Refactoring usages of >r, r>, -rot, rot
@ -201,10 +201,10 @@ M: byte-array byte-length length ;
1 swap malloc-array ; inline
: malloc-byte-array ( byte-array -- alien )
dup length dup malloc [ -rot memcpy ] keep ;
dup length [ nip malloc dup ] 2keep memcpy ;
: memory>byte-array ( alien len -- byte-array )
dup <byte-array> [ -rot memcpy ] keep ;
[ nip <byte-array> dup ] 2keep memcpy ;
: byte-array>memory ( byte-array base -- )
swap dup length memcpy ;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ C-UNION: barx
[ 120 ] [ "barx" heap-size ] unit-test
"help" vocab [
"help" "help" lookup "help" set
"print-topic" "help" lookup "help" set
[ ] [ \ foox-x "help" get execute ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ set-foox-x "help" get execute ] unit-test
] when
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Slava Pestov
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel cocoa cocoa.messages cocoa.classes
cocoa.application sequences splitting core-foundation ;
@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ IN: cocoa.dialogs
"/" split1-last [ <NSString> ] bi@ ;
: save-panel ( path -- paths )
<NSSavePanel> dup
rot split-path -> runModalForDirectory:file: NSOKButton =
[ <NSSavePanel> dup ] dip
split-path -> runModalForDirectory:file: NSOKButton =
[ -> filename CF>string ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ objc>alien-types get [ swap ] assoc-map
assoc-union alien>objc-types set-global
: objc-struct-type ( i string -- ctype )
2dup CHAR: = -rot index-from swap subseq
[ CHAR: = ] 2keep index-from swap subseq
dup c-types get key? [
"Warning: no such C type: " write dup print
drop "void*"
@ -34,5 +34,6 @@ IN:
dup 0 -> setReleasedWhenClosed: ;
: window-content-rect ( window -- rect )
NSWindow over -> frame rot -> styleMask
[ NSWindow ] dip
[ -> frame ] [ -> styleMask ] bi
-> contentRectForFrameRect:styleMask: ;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings alien.syntax kernel
math sequences namespaces make assocs init accessors
continuations combinators core-foundation
io.encodings.utf8 destructors ;
io.encodings.utf8 destructors locals arrays ;
IN: core-foundation.fsevents
: kFSEventStreamCreateFlagUseCFTypes 2 ; inline
@ -105,15 +105,14 @@ FUNCTION: CFStringRef FSEventStreamCopyDescription ( FSEventStreamRef streamRef
"FSEventStreamContext" <c-object>
[ set-FSEventStreamContext-info ] keep ;
: <FSEventStream> ( callback info paths latency flags -- event-stream )
>r >r >r >r >r
:: <FSEventStream> ( callback info paths latency flags -- event-stream )
f ! allocator
r> ! callback
r> make-FSEventStreamContext
r> <CFStringArray> ! paths
info make-FSEventStreamContext
paths <CFStringArray>
FSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow ! sinceWhen
r> ! latency
r> ! flags
FSEventStreamCreate ;
: kCFRunLoopCommonModes ( -- string )
@ -161,13 +160,11 @@ SYMBOL: event-stream-callbacks
: remove-event-source-callback ( id -- )
event-stream-callbacks get delete-at ;
: >event-triple ( n eventPaths eventFlags eventIds -- triple )
>r >r >r dup dup
r> void*-nth utf8 alien>string ,
r> int-nth ,
r> longlong-nth ,
] { } make ;
:: >event-triple ( n eventPaths eventFlags eventIds -- triple )
n eventPaths void*-nth utf8 alien>string
n eventFlags int-nth
n eventIds longlong-nth
3array ;
: master-event-source-callback ( -- alien )
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ M: tuple-class group-words
: define-consult ( group class quot -- )
[ register-protocol ]
[ rot group-words -rot [ consult-method ] 2curry each ]
[ [ group-words ] 2dip [ consult-method ] 2curry each ]
3bi ;
@ -49,10 +49,8 @@ SYMBOL: +editable+
] [ keys ] if ;
: describe* ( obj mirror keys -- )
rot summary.
] [
[ summary. ] 2dip
[ drop ] [
dup enum? [ +sequence+ on ] when
standard-table-style [
swap [ -rot describe-row ] curry each-index
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ TUPLE: select-mx < mx read-fdset write-fdset ;
FD_SETSIZE 8 * <bit-array> >>write-fdset ;
: clear-nth ( n seq -- ? )
[ nth ] [ f -rot set-nth ] 2bi ;
[ nth ] [ [ f ] 2dip set-nth ] 2bi ;
:: check-fd ( fd fdset mx quot -- )
fd munge fdset clear-nth [ fd mx quot call ] when ; inline
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SYMBOL: receive-buffer
] call ;
M: unix (receive) ( datagram -- packet sockaddr )
dup do-receive dup [ rot drop ] [
dup do-receive dup [ [ drop ] 2dip ] [
2drop [ +input+ wait-for-port ] [ (receive) ] bi
] if ;
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ M: complex imaginary-part imaginary>> ;
M: complex absq >rect [ sq ] bi@ + ;
: 2>rect ( x y -- xr yr xi yi )
[ [ real-part ] bi@ ] 2keep
[ imaginary-part ] bi@ ; inline
[ [ real-part ] bi@ ]
[ [ imaginary-part ] bi@ ] 2bi ; inline
M: complex hashcode*
nip >rect [ hashcode ] bi@ bitxor ;
@ -28,21 +28,21 @@ M: complex equal?
M: complex number=
2>rect number= [ number= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: *re ( x y -- xr*yr xi*ri ) 2>rect * >r * r> ; inline
: *im ( x y -- xi*yr xr*yi ) 2>rect >r * swap r> * ; inline
: *re ( x y -- xr*yr xi*ri ) 2>rect [ * ] 2bi@ ; inline
: *im ( x y -- xi*yr xr*yi ) 2>rect [ * swap ] dip * ; inline
M: complex + 2>rect + >r + r> (rect>) ;
M: complex - 2>rect - >r - r> (rect>) ;
M: complex * 2dup *re - -rot *im + (rect>) ;
M: complex + 2>rect [ + ] 2bi@ (rect>) ;
M: complex - 2>rect [ - ] 2bi@ (rect>) ;
M: complex * [ *re - ] [ *im + ] 2bi (rect>) ;
: complex/ ( x y -- r i m )
dup absq >r 2dup *re + -rot *im - r> ; inline
[ [ *re + ] [ *im - ] 2bi ] keep absq ; inline
M: complex / complex/ tuck / >r / r> (rect>) ;
M: complex / complex/ tuck [ / ] 2bi@ (rect>) ;
M: complex abs absq >float fsqrt ;
M: complex sqrt >polar swap fsqrt swap 2.0 / polar> ;
M: complex sqrt >polar [ fsqrt ] [ 2.0 / ] bi* polar> ;
IN: syntax
@ -92,16 +92,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: 0^ ( x -- z )
dup zero? [ drop 0./0. ] [ 0 < 1./0. 0 ? ] if ; inline
: ^ ( x y -- z )
{ [ over zero? ] [ nip 0^ ] }
{ [ dup integer? ] [ integer^ ] }
{ [ 2dup real^? ] [ fpow ] }
[ ^complex ]
} cond ; inline
: (^mod) ( n x y -- z )
1 swap [
[ dupd * pick mod ] when [ sq over mod ] dip
@ -114,6 +104,16 @@ PRIVATE>
swap [ /mod [ over * swapd - ] dip ] keep (gcd)
] if ;
: ^ ( x y -- z )
{ [ over zero? ] [ nip 0^ ] }
{ [ dup integer? ] [ integer^ ] }
{ [ 2dup real^? ] [ fpow ] }
[ ^complex ]
} cond ; inline
: gcd ( x y -- a d )
[ 0 1 ] 2dip (gcd) dup 0 < [ neg ] when ; foldable
@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ M: complex log >polar swap flog swap rect> ;
GENERIC: cos ( x -- y ) foldable
M: complex cos
>float-rect 2dup
fcosh swap fcos * -rot
fsinh swap fsin neg * rect> ;
[ [ fcos ] [ fcosh ] bi* * ]
[ [ fsin neg ] [ fsinh ] bi* * ] 2bi rect> ;
M: real cos fcos ;
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ M: real cos fcos ;
GENERIC: cosh ( x -- y ) foldable
M: complex cosh
>float-rect 2dup
fcos swap fcosh * -rot
fsin swap fsinh * rect> ;
[ [ fcosh ] [ fcos ] bi* * ]
[ [ fsinh ] [ fsin ] bi* * ] 2bi rect> ;
M: real cosh fcosh ;
@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ M: real cosh fcosh ;
GENERIC: sin ( x -- y ) foldable
M: complex sin
>float-rect 2dup
fcosh swap fsin * -rot
fsinh swap fcos * rect> ;
[ [ fsin ] [ fcosh ] bi* * ]
[ [ fcos ] [ fsinh ] bi* * ] 2bi rect> ;
M: real sin fsin ;
@ -210,9 +210,9 @@ M: real sin fsin ;
GENERIC: sinh ( x -- y ) foldable
M: complex sinh
>float-rect 2dup
fcos swap fsinh * -rot
fsin swap fcosh * rect> ;
[ [ fsinh ] [ fcos ] bi* * ]
[ [ fcosh ] [ fsin ] bi* * ] 2bi rect> ;
M: real sinh fsinh ;
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ INSTANCE: range immutable-sequence
: twiddle 2dup > -1 1 ? ; inline
: (a, dup roll + -rot ; inline
: (a, dup [ + ] curry 2dip ; inline
: ,b) dup neg rot + swap ; inline
: ,b) dup [ - ] curry dip ; inline
: [a,b] ( a b -- range ) twiddle <range> ; inline
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ M: assoc assoc-clone-like ( assoc exemplar -- newassoc )
swap [ swapd set-at ] curry assoc-each ;
: assoc-union ( assoc1 assoc2 -- union )
2dup [ assoc-size ] bi@ + pick new-assoc
[ rot update ] keep [ swap update ] keep ;
[ [ [ assoc-size ] bi@ + ] [ drop ] 2bi new-assoc ] 2keep
[ dupd update ] bi@ ;
: assoc-combine ( seq -- union )
H{ } clone [ dupd update ] reduce ;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ PREDICATE: intersection-class < class
M: intersection-class update-class define-intersection-predicate ;
: define-intersection-class ( class participants -- )
[ f f rot intersection-class define-class ]
[ [ f f ] dip intersection-class define-class ]
[ drop update-classes ]
2bi ;
@ -248,7 +248,9 @@ M: tuple-class update-class
3bi ;
: tuple-class-unchanged? ( class superclass slots -- ? )
rot tuck [ superclass = ] [ "slots" word-prop = ] 2bi* and ;
[ over ] dip
[ [ superclass ] dip = ]
[ [ "slots" word-prop ] dip = ] 2bi* and ;
: valid-superclass? ( class -- ? )
[ tuple-class? ] [ tuple eq? ] bi or ;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ M: word subwords drop f ;
"( gensym )" f <word> ;
: define-temp ( quot -- word )
gensym dup rot define ;
[ gensym dup ] dip define ;
: reveal ( word -- )
dup [ name>> ] [ vocabulary>> ] bi dup vocab-words
Reference in New Issue