Add support for Joe's "graphics baseline" idea
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ M: border pref-dim*
[ min-dim>> ] bi vmax ;
M: border baseline
[ size>> second ] [ gadget-child baseline ] bi + ;
[ size>> second ] [ gadget-child baseline ] bi
dup [ + ] [ nip ] if ;
: border-major-dim ( border -- dim )
[ dim>> ] [ size>> 2 v*n ] bi v- ;
@ -164,3 +164,12 @@ M: mock-gadget ungraft*
\ graft* must-infer
\ ungraft* must-infer
! Test baseline calculations
[ 10 ] [ 0 10 0 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 15 ] [ 0 10 5 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 30 ] [ 30 0 0 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 35 ] [ 10 0 30 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 20 ] [ 5 10 10 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 20 ] [ 20 10 0 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
[ 55 ] [ 20 10 40 combine-baseline-metrics + ] unit-test
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces
make sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting
binary-search vectors dlists deques models threads
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry ;
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals ;
IN: ui.gadgets
! Values for orientation slot
@ -197,19 +197,49 @@ SYMBOL: +baseline+
GENERIC: baseline ( gadget -- y )
M: gadget baseline pref-dim second ;
M: gadget baseline drop f ;
: (baseline-align) ( baselines -- ys )
[ { } ] [ [ supremum ] keep [ - ] with map ] if-empty ;
: (max-ascent-and-descent) ( accum baseline height -- accum' )
over [ over - 2array vmax ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: baseline-align ( gadgets -- ys )
[ baseline ] map (baseline-align) ;
: max-ascent-and-descent ( baselines heights -- ascent descent )
{ 0 0 } [ (max-ascent-and-descent) ] 2reduce first2 ;
: (baseline-metrics) ( baselines sizes -- ascent descent )
{ 0 0 } [ second over - 2array vmax ] 2reduce first2 ;
: max-height-with-baseline ( baselines heights -- y )
0 [ swap [ max ] [ drop ] if ] 2reduce ;
: max-height-without-baseline ( baselines heights -- y )
0 [ swap [ drop ] [ max ] if ] 2reduce ;
:: baseline-align ( gadgets -- ys )
gadgets [ [ baseline ] map ] [ [ pref-dim second ] map ] bi
over 0 [ [ max ] when* ] reduce :> max-baseline
2dup max-height-without-baseline :> max-height-without-baseline
max-height-without-baseline max-baseline [-] 2 /i :> offset-with-baseline
max-baseline max-height-without-baseline [-] 2 /i :> offset-without-baseline
over [
] [
] if [ swap - ] dip +
] 2map ;
: combine-baseline-metrics ( height ascent descent -- ascent' descent' )
[ [ [-] 2 /i ] keep ] dip [ + ] [ max ] bi-curry* bi ;
: baseline-metrics ( children sizes -- ascent descent )
[ [ baseline ] map ] dip (baseline-metrics) ;
#! Consider gadgets with a baseline and those without separately.
[ [ baseline ] map ] [ [ second ] map ] bi*
[ max-height-without-baseline ] [ max-ascent-and-descent ] 2bi
combine-baseline-metrics ;
: baseline-height ( children sizes -- height )
baseline-metrics + ;
GENERIC: layout* ( gadget -- )
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ TUPLE: grid-layout grid gap fill? row-heights column-widths ;
: row-heights ( grid-layout -- heights )
[ grid>> ] [ fill?>> ] bi
[ [ second ] iterate-cell-dims ]
[ [ dup [ pref-dim>> ] map baseline-metrics + ] map ]
[ [ dup [ pref-dim>> ] map baseline-height ] map ]
if ;
: column-widths ( grid-layout -- widths )
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.packs.tests
] unit-test
! Test baseline alignment
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
5 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
10 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
@ -33,4 +34,44 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.packs.tests
"g" get
dup layout
children>> [ loc>> ] map
] unit-test
! Test mixed baseline and ordinary alignment
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<gadget> { 20 20 } >>dim add-gadget
10 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
"g" set
[ { 30 20 } ] [ "g" get pref-dim ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 0 } { 20 5 } } ] [
"g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map
] unit-test
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<gadget> { 15 15 } >>dim add-gadget
5 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
"g" set
[ { 25 15 } ] [ "g" get pref-dim ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 0 } { 15 5 } } ] [
"g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map
] unit-test
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<gadget> { 20 20 } >>dim add-gadget
30 { 10 50 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
"g" set
[ { 30 50 } ] [ "g" get pref-dim ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 5 } { 20 0 } } ] [
"g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map
] unit-test
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: max-pack-dim ( pack sizes -- dim )
over align>> +baseline+ eq?
[ [ children>> ] dip baseline-metrics + 0 swap 2array ] [ nip max-dim ] if ;
[ [ children>> ] dip baseline-height 0 swap 2array ] [ nip max-dim ] if ;
: pack-pref-dim ( pack sizes -- dim )
[ max-pack-dim ]
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ M: pack pref-dim*
children>> [ 0 ] [ first baseline ] if-empty ;
: horizontal-baseline ( pack -- y )
children>> [ baseline ] [ max ] map-reduce ;
children>> dup pref-dims baseline-metrics drop ;
@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ TUPLE: paragraph < gadget margin ;
: gadget>word ( gadget -- word )
[ ] [ pref-dim first ] [ word-break? ] tri <word> ;
TUPLE: line words ascent descent ;
TUPLE: line words height ;
: <line> ( words -- line )
dup [ key>> ] map dup pref-dims baseline-metrics line boa ;
dup [ key>> ] map dup pref-dims baseline-height line boa ;
: wrap-paragraph ( paragraph -- wrapped-paragraph )
[ children>> [ gadget>word ] map ] [ margin>> ] bi
@ -44,17 +44,14 @@ TUPLE: line words ascent descent ;
: max-line-width ( wrapped-paragraph -- x )
[ words>> line-width ] [ max ] map-reduce ;
: line-height ( wrapped-line -- ys )
[ ascent>> ] [ descent>> ] bi + ;
: sum-line-heights ( wrapped-paragraph -- y )
[ line-height ] sigma ;
[ height>> ] sigma ;
M: paragraph pref-dim*
wrap-paragraph [ max-line-width ] [ sum-line-heights ] bi 2array ;
: line-y-coordinates ( wrapped-paragraph -- ys )
0 [ line-height + ] accumulate nip ;
0 [ height>> + ] accumulate nip ;
: word-x-coordinates ( wrapped-line -- xs )
0 [ width>> + ] accumulate nip ;
@ -75,8 +72,11 @@ M: paragraph layout*
[ layout-line ] 2each ;
M: paragraph baseline
children>> [ 0 ] [
first [ loc>> second ] [ baseline ] bi +
wrap-paragraph [ f ] [
first words>>
[ key>> ] map
dup [ pref-dim ] map
baseline-metrics drop
] if-empty ;
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ GENERIC# accept-completion-hook 1 ( item popup -- )
monospace-font >>font
t >>selection-required?
transparent >>column-line-color
0 >>gap
2 >>gap
dup '[ _ accept-completion ] >>action ;
: <completion-scroller> ( completion-popup -- scroller )
Reference in New Issue