Merge branch 'master' of git://

Slava Pestov 2008-02-10 23:36:22 -06:00
commit 41a5629090
14 changed files with 379 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,21 @@ HELP: <file-appender>
{ $description "Outputs an output stream for writing to the specified pathname. The stream begins writing at the end of the file." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the file cannot be opened for writing." } ;
HELP: with-file-in
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "quot" "a quotation" } }
{ $description "Opens a file for reading and calls the quotation using " { $link with-stream } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the file is unreadable." } ;
HELP: with-file-out
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "quot" "a quotation" } }
{ $description "Opens a file for writing and calls the quotation using " { $link with-stream } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the file cannot be opened for writing." } ;
HELP: with-file-appender
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "quot" "a quotation" } }
{ $description "Opens a file for appending and calls the quotation using " { $link with-stream } "." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the file cannot be opened for writing." } ;
HELP: cwd
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } }
{ $description "Outputs the current working directory of the Factor process." }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: tools.test base64 ;
USING: kernel tools.test base64 strings ;
[ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ] [ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" >base64 base64>
] unit-test

View File

@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ PRIVATE>
#! pad string with = when not enough bits
dup length dup 3 mod - cut swap
3 group [ encode3 % ] each
3 <groups> [ encode3 % ] each
dup empty? [ drop ] [ >base64-rem % ] if
] "" make ;
: base64> ( base64 -- str )
#! input length must be a multiple of 4
[ 4 group [ decode4 % ] each ] keep [ CHAR: = = not ] count-end
[ 4 <groups> [ decode4 % ] each ] keep [ CHAR: = = not ] count-end
] SBUF" " make swap [ dup pop* ] times >string ;

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ SYMBOL: old-d
dup S44 64 9 [ I ] BCDA ;
: (process-md5-block) ( block -- )
4 group [ le> ] map
4 <groups> [ le> ] map

View File

@ -4,12 +4,27 @@ USING: arrays assocs classes continuations kernel math
namespaces sequences sequences.lib tuples words ;
IN: db
TUPLE: db handle ;
C: <db> db ( handle -- obj )
TUPLE: db handle insert-statements update-statements delete-statements select-statements ;
: <db> ( handle -- obj )
H{ } clone
H{ } clone
H{ } clone
H{ } clone
db construct-boa ;
! HOOK: db-create db ( str -- )
! HOOK: db-drop db ( str -- )
GENERIC: db-open ( db -- )
HOOK: db-close db ( handle -- )
: dispose-statements [ dispose drop ] assoc-each ;
: dispose-db ( db -- )
dup db [
dup db-insert-statements dispose-statements
dup db-update-statements dispose-statements
dup db-delete-statements dispose-statements
dup db-select-statements dispose-statements
db-handle db-close
] with-variable ;
TUPLE: statement sql params handle bound? ;
@ -43,6 +58,8 @@ GENERIC: #columns ( result-set -- n )
GENERIC# row-column 1 ( result-set n -- obj )
GENERIC: advance-row ( result-set -- ? )
HOOK: last-id db ( -- id )
: init-result-set ( result-set -- )
dup #rows over set-result-set-max
-1 swap set-result-set-n ;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ M: mysql-db db-open ( mysql-db -- )
M: mysql-db dispose ( mysql-db -- )
mysql-db-handle mysql_close ;
M: mysql-db <simple-statement> ( str -- statement )

View File

@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ IN: db.sqlite.ffi
TYPEDEF: void sqlite3
TYPEDEF: void sqlite3_stmt
TYPEDEF: longlong sqlite3_int64
TYPEDEF: ulonglong sqlite3_uint64
LIBRARY: sqlite
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_open ( char* filename, void* ppDb ) ;
@ -116,7 +118,9 @@ FUNCTION: int sqlite3_reset ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_step ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ( sqlite3* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_blob ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, void* ptr, int len, int destructor ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_double ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, double x ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_int ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, int n ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_int64 ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, sqlite3_int64 n ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_null ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int n ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_text ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, char* text, int len, int destructor ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_parameter_index ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, char* name ) ;

View File

@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ TUPLE: sqlite-error n message ;
: sqlite-close ( db -- )
sqlite3_close sqlite-check-result ;
: sqlite-last-insert-rowid ( db -- rowid )
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ;
: sqlite-prepare ( db sql -- statement )
#! TODO: Support multiple statements in the SQL string.
dup length "void*" <c-object> "void*" <c-object>

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: alien arrays assocs classes compiler db
hashtables io.files kernel math math.parser namespaces
prettyprint sequences strings tuples alien.c-types
continuations db.sqlite.lib db.sqlite.ffi ;
continuations db.sqlite.lib db.sqlite.ffi db.tuples
words combinators.lib db.types ;
IN: db.sqlite
TUPLE: sqlite-db path ;
@ -13,10 +14,10 @@ M: sqlite-db db-open ( db -- )
dup sqlite-db-path sqlite-open <db>
swap set-delegate ;
M: sqlite-db dispose ( obj -- )
dup db-handle sqlite-close
f over set-db-handle
f swap set-delegate ;
M: sqlite-db db-close ( handle -- )
sqlite-close ;
M: sqlite-db dispose ( db -- ) dispose-db ;
: with-sqlite ( path quot -- )
>r <sqlite-db> r> with-db ; inline
@ -72,3 +73,105 @@ M: sqlite-db commit-transaction ( -- )
M: sqlite-db rollback-transaction ( -- )
"ROLLBACK" sql-command ;
M: sqlite-db create-sql ( columns table -- sql )
"create table " % %
" (" % [ ", " % ] [
dup second % " " %
dup third >sql-type % " " %
sql-modifiers " " join %
] interleave ")" %
] "" make ;
M: sqlite-db insert-sql* ( columns table -- sql )
"insert into " %
"(" %
dup [ ", " % ] [ second % ] interleave
") " %
" values (" %
[ ", " % ] [ ":" % second % ] interleave
")" %
] "" make ;
M: sqlite-db update-sql* ( columns table -- sql )
"update " %
" set " %
dup remove-id
[ ", " % ] [ second dup % " = :" % % ] interleave
" where " %
[ primary-key? ] find nip second dup % " = :" % %
] "" make ;
M: sqlite-db delete-sql* ( columns table -- sql )
"delete from " %
" where " %
first second dup % " = :" % %
] "" make dup . ;
M: sqlite-db select-sql* ( columns table -- sql )
"select ROWID, " %
swap [ ", " % ] [ second % ] interleave
" from " %
" where ROWID = :ID" %
] "" make ;
M: sqlite-db tuple>params ( columns tuple -- obj )
>r [ second ":" swap append ] keep first r> get-slot-named
] curry { } map>assoc ;
M: sqlite-db last-id ( -- id )
db get db-handle sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ;
: sqlite-db-modifiers ( -- hashtable )
{ +native-id+ "primary key" }
{ +assigned-id+ "primary key" }
{ +autoincrement+ "autoincrement" }
{ +unique+ "unique" }
{ +default+ "default" }
{ +null+ "null" }
{ +not-null+ "not null" }
} ;
M: sqlite-db sql-modifiers* ( modifiers -- str )
sqlite-db-modifiers swap [
dup array? [
>r swap at r> number>string*
" " swap 3append
] [
swap at
] if
] with map [ ] subset ;
: sqlite-type-hash ( -- assoc )
{ INTEGER "integer" }
{ TEXT "text" }
{ VARCHAR "text" }
} ;
M: sqlite-db >sql-type ( obj -- str )
dup pair? [
first >sql-type
] [
sqlite-type-hash at* [ T{ no-sql-type } throw ] unless
] if ;
! HOOK: get-column-value ( n result-set type -- )
! M: sqlite get-column-value { { "TEXT" get-text-column } {
! "INTEGER" get-integer-column } ... } case ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
USING: io.files kernel tools.test db db.sqlite db.tuples ;
IN: temporary
TUPLE: person the-id the-name the-number ;
: <person> ( name age -- person )
{ set-person-the-name set-person-the-number } person construct ;
person "PERSON"
{ "the-id" "ROWID" INTEGER +native-id+ }
{ "the-name" "NAME" { VARCHAR 256 } +not-null+ }
{ "the-number" "AGE" INTEGER { +default+ 0 } }
} define-persistent
: test-tuples ( -- )
f "billy" 100 person construct-boa dup insert-tuple
[ 1 ] [ dup person-id ] unit-test
200 over set-person-the-number
[ ] [ dup update-tuple ] unit-test
[ ] [ delete-tuple ] unit-test ;
: test-sqlite ( -- )
"tuples-test.db" resource-path <sqlite-db> [
] with-db ;
! : test-postgres ( -- )
! resource-path <postgresql-db> [
! test-tuples
! ] with-db ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
USING: arrays assocs classes db kernel namespaces
tuples words sequences slots slots.private math
math.parser io prettyprint db.types ;
USE: continuations
IN: db.tuples
! only take a tuple if you have to extract things from it
! otherwise take a class
! primary-key vs primary-key-spec
! define-persistent should enforce a primary key
! in sqlite, defining a new primary key makes it an alias for rowid, _rowid_, and oid
! -sql outputs sql code
! table - string
! columns - seq of column specifiers
: db-columns ( class -- obj )
"db-columns" word-prop ;
: db-table ( class -- obj )
"db-table" word-prop ;
: slot-spec-named ( str class -- slot-spec )
"slots" word-prop [ slot-spec-name = ] with find nip ;
: offset-of-slot ( str obj -- n )
class slot-spec-named slot-spec-offset ;
: get-slot-named ( str obj -- value )
tuck offset-of-slot slot ;
: set-slot-named ( value str obj -- )
tuck offset-of-slot set-slot ;
: primary-key-spec ( class -- spec )
db-columns [ primary-key? ] find nip ;
: primary-key ( tuple -- obj )
dup class primary-key-spec get-slot-named ;
: set-primary-key ( obj tuple -- )
[ class primary-key-spec first ] keep
set-slot-named ;
: cache-statement ( columns class assoc quot -- statement )
[ db-table dupd ] swap
[ <prepared-statement> ] 3compose cache nip ; inline
HOOK: create-sql db ( columns table -- sql )
HOOK: drop-sql db ( columns table -- sql )
HOOK: insert-sql* db ( columns table -- sql )
HOOK: update-sql* db ( columns table -- sql )
HOOK: delete-sql* db ( columns table -- sql )
HOOK: select-sql* db ( columns table -- sql )
: insert-sql ( columns class -- statement )
db get db-insert-statements [ insert-sql* ] cache-statement ;
: update-sql ( columns class -- statement )
db get db-update-statements [ update-sql* ] cache-statement ;
: delete-sql ( columns class -- statement )
db get db-delete-statements [ delete-sql* ] cache-statement ;
: select-sql ( columns class -- statement )
db get db-select-statements [ select-sql* ] cache-statement ;
HOOK: tuple>params db ( columns tuple -- obj )
: tuple-statement ( columns tuple quot -- statement )
>r [ tuple>params ] 2keep class r> call
[ bind-statement ] keep ;
: do-tuple-statement ( tuple columns-quot statement-quot -- )
>r [ class db-columns ] swap compose keep
r> tuple-statement dup . execute-statement ;
: create-table ( class -- )
dup db-columns swap db-table create-sql sql-command ;
: insert-tuple ( tuple -- )
[ maybe-remove-id ] [ insert-sql ] do-tuple-statement
] keep set-primary-key ;
: update-tuple ( tuple -- )
[ ] [ update-sql ] do-tuple-statement ;
: delete-tuple ( tuple -- )
[ [ primary-key? ] subset ] [ delete-sql ] do-tuple-statement ;
! : select-tuple ( tuple -- )
! [ select-sql ] bind-tuple do-query ;
: persist ( tuple -- )
dup primary-key [ update-tuple ] [ insert-tuple ] if ;
: define-persistent ( class table columns -- )
>r dupd "db-table" set-word-prop r>
"db-columns" set-word-prop ;
: define-relation ( spec -- )
drop ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
USING: arrays assocs db kernel math math.parser
sequences continuations ;
IN: db.types
! id serial not null primary key,
! ID is the Primary key
SYMBOL: +native-id+
SYMBOL: +assigned-id+
: primary-key? ( spec -- ? )
[ { +native-id+ +assigned-id+ } member? ] contains? ;
! Same concept, SQLite has autoincrement, PostgreSQL has serial
SYMBOL: +autoincrement+
SYMBOL: +serial+
SYMBOL: +unique+
SYMBOL: +default+
SYMBOL: +null+
SYMBOL: +not-null+
SYMBOL: +has-many+
! SQLite Types
! PostgreSQL Types
: number>string* ( num/str -- str )
dup number? [ number>string ] when ;
TUPLE: no-sql-type ;
HOOK: sql-modifiers* db ( modifiers -- str )
HOOK: >sql-type db ( obj -- str )
: maybe-remove-id ( columns -- obj )
[ +native-id+ swap member? not ] subset ;
: remove-id ( columns -- obj )
[ primary-key? not ] subset ;
: sql-modifiers ( spec -- seq )
3 tail sql-modifiers* ;

View File

@ -236,10 +236,9 @@ TUPLE: unimplemented-typeflag header ;
] when* ;
: parse-tar ( path -- obj )
<file-reader> [
"tar-test" resource-path base-dir set
global [ nl nl nl "Starting to parse .tar..." print flush ] bind
global [ "Expanding to: " write base-dir get . flush ] bind
] with-stream ;
] with-file-out ;

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ IN: tools.browser
MEMO: (vocab-file-contents) ( path -- lines )
?resource-path dup exists?
[ <file-reader> lines ] [ drop f ] if ;
[ file-lines ] [ drop f ] if ;
: vocab-file-contents ( vocab name -- seq )
vocab-path+ dup [ (vocab-file-contents) ] when ;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ MEMO: (vocab-file-contents) ( path -- lines )
: set-vocab-file-contents ( seq vocab name -- )
dupd vocab-path+ [
<file-writer> [ [ print ] each ] with-stream
[ [ print ] each ] with-file-out
] [
"The " swap vocab-name
" vocabulary was not loaded from the file system"