Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ HELP: push-growing-circular
{ "elt" object } { "circular" circular } }
{ $description "Pushes an element onto a " { $link growing-circular } " object." } ;
HELP: rotate-circular
{ $values
{ "circular" circular } }
{ $description "Advances the start index of a circular object by one." } ;
ARTICLE: "circular" "Circular sequences"
"The " { $vocab-link "circular" } " vocabulary implements the " { $link "sequence-protocol" } " to allow an arbitrary start index and wrap-around indexing." $nl
"Creating a new circular object:"
@ -51,6 +56,7 @@ ARTICLE: "circular" "Circular sequences"
{ $subsection <growing-circular> }
"Changing the start index:"
{ $subsection change-circular-start }
{ $subsection rotate-circular }
"Pushing new elements:"
{ $subsection push-circular }
{ $subsection push-growing-circular } ;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ circular strings ;
[ CHAR: e ] [ "test" <circular> 5 swap nth-unsafe ] unit-test
[ [ 1 2 3 ] ] [ { 1 2 3 } <circular> [ ] like ] unit-test
[ [ 2 3 1 ] ] [ { 1 2 3 } <circular> [ rotate-circular ] keep [ ] like ] unit-test
[ [ 2 3 1 ] ] [ { 1 2 3 } <circular> 1 over change-circular-start [ ] like ] unit-test
[ [ 3 1 2 ] ] [ { 1 2 3 } <circular> 1 over change-circular-start 1 over change-circular-start [ ] like ] unit-test
[ [ 3 1 2 ] ] [ { 1 2 3 } <circular> -100 over change-circular-start [ ] like ] unit-test
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ M: circular virtual-seq seq>> ;
#! change start to (start + n) mod length
circular-wrap (>>start) ;
: rotate-circular ( circular -- )
[ start>> 1 + ] keep circular-wrap (>>start) ;
: push-circular ( elt circular -- )
[ set-first ] [ 1 swap change-circular-start ] bi ;
@ -43,29 +43,17 @@ PRIVATE>
: word-inputs ( word -- seq )
stack-effect [
[ datastack ] dip in>> length tail*
] [
] if* ;
: stack-values ( names -- alist )
[ datastack ] dip [ nip ] [ length tail* ] 2bi zip ;
: entering ( str -- )
"/-- Entering: " write dup .
word-inputs stack.
"\\--" print flush ;
: trace-message ( word quot str -- )
"--- " write write bl over .
[ stack-effect ] dip '[ @ stack-values ] [ f ] if*
[ simple-table. ] unless-empty flush ; inline
: word-outputs ( word -- seq )
stack-effect [
[ datastack ] dip out>> length tail*
] [
] if* ;
: entering ( str -- ) [ in>> ] "Entering" trace-message ;
: leaving ( str -- )
"/-- Leaving: " write dup .
word-outputs stack.
"\\--" print flush ;
: leaving ( str -- ) [ out>> ] "Leaving" trace-message ;
: (watch) ( word def -- def )
over '[ _ entering @ _ leaving ] ;
@ -761,6 +761,11 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (ungrab-input) ( handle -- )
M: windows-ui-backend set-fullscreen* ( ? world -- )
swap [ enter-fullscreen ] [ exit-fullscreen ] if ;
M: windows-ui-backend fullscreen* ( world -- ? )
[ handle>> hWnd>> hwnd>RECT ]
[ handle>> hWnd>> fullscreen-RECT ] bi
[ get-RECT-dimensions 2array 2nip ] bi@ = ;
windows-ui-backend ui-backend set-global
[ "" ] main-vocab-hook set-global
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ HELP: world-attributes
{ { $snippet "pixel-format-attributes" } " is a sequence of " { $link "ui.pixel-formats-attributes" } " that the window will request for its OpenGL pixel format." }
} ;
HELP: set-fullscreen?
HELP: set-fullscreen
{ $values { "?" "a boolean" } { "gadget" gadget } }
{ $description "Sets and unsets fullscreen mode for the gadget's world." } ;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ HELP: fullscreen?
{ $values { "gadget" gadget } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Queries the gadget's world to see if it is running in fullscreen mode." } ;
{ fullscreen? set-fullscreen? } related-words
{ fullscreen? set-fullscreen } related-words
HELP: find-window
{ $values { "quot" { $quotation "( world -- ? )" } } { "world" { $maybe world } } }
@ -209,12 +209,15 @@ PRIVATE>
: open-window ( gadget title/attributes -- )
?attributes <world> open-world-window ;
: set-fullscreen? ( ? gadget -- )
: set-fullscreen ( ? gadget -- )
find-world set-fullscreen* ;
: fullscreen? ( gadget -- ? )
find-world fullscreen* ;
: toggle-fullscreen ( gadget -- )
[ fullscreen? not ] keep set-fullscreen ;
: raise-window ( gadget -- )
find-world raise-window* ;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
USING: math tools.test classes.algebra words kernel sequences assocs ;
IN: classes.predicate
USING: math tools.test classes.algebra words kernel sequences assocs
accessors eval definitions compiler.units generic ;
IN: classes.predicate.tests
PREDICATE: negative < integer 0 < ;
PREDICATE: positive < integer 0 > ;
@ -18,4 +19,16 @@ M: positive abs ;
[ 10 ] [ -10 abs ] unit-test
[ 10 ] [ 10 abs ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ 0 abs ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ 0 abs ] unit-test
! Bug report from Bruno Deferrari
TUPLE: tuple-a slot ;
TUPLE: tuple-b < tuple-a ;
PREDICATE: tuple-c < tuple-b slot>> ;
GENERIC: ptest ( tuple -- )
M: tuple-a ptest drop ;
IN: classes.predicate.tests USING: kernel ; M: tuple-c ptest drop ;
[ ] [ tuple-b new ptest ] unit-test
@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ M: single-combination make-default-method
] unless ;
! 1. Flatten methods
TUPLE: predicate-engine methods ;
TUPLE: predicate-engine class methods ;
: <predicate-engine> ( methods -- engine ) predicate-engine boa ;
C: <predicate-engine> predicate-engine
: push-method ( method specializer atomic assoc -- )
[ H{ } clone <predicate-engine> ] unless*
dupd [
[ ] [ H{ } clone <predicate-engine> ] ?if
[ methods>> set-at ] keep
] change-at ;
@ -182,14 +182,27 @@ M: tuple-dispatch-engine compile-engine
[ <enum> swap update ] keep
] with-variable ;
PREDICATE: predicate-engine-word < word "owner-generic" word-prop ;
SYMBOL: predicate-engines
: sort-methods ( assoc -- assoc' )
>alist [ keys sort-classes ] keep extract-keys ;
: quote-methods ( assoc -- assoc' )
[ 1quotation \ drop prefix ] assoc-map ;
: find-predicate-engine ( classes -- word )
predicate-engines get [ at ] curry map-find drop ;
: next-predicate-engine ( engine -- word )
class>> superclasses
default get or ;
: methods-with-default ( engine -- assoc )
methods>> clone default get object bootstrap-word pick set-at ;
[ methods>> clone ] [ next-predicate-engine ] bi
object bootstrap-word pick set-at ;
: keep-going? ( assoc -- ? )
assumed get swap second first class<= ;
@ -205,8 +218,6 @@ M: tuple-dispatch-engine compile-engine
: class-predicates ( assoc -- assoc )
[ [ "predicate" word-prop [ dup ] prepend ] dip ] assoc-map ;
PREDICATE: predicate-engine-word < word "owner-generic" word-prop ;
: <predicate-engine-word> ( -- word )
generic-word get name>> "/predicate-engine" append f <word>
dup generic-word get "owner-generic" set-word-prop ;
@ -217,7 +228,7 @@ M: predicate-engine-word stack-effect "owner-generic" word-prop stack-effect ;
[ <predicate-engine-word> ] dip
[ define ] [ drop generic-word get "engines" word-prop push ] [ drop ] 2tri ;
M: predicate-engine compile-engine
: compile-predicate-engine ( engine -- word )
@ -225,6 +236,10 @@ M: predicate-engine compile-engine
[ peek ] [ alist>quot picker prepend define-predicate-engine ] if-empty ;
M: predicate-engine compile-engine
[ compile-predicate-engine ] [ class>> ] bi
[ drop ] [ predicate-engines get set-at ] 2bi ;
M: word compile-engine ;
M: f compile-engine ;
@ -251,6 +266,7 @@ HOOK: mega-cache-quot combination ( methods -- quot/f )
M: single-combination perform-combination
H{ } clone predicate-engines set
dup generic-word set
dup build-decision-tree
[ "decision-tree" set-word-prop ]
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ M: game-world draw*
swap >>tick-slice draw-world ;
M: game-world begin-world
dup [ tick-length ] [ ] bi <game-loop> [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop
open-game-input ;
M: game-world end-world
[ [ stop-loop ] when* f ] change-game-loop
drop ;
M: game-world end-world
[ [ stop-loop ] when* f ] change-game-loop
drop ;
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SYMBOL: current-irc-client
UNION: to-target privmsg notice ;
UNION: to-channel join part topic kick rpl-channel-modes
rpl-notopic rpl-topic rpl-names rpl-names-end ;
topic rpl-names rpl-names-end ;
UNION: to-one-chat to-target to-channel mode ;
UNION: to-many-chats nick quit ;
UNION: to-all-chats irc-end irc-disconnected irc-connected ;
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ TUPLE: irc-profile server port nickname password ;
C: <irc-profile> irc-profile
TUPLE: irc-client profile stream in-messages out-messages
chats is-running nick connect reconnect-time is-ready
chats is-running nick connect is-ready
reconnect-time reconnect-attempts
exceptions ;
: <irc-client> ( profile -- irc-client )
@ -43,8 +44,9 @@ TUPLE: irc-client profile stream in-messages out-messages
<mailbox> >>in-messages
<mailbox> >>out-messages
H{ } clone >>chats
15 seconds >>reconnect-time
30 seconds >>reconnect-time
10 >>reconnect-attempts
V{ } clone >>exceptions
[ <inet> latin1 <client> ] >>connect ;
[ <inet> latin1 <client> drop ] >>connect ;
SINGLETONS: irc-chat-end irc-end irc-disconnected irc-connected ;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ M: mb-writer dispose drop ;
! Test connect
{ V{ "NICK factorbot" "USER factorbot hostname servername :irc.factor" } } [
"someserver" irc-port "factorbot" f <irc-profile> <irc-client>
[ 2drop <test-stream> t ] >>connect
[ 2drop <test-stream> ] >>connect
@ -3,10 +3,17 @@
USING: accessors assocs arrays concurrency.mailboxes continuations destructors
hashtables io irc.client.base irc.client.chats irc.messages kernel namespaces
strings words.symbol irc.messages.base irc.client.participants fry threads
combinators irc.messages.parser ;
combinators irc.messages.parser math ;
EXCLUDE: sequences => join ;
IN: irc.client.internals
: do-connect ( server port quot: ( host port -- stream ) attempts -- stream/f )
dup 0 > [
[ drop call( host port -- stream ) ]
[ drop 15 sleep 1- do-connect ]
] [ 2drop 2drop f ] if ;
: /NICK ( nick -- ) "NICK " prepend irc-print ;
: /PONG ( text -- ) "PONG " prepend irc-print ;
@ -15,18 +22,27 @@ IN: irc.client.internals
"USER " prepend " hostname servername :irc.factor" append irc-print ;
: /CONNECT ( server port -- stream )
irc> connect>> call( host port -- stream local ) drop ;
irc> [ connect>> ] [ reconnect-attempts>> ] bi do-connect ;
: /JOIN ( channel password -- )
[ " :" swap 3append ] when* "JOIN " prepend irc-print ;
: try-connect ( -- stream/f )
irc> profile>> [ server>> ] [ port>> ] bi /CONNECT ;
: (terminate-irc) ( -- )
irc> dup is-running>> [
f >>is-running
[ stream>> dispose ] keep
[ in-messages>> ] [ out-messages>> ] bi 2array
[ irc-end swap mailbox-put ] each
] [ drop ] if ;
: (connect-irc) ( -- )
irc> {
[ profile>> [ server>> ] [ port>> ] bi /CONNECT ]
[ (>>stream) ]
[ t swap (>>is-running) ]
[ in-messages>> [ irc-connected ] dip mailbox-put ]
} cleave ;
try-connect [
[ irc> ] dip >>stream t >>is-running
in-messages>> [ irc-connected ] dip mailbox-put
] [ (terminate-irc) ] if* ;
: (do-login) ( -- ) irc> nick>> /LOGIN ;
@ -52,7 +68,7 @@ M: to-all-chats message-forwards drop chats> ;
M: to-many-chats message-forwards sender>> participant-chats ;
GENERIC: process-message ( irc-message -- )
M: object process-message drop ;
M: object process-message drop ;
M: ping process-message trailing>> /PONG ;
M: join process-message [ sender>> ] [ chat> ] bi join-participant ;
M: part process-message [ sender>> ] [ chat> ] bi part-participant ;
@ -92,9 +108,7 @@ M: irc-message handle-outgoing-irc irc-message>string irc-print t ;
: (handle-disconnect) ( -- )
irc-disconnected irc> in-messages>> mailbox-put
irc> reconnect-time>> sleep
(do-login) ;
(connect-irc) (do-login) ;
: handle-disconnect ( error -- ? )
[ irc> exceptions>> push ] when*
@ -155,12 +169,4 @@ M: irc-channel-chat remove-chat
[ part new annotate-message irc-send ]
[ name>> unregister-chat ] bi ;
: (terminate-irc) ( -- )
irc> dup is-running>> [
f >>is-running
[ stream>> dispose ] keep
[ in-messages>> ] [ out-messages>> ] bi 2array
[ irc-end swap mailbox-put ] each
] [ drop ] if ;
: (speak) ( message irc-chat -- ) swap annotate-message irc-send ;
: (speak) ( message irc-chat -- ) swap annotate-message irc-send ;
@ -11,6 +11,12 @@ GENERIC: >log-line ( object -- line )
M: irc-message >log-line line>> ;
M: ctcp >log-line
[ "CTCP: " % dup sender>> % " " % text>> % ] "" make ;
M: action >log-line
[ "* " % dup sender>> % " " % text>> % ] "" make ;
M: privmsg >log-line
[ "<" % dup sender>> % "> " % text>> % ] "" make ;
@ -35,3 +41,7 @@ M: participant-mode >log-line
M: nick >log-line
[ "* " % dup sender>> % " is now known as " % nickname>> % ] "" make ;
M: topic >log-line
[ "* " % dup sender>> % " has set the topic for " % dup channel>> %
": \"" % topic>> % "\"" % ] "" make ;
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SYMBOL: current-stream
"" 6667 "flogger" f <irc-profile> ;
: add-timestamp ( string timestamp -- string )
timestamp>hms "[" prepend "] " append prepend ;
timestamp>hms [ "[" % % "] " % % ] "" make ;
: timestamp-path ( timestamp -- path )
timestamp>ymd ".log" append log-directory prepend-path ;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SYMBOL: current-stream
] [
current-stream get [ dispose ] when*
[ day-of-year current-day set ]
[ timestamp-path latin1 <file-writer> ] bi
[ timestamp-path latin1 <file-appender> ] bi
current-stream set
] if current-stream get ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes.parser classes.tuple
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar classes.parser classes.tuple
combinators fry generic.parser kernel lexer
mirrors namespaces parser sequences splitting strings words ;
IN: irc.messages.base
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ M: irc-message post-process-irc-message drop ;
GENERIC: fill-irc-message-slots ( irc-message -- )
M: irc-message fill-irc-message-slots
gmt >>timestamp
[ process-irc-trailing ]
[ process-irc-prefix ]
@ -71,4 +71,7 @@ IN: irc.messages.tests
{ name "nickname" }
{ trailing "Nickname is already in use" } } }
[ " 433 * nickname :Nickname is already in use"
string>irc-message f >>timestamp ] unit-test
string>irc-message f >>timestamp ] unit-test
{ t } [ ":someuser!n=user@some.where PRIVMSG #factortest :ACTION jumps!"
string>irc-message action? ] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel fry splitting ascii calendar accessors combinators
arrays classes.tuple math.order words assocs strings irc.messages.base ;
arrays classes.tuple math.order words assocs strings irc.messages.base
combinators.short-circuit math ;
EXCLUDE: sequences => join ;
IN: irc.messages
@ -61,8 +62,17 @@ IRC: rpl-names-end "366" nickname channel : comment ;
IRC: rpl-nickname-in-use "433" _ name ;
IRC: rpl-nick-collision "436" nickname : comment ;
PREDICATE: channel-mode < mode name>> first "#&" member? ;
PREDICATE: participant-mode < channel-mode parameter>> ;
PREDICATE: ctcp < privmsg
trailing>> { [ length 1 > ] [ first 1 = ] [ peek 1 = ] } 1&& ;
PREDICATE: action < ctcp trailing>> rest "ACTION" head? ;
M: rpl-names post-process-irc-message ( rpl-names -- )
[ [ blank? ] trim " " split ] change-nicks drop ;
PREDICATE: channel-mode < mode name>> first "#&" member? ;
PREDICATE: participant-mode < channel-mode parameter>> ;
M: ctcp post-process-irc-message ( ctcp -- )
[ rest but-last ] change-text drop ;
M: action post-process-irc-message ( action -- )
[ 7 tail ] change-text call-next-method ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel fry splitting ascii calendar accessors combinators
USING: kernel fry splitting ascii accessors combinators
arrays classes.tuple math.order words assocs
irc.messages.base sequences ;
IN: irc.messages.parser
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ PRIVATE>
[ >>trailing ]
[ (>>prefix) ] [ fill-irc-message-slots ] [ swap >>line ] tri
now >>timestamp dup sender >>sender ;
dup sender >>sender ;
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ SYMBOL: stamp
with-directory ;
: git-id ( -- id )
{ "git" "show" } utf8 [ readln ] with-process-reader
" " split second ;
{ "git" "show" } utf8 [ lines ] with-process-reader
first " " split second ;
: ?prepare-build-machine ( -- )
builds/factor exists? [ prepare-build-machine ] unless ;
@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ IN: mason.notify
: notify-report ( status -- )
[ "Build finished with status: " write . flush ]
[ "report" utf8 file-contents ] dip email-report
"report" { "report" } status-notify
[ "report" ] dip
[ [ utf8 file-contents ] dip email-report ]
[ "report" swap name>> 2array status-notify ]
] bi ;
: notify-release ( archive-name -- )
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors combinators command-line db
db.sqlite db.tuples db.types io kernel namespaces sequences ;
IN: mason.notify.server
CONSTANT: +starting+ "starting"
CONSTANT: +make-vm+ "make-vm"
CONSTANT: +boot+ "boot"
CONSTANT: +test+ "test"
CONSTANT: +clean+ "clean"
CONSTANT: +dirty+ "dirty"
TUPLE: builder host-name os cpu clean-git-id last-git-id last-report current-git-id status ;
builder "BUILDERS" {
{ "host-name" "HOST_NAME" TEXT +user-assigned-id+ }
{ "os" "OS" TEXT +user-assigned-id+ }
{ "cpu" "CPU" TEXT +user-assigned-id+ }
{ "clean-git-id" "CLEAN_GIT_ID" TEXT }
{ "last-git-id" "LAST_GIT_ID" TEXT }
{ "last-report" "LAST_REPORT" TEXT }
{ "current-git-id" "CURRENT_GIT_ID" TEXT }
{ "status" "STATUS" TEXT }
} define-persistent
SYMBOLS: host-name target-os target-cpu message message-arg ;
: parse-args ( command-line -- )
dup peek message-arg set
[ host-name set ]
[ target-cpu set ]
[ target-os set ]
[ message set ]
} spread
] input<sequence ;
: find-builder ( -- builder )
builder new
host-name get >>host-name
target-os get >>os
target-cpu get >>cpu
dup select-tuple [ ] [ dup insert-tuple ] ?if ;
: git-id ( builder id -- )
>>current-git-id +starting+ >>status drop ;
: make-vm ( builder -- ) +make-vm+ >>status drop ;
: boot ( report -- ) +boot+ >>status drop ;
: test ( report -- ) +test+ >>status drop ;
: report ( builder status content -- )
[ >>status ] [ >>last-report ] bi*
dup status>> +clean+ = [ dup current-git-id>> >>clean-git-id ] when
dup current-git-id>> >>last-git-id
drop ;
: update-builder ( builder -- )
message get {
{ "git-id" [ message-arg get git-id ] }
{ "make-vm" [ make-vm ] }
{ "boot" [ boot ] }
{ "test" [ test ] }
{ "report" [ message-arg get contents report ] }
} case ;
: mason-db ( -- db ) "resource:mason.db" <sqlite-db> ;
: handle-update ( command-line -- )
mason-db [
parse-args find-builder
[ update-builder ] [ update-tuple ] bi
] with-db ;
: main ( -- )
command-line get handle-update ;
MAIN: main
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Eduardo Cavazos, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel system accessors namespaces splitting sequences
mason.config bootstrap.image ;
mason.config bootstrap.image assocs ;
IN: mason.platform
: (platform) ( os cpu -- string )
{ { CHAR: . CHAR: - } } substitute "-" glue ;
: platform ( -- string )
target-os get "-" target-cpu get "." split "-" join 3append ;
target-os get target-cpu get (platform) ;
: gnu-make ( -- string )
target-os get { "freebsd" "openbsd" "netbsd" } member? "gmake" "make" ? ;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ IN:
:: failed-report ( error file what -- status )
error [ error. ] with-string-writer :> error
file utf8 file-contents 400 short tail* :> output
file utf8 file-lines 400 short tail* :> output
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs kernel redis sequences ;
IN: redis.assoc
INSTANCE: redis assoc
M: redis at* [ redis-get dup >boolean ] with-redis ;
M: redis assoc-size [ redis-dbsize ] with-redis ;
M: redis >alist [ "*" redis-keys dup redis-mget zip ] with-redis ;
M: redis set-at [ redis-set drop ] with-redis ;
M: redis delete-at [ redis-del drop ] with-redis ;
M: redis clear-assoc [ redis-flushdb drop ] with-redis ;
M: redis equal? assoc= ;
M: redis hashcode* assoc-hashcode ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Bruno Deferrari
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Assoc protocol implementation for Redis
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Bruno Deferrari
! See for BSD license.
USING: io redis.response-parser redis.command-writer ;
USING: accessors io io.encodings.8-bit io.sockets
io.streams.duplex kernel redis.command-writer
redis.response-parser splitting ;
IN: redis
#! Connection
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ IN: redis
: redis-type ( key -- response ) type flush read-response ;
#! Key space
: redis-keys ( pattern -- response ) keys flush read-response ;
: redis-keys ( pattern -- response ) keys flush read-response " " split ;
: redis-randomkey ( -- response ) randomkey flush read-response ;
: redis-rename ( newkey key -- response ) rename flush read-response ;
: redis-renamenx ( newkey key -- response ) renamenx flush read-response ;
@ -72,3 +74,24 @@ IN: redis
#! Remote server control
: redis-info ( -- response ) info flush read-response ;
: redis-monitor ( -- response ) monitor flush read-response ;
#! Redis object
TUPLE: redis host port encoding password ;
CONSTANT: default-redis-port 6379
: <redis> ( -- redis )
redis new
"" >>host
default-redis-port >>port
latin1 >>encoding ;
: redis-do-connect ( redis -- stream )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] [ encoding>> ] tri
[ <inet> ] dip <client> drop ;
: with-redis ( redis quot -- )
[ redis-do-connect ] [ password>> ] bi
[ swap [ [ redis-auth drop ] with-stream* ] keep ] when*
] dip with-stream ; inline
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ void main()
vec4 v = vec4(gl_Vertex.xy, 1.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = v;
vec4 p = (gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse * v) * vec4(1,1,-1,1);
vec4 p = gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse * v;
p.z = -abs(p.z);
float s = sin(sky_theta), c = cos(sky_theta);
direction = mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, c, s, 0, -s, c)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ opengl.shaders opengl.textures opengl.textures.private
sequences sequences.product specialized-arrays.float
terrain.generation terrain.shaders ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats game-worlds method-chains
math.affine-transforms noise ;
math.affine-transforms noise ui.gestures ;
IN: terrain
CONSTANT: FOV $[ 2.0 sqrt 1+ ]
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CONSTANT: GRAVITY $[ 1.0 4096.0 / ]
CONSTANT: JUMP $[ 1.0 1024.0 / ]
CONSTANT: MOUSE-SCALE $[ 1.0 10.0 / ]
CONSTANT: MOVEMENT-SPEED $[ 1.0 16384.0 / ]
CONSTANT: FRICTION { 0.95 0.99 0.95 }
CONSTANT: COMPONENT-SCALE { 0.5 0.01 0.0005 0.0 }
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-distance { $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] }
CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-row-length $[ 512 1 + 2 * ]
TUPLE: player
location yaw pitch velocity ;
location yaw pitch velocity velocity-modifier ;
TUPLE: terrain-world < game-world
@ -100,10 +100,13 @@ M: terrain-world tick-length
: forward-vector ( player -- v )
yaw>> 0.0
{ 0.0 0.0 $ MOVEMENT-SPEED } vneg eye-rotate ;
${ 0.0 0.0 MOVEMENT-SPEED } vneg eye-rotate ;
: rightward-vector ( player -- v )
yaw>> 0.0
{ $ MOVEMENT-SPEED 0.0 0.0 } eye-rotate ;
${ MOVEMENT-SPEED 0.0 0.0 } eye-rotate ;
: clamp-pitch ( pitch -- pitch' )
90.0 min -90.0 max ;
: walk-forward ( player -- )
dup forward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ;
@ -114,30 +117,53 @@ M: terrain-world tick-length
: walk-rightward ( player -- )
dup rightward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ;
: jump ( player -- )
[ { 0.0 $ JUMP 0.0 } v+ ] change-velocity drop ;
[ ${ 0.0 JUMP 0.0 } v+ ] change-velocity drop ;
: rotate-leftward ( player x -- )
[ - ] curry change-yaw drop ;
: rotate-rightward ( player x -- )
[ + ] curry change-yaw drop ;
: look-horizontally ( player x -- )
[ + ] curry change-yaw drop ;
: look-vertically ( player x -- )
[ + clamp-pitch ] curry change-pitch drop ;
: clamp-pitch ( pitch -- pitch' )
90.0 min -90.0 max ;
: rotate-with-mouse ( player mouse -- )
[ dx>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + ] curry change-yaw ]
[ dy>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + clamp-pitch ] curry change-pitch ] bi
drop ;
[ dx>> MOUSE-SCALE * look-horizontally ]
[ dy>> MOUSE-SCALE * look-vertically ] 2bi ;
terrain-world H{
{ T{ key-up { mods { A+ } } { sym "RET" } } [ toggle-fullscreen ] }
} set-gestures
:: handle-input ( world -- )
world player>> :> player
read-keyboard keys>> :> keys
key-left-shift keys nth [
{ 2.0 1.0 2.0 } player (>>velocity-modifier)
] when
key-left-shift keys nth [
{ 1.0 1.0 1.0 } player (>>velocity-modifier)
] unless
key-w keys nth [ player walk-forward ] when
key-s keys nth [ player walk-backward ] when
key-a keys nth [ player walk-leftward ] when
key-d keys nth [ player walk-rightward ] when
key-q keys nth [ player -1 look-horizontally ] when
key-e keys nth [ player 1 look-horizontally ] when
key-left-arrow keys nth [ player -1 look-horizontally ] when
key-right-arrow keys nth [ player 1 look-horizontally ] when
key-down-arrow keys nth [ player 1 look-vertically ] when
key-up-arrow keys nth [ player -1 look-vertically ] when
key-space keys nth [ player jump ] when
key-escape keys nth [ world close-window ] when
player read-mouse rotate-with-mouse
reset-mouse ;
: apply-friction ( velocity -- velocity' )
: apply-gravity ( velocity -- velocity' )
1 over [ GRAVITY - ] change-nth ;
@ -170,9 +196,12 @@ M: terrain-world tick-length
[ [ 1 ] 2dip [ max ] with change-nth ]
[ ] tri ;
: scaled-velocity ( player -- velocity )
[ velocity>> ] [ velocity-modifier>> ] bi v* ;
: tick-player ( world player -- )
[ apply-friction apply-gravity ] change-velocity
dup velocity>> [ v+ [ terrain-segment>> ] dip collide ] curry with change-location
dup scaled-velocity [ v+ [ terrain-segment>> ] dip collide ] curry with change-location
drop ;
M: terrain-world tick*
@ -197,7 +226,7 @@ BEFORE: terrain-world begin-world
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glEnableClientState
PLAYER-START-LOCATION 0.0 0.0 { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } player boa >>player
PLAYER-START-LOCATION 0.0 0.0 { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } player boa >>player
<perlin-noise-table> 0.01 0.01 <scale> { 512 512 } perlin-noise-image
[ >>sky-image ] keep
make-texture [ set-texture-parameters ] keep >>sky-texture
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays combinators db db.tuples furnace.actions
http.server.responses kernel mason.platform mason.notify.server
math.order sequences sorting splitting xml.syntax xml.writer
io.pathnames io.encodings.utf8 io.files ;
IN: webapps.mason
: log-file ( -- path ) home "mason.log" append-path ;
: recent-events ( -- xml )
log-file utf8 file-lines 10 short tail* "\n" join [XML <pre><-></pre> XML] ;
: git-link ( id -- link )
[ "" prepend ] keep
[XML <a href=<->><-></a> XML] ;
: building ( builder string -- xml )
swap current-git-id>> git-link
[XML <-> for <-> XML] ;
: current-status ( builder -- xml )
dup status>> {
{ "dirty" [ drop "Dirty" ] }
{ "clean" [ drop "Clean" ] }
{ "starting" [ "Starting" building ] }
{ "make-vm" [ "Compiling VM" building ] }
{ "boot" [ "Bootstrapping" building ] }
{ "test" [ "Testing" building ] }
[ 2drop "Unknown" ]
} case ;
: binaries-link ( builder -- link )
[ os>> ] [ cpu>> ] bi (platform) "" prepend
dup [XML <a href=<->><-></a> XML] ;
: clean-image-link ( builder -- link )
[ os>> ] [ cpu>> ] bi (platform) "" prepend
dup [XML <a href=<->><-></a> XML] ;
: machine-table ( builder -- xml )
[ os>> ]
[ cpu>> ]
[ host-name>> "." split1 drop ]
[ current-status ]
[ last-git-id>> dup [ git-link ] when ]
[ clean-git-id>> dup [ git-link ] when ]
[ binaries-link ]
[ clean-image-link ]
} cleave
<h2><-> / <-></h2>
<table border="1">
<tr><td>Host name:</td><td><-></td></tr>
<tr><td>Current status:</td><td><-></td></tr>
<tr><td>Last build:</td><td><-></td></tr>
<tr><td>Last clean build:</td><td><-></td></tr>
<tr><td>Clean images:</td><td><-></td></tr>
XML] ;
: machine-report ( -- xml )
builder new select-tuples
[ [ [ os>> ] [ cpu>> ] bi 2array ] compare ] sort
[ machine-table ] map ;
: build-farm-report ( -- xml )
<head><title>Factor build farm</title></head>
<body><h1>Recent events</h1><-> <h1>Machine status</h1><-></body>
XML] ;
: <build-farm-report-action> ( -- action )
mason-db [ build-farm-report xml>string ] with-db
"text/html" <content>
] >>display ;
Reference in New Issue