-to-n ( parser m n -- parser' )
MEMO: from-m-to-n ( parser m n -- parser' )
>r [ exactly-n ] 2keep r> swap - at-most-n 2seq
[ flatten-vectors ] action ;
: pack ( begin body end -- parser )
MEMO: pack ( begin body end -- parser )
>r >r hide r> r> hide 3seq [ first ] action ;
: surrounded-by ( parser begin end -- parser' )
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ CHAR: " = ] satisfy hide ,
[ CHAR: " = not ] satisfy repeat0 ,
[ CHAR: " = ] satisfy hide ,
] { } make seq [ first >string ] action ;
] seq* [ first >string ] action ;
: (range-pattern) ( pattern -- string )
#! Given a range pattern, produce a string containing
@ -11,7 +11,36 @@ HELP: parse
{ $description
"Given the input string, parse it using the given parser. The result is a <parse-result> object if "
"the parse was successful, otherwise it is f." } ;
"the parse was successful, otherwise it is f." }
{ $see-also compile with-packrat } ;
HELP: with-packrat
{ $values
{ "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( input -- result )" }
{ "result" "the result of the quotation" }
{ $description
"Calls the quotation with a packrat cache in scope. Usually the quotation will "
"call " { $link parse } " or call a word produced by " { $link compile } "."
"The cache is used to avoid the possible exponential time performace that pegs "
"can have, instead giving linear time at the cost of increased memory usage." }
{ $see-also compile parse } ;
HELP: compile
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser" }
{ "word" "a word" }
{ $description
"Compile the parser to a word. The word will have stack effect ( input -- result )."
"The mapping from parser to compiled word is kept in a cache. If you later change "
"the definition of a parser you'll need to clear this cache with "
{ $link reset-compiled-parsers } " before using " { $link compile } " on that parser again." }
{ $see-also compile with-packrat reset-compiled-parsers } ;
HELP: reset-compiled-parsers
{ $description
"Reset the cache mapping parsers to compiled words." } ;
HELP: token
{ $values
@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ SYMBOL: ignore
: <parse-result> ( remaining ast -- parse-result )
parse-result construct-boa ;
SYMBOL: compiled-parsers
SYMBOL: packrat
SYMBOL: failed
: compiled-parsers ( -- cache )
\ compiled-parsers get-global [ H{ } clone dup \ compiled-parsers set-global ] unless* ;
: reset-compiled-parsers ( -- )
H{ } clone \ compiled-parsers set-global ;
GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
@ -36,25 +40,24 @@ GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
#! Look to see if the given parser has been compiled.
#! If not, compile it to a temporary word, cache it,
#! and return it. Otherwise return the existing one.
dup compiled-parsers get at [
] [
dup (compile) [ run-parser ] curry define-temp
[ swap compiled-parsers get set-at ] keep
] if* ;
compiled-parsers [
(compile) [ run-parser ] curry define-temp
] cache ;
: compile ( parser -- word )
H{ } clone compiled-parsers [
[ compiled-parser ] with-compilation-unit
] with-variable ;
[ compiled-parser ] with-compilation-unit ;
: parse ( state parser -- result )
compile execute ;
: with-packrat ( quot -- result )
#! Run the quotation with a packrat cache active.
[ H{ } clone packrat ] dip with-variable ;
TUPLE: token-parser symbol ;
! M: token-parser equal? eq? ;
M: token-parser equal? 2drop f ;
MATCH-VARS: ?token ;
@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ M: token-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
symbol>> [ parse-token ] curry ;
TUPLE: satisfy-parser quot ;
M: satisfy-parser equal? 2drop f ;
MATCH-VARS: ?quot ;
@ -90,6 +94,7 @@ M: satisfy-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
quot>> \ ?quot satisfy-pattern match-replace ;
TUPLE: range-parser min max ;
M: range-parser equal? 2drop f ;
MATCH-VARS: ?min ?max ;
@ -111,6 +116,7 @@ M: range-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
T{ range-parser _ ?min ?max } range-pattern match-replace ;
TUPLE: seq-parser parsers ;
M: seq-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: seq-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -137,6 +143,7 @@ M: seq-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: choice-parser parsers ;
M: choice-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: choice-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -155,6 +162,7 @@ M: choice-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: repeat0-parser p1 ;
M: repeat0-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: (repeat0) ( quot result -- result )
2dup remaining>> swap call [
@ -177,6 +185,7 @@ M: repeat0-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: repeat1-parser p1 ;
M: repeat1-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: repeat1-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -196,6 +205,7 @@ M: repeat1-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: optional-parser p1 ;
M: optional-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: optional-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -206,6 +216,7 @@ M: optional-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
p1>> compiled-parser \ ?quot optional-pattern match-replace ;
TUPLE: ensure-parser p1 ;
M: ensure-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: ensure-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -220,6 +231,7 @@ M: ensure-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
p1>> compiled-parser \ ?quot ensure-pattern match-replace ;
TUPLE: ensure-not-parser p1 ;
M: ensure-not-parser equal? 2drop f ;
: ensure-not-pattern ( -- quot )
@ -234,6 +246,7 @@ M: ensure-not-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
p1>> compiled-parser \ ?quot ensure-not-pattern match-replace ;
TUPLE: action-parser p1 quot ;
M: action-parser equal? 2drop f ;
MATCH-VARS: ?action ;
@ -257,6 +270,7 @@ M: action-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] unless ;
TUPLE: sp-parser p1 ;
M: sp-parser equal? 2drop f ;
M: sp-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
@ -264,6 +278,7 @@ M: sp-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
] [ ] make ;
TUPLE: delay-parser quot ;
M: delay-parser equal? 2drop f ;
M: delay-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
#! For efficiency we memoize the quotation.
@ -277,70 +292,70 @@ M: delay-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
: token ( string -- parser )
MEMO: token ( string -- parser )
token-parser construct-boa ;
: satisfy ( quot -- parser )
MEMO: satisfy ( quot -- parser )
satisfy-parser construct-boa ;
: range ( min max -- parser )
MEMO: range ( min max -- parser )
range-parser construct-boa ;
: seq ( seq -- parser )
MEMO: seq ( seq -- parser )
seq-parser construct-boa ;
: 2seq ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
MEMO: 2seq ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
2array seq ;
: 3seq ( parser1 parser2 parser3 -- parser )
MEMO: 3seq ( parser1 parser2 parser3 -- parser )
3array seq ;
: 4seq ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
MEMO: 4seq ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
4array seq ;
: seq* ( quot -- paser )
MEMO: seq* ( quot -- paser )
{ } make seq ; inline
: choice ( seq -- parser )
MEMO: choice ( seq -- parser )
choice-parser construct-boa ;
: 2choice ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
MEMO: 2choice ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
2array choice ;
: 3choice ( parser1 parser2 parser3 -- parser )
MEMO: 3choice ( parser1 parser2 parser3 -- parser )
3array choice ;
: 4choice ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
MEMO: 4choice ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
4array choice ;
: choice* ( quot -- paser )
MEMO: choice* ( quot -- paser )
{ } make choice ; inline
: repeat0 ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: repeat0 ( parser -- parser )
repeat0-parser construct-boa ;
: repeat1 ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: repeat1 ( parser -- parser )
repeat1-parser construct-boa ;
: optional ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: optional ( parser -- parser )
optional-parser construct-boa ;
: ensure ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: ensure ( parser -- parser )
ensure-parser construct-boa ;
: ensure-not ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: ensure-not ( parser -- parser )
ensure-not-parser construct-boa ;
: action ( parser quot -- parser )
MEMO: action ( parser quot -- parser )
action-parser construct-boa ;
: sp ( parser -- parser )
MEMO: sp ( parser -- parser )
sp-parser construct-boa ;
: hide ( parser -- parser )
[ drop ignore ] action ;
: delay ( quot -- parser )
MEMO: delay ( quot -- parser )
delay-parser construct-boa ;
: PEG:
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ SYMBOL: deserialized
[ ] tri ;
: copy-seq-to-tuple ( seq tuple -- )
>r dup length [ 1+ ] map r> [ set-array-nth ] curry 2each ;
>r dup length r> [ set-array-nth ] curry 2each ;
: deserialize-tuple ( -- array )
#! Ugly because we have to intern the tuple before reading
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: kernel sequences slots parser words classes
slots.private ;
slots.private mirrors ;
IN: tuple-syntax
! TUPLE: foo bar baz ;
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ IN: tuple-syntax
: parse-slot-writer ( tuple -- slot# )
scan dup "}" = [ 2drop f ] [
1 head* swap class "slots" word-prop
[ slot-spec-name = ] with find nip slot-spec-offset
1 head* swap object-slots slot-named slot-spec-offset
] if ;
: parse-slots ( accum tuple -- accum tuple )
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel macros sequences slots words ;
USING: kernel macros sequences slots words mirrors ;
IN: tuples.lib
: reader-slots ( seq -- quot )
[ slot-spec-reader ] map [ get-slots ] curry ;
MACRO: >tuple< ( class -- )
"slots" word-prop 1 tail-slice reader-slots ;
all-slots 1 tail-slice reader-slots ;
MACRO: >tuple*< ( class -- )
"slots" word-prop
[ slot-spec-name "*" tail? ] subset
reader-slots ;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ T{ extra-attrs T{ parsing-error f 1 32 } V{ T{ name f "" "foo" f } }
T{ bad-version T{ parsing-error f 1 28 } "5 million" } "<?xml version='5 million'?><x/>" xml-error-test
T{ notags f } "" xml-error-test
T{ multitags f } "<x/><y/>" xml-error-test
T{ bad-prolog T{ parsing-error f 1 26 } T{ prolog f "1.0" "iso-8859-1" f }
T{ bad-prolog T{ parsing-error f 1 26 } T{ prolog f "1.0" "UTF-8" f }
} "<x/><?xml version='1.0'?>" xml-error-test
T{ capitalized-prolog T{ parsing-error f 1 6 } "XmL" } "<?XmL version='1.0'?><x/>"
@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ M: object (r-ref) drop ;
sample-doc string>xml dup template xml>string
] with-scope ;
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><html xmlns:f=\"\"><body><span f:sub=\"foo\">foo</span><div f:sub=\"bar\">blah<a/></div><p f:sub=\"baz\"/></body></html>" ] [ test-refs ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><html xmlns:f=\"\"><body><span f:sub=\"foo\">foo</span><div f:sub=\"bar\">blah<a/></div><p f:sub=\"baz\"/></body></html>" ] [ test-refs ] unit-test
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
] unit-test
[ V{ "fa&g" } ] [ xml-file get "x" get-id tag-children ] unit-test
[ "that" ] [ xml-file get "this" swap at ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><a b=\"c\"/>" ]
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><a b=\"c\"/>" ]
[ "<a b='c'/>" string>xml xml>string ] unit-test
[ "abcd" ] [
"<main>a<sub>bc</sub>d<nothing/></main>" string>xml
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ SYMBOL: xml-file
at swap "z" >r tuck r> swap set-at
T{ name f "blah" "z" f } swap at ] unit-test
[ "foo" ] [ "<boo><![CDATA[foo]]></boo>" string>xml children>string ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?><foo>bar baz</foo>" ]
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><foo>bar baz</foo>" ]
[ "<foo>bar</foo>" string>xml [ " baz" append ] map xml>string ] unit-test
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n<foo>\n bar\n</foo>" ]
[ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<foo>\n bar\n</foo>" ]
[ "<foo> bar </foo>" string>xml pprint-xml>string ] unit-test
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ SYMBOL: ns-stack
[ T{ name f "" "version" f } swap at
[ good-version ] [ <versionless-prolog> throw ] if* ] keep
[ T{ name f "" "encoding" f } swap at
"iso-8859-1" or ] keep
"UTF-8" or ] keep
T{ name f "" "standalone" f } swap at
[ yes/no>bool ] [ f ] if*
<prolog> ;
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ M: process-missing error.
>r 1array r> build-tag* ;
: standard-prolog ( -- prolog )
T{ prolog f "1.0" "iso-8859-1" f } ;
T{ prolog f "1.0" "UTF-8" f } ;
: build-xml ( tag -- xml )
standard-prolog { } rot { } <xml> ;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ M: closer process
V{ } clone xml-stack set f push-xml ;
: default-prolog ( -- prolog )
"1.0" "iso-8859-1" f <prolog> ;
"1.0" "UTF-8" f <prolog> ;
: reset-prolog ( -- )
default-prolog prolog-data set ;
Reference in New Issue