ui.backend.*: new vocab for keysym handling which is the same on x11 and gtk
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ IN: ui.backend.gtk.tests
! The Mac build servers doesn't have the gtk libs
os linux? [
! key-event>gesture
T{ key-down f f "F2" }
T{ key-up f f "H" }
@ -58,6 +59,11 @@ os linux? [
gdk-key-release-event key-event>gesture
gdk-space-key-press-event key-event>gesture
] unit-test
! key-sym
{ "F2" t } [
GDK_KEY_F2 key-sym
] unit-test
] when
{ 9854 } [
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ gobject-introspection.standard-types gobject.ffi gtk.ffi gtk.gl.ffi
io.encodings.binary io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.pathnames kernel
libc literals locals math math.bitwise math.vectors namespaces
sequences strings system threads ui ui.backend
ui.backend.gtk.input-methods ui.backend.gtk.io ui.clipboards
ui.event-loop ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gestures ui.pixel-formats ui.pixel-formats.private ui.private
vocabs.loader ;
ui.backend.gtk.input-methods ui.backend.gtk.io ui.backend.x11.keys
ui.clipboards ui.event-loop ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ui.pixel-formats
ui.pixel-formats.private ui.private vocabs.loader ;
IN: ui.backend.gtk
SINGLETON: gtk-ui-backend
@ -97,49 +97,6 @@ CONSTANT: events-mask
CONSTANT: modifiers
{ A+ $ GDK_MOD1_MASK }
CONSTANT: action-key-codes
{ $ GDK_KEY_BackSpace "BACKSPACE" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_ISO_Left_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Return "RET" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_KP_Enter "ENTER" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Escape "ESC" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Delete "DELETE" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Insert "INSERT" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Home "HOME" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Left "LEFT" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Up "UP" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Right "RIGHT" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Down "DOWN" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Page_Up "PAGE_UP" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Page_Down "PAGE_DOWN" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_End "END" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_Begin "BEGIN" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F1 "F1" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F2 "F2" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F3 "F3" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F4 "F4" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F5 "F5" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F6 "F6" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F7 "F7" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F8 "F8" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F9 "F9" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F10 "F10" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F11 "F11" }
{ $ GDK_KEY_F12 "F12" }
: event-modifiers ( event -- seq )
state>> modifiers modifier ;
: event-loc ( event -- loc )
[ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi [ >fixnum ] bi@ 2array ;
@ -197,13 +154,11 @@ CONSTANT: action-key-codes
[ scroll-direction ] [ event-loc ] bi
] dip window send-scroll t ;
: key-sym ( event -- sym/f action? )
keyval>> dup action-key-codes at [ t ] [
gdk_keyval_to_unicode [ f ] [ 1string ] if-zero f
] ?if ;
: key-sym ( keyval -- string/f action? )
code>sym [ dup integer? [ gdk_keyval_to_unicode 1string ] when ] dip ;
: key-event>gesture ( event -- key-gesture )
[ event-modifiers ] [ key-sym ] [
[ event-modifiers ] [ keyval>> key-sym ] [
type>> GDK_KEY_PRESS = [ <key-down> ] [ <key-up> ] if
] tri ;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
USING: tools.test ui.backend.x11.keys x11.keysymdef ;
IN: ui.backend.x11.keys.tests
65 f
"RET" t
f f
} [
65 code>sym
XK_Return code>sym
XK_Hyper_R code>sym
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
! Copyright (C) 2016 Björn Lindqvist
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs columns kernel literals math sequences
sets ui.gestures x11.keysymdef ;
IN: ui.backend.x11.keys
CONSTANT: modifiers
{ S+ 0x1 }
{ C+ 0x4 }
{ A+ 0x8 }
{ $ XK_BackSpace "BACKSPACE" }
{ $ XK_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_ISO_Left_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_Return "RET" }
{ $ XK_KP_Enter "ENTER" }
{ $ XK_Escape "ESC" }
{ $ XK_Delete "DELETE" }
{ $ XK_Insert "INSERT" }
{ $ XK_Home "HOME" }
{ $ XK_Left "LEFT" }
{ $ XK_Up "UP" }
{ $ XK_Right "RIGHT" }
{ $ XK_Down "DOWN" }
{ $ XK_Page_Up "PAGE_UP" }
{ $ XK_Page_Down "PAGE_DOWN" }
{ $ XK_End "END" }
{ $ XK_Begin "BEGIN" }
{ $ XK_F1 "F1" }
{ $ XK_F2 "F2" }
{ $ XK_F3 "F3" }
{ $ XK_F4 "F4" }
{ $ XK_F5 "F5" }
{ $ XK_F6 "F6" }
{ $ XK_F7 "F7" }
{ $ XK_F8 "F8" }
{ $ XK_F9 "F9" }
{ $ XK_F10 "F10" }
{ $ XK_F11 "F11" }
{ $ XK_F11 "F12" }
{ $ XK_Shift_L f }
{ $ XK_Shift_R f }
{ $ XK_Control_L f }
{ $ XK_Control_R f }
{ $ XK_Caps_Lock f }
{ $ XK_Shift_Lock f }
{ $ XK_Meta_L f }
{ $ XK_Meta_R f }
{ $ XK_Alt_L f }
{ $ XK_Alt_R f }
{ $ XK_Super_L f }
{ $ XK_Super_R f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_L f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_R f }
: code>sym ( code -- name/code/f action? )
dup codes at* [ nip dup t and ] when ;
: modifier ( mod modifiers -- seq )
[ second swap bitand 0 > ] with filter
0 <column> members [ f ] [ >array ] if-empty ;
: event-modifiers ( event -- seq )
state>> modifiers modifier ;
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.data alien.syntax arrays ascii
assocs classes.struct combinators combinators.short-circuit
environment io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8
kernel literals locals math namespaces sequences specialized-arrays
strings ui ui.backend ui.clipboards ui.event-loop ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ui.pixel-formats
ui.pixel-formats.private ui.private x11 x11.clipboard x11.constants
x11.events x11.glx x11.io x11.keysymdef x11.windows x11.xim x11.xlib ;
strings ui ui.backend ui.backend.x11.keys ui.clipboards ui.event-loop
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures
ui.pixel-formats ui.pixel-formats.private ui.private x11 x11.clipboard
x11.constants x11.events x11.glx x11.io x11.windows x11.xim x11.xlib ;
FROM: libc => system ;
IN: ui.backend.x11
@ -94,63 +94,8 @@ M: x11-ui-backend (pixel-format-attribute)
{ int } [ glXGetConfig drop ] with-out-parameters
] if-empty ;
CONSTANT: modifiers
{ S+ 0x1 }
{ C+ 0x4 }
{ A+ 0x8 }
CONSTANT: key-codes
{ $ XK_BackSpace "BACKSPACE" }
{ $ XK_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_ISO_Left_Tab "TAB" }
{ $ XK_Return "RET" }
{ $ XK_KP_Enter "ENTER" }
{ $ XK_Escape "ESC" }
{ $ XK_Delete "DELETE" }
{ $ XK_Home "HOME" }
{ $ XK_Left "LEFT" }
{ $ XK_Up "UP" }
{ $ XK_Right "RIGHT" }
{ $ XK_Down "DOWN" }
{ $ XK_Page_Up "PAGE_UP" }
{ $ XK_Page_Down "PAGE_DOWN" }
{ $ XK_End "END" }
{ $ XK_Begin "BEGIN" }
{ $ XK_F1 "F1" }
{ $ XK_F2 "F2" }
{ $ XK_F3 "F3" }
{ $ XK_F4 "F4" }
{ $ XK_F5 "F5" }
{ $ XK_F6 "F6" }
{ $ XK_F7 "F7" }
{ $ XK_F8 "F8" }
{ $ XK_F9 "F9" }
{ $ XK_Shift_L f }
{ $ XK_Shift_R f }
{ $ XK_Control_L f }
{ $ XK_Control_R f }
{ $ XK_Caps_Lock f }
{ $ XK_Shift_Lock f }
{ $ XK_Meta_L f }
{ $ XK_Meta_R f }
{ $ XK_Alt_L f }
{ $ XK_Alt_R f }
{ $ XK_Super_L f }
{ $ XK_Super_R f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_L f }
{ $ XK_Hyper_R f }
: key-code ( keysym -- keycode action? )
dup key-codes at* [ nip dup t and ] [ [ 1string ] dip ] if ;
: event-modifiers ( event -- seq )
state>> modifiers modifier ;
: key-code ( code -- string/f action? )
code>sym [ dup integer? [ 1string ] when ] dip ;
: valid-input? ( string gesture -- ? )
over empty? [ 2drop f ] [
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs kernel math math.order models
namespaces make sequences words strings system hashtables math.parser
math.vectors classes.tuple classes boxes calendar timers combinators
sets columns fry deques ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ascii
combinators.short-circuit ;
USING: accessors arrays ascii assocs boxes calendar classes
combinators combinators.short-circuit deques fry kernel make math
math.order math.parser math.vectors namespaces sequences system timers
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private words ;
IN: ui.gestures
: get-gesture-handler ( gesture gadget -- quot )
@ -98,13 +97,13 @@ SINGLETONS:
revert-action close-action ;
UNION: action
undo-action redo-action
cut-action copy-action paste-action
delete-action select-all-action
left-action right-action up-action down-action
zoom-in-action zoom-out-action
new-action open-action save-action save-as-action
revert-action close-action ;
undo-action redo-action
cut-action copy-action paste-action
delete-action select-all-action
left-action right-action up-action down-action
zoom-in-action zoom-out-action
new-action open-action save-action save-as-action
revert-action close-action ;
CONSTANT: action-gestures
@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ TUPLE: key-gesture mods sym ;
TUPLE: key-down < key-gesture ;
: new-key-gesture ( mods sym action? class -- mods' sym' )
: new-key-gesture ( mods sym action? class -- key-gesture )
[ [ [ S+ swap remove f like ] dip ] unless ] dip boa ; inline
: <key-down> ( mods sym action? -- key-down )
@ -234,10 +233,6 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
] if ;
: modifier ( mod modifiers -- seq )
[ second swap bitand 0 > ] with filter
0 <column> members [ f ] [ >array ] if-empty ;
: drag-loc ( -- loc )
hand-loc get-global hand-click-loc get-global v- ;
Reference in New Issue