classes.maybe: fix help-lint for docs.

Right now the examples must have stack effect ( -- ).  Some future
version might have an output stack assertion, but for now use
prettyprint to check result.
John Benediktsson 2017-03-17 13:21:36 -07:00
parent e41f021f3c
commit 3f04f7b013
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ ARTICLE: "maybes" "Maybe classes"
"A slot with an empty " { $snippet "maybe{ }" } " class can only hold the " { $link POSTPONE: f } " value."
{ $examples
{ $example
"USING: prettyprint ;"
"TUPLE: test-maybe { value maybe{ fixnum string } } ;"
"test-maybe new value>>"
"test-maybe new value>> ."