Remove drop from actions

Chris Double 2008-06-17 22:47:05 +12:00
parent 79dfe2806a
commit 55216a990d
1 changed files with 82 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ EBNF: javascript
Letter = [a-zA-Z]
Digit = [0-9]
Digits = (Digit)+
SingleLineComment = "//" (!("\n") .)* "\n" => [[ drop ignore ]]
MultiLineComment = "/*" (!("*/") .)* "*/" => [[ drop ignore ]]
SingleLineComment = "//" (!("\n") .)* "\n" => [[ ignore ]]
MultiLineComment = "/*" (!("*/") .)* "*/" => [[ ignore ]]
Space = " " | "\t" | "\n" | SingleLineComment | MultiLineComment
Spaces = (Space)* => [[ drop ignore ]]
Spaces = (Space)* => [[ ignore ]]
NameFirst = Letter | "$" | "_"
NameRest = NameFirst | Digit
iName = NameFirst (NameRest)* => [[ first2 swap prefix >string ]]
@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ Keyword = ("break"
| "void"
| "while"
| "with") => [[ ast-keyword boa ]]
Name = !(Keyword) (iName):n => [[ drop n ast-name boa ]]
Number = Digits:ws '.' Digits:fs => [[ drop ws "." fs 3array concat >string string>number ast-number boa ]]
Name = !(Keyword) (iName):n => [[ n ast-name boa ]]
Number = Digits:ws '.' Digits:fs => [[ ws "." fs 3array concat >string string>number ast-number boa ]]
| Digits => [[ >string string>number ast-number boa ]]
EscapeChar = "\\n" => [[ drop 10 ]]
| "\\r" => [[ drop 13 ]]
| "\\t" => [[ drop 9 ]]
EscapeChar = "\\n" => [[ 10 ]]
| "\\r" => [[ 13 ]]
| "\\t" => [[ 9 ]]
StringChars1 = (EscapeChar | !('"""') .)* => [[ >string ]]
StringChars2 = (EscapeChar | !('"') .)* => [[ >string ]]
StringChars3 = (EscapeChar | !("'") .)* => [[ >string ]]
Str = '"""' StringChars1:cs '"""' => [[ drop cs ast-string boa ]]
| '"' StringChars2:cs '"' => [[ drop cs ast-string boa ]]
| "'" StringChars3:cs "'" => [[ drop cs ast-string boa ]]
Str = '"""' StringChars1:cs '"""' => [[ cs ast-string boa ]]
| '"' StringChars2:cs '"' => [[ cs ast-string boa ]]
| "'" StringChars3:cs "'" => [[ cs ast-string boa ]]
Special = "(" | ")" | "{" | "}" | "[" | "]" | "," | ";"
| "?" | ":" | "!==" | "~=" | "===" | "==" | "=" | ">="
| ">" | "<=" | "<" | "++" | "+=" | "+" | "--" | "-="
@ -102,76 +102,76 @@ Special = "(" | ")" | "{" | "}" | "[" | "]" | "," | "
| "&&" | "||=" | "||" | "." | "!"
Tok = Spaces (Name | Keyword | Number | Str | Special )
Toks = (Tok)* Spaces
SpacesNoNl = (!("\n") Space)* => [[ drop ignore ]]
SpacesNoNl = (!("\n") Space)* => [[ ignore ]]
Expr = OrExpr:e "?" Expr:t ":" Expr:f => [[ drop e t f ast-cond-expr boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs ast-set boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "+=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "+" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "-=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "-" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "*=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "*" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "/=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "/" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "%=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "%" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "&&=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "&&" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "||=" Expr:rhs => [[ drop e rhs "||" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e => [[ drop e ]]
Expr = OrExpr:e "?" Expr:t ":" Expr:f => [[ e t f ast-cond-expr boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs ast-set boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "+=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "+" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "-=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "-" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "*=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "*" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "/=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "/" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "%=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "%" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "&&=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "&&" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e "||=" Expr:rhs => [[ e rhs "||" ast-mset boa ]]
| OrExpr:e => [[ e ]]
OrExpr = OrExpr:x "||" AndExpr:y => [[ drop x y "||" ast-binop boa ]]
OrExpr = OrExpr:x "||" AndExpr:y => [[ x y "||" ast-binop boa ]]
| AndExpr
AndExpr = AndExpr:x "&&" EqExpr:y => [[ drop x y "&&" ast-binop boa ]]
AndExpr = AndExpr:x "&&" EqExpr:y => [[ x y "&&" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr
EqExpr = EqExpr:x "==" RelExpr:y => [[ drop x y "==" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "!=" RelExpr:y => [[ drop x y "!=" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "===" RelExpr:y => [[ drop x y "===" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "!==" RelExpr:y => [[ drop x y "!==" ast-binop boa ]]
EqExpr = EqExpr:x "==" RelExpr:y => [[ x y "==" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "!=" RelExpr:y => [[ x y "!=" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "===" RelExpr:y => [[ x y "===" ast-binop boa ]]
| EqExpr:x "!==" RelExpr:y => [[ x y "!==" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr
RelExpr = RelExpr:x ">" AddExpr:y => [[ drop x y ">" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x ">=" AddExpr:y => [[ drop x y ">=" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "<" AddExpr:y => [[ drop x y "<" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "<=" AddExpr:y => [[ drop x y "<=" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "instanceof" AddExpr:y => [[ drop x y "instanceof" ast-binop boa ]]
RelExpr = RelExpr:x ">" AddExpr:y => [[ x y ">" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x ">=" AddExpr:y => [[ x y ">=" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "<" AddExpr:y => [[ x y "<" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "<=" AddExpr:y => [[ x y "<=" ast-binop boa ]]
| RelExpr:x "instanceof" AddExpr:y => [[ x y "instanceof" ast-binop boa ]]
| AddExpr
AddExpr = AddExpr:x "+" MulExpr:y => [[ drop x y "+" ast-binop boa ]]
| AddExpr:x "-" MulExpr:y => [[ drop x y "-" ast-binop boa ]]
AddExpr = AddExpr:x "+" MulExpr:y => [[ x y "+" ast-binop boa ]]
| AddExpr:x "-" MulExpr:y => [[ x y "-" ast-binop boa ]]
| MulExpr
MulExpr = MulExpr:x "*" MulExpr:y => [[ drop x y "*" ast-binop boa ]]
| MulExpr:x "/" MulExpr:y => [[ drop x y "/" ast-binop boa ]]
| MulExpr:x "%" MulExpr:y => [[ drop x y "%" ast-binop boa ]]
MulExpr = MulExpr:x "*" MulExpr:y => [[ x y "*" ast-binop boa ]]
| MulExpr:x "/" MulExpr:y => [[ x y "/" ast-binop boa ]]
| MulExpr:x "%" MulExpr:y => [[ x y "%" ast-binop boa ]]
| Unary
Unary = "-" Postfix:p => [[ drop p "-" ast-unop boa ]]
| "+" Postfix:p => [[ drop p ]]
| "++" Postfix:p => [[ drop p "++" ast-preop boa ]]
| "--" Postfix:p => [[ drop p "--" ast-preop boa ]]
| "!" Postfix:p => [[ drop p "!" ast-unop boa ]]
Unary = "-" Postfix:p => [[ p "-" ast-unop boa ]]
| "+" Postfix:p => [[ p ]]
| "++" Postfix:p => [[ p "++" ast-preop boa ]]
| "--" Postfix:p => [[ p "--" ast-preop boa ]]
| "!" Postfix:p => [[ p "!" ast-unop boa ]]
| Postfix
Postfix = PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "++" => [[ drop p "++" ast-postop boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "--" => [[ drop p "--" ast-postop boa ]]
Postfix = PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "++" => [[ p "++" ast-postop boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p SpacesNoNl "--" => [[ p "--" ast-postop boa ]]
| PrimExpr
Args = Expr ("," Expr)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
PrimExpr = PrimExpr:p "[" Expr:i "]" => [[ drop i p ast-getp boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:m "(" Args:as ")" => [[ drop m p as ast-send boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:f => [[ drop f p ast-getp boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "(" Args:as ")" => [[ drop p as ast-call boa ]]
PrimExpr = PrimExpr:p "[" Expr:i "]" => [[ i p ast-getp boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:m "(" Args:as ")" => [[ m p as ast-send boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "." Name:f => [[ f p ast-getp boa ]]
| PrimExpr:p "(" Args:as ")" => [[ p as ast-call boa ]]
| PrimExprHd
PrimExprHd = "(" Expr:e ")" => [[ drop e ]]
| "this" => [[ drop ast-this boa ]]
PrimExprHd = "(" Expr:e ")" => [[ e ]]
| "this" => [[ ast-this boa ]]
| Name => [[ ast-get boa ]]
| Number => [[ ast-number boa ]]
| Str => [[ ast-string boa ]]
| "function" FuncRest:fr => [[ drop fr ]]
| "new" Name:n "(" Args:as ")" => [[ drop n as ast-new boa ]]
| "[" Args:es "]" => [[ drop es ast-array boa ]]
| "function" FuncRest:fr => [[ fr ]]
| "new" Name:n "(" Args:as ")" => [[ n as ast-new boa ]]
| "[" Args:es "]" => [[ es ast-array boa ]]
| Json
JsonBindings = JsonBinding ("," JsonBinding)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
Json = "{" JsonBindings:bs "}" => [[ drop bs ast-json boa ]]
JsonBinding = JsonPropName:n ":" Expr:v => [[ drop n v ast-binding boa ]]
Json = "{" JsonBindings:bs "}" => [[ bs ast-json boa ]]
JsonBinding = JsonPropName:n ":" Expr:v => [[ n v ast-binding boa ]]
JsonPropName = Name | Number | Str
Formal = Spaces Name
Formals = Formal ("," Formal)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
FuncRest = "(" Formals:fs ")" "{" SrcElems:body "}" => [[ drop fs body ast-func boa ]]
FuncRest = "(" Formals:fs ")" "{" SrcElems:body "}" => [[ fs body ast-func boa ]]
Sc = SpacesNoNl ("\n" | "}")| ";"
Binding = Name:n "=" Expr:v => [[ drop n v ast-var boa ]]
| Name:n => [[ drop n "undefined" ast-get boa ast-var boa ]]
Block = "{" SrcElems:ss "}" => [[ drop ss ]]
Binding = Name:n "=" Expr:v => [[ n v ast-var boa ]]
| Name:n => [[ n "undefined" ast-get boa ast-var boa ]]
Block = "{" SrcElems:ss "}" => [[ ss ]]
Bindings = Binding ("," Binding)* => [[ first2 swap prefix ]]
For1 = "var" Binding => [[ second ]]
| Expr
@ -180,31 +180,31 @@ For2 = Expr
| Spaces => [[ "true" ast-get boa ]]
For3 = Expr
| Spaces => [[ "undefined" ast-get boa ]]
ForIn1 = "var" Name:n => [[ drop n "undefined" ast-get boa ast-var boa ]]
ForIn1 = "var" Name:n => [[ n "undefined" ast-get boa ast-var boa ]]
| Expr
Switch1 = "case" Expr:c ":" SrcElems:cs => [[ drop c cs ast-case boa ]]
| "default" ":" SrcElems:cs => [[ drop cs ast-default boa ]]
Switch1 = "case" Expr:c ":" SrcElems:cs => [[ c cs ast-case boa ]]
| "default" ":" SrcElems:cs => [[ cs ast-default boa ]]
SwitchBody = (Switch1)*
Finally = "finally" Block:b => [[ drop b ]]
| Spaces => [[ drop "undefined" ast-get boa ]]
Finally = "finally" Block:b => [[ b ]]
| Spaces => [[ "undefined" ast-get boa ]]
Stmt = Block
| "var" Bindings:bs Sc => [[ drop bs ast-begin boa ]]
| "if" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:t "else" Stmt:f => [[ drop c t f ast-if boa ]]
| "if" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:t => [[ drop c t "undefined" ast-get boa ast-if boa ]]
| "while" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:s => [[ drop c s ast-while boa ]]
| "do" Stmt:s "while" "(" Expr:c ")" Sc => [[ drop s c ast-do-while boa ]]
| "for" "(" For1:i ";" For2:c ";" For3:u ")" Stmt:s => [[ drop i c u s ast-for boa ]]
| "for" "(" ForIn1:v "in" Expr:e ")" Stmt:s => [[ drop v e s ast-for-in boa ]]
| "switch" "(" Expr:e ")" "{" SwitchBody:cs "}" => [[ drop e cs ast-switch boa ]]
| "break" Sc => [[ drop ast-break boa ]]
| "continue" Sc => [[ drop ast-continue boa ]]
| "throw" SpacesNoNl Expr:e Sc => [[ drop e ast-throw boa ]]
| "try" Block:t "catch" "(" Name:e ")" Block:c Finally:f => [[ drop t e c f ast-try boa ]]
| "return" Expr:e Sc => [[ drop e ast-return boa ]]
| "return" Sc => [[ drop "undefined" ast-get boa ast-return boa ]]
| Expr:e Sc => [[ drop e ]]
| ";" => [[ drop "undefined" ast-get boa ]]
SrcElem = "function" Name:n FuncRest:f => [[ drop n f ast-var boa ]]
| "var" Bindings:bs Sc => [[ bs ast-begin boa ]]
| "if" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:t "else" Stmt:f => [[ c t f ast-if boa ]]
| "if" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:t => [[ c t "undefined" ast-get boa ast-if boa ]]
| "while" "(" Expr:c ")" Stmt:s => [[ c s ast-while boa ]]
| "do" Stmt:s "while" "(" Expr:c ")" Sc => [[ s c ast-do-while boa ]]
| "for" "(" For1:i ";" For2:c ";" For3:u ")" Stmt:s => [[ i c u s ast-for boa ]]
| "for" "(" ForIn1:v "in" Expr:e ")" Stmt:s => [[ v e s ast-for-in boa ]]
| "switch" "(" Expr:e ")" "{" SwitchBody:cs "}" => [[ e cs ast-switch boa ]]
| "break" Sc => [[ ast-break boa ]]
| "continue" Sc => [[ ast-continue boa ]]
| "throw" SpacesNoNl Expr:e Sc => [[ e ast-throw boa ]]
| "try" Block:t "catch" "(" Name:e ")" Block:c Finally:f => [[ t e c f ast-try boa ]]
| "return" Expr:e Sc => [[ e ast-return boa ]]
| "return" Sc => [[ "undefined" ast-get boa ast-return boa ]]
| Expr:e Sc => [[ e ]]
| ";" => [[ "undefined" ast-get boa ]]
SrcElem = "function" Name:n FuncRest:f => [[ n f ast-var boa ]]
| Stmt
SrcElems = (SrcElem)* => [[ ast-begin boa ]]
TopLevel = SrcElems Spaces