zealot: Load basis/extra in parallel.
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: arrays bootstrap.image cli.git combinators formatting fry
http.client io.directories io.launcher kernel math.parser
sequences system system-info zealot ;
USING: accessors arrays bootstrap.image calendar cli.git
combinators concurrency.combinators formatting fry http.client
io io.directories io.launcher io.pathnames kernel math.parser
memory modern.paths namespaces parser.notes prettyprint
sequences system system-info threads tools.test vocabs
vocabs.hierarchy vocabs.hierarchy.private vocabs.loader zealot ;
IN: zealot.factor
: download-boot-checksums ( path branch -- )
@ -14,34 +17,138 @@ IN: zealot.factor
: download-my-boot-image ( path branch -- )
my-boot-image-name download-boot-image ;
HOOK: compile-factor os ( path -- process )
M: unix compile-factor ( path -- process )
[ { "make" "-j" } cpus number>string suffix run-process ] with-directory ;
HOOK: compile-factor-command os ( -- array )
M: unix compile-factor-command ( -- array )
{ "make" "-j" } cpus number>string suffix ;
M: windows compile-factor-command ( -- array )
{ "nmake" "/f" "NMakefile" "x86-64" } ;
M: windows compile-factor ( path -- process )
[ { "nmake" "/f" "NMakefile" "x86-64" } run-process ] with-directory ;
HOOK: factor-path os ( -- path )
M: unix factor-path "./factor" ;
M: windows factor-path "./factor.com" ;
: compile-factor ( path -- )
compile-factor-command >>command
"./compile-log" >>stdout
+stdout+ >>stderr
+new-group+ >>group
] with-directory ;
: bootstrap-factor ( path -- )
[ "./factor" "-i=" my-boot-image-name append 2array try-output-process ] with-directory ;
: build-sh-update-factor ( path -- process )
[ { "build.sh" "update" } run-process ] with-directory ;
: factor-load-all ( path -- )
"./factor" "-e=\"USE: vocabs.hierarchy load-all USE: memory \"factor.image.load-all\" save-image\"" 2array
run-process drop
factor-path "-i=" my-boot-image-name append "-no-user-init" 3array >>command
+closed+ >>stdin
"./bootstrap-log" >>stdout
+stdout+ >>stderr
30 minutes >>timeout
+new-group+ >>group
] with-directory ;
! Meant to run in the child process
: with-child-options ( quot -- )
f parser-quiet? set-global
f restartable-tests? set-global
call ; inline
: zealot-load-and-save ( vocabs path -- )
dup "load-and-save to " prepend print flush yield
[ load ] each _ save-image
] with-child-options ;
: zealot-load-basis1 ( -- ) basis-vocabs "factor.image.basis" zealot-load-and-save ;
: zealot-load-extra2 ( -- ) extra-vocabs "factor.image.extra" zealot-load-and-save ;
: zealot-load-basis ( -- ) { "roman" } "factor.image.basis" zealot-load-and-save ;
: zealot-load-extra ( -- ) { "roman" } "factor.image.extra" zealot-load-and-save ;
! like ``"" load`` -- only platform-friendly vocabs
: zealot-all-vocabs ( -- seq )
vocab-roots get [ "" vocabs-to-load [ vocab-name ] map ] map ;
: zealot-load-all ( -- ) zealot-all-vocabs "factor.image.all" zealot-load-and-save ;
: zealot-load-command ( command log-path -- process )
swap >>stdout
swap >>command
+closed+ >>stdin
+stdout+ >>stderr
60 minutes >>timeout
+new-group+ >>group ;
: zealot-load-basis-command ( -- process )
factor-path "-e=USE: zealot.factor zealot-load-basis" 2array
"./load-basis-log" zealot-load-command ;
: zealot-load-extra-command ( -- process )
factor-path "-e=USE: zealot.factor zealot-load-extra" 2array
"./load-extra-log" zealot-load-command ;
! Meant to run in the child process
: zealot-test-all ( -- )
[ test-all ] with-child-options ;
: zealot-test-command ( command log-path -- process )
swap >>stdout
swap >>command
+closed+ >>stdin
+stdout+ >>stderr
60 minutes >>timeout
+new-group+ >>group ;
: zealot-test-basis-command ( -- process )
factor-path "-e=USE: zealot.factor zealot-test-basis" 2array
"./test-basis" zealot-test-command ;
: zealot-test-extra-command ( -- process )
factor-path "-e=USE: zealot.factor zealot-test-extra" 2array
"./test-extra" zealot-test-command ;
: zealot-test-all-command ( path -- )
factor-path "-run=\"mason.test\"" 2array >>command
+closed+ >>stdin
"./load-all-log" >>stdout
+stdout+ >>stderr
60 minutes >>timeout
+new-group+ >>group
] with-directory ;
: zealot-load-commands ( path -- )
zealot-load-extra-command 2array
[ try-process ] parallel-each
] with-directory ;
: zealot-test-commands ( path -- )
f [
[ drop zealot-test-basis-command ]
[ drop zealot-test-extra-command ]
] parallel-cleave 2drop
] with-directory ;
: build-new-factor ( branch -- )
[ "factor" "factor" zealot-github-clone-paths nip ] dip
over <pathname> . flush yield
[ drop "factor" "factor" zealot-github-add-build-remote drop ]
[ drop [ git-fetch-all* ] with-directory drop ]
[ zealot-build-checkout-branch drop ]
[ download-my-boot-image ]
[ download-boot-checksums ]
[ drop compile-factor drop ]
[ drop compile-factor ]
[ drop bootstrap-factor ]
[ drop factor-load-all ]
[ "ZEALOT LOAD" print flush yield drop zealot-load-commands ]
! [ drop zealot-test-commands ]
} 2cleave ;
Reference in New Issue