Merge git://
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ M: object uses drop f ;
: xref ( defspec -- ) dup uses crossref get add-vertex ;
: usage ( defspec -- seq ) crossref get at keys ;
: usage ( defspec -- seq ) \ f or crossref get at keys ;
GENERIC: redefined* ( defspec -- )
@ -102,11 +102,13 @@ M: method-body stack-effect
! Definition protocol
M: method-spec where
dup first2 method [ method-loc ] [ second where ] ?if ;
dup first2 method [ method-word ] [ second ] ?if where ;
M: method-spec set-where first2 method set-method-loc ;
M: method-spec set-where
first2 method method-word set-where ;
M: method-spec definer drop \ M: \ ; ;
M: method-spec definer
drop \ M: \ ; ;
M: method-spec definition
first2 method dup [ method-def ] when ;
@ -114,9 +116,21 @@ M: method-spec definition
: forget-method ( class generic -- )
[ delete-at* ] with-methods
[ method-word forget ] [ drop ] if ;
[ method-word forget-word ] [ drop ] if ;
M: method-spec forget* first2 forget-method ;
M: method-spec forget*
first2 forget-method ;
M: method-body definer
drop \ M: \ ; ;
M: method-body definition
"method" word-prop method-def ;
M: method-body forget*
"method" word-prop
{ method-specializer method-generic } get-slots
forget-method ;
: implementors* ( classes -- words )
all-words [
@ -351,13 +351,18 @@ IN: temporary
<< file get parsed >> file set
: ~a ;
: ~b ~a ;
"IN: temporary : ~b ~a ;" <string-reader>
"smudgy" parse-stream drop
: ~c ;
: ~d ;
{ H{ { ~a ~a } { ~c ~c } { ~d ~d } } H{ } } old-definitions set
{ H{ { ~a ~a } { ~b ~b } { ~c ~c } { ~d ~d } } H{ } } old-definitions set
{ H{ { ~d ~d } } H{ } } new-definitions set
{ H{ { ~b ~b } { ~d ~d } } H{ } } new-definitions set
[ V{ ~b } { ~a } { ~a ~c } ] [
@ -365,6 +370,24 @@ IN: temporary
] unit-test
] with-scope
<< file get parsed >> file set
: ~f ~e ;
: ~g ;
{ H{ { ~e ~e } { ~f ~f } { ~g ~g } } H{ } } old-definitions set
{ H{ { ~g ~g } } H{ } } new-definitions set
[ V{ } { } { ~e ~f } ]
[ smudged-usage natural-sort ]
] with-scope
[ ] [
"IN: temporary USE: kernel PREDICATE: object foo ( x -- y ) ;" eval
] unit-test
@ -439,11 +439,12 @@ SYMBOL: interactive-vocabs
"Warning: the following definitions were removed from sources," print
"but are still referenced from other definitions:" print
dup stack.
dup sorted-definitions.
"The following definitions need to be updated:" print
over stack.
over sorted-definitions.
] when 2drop ;
: filter-moved ( assoc -- newassoc )
@ -174,6 +174,12 @@ M: hook-generic synopsis*
M: method-spec synopsis*
dup definer. [ pprint-word ] each ;
M: method-body synopsis*
dup definer.
"method" word-prop dup
method-specializer pprint*
method-generic pprint* ;
M: mixin-instance synopsis*
dup definer.
dup mixin-instance-class pprint-word
@ -188,6 +194,15 @@ M: pathname synopsis* pprint* ;
[ synopsis* ] with-in
] with-string-writer ;
: synopsis-alist ( definitions -- alist )
[ dup synopsis swap ] { } map>assoc ;
: definitions. ( alist -- )
[ write-object nl ] assoc-each ;
: sorted-definitions. ( definitions -- )
synopsis-alist sort-keys definitions. ;
GENERIC: declarations. ( obj -- )
M: object declarations. drop ;
@ -253,7 +268,9 @@ M: builtin-class see-class*
natural-sort [ nl see ] each ;
: see-implementors ( class -- seq )
dup implementors [ 2array ] with map ;
dup implementors
[ method method-word ] with map
natural-sort ;
: see-class ( class -- )
dup class? [
@ -263,8 +280,9 @@ M: builtin-class see-class*
] when drop ;
: see-methods ( generic -- seq )
[ "methods" word-prop keys natural-sort ] keep
[ 2array ] curry map ;
"methods" word-prop
[ nip method-word ] { } assoc>map
natural-sort ;
M: word see
dup see-class
@ -310,13 +310,11 @@ M: immutable-sequence clone-like like ;
: iterate-seq >r dup length swap r> ; inline
: (each) ( seq quot -- n quot' )
iterate-seq [ >r nth-unsafe r> call ] 2curry ; inline
>r dup length swap [ nth-unsafe ] curry r> compose ; inline
: (collect) ( quot into -- quot' )
[ >r over slip r> set-nth-unsafe ] 2curry ; inline
[ >r keep r> set-nth-unsafe ] 2curry ; inline
: collect ( n quot into -- )
(collect) each-integer ; inline
@ -415,7 +413,7 @@ PRIVATE>
>r dup length 1- swap r> (monotonic) all? ; inline
: interleave ( seq between quot -- )
[ (interleave) ] 2curry iterate-seq 2each ; inline
[ (interleave) ] 2curry >r dup length swap r> 2each ; inline
: unfold ( pred quot tail -- seq )
V{ } clone [
@ -695,9 +693,9 @@ PRIVATE>
: sequence-hashcode-step ( oldhash newpart -- newhash )
swap [
dup -2 fixnum-shift >fixnum swap 5 fixnum-shift >fixnum
dup -2 fixnum-shift-fast swap 5 fixnum-shift-fast
fixnum+fast fixnum+fast
] keep bitxor ; inline
] keep fixnum-bitxor ; inline
: sequence-hashcode ( n seq -- x )
0 -rot [
@ -97,16 +97,8 @@ SYMBOL: file
[ ] [ file get rollback-source-file ] cleanup
] with-scope ; inline
: smart-usage ( word -- definitions )
\ f or usage [
dup method-body? [
"method" word-prop
{ method-specializer method-generic } get-slots
] when
] map ;
: outside-usages ( seq -- usages )
dup [
over smart-usage [ pathname? not ] subset seq-diff
over usage
[ dup pathname? not swap where and ] subset seq-diff
] curry { } map>assoc ;
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ HELP: later
HELP: cancel-alarm
{ $values { "alarm" alarm } }
{ $description "Cancels an alarm." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the alarm is not active." } ;
{ $description "Cancels an alarm. Does nothing if the alarm is not active." } ;
ARTICLE: "alarms" "Alarms"
"Alarms provide a lightweight way to schedule one-time and recurring tasks without spawning a new thread."
@ -56,15 +56,13 @@ SYMBOL: alarm-thread
: trigger-alarms ( alarms -- )
now (trigger-alarms) ;
: next-alarm ( alarms -- ms )
: next-alarm ( alarms -- timestamp/f )
dup heap-empty?
[ drop f ]
[ heap-peek drop alarm-time now timestamp- 1000 * 0 max ]
if ;
[ drop f ] [ heap-peek drop alarm-time ] if ;
: alarm-thread-loop ( -- )
alarms get-global
dup next-alarm nap drop
dup next-alarm nap-until drop
dup trigger-alarms
alarm-thread-loop ;
@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ IN: benchmark.sockets
: socket-benchmarks
10 clients
20 clients
40 clients
80 clients
160 clients
320 clients
640 clients ;
40 clients ;
! 80 clients
! 160 clients
! 320 clients
! 640 clients ;
MAIN: socket-benchmarks
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ SYMBOL: edit-hook
: fix ( word -- )
"Fixing " write dup pprint " and all usages..." print nl
dup smart-usage swap add* [
dup usage swap add* [
"Editing " write dup .
"RETURN moves on to the next usage, C+d stops." print
@ -57,17 +57,9 @@ SYMBOL: validation-errors
] if*
] with map ;
: expire-sessions ( -- )
sessions get-global
[ nip session-last-seen 20 minutes ago <=> 0 > ]
[ 2drop ] heap-pop-while ;
: lookup-session ( hash -- session )
"furnace-session-id" over at sessions get-global at [
] [
new-session rot "furnace-session-id" swap set-at
] if* ;
"furnace-session-id" over at get-session
[ ] [ new-session "furnace-session-id" roll set-at ] ?if ;
: quot>query ( seq action -- hash )
>r >array r> "action-params" word-prop
@ -1,37 +1,48 @@
USING: assoc-heaps assocs calendar crypto.sha2 heaps
init kernel math.parser namespaces random ;
USING: assocs calendar init kernel math.parser
namespaces random boxes alarms ;
IN: furnace.sessions
SYMBOL: sessions
: timeout ( -- dt ) 20 minutes ;
H{ } clone <min-heap> <assoc-heap>
sessions set-global
H{ } clone sessions set-global
] "furnace.sessions" add-init-hook
: new-session-id ( -- str )
4 big-random number>string string>sha-256-string
dup sessions get-global at [ drop new-session-id ] when ;
4 big-random >hex
dup sessions get-global key?
[ drop new-session-id ] when ;
TUPLE: session created last-seen user-agent namespace ;
TUPLE: session id namespace alarm user-agent ;
M: session <=> ( session1 session2 -- n )
[ session-last-seen ] 2apply <=> ;
: cancel-timeout ( session -- )
session-alarm ?box [ cancel-alarm ] [ drop ] if ;
: <session> ( -- obj )
now dup H{ } clone
[ set-session-created set-session-last-seen set-session-namespace ]
\ session construct ;
: delete-session ( session -- )
sessions get-global delete-at*
[ cancel-timeout ] [ drop ] if ;
: new-session ( -- obj id )
<session> new-session-id [ sessions get-global set-at ] 2keep ;
: touch-session ( session -- )
dup cancel-timeout
dup [ session-id delete-session ] curry timeout later
swap session-alarm >box ;
: get-session ( id -- obj/f )
sessions get-global at* [ "no session found 1" throw ] unless ;
: <session> ( id -- session )
H{ } clone <box> f session construct-boa ;
! Delete from the assoc only, the heap will timeout
: destroy-session ( id -- )
sessions get-global assoc-heap-assoc delete-at ;
: new-session ( -- session id )
new-session-id [
dup <session> [
[ sessions get-global set-at ] keep
] keep
] keep ;
: get-session ( id -- session/f )
sessions get-global at*
[ dup touch-session ] when ;
: session> ( str -- obj )
session get session-namespace at ;
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ IN:
: iterate-seq >r dup length swap r> ; inline
: (map-next) ( i seq quot -- )
! this uses O(n) more bounds checks than is really necessary
>r [ >r 1+ r> ?nth ] 2keep nth-unsafe r> call ; inline
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
! Connection closed by foreign host.
USING: combinators kernel prettyprint io io.timeouts io.server
sequences namespaces io.sockets continuations ;
sequences namespaces io.sockets continuations calendar ;
IN: smtp.server
SYMBOL: data-mode
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: math kernel sequences io.files tools.crossref tools.test
parser namespaces source-files ;
parser namespaces source-files generic definitions ;
IN: temporary
@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ M: integer foo + ;
"resource:extra/tools/test/foo.factor" run-file
[ t ] [ { integer foo } \ + smart-usage member? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ foo smart-usage [ pathname? ] contains? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ integer \ foo method method-word \ + usage member? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ \ foo usage [ pathname? ] contains? ] unit-test
@ -6,14 +6,8 @@ generic tools.completion quotations parser inspector
sorting hashtables vocabs parser source-files ;
IN: tools.crossref
: synopsis-alist ( definitions -- alist )
[ dup synopsis swap ] { } map>assoc ;
: definitions. ( alist -- )
[ write-object nl ] assoc-each ;
: usage. ( word -- )
smart-usage synopsis-alist sort-keys definitions. ;
usage sorted-definitions. ;
: words-matching ( str -- seq )
all-words [ dup word-name ] { } map>assoc completions ;
@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
USING: assocs
|||| help help.topics io.files io.styles kernel
models namespaces prettyprint quotations sequences sorting
source-files strings tools.completion tools.crossref tuples
ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
source-files definitions strings tools.completion tools.crossref
tuples ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.lists ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.tracks
ui.gestures ui.operations vocabs words vocabs.loader
tools.browser calendar ;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ M: live-search pref-dim* drop { 400 200 } ;
"Words in " rot vocab-name append show-titled-popup ;
: show-word-usage ( workspace word -- )
"" over smart-usage f <definition-search>
"" over usage f <definition-search>
"Words and methods using " rot word-name append
show-titled-popup ;
Reference in New Issue