Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ CONSTANT: id3v1+-offset $[ 128 227 + ]
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3v2/f )
: mp3>id3 ( path -- id3/f )
[ <id3> ] dip
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: kernel pair-rocket tools.test ;
IN: pair-rocket.tests
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: help.markup help.syntax multiline ;
IN: qw
HELP: qw{
{ $syntax "qw{ lorem ipsum }" }
{ $description "Marks the beginning of a literal array of strings. Component strings are delimited by whitespace." }
{ $examples
{ $unchecked-example <" USING: prettyprint qw ;
qw{ pop quiz my hive of big wild ex tranny jocks } . ">
<" { "pop" "quiz" "my" "hive" "of" "big" "wild" "ex" "tranny" "jocks" } "> }
} ;
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: qw tools.test ;
IN: qw.tests
[ { "zippity" "doo" "dah" } ] [ qw{ zippity doo dah } ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: lexer parser ;
IN: qw
SYNTAX: qw{ "}" parse-tokens parsed ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Perlish syntax for literal arrays of whitespace-delimited strings (qw{ foo bar })
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: classes.mixin help.markup help.syntax kernel multiline roles ;
IN: roles
{ $syntax <" ROLE: name slots... ;
ROLE: name < role slots... ;
ROLE: name <{ roles... } slots... ; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link role } ". " { $link tuple } " classes which inherit this role will contain the specified " { $snippet "slots" } " as well as the slots associated with the optional inherited " { $snippet "roles" } "."
"Slot specifiers take one of the following three forms:"
{ $list
{ { $snippet "name" } " - a slot which can hold any object, with no attributes" }
{ { $snippet "{ name attributes... }" } " - a slot which can hold any object, with optional attributes" }
{ { $snippet "{ name class attributes... }" } " - a slot specialized to a specific class, with optional attributes" }
"Slot attributes are lists of slot attribute specifiers followed by values; a slot attribute specifier is one of " { $link initial: } " or " { $link read-only } ". See " { $link "tuple-declarations" } " for details." } ;
{ $syntax <" TUPLE: name slots ;
TUPLE: name < estate slots ;
TUPLE: name <{ estates... } slots... ; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link tuple } " class."
"The list of inherited " { $snippet "estates" } " is optional; a single tuple superclass and/or a set of " { $link role } "s can be specified. If no superclass is provided, it defaults to " { $link tuple } "."
"Slot specifiers take one of the following three forms:"
{ $list
{ { $snippet "name" } " - a slot which can hold any object, with no attributes" }
{ { $snippet "{ name attributes... }" } " - a slot which can hold any object, with optional attributes" }
{ { $snippet "{ name class attributes... }" } " - a slot specialized to a specific class, with optional attributes" }
"Slot attributes are lists of slot attribute specifiers followed by values; a slot attribute specifier is one of " { $link initial: } " or " { $link read-only } ". See " { $link "tuple-declarations" } " for details." } ;
} related-words
HELP: role
{ $class-description "The superclass of all role classes. A " { $snippet "role" } " is a " { $link mixin-class } " that includes a set of slot definitions that can be added to " { $link tuple } " classes alongside other " { $snippet "role" } "s." } ;
HELP: multiple-inheritance-attempted
{ $class-description "This error is thrown if a " { $link POSTPONE: TUPLE: } " definition attempts to inherit more than one " { $link tuple } " class." } ;
HELP: role-slot-overlap
{ $class-description "This error is thrown if a " { $link POSTPONE: TUPLE: } " or " { $link POSTPONE: ROLE: } " definition attempts to inherit a set of " { $link role } "s in which more than one attempts to define the same slot." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors classes.tuple compiler.units kernel qw roles sequences
tools.test ;
IN: roles.tests
ROLE: fork tines ;
ROLE: spoon bowl ;
ROLE: instrument tone ;
ROLE: tuning-fork <{ fork instrument } volume ;
TUPLE: utensil handle ;
! role consumption and tuple inheritance can be mixed
TUPLE: foon <{ utensil fork spoon } ;
TUPLE: tuning-spork <{ utensil spoon tuning-fork } ;
! role class testing
[ t ] [ fork role? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ foon role? ] unit-test
! roles aren't tuple classes by themselves and can't be instantiated
[ f ] [ fork tuple-class? ] unit-test
[ fork new ] must-fail
! tuples which consume roles fall under their class
[ t ] [ foon new fork? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ foon new spoon? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ foon new tuning-fork? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ foon new instrument? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ tuning-spork new fork? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ tuning-spork new spoon? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ tuning-spork new tuning-fork? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ tuning-spork new instrument? ] unit-test
! consumed role slots are placed in tuples in order
[ qw{ handle tines bowl } ] [ foon all-slots [ name>> ] map ] unit-test
[ qw{ handle bowl tines tone volume } ] [ tuning-spork all-slots [ name>> ] map ] unit-test
! can't combine roles whose slots overlap
ROLE: bong bowl ;
SYMBOL: spong
[ [ spong { spoon bong } { } define-tuple-class-with-roles ] with-compilation-unit ]
[ role-slot-overlap? ] must-fail-with
[ [ spong { spoon bong } { } define-role ] with-compilation-unit ]
[ role-slot-overlap? ] must-fail-with
! can't try to inherit multiple tuple classes
TUPLE: tool blade ;
SYMBOL: knife
[ knife { utensil tool } { } define-tuple-class-with-roles ]
[ multiple-inheritance-attempted? ] must-fail-with
! make sure method dispatch works
GENERIC: poke ( pokee poker -- result )
GENERIC: scoop ( scoopee scooper -- result )
GENERIC: tune ( tunee tuner -- result )
M: fork poke drop " got poked" append ;
M: spoon scoop drop " got scooped" append ;
M: instrument tune drop " got tuned" append ;
[ "potato got poked" "potato got scooped" "potato got tuned" ]
[ "potato" tuning-spork new [ poke ] [ scoop ] [ tune ] 2tri ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays classes classes.mixin classes.parser
classes.tuple classes.tuple.parser combinators
combinators.short-circuit kernel lexer make parser sequences
sets strings words ;
IN: roles
ERROR: role-slot-overlap class slots ;
ERROR: multiple-inheritance-attempted classes ;
PREDICATE: role < class
{ [ mixin-class? ] [ "role-slots" word-prop >boolean ] } 1&& ;
: parse-role-definition ( -- class superroles slots )
{ ";" [ { } { } ] }
{ "<" [ scan-word 1array [ parse-tuple-slots ] { } make ] }
{ "<{" [ \ } parse-until >array [ parse-tuple-slots ] { } make ] }
[ { } swap [ parse-slot-name [ parse-tuple-slots ] when ] { } make ]
} case ;
: slot-name ( name/array -- name )
dup string? [ ] [ first ] if ;
: slot-names ( array -- names )
[ slot-name ] map ;
: role-slots ( role -- slots )
[ "superroles" word-prop [ role-slots ] map concat ]
[ "role-slots" word-prop ] bi append ;
: role-or-tuple-slot-names ( role-or-tuple -- names )
dup role?
[ role-slots slot-names ]
[ all-slots [ name>> ] map ] if ;
: check-for-slot-overlap ( class roles-and-superclass slots -- )
[ [ role-or-tuple-slot-names ] map concat ] [ slot-names ] bi* append
duplicates dup empty? [ 2drop ] [ role-slot-overlap ] if ;
: roles>slots ( roles-and-superclass slots -- superclass slots' )
[ role? ] partition
dup length {
{ 0 [ drop tuple ] }
{ 1 [ first ] }
[ drop multiple-inheritance-attempted ]
} case
swap [ role-slots ] map concat
] dip append ;
: add-to-roles ( class roles -- )
[ add-mixin-instance ] with each ;
: (define-role) ( class superroles slots -- )
[ "superroles" set-word-prop ] [ "role-slots" set-word-prop ] bi-curry*
[ define-mixin-class ] tri ;
: define-role ( class superroles slots -- )
[ check-for-slot-overlap ] [ (define-role) ] [ drop add-to-roles ] 3tri ;
: define-tuple-class-with-roles ( class roles-and-superclass slots -- )
[ check-for-slot-overlap ]
[ roles>slots define-tuple-class ]
[ drop [ role? ] filter add-to-roles ] 3tri ;
SYNTAX: ROLE: parse-role-definition define-role ;
SYNTAX: TUPLE: parse-role-definition define-tuple-class-with-roles ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Mixins for tuples
Reference in New Issue