Merge branch 'master' into dcn

Slava Pestov 2009-07-23 21:25:52 -05:00
commit 548e575ad9
28 changed files with 884 additions and 272 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,30 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types arrays assocs effects grouping kernel
parser sequences splitting words fry locals lexer namespaces ;
parser sequences splitting words fry locals lexer namespaces
summary math ;
IN: alien.parser
: normalize-c-arg ( type name -- type' name' )
[ length ]
[ CHAR: * = ] trim-head
[ length - CHAR: * <array> append ] keep
] bi ;
: parse-arglist ( parameters return -- types effect )
[ 2 group unzip [ "," ?tail drop ] map ]
2 group [ first2 normalize-c-arg 2array ] map
unzip [ "," ?tail drop ] map
[ [ { } ] [ 1array ] if-void ]
bi* <effect> ;
: function-quot ( return library function types -- quot )
'[ _ _ _ _ alien-invoke ] ;
:: make-function ( return library function parameters -- word quot effect )
:: make-function ( return! library function! parameters -- word quot effect )
return function normalize-c-arg function! return!
function create-in dup reset-generic
return library function
parameters return parse-arglist [ function-quot ] dip ;

View File

@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_pattern_get_rgba ( cairo_pattern_t* pattern, double* red, double* green, double* blue, double* alpha ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_pattern_get_surface ( cairo_pattern_t* pattern, cairo_surface_t* *surface ) ;
cairo_pattern_get_surface ( cairo_pattern_t* pattern, cairo_surface_t** surface ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba ( cairo_pattern_t* pattern, int index, double* offset, double* red, double* green, double* blue, double* alpha ) ;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs kernel math sequences accessors
math.bits sequences.private words namespaces macros
hints combinators fry io.binary ;
USING: arrays assocs combinators fry kernel
macros math math.bits sequences sequences.private words ;
IN: math.bitwise
! utilities
@ -104,14 +103,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: bit-count ( x -- n )
dup 0 < [ bitnot ] when (bit-count) ; inline
! Signed byte array to integer conversion
: signed-le> ( bytes -- x )
[ le> ] [ length 8 * 1 - on-bits ] bi
2dup > [ bitnot bitor ] [ drop ] if ;
: signed-be> ( bytes -- x )
<reversed> signed-le> ;
: >signed ( x n -- y )
2dup neg 1 + shift 1 = [ 2^ - ] [ drop ] if ;

View File

@ -40,7 +40,13 @@ HELP: gl-extensions
HELP: has-gl-extensions?
{ $values { "extensions" "A sequence of extension name strings" } { "?" "A boolean value" } }
{ $description "Returns true if the set of " { $snippet "extensions" } " is a subset of the implementation-supported extensions returned by " { $link gl-extensions } "." } ;
{ $description "Returns true if the set of " { $snippet "extensions" } " is a subset of the implementation-supported extensions returned by " { $link gl-extensions } ". Elements of " { $snippet "extensions" } " can be sequences, in which case true will be returned if any one of the extensions in the subsequence are available." }
{ $examples "Testing for framebuffer object and pixel buffer support:"
{ $code <" {
{ "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object" "GL_ARB_framebuffer_object" }
} has-gl-extensions? "> }
} ;
HELP: has-gl-version-or-extensions?
{ $values { "version" "A version string" } { "extensions" "A sequence of extension name strings" } { "?" "a boolean" } }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: opengl.capabilities tools.test ;
IN: opengl.capabilities.tests
CONSTANT: test-extensions
[ t ]
[ "GL_ARB_vent_core_frogblast" test-extensions (has-extension?) ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ "GL_ARB_wallhack" test-extensions (has-extension?) ] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ "GL_EXT_dimensional_portal" "GL_EXT_slipgate" }
test-extensions (has-extension?)
] unit-test

View File

@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel namespaces make sequences splitting
continuations math.parser math arrays sets math.order fry ;
continuations math.parser math arrays sets strings math.order fry ;
IN: opengl.capabilities
: (require-gl) ( thing require-quot make-error-quot -- )
[ dupd call [ drop ] ] dip '[ _ " " make throw ] if ; inline
: (has-extension?) ( query-extension(s) available-extensions -- ? )
over string? [ member? ] [ [ member? ] curry any? ] if ;
: gl-extensions ( -- seq )
GL_EXTENSIONS glGetString " " split ;
: has-gl-extensions? ( extensions -- ? )
gl-extensions swap [ over member? ] all? nip ;
gl-extensions [ (has-extension?) ] curry all? ;
: (make-gl-extensions-error) ( required-extensions -- )
gl-extensions diff
"Required OpenGL extensions not supported:\n" %

View File

@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ C-STRUCT: XImage
{ "XImage-funcs" "f" } ;
X-FUNCTION: XImage* XGetImage ( Display* display, Drawable d, int x, int y, uint width, uint height, ulong plane_mask, int format ) ;
X-FUNCTION: int XDestroyImage ( XImage *ximage ) ;
X-FUNCTION: int XDestroyImage ( XImage* ximage ) ;
: XImage-size ( ximage -- size )
[ XImage-height ] [ XImage-bytes_per_line ] bi * ;

View File

@ -24,3 +24,10 @@ IN: io.binary
: h>b/b ( h -- b1 b2 )
[ mask-byte ]
[ -8 shift mask-byte ] bi ;
: signed-le> ( bytes -- x )
[ le> ] [ length 8 * 1 - 2^ 1 - ] bi
2dup > [ bitnot bitor ] [ drop ] if ;
: signed-be> ( bytes -- x )
<reversed> signed-le> ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jeremy Hughes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Hughes.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.cxx.parser alien.marshall
alien.inline.types classes.mixin classes.tuple kernel namespaces
assocs sequences parser classes.parser alien.marshall.syntax
interpolate locals effects io strings make vocabs.parser words
generic fry quotations ;
IN: alien.cxx
: class-mixin ( str -- word )
create-class-in [ define-mixin-class ] keep ;
: class-tuple-word ( word -- word' )
"#" append create-in ;
: define-class-tuple ( word mixin -- )
[ drop class-wrapper { } define-tuple-class ]
[ add-mixin-instance ] 2bi ;
: define-c++-class ( name superclass-mixin -- )
[ [ class-tuple-word ] [ class-mixin ] bi dup ] dip
add-mixin-instance define-class-tuple ;
:: define-c++-method ( class-name generic name types effect virtual -- )
[ name % "_" % class-name { { CHAR: : CHAR: _ } } substitute % ] "" make :> name'
effect [ in>> "self" suffix ] [ out>> ] bi <effect> :> effect'
types class-name "*" append suffix :> types'
effect in>> "," join :> args
class-name virtual [ "#" append ] unless current-vocab lookup :> class
SBUF" " clone dup [ I[ return self->${name}(${args});]I ] with-output-stream >string :> body
name' types' effect' body define-c-marshalled
class generic create-method name' current-vocab lookup 1quotation define ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jeremy Hughes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Hughes.
! See for BSD license.
USING: parser lexer alien.inline ;
IN: alien.cxx.parser
: parse-c++-class-definition ( -- class superclass-mixin )
scan scan-word ;
: parse-c++-method-definition ( -- class-name generic name types effect )
scan scan-word function-types-effect ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jeremy Hughes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Hughes.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test alien.cxx.syntax alien.inline.syntax
alien.marshall.syntax alien.marshall accessors kernel ;
IN: alien.cxx.syntax.tests
C-INCLUDE: <string>
C-TYPEDEF: std::string string
C++-CLASS: std::string c++-root
GENERIC: to-string ( obj -- str )
C++-METHOD: std::string to-string const-char* c_str ( )
CM-FUNCTION: std::string* new_string ( const-char* s )
return new std::string(s);
ALIAS: <std::string> new_string
{ 1 1 } [ new_string ] must-infer-as
{ 1 1 } [ c_str_std__string ] must-infer-as
[ t ] [ "abc" <std::string> std::string? ] unit-test
[ "abc" ] [ "abc" <std::string> to-string ] unit-test
DELETE-C-LIBRARY: inheritance
C-LIBRARY: inheritance
C-INCLUDE: <cstring>
class alpha {
alpha(const char* s) {
str = s;
const char* render() {
return str;
virtual const char* chop() {
return str;
virtual int length() {
return strlen(str);
const char* str;
class beta : alpha {
beta(const char* s) : alpha(s + 1) { };
const char* render() {
return str + 1;
virtual const char* chop() {
return str + 2;
C++-CLASS: alpha c++-root
C++-CLASS: beta alpha
CM-FUNCTION: alpha* new_alpha ( const-char* s )
return new alpha(s);
CM-FUNCTION: beta* new_beta ( const-char* s )
return new beta(s);
ALIAS: <alpha> new_alpha
ALIAS: <beta> new_beta
GENERIC: render ( obj -- obj )
GENERIC: chop ( obj -- obj )
GENERIC: length ( obj -- n )
C++-METHOD: alpha render const-char* render ( )
C++-METHOD: beta render const-char* render ( )
C++-VIRTUAL: alpha chop const-char* chop ( )
C++-VIRTUAL: beta chop const-char* chop ( )
C++-VIRTUAL: alpha length int length ( )
{ 1 1 } [ render_alpha ] must-infer-as
{ 1 1 } [ chop_beta ] must-infer-as
{ 1 1 } [ length_alpha ] must-infer-as
[ t ] [ "x" <alpha> alpha#? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "x" <alpha> alpha? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "x" <beta> alpha? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "x" <beta> alpha#? ] unit-test
[ 5 ] [ "hello" <alpha> length ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ "hello" <beta> length ] unit-test
[ "hello" ] [ "hello" <alpha> render ] unit-test
[ "llo" ] [ "hello" <beta> render ] unit-test
[ "ello" ] [ "hello" <beta> underlying>> \ alpha# new swap >>underlying render ] unit-test
[ "hello" ] [ "hello" <alpha> chop ] unit-test
[ "lo" ] [ "hello" <beta> chop ] unit-test
[ "lo" ] [ "hello" <beta> underlying>> \ alpha# new swap >>underlying chop ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Hughes.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.cxx alien.cxx.parser ;
IN: alien.cxx.syntax
parse-c++-class-definition define-c++-class ;
parse-c++-method-definition f define-c++-method ;
parse-c++-method-definition t define-c++-method ;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types assocs combinators.short-circuit
continuations effects fry kernel math memoize sequences
splitting ;
splitting strings peg.ebnf make ;
IN: alien.inline.types
: cify-type ( str -- str' )
@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ IN: alien.inline.types
: pointer-to-const? ( str -- ? )
cify-type "const " head? ;
: template-class? ( str -- ? )
[ CHAR: < = ] any? ;
MEMO: resolved-primitives ( -- seq )
primitive-types [ resolve-typedef ] map ;
@ -57,3 +60,42 @@ MEMO: resolved-primitives ( -- seq )
[ over pointer-to-primitive? [ ">" prepend ] when ]
assoc-map unzip
] dip <effect> ;
TUPLE: c++-type name params ptr ;
C: <c++-type> c++-type
EBNF: (parse-c++-type)
dig = [0-9]
alpha = [a-zA-Z]
alphanum = [1-9a-zA-Z]
name = [_a-zA-Z] [_a-zA-Z1-9:]* => [[ first2 swap prefix >string ]]
ptr = [*&] => [[ empty? not ]]
param = "," " "* type " "* => [[ third ]]
params = "<" " "* type " "* param* ">" => [[ [ 4 swap nth ] [ third ] bi prefix ]]
type = name " "* params? " "* ptr? => [[ { 0 2 4 } [ swap nth ] with map first3 <c++-type> ]]
: parse-c++-type ( str -- c++-type )
factorize-type (parse-c++-type) ;
DEFER: c++-type>string
: params>string ( params -- str )
[ "<" % [ c++-type>string ] map "," join % ">" % ] "" make ;
: c++-type>string ( c++-type -- str )
[ name>> % ]
[ params>> [ params>string % ] when* ]
[ ptr>> [ "*" % ] when ]
] "" make ;
GENERIC: c++-type ( obj -- c++-type/f )
M: object c++-type drop f ;
M: c++-type c-type ;

View File

@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ HELP: out-arg-unmarshaller
"for all types except pointers to non-const primitives."
} ;
HELP: pointer-unmarshaller
HELP: class-unmarshaller
{ $values
{ "type" " a C type string" }
{ "quot" quotation }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ specialized-arrays.long specialized-arrays.longlong
specialized-arrays.short specialized-arrays.uchar
specialized-arrays.uint specialized-arrays.ulong
specialized-arrays.ulonglong specialized-arrays.ushort strings
unix.utilities vocabs.parser words libc.private struct-arrays ;
unix.utilities vocabs.parser words libc.private struct-arrays
locals generalizations math ;
IN: alien.marshall
<< primitive-types [ [ "void*" = ] [ "bool" = ] bi or not ]
@ -19,6 +20,9 @@ filter [ define-primitive-marshallers ] each >>
TUPLE: alien-wrapper { underlying alien } ;
TUPLE: struct-wrapper < alien-wrapper disposed ;
TUPLE: class-wrapper < alien-wrapper disposed ;
MIXIN: c++-root
GENERIC: unmarshall-cast ( alien-wrapper -- alien-wrapper' )
@ -27,6 +31,8 @@ M: struct-wrapper unmarshall-cast ;
M: struct-wrapper dispose* underlying>> free ;
M: class-wrapper c++-type class name>> parse-c++-type ;
: marshall-pointer ( obj -- alien )
{ [ dup alien? ] [ ] }
@ -269,33 +275,43 @@ ALIAS: marshall-void* marshall-pointer
: ?malloc-byte-array ( c-type -- alien )
dup alien? [ malloc-byte-array ] unless ;
: struct-unmarshaller ( type -- quot )
current-vocab lookup [
dup superclasses [ \ struct-wrapper = ] any? [
'[ ?malloc-byte-array _ new swap >>underlying ]
] [ drop [ ] ] if
] [ [ ] ] if* ;
:: x-unmarshaller ( type type-quot superclass def clean -- quot/f )
type type-quot call current-vocab lookup [
dup superclasses superclass swap member?
[ def call ] [ drop clean call f ] if
] [ clean call f ] if* ; inline
: pointer-unmarshaller ( type -- quot )
type-sans-pointer current-vocab lookup [
dup superclasses [ \ alien-wrapper = ] any? [
'[ _ new swap >>underlying unmarshall-cast ]
] [ drop [ ] ] if
] [ [ ] ] if* ;
: struct-unmarshaller ( type -- quot/f )
[ ] \ struct-wrapper
[ '[ ?malloc-byte-array _ new swap >>underlying ] ]
[ ]
x-unmarshaller ;
: class-unmarshaller ( type -- quot/f )
[ type-sans-pointer "#" append ] \ class-wrapper
[ '[ _ new swap >>underlying ] ]
[ ]
x-unmarshaller ;
: non-primitive-unmarshaller ( type -- quot/f )
{ [ dup pointer? ] [ class-unmarshaller ] }
[ struct-unmarshaller ]
} cond ;
: unmarshaller ( type -- quot )
factorize-type dup primitive-unmarshaller [ nip ] [
dup pointer?
[ pointer-unmarshaller ]
[ struct-unmarshaller ] if
] if* ;
factorize-type {
[ primitive-unmarshaller ]
[ non-primitive-unmarshaller ]
[ drop [ ] ]
} 1|| ;
: struct-field-unmarshaller ( type -- quot )
factorize-type dup struct-primitive-unmarshaller [ nip ] [
dup pointer?
[ pointer-unmarshaller ]
[ struct-unmarshaller ] if
] if* ;
factorize-type {
[ struct-primitive-unmarshaller ]
[ non-primitive-unmarshaller ]
[ drop [ ] ]
} 1|| ;
: out-arg-unmarshaller ( type -- quot )
dup pointer-to-non-const-primitive?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: assocs classes help.markup help.syntax kernel math
quotations strings ;
IN: combinators.tuple
HELP: 2make-tuple
{ $values
{ "x" object } { "y" object } { "class" class } { "assoc" assoc }
{ "tuple" tuple }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link tuple } " of " { $snippet "class" } " by calling the quotations making up the values of " { $snippet "assoc" } " on " { $snippet "x" } " and " { $snippet "y" } ", assigning the result of each call to the slot named by the corresponding key. The quotations must have the effect " { $snippet "( x y -- slot-value )" } ". The order in which the quotations is called is undefined." } ;
HELP: 3make-tuple
{ $values
{ "x" object } { "y" object } { "z" object } { "class" class } { "assoc" "a list of " { $link string } "/" { $link quotation } " pairs" }
{ "tuple" tuple }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link tuple } " of " { $snippet "class" } " by calling the quotations making up the values of " { $snippet "assoc" } " on " { $snippet "x" } ", " { $snippet "y" } ", and " { $snippet "z" } ", assigning the result of each call to the slot named by the corresponding key. The quotations must have the effect " { $snippet "( x y z -- slot-value )" } ". The order in which the quotations is called is undefined." } ;
HELP: make-tuple
{ $values
{ "x" object } { "class" class } { "assoc" "a list of " { $link string } "/" { $link quotation } " pairs" }
{ "tuple" tuple }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link tuple } " of " { $snippet "class" } " by calling the quotations making up the values of " { $snippet "assoc" } " on " { $snippet "x" } ", assigning the result of each call to the slot named by the corresponding key. The quotations must have the effect " { $snippet "( x -- slot-value )" } ". The order in which the quotations is called is undefined." } ;
HELP: nmake-tuple
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "assoc" "a list of " { $link string } "/" { $link quotation } " pairs" } { "n" integer }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link tuple } " of " { $snippet "class" } " by calling the quotations making up the values of " { $snippet "assoc" } " on the top " { $snippet "n" } " values on the datastack below " { $snippet "class" } ", assigning the result of each call to the slot named by the corresponding key. The order in which the quotations is called is undefined." } ;
{ make-tuple 2make-tuple 3make-tuple nmake-tuple } related-words
ARTICLE: "combinators.tuple" "Tuple-constructing combinators"
"The " { $vocab-link "combinators.tuple" } " vocabulary provides dataflow combinators that construct " { $link tuple } " objects."
{ $subsection make-tuple }
{ $subsection 2make-tuple }
{ $subsection 3make-tuple }
{ $subsection nmake-tuple }
ABOUT: "combinators.tuple"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors assocs classes.tuple generalizations kernel
locals quotations sequences ;
IN: combinators.tuple
:: (tuple-slot-quot) ( slot assoc n -- quot )
slot name>> assoc at [
slot initial>> :> initial
{ n ndrop initial } >quotation
] unless* ;
MACRO:: nmake-tuple ( class assoc n -- )
class all-slots [ assoc n (tuple-slot-quot) ] map :> quots
class <wrapper> :> \class
{ quots n ncleave \class boa } >quotation ;
: make-tuple ( x class assoc -- tuple )
1 nmake-tuple ; inline
: 2make-tuple ( x y class assoc -- tuple )
2 nmake-tuple ; inline
: 3make-tuple ( x y z class assoc -- tuple )
3 nmake-tuple ; inline

View File

@ -29,58 +29,15 @@ CONSTRUCTOR: ct1 ( a -- obj )
[ 1 + ] change-a ;
CONSTRUCTOR: ct2 ( a b -- obj )
[ 1 + ] change-a ;
CONSTRUCTOR: ct3 ( a b c -- obj )
[ 1 + ] change-a ;
CONSTRUCTOR: ct4 ( a b c d -- obj )
[ 1 + ] change-a ;
[ 1001 ] [ 1000 <ct1> a>> ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 0 0 <ct2> a>> ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 0 0 0 <ct3> a>> ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 0 0 0 0 <ct4> a>> ] unit-test
TUPLE: rofl a b c ;
CONSTRUCTOR: rofl ( b c a -- obj ) ;
[ T{ rofl { a 3 } { b 1 } { c 2 } } ] [ 1 2 3 <rofl> ] unit-test
TUPLE: default { a integer initial: 0 } ;
CONSTRUCTOR: default ( -- obj ) ;
[ 0 ] [ <default> a>> ] unit-test
TUPLE: inherit1 a ;
TUPLE: inherit2 < inherit1 a ;
CONSTRUCTOR: inherit2 ( a -- obj ) ;
[ T{ inherit2 f f 100 } ] [ 100 <inherit2> ] unit-test
TUPLE: inherit3 hp max-hp ;
TUPLE: inherit4 < inherit3 ;
TUPLE: inherit5 < inherit3 ;
CONSTRUCTOR: inherit3 ( -- obj )
dup max-hp>> >>hp ;
BACKWARD-CONSTRUCTOR: inherit4 ( -- obj )
10 >>max-hp ;
[ 10 ] [ <inherit4> hp>> ] unit-test
FORWARD-CONSTRUCTOR: inherit5 ( -- obj )
5 >>hp
10 >>max-hp ;
[ 5 ] [ <inherit5> hp>> ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 0 0 0 <ct3> a>> ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ 0 0 0 0 <ct4> a>> ] unit-test

View File

@ -43,12 +43,7 @@ MACRO:: slots>constructor ( class slots -- quot )
class def define-initializer
class effect in>> '[ _ _ slots>constructor ] ;
:: define-constructor ( constructor-word class effect def -- )
constructor-word class effect def (define-constructor)
class lookup-initializer
'[ @ _ execute( obj -- obj ) ] effect define-declared ;
:: define-auto-constructor ( constructor-word class effect def reverse? -- )
:: define-constructor ( constructor-word class effect def reverse? -- )
constructor-word class effect def (define-constructor)
class superclasses [ lookup-initializer ] map sift
reverse? [ reverse ] when
@ -60,9 +55,6 @@ MACRO:: slots>constructor ( class slots -- quot )
: parse-constructor ( -- class word effect def )
scan-constructor complete-effect parse-definition ;
SYNTAX: CONSTRUCTOR: parse-constructor define-constructor ;
SYNTAX: FORWARD-CONSTRUCTOR: parse-constructor f define-auto-constructor ;
SYNTAX: BACKWARD-CONSTRUCTOR: parse-constructor t define-auto-constructor ;
SYNTAX: AUTO-CONSTRUCTOR: parse-constructor f define-auto-constructor ;
SYNTAX: CONSTRUCTOR: parse-constructor f define-constructor ;
"initializers" create-vocab drop

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien.c-types arrays combinators combinators.short-circuit
game-worlds gpu gpu.buffers gpu.util.wasd gpu.framebuffers gpu.render
gpu.shaders gpu.state gpu.textures gpu.util grouping http.client images
@ -52,22 +53,22 @@ VERTEX-FORMAT: bunny-vertex
VERTEX-STRUCT: bunny-vertex-struct bunny-vertex
UNIFORM-TUPLE: bunny-uniforms < mvp-uniforms
{ "light_position" float-uniform 3 }
{ "color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "ambient" float-uniform 4 }
{ "diffuse" float-uniform 4 }
{ "shininess" float-uniform 1 } ;
{ "light-position" vec3-uniform f }
{ "color" vec4-uniform f }
{ "ambient" vec4-uniform f }
{ "diffuse" vec4-uniform f }
{ "shininess" float-uniform f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: sobel-uniforms
{ "texcoord_scale" float-uniform 2 }
{ "color_texture" texture-uniform 1 }
{ "normal_texture" texture-uniform 1 }
{ "depth_texture" texture-uniform 1 }
{ "line_color" float-uniform 4 } ;
{ "texcoord-scale" vec2-uniform f }
{ "color-texture" texture-uniform f }
{ "normal-texture" texture-uniform f }
{ "depth-texture" texture-uniform f }
{ "line-color" vec4-uniform f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: loading-uniforms
{ "texcoord_scale" float-uniform 2 }
{ "loading_texture" texture-uniform 1 } ;
{ "texcoord-scale" vec2-uniform f }
{ "loading-texture" texture-uniform f } ;
: numbers ( str -- seq )
" " split [ string>number ] map sift ;
@ -229,16 +230,14 @@ BEFORE: bunny-world begin-world
{ depth-attachment 1.0 }
} clear-framebuffer
] [
render-set new
triangles-mode >>primitive-mode
{ T{ color-attachment f 0 } T{ color-attachment f 1 } } >>output-attachments
swap {
[ <bunny-uniforms> >>uniforms ]
[ bunny>> vertex-array>> >>vertex-array ]
[ bunny>> index-elements>> >>indexes ]
[ sobel>> framebuffer>> >>framebuffer ]
} cleave
{ "primitive-mode" [ drop triangles-mode ] }
{ "output-attachments" [ drop { T{ color-attachment f 0 } T{ color-attachment f 1 } } ] }
{ "uniforms" [ <bunny-uniforms> ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ bunny>> vertex-array>> ] }
{ "indexes" [ bunny>> index-elements>> ] }
{ "framebuffer" [ sobel>> framebuffer>> ] }
} <render-set> render
] bi ;
: <sobel-uniforms> ( sobel -- uniforms )
@ -250,13 +249,12 @@ BEFORE: bunny-world begin-world
: draw-sobel ( world -- )
T{ depth-state { comparison f } } set-gpu-state*
render-set new
triangle-strip-mode >>primitive-mode
T{ index-range f 0 4 } >>indexes
swap sobel>>
[ <sobel-uniforms> >>uniforms ]
[ vertex-array>> >>vertex-array ] bi
render ;
sobel>> {
{ "primitive-mode" [ drop triangle-strip-mode ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop T{ index-range f 0 4 } ] }
{ "uniforms" [ <sobel-uniforms> ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ vertex-array>> ] }
} <render-set> render ;
: draw-sobeled-bunny ( world -- )
[ draw-bunny ] [ draw-sobel ] bi ;
@ -264,13 +262,12 @@ BEFORE: bunny-world begin-world
: draw-loading ( world -- )
T{ depth-state { comparison f } } set-gpu-state*
render-set new
triangle-strip-mode >>primitive-mode
T{ index-range f 0 4 } >>indexes
swap loading>>
[ { 1.0 -1.0 } swap texture>> loading-uniforms boa >>uniforms ]
[ vertex-array>> >>vertex-array ] bi
render ;
loading>> {
{ "primitive-mode" [ drop triangle-strip-mode ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop T{ index-range f 0 4 } ] }
{ "uniforms" [ { 1.0 -1.0 } swap texture>> loading-uniforms boa ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ vertex-array>> ] }
} <render-set> render ;
M: bunny-world draw-world*
dup bunny>>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays game-loop game-worlds generalizations
gpu gpu.render gpu.shaders gpu.util gpu.util.wasd kernel
literals math math.matrices math.order math.vectors
USING: accessors arrays combinators.tuple game-loop game-worlds
generalizations gpu gpu.render gpu.shaders gpu.util gpu.util.wasd
kernel literals math math.matrices math.order math.vectors
method-chains sequences ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.pixel-formats ;
IN: gpu.demos.raytrace
@ -11,31 +11,21 @@ GLSL-SHADER-FILE: raytrace-fragment-shader fragment-shader "raytrace.f.glsl"
GLSL-PROGRAM: raytrace-program
raytrace-vertex-shader raytrace-fragment-shader ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: sphere-uniforms
{ "center" vec3-uniform f }
{ "radius" float-uniform f }
{ "color" vec4-uniform f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: raytrace-uniforms
{ "mv_inv_matrix" float-uniform { 4 4 } }
{ "fov" float-uniform 2 }
{ "spheres[0].center" float-uniform 3 }
{ "spheres[0].radius" float-uniform 1 }
{ "spheres[0].color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "spheres[1].center" float-uniform 3 }
{ "spheres[1].radius" float-uniform 1 }
{ "spheres[1].color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "spheres[2].center" float-uniform 3 }
{ "spheres[2].radius" float-uniform 1 }
{ "spheres[2].color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "spheres[3].center" float-uniform 3 }
{ "spheres[3].radius" float-uniform 1 }
{ "spheres[3].color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "mv-inv-matrix" mat4-uniform f }
{ "fov" vec2-uniform f }
{ "floor_height" float-uniform 1 }
{ "floor_color[0]" float-uniform 4 }
{ "floor_color[1]" float-uniform 4 }
{ "background_color" float-uniform 4 }
{ "light_direction" float-uniform 3 } ;
{ "spheres" sphere-uniforms 4 }
{ "floor-height" float-uniform f }
{ "floor-color" vec4-uniform 2 }
{ "background-color" vec4-uniform f }
{ "light-direction" vec3-uniform f } ;
CONSTANT: reflection-color { 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 }
@ -64,12 +54,10 @@ TUPLE: raytrace-world < wasd-world
[ fov>> ]
[ [ sphere-center ] [ radius>> ] [ color>> ] tri 3array ] map
first4 [ first3 ] 4 napply
[ [ sphere-center ] [ radius>> ] [ color>> ] tri sphere-uniforms boa ] map
] tri
-30.0 ! floor_height
{ 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 } ! floor_color[0]
{ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } ! floor_color[1]
{ { 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 } { 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } } ! floor_color
{ 0.15 0.15 1.0 1.0 } ! background_color
{ 0.0 -1.0 -0.1 } ! light_direction
raytrace-uniforms boa ;
@ -97,13 +85,12 @@ AFTER: raytrace-world tick*
spheres>> [ tick-sphere ] each ;
M: raytrace-world draw-world*
render-set new
triangle-strip-mode >>primitive-mode
T{ index-range f 0 4 } >>indexes
[ <sphere-uniforms> >>uniforms ]
[ vertex-array>> >>vertex-array ] bi
render ;
{ "primitive-mode" [ drop triangle-strip-mode ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop T{ index-range f 0 4 } ] }
{ "uniforms" [ <sphere-uniforms> ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ vertex-array>> ] }
} <render-set> render ;
M: raytrace-world pref-dim* drop { 1024 768 } ;
M: raytrace-world tick-length drop 1000 30 /i ;

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ HELP: UNIFORM-TUPLE:
{ "slot" uniform-type dimension }
{ "slot" uniform-type dimension } ; "> }
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link uniform-tuple } " class. Tuples of the new class can be used as the " { $snippet "uniforms" } " slot of a " { $link render-set } " in order to set the uniform parameters of the active shader program. The " { $link uniform-type } " of each slot defines the component type, and the " { $snippet "dimension" } " defines the vector or matrix dimensions; for example, a slot " { $snippet "{ \"foo\" float-uniform { 2 2 } }" } " will define a slot " { $snippet "foo" } " as a 2x2 matrix of floats."
{ $description "Defines a new " { $link uniform-tuple } " class. Tuples of the new class can be used as the " { $snippet "uniforms" } " slot of a " { $link render-set } " in order to set the uniform parameters of the active shader program. The " { $link uniform-type } " of each slot defines the component type, and the " { $snippet "dimension" } " specifies an array length if not " { $link f } "."
"Uniform parameters are passed from Factor to the shader program through the uniform tuple as follows:"
{ $list
@ -55,8 +55,26 @@ $nl
{ { $link float-uniform } "s take their values from Factor " { $link float } "s." }
{ { $link bool-uniform } "s take their values from Factor " { $link boolean } "s." }
{ { $link texture-uniform } "s take their values from " { $link texture } " objects." }
{ "Vector uniforms are passed as Factor " { $link sequence } "s of the corresponding component type." }
{ "Matrix uniforms are passed as row-major Factor " { $link sequence } "s of sequences of the corresponding component type." } }
{ "Vector uniforms take their values from Factor " { $link sequence } "s of the corresponding component type."
{ $list
{ "Float vector types: " { $link vec2-uniform } ", " { $link vec3-uniform } ", " { $link vec4-uniform } }
{ "Integer vector types: " { $link ivec2-uniform } ", " { $link ivec3-uniform } ", " { $link ivec4-uniform } }
{ "Unsigned integer vector types: " { $link uvec2-uniform } ", " { $link uvec3-uniform } ", " { $link uvec4-uniform } }
{ "Boolean vector types: " { $link bvec2-uniform } ", " { $link bvec3-uniform } ", " { $link bvec4-uniform } }
{ "Matrix uniforms take their values from row-major Factor " { $link sequence } "s of sequences of floats. Matrix types are:"
{ $list
{ { $link mat2-uniform } ", " { $link mat2x3-uniform } ", " { $link mat2x4-uniform } }
{ { $link mat3x2-uniform } ", " { $link mat3-uniform } ", " { $link mat3x4-uniform } }
{ { $link mat4x2-uniform } ", " { $link mat4x3-uniform } ", " { $link mat4-uniform } }
"Rectangular matrix type names are column x row."
{ "Uniform slots can also be defined as other " { $snippet "uniform-tuple" } " types to bind uniform structures. The uniform structure will take its value from the slots of a tuple of the given type." }
{ "Array uniforms are passed as Factor sequences of the corresponding value type above." }
"A value of a uniform tuple type is a standard Factor tuple. Uniform tuples are constructed with " { $link new } " or " { $link boa } ", and values are placed inside them using standard slot accessors."
} ;
@ -73,7 +91,7 @@ HELP: VERTEX-STRUCT:
{ $description "Defines a struct C type (like " { $link POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: } ") with the same binary format and component types as the given " { $link vertex-format } "." } ;
HELP: bool-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " value indicates a uniform parameter whose components are " { $snippet "bool" } "s." } ;
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a boolean uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: buffer>vertex-array
{ $values
@ -84,6 +102,15 @@ HELP: buffer>vertex-array
{ vertex-array <vertex-array> buffer>vertex-array } related-words
HELP: bvec2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a two-component boolean vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: bvec3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a three-component boolean vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: bvec4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a four-component boolean vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: define-uniform-tuple
{ $values
{ "class" class } { "superclass" class } { "uniforms" sequence }
@ -103,9 +130,7 @@ HELP: define-vertex-struct
{ $description "Defines a new struct C type from a " { $link vertex-format } ". The runtime equivalent of " { $link POSTPONE: VERTEX-STRUCT: } ". This word must be called inside a compilation unit." } ;
HELP: float-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " value indicates a uniform parameter whose components are " { $snippet "float" } "s." } ;
{ bool-uniform int-uniform float-uniform texture-uniform } related-words
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a float uniform parameter." } ;
{ index-elements index-range multi-index-elements multi-index-range } related-words
@ -130,7 +155,7 @@ HELP: index-type
{ index-type ubyte-indexes ushort-indexes uint-indexes } related-words
HELP: int-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " value indicates a uniform parameter whose components are " { $snippet "int" } "s." } ;
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a signed integer uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: invalid-uniform-type
{ $values
@ -138,6 +163,15 @@ HELP: invalid-uniform-type
{ $description "Throws an error indicating that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " has been declared to have an invalid type." } ;
HELP: ivec2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a two-component integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: ivec3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a three-component integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: ivec4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a four-component integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: lines-mode
{ $class-description "This " { $link primitive-mode } " value instructs " { $link render } " to assemble a line from each pair of indexed vertex array elements." } ;
@ -147,6 +181,33 @@ HELP: line-loop-mode
HELP: line-strip-mode
{ $class-description "This " { $link primitive-mode } " value instructs " { $link render } " to assemble a connected strip of lines from each consecutive pair of indexed vertex array elements." } ;
HELP: mat2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 2x2 square float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat2x3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 2-column, 3-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat2x4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 2-column, 4-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat3x2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 3-column, 2-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 3x3 square float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat3x4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 3-column, 4-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat4x2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 4-column, 2-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat4x3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 4-column, 3-row float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: mat4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a 4x4 square float matrix uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: multi-index-elements
{ $class-description "Objects of this tuple class can be passed as the " { $snippet "indexes" } " slot of a non-instanced " { $link render-set } " to instruct " { $link render } " to assemble primitives from the active " { $link vertex-array } " by using multiple arrays of indexes in CPU or GPU memory."
{ $list
@ -200,7 +261,7 @@ HELP: render-set
{ render render-set } related-words
HELP: texture-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " is a texture. The dimension of the corresponding " { $link uniform } " slot must be " { $snippet "1" } "." } ;
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a texture uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: triangle-fan-mode
{ $class-description "This " { $link primitive-mode } " value instructs " { $link render } " to generate a fan of triangles using the first indexed vertex array element and every subsequent consecutive pair of elements." } ;
@ -218,7 +279,7 @@ HELP: uint-indexes
{ $class-description "This " { $link index-type } " indicates that an " { $link index-elements } " or " { $link multi-index-elements } " buffer consists of four-byte unsigned int indexes." } ;
HELP: uint-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " is a scalar or vector of unsigned integers." } ;
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to an unsigned integer uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: uniform
{ $class-description "Values of this tuple type are passed to " { $link define-uniform-tuple } " to define a new " { $link uniform-tuple } " type." } ;
@ -229,13 +290,29 @@ HELP: uniform-tuple
HELP: uniform-type
{ $class-description { $snippet "uniform-type" } " values are used as part of a " { $link POSTPONE: UNIFORM-TUPLE: } " definition to define the types of uniform slots." } ;
{ uniform-type bool-uniform int-uniform float-uniform texture-uniform uint-uniform } related-words
HELP: ushort-indexes
{ $class-description "This " { $link index-type } " indicates that an " { $link index-elements } " or " { $link multi-index-elements } " buffer consists of two-byte unsigned short indexes." } ;
{ index-type ubyte-indexes ushort-indexes uint-indexes } related-words
HELP: uvec2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a two-component unsigned integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: uvec3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a three-component unsigned integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: uvec4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a four-component unsigned integer vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: vec2-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a two-component float vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: vec3-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a three-component float vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: vec4-uniform
{ $class-description "This " { $link uniform-type } " indicates that a slot of a " { $link uniform-tuple } " corresponds to a four-component float vector uniform parameter." } ;
HELP: vertex-array
{ $class-description "A " { $snippet "vertex-array" } " object associates a shader " { $link program-instance } " with vertex attribute data from one or more " { $link buffer } "s. The format of the binary data inside these buffers is described using " { $link vertex-format } "s. " { $snippet "vertex-array" } "s are constructed using the " { $link <vertex-array> } " or " { $link buffer>vertex-array } " words." } ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
USING: accessors combinators gpu.render gpu.render.private kernel sequences tools.test ;
IN: gpu.render.tests
UNIFORM-TUPLE: two-textures
{ "argyle" texture-uniform f }
{ "thread-count" float-uniform f }
{ "tweed" texture-uniform f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: inherited-textures < two-textures
{ "paisley" texture-uniform f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: array-of-textures < two-textures
{ "plaids" texture-uniform 4 } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: struct-containing-texture
{ "threads" two-textures f } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: array-of-struct-containing-texture
{ "threads" inherited-textures 3 } ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: array-of-struct-containing-array-of-texture
{ "threads" array-of-textures 2 } ;
[ 1 ] [ texture-uniform uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ float-uniform uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ two-textures uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ inherited-textures uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 6 ] [ array-of-textures uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ struct-containing-texture uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 9 ] [ array-of-struct-containing-texture uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ 12 ] [ array-of-struct-containing-array-of-texture uniform-type-texture-units ] unit-test
[ { [ ] } ] [ texture-uniform f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ float-uniform f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ { [ argyle>> ] [ tweed>> ] } ] [ two-textures f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ { [ argyle>> ] [ tweed>> ] [ paisley>> ] } ]
[ inherited-textures f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ plaids>> {
[ 0 swap nth ]
[ 1 swap nth ]
[ 2 swap nth ]
[ 3 swap nth ]
} ]
} ] [ array-of-textures f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ {
[ threads>> {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
} ]
} ] [ struct-containing-texture f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ {
[ threads>> {
[ 0 swap nth {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ paisley>> ]
} ]
[ 1 swap nth {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ paisley>> ]
} ]
[ 2 swap nth {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ paisley>> ]
} ]
} ]
} ] [ array-of-struct-containing-texture f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ {
[ threads>> {
[ 0 swap nth {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ plaids>> {
[ 0 swap nth ]
[ 1 swap nth ]
[ 2 swap nth ]
[ 3 swap nth ]
} ]
} ]
[ 1 swap nth {
[ argyle>> ]
[ tweed>> ]
[ plaids>> {
[ 0 swap nth ]
[ 1 swap nth ]
[ 2 swap nth ]
[ 3 swap nth ]
} ]
} ]
} ]
} ] [ array-of-struct-containing-array-of-texture f uniform-texture-accessors ] unit-test
[ [
nip {
[ argyle>> 0 (bind-texture-unit) ]
[ tweed>> 1 (bind-texture-unit) ]
[ plaids>> {
[ 0 swap nth 2 (bind-texture-unit) ]
[ 1 swap nth 3 (bind-texture-unit) ]
[ 2 swap nth 4 (bind-texture-unit) ]
[ 3 swap nth 5 (bind-texture-unit) ]
} cleave ]
} cleave
] ] [ array-of-textures [bind-uniform-textures] ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.structs arrays
assocs classes.mixin classes.parser classes.singleton
classes.tuple classes.tuple.private combinators destructors fry
assocs classes classes.mixin classes.parser classes.singleton
classes.tuple classes.tuple.private combinators combinators.tuple destructors fry
generic generic.parser gpu gpu.buffers gpu.framebuffers
gpu.framebuffers.private gpu.shaders gpu.state gpu.textures
gpu.textures.private half-floats images kernel lexer locals
math math.order math.parser namespaces opengl parser
quotations sequences slots sorting specialized-arrays.alien
specialized-arrays.uint strings ui.gadgets.worlds variants
specialized-arrays.uint strings tr ui.gadgets.worlds variants
vocabs.parser words ;
IN: gpu.render
UNION: ?string string POSTPONE: f ;
UNION: uniform-dim integer sequence ;
UNION: ?integer integer POSTPONE: f ;
TUPLE: vertex-attribute
{ name ?string read-only initial: f }
@ -23,15 +23,44 @@ TUPLE: vertex-attribute
VARIANT: uniform-type
texture-uniform ;
ALIAS: mat2x2-uniform mat2-uniform
ALIAS: mat3x3-uniform mat3-uniform
ALIAS: mat4x4-uniform mat4-uniform
TUPLE: uniform
{ name string read-only initial: "" }
{ uniform-type uniform-type read-only initial: float-uniform }
{ dim uniform-dim read-only initial: 4 } ;
{ name string read-only initial: "" }
{ uniform-type class read-only initial: float-uniform }
{ dim ?integer read-only initial: f } ;
VARIANT: index-type
@ -50,8 +79,6 @@ TUPLE: multi-index-range
C: <multi-index-range> multi-index-range
UNION: ?integer integer POSTPONE: f ;
TUPLE: index-elements
{ ptr gpu-data-ptr read-only }
{ count integer read-only }
@ -180,8 +207,8 @@ M: multi-index-elements render-vertex-indexes
GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER swap [ handle>> ] [ 0 ] if* glBindBuffer glMultiDrawElements ;
: (bind-texture-unit) ( texture-unit texture -- )
[ GL_TEXTURE0 + glActiveTexture ] [ bind-texture drop ] bi* ; inline
: (bind-texture-unit) ( texture texture-unit -- )
swap [ GL_TEXTURE0 + glActiveTexture ] [ bind-texture drop ] bi* ; inline
:: [bind-vertex-attribute] ( stride offset vertex-attribute -- stride offset' quot )
vertex-attribute name>> :> name
@ -242,96 +269,204 @@ M: uniform-tuple bind-uniforms
2drop ;
: uniform-slot-type ( uniform -- type )
dup dim>> 1 = [
dup dim>> [ drop sequence ] [
uniform-type>> {
{ bool-uniform [ boolean ] }
{ uint-uniform [ integer ] }
{ int-uniform [ integer ] }
{ float-uniform [ float ] }
{ texture-uniform [ texture ] }
[ drop sequence ]
} case
] [ drop sequence ] if ;
] if ;
: uniform>slot ( uniform -- slot )
[ name>> ] [ uniform-slot-type ] bi 2array ;
:: [bind-uniform-texture] ( uniform index -- quot )
uniform name>> reader-word :> value>>-word
{ index swap value>>-word (bind-texture-unit) } >quotation ;
: uniform-type-texture-units ( uniform-type -- units )
dup texture-uniform = [ drop 1 ] [ "uniform-tuple-texture-units" word-prop 0 or ] if ;
:: [bind-uniform-textures] ( superclass uniforms -- quot )
superclass "uniform-tuple-texture-units" word-prop 0 or :> first-texture-unit
superclass \ bind-uniform-textures method :> next-method
[ uniform-type>> texture-uniform = ] filter
[ first-texture-unit + [bind-uniform-texture] ] map-index
:> texture-uniforms-cleave
: all-uniform-tuple-slots ( class -- slots )
dup "uniform-tuple-slots" word-prop
[ swap superclass all-uniform-tuple-slots prepend ] [ drop { } ] if* ;
2dup next-method
nip texture-uniforms-cleave cleave
} >quotation ;
DEFER: uniform-texture-accessors
:: [bind-uniform] ( texture-unit uniform -- texture-unit' quot )
uniform name>> :> name
: uniform-type-texture-accessors ( uniform-type -- accessors )
texture-uniform = [ { [ ] } ] [ { } ] if ;
: uniform-slot-texture-accessor ( uniform -- accessor )
[ name>> reader-word ] [ [ uniform-type>> ] [ dim>> ] bi uniform-texture-accessors ] bi
dup length 1 = [ first swap prefix ] [ [ ] 2sequence ] if ;
: uniform-tuple-texture-accessors ( uniform-type -- accessors )
all-uniform-tuple-slots [ uniform-type>> uniform-type-texture-units zero? not ] filter
[ uniform-slot-texture-accessor ] map ;
: uniform-texture-accessors ( uniform-type dim -- accessors )
dup uniform-type?
[ uniform-type-texture-accessors ]
[ uniform-tuple-texture-accessors ] if
] [
2dup swap empty? not and [
iota [
[ swap nth ] swap prefix
over length 1 = [ swap first append ] [ swap suffix ] if
] with map
] [ drop ] if
] bi* ;
: texture-accessor>cleave ( unit accessors -- unit' cleaves )
dup last sequence?
[ [ last [ texture-accessor>cleave ] map ] [ but-last ] bi swap suffix \ cleave suffix ]
[ over suffix \ (bind-texture-unit) suffix [ 1 + ] dip ] if ;
: [bind-uniform-textures] ( class -- quot )
f uniform-texture-accessors
0 swap [ texture-accessor>cleave ] map nip
\ nip swap \ cleave [ ] 3sequence ;
DEFER: [bind-uniform-tuple]
:: [bind-uniform-array] ( value>>-quot type texture-unit name dim -- texture-unit' quot )
{ name uniform-index } >quotation :> index-quot
uniform name>> reader-word 1quotation :> value>>-quot
{ index-quot value>>-quot bi* } >quotation :> pre-quot
uniform [ uniform-type>> ] [ dim>> ] bi 2array H{
{ { bool-uniform 1 } [ >c-bool glUniform1i ] }
{ { int-uniform 1 } [ glUniform1i ] }
{ { uint-uniform 1 } [ glUniform1ui ] }
{ { float-uniform 1 } [ glUniform1f ] }
type H{
{ bool-uniform { dim swap [ >c-bool ] int-array{ } map-as glUniform1iv } }
{ int-uniform { dim swap >int-array glUniform1iv } }
{ uint-uniform { dim swap >uint-array glUniform1uiv } }
{ float-uniform { dim swap >float-array glUniform1fv } }
{ { bool-uniform 2 } [ [ >c-bool ] map first2 glUniform2i ] }
{ { int-uniform 2 } [ first2 glUniform2i ] }
{ { uint-uniform 2 } [ first2 glUniform2ui ] }
{ { float-uniform 2 } [ first2 glUniform2f ] }
{ bvec2-uniform { dim swap [ [ >c-bool ] map ] map int-array{ } concat-as glUniform2iv } }
{ ivec2-uniform { dim swap int-array{ } concat-as glUniform2i } }
{ uvec2-uniform { dim swap uint-array{ } concat-as glUniform2ui } }
{ vec2-uniform { dim swap float-array{ } concat-as glUniform2f } }
{ { bool-uniform 3 } [ [ >c-bool ] map first3 glUniform3i ] }
{ { int-uniform 3 } [ first3 glUniform3i ] }
{ { uint-uniform 3 } [ first3 glUniform3ui ] }
{ { float-uniform 3 } [ first3 glUniform3f ] }
{ bvec3-uniform { dim swap [ [ >c-bool ] map ] map int-array{ } concat-as glUniform3iv } }
{ ivec3-uniform { dim swap int-array{ } concat-as glUniform3i } }
{ uvec3-uniform { dim swap uint-array{ } concat-as glUniform3ui } }
{ vec3-uniform { dim swap float-array{ } concat-as glUniform3f } }
{ { bool-uniform 4 } [ [ >c-bool ] map first4 glUniform4i ] }
{ { int-uniform 4 } [ first4 glUniform4i ] }
{ { uint-uniform 4 } [ first4 glUniform4ui ] }
{ { float-uniform 4 } [ first4 glUniform4f ] }
{ bvec4-uniform { dim swap [ [ >c-bool ] map ] map int-array{ } concat-as glUniform4iv } }
{ ivec4-uniform { dim swap int-array{ } concat-as glUniform4iv } }
{ uvec4-uniform { dim swap uint-array{ } concat-as glUniform4uiv } }
{ vec4-uniform { dim swap float-array{ } concat-as glUniform4fv } }
{ { float-uniform { 2 2 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix2fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 3 2 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix2x3fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 4 2 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix2x4fv ] }
{ mat2-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix2fv } }
{ mat2x3-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix2x3fv } }
{ mat2x4-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix2x4fv } }
{ mat3x2-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix3x2fv } }
{ mat3-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix3fv } }
{ mat3x4-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix3x4fv } }
{ mat4x2-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix4x2fv } }
{ mat4x3-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix4x3fv } }
{ mat4-uniform { [ dim 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as concat glUniformMatrix4fv } }
{ { float-uniform { 2 3 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix3x2fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 3 3 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix3fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 4 3 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix3x4fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 2 4 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix4x2fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 3 4 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix4x3fv ] }
{ { float-uniform { 4 4 } } [ [ 1 1 ] dip concat >float-array glUniformMatrix4fv ] }
{ { texture-uniform 1 } { drop texture-unit glUniform1i } }
{ texture-uniform { drop dim dup iota [ texture-unit + ] int-array{ } map-as glUniform1iv } }
} at [ uniform invalid-uniform-type ] unless* >quotation :> value-quot
uniform uniform-type>> texture-uniform =
[ texture-unit 1 + ] [ texture-unit ] if
type uniform-type-texture-units dim * texture-unit +
pre-quot value-quot append ;
:: [bind-uniform-value] ( value>>-quot type texture-unit name -- texture-unit' quot )
{ name uniform-index } >quotation :> index-quot
{ index-quot value>>-quot bi* } >quotation :> pre-quot
type H{
{ bool-uniform [ >c-bool glUniform1i ] }
{ int-uniform [ glUniform1i ] }
{ uint-uniform [ glUniform1ui ] }
{ float-uniform [ glUniform1f ] }
{ bvec2-uniform [ [ >c-bool ] map first2 glUniform2i ] }
{ ivec2-uniform [ first2 glUniform2i ] }
{ uvec2-uniform [ first2 glUniform2ui ] }
{ vec2-uniform [ first2 glUniform2f ] }
{ bvec3-uniform [ [ >c-bool ] map first3 glUniform3i ] }
{ ivec3-uniform [ first3 glUniform3i ] }
{ uvec3-uniform [ first3 glUniform3ui ] }
{ vec3-uniform [ first3 glUniform3f ] }
{ bvec4-uniform [ [ >c-bool ] map first4 glUniform4i ] }
{ ivec4-uniform [ first4 glUniform4i ] }
{ uvec4-uniform [ first4 glUniform4ui ] }
{ vec4-uniform [ first4 glUniform4f ] }
{ mat2-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix2fv ] }
{ mat2x3-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix2x3fv ] }
{ mat2x4-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix2x4fv ] }
{ mat3x2-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix3x2fv ] }
{ mat3-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix3fv ] }
{ mat3x4-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix3x4fv ] }
{ mat4x2-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix4x2fv ] }
{ mat4x3-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix4x3fv ] }
{ mat4-uniform [ [ 1 1 ] dip float-array{ } concat-as glUniformMatrix4fv ] }
{ texture-uniform { drop texture-unit glUniform1i } }
} at [ uniform invalid-uniform-type ] unless* >quotation :> value-quot
type uniform-type-texture-units texture-unit +
pre-quot value-quot append ;
:: [bind-uniform-struct] ( value>>-quot type texture-unit name dim -- texture-unit' quot )
[ [ [ swap nth ] swap prefix ] map ]
[ [ number>string name "[" append "]." surround ] map ] bi
] [
{ [ ] }
name "." append 1array
] if* :> name-prefixes :> quot-prefixes
type all-uniform-tuple-slots :> uniforms
texture-unit quot-prefixes name-prefixes [| quot-prefix name-prefix |
uniforms name-prefix [bind-uniform-tuple]
quot-prefix prepend
] 2map :> value-cleave :> texture-unit'
value>>-quot { value-cleave 2cleave } append ;
TR: hyphens>underscores "-" "_" ;
:: [bind-uniform] ( texture-unit uniform prefix -- texture-unit' quot )
prefix uniform name>> append hyphens>underscores :> name
uniform uniform-type>> :> type
uniform dim>> :> dim
uniform name>> reader-word 1quotation :> value>>-quot
value>>-quot type texture-unit name {
{ [ type uniform-type? dim and ] [ dim [bind-uniform-array] ] }
{ [ type uniform-type? dim not and ] [ [bind-uniform-value] ] }
[ dim [bind-uniform-struct] ]
} cond ;
:: [bind-uniform-tuple] ( texture-unit uniforms prefix -- texture-unit' quot )
texture-unit uniforms [ prefix [bind-uniform] ] map :> uniforms-cleave :> texture-unit'
{ uniforms-cleave 2cleave } >quotation ;
:: [bind-uniforms] ( superclass uniforms -- quot )
superclass "uniform-tuple-texture-units" word-prop 0 or :> first-texture-unit
superclass \ bind-uniforms method :> next-method
first-texture-unit uniforms [ [bind-uniform] ] map nip :> uniforms-cleave
2dup next-method
uniforms-cleave 2cleave
} >quotation ;
first-texture-unit uniforms "" [bind-uniform-tuple] nip :> bind-quot
{ 2dup next-method } bind-quot [ ] append-as ;
: define-uniform-tuple-methods ( class superclass uniforms -- )
[ \ bind-uniform-textures create-method-in ] 2dip
[bind-uniform-textures] define
[ \ bind-uniform-textures create-method-in ]
[ [bind-uniform-textures] ] bi define
] [
[ \ bind-uniforms create-method-in ] 2dip
[bind-uniforms] define
@ -384,22 +519,21 @@ padding-no [ 0 ] initialize
: (define-uniform-tuple) ( class superclass uniforms -- )
[ [ uniform>slot ] map define-tuple-class ]
[ define-uniform-tuple-methods ]
[ "uniform-tuple-texture-units" word-prop 0 or ]
[ [ uniform-type>> texture-uniform = ] filter length ] bi* +
[ uniform-type-texture-units ]
[ [ uniform-type>> uniform-type-texture-units ] [ dim>> 1 or ] bi * ]
[ + ] map-reduce
] bi* +
"uniform-tuple-texture-units" set-word-prop
[ nip "uniform-tuple-slots" set-word-prop ]
[ define-uniform-tuple-methods ]
} 3cleave ;
: true-subclasses ( class -- seq )
[ subclasses ] keep [ = not ] curry filter ;
: redefine-uniform-tuple-subclass-methods ( class -- )
[ true-subclasses ] keep
[ over "uniform-tuple-slots" word-prop (define-uniform-tuple) ] curry each ;
: define-vertex-format ( class vertex-attributes -- )
@ -426,8 +560,7 @@ SYNTAX: VERTEX-STRUCT:
scan scan-word define-vertex-struct ;
: define-uniform-tuple ( class superclass uniforms -- )
[ (define-uniform-tuple) ]
[ 2drop redefine-uniform-tuple-subclass-methods ] 3bi ;
(define-uniform-tuple) ; inline
parse-uniform-tuple-definition define-uniform-tuple ;
@ -474,13 +607,22 @@ M: vertex-array dispose
TUPLE: render-set
{ primitive-mode primitive-mode }
{ vertex-array vertex-array }
{ uniforms uniform-tuple }
{ indexes vertex-indexes initial: T{ index-range } }
{ instances ?integer initial: f }
{ framebuffer any-framebuffer initial: system-framebuffer }
{ output-attachments sequence initial: { default-attachment } } ;
{ primitive-mode primitive-mode read-only }
{ vertex-array vertex-array read-only }
{ uniforms uniform-tuple read-only }
{ indexes vertex-indexes initial: T{ index-range } read-only }
{ instances ?integer initial: f read-only }
{ framebuffer any-framebuffer initial: system-framebuffer read-only }
{ output-attachments sequence initial: { default-attachment } read-only } ;
: <render-set> ( x quot-assoc -- render-set )
render-set swap make-tuple ; inline
: 2<render-set> ( x y quot-assoc -- render-set )
render-set swap 2make-tuple ; inline
: 3<render-set> ( x y z quot-assoc -- render-set )
render-set swap 3make-tuple ; inline
: render ( render-set -- )

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ specialized-arrays.float ui ui.gadgets.worlds ;
IN: gpu.util.wasd
UNIFORM-TUPLE: mvp-uniforms
{ "mv_matrix" float-uniform { 4 4 } }
{ "p_matrix" float-uniform { 4 4 } } ;
{ "mv_matrix" mat4-uniform f }
{ "p_matrix" mat4-uniform f } ;
CONSTANT: -pi/2 $[ pi -2.0 / ]
CONSTANT: pi/2 $[ pi 2.0 / ]