fix various typos; cleanup and fully document boyer-moore

Cat Stevens 2020-03-15 10:39:47 -04:00 committed by John Benediktsson
parent d8f813a531
commit 426d8f09b2
3 changed files with 50 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: 4seq ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
4array seq ;
: seq* ( quot -- paser )
: seq* ( quot -- parser )
{ } make seq ; inline
: choice ( seq -- parser )
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: 4choice ( parser1 parser2 parser3 parser4 -- parser )
4array choice ;
: choice* ( quot -- paser )
: choice* ( quot -- parser )
{ } make choice ; inline
: repeat0 ( parser -- parser )

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@ -5,13 +5,22 @@ IN: boyer-moore
HELP: <boyer-moore>
{ $values
{ "pat" sequence } { "bm" boyer-moore }
{ "pattern" sequence } { "boyer-moore" boyer-moore }
{ $description
"Given a pattern performs pattern preprocessing and returns "
"results as an (opaque) object that is reusable across "
"searches in different sequences via " { $link search-from }
" generic word."
"searches in different sequences via " { $link search-from } "."
} { $examples
{ $example
"USING: boyer-moore prettyprint ;"
"\"abc\" <boyer-moore> ."
"T{ boyer-moore
{ pattern \"abc\" }
{ bad-char-table H{ { 97 0 } { 98 -1 } { 99 -2 } } }
{ good-suffix-table { 3 3 1 } }
} ;
HELP: search-from
@ -21,12 +30,18 @@ HELP: search-from
{ "obj" object }
{ "i/f" "the index of first match or " { $link f } }
{ $description "Performs an attempt to find the first "
{ $contract "Performs an attempt to find the first "
"occurrence of pattern in " { $snippet "seq" }
" starting from " { $snippet "from" } " using "
"Boyer-Moore search algorithm. Output is the index "
"if the attempt was succeessful and " { $link f }
"if the attempt was succeessful, or " { $link f }
" otherwise."
} { $examples
{ $example
"USING: boyer-moore prettyprint ;"
"{ 1 2 7 10 20 2 7 10 } 3 { 2 7 10 } search-from ."
} ;
HELP: search
@ -37,21 +52,27 @@ HELP: search
{ $description "A simpler variant of " { $link search-from }
" that starts searching from the beginning of the sequence."
} { $examples
{ $example
"USING: boyer-moore prettyprint ;"
"\"Source string\" \"ce st\" search ."
} ;
ARTICLE: "boyer-moore" "The Boyer-Moore algorithm"
{ $heading "Summary" }
"The " { $vocab-link "boyer-moore" } " vocabulary "
"implements a Boyer-Moore string search algorithm with "
"so-called 'strong good suffix shift rule'. Since algorithm is "
"alphabet-independent it is applicable to searching in any "
"collection that implements " { $links "sequence-protocol" } "."
"implements a Boyer-Moore string search algorithm with the "
"so-called 'strong good suffix shift rule'. Since the algorithm is "
"alphabet-independent, it is applicable to searching in any "
"collection that implements the " { $links "sequence-protocol" } "."
{ $heading "Complexity" }
"Let " { $snippet "n" } " and " { $snippet "m" } " be lengths "
"Let " { $snippet "n" } " and " { $snippet "m" } " be the lengths "
"of the sequences being searched " { $emphasis "in" } " and "
{ $emphasis "for" } " respectively. Then searching runs in "
{ $snippet "O(n)" } " time in its worst case using additional "
{ $snippet "O(n)" } " time worst-case, using additional "
{ $snippet "O(m)" } " space. The preprocessing phase runs in "
{ $snippet "O(m)" } " time."

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@ -21,26 +21,26 @@ IN: boyer-moore
[ length dup ] [ <reversed> ] bi
[ (partial-suffixes) ] map-index 2nip ; inline
: <gs-table> ( seq -- table )
: <good-suffix-table> ( seq -- table )
z-values [ partial-suffixes ] [ normal-suffixes ] bi
[ [ nip ] when* ] 2map reverse! ; inline
: insert-bc-shift ( table elt len i -- table )
: insert-bad-char-shift ( table elt len i -- table )
1 + swap - swap pick 2dup key?
[ 3drop ] [ set-at ] if ; inline
: <bc-table> ( seq -- table )
: <bad-char-table> ( seq -- table )
H{ } clone swap [ length ] keep
[ insert-bc-shift ] with each-index ; inline
[ insert-bad-char-shift ] with each-index ; inline
TUPLE: boyer-moore pattern bc-table gs-table ;
TUPLE: boyer-moore pattern bad-char-table good-suffix-table ;
: gs-shift ( i c bm -- s ) nip gs-table>> nth-unsafe ; inline
: good-suffix-shift ( i c boyer-moore -- s ) nip good-suffix-table>> nth-unsafe ; inline
: bc-shift ( i c bm -- s ) bc-table>> at dup 1 ? + ; inline
: bad-char-shift ( i c boyer-moore -- s ) bad-char-table>> at dup 1 ? + ; inline
: do-shift ( pos i c bm -- newpos )
[ gs-shift ] [ bc-shift ] bi-curry 2bi max + ; inline
: do-shift ( pos i c boyer-moore -- newpos )
[ good-suffix-shift ] [ bad-char-shift ] bi-curry 2bi max + ; inline
: match? ( i1 s1 i2 s2 -- ? ) [ nth-unsafe ] 2bi@ = ; inline
@ -48,23 +48,23 @@ TUPLE: boyer-moore pattern bc-table gs-table ;
len 1 - [ [ pos + s1 ] keep s2 match? not ]
find-last-integer ; inline
:: (search-from) ( seq from bm -- i/f )
bm pattern>> :> pat
pat length :> plen
seq length plen - :> lim
:: (search-from) ( seq from boyer-moore -- i/f )
boyer-moore pattern>> :> pat
pat length :> plen
seq length plen - :> lim
dup lim <=
seq pat pick plen mismatch?
[ 2dup + seq nth-unsafe bm do-shift t ] [ f ] if*
[ 2dup + seq nth-unsafe boyer-moore do-shift t ] [ f ] if*
] [ drop f f ] if
] loop ; inline
: <boyer-moore> ( pat -- bm )
dup <reversed> [ <bc-table> ] [ <gs-table> ] bi
: <boyer-moore> ( pattern -- boyer-moore )
dup <reversed> [ <bad-char-table> ] [ <good-suffix-table> ] bi
boyer-moore boa ;
GENERIC: search-from ( seq from obj -- i/f )