Fix conflict
@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ IN: calendar.format.tests
] unit-test
[ "20080504070000" ] [
"Sun May 04 07:00:00 2008 GMT" cookie-string>timestamp
] unit-test
T{ timestamp f
@ -74,3 +79,5 @@ IN: calendar.format.tests
{ gmt-offset T{ duration f 0 0 0 0 0 0 } }
] [ "Thursday, 02-Oct-2008 23:59:59 GMT" cookie-string>timestamp ] unit-test
@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ M: integer year. ( n -- )
M: timestamp year. ( timestamp -- )
year>> year. ;
: timestamp>mdtm ( timestamp -- str )
[ { YYYY MM DD hh mm ss } formatted ] with-string-writer ;
: (timestamp>string) ( timestamp -- )
{ DAY ", " D " " MONTH " " YYYY " " hh ":" mm ":" ss } formatted ;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ ERROR: ftp-error got expected ;
: ensure-login ( url -- url )
dup username>> [
"anonymous" >>username
"ftp-client" >>password
"" >>password
] unless ;
: >ftp-url ( url -- url' ) >url ensure-port ensure-login ;
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators io io.files kernel
math.parser sequences strings ;
IN: ftp
SINGLETON: passive
SYMBOLS: +active+ +passive+ ;
TUPLE: ftp-response n strings parsed ;
@ -17,5 +16,3 @@ TUPLE: ftp-response n strings parsed ;
over strings>> push ;
: ftp-send ( string -- ) write "\r\n" write flush ;
: ftp-ipv4 1 ; inline
: ftp-ipv6 2 ; inline
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
USING: calendar ftp.server io.encodings.ascii io.files
io.files.unique namespaces threads tools.test kernel
io.servers.connection ftp.client accessors urls
io.pathnames io.directories sequences fry ;
IN: ftp.server.tests
: test-file-contents ( -- string )
"Files are so boring anymore." ;
: create-test-file ( -- path )
"ftp.server" "test" make-unique-file
[ ascii set-file-contents ] keep canonicalize-path ;
: test-ftp-server ( quot -- )
current-temporary-directory get 0
[ start-server* ]
sockets>> first addr>> port>>
swap >>port
"ftp" >>protocol
"localhost" >>host
create-test-file >>path
_ call
[ stop-server ] tri
] with-unique-directory drop ; inline
[ t ]
unique-directory [
[ ftp-get ] [ path>> file-name ascii file-contents ] bi
] with-directory
] test-ftp-server test-file-contents =
] unit-test
"/" >>path
unique-directory [
[ ftp-get ] [ path>> file-name ascii file-contents ] bi
] with-directory
] test-ftp-server test-file-contents =
] must-fail
@ -1,52 +1,46 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators.short-circuit accessors combinators io
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings io.encodings.binary
io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.directories
io.sockets kernel math.parser namespaces make sequences
ftp io.launcher.unix.parser splitting
assocs classes io.servers.connection destructors calendar
io.timeouts io.streams.duplex threads continuations math
concurrency.promises byte-arrays io.backend tools.hexdump
io.streams.string math.bitwise tools.files io.pathnames ;
USING: accessors assocs byte-arrays calendar classes
combinators combinators.short-circuit concurrency.promises
continuations destructors ftp io io.backend io.directories
io.encodings io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary
tools.files io.encodings.utf8 io.files
io.pathnames io.launcher.unix.parser io.servers.connection
io.sockets io.streams.duplex io.streams.string io.timeouts
kernel make math math.bitwise math.parser namespaces sequences
splitting threads logging calendar.format
strings io.files.links io.files.types ;
IN: ftp.server
TUPLE: ftp-client url mode state command-promise user password ;
: <ftp-client> ( url -- ftp-client )
ftp-client new
swap >>url ;
SYMBOL: server
SYMBOL: client
: ftp-server-directory ( -- str )
\ ftp-server-directory get-global "resource:temp" or
normalize-path ;
TUPLE: ftp-server < threaded-server { serving-directory string } ;
TUPLE: ftp-client user password extra-connection ;
TUPLE: ftp-command raw tokenized ;
: <ftp-command> ( -- obj )
ftp-command new ;
: <ftp-command> ( str -- obj )
dup \ <ftp-command> DEBUG log-message
ftp-command new
over >>raw
swap tokenize-command >>tokenized ;
TUPLE: ftp-get path ;
: <ftp-get> ( path -- obj )
ftp-get new
swap >>path ;
TUPLE: ftp-put path ;
: <ftp-put> ( path -- obj )
ftp-put new
swap >>path ;
TUPLE: ftp-list ;
C: <ftp-list> ftp-list
: read-command ( -- ftp-command )
<ftp-command> readln
[ >>raw ] [ tokenize-command >>tokenized ] bi ;
TUPLE: ftp-disconnect ;
C: <ftp-disconnect> ftp-disconnect
: (send-response) ( n string separator -- )
[ number>string write ] 2dip write ftp-send ;
@ -56,28 +50,42 @@ C: <ftp-list> ftp-list
[ but-last-slice [ "-" (send-response) ] with each ]
[ first " " (send-response) ] 2bi ;
: server-response ( n string -- )
: server-response ( string n -- )
2dup number>string swap ":" glue \ server-response DEBUG log-message
swap add-response-line
swap >>n
swap add-response-line
send-response ;
: ftp-error ( string -- )
500 "Unrecognized command: " rot append server-response ;
: serving? ( path -- ? )
canonicalize-path server get serving-directory>> head? ;
: can-serve-directory? ( path -- ? )
{ [ exists? ] [ file-info directory? ] [ serving? ] } 1&& ;
: can-serve-file? ( path -- ? )
[ exists? ]
[ file-info type>> +regular-file+ = ]
[ serving? ]
} 1&& ;
: ftp-error ( string -- ) 500 server-response ;
: ftp-unimplemented ( string -- ) 502 server-response ;
: send-banner ( -- )
220 "Welcome to " host-name append server-response ;
"Welcome to " host-name append 220 server-response ;
: anonymous-only ( -- )
530 "This FTP server is anonymous only." server-response ;
"This FTP server is anonymous only." 530 server-response ;
: handle-QUIT ( obj -- )
drop 221 "Goodbye." server-response ;
drop "Goodbye." 221 server-response ;
: handle-USER ( ftp-command -- )
tokenized>> second client get (>>user)
331 "Please specify the password." server-response
"Please specify the password." 331 server-response
] [
2drop "bad USER" ftp-error
] recover ;
@ -85,7 +93,7 @@ C: <ftp-list> ftp-list
: handle-PASS ( ftp-command -- )
tokenized>> second client get (>>password)
230 "Login successful" server-response
"Login successful" 230 server-response
] [
2drop "PASS error" ftp-error
] recover ;
@ -102,7 +110,7 @@ ERROR: type-error type ;
: handle-TYPE ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second parse-type
[ 200 ] dip "Switching to " " mode" surround server-response
"Switching to " " mode" surround 200 server-response
] [
2drop "TYPE is binary only" ftp-error
] recover ;
@ -115,65 +123,57 @@ ERROR: type-error type ;
: handle-PWD ( obj -- )
257 current-directory get "\"" dup surround server-response ;
current-directory get "\"" dup surround 257 server-response ;
: handle-SYST ( obj -- )
215 "UNIX Type: L8" server-response ;
: if-command-promise ( quot -- )
[ client get command-promise>> ] dip
[ "Establish an active or passive connection first" ftp-error ] if* ;
: handle-STOR ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
[ [ <ftp-put> ] dip fulfill ] if-command-promise
] [
] recover ;
! EPRT |2|::1|62138|
! : handle-EPRT ( obj -- )
! tokenized>> second "|" split harvest ;
"UNIX Type: L8" 215 server-response ;
: start-directory ( -- )
150 "Here comes the directory listing." server-response ;
"Here comes the directory listing." 150 server-response ;
: transfer-outgoing-file ( path -- )
[ "Opening BINARY mode data connection for " ] dip
[ file-name ] [
file-info size>> number>string
"(" " bytes)." surround
] bi " " glue append 150 server-response ;
: transfer-incoming-file ( path -- )
"Opening BINARY mode data connection for " prepend
150 server-response ;
: finish-file-transfer ( -- )
"File send OK." 226 server-response ;
GENERIC: handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
: passive-loop ( server -- )
30 seconds over set-timeout
accept drop &dispose
client get extra-connection>>
30 seconds ?promise-timeout
[ client get f >>extra-connection drop ]
[ drop ] cleanup
] with-destructors ;
: finish-directory ( -- )
226 "Directory send OK." server-response ;
"Directory send OK." 226 server-response ;
GENERIC: service-command ( stream obj -- )
M: ftp-list service-command ( stream obj -- )
M: ftp-list handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
start-directory [
utf8 encode-output
[ current-directory get directory. ] with-string-writer string-lines
harvest [ ftp-send ] each
] with-output-stream
finish-directory ;
] with-output-stream finish-directory ;
: transfer-outgoing-file ( path -- )
"Opening BINARY mode data connection for "
] dip
] [
file-info size>> number>string
"(" " bytes)." surround
] bi " " glue append server-response ;
: transfer-incoming-file ( path -- )
[ 150 ] dip "Opening BINARY mode data connection for " prepend
server-response ;
: finish-file-transfer ( -- )
226 "File send OK." server-response ;
M: ftp-get service-command ( stream obj -- )
M: ftp-get handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
[ transfer-outgoing-file ]
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ M: ftp-get service-command ( stream obj -- )
3drop "File transfer failed" ftp-error
] recover ;
M: ftp-put service-command ( stream obj -- )
M: ftp-put handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
[ transfer-incoming-file ]
@ -193,165 +193,165 @@ M: ftp-put service-command ( stream obj -- )
3drop "File transfer failed" ftp-error
] recover ;
: passive-loop ( server -- )
30 seconds over set-timeout
accept drop &dispose
client get command-promise>>
30 seconds ?promise-timeout
[ client get f >>command-promise drop ]
[ drop ] cleanup
] with-destructors ;
M: ftp-disconnect handle-passive-command ( stream obj -- )
drop dispose ;
: fulfill-client ( obj -- )
client get extra-connection>> [
] [
"Establish an active or passive connection first" ftp-error
] if* ;
: handle-STOR ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
<ftp-put> fulfill-client
] [
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: handle-LIST ( obj -- )
[ [ <ftp-list> ] dip fulfill ] if-command-promise ;
: handle-SIZE ( obj -- )
[ 213 ] dip
tokenized>> second file-info size>>
number>string server-response
drop current-directory get
can-serve-directory? [
<ftp-list> fulfill-client
] [
550 "Could not get file size" server-response
] recover ;
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: not-a-plain-file ( path -- )
": not a plain file." append ftp-error ;
: handle-RETR ( obj -- )
[ tokenized>> second <ftp-get> swap fulfill ]
curry if-command-promise ;
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
<ftp-get> fulfill-client
] [
<ftp-disconnect> fulfill-client
] if ;
: handle-SIZE ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second
dup can-serve-file? [
file-info size>> number>string 213 server-response
] [
] if ;
: expect-connection ( -- port )
<promise> client get (>>extra-connection)
client get <promise> >>command-promise drop
[ [ passive-loop ] curry in-thread ]
[ addr>> port>> ] bi ;
: handle-PASV ( obj -- )
drop client get passive >>mode drop
expect-connection port>bytes [ number>string ] bi@ "," glue
"Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1," ")" surround
server-response ;
221 server-response ;
: handle-EPSV ( obj -- )
client get command-promise>> [
"You already have a passive stream" ftp-error
] [
expect-connection number>string
"Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||" "|)" surround
] if ;
client get f >>extra-connection drop
expect-connection number>string
"Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||" "|)" surround
229 server-response ;
! LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,242,186
! : handle-LPRT ( obj -- ) tokenized>> "," split ;
ERROR: not-a-directory ;
ERROR: no-permissions ;
: handle-CWD ( obj -- )
tokenized>> second dup normalize-path
dup ftp-server-directory head? [
] unless
file-info directory? [
250 "Directory successully changed." server-response
: handle-MDTM ( obj -- )
tokenized>> 1 swap ?nth [
dup file-info dup directory? [
drop not-a-plain-file
] [
modified>> timestamp>mdtm
213 server-response
] if
] [
550 "Failed to change directory." server-response
] recover ;
"" not-a-plain-file
] if* ;
: unrecognized-command ( obj -- ) raw>> ftp-error ;
ERROR: not-a-directory ;
ERROR: no-directory-permissions ;
: handle-client-loop ( -- )
<ftp-command> readln
USE: prettyprint global [ dup . flush ] bind
[ >>raw ]
[ tokenize-command >>tokenized ] bi
: directory-change-success ( -- )
"Directory successully changed." 250 server-response ;
: directory-change-failed ( -- )
"Failed to change directory." 553 server-response ;
: handle-CWD ( obj -- )
tokenized>> 1 swap ?nth [
dup can-serve-directory? [
] [
] if
] [
] if* ;
: unrecognized-command ( obj -- )
raw>> "Unrecognized command: " prepend ftp-error ;
: client-loop-dispatch ( str/f -- ? )
dup tokenized>> first >upper {
{ "QUIT" [ handle-QUIT f ] }
{ "USER" [ handle-USER t ] }
{ "PASS" [ handle-PASS t ] }
{ "ACCT" [ drop "ACCT unimplemented" ftp-error t ] }
{ "CWD" [ handle-CWD t ] }
! { "XCWD" [ ] }
! { "CDUP" [ ] }
! { "SMNT" [ ] }
! { "REIN" [ drop client get reset-ftp-client t ] }
{ "QUIT" [ handle-QUIT f ] }
! { "PORT" [ ] } ! TODO
{ "PASV" [ handle-PASV t ] }
! { "MODE" [ ] }
{ "TYPE" [ handle-TYPE t ] }
! { "STRU" [ ] }
! { "ALLO" [ ] }
! { "REST" [ ] }
{ "STOR" [ handle-STOR t ] }
! { "STOU" [ ] }
{ "RETR" [ handle-RETR t ] }
{ "LIST" [ handle-LIST t ] }
{ "SIZE" [ handle-SIZE t ] }
! { "NLST" [ ] }
! { "APPE" [ ] }
! { "RNFR" [ ] }
! { "RNTO" [ ] }
! { "DELE" [ handle-DELE t ] }
! { "RMD" [ handle-RMD t ] }
! ! { "XRMD" [ handle-XRMD t ] }
! { "MKD" [ handle-MKD t ] }
{ "PWD" [ handle-PWD t ] }
! { "ABOR" [ ] }
{ "SYST" [ handle-SYST t ] }
! { "STAT" [ ] }
! { "HELP" [ ] }
! { "SITE" [ ] }
! { "NOOP" [ ] }
! { "EPRT" [ handle-EPRT ] }
! { "LPRT" [ handle-LPRT ] }
{ "ACCT" [ drop "ACCT unimplemented" ftp-unimplemented t ] }
{ "PWD" [ handle-PWD t ] }
{ "TYPE" [ handle-TYPE t ] }
{ "CWD" [ handle-CWD t ] }
{ "PASV" [ handle-PASV t ] }
{ "EPSV" [ handle-EPSV t ] }
! { "LPSV" [ drop handle-LPSV t ] }
{ "LIST" [ handle-LIST t ] }
{ "STOR" [ handle-STOR t ] }
{ "RETR" [ handle-RETR t ] }
{ "SIZE" [ handle-SIZE t ] }
{ "MDTM" [ handle-MDTM t ] }
[ drop unrecognized-command t ]
} case [ handle-client-loop ] when ;
} case ;
TUPLE: ftp-server < threaded-server ;
: read-command ( -- ftp-command/f )
readln [ f ] [ <ftp-command> ] if-empty ;
: handle-client-loop ( -- )
read-command [
[ handle-client-loop ] when
] when* ;
: serve-directory ( server -- )
serving-directory>> [
] with-directory ;
M: ftp-server handle-client* ( server -- )
ftp-server-directory [
host-name <ftp-client> client set
send-banner handle-client-loop
] with-directory
"New client" \ handle-client* DEBUG log-message
ftp-client new client set
[ server set ] [ serve-directory ] bi
] with-destructors ;
: <ftp-server> ( port -- server )
: <ftp-server> ( directory port -- server )
ftp-server new-threaded-server
swap >>insecure
swap canonicalize-path >>serving-directory
"ftp.server" >>name
5 minutes >>timeout
latin1 >>encoding ;
: ftpd ( port -- )
: ftpd ( directory port -- )
<ftp-server> start-server ;
: ftpd-main ( -- ) 2100 ftpd ;
: ftpd-main ( path -- ) 2100 ftpd ;
MAIN: ftpd-main
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Yun, Jonghyouk.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.syntax help.markup ;
IN: io.encodings.korean
ARTICLE: "io.encodings.korean" "Korean text encodings"
"The " { $vocab-link "io.encodings.korean" } " vocabulary implements encodings used for Korean text besides the standard UTF encodings for Unicode strings."
{ $subsection cp949 } ;
ABOUT: "io.encodings.korean"
HELP: cp949
{ $class-description "This encoding class implements Microsoft's code page #949 encoding, also called Unified Hangul Code or ks_c_5601-1987, UHC. CP949 is extended version of EUC-KR and downward-compatibility to EUC-KR. " }
{ $see-also "encodings-introduction" } ;
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ math.order math.parser memoize multiline sequences splitting
values hashtables io.binary ;
IN: io.encodings.korean
! TODO: migrate to common code-table parser (by Dan).
cp949 "EUC-KR" register-encoding
@ -72,13 +72,14 @@ M: linux file-systems
] map ;
: (find-mount-point) ( path mtab-paths -- mtab-entry )
[ follow-links ] dip 2dup at* [
2dup at* [
] [
drop [ parent-directory ] dip (find-mount-point)
] if ;
: find-mount-point ( path -- mtab-entry )
parse-mtab [ [ mount-point>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc (find-mount-point) ;
ERROR: file-system-not-found ;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: io.backend io.files.links system unix ;
USING: io.backend io.files.links system unix io.pathnames kernel
io.files sequences ;
IN: io.files.links.unix
M: unix make-link ( path1 path2 -- )
@ -8,3 +9,7 @@ M: unix make-link ( path1 path2 -- )
M: unix read-link ( path -- path' )
normalize-path read-symbolic-link ;
M: unix canonicalize-path ( path -- path' )
path-components "/"
[ append-path dup exists? [ follow-links ] when ] reduce ;
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ IN: io.servers.connection
TUPLE: threaded-server
secure insecure
@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ ready ;
: new-threaded-server ( class -- threaded-server )
"server" >>name
DEBUG >>log-level
ascii >>encoding
1 minutes >>timeout
V{ } clone >>sockets
@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ M: threaded-server handle-client* handler>> call ;
: (start-server) ( threaded-server -- )
dup threaded-server [
dup name>> [
[ ] [ name>> ] bi [
[ listen-on [ start-accept-loop ] parallel-each ]
[ ready>> raise-flag ]
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
IN: io.servers.datagram
USING: concurrency.combinators destructors fry
io.sockets kernel logging ;
IN: io.servers.packet
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ HELP: DEBUG
{ $description "Log level for ordinary messages." } ;
{ $description "Log level for warnings." } ;
{ $description "Log level for error messages." } ;
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ ARTICLE: "logging.levels" "Log levels"
"Several log levels are supported, from lowest to highest:"
{ $subsection DEBUG }
{ $subsection NOTICE }
{ $subsection WARNING }
{ $subsection ERROR }
{ $subsection CRITICAL } ;
@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ ARTICLE: "logging.files" "Log files"
HELP: log-message
{ $values { "msg" string } { "word" word } { "level" "a log level" } }
{ $description "Sends a message to the current log. Does nothing if not executing in a dynamic scope established by " { $link with-logging } "." } ;
{ $description "Sends a message to the current log if the level is more urgent than " { $link log-level } ". Does nothing if not executing in a dynamic scope established by " { $link with-logging } "." } ;
HELP: add-logging
{ $values { "level" "a log level" } { "word" word } }
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ HELP: close-logs
HELP: with-logging
{ $values { "service" "a log service name" } { "quot" quotation } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation a new dynamic scope where all logging calls are sent to the log file for " { $snippet "service" } "." } ;
{ $description "Calls the quotation a new dynamic scope where all logging calls more urgent than " { $link log-level } " are sent to the log file for " { $snippet "service" } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "logging.rotation" "Log rotation"
"Log files should be rotated periodically to prevent unbounded growth."
@ -120,4 +124,3 @@ ARTICLE: "logging" "Logging framework"
{ $subsection "logging.server" } ;
ABOUT: "logging"
@ -4,25 +4,47 @@ USING: logging.server sequences namespaces concurrency.messaging
words kernel arrays shuffle tools.annotations
prettyprint.config prettyprint debugger io.streams.string
splitting continuations effects generalizations parser strings
quotations fry accessors ;
quotations fry accessors math assocs math.order ;
IN: logging
SYMBOL: log-level
log-level [ DEBUG ] initialize
: log-levels ( -- assoc )
{ DEBUG 0 }
{ NOTICE 10 }
{ WARNING 20 }
{ ERROR 30 }
} ;
ERROR: undefined-log-level ;
: log-level<=> ( log-level log-level -- ? )
[ log-levels at* [ undefined-log-level ] unless ] bi@ <=> ;
: log? ( log-level -- ? )
log-level get log-level<=> +lt+ = not ;
: send-to-log-server ( array string -- )
prefix "log-server" get send ;
SYMBOL: log-service
ERROR: bad-log-message-parameters msg word level ;
: check-log-message ( msg word level -- msg word level )
3dup [ string? ] [ word? ] [ word? ] tri* and and
[ "Bad parameters to log-message" throw ] unless ; inline
[ bad-log-message-parameters ] unless ; inline
: log-message ( msg word level -- )
log-service get dup [
log-service get
2dup [ log? ] [ ] bi* and [
[ [ string-lines ] [ name>> ] [ name>> ] tri* ] dip
4array "log-message" send-to-log-server
] [
@ -36,7 +58,7 @@ SYMBOL: log-service
{ } "close-logs" send-to-log-server ;
: with-logging ( service quot -- )
log-service swap with-variable ; inline
[ log-service ] dip with-variable ; inline
! Aspect-oriented programming idioms
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors peg peg.parsers memoize kernel sequences
logging arrays words strings vectors io io.files
io.encodings.utf8 namespaces make combinators logging.server
calendar calendar.format ;
calendar calendar.format assocs ;
IN: logging.parser
TUPLE: log-entry date level word-name message ;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ SYMBOL: multiline
"[" "]" surrounded-by ;
: 'log-level' ( -- parser )
log-levels [
log-levels keys [
[ name>> token ] keep [ nip ] curry action
] map choice ;
@ -252,10 +252,14 @@ M: real tanh ftanh ;
: -i* ( x -- y ) >rect swap neg rect> ;
: asin ( x -- y )
GENERIC: asin ( x -- y ) foldable
M: number asin
dup [-1,1]? [ fasin ] [ i* asinh -i* ] if ; inline
: acos ( x -- y )
GENERIC: acos ( x -- y ) foldable
M: number acos
dup [-1,1]? [ facos ] [ asin pi 2 / swap - ] if ;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ ARTICLE: "inference-recursive" "Stack effects of recursive words"
"When a recursive call is encountered, the declared stack effect is substituted in. When inference is complete, the inferred stack effect is compared with the declared stack effect."
"Attempting to infer the stack effect of a recursive word which outputs a variable number of objects on the stack will fail. For example, the following will throw an " { $link unbalanced-branches-error } ":"
{ $code ": foo ( seq -- ) dup empty? [ drop ] [ dup pop foo ] if" "[ foo ] infer." }
{ $code ": foo ( seq -- ) dup empty? [ drop ] [ dup pop foo ] if ;" "[ foo ] infer." }
"If you declare an incorrect stack effect, inference will fail also. Badly defined recursive words cannot confuse the inferencer." ;
ARTICLE: "inference-recursive-combinators" "Recursive combinator inference"
@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ IN: tools.files
SYMBOLS: file-name file-name/type permissions file-type nlinks file-size
file-date file-time file-datetime uid gid user group link-target unix-datetime
directory-or-size ;
SYMBOLS: +file-name+ +file-name/type+ +permissions+ +file-type+
+nlinks+ +file-size+ +file-date+ +file-time+ +file-datetime+
+uid+ +gid+ +user+ +group+ +link-target+ +unix-datetime+
+directory-or-size+ ;
TUPLE: listing-tool path specs sort ;
@ -48,10 +49,10 @@ C: <file-listing> file-listing
: <listing-tool> ( path -- listing-tool )
listing-tool new
swap >>path
{ file-name } >>specs ;
{ +file-name+ } >>specs ;
: list-slow? ( listing-tool -- ? )
specs>> { file-name } sequence= not ;
specs>> { +file-name+ } sequence= not ;
ERROR: unknown-file-spec symbol ;
@ -59,12 +60,12 @@ HOOK: file-spec>string os ( file-listing spec -- string )
M: object file-spec>string ( file-listing spec -- string )
{ file-name [ directory-entry>> name>> ] }
{ directory-or-size [ file-info>> dir-or-size ] }
{ file-size [ file-info>> size>> number>string ] }
{ file-date [ file-info>> modified>> listing-date ] }
{ file-time [ file-info>> modified>> listing-time ] }
{ file-datetime [ file-info>> modified>> timestamp>ymdhms ] }
{ +file-name+ [ directory-entry>> name>> ] }
{ +directory-or-size+ [ file-info>> dir-or-size ] }
{ +file-size+ [ file-info>> size>> number>string ] }
{ +file-date+ [ file-info>> modified>> listing-date ] }
{ +file-time+ [ file-info>> modified>> listing-time ] }
{ +file-datetime+ [ file-info>> modified>> timestamp>ymdhms ] }
[ unknown-file-spec ]
} case ;
@ -85,22 +86,22 @@ HOOK: (directory.) os ( path -- lines )
: directory. ( path -- ) (directory.) simple-table. ;
SYMBOLS: device-name mount-point type
available-space free-space used-space total-space
percent-used percent-free ;
SYMBOLS: +device-name+ +mount-point+ +type+
+available-space+ +free-space+ +used-space+ +total-space+
+percent-used+ +percent-free+ ;
: percent ( real -- integer ) 100 * >integer ; inline
: file-system-spec ( file-system-info obj -- str )
{ device-name [ device-name>> "" or ] }
{ mount-point [ mount-point>> "" or ] }
{ type [ type>> "" or ] }
{ available-space [ available-space>> 0 or ] }
{ free-space [ free-space>> 0 or ] }
{ used-space [ used-space>> 0 or ] }
{ total-space [ total-space>> 0 or ] }
{ percent-used [
{ +device-name+ [ device-name>> "" or ] }
{ +mount-point+ [ mount-point>> "" or ] }
{ +type+ [ type>> "" or ] }
{ +available-space+ [ available-space>> 0 or ] }
{ +free-space+ [ free-space>> 0 or ] }
{ +used-space+ [ used-space>> 0 or ] }
{ +total-space+ [ total-space>> 0 or ] }
{ +percent-used+ [
[ used-space>> ] [ total-space>> ] bi
[ 0 or ] bi@ dup 0 =
[ 2drop 0 ] [ / percent ] if
@ -116,8 +117,8 @@ percent-used percent-free ;
: file-systems. ( -- )
device-name available-space free-space used-space
total-space percent-used mount-point
+device-name+ +available-space+ +free-space+ +used-space+
+total-space+ +percent-used+ +mount-point+
} print-file-systems ;
@ -47,21 +47,24 @@ IN: tools.files.unix
M: unix (directory.) ( path -- lines )
{ permissions nlinks user group file-size file-date file-name } >>specs
+permissions+ +nlinks+ +user+ +group+
+file-size+ +file-date+ +file-name+
} >>specs
{ { directory-entry>> name>> <=> } } >>sort
[ [ list-files ] with-group-cache ] with-user-cache ;
M: unix file-spec>string ( file-listing spec -- string )
{ file-name/type [
{ +file-name/type+ [
directory-entry>> [ name>> ] [ file-type>trailing ] bi append
] }
{ permissions [ file-info>> permissions-string ] }
{ nlinks [ file-info>> nlink>> number>string ] }
{ user [ file-info>> uid>> user-name ] }
{ group [ file-info>> gid>> group-name ] }
{ uid [ file-info>> uid>> number>string ] }
{ gid [ file-info>> gid>> number>string ] }
{ +permissions+ [ file-info>> permissions-string ] }
{ +nlinks+ [ file-info>> nlink>> number>string ] }
{ +user+ [ file-info>> uid>> user-name ] }
{ +group+ [ file-info>> gid>> group-name ] }
{ +uid+ [ file-info>> uid>> number>string ] }
{ +gid+ [ file-info>> gid>> number>string ] }
[ call-next-method ]
} case ;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ IN:
M: windows (directory.) ( entries -- lines )
{ file-datetime directory-or-size file-name } >>specs
{ +file-datetime+ +directory-or-size+ +file-name+ } >>specs
{ { directory-entry>> name>> <=> } } >>sort
list-files ;
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.backend io.files io.directories strings ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax io.backend io.files io.directories strings
sequences ;
IN: io.pathnames
HELP: path-separator?
@ -22,6 +23,10 @@ HELP: file-name
{ $example "USING: io.pathnames prettyprint ;" "\"/usr/libexec/awk/\" file-name ." "\"awk\"" }
} ;
HELP: path-components
{ $values { "path" "a pathnames string" } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Splits a pathname on the " { $link path-separator } " into its its component strings." } ;
HELP: append-path
{ $values { "str1" "a string" } { "str2" "a string" } { "str" "a string" } }
{ $description "Appends " { $snippet "str1" } " and " { $snippet "str2" } " to form a pathname." } ;
@ -65,6 +70,10 @@ HELP: normalize-path
} ;
HELP: canonicalize-path
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "path'" "a new pathname string" } }
{ $description "Returns an canonical name for a path. The canonical name is an absolute path containing no symlinks." } ;
HELP: <pathname>
{ $values { "string" "a pathname string" } { "pathname" pathname } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link pathname } "." } ;
@ -78,7 +87,10 @@ ARTICLE: "io.pathnames" "Pathname manipulation"
{ $subsection parent-directory }
{ $subsection file-name }
{ $subsection last-path-separator }
{ $subsection path-components }
{ $subsection prepend-path }
{ $subsection append-path }
{ $subsection canonicalize-path }
"Pathname presentations:"
{ $subsection pathname }
{ $subsection <pathname> }
@ -66,3 +66,7 @@ IN: io.pathnames.tests
] with-scope
[ t ] [ cwd "misc" resource-path [ ] with-directory cwd = ] unit-test
! Regression test for bug in file-extension
[ f ] [ "/" file-extension ] unit-test
[ "" ] [ "/" file-extension ] unit-test
@ -119,7 +119,14 @@ PRIVATE>
] unless ;
: file-extension ( filename -- extension )
"." split1-last nip ;
file-name "." split1-last nip ;
: path-components ( path -- seq )
normalize-path path-separator split harvest ;
HOOK: canonicalize-path os ( path -- path' )
M: object canonicalize-path normalize-path ;
: resource-path ( path -- newpath )
"resource-path" get prepend-path ;
@ -9,6 +9,22 @@ IN: annotations
: comment-usage.-word ( base -- word ) "s." append "annotations" lookup ;
: $annotation ( element -- )
[ "!" " your comment here" surround 1array $syntax ]
[ [ "Treats the rest of the line after the exclamation point as a code annotation that can be looked up with the " \ $link ] dip comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 3array $description ]
[ ": foo ( x y z -- w )\n !" " --w-ó()ò-w-- kilroy was here\n + * ;" surround 1array $unchecked-example ]
tri ;
: $annotation-usage. ( element -- )
[ "Displays a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip comment-word 2array " annotations." 3array $description ;
: $annotation-usage ( element -- )
{ "usages" sequence } $values
[ "Returns a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip [ comment-word 2array " annotations. For a more user-friendly display, use the " \ $link ] [ comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 6 narray ] bi 1array $description ;
"Code annotations"
"The " { $vocab-link "annotations" } " vocabulary provides syntax for comment-like annotations that can be looked up with Factor's " { $link usage } " mechanism."
@ -26,17 +42,9 @@ annotation-tags natural-sort
annotation-tags [
[ [ \ $syntax ] dip "!" " your comment here" surround 2array ]
[ [ \ $description "Treats the rest of the line after the exclamation point as a code annotation that can be looked up with the " \ $link ] dip comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 4array ]
[ [ \ $unchecked-example ] dip ": foo ( x y z -- w )\n !" " --w-ó()ò-w-- kilroy was here\n + * ;" surround 2array 3array ]
[ comment-word set-word-help ]
[ [ \ $description "Displays a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip comment-word 2array " annotations." 4array 1array ]
[ comment-usage.-word set-word-help ]
[ [ { $values { "usages" sequence } } \ $description "Returns a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip [ comment-word 2array " annotations. For a more user-friendly display, use the " \ $link ] [ comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 6 narray 2array ] bi ]
[ comment-usage-word set-word-help ]
[ [ \ $annotation swap 2array 1array ] [ comment-word set-word-help ] bi ]
[ [ \ $annotation-usage swap 2array 1array ] [ comment-usage-word set-word-help ] bi ]
[ [ \ $annotation-usage. swap 2array 1array ] [ comment-usage.-word set-word-help ] bi ]
[ [ comment-word ] [ comment-usage-word ] [ comment-usage.-word ] tri 3array related-words ]
} cleave
] each
@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: fuel-vocab-help ( name -- ) (fuel-vocab-help) fuel-eval-set-result ;
: fuel-word-synopsis ( word usings -- ) (fuel-word-synopsis) fuel-eval-set-result ;
: fuel-vocab-summary ( name -- )
(fuel-vocab-summary) fuel-eval-set-result ;
@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ PRIVATE>
: (fuel-word-help) ( name -- elem )
fuel-find-word [ [ auto-use? on (fuel-word-element) ] with-scope ] [ f ] if* ;
: (fuel-word-synopsis) ( word usings -- str/f )
[ vocab ] filter interactive-vocabs get append interactive-vocabs set
fuel-find-word [ synopsis ] when*
] with-scope ;
: (fuel-word-see) ( word -- elem )
[ name>> \ article swap ]
[ [ see ] with-string-writer \ $code swap 2array ] bi 3array ; inline
@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Wawrzynczak
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences kernel ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences kernel accessors ;
IN: id3
HELP: file-id3-tags
{ $values
{ "path" "a path string" }
{ "object/f" "a tuple storing ID3 metadata or f" } }
{ $description "Return a tuple containing the ID3 information parsed out of the MP3 file, or " { $link f } " if no metadata is present." } ;
{ $description "Return a tuple containing the ID3 information parsed out of the MP3 file, or " { $link f } " if no metadata is present. Currently, the parser supports the following tags: "
$nl { $link title>> }
$nl { $link artist>> }
$nl { $link album>> }
$nl { $link year>> }
$nl { $link genre>> }
$nl { $link comment>> } } ;
ARTICLE: "id3" "ID3 tags"
"The " { $vocab-link "id3" } " vocabulary contains words for parsing " { $emphasis "ID3" } " tags, which are textual fields storing an MP3's title, artist, and other metadata." $nl
@ -1,182 +1,35 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Tim Wawrzynczak
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test id3 ;
USING: tools.test id3 id3.private ;
IN: id3.tests
[ T{ mp3v2-file
{ header T{ header f t 0 502 } }
{ frames
T{ frame
{ frame-id "COMM" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 19 }
{ data "eng, AG# 08E1C12E" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TIT2" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 15 }
{ data "Stormy Weather" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TRCK" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 3 }
{ data "32" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TCON" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 5 }
{ data "(96)" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TALB" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 28 }
{ data "Night and Day Frank Sinatra" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "PRIV" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 39 }
{ data "WM/MediaClassPrimaryID<49>}`<60>#<23><>K<EFBFBD>H<EFBFBD>*(D" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "PRIV" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 41 }
{ data "WM/MediaClassSecondaryID" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TPE1" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 14 }
{ data "Frank Sinatra" }
] [ "resource:extra/id3/tests/blah3.mp3" file-id3-tags ] unit-test
T{ id3-info
{ title "BLAH" }
{ artist "ARTIST" }
{ album "ALBUM" }
{ year "2009" }
{ comment "COMMENT" }
{ genre "Bluegrass" }
] [ "resource:extra/id3/tests/blah.mp3" file-id3-tags ] unit-test
T{ mp3v2-file
{ header
T{ header { version t } { flags 0 } { size 1405 } }
T{ id3-info
{ title "Anthem of the Trinity" }
{ artist "Terry Riley" }
{ album "Shri Camel" }
{ genre "Classical" }
{ frames
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TIT2" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 22 }
{ data "Anthem of the Trinity" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TPE1" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 12 }
{ data "Terry Riley" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TALB" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 11 }
{ data "Shri Camel" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TCON" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 10 }
{ data "Classical" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "UFID" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 23 }
{ data "" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 23 }
{ data "MusicBrainz Artist Id" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 22 }
{ data "musicbrainz_artistid" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TRCK" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 2 }
{ data "1" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 22 }
{ data "MusicBrainz Album Id" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 21 }
{ data "musicbrainz_albumid" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 29 }
{ data "MusicBrainz Album Artist Id" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TXXX" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 27 }
{ data "musicbrainz_albumartistid" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TPOS" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 2 }
{ data "1" }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TSOP" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 1 }
T{ frame
{ frame-id "TMED" }
{ flags B{ 0 0 } }
{ size 4 }
{ data "DIG" }
] [ "resource:extra/id3/tests/blah2.mp3" file-id3-tags ] unit-test
T{ mp3v1-file
{ title
{ artist
{ album
{ year "2009" }
{ comment
{ genre 89 }
] [ "resource:extra/id3/tests/blah.mp3" file-id3-tags ] unit-test
T{ id3-info
{ title "Stormy Weather" }
{ artist "Frank Sinatra" }
{ album "Night and Day Frank Sinatra" }
{ comment "eng, AG# 08E1C12E" }
{ genre "Big Band" }
] [ "resource:extra/id3/tests/blah3.mp3" file-id3-tags ] unit-test
@ -1,28 +1,159 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Tim Wawrzynczak
! See for BSD license.
USING: sequences io io.encodings.binary io.files io.pathnames strings kernel math io.mmap io.mmap.uchar accessors syntax combinators math.ranges unicode.categories byte-arrays prettyprint io.encodings.string io.encodings.ascii ;
USING: sequences io io.encodings.binary io.files io.pathnames strings kernel math io.mmap io.mmap.uchar accessors syntax combinators math.ranges unicode.categories byte-arrays io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 assocs math.parser ;
IN: id3
! genres
CONSTANT: genres
{ 0 "Blues" }
{ 1 "Classic Rock" }
{ 2 "Country" }
{ 3 "Dance" }
{ 4 "Disco" }
{ 5 "Funk" }
{ 6 "Grunge" }
{ 7 "Hip-Hop" }
{ 8 "Jazz" }
{ 9 "Metal" }
{ 10 "New Age" }
{ 11 "Oldies" }
{ 12 "Other" }
{ 13 "Pop" }
{ 14 "R&B" }
{ 15 "Rap" }
{ 16 "Reggae" }
{ 17 "Rock" }
{ 18 "Techno" }
{ 19 "Industrial" }
{ 20 "Alternative" }
{ 21 "Ska" }
{ 22 "Death Metal" }
{ 23 "Pranks" }
{ 24 "Soundtrack" }
{ 25 "Euro-Techno" }
{ 26 "Ambient" }
{ 27 "Trip-Hop" }
{ 28 "Vocal" }
{ 29 "Jazz+Funk" }
{ 30 "Fusion" }
{ 31 "Trance" }
{ 32 "Classical" }
{ 33 "Instrumental" }
{ 34 "Acid" }
{ 35 "House" }
{ 36 "Game" }
{ 37 "Sound Clip" }
{ 38 "Gospel" }
{ 39 "Noise" }
{ 40 "AlternRock" }
{ 41 "Bass" }
{ 42 "Soul" }
{ 43 "Punk" }
{ 44 "Space" }
{ 45 "Meditative" }
{ 46 "Instrumental Pop" }
{ 47 "Instrumental Rock" }
{ 48 "Ethnic" }
{ 49 "Gothic" }
{ 50 "Darkwave" }
{ 51 "Techno-Industrial" }
{ 52 "Electronic" }
{ 53 "Pop-Folk" }
{ 54 "Eurodance" }
{ 55 "Dream" }
{ 56 "Southern Rock" }
{ 57 "Comedy" }
{ 58 "Cult" }
{ 59 "Gangsta" }
{ 60 "Top 40" }
{ 61 "Christian Rap" }
{ 62 "Pop/Funk" }
{ 63 "Jungle" }
{ 64 "Native American" }
{ 65 "Cabaret" }
{ 66 "New Wave" }
{ 67 "Psychedelic" }
{ 68 "Rave" }
{ 69 "Showtunes" }
{ 70 "Trailer" }
{ 71 "Lo-Fi" }
{ 72 "Tribal" }
{ 73 "Acid Punk" }
{ 74 "Acid Jazz" }
{ 75 "Polka" }
{ 76 "Retro" }
{ 77 "Musical" }
{ 78 "Rock & Roll" }
{ 79 "Hard Rock" }
{ 80 "Folk" }
{ 81 "Folk-Rock" }
{ 82 "National Folk" }
{ 83 "Swing" }
{ 84 "Fast Fusion" }
{ 85 "Bebop" }
{ 86 "Latin" }
{ 87 "Revival" }
{ 88 "Celtic" }
{ 89 "Bluegrass" }
{ 90 "Avantgarde" }
{ 91 "Gothic Rock" }
{ 92 "Progressive Rock" }
{ 93 "Psychedelic Rock" }
{ 94 "Symphonic Rock" }
{ 95 "Slow Rock" }
{ 96 "Big Band" }
{ 97 "Chorus" }
{ 98 "Easy Listening" }
{ 99 "Acoustic" }
{ 100 "Humour" }
{ 101 "Speech" }
{ 102 "Chanson" }
{ 103 "Opera" }
{ 104 "Chamber Music" }
{ 105 "Sonata" }
{ 106 "Symphony" }
{ 107 "Booty Bass" }
{ 108 "Primus" }
{ 109 "Porn Groove" }
{ 110 "Satire" }
{ 111 "Slow Jam" }
{ 112 "Club" }
{ 113 "Tango" }
{ 114 "Samba" }
{ 115 "Folklore" }
{ 116 "Ballad" }
{ 117 "Power Ballad" }
{ 118 "Rhythmic Soul" }
{ 119 "Freestyle" }
{ 120 "Duet" }
{ 121 "Punk Rock" }
{ 122 "Drum Solo" }
{ 123 "A capella" }
{ 124 "Euro-House" }
{ 125 "Dance Hall" }
} ! end genre hashtable
! tuples
TUPLE: header version flags size ;
TUPLE: frame frame-id flags size data ;
TUPLE: mp3v2-file header frames ;
TUPLE: id3v2-info header frames ;
TUPLE: mp3v1-file title artist album year comment genre ;
TUPLE: id3-info title artist album year comment genre ;
: <mp3v1-file> ( -- object ) mp3v1-file new ;
: <id3-info> ( -- object ) id3-info new ;
: <mp3v2-file> ( header frames -- object ) mp3v2-file boa ;
: <id3v2-info> ( header frames -- object ) id3v2-info boa ;
: <header> ( -- object ) header new ;
: <frame> ( -- object ) frame new ;
! utility words
: id3v2? ( mmap -- ? )
@ -59,10 +190,10 @@ TUPLE: mp3v1-file title artist album year comment genre ;
: (read-frame) ( mmap -- frame )
[ <frame> ] dip
[ read-frame-id ascii decode >>frame-id ]
[ read-frame-id utf8 decode >>frame-id ]
[ read-frame-flags >byte-array >>flags ]
[ read-frame-size >28bitword >>size ]
[ read-frame-data ascii decode >>data ]
[ read-frame-data utf8 decode >>data ]
} cleave ;
: read-frame ( mmap -- frame/f )
@ -98,9 +229,21 @@ TUPLE: mp3v1-file title artist album year comment genre ;
: drop-header ( mmap -- seq1 seq2 )
dup 10 tail-slice swap ;
: read-v2-tag-data ( seq -- mp3v2-file )
drop-header read-v2-header swap read-frames <mp3v2-file> ;
: parse-frames ( id3v2-info -- id3-info )
[ <id3-info> ] dip frames>>
[ [ frame-id>> "TIT2" = ] find nip [ data>> >>title ] when* ]
[ [ frame-id>> "TALB" = ] find nip [ data>> >>album ] when* ]
[ [ frame-id>> "TPE1" = ] find nip [ data>> >>artist ] when* ]
[ [ frame-id>> "TCON" = ] find nip [ data>> [ [ digit? ] filter string>number ] keep swap [ genres at nip ] when*
>>genre ] when* ]
[ [ frame-id>> "COMM" = ] find nip [ data>> >>comment ] when* ]
[ [ frame-id>> "TYER" = ] find nip [ data>> >>year ] when* ]
} cleave ;
: read-v2-tag-data ( seq -- id3-info )
drop-header read-v2-header swap read-frames <id3v2-info> parse-frames ;
! v1 information
: skip-to-v1-data ( seq -- seq )
@ -125,14 +268,14 @@ TUPLE: mp3v1-file title artist album year comment genre ;
[ 124 ] dip nth ;
: (read-v1-tag-data) ( seq -- mp3-file )
[ <mp3v1-file> ] dip
[ <id3-info> ] dip
[ read-title ascii decode filter-text-data >>title ]
[ read-artist ascii decode filter-text-data >>artist ]
[ read-album ascii decode filter-text-data >>album ]
[ read-year ascii decode filter-text-data >>year ]
[ read-comment ascii decode filter-text-data >>comment ]
[ read-genre >fixnum >>genre ]
[ read-title utf8 decode filter-text-data >>title ]
[ read-artist utf8 decode filter-text-data >>artist ]
[ read-album utf8 decode filter-text-data >>album ]
[ read-year utf8 decode filter-text-data >>year ]
[ read-comment utf8 decode filter-text-data >>comment ]
[ read-genre >fixnum genres at >>genre ]
} cleave ;
: read-v1-tag-data ( seq -- mp3-file )
@ -140,13 +283,13 @@ TUPLE: mp3v1-file title artist album year comment genre ;
! main stuff
! public interface
: file-id3-tags ( path -- object/f )
{ [ dup id3v2? ] [ read-v2-tag-data ] } ! ( ? -- mp3v2-file )
{ [ dup id3v1? ] [ read-v1-tag-data ] } ! ( ? -- mp3v1-file )
{ [ dup id3v2? ] [ read-v2-tag-data ] } ! ( ? -- id3v2 )
{ [ dup id3v1? ] [ read-v1-tag-data ] } ! ( ? -- id3-info )
[ drop f ] ! ( mmap -- f )
} cond
] with-mapped-uchar-file ;
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax multiline ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel multiline ;
IN: literals
{ $syntax "$ word" }
{ $description "Executes " { $snippet "word" } " at parse time and adds the result(s) to the parser accumulator." }
{ $notes "Since " { $snippet "word" } " is executed at parse time, " { $snippet "$" } " cannot be used with words defined in the same compilation unit." }
{ $notes { $snippet "word" } "'s definition is looked up and " { $link call } "ed at parse time, so words that reference words in the current compilation unit cannot be used with " { $snippet "$" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example <"
USING: kernel literals prettyprint ;
IN: scratchpad
<< : five 5 ; >>
CONSTANT: five 5
{ $ five } .
"> "{ 5 }" }
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ IN: scratchpad
HELP: $[
{ $syntax "$[ code ]" }
{ $description "Calls " { $snippet "code" } " at parse time and adds the result(s) to the parser accumulator." }
{ $notes "Since " { $snippet "code" } " is executed at parse time, it cannot reference any words defined in the same compilation unit." }
{ $notes "Since " { $snippet "code" } " is " { $link call } "ed at parse time, it cannot reference any words defined in the same compilation unit." }
{ $examples
{ $example <"
@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ USING: kernel literals math tools.test ;
IN: literals.tests
: five 5 ;
: seven-eleven 7 11 ;
: six-six-six 6 6 6 ;
: five 5 ;
: seven-eleven 7 11 ;
[ { 5 } ] [ { $ five } ] unit-test
[ { 7 11 } ] [ { $ seven-eleven } ] unit-test
[ { 6 6 6 } ] [ { $ six-six-six } ] unit-test
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! (c) Joe Groff, see license for details
USING: continuations kernel parser words quotations vectors ;
USING: accessors continuations kernel parser words quotations vectors ;
IN: literals
: $ scan-word [ execute ] curry with-datastack >vector ; parsing
: $ scan-word [ def>> call ] curry with-datastack >vector ; parsing
: $[ \ ] parse-until >quotation with-datastack >vector ; parsing
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.derivatives
ARTICLE: "math.derivatives" "Derivatives"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.derivatives" } " vocabulary defines the derivative of many of the words in the " { $vocab-link "math" } " and " { $vocab-link "math.functions" } " vocabularies. The derivative for a word is given by a sequence of quotations stored in its " { $snippet "derivative" } " word property that give the partial derivative of the word with respect to each of its inputs."
{ $see-also "math.derivatives.syntax" }
ABOUT: "math.derivatives"
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test automatic-differentiation.derivatives ;
IN: automatic-differentiation.derivatives.tests
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax
math.order math.parser summary accessors make combinators ;
IN: math.derivatives
ERROR: undefined-derivative point word ;
M: undefined-derivative summary
[ dup "Derivative of " % word>> name>> %
" is undefined at " % point>> # "." % ]
"" make ;
DERIVATIVE: + [ 2drop ] [ 2drop ]
DERIVATIVE: - [ 2drop ] [ 2drop neg ]
DERIVATIVE: * [ nip * ] [ drop * ]
DERIVATIVE: / [ nip / ] [ sq / neg * ]
! Conditional checks if the epsilon-part of the exponent is
! 0 to avoid getting float answers for integer powers.
DERIVATIVE: ^ [ [ 1 - ^ ] keep * * ]
[ [ dup zero? ] 2dip [ 3drop 0 ] [ [ ^ ] keep log * * ] if ]
[ 0 <=>
{ +lt+ [ neg ] }
{ +eq+ [ 0 \ abs undefined-derivative ] }
{ +gt+ [ ] }
} case
DERIVATIVE: sqrt [ sqrt 2 * / ]
DERIVATIVE: exp [ exp * ]
DERIVATIVE: log [ / ]
DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]
DERIVATIVE: cos [ sin neg * ]
DERIVATIVE: tan [ sec sq * ]
DERIVATIVE: sinh [ cosh * ]
DERIVATIVE: cosh [ sinh * ]
DERIVATIVE: tanh [ sech sq * ]
DERIVATIVE: asin [ sq neg 1 + sqrt / ]
DERIVATIVE: acos [ sq neg 1 + sqrt neg / ]
DERIVATIVE: atan [ sq 1 + / ]
DERIVATIVE: asinh [ sq 1 + sqrt / ]
DERIVATIVE: acosh [ [ 1 + sqrt ] [ 1 - sqrt ] bi * / ]
DERIVATIVE: atanh [ sq neg 1 + / ]
DERIVATIVE: neg [ drop neg ]
DERIVATIVE: recip [ sq recip neg * ]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.derivatives.syntax
{ $description "Defines the derivative of a word by setting its " { $snippet "derivative" } " word property. Reads a word followed by " { $snippet "n" } " quotations, giving the " { $snippet "n" } " partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments successively. Each quotation should take " { $snippet "n + 1" } " inputs, where the first input is an increment and the last " { $snippet "n" } " inputs are the point at which to evaluate the derivative. The derivative should be a linear function of the increment, and should have the same number of outputs as the original word." }
{ $examples
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax ;"
"DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]"
"DERIVATIVE: * [ nip * ] [ drop * ]" "" }
} ;
ARTICLE: "math.derivatives.syntax" "Derivative Syntax"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.derivatives.syntax" } " vocabulary provides the " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } " syntax for specifying the derivative of a word."
ABOUT: "math.derivatives.syntax"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel parser words effects accessors sequences
math.ranges ;
IN: math.derivatives.syntax
: DERIVATIVE: scan-object dup stack-effect in>> length [1,b]
[ drop scan-object ] map
"derivative" set-word-prop ; parsing
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Jason W. Merrill
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel words math math.functions math.derivatives.syntax ;
IN: math.dual
HELP: <dual>
{ $values
{ "ordinary-part" real } { "epsilon-part" real }
{ "dual" dual number }
{ $description "Creates a dual number from its ordinary and epsilon parts." } ;
HELP: d*
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x*y" dual }
{ $description "Multiply dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d+
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x+y" dual }
{ $description "Add dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d-
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x-y" dual }
{ $description "Subtract dual numbers." } ;
HELP: d/
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x/y" dual }
{ $description "Divide dual numbers." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the ordinary part of " { $snippet "x" } " is zero." } ;
HELP: d^
{ $values
{ "x" dual } { "y" dual }
{ "x^y" dual }
{ $description "Raise a dual number to a (possibly dual) power" } ;
HELP: dabs
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "|x|" dual }
{ $description "Absolute value of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dacosh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic cosine of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dasinh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic sine of a dual number." } ;
HELP: datanh
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "y" dual }
{ $description "Inverse hyberbolic tangent of a dual number." } ;
HELP: dneg
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "-x" dual }
{ $description "Negative of a dual number." } ;
HELP: drecip
{ $values
{ "x" dual }
{ "1/x" dual }
{ $description "Reciprocal of a dual number." } ;
HELP: define-dual-method
{ $values
{ "word" word }
{ $description "Defines a method on the dual numbers for generic word." }
{ $notes "Uses the derivative word-prop, which holds a list of quotations giving the partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments. This can be set using " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } "." } ;
{ define-dual-method dual-op POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } related-words
HELP: dual
{ $class-description "The class of dual numbers with non-zero epsilon part." } ;
HELP: dual-op
{ $values
{ "word" word }
{ $description "Similar to " { $link execute } ", but promotes word to operate on duals." }
{ $notes "Uses the derivative word-prop, which holds a list of quotations giving the partial derivatives of the word with respect to each of its arguments. This can be set using " { $link POSTPONE: DERIVATIVE: } ". Once a derivative has been defined for a word, dual-op makes it easy to extend the definition to dual numbers." }
{ $examples
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.dual math.derivatives.syntax math.functions ;"
"DERIVATIVE: sin [ cos * ]"
"M: dual sin \\sin dual-op ;" "" }
{ $unchecked-example "USING: math math.dual math.derivatives.syntax ;"
"DERIVATIVE: * [ drop ] [ nip ]"
": d* ( x y -- x*y ) \ * dual-op ;" "" }
} ;
HELP: unpack-dual
{ $values
{ "dual" dual }
{ "ordinary-part" number } { "epsilon-part" number }
{ $description "Extracts the ordinary and epsilon part of a dual number." } ;
ARTICLE: "math.dual" "Dual Numbers"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.dual" } " vocabulary implements dual numbers, along with arithmetic methods for working with them. Many of the functions in " { $vocab-link "math.functions" } " are extended to work with dual numbers."
"Dual numbers are ordered pairs " { $snippet "<o,e>"} "--an ordinary part and an epsilon part--with component-wise addition and multiplication defined by "{ $snippet "<o1,e1>*<o2,e2> = <o1*o2,e1*o2 + e2*o1>" } ". They are analagous to complex numbers with " { $snippet "i^2 = 0" } "instead of " { $snippet "i^2 = -1" } ". For well-behaved functions " { $snippet "f" } ", " { $snippet "f(<o1,e1>) = f(o1) + e1*f'(o1)" } ", where " { $snippet "f'"} " is the derivative of " { $snippet "f" } "."
ABOUT: "math.dual"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test math.dual kernel accessors math math.functions
math.constants ;
IN: math.dual.tests
[ 0.0 1.0 ] [ 0 1 <dual> sin unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 1.0 0.0 ] [ 0 1 <dual> cos unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 3 5 ] [ 1 5 <dual> 2 d+ unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 0 -1 ] [ 1 5 <dual> 1 6 <dual> d- unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 1 ] [ 2 3 <dual> 1 -1 <dual> d* unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 1/2 -1/4 ] [ 2 1 <dual> 1 swap d/ unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 1 1 <dual> 2 d^ epsilon-part>> ] unit-test
[ 2.0 .25 ] [ 4 1 <dual> sqrt unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ 2 -1 ] [ -2 1 <dual> dabs unpack-dual ] unit-test
[ -2 -1 ] [ 2 1 <dual> dneg unpack-dual ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Jason W. Merrill.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.derivatives accessors
macros words effects sequences generalizations fry
|||| generic compiler.units ;
IN: math.dual
TUPLE: dual ordinary-part epsilon-part ;
C: <dual> dual
! Ordinary numbers implement the dual protocol by returning
! themselves as the ordinary part, and 0 as the epsilon part.
M: number ordinary-part>> ;
M: number epsilon-part>> drop 0 ;
: unpack-dual ( dual -- ordinary-part epsilon-part )
[ ordinary-part>> ] [ epsilon-part>> ] bi ;
: input-length ( word -- n ) stack-effect in>> length ;
MACRO: ordinary-op ( word -- o )
[ input-length ] keep
'[ [ ordinary-part>> ] _ napply _ execute ] ;
! Takes N dual numbers <o1,e1> <o2,e2> ... <oN,eN> and weaves
! their ordinary and epsilon parts to produce
! e1 o1 o2 ... oN e2 o1 o2 ... oN ... eN o1 o2 ... oN
! This allows a set of partial derivatives each to be evaluated
! at the same point.
MACRO: duals>nweave ( n -- )
dup dup dup
[ [ epsilon-part>> ] _ napply ]
_ nkeep
[ ordinary-part>> ] _ napply
_ nweave
] ;
MACRO: chain-rule ( word -- e )
[ input-length '[ _ duals>nweave ] ]
[ "derivative" word-prop ]
[ input-length 1+ '[ _ nspread ] ]
'[ [ @ _ @ ] sum-outputs ] ;
MACRO: dual-op ( word -- )
[ '[ _ ordinary-op ] ]
[ input-length '[ _ nkeep ] ]
[ '[ _ chain-rule ] ]
'[ _ @ @ <dual> ] ;
: define-dual-method ( word -- )
[ \ dual swap create-method ] keep '[ _ dual-op ] define ;
! Specialize math functions to operate on dual numbers.
[ { sqrt exp log sin cos tan sinh cosh tanh acos asin atan }
[ define-dual-method ] each ] with-compilation-unit
! Inverse methods { asinh, acosh, atanh } are not generic, so
! there is no way to specialize them for dual numbers. However,
! they are defined in terms of functions that can operate on
! dual numbers and arithmetic methods, so if it becomes
! possible to make arithmetic operators work directly on dual
! numbers, we will get these for free.
! Arithmetic words are not generic (yet?), so we have to
! define special versions of them to operate on dual numbers.
: d+ ( x y -- x+y ) \ + dual-op ;
: d- ( x y -- x-y ) \ - dual-op ;
: d* ( x y -- x*y ) \ * dual-op ;
: d/ ( x y -- x/y ) \ / dual-op ;
: d^ ( x y -- x^y ) \ ^ dual-op ;
: dabs ( x -- |x| ) \ abs dual-op ;
! The following words are also not generic, but are defined in
! terms of words that can operate on dual numbers and
! arithmetic. If it becomes possible to implement arithmetic on
! dual numbers directly, these functions can be deleted.
: dneg ( x -- -x ) \ neg dual-op ;
: drecip ( x -- 1/x ) \ recip dual-op ;
: dasinh ( x -- y ) \ asinh dual-op ;
: dacosh ( x -- y ) \ acosh dual-op ;
: datanh ( x -- y ) \ atanh dual-op ;
@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ beast.
| C-cC-ev | edit vocabulary (fuel-edit-vocabulary) |
| C-cC-ew | edit word (fuel-edit-word-at-point) |
| C-cC-ed | edit word's doc (C-u M-x fuel-edit-word-doc-at-point) |
| C-cC-el | load vocabs in USING: form |
| C-cC-er | eval region |
| C-M-r, C-cC-ee | eval region, extending it to definition boundaries |
@ -32,6 +32,22 @@
:type 'boolean)
(defcustom fuel-autodoc-eval-using-form-p nil
"When enabled, automatically load vocabularies in USING: form
to display autodoc messages.
In order to show autodoc messages for words in a Factor buffer,
the used vocabularies must be loaded in the Factor image. Setting
this variable to `t' will do that automatically for you,
asynchronously. That means that you'll be able to move around
while the vocabs are being loaded, but no other FUEL
functionality will be available until loading finishes (and it
may take a while). Thus, this functionality is disabled by
default. You can force loading the vocabs in a Factor buffer
USING: form with \\[fuel-load-usings]."
:group 'fuel-autodoc
:type 'boolean)
;;; Eldoc function:
@ -41,9 +57,10 @@
(let ((word (or word (fuel-syntax-symbol-at-point)))
(fuel-log--inhibit-p t))
(when word
(let* ((cmd (if (fuel-syntax--in-using)
(let* ((usings (if fuel-autodoc-eval-using-form-p :usings t))
(cmd (if (fuel-syntax--in-using)
`(:fuel* (,word fuel-vocab-summary) :in t)
`(:fuel* (((:quote ,word) synopsis :get)) :in)))
`(:fuel* ((,word :usings fuel-word-synopsis)) t ,usings)))
(ret (fuel-eval--send/wait cmd fuel-autodoc--timeout))
(res (fuel-eval--retort-result ret)))
(when (and ret (not (fuel-eval--retort-error ret)) (stringp res))
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
(t (error "Invalid 'in' (%s)" in))))
(defsubst factor--fuel-usings (usings)
(cond ((null usings) :usings)
(cond ((or (null usings) (eq usings :usings)) :usings)
((eq usings t) nil)
((listp usings) `(:array ,@usings))
(t (error "Invalid 'usings' (%s)" usings))))
@ -132,6 +132,18 @@ With prefix argument, ask for the file name."
(let ((file (car (fuel-mode--read-file arg))))
(when file (fuel-debug--uses-for-file file))))
(defun fuel-load-usings ()
"Loads all vocabularies in the current buffer's USING: from.
Useful to activate autodoc help messages in a vocabulary not yet
loaded. See documentation for `fuel-autodoc-eval-using-form-p'
for details."
(message "Loading all vocabularies in USING: form ...")
(let ((err (fuel-eval--retort-error
(fuel-eval--send/wait '(:fuel* (t) t :usings) 120000))))
(message (if err "Warning: some vocabularies failed to load"
"All vocabularies loaded"))))
;;; Minor mode definition:
@ -191,7 +203,8 @@ interacting with a factor listener is at your disposal.
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?d 'fuel-edit-word-doc-at-point)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?e 'fuel-eval-extended-region)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?l 'fuel-run-file)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?k 'fuel-run-file)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?l 'fuel-load-usings)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?r 'fuel-eval-region)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?u 'fuel-update-usings)
(fuel-mode--key ?e ?v 'fuel-edit-vocabulary)
Reference in New Issue