Tuple redefinition fixes

Slava Pestov 2008-03-26 16:38:31 -05:00
parent e1ad21a439
commit 4844bae31a
2 changed files with 132 additions and 111 deletions

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@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ USING: definitions generic kernel kernel.private math
math.constants parser sequences tools.test words assocs
namespaces quotations sequences.private classes continuations
generic.standard effects tuples tuples.private arrays vectors
strings compiler.units ;
strings compiler.units accessors ;
IN: tuples.tests
TUPLE: rect x y w h ;
: <rect> rect construct-boa ;
: move ( x rect -- )
[ rect-x + ] keep set-rect-x ;
: move ( x rect -- rect )
[ + ] change-x ;
[ f ] [ 10 20 30 40 <rect> dup clone 5 swap [ move ] keep = ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 10 20 30 40 <rect> dup clone 5 swap move = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 10 20 30 40 <rect> dup clone 0 swap [ move ] keep = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 10 20 30 40 <rect> dup clone 0 swap move = ] unit-test
GENERIC: delegation-test
M: object delegation-test drop 3 ;
@ -34,27 +34,46 @@ TUPLE: quuux-tuple-2 ;
[ 4 ] [ <quux-tuple-2> <quuux-tuple-2> delegation-test-2 ] unit-test
! Make sure we handle tuple class redefinition
TUPLE: redefinition-test ;
C: <redefinition-test> redefinition-test
<redefinition-test> "redefinition-test" set
[ t ] [ "redefinition-test" get redefinition-test? ] unit-test
"IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: redefinition-test ;" eval
[ t ] [ "redefinition-test" get redefinition-test? ] unit-test
! Make sure we handle changing shapes!
TUPLE: point x y ;
C: <point> point
100 200 <point> "p" set
[ ] [ 100 200 <point> "p" set ] unit-test
! Use eval to sequence parsing explicitly
"IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: point x y z ;" eval
[ ] [ "IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: point x y z ;" eval ] unit-test
[ 100 ] [ "p" get point-x ] unit-test
[ 200 ] [ "p" get point-y ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "p" get "point-z" "tuples.tests" lookup execute ] unit-test
[ 100 ] [ "p" get x>> ] unit-test
[ 200 ] [ "p" get y>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "p" get "z>>" "accessors" lookup execute ] unit-test
300 "p" get "set-point-z" "tuples.tests" lookup execute
"p" get 300 ">>z" "accessors" lookup execute drop
[ 4 ] [ "p" get tuple-size ] unit-test
[ 300 ] [ "p" get "z>>" "accessors" lookup execute ] unit-test
"IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: point z y ;" eval
[ "p" get point-x ] must-fail
[ 200 ] [ "p" get point-y ] unit-test
[ 300 ] [ "p" get "point-z" "tuples.tests" lookup execute ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ "p" get tuple-size ] unit-test
[ "p" get x>> ] must-fail
[ 200 ] [ "p" get y>> ] unit-test
[ 300 ] [ "p" get "z>>" "accessors" lookup execute ] unit-test
TUPLE: predicate-test ;
@ -68,10 +87,10 @@ PREDICATE: tuple silly-pred
class \ rect = ;
M: silly-pred area dup rect-w swap rect-h * ;
M: silly-pred area dup w>> swap h>> * ;
TUPLE: circle radius ;
M: circle area circle-radius sq pi * ;
M: circle area radius>> sq pi * ;
[ 200 ] [ T{ rect f 0 0 10 20 } area ] unit-test
@ -88,7 +107,7 @@ TUPLE: delegate-clone ;
[ T{ delegate-clone T{ empty f } } clone ] unit-test
! Compiler regression
[ t length ] [ no-method-object t eq? ] must-fail-with
[ t length ] [ object>> t eq? ] must-fail-with
[ "<constructor-test>" ]
[ "TUPLE: constructor-test ; C: <constructor-test> constructor-test" eval word word-name ] unit-test
@ -96,7 +115,7 @@ TUPLE: delegate-clone ;
TUPLE: size-test a b c d ;
[ t ] [
T{ size-test } array-capacity
T{ size-test } tuple-size
size-test tuple-size =
] unit-test
@ -213,55 +232,50 @@ C: <erg's-reshape-problem> erg's-reshape-problem
! tuples are reshaped
: cons-test-1 \ erg's-reshape-problem construct-empty ;
: cons-test-2 \ erg's-reshape-problem construct-boa ;
: cons-test-3
{ set-erg's-reshape-problem-a }
\ erg's-reshape-problem construct ;
"IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: erg's-reshape-problem a b c d e f ;" eval
[ ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 cons-test-2 "a" set ] unit-test
[ t ] [ cons-test-1 array-capacity "a" get array-capacity = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1 cons-test-3 array-capacity "a" get array-capacity = ] unit-test
"IN: tuples.tests SYMBOL: not-a-class C: <not-a-class> not-a-class" eval
] [ [ no-tuple-class? ] is? ] must-fail-with
! Hardcore unit tests
USE: threads
\ thread "slot-names" word-prop "slot-names" set
[ ] [
\ thread { "xxx" } "slot-names" get append
] with-compilation-unit
[ 1337 sleep ] "Test" spawn drop
\ thread "slot-names" get
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
USE: vocabs
\ vocab "slot-names" word-prop "slot-names" set
[ ] [
\ vocab { "xxx" } "slot-names" get append
] with-compilation-unit
all-words drop
\ vocab "slot-names" get
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test
! "IN: tuples.tests TUPLE: erg's-reshape-problem a b c d e f ;" eval
! [ ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 cons-test-2 "a" set ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ cons-test-1 tuple-size "a" get tuple-size = ] unit-test
! [
! "IN: tuples.tests SYMBOL: not-a-class C: <not-a-class> not-a-class" eval
! ] [ [ no-tuple-class? ] is? ] must-fail-with
! ! Hardcore unit tests
! USE: threads
! \ thread "slot-names" word-prop "slot-names" set
! [ ] [
! [
! \ thread { "xxx" } "slot-names" get append
! define-tuple-class
! ] with-compilation-unit
! [ 1337 sleep ] "Test" spawn drop
! [
! \ thread "slot-names" get
! define-tuple-class
! ] with-compilation-unit
! ] unit-test
! USE: vocabs
! \ vocab "slot-names" word-prop "slot-names" set
! [ ] [
! [
! \ vocab { "xxx" } "slot-names" get append
! define-tuple-class
! ] with-compilation-unit
! all-words drop
! [
! \ vocab "slot-names" get
! define-tuple-class
! ] with-compilation-unit
! ] unit-test

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: arrays definitions hashtables kernel
kernel.private math namespaces sequences sequences.private
strings vectors words quotations memory combinators generic
classes classes.private slots slots.deprecated slots.private
classes classes.private slots.deprecated slots.private slots
compiler.units ;
IN: tuples
@ -49,43 +49,6 @@ PRIVATE>
2drop f
] if ;
: permutation ( seq1 seq2 -- permutation )
swap [ index ] curry map ;
: reshape-tuple ( oldtuple permutation -- newtuple )
>r tuple>array 2 cut r>
[ [ swap ?nth ] [ drop f ] if* ] with map
append >tuple ;
: reshape-tuples ( class newslots -- )
>r dup "slot-names" word-prop r> permutation
>r [ swap class eq? ] curry instances dup r>
[ reshape-tuple ] curry map
] 2curry after-compilation ;
: old-slots ( class newslots -- seq )
swap "slots" word-prop 1 tail-slice
[ slot-spec-name swap member? not ] with subset ;
: forget-slots ( class newslots -- )
dupd old-slots [
slot-spec-reader 2array forget
slot-spec-writer 2array forget
] with each ;
: check-shape ( class newslots -- )
over tuple-class? [
over "slot-names" word-prop over = [
2dup forget-slots
2dup reshape-tuples
over changed-word
over redefined
] unless
] when 2drop ;
M: tuple-class tuple-layout "layout" word-prop ;
: define-tuple-predicate ( class -- )
@ -114,15 +77,59 @@ M: tuple-class tuple-layout "layout" word-prop ;
dup "slot-names" word-prop length 1+ { } 0 <tuple-layout>
"layout" set-word-prop ;
: removed-slots ( class newslots -- seq )
swap "slot-names" word-prop seq-diff ;
: define-tuple-class ( class slots -- )
2dup check-shape
over f tuple tuple-class define-class
: forget-slots ( class newslots -- )
dupd removed-slots [
reader-word forget-method
writer-word forget-method
] with each ;
: permutation ( seq1 seq2 -- permutation )
swap [ index ] curry map ;
: reshape-tuple ( oldtuple permutation -- newtuple )
>r tuple>array 2 cut r>
[ [ swap ?nth ] [ drop f ] if* ] with map
append >tuple ;
: reshape-tuples ( class newslots -- )
>r dup "slot-names" word-prop r> permutation
>r [ swap class eq? ] curry instances dup r>
[ reshape-tuple ] curry map
] 2curry after-compilation ;
: tuple-class-unchanged 2drop ;
: prepare-tuple-class ( class slots -- )
dupd define-tuple-slots
dup define-tuple-layout
define-tuple-predicate ;
: redefine-tuple-class ( class slots -- )
2dup forget-slots
2dup reshape-tuples
over changed-word
over redefined
prepare-tuple-class ;
: define-new-tuple-class ( class slots -- )
over f tuple tuple-class define-class
prepare-tuple-class ;
: define-tuple-class ( class slots -- )
{ [ over tuple-class? not ] [ define-new-tuple-class ] }
{ [ over "slot-names" word-prop over = ] [ tuple-class-unchanged ] }
{ [ t ] [ redefine-tuple-class ] }
} cond ;
M: tuple clone
(clone) dup delegate clone over set-delegate ;