cocoa: Prefer ``send: foo`` or ``send: \foo:`` instead of ``send\ foo:``
@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ multiline words ;
: run-apple-script ( str -- )
[ NSAppleScript send\ alloc ] dip
<NSString> send\ initWithSource: send\ autorelease
f send\ executeAndReturnError: drop ;
[ NSAppleScript send: alloc ] dip
<NSString> send: \initWithSource: send: autorelease
f send: \executeAndReturnError: drop ;
scan-new-word scan-object
@ -4,16 +4,16 @@ USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax cocoa cocoa.classes
cocoa.runtime core-foundation.strings kernel sequences ;
IN: cocoa.application
: <NSString> ( str -- alien ) <CFString> send\ autorelease ;
: <NSString> ( str -- alien ) <CFString> send: autorelease ;
CONSTANT: NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess 0
CONSTANT: NSApplicationDelegateReplyCancel 1
CONSTANT: NSApplicationDelegateReplyFailure 2
: with-autorelease-pool ( quot -- )
NSAutoreleasePool send\ new [ call ] [ send\ release ] bi* ; inline
NSAutoreleasePool send: new [ call ] [ send: release ] bi* ; inline
: NSApp ( -- app ) NSApplication send\ sharedApplication ;
: NSApp ( -- app ) NSApplication send: sharedApplication ;
CONSTANT: NSAnyEventMask 0xffffffff
@ -24,24 +24,24 @@ FUNCTION: void NSBeep ( )
: add-observer ( observer selector name object -- )
[ NSNotificationCenter send\ defaultCenter ] 2dip
[ NSNotificationCenter send: defaultCenter ] 2dip
] 2dip send\ addObserver:selector:name:object: ;
] 2dip send: \addObserver:selector:name:object: ;
: remove-observer ( observer -- )
[ NSNotificationCenter send\ defaultCenter ] dip
send\ removeObserver: ;
[ NSNotificationCenter send: defaultCenter ] dip
send: \removeObserver: ;
: cocoa-app ( quot -- )
[ call NSApp send\ run ] with-cocoa ; inline
[ call NSApp send: run ] with-cocoa ; inline
: install-delegate ( receiver delegate -- )
send\ alloc send\ init send\ setDelegate: ;
send: alloc send: init send: \setDelegate: ;
: ( -- ? )
! Test if we're running a .app.
NSBundle send\ mainBundle send\ bundlePath CF>string
NSBundle send: mainBundle send: bundlePath CF>string
subseq? ;
: ( message -- )
@ -2,25 +2,25 @@ USING: cocoa.messages help.markup help.syntax strings
alien core-foundation ;
IN: cocoa
HELP: send\
{ $syntax "-> selector" }
HELP: \send:
{ $syntax "send: selector" }
{ $values { "selector" "an Objective C method name" } }
{ $description "A sugared form of the following:" }
{ $code "\"selector\" send" } ;
HELP: super\
{ $syntax "-> selector" }
HELP: \super:
{ $syntax "super: selector" }
{ $values { "selector" "an Objective C method name" } }
{ $description "A sugared form of the following:" }
{ $code "\"selector\" send-super" } ;
{ send super-send postpone: \send\ postpone: \super\ } related-words
{ send super-send postpone: \send: postpone: \super: } related-words
{ $syntax "IMPORT: name" }
{ $description "Makes an Objective C class available for use." }
{ $examples
{ $code "IMPORT: QTMovie" "QTMovie \"My\" <NSString> f send\ movieWithFile:error:" }
{ $code "IMPORT: QTMovie" "QTMovie \"My\" <NSString> f send: \\movieWithFile:error:" }
} ;
ARTICLE: "objc-calling" "Calling Objective C code"
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ ARTICLE: "objc-calling" "Calling Objective C code"
"Messages can be sent to classes and instances using a pair of parsing words:"
{ $subsections
postpone: \send\
postpone: \super\
postpone: \send:
postpone: \super:
"These parsing words are actually syntax sugar for a pair of ordinary words; they can be used instead of the parsing words if the selector name is dynamically computed:"
{ $subsections
@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ IN: cocoa.tests
: test-foo ( -- )
Foo send\ alloc send\ init
dup 1.0 2.0 101.0 102.0 <CGRect> send\ foo:
send\ release ;
Foo send: alloc send: init
dup 1.0 2.0 101.0 102.0 <CGRect> send: \foo:
send: release ;
{ } [ test-foo ] unit-test
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ IN: cocoa.tests
{ } [
Bar [
send\ alloc send\ init
dup send\ bar "x" set
send\ release
send: alloc send: init
dup send: bar "x" set
send: release
] compile-call
] unit-test
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ IN: cocoa.tests
{ 144 } [
Bar [
send\ alloc send\ init
dup 12 send\ babb:
swap send\ release
send: alloc send: init
dup 12 send: \babb:
swap send: release
] compile-call
] unit-test
@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ SYMBOL: sent-messages
: remember-send ( selector -- )
sent-messages (remember-send) ;
SYNTAX: \send\ scan-token dup remember-send suffix! \ send suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \send: scan-token unescape-token dup remember-send suffix! \ send suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \?send\ scan-token dup remember-send suffix! \ ?send suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \?send: scan-token unescape-token dup remember-send suffix! \ ?send suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \selector\
SYNTAX: \selector:
scan-token unescape-token
[ remember-send ]
[ <selector> suffix! \ cocoa.messages:selector suffix! ] bi ;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SYMBOL: super-sent-messages
: remember-super-send ( selector -- )
super-sent-messages (remember-send) ;
SYNTAX: \super\ scan-token dup remember-super-send suffix! \ super-send suffix! ;
SYNTAX: \super: scan-token unescape-token dup remember-super-send suffix! \ super-send suffix! ;
SYMBOL: frameworks
@ -5,27 +5,27 @@ core-foundation.strings kernel splitting ;
IN: cocoa.dialogs
: <NSOpenPanel> ( -- panel )
NSOpenPanel send\ openPanel
dup 1 send\ setCanChooseFiles:
dup 0 send\ setCanChooseDirectories:
dup 1 send\ setResolvesAliases:
dup 1 send\ setAllowsMultipleSelection: ;
NSOpenPanel send: openPanel
dup 1 send: \setCanChooseFiles:
dup 0 send: \setCanChooseDirectories:
dup 1 send: \setResolvesAliases:
dup 1 send: \setAllowsMultipleSelection: ;
: <NSDirPanel> ( -- panel ) <NSOpenPanel>
dup 1 send\ setCanChooseDirectories: ;
dup 1 send: \setCanChooseDirectories: ;
: <NSSavePanel> ( -- panel )
NSSavePanel send\ savePanel
dup 1 send\ setCanChooseFiles:
dup 0 send\ setCanChooseDirectories:
dup 0 send\ setAllowsMultipleSelection: ;
NSSavePanel send: savePanel
dup 1 send: \setCanChooseFiles:
dup 0 send: \setCanChooseDirectories:
dup 0 send: \setAllowsMultipleSelection: ;
CONSTANT: NSCancelButton 0
: (open-panel) ( panel -- paths )
dup send\ runModal NSOKButton =
[ send\ filenames CF>string-array ] [ drop f ] if ;
dup send: runModal NSOKButton =
[ send: filenames CF>string-array ] [ drop f ] if ;
: open-panel ( -- paths ) <NSOpenPanel> (open-panel) ;
@ -36,5 +36,5 @@ CONSTANT: NSCancelButton 0
: save-panel ( path -- path/f )
[ <NSSavePanel> dup ] dip
split-path send\ runModalForDirectory:file: NSOKButton =
[ send\ filename CF>string ] [ drop f ] if ;
split-path send: \runModalForDirectory:file: NSOKButton =
[ send: filename CF>string ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CONSTANT: NS-EACH-BUFFER-SIZE 16
] with-destructors ; inline
:: (NSFastEnumeration-each) ( ... object quot: ( ... elt -- ) state stackbuf count -- ... )
object state stackbuf count send\ countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: :> items-count
object state stackbuf count send: \countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count: :> items-count
items-count 0 = [
state itemsPtr>> [ items-count id <c-direct-array> ] [ stackbuf ] if* :> items
items-count <iota> [ items nth quot call ] each
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ HELP: super-send
HELP: objc-class
{ $values { "string" string } { "class" alien } }
{ $description "Outputs the Objective C class named by " { $snippet "string" } ". This class can then be used as the receiver in message sends calling class methods, for example:"
{ $code "NSMutableArray send\ alloc" } }
{ $code "NSMutableArray send: alloc" } }
{ $errors "Throws an error if there is no class named by " { $snippet "string" } "." } ;
HELP: objc-meta-class
@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ IN: cocoa.nibs
: load-nib ( name -- )
swap <NSString> NSApp send\ loadNibNamed:owner:
swap <NSString> NSApp send: \loadNibNamed:owner:
drop ;
: nib-named ( nib-name -- anNSNib )
<NSString> NSNib send\ alloc swap f send\ initWithNibNamed:bundle:
dup [ send\ autorelease ] when ;
<NSString> NSNib send: alloc swap f send: \initWithNibNamed:bundle:
dup [ send: autorelease ] when ;
: nib-objects ( anNSNib -- objects/f )
{ void* } [ send\ instantiateNibWithOwner:topLevelObjects: ]
{ void* } [ send: \instantiateNibWithOwner:topLevelObjects: ]
swap [ CF>array ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -8,19 +8,19 @@ IN: cocoa.pasteboard
CONSTANT: NSStringPboardType "NSStringPboardType"
: pasteboard-string? ( pasteboard -- ? )
NSStringPboardType swap send\ types CF>string-array member? ;
NSStringPboardType swap send: types CF>string-array member? ;
: pasteboard-string ( pasteboard -- str )
NSStringPboardType <NSString> send\ stringForType:
NSStringPboardType <NSString> send: \stringForType:
dup [ CF>string ] when ;
: set-pasteboard-types ( seq pasteboard -- )
swap <CFArray> send\ autorelease f send\ declareTypes:owner: drop ;
swap <CFArray> send: autorelease f send: \declareTypes:owner: drop ;
: set-pasteboard-string ( str pasteboard -- )
NSStringPboardType <NSString>
dup 1array pick set-pasteboard-types
[ swap <NSString> ] dip send\ setString:forType: drop ;
[ swap <NSString> ] dip send: \setString:forType: drop ;
: pasteboard-error ( error -- f )
"Pasteboard does not hold a string" <NSString>
@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ core-foundation.utilities fry io.backend kernel macros math
quotations sequences ;
IN: cocoa.plists
: >plist ( value -- plist ) >cf send\ autorelease ;
: >plist ( value -- plist ) >cf send: autorelease ;
: write-plist ( assoc path -- )
[ >plist ] [ normalize-path <NSString> ] bi* 0 send\ writeToFile:atomically:
[ >plist ] [ normalize-path <NSString> ] bi* 0 send: \writeToFile:atomically:
[ "write-plist failed" throw ] unless ;
DEFER: plist>
@ -19,30 +19,30 @@ DEFER: plist>
: (plist-NSNumber>) ( NSNumber -- number )
dup send\ doubleValue dup >integer =
[ send\ longLongValue ] [ send\ doubleValue ] if ;
dup send: doubleValue dup >integer =
[ send: longLongValue ] [ send: doubleValue ] if ;
: (plist-NSData>) ( NSData -- byte-array )
dup send\ length <byte-array> [ send\ getBytes: ] keep ;
dup send: length <byte-array> [ send: \getBytes: ] keep ;
: (plist-NSArray>) ( NSArray -- vector )
[ plist> ] NSFastEnumeration-map ;
: (plist-NSDictionary>) ( NSDictionary -- hashtable )
dup [ [ nip ] [ send\ valueForKey: ] 2bi [ plist> ] bi@ ] with
dup [ [ nip ] [ send: \valueForKey: ] 2bi [ plist> ] bi@ ] with
NSFastEnumeration>hashtable ;
: (read-plist) ( NSData -- id )
NSPropertyListSerialization swap kCFPropertyListImmutable f
{ void* }
[ send\ propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription: ]
[ send: \propertyListFromData:mutabilityOption:format:errorDescription: ]
[ send\ release "read-plist failed" throw ] when* ;
[ send: release "read-plist failed" throw ] when* ;
MACRO: objc-class-case ( alist -- quot )
dup callable?
[ first2 [ '[ dup _ execute send\ isKindOfClass: c-bool> ] ] dip 2array ]
[ first2 [ '[ dup _ execute send: \isKindOfClass: c-bool> ] ] dip 2array ]
] map '[ _ cond ] ;
@ -63,5 +63,5 @@ ERROR: invalid-plist-object object ;
: read-plist ( path -- assoc )
normalize-path <NSString>
NSData swap send\ dataWithContentsOfFile:
NSData swap send: \dataWithContentsOfFile:
[ (read-plist) plist> ] [ "read-plist failed" throw ] if* ;
@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ ENUM: default-touchbar refresh-all-action auto-use-action ;
: enum>CFStringArray ( seq -- alien )
NSArray send\ alloc
swap <CFStringArray> send\ initWithArray: ;
NSArray send: alloc
swap <CFStringArray> send: \initWithArray: ;
: make-touchbar ( enum self -- touchbar )
[ NSTouchBar send\ alloc send\ init dup ] dip send\ setDelegate: {
[ swap enum>CFStringArray { void { id SEL id } } ?send\ setDefaultItemIdentifiers: ]
[ swap enum>CFStringArray { void { id SEL id } } ?send\ setCustomizationAllowedItemIdentifiers: ]
[ NSTouchBar send: alloc send: init dup ] dip send: \setDelegate: {
[ swap enum>CFStringArray { void { id SEL id } } ?send: \setDefaultItemIdentifiers: ]
[ swap enum>CFStringArray { void { id SEL id } } ?send: \setCustomizationAllowedItemIdentifiers: ]
[ nip ]
} 2cleave ;
:: make-NSTouchBar-button ( self identifier label-string action-string -- button )
NSCustomTouchBarItem send\ alloc
identifier <CFString> { id { id SEL id } } ?send\ initWithIdentifier: :> item
NSCustomTouchBarItem send: alloc
identifier <CFString> { id { id SEL id } } ?send: \initWithIdentifier: :> item
label-string <CFString>
action-string lookup-selector { id { id SEL id id SEL } } ?send\ buttonWithTitle:target:action: :> button
item button send\ setView:
action-string lookup-selector { id { id SEL id id SEL } } ?send: \buttonWithTitle:target:action: :> button
item button send: \setView:
item ;
@ -59,21 +59,21 @@ CONSTANT: NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core 0x3200
CONSTANT: NSOpenGLProfileVersion4_1Core 0x4100
: <GLView> ( class dim pixel-format -- view )
[ send\ alloc ]
[ send: alloc ]
[ [ 0 0 ] dip first2 <CGRect> ]
[ handle>> ] tri*
send\ initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
dup 1 send\ setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:
dup 1 send\ setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: ;
send: \initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
dup 1 send: \setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications:
dup 1 send: \setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: ;
: view-dim ( view -- dim )
send\ bounds
send: bounds
[ CGRect-w >fixnum ] [ CGRect-h >fixnum ] bi
2array ;
: mouse-location ( view event -- loc )
send\ locationInWindow f send\ convertPoint:fromView:
send: locationInWindow f send: \convertPoint:fromView:
[ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi
] [ drop send\ frame CGRect-h ] 2bi
] [ drop send: frame CGRect-h ] 2bi
swap - [ >integer ] bi@ 2array ;
@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ CONSTANT: NSBackingStoreNonretained 1
CONSTANT: NSBackingStoreBuffered 2
: <NSWindow> ( rect style class -- window )
[ send\ alloc ] curry 2dip NSBackingStoreBuffered 1
send\ initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer: ;
[ send: alloc ] curry 2dip NSBackingStoreBuffered 1
send: \initWithContentRect:styleMask:backing:defer: ;
: class-for-style ( style -- NSWindow/NSPanel )
0x1ef0 bitand zero? NSWindow NSPanel ? ;
: <ViewWindow> ( view rect style -- window )
dup class-for-style <NSWindow> [ swap send\ setContentView: ] keep
dup dup send\ contentView send\ setInitialFirstResponder:
dup 1 send\ setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:
dup 0 send\ setReleasedWhenClosed: ;
dup class-for-style <NSWindow> [ swap send: \setContentView: ] keep
dup dup send: contentView send: \setInitialFirstResponder:
dup 1 send: \setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:
dup 0 send: \setReleasedWhenClosed: ;
: window-content-rect ( window -- rect )
dup send\ class swap
[ send\ frame ] [ send\ styleMask ] bi
send\ contentRectForFrameRect:styleMask: ;
dup send: class swap
[ send: frame ] [ send: styleMask ] bi
send: \contentRectForFrameRect:styleMask: ;
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ os macosx? [
: <CGImage> ( byte-array -- image-rep )
[ NSBitmapImageRep ] dip
<CFData> send\ autorelease
send\ imageRepWithData:
send\ CGImage ;
<CFData> send: autorelease
send: \imageRepWithData:
send: CGImage ;
:: CGImage>image ( image -- image )
image CGImageGetWidth :> w
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ os macosx? [
: image>CGImage ( image -- image )
[ bitmap>> ] [ dim>> first2 ] bi 8 pick 4 *
bitmap-color-space bitmap-flags
CGBitmapContextCreate send\ autorelease
CGBitmapContextCreate send: autorelease
CGBitmapContextCreateImage ;
M: ns-image stream>image*
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ IN: tools.deploy.test.14
: main ( -- )
Bar send\ alloc send\ init
S{ CGRect f S{ CGPoint f 1.0 2.0 } S{ CGSize f 3.0 4.0 } } send\ bar:
Bar send: alloc send: init
S{ CGRect f S{ CGPoint f 1.0 2.0 } S{ CGSize f 3.0 4.0 } } send: \bar:
10.0 assert= ;
MAIN: main
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ CONSTANT: attrib-table H{
M: cocoa-ui-backend (make-pixel-format)
nip { } attrib-table pixel-format-attributes>int-array
NSOpenGLPixelFormat send\ alloc swap send\ initWithAttributes: ;
NSOpenGLPixelFormat send: alloc swap send: \initWithAttributes: ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (free-pixel-format)
handle>> send\ release ;
handle>> send: release ;
TUPLE: pasteboard handle ;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ M: pasteboard set-clipboard-contents
handle>> set-pasteboard-string ;
: init-clipboard ( -- )
NSPasteboard send\ generalPasteboard <pasteboard>
NSPasteboard send: generalPasteboard <pasteboard>
clipboard set-global
<clipboard> selection set-global ;
@ -76,32 +76,32 @@ M: pasteboard set-clipboard-contents
! after register-window.
dup { 0 0 } = [
ui-windows get-global length 1 <= [ send\ center ] [
ui-windows get-global length 1 <= [ send: center ] [
ui-windows get-global last second window-loc>>
dupd first2 <CGPoint> send\ cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:
send\ setFrameTopLeftPoint:
dupd first2 <CGPoint> send: \cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:
send: \setFrameTopLeftPoint:
] if
] [ first2 <CGPoint> send\ setFrameTopLeftPoint: ] if ;
] [ first2 <CGPoint> send: \setFrameTopLeftPoint: ] if ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
handle>> window>> swap <NSString> send\ setTitle: ;
handle>> window>> swap <NSString> send: \setTitle: ;
: enter-fullscreen ( world -- )
handle>> view>>
NSScreen send\ mainScreen
f send\ enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:
NSScreen send: mainScreen
f send: \enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:
drop ;
: exit-fullscreen ( world -- )
[ view>> f send\ exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ]
[ [ window>> ] [ view>> ] bi send\ makeFirstResponder: drop ] bi ;
[ view>> f send: \exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ]
[ [ window>> ] [ view>> ] bi send: \makeFirstResponder: drop ] bi ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (set-fullscreen) ( world ? -- )
[ enter-fullscreen ] [ exit-fullscreen ] if ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (fullscreen?) ( world -- ? )
handle>> view>> send\ isInFullScreenMode zero? not ;
handle>> view>> send: isInFullScreenMode zero? not ;
! XXX: Until someone tests OSX with a tiling window manager,
! dialog-window is the same as normal-title-window
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ CONSTANT: window-control>styleMask
window-controls>> window-control>styleMask symbols>flags ;
: make-context-transparent ( view -- )
send\ openGLContext
0 int <ref> NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity send\ setValues:forParameter: ;
send: openGLContext
0 int <ref> NSOpenGLCPSurfaceOpacity send: \setValues:forParameter: ;
M:: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
world [ [ dim>> ] dip <FactorView> ]
@ -130,27 +130,27 @@ M:: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
world window-controls>> textured-background swap member-eq?
[ view make-context-transparent ] when
view world [ world>NSRect ] [ world>styleMask ] bi <ViewWindow> :> window
view send\ release
view send: release
world view register-window
window world window-loc>> auto-position
world window save-position
window install-window-delegate
view window <window-handle> world handle<<
window f send\ makeKeyAndOrderFront:
window f send: \makeKeyAndOrderFront:
t world active?<< ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (close-window) ( handle -- )
view>> dup send\ isInFullScreenMode zero?
view>> dup send: isInFullScreenMode zero?
[ drop ]
[ f send\ exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ] if
] [ window>> send\ release ] bi ;
[ f send: \exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ] if
] [ window>> send: release ] bi ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (grab-input) ( handle -- )
0 CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition drop
CGMainDisplayID CGDisplayHideCursor drop
window>> send\ frame CGRect>rect rect-center
NSScreen send\ screens 0 send\ objectAtIndex: send\ frame CGRect-h
window>> send: frame CGRect>rect rect-center
NSScreen send: screens 0 send: \objectAtIndex: send: frame CGRect-h
[ drop first ] [ swap second - ] 2bi <CGPoint>
[ GetCurrentButtonState zero? not ] [ yield ] while
CGWarpMouseCursorPosition drop ;
@ -163,35 +163,35 @@ M: cocoa-ui-backend (ungrab-input) ( handle -- )
M: cocoa-ui-backend close-window ( gadget -- )
find-world [
handle>> [
window>> send\ close
window>> send: close
] when*
] when* ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
handle>> [
window>> dup f send\ orderFront: send\ makeKeyWindow
NSApp 1 send\ activateIgnoringOtherApps:
window>> dup f send: \orderFront: send: makeKeyWindow
NSApp 1 send: \activateIgnoringOtherApps:
] when* ;
M: window-handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )
view>> send\ openGLContext send\ makeCurrentContext ;
view>> send: openGLContext send: makeCurrentContext ;
M: window-handle flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
view>> send\ openGLContext send\ flushBuffer ;
view>> send: openGLContext send: flushBuffer ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend beep ( -- )
NSBeep ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend resize-window
[ handle>> window>> ] [ first2 ] bi* <CGSize> send\ setContentSize: ;
[ handle>> window>> ] [ first2 ] bi* <CGSize> send: \setContentSize: ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend system-alert
NSAlert send\ alloc send\ init send\ autorelease [
NSAlert send: alloc send: init send: autorelease [
[ swap <NSString> send\ setInformativeText: ]
[ swap <NSString> send\ setMessageText: ]
[ "OK" <NSString> send\ addButtonWithTitle: drop ]
[ send\ runModal drop ]
[ swap <NSString> send: \setInformativeText: ]
[ swap <NSString> send: \setMessageText: ]
[ "OK" <NSString> send: \addButtonWithTitle: drop ]
[ send: runModal drop ]
} cleave
] [ 2drop ] if* ;
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ M: cocoa-ui-backend (with-ui)
NSApp send\ run
NSApp send: run
] ui-running
] with-cocoa ;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IN:
: finder-run-files ( alien -- )
CF>string-array listener-run-files
NSApp NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess
send\ replyToOpenOrPrint: ;
send: \replyToOpenOrPrint: ;
: menu-run-files ( -- )
open-panel [ listener-run-files ] when* ;
@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ IN:
: register-services ( -- )
FactorServiceProvider send\ alloc send\ init
send\ setServicesProvider: ;
FactorServiceProvider send: alloc send: init
send: \setServicesProvider: ;
FUNCTION: void NSUpdateDynamicServices ( )
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ IN: ui.backend.cocoa.views
! Issue #1453
: button ( event -- n )
! Cocoa send\ Factor UI button mapping
send\ buttonNumber {
! Cocoa send: Factor UI button mapping
send: buttonNumber {
{ 0 [ 1 ] }
{ 1 [ 3 ] }
{ 2 [ 2 ] }
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ CONSTANT: key-codes
: key-code ( event -- string ? )
dup send\ keyCode key-codes at
[ t ] [ send\ charactersIgnoringModifiers CF>string f ] ?if ;
dup send: keyCode key-codes at
[ t ] [ send: charactersIgnoringModifiers CF>string f ] ?if ;
: event-modifiers ( event -- modifiers )
send\ modifierFlags modifiers modifier ;
send: modifierFlags modifiers modifier ;
: key-event>gesture ( event -- modifiers keycode action? )
[ event-modifiers ] [ key-code ] bi ;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ CONSTANT: key-codes
swap window [ propagate-key-gesture ] [ drop ] if* ;
: interpret-key-event ( view event -- )
NSArray swap send\ arrayWithObject: send\ interpretKeyEvents: ;
NSArray swap send: \arrayWithObject: send: \interpretKeyEvents: ;
: send-key-down-event ( view event -- )
[ key-event>gesture <key-down> send-key-event ]
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ CONSTANT: key-codes
[ send-button-up ] [ 2drop ] if* ;
: send-scroll$ ( view event -- )
[ nip [ send\ deltaX ] [ send\ deltaY ] bi [ neg ] bi@ 2array ]
[ nip [ send: deltaX ] [ send: deltaY ] bi [ neg ] bi@ 2array ]
[ mouse-location ]
[ drop window ]
@ -166,13 +166,13 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void prepareOpenGL [
self selector\ setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:
send\ respondsToSelector: c-bool> [
self selector: \setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:
send: \respondsToSelector: c-bool> [
self selector\ setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: 1
self selector: \setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface: 1
void f "objc_msgSend" { id SEL char } f alien-invoke
self selector\ backingScaleFactor
self selector: backingScaleFactor
double f "objc_msgSend" { id SEL } f alien-invoke
dup 1.0 > [
@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: char validateUserInterfaceItem: id event
self window [
event send\ action utf8 alien>string validate-action
[ >c-bool ] [ drop self event super\ validateUserInterfaceItem: ] if
event send: action utf8 alien>string validate-action
[ >c-bool ] [ drop self event super: \validateUserInterfaceItem: ] if
] [ 0 ] if*
] ;
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void magnifyWithEvent: id event
self event
dup send\ deltaZ sgn {
dup send: deltaZ sgn {
{ 1 [ zoom-in-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ zoom-out-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
@ -288,12 +288,12 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void swipeWithEvent: id event
self event
dup send\ deltaX sgn {
dup send: deltaX sgn {
{ 1 [ left-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ right-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0
dup send\ deltaY sgn {
dup send: deltaY sgn {
{ 1 [ up-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ down-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void unmarkText [ ] ;
METHOD: id validAttributesForMarkedText [ NSArray send\ array ] ;
METHOD: id validAttributesForMarkedText [ NSArray send: array ] ;
METHOD: id attributedSubstringFromRange: NSRange range [ f ] ;
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: id initWithFrame: NSRect frame pixelFormat: id pixelFormat
self frame pixelFormat super\ initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
self frame pixelFormat super: \initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
dup dup add-resize-observer
] ;
@ -385,41 +385,41 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void dealloc
self remove-observer
self super\ dealloc
self super: dealloc
] ;
: sync-refresh-to-screen ( GLView -- )
send\ openGLContext send\ CGLContextObj NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval 1 int <ref>
send: openGLContext send: CGLContextObj NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval 1 int <ref>
CGLSetParameter drop ;
: <FactorView> ( dim pixel-format -- view )
[ FactorView ] 2dip <GLView> [ sync-refresh-to-screen ] keep ;
: save-position ( world window -- )
send\ frame CGRect-top-left 2array >>window-loc drop ;
send: frame CGRect-top-left 2array >>window-loc drop ;
<CLASS: FactorWindowDelegate < NSObject
METHOD: void windowDidMove: id notification
notification send\ object send\ contentView window
[ notification send\ object save-position ] when*
notification send: object send: contentView window
[ notification send: object save-position ] when*
] ;
METHOD: void windowDidBecomeKey: id notification
notification send\ object send\ contentView window
notification send: object send: contentView window
[ focus-world ] when*
] ;
METHOD: void windowDidResignKey: id notification
notification send\ object send\ contentView :> view
notification send: object send: contentView :> view
view window :> window
window [
view send\ isInFullScreenMode 0 =
view send: isInFullScreenMode 0 =
[ window unfocus-world ] when
] when
] ;
@ -428,16 +428,16 @@ CONSTANT: selector>action H{
METHOD: void windowWillClose: id notification
notification send\ object send\ contentView
notification send: object send: contentView
[ window ungraft ] [ unregister-window ] bi
] ;
METHOD: void windowDidChangeBackingProperties: id notification
notification send\ object dup selector\ backingScaleFactor
send\ respondsToSelector: c-bool> [
{ double { id SEL } } ?send\ backingScaleFactor
notification send: object dup selector: backingScaleFactor
send: \respondsToSelector: c-bool> [
{ double { id SEL } } ?send: backingScaleFactor
[ [ 1.0 > ] keep f ? gl-scale-factor set-global ]
[ 1.0 > retina? set-global ] bi
@ -77,18 +77,18 @@ IMPORT: QTSampleBuffer
: <movie> ( filename -- movie )
QTMovie swap <NSString> f send\ movieWithFile:error: send\ retain ;
QTMovie swap <NSString> f send: \movieWithFile:error: send: retain ;
: movie-attributes ( movie -- attributes )
send\ movieAttributes plist> ;
send: movieAttributes plist> ;
: play ( movie -- )
send\ play ;
send: play ;
: stop ( movie -- )
send\ stop ;
send: stop ;
: movie-tracks ( movie -- tracks )
send\ tracks NSFastEnumeration>vector ;
send: tracks NSFastEnumeration>vector ;
: track-attributes ( track -- attributes )
send\ trackAttributes plist> ;
send: trackAttributes plist> ;
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ IMPORT: WebView
: rect ( -- rect ) 0 0 700 500 <CGRect> ;
: <WebView> ( -- id )
WebView send\ alloc
rect f f send\ initWithFrame:frameName:groupName: ;
WebView send: alloc
rect f f send: \initWithFrame:frameName:groupName: ;
CONSTANT: window-style
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ CONSTANT: window-style
<WebView> rect window-style <ViewWindow> ;
: load-url ( window url -- )
[ send\ contentView ] [ <NSString> ] bi* send\ setMainFrameURL: ;
[ send: contentView ] [ <NSString> ] bi* send: \setMainFrameURL: ;
: webkit-demo ( -- )
[ send\ center ]
[ f send\ makeKeyAndOrderFront: ]
[ send: center ]
[ f send: \makeKeyAndOrderFront: ]
[ "" load-url ] tri ;
: run-webkit-demo ( -- )
Reference in New Issue