Unit tests for COM callbacks

Joe Groff 2008-03-21 20:36:24 -07:00
parent 11d28109cf
commit 5d6720f991
1 changed files with 69 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -1,93 +1,69 @@
USING: kernel windows.com windows.com.syntax windows.ole32
alien alien.syntax tools.test libc alien.c-types arrays.lib
namespaces arrays continuations ;
IN: windows.com.tests
! Create some test COM interfaces
COM-INTERFACE: ISimple IUnknown {216fb341-0eb2-44b1-8edb-60b76e353abc}
HRESULT returnOK ( )
HRESULT returnError ( ) ;
COM-INTERFACE: IInherited ISimple {9620ecec-8438-423b-bb14-86f835aa40dd}
int getX ( )
void setX ( int newX ) ;
! Implement the IInherited interface in factor using alien-callbacks
C-STRUCT: test-implementation
{ "void*" "vtbl" }
{ "int" "x" } ;
: QueryInterface-callback
"HRESULT" { "void*" "REFGUID" "void**" } "stdcall" [ nip 0 swap set-void*-nth S_OK ]
alien-callback ;
: AddRef-callback
"ULONG" { "void*" } "stdcall" [ drop 2 ]
alien-callback ;
: Release-callback
"ULONG" { "void*" } "stdcall" [ drop 1 ]
alien-callback ;
: returnOK-callback
"HRESULT" { "void*" } "stdcall" [ drop S_OK ]
alien-callback ;
: returnError-callback
"HRESULT" { "void*" } "stdcall" [ drop E_FAIL ]
alien-callback ;
: getX-callback
"int" { "void*" } "stdcall" [ test-implementation-x ]
alien-callback ;
: setX-callback
"void" { "void*" "int" } "stdcall" [ swap set-test-implementation-x ]
alien-callback ;
SYMBOL: +test-implementation-vtbl+
SYMBOL: +guinea-pig-implementation+
: (make-test-implementation) ( x imp -- imp )
[ set-test-implementation-x ] keep
+test-implementation-vtbl+ get over set-test-implementation-vtbl ;
: <test-implementation> ( x -- imp )
"test-implementation" <c-object> (make-test-implementation) ;
: <malloced-test-implementation> ( x -- imp )
"test-implementation" heap-size malloc (make-test-implementation) ;
7 narray >c-void*-array
dup byte-length [
[ byte-array>memory ] keep
+test-implementation-vtbl+ set
! Test that the words defined by COM-INTERFACE: do their magic
"{216fb341-0eb2-44b1-8edb-60b76e353abc}" string>guid 1array [ ISimple-iid ] unit-test
"{9620ecec-8438-423b-bb14-86f835aa40dd}" string>guid 1array [ IInherited-iid ] unit-test
"{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" string>guid 1array [ IUnknown-iid ] unit-test
S_OK 1array [ 0 <test-implementation> ISimple::returnOK ] unit-test
E_FAIL <long> *long 1array [ 0 <test-implementation> ISimple::returnError ] unit-test
1984 1array [ 0 <test-implementation> dup 1984 IInherited::setX IInherited::getX ] unit-test
! Test that the helper functions for QueryInterface, AddRef, Release work
0 <malloced-test-implementation> +guinea-pig-implementation+ set
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get com-add-ref
] unit-test
{ } [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get com-release ] unit-test
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get IUnknown-iid com-query-interface
] unit-test
] [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get free ] [ ] cleanup
] with-malloc
USING: kernel windows.com windows.com.syntax windows.ole32
alien alien.syntax tools.test libc alien.c-types arrays.lib
namespaces arrays continuations accessors ;
IN: windows.com.tests
COM-INTERFACE: ISimple IUnknown {216fb341-0eb2-44b1-8edb-60b76e353abc}
HRESULT returnOK ( )
HRESULT returnError ( ) ;
COM-INTERFACE: IInherited ISimple {9620ecec-8438-423b-bb14-86f835aa40dd}
int getX ( )
void setX ( int newX ) ;
COM-INTERFACE: IUnrelated IUnknown {b06ac3f4-30e4-406b-a7cd-c29cead4552c}
int xPlus ( int y )
int xMulAdd ( int mul, int add ) ;
"{216fb341-0eb2-44b1-8edb-60b76e353abc}" string>guid 1array [ ISimple-iid ] unit-test
"{9620ecec-8438-423b-bb14-86f835aa40dd}" string>guid 1array [ IInherited-iid ] unit-test
"{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" string>guid 1array [ IUnknown-iid ] unit-test
SYMBOL: +test-vtbl+
SYMBOL: +guinea-pig-implementation+
TUPLE: test-implementation x ;
C: test-implementation <test-implementation>
{ "IInherited" {
[ drop S_OK ] ! ISimple::returnOK
[ drop E_FAIL ] ! ISimple::returnError
[ x>> ] ! IInherited::getX
[ >>x drop ] ! IInherited::setX
} }
{ "IUnrelated" {
[ swap x>> + ] ! IUnrelated::xPlus
[ spin x>> * + ] ! IUnrealted::xMulAdd
} }
} <com-vtbl>
dup +test-vtbl+ set [
0 <test-implementation> +test-vtbl+ get com-wrap
dup +guinea-pig-implementation+ set [
S_OK 1array [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get ISimple::returnOK ] unit-test
E_FAIL <long> *long 1array [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get ISimple::returnError ] unit-test
20 1array [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get dup 20 IInherited::setX IInherited::getX ] unit-test
420 1array [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get 20 20 IUnrelated::xMulAdd ] unit-test
40 1array [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get 20 IUnrelated::xPlus ] unit-test
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get com-add-ref
] unit-test
{ } [ +guinea-pig-implementation+ get com-release ] unit-test
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get IUnknown-iid com-query-interface
] unit-test
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get ISimple-iid com-query-interface
] unit-test
"void*" heap-size +guinea-pig-implementation+ get <displaced-alien> 1array [
+guinea-pig-implementation+ get IUnrelated-iid com-query-interface
] unit-test
] with-com-interface
] [ free-com-vtbl ] [ ] cleanup