misc ui.frp fixes

Sam Anklesaria 2009-06-16 15:50:48 -05:00
parent 63f3c5dedd
commit 48c63c5efb
2 changed files with 8 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -32,21 +32,22 @@ STORED-TUPLE: recipe { title { VARCHAR 100 } } { votes INTEGER } { txt TEXT } {
<frp-table*> :> tbl
"okay" <frp-border-button> BUTTON -> :> ok
"submit" <image-button> [ store-tuple ] >>value TOOLBAR -> :> submit
"love" <image-button> TOOLBAR -> [ 1 ] <$
"hate" <image-button> -> [ -1 ] <$ 2array <merge> :> votes
"love" <image-button> 1 >>value TOOLBAR ->
"hate" <image-button> -1 >>value -> 2array <merge> :> votes
"back" <image-button> -> [ -30 ] <$
"more" <image-button> -> [ 30 ] <$ 2array <merge> :> viewed
<frp-field*> SEARCH ->% 1 :> search
submit ok [ [ drop ] ] <$ 2array <merge> [ drop ] >>value :> quot
viewed 0 [ + ] <fold> search ok t <basic> "all" <frp-button> GENRES -> 3array <merge>
viewed 0 [ + ] <fold> search ok t <basic> "all" <frp-button> GENRES ->
tbl selected-value>> votes [ [ + ] curry change-votes modify-tuple ] 2$>-|
4array <merge>
[ drop [ f ] [ "%" dup surround <pattern> ] if-empty top-recipes ] 3fmap-| :> updates
updates [ top-genres UI[ <frp-button> GENRES ->? ] map <merge> ] bind*
[ text>> T{ recipe } swap >>genre get-tuples ] fmap
tbl swap updates 2array <merge> >>model
[ [ title>> ] [ genre>> ] bi 2array ] >>quot
{ "Title" "Genre" } >>column-titles dup <scroller> RECIPES ,% 1 actions>> :> val
val votes [ [ + ] curry change-votes store-tuple ] 2$>-| ,
val submit [ "" dup dup <recipe> ] <$ 2array <merge>
{ "Title" "Genre" } >>column-titles dup <scroller> RECIPES ,% 1 actions>>
submit [ "" dup dup <recipe> ] <$ 2array <merge>
{ [ [ title>> ] fmap <frp-field> TITLE ->% .5 ]
[ [ genre>> ] fmap <frp-field> GENRE ->% .5 ]
[ [ txt>> ] fmap <frp-editor> BODY ->% 1 ]

View File

@ -92,10 +92,8 @@ M: | models-changed drop ;
M: | model-changed
dup dependencies>> [ value>> ] all?
[ [ dup [ value>> ] product-value >>value notify-connections ] keep models-changed ]
[ [ dup [ value>> ] product-value swap set-model ] keep models-changed ]
[ drop ] if ;
M: | update-model
dup value>> swap [ set-model ] set-product-value ;
M: | model-activated dup model-changed ;
TUPLE: & < | ;