Add character classes, fails on one test case [^]

Add lots of unit tests
Doug Coleman 2007-11-26 17:19:29 -06:00
parent 56039876bc
commit 50948ae9db
2 changed files with 112 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ IN: regexp-tests
[ f ] [ "" "." matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "." matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "." "." matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "\n" "." matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" ".+" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" ".+" matches? ] unit-test
@ -75,3 +76,68 @@ IN: regexp-tests
[ t ] [ "aaa" "a{1,3}" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "aaaa" "a{1,3}" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" "[a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[abc]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "b" "[a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "d" "[abc]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "ab" "[abc]{1,2}" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "[abc]{1,2}" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" "[^a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[^a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[^abc]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "b" "[^a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "d" "[^abc]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "ab" "[^abc]{1,2}" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "[^abc]{1,2}" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "]" "[]]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "]" "[^]]" matches? ] unit-test
[ "^" "[^]" matches? ] unit-test-fails
[ t ] [ "^" "[]^]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "]" "[]^]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "[" "[[]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "^" "[^^]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^^]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "-" "[-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "-" "[^-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "-" "[-a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[-a]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "-" "[a-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "b" "[a-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "-" "[^-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "-" "[a-c]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "-" "[^a-c]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "b" "[a-c]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "b" "[^a-c]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "-" "[a-c-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "-" "[^a-c-]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "\\" "[\\\\]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[\\\\]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "\\" "[^\\\\]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^\\\\]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "0" "[\\d]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "a" "[\\d]" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "0" "[^\\d]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[^\\d]" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,}|[A-Z]{2,4}|b*|c|(f|g)*" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,2}|[A-Z]{3,3}|b*|c|(f|g)*" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "a" "[a-z]{1,2}|[A-Z]{3,3}" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "1000" "\\d{4,6}" matches? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ "1000" "[0-9]{4,6}" matches? ] unit-test

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: arrays combinators kernel lazy-lists math math.parser
namespaces parser parser-combinators parser-combinators.simple
promises sequences sequences.lib strings ;
promises quotations sequences sequences.lib strings ;
USING: continuations io prettyprint ;
IN: regexp
@ -9,22 +9,29 @@ IN: regexp
: escaped-char
{ CHAR: d [ [ digit? ] satisfy ] }
{ CHAR: D [ [ digit? not ] satisfy ] }
{ CHAR: s [ [ blank? ] satisfy ] }
{ CHAR: S [ [ blank? not ] satisfy ] }
[ ]
{ CHAR: d [ [ digit? ] ] }
{ CHAR: D [ [ digit? not ] ] }
{ CHAR: s [ [ blank? ] ] }
{ CHAR: S [ [ blank? not ] ] }
{ CHAR: \\ [ [ CHAR: \\ = ] ] }
[ "bad \\, use \\\\ to match a literal \\" throw ]
} case ;
: 'escaped-char'
"\\" token any-char-parser &> [ escaped-char ] <@ ;
! Must escape to use as literals
! : meta-chars "[\\^$.|?*+()" ;
: 'ordinary-char'
[ "^*+?|(){}[]" member? not ] satisfy [ 1string token ] <@ ;
[ "\\^*+?|(){}[" member? not ] satisfy ;
: 'char' 'escaped-char' 'ordinary-char' <|> ;
: 'string' 'char' <+> [ [ <&> ] reduce* ] <@ ;
: 'string'
'char' <+> [
[ dup quotation? [ satisfy ] [ 1token ] if ] [ <&> ] map-reduce
] <@ ;
: exactly-n ( parser n -- parser' )
swap <repetition> and-parser construct-boa ;
@ -54,10 +61,41 @@ C: <group-result> group-result
'regexp' [ [ <group-result> ] <@ ] <@
")" token <& &> ;
! Special cases: ]\\^-
: predicates>cond ( seq -- quot )
#! Takes an array of quotation predicates/objects and makes a cond
#! Makes a predicate of each obj like so: [ dup obj = ]
#! Leaves quotations alone
#! The cond returns a boolean, t if one of the predicates matches
dup callable? [ [ = ] curry ] unless
[ dup ] swap compose [ drop t ] 2array
] map { [ t ] [ drop f ] } add [ cond ] curry ;
: 'range'
any-char-parser "-" token <& any-char-parser <&>
[ first2 [ between? ] 2curry ] <@ ;
: 'character-class-contents'
'range' <|>
[ "\\]" member? not ] satisfy <|> ;
: 'character-class'
"[" token
"^" token 'character-class-contents' <+> <&:>
[ predicates>cond [ not ] compose satisfy ] <@
"]" token [ first ] <@ 'character-class-contents' <*> <&:>
[ predicates>cond satisfy ] <@ <|>
'character-class-contents' <+> [ predicates>cond satisfy ] <@ <|>
"]" token <& ;
: 'term'
'string' <|>
'grouping' <|>
'character-class' <|>
<+> [
dup length 1 =
[ first ] [ and-parser construct-boa ] if