Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ GENERIC: (eql?) ( obj1 obj2 -- ? )
M: integer (eql?) = ;
M: float (eql?)
over float? [ fp-bitwise= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: sequence (eql?)
over sequence? [
2dup [ length ] bi@ =
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ $nl
"Iterating over elements:"
{ $subsection dlist-each }
{ $subsection dlist-find }
{ $subsection dlist-filter }
{ $subsection dlist-any? }
"Deleting a node matching a predicate:"
{ $subsection delete-node-if* }
@ -40,6 +41,11 @@ HELP: dlist-find
"This operation is O(n)."
} ;
HELP: dlist-filter
{ $values { "dlist" { $link dlist } } { "quot" quotation } { "dlist" { $link dlist } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each element of the " { $link dlist } " in turn, removing the corresponding nodes if the quotation returns " { $link f } "." }
{ $side-effects { "dlist" } } ;
HELP: dlist-any?
{ $values { "dlist" { $link dlist } } { "quot" quotation } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Just like " { $link dlist-find } " except it doesn't return the object." }
@ -79,3 +79,8 @@ IN: dlists.tests
[ V{ f 3 1 f } ] [ <dlist> 1 over push-front 3 over push-front f over push-front f over push-back dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ <dlist> dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 0 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 0 1 2 3 4 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 1 2 3 4 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 1 2 3 4 5 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 0 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 0 1 2 3 4 5 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ M: dlist pop-front* ( dlist -- )
[ empty-dlist ] unless*
[ f ] change-next drop
f over set-prev-when
] change-front drop
] keep
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ M: dlist pop-back* ( dlist -- )
[ empty-dlist ] unless*
[ f ] change-prev drop
f over set-next-when
] change-back drop
] keep
@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ M: dlist clear-deque ( dlist -- )
: 1dlist ( obj -- dlist ) <dlist> [ push-front ] keep ;
: dlist-filter ( dlist quot -- dlist )
over [ '[ dup obj>> @ [ drop ] [ _ delete-node ] if ] dlist-each-node ] keep ; inline
M: dlist clone
<dlist> [ '[ _ push-back ] dlist-each ] keep ;
@ -93,7 +93,13 @@ HELP: pdiff
{ $description "Finds the derivative of " { $snippet "p" } "." } ;
HELP: polyval
{ $values { "p" "a polynomial" } { "x" number } { "p[x]" number } }
{ $values { "x" number } { "p" "a polynomial" } { "p[x]" number } }
{ $description "Evaluate " { $snippet "p" } " with the input " { $snippet "x" } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "{ 1 0 1 } 2 polyval ." "5" } } ;
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "2 { 1 0 1 } polyval ." "5" } } ;
HELP: polyval*
{ $values { "p" "a literal polynomial" } }
{ $description "Macro version of " { $link polyval } ". Evaluates the literal polynomial " { $snippet "p" } " at the value off the top of the stack." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "2 { 1 0 1 } polyval* ." "5" } } ;
{ polyval polyval* } related-words
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel make math math.order math.vectors sequences
splitting vectors ;
splitting vectors macros combinators ;
IN: math.polynomials
@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ PRIVATE>
: pdiff ( p -- p' )
dup length v* { 0 } ?head drop ;
: polyval ( p x -- p[x] )
[ dup length ] dip powers v. ;
: polyval ( x p -- p[x] )
[ length swap powers ] [ nip ] 2bi v. ;
MACRO: polyval* ( p -- )
[ 1 tail [ \ * swap \ + [ ] 3sequence ] map ]
[ first \ drop swap [ ] 2sequence ] bi
prefix \ cleave [ ] 2sequence ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors math.rectangles kernel prettyprint.custom prettyprint.backend ;
IN: math.rectangles.prettyprint
M: rect pprint*
\ RECT: [ [ loc>> ] [ dim>> ] bi [ pprint* ] bi@ ] pprint-prefix ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel arrays sequences math math.vectors accessors
parser prettyprint.custom prettyprint.backend ;
parser ;
IN: math.rectangles
TUPLE: rect { loc initial: { 0 0 } } { dim initial: { 0 0 } } ;
@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ TUPLE: rect { loc initial: { 0 0 } } { dim initial: { 0 0 } } ;
SYNTAX: RECT: scan-object scan-object <rect> parsed ;
M: rect pprint*
\ RECT: [ [ loc>> ] [ dim>> ] bi [ pprint* ] bi@ ] pprint-prefix ;
: <zero-rect> ( -- rect ) rect new ; inline
: point>rect ( loc -- rect ) { 0 0 } <rect> ; inline
@ -64,3 +61,7 @@ M: rect contains-point?
[ [ loc>> ] dip (>>loc) ]
[ [ dim>> ] dip (>>dim) ]
2bi ; inline
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" vocab [ "math.rectangles.prettyprint" require ] when
@ -41,6 +41,13 @@ IN: math.vectors
: set-axis ( u v axis -- w )
[ [ zero? 2over ? ] dip swap nth ] map-index 2nip ;
: 2tetra@ ( p q r s t u v w quot -- )
dup [ [ 2bi@ ] curry 4dip ] dip 2bi@ ; inline
: trilerp ( aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb {t,u,v} -- a_tuv )
[ first lerp ] [ second lerp ] [ third lerp ] tri-curry
[ 2tetra@ ] [ 2bi@ ] [ call ] tri* ;
: bilerp ( aa ba ab bb {t,u} -- a_tu )
[ first lerp ] [ second lerp ] bi-curry
[ 2bi@ ] [ call ] bi* ;
@ -72,3 +79,6 @@ HINTS: v. { array array } ;
HINTS: vlerp { array array array } ;
HINTS: vnlerp { array array object } ;
HINTS: bilerp { object object object object array } ;
HINTS: trilerp { object object object object object object object object array } ;
@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces
make sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting
binary-search vectors dlists deques models threads
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals
prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom ;
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals ;
IN: ui.gadgets
! Values for orientation slot
@ -28,9 +27,6 @@ interior
model ;
! Don't print gadgets with RECT: syntax
M: gadget pprint* pprint-tuple ;
M: gadget equal? 2drop f ;
M: gadget hashcode* nip [ [ \ gadget counter ] unless* ] change-id id>> ;
@ -397,3 +393,7 @@ M: f request-focus-on 2drop ;
: focus-path ( gadget -- seq )
[ focus>> ] follow ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" vocab [ "ui.gadgets.prettyprint" require ] when
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: ui.gadgets prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom ;
IN: ui.gadgets.prettyprint
! Don't print gadgets with RECT: syntax
M: gadget pprint* pprint-tuple ;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ M: hi-tag-dispatch-engine compile-engine
: build-fast-hash ( methods -- buckets )
>alist V{ } clone [ hashcode 1array ] distribute-buckets
[ compile-engines* >alist >array ] map ;
[ compile-engines* >alist { } join ] map ;
M: echelon-dispatch-engine compile-engine
dup n>> 0 = [
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ HELP: fp-nan-payload
{ $description "If " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Not-a-Number value, returns the payload encoded in the value. Returns " { $link f } " if " { $snippet "x" } " is not a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: <fp-nan>
{ $values { "payload" integer } { "float" float } }
{ $values { "payload" integer } { "nan" float } }
{ $description "Constructs an IEEE Not-a-Number value with a payload of " { $snippet "payload" } "." }
{ $notes "A " { $snippet "payload" } " of " { $snippet "0" } " will construct an Infinity value." } ;
@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ TUPLE: complex { real real read-only } { imaginary real read-only } ;
UNION: number real complex ;
: fp-bitwise= ( x y -- ? ) [ double>bits ] bi@ = ; inline
GENERIC: fp-special? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-nan? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-qnan? ( x -- ? )
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
USING: accessors game-input game-loop kernel math ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ;
IN: game-worlds
TUPLE: game-world < world
{ tick-slice float initial: 0.0 } ;
GENERIC: tick-length ( world -- millis )
M: game-world draw*
swap >>tick-slice draw-world ;
M: game-world begin-world
dup [ tick-length ] [ ] bi <game-loop> [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop
open-game-input ;
M: game-world end-world
[ [ stop-loop ] when* f ] change-game-loop
drop ;
M: game-world focusable-child* drop t ;
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ CONSTANT: identity-transform T{ affine-transform f { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 0.0
[ drop origin>> ] 2tri
v+ v+ ;
: <identity> ( -- a )
{ 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> ;
: <translation> ( origin -- a )
[ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } ] dip <affine-transform> ;
: <rotation> ( theta -- transform )
@ -1,61 +1,60 @@
USING: byte-arrays combinators fry images kernel locals math
math.affine-transforms math.functions math.order
math.polynomials math.vectors random random.mersenne-twister
sequences sequences.product ;
sequences sequences.product hints arrays sequences.private
combinators.short-circuit math.private ;
IN: noise
: <perlin-noise-table> ( -- table )
256 iota >byte-array randomize dup append ;
256 iota >byte-array randomize dup append ; inline
: with-seed ( seed quot -- )
[ <mersenne-twister> ] dip with-random ; inline
: fade ( point -- point' )
{ 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 -15.0 6.0 } swap [ polyval ] with map ;
: (fade) ( x y z -- x' y' z' )
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 -15.0 6.0 } polyval* ] tri@ ;
:: grad ( hash gradients -- gradient )
hash 8 bitand zero? [ gradients first ] [ gradients second ] if
HINTS: (fade) { float float float } ;
: fade ( point -- point' )
first3 (fade) 3array ; inline
:: grad ( hash x y z -- gradient )
hash 8 bitand zero? [ x ] [ y ] if
:> u
hash 12 bitand zero?
[ gradients second ]
[ hash 13 bitand 12 = [ gradients first ] [ gradients third ] if ] if
[ y ] [ hash 13 bitand 12 = [ x ] [ z ] if ] if
:> v
hash 1 bitand zero? [ u ] [ u neg ] if
hash 2 bitand zero? [ v ] [ v neg ] if + ;
HINTS: grad { fixnum float float float } ;
: unit-cube ( point -- cube )
[ floor >fixnum 256 mod ] map ;
[ floor >fixnum 256 rem ] map ;
:: hashes ( table cube -- aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb )
cube first :> x
cube second :> y
cube third :> z
x table nth y + :> a
x 1 + table nth y + :> b
:: hashes ( table x y z -- aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb )
x table nth-unsafe y fixnum+fast :> a
x 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe y fixnum+fast :> b
a table nth z + :> aa
b table nth z + :> ba
a 1 + table nth z + :> ab
b 1 + table nth z + :> bb
a table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> aa
b table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> ba
a 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> ab
b 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> bb
aa table nth
ba table nth
ab table nth
bb table nth
aa 1 + table nth
ba 1 + table nth
ab 1 + table nth
bb 1 + table nth ;
aa table nth-unsafe
ba table nth-unsafe
ab table nth-unsafe
bb table nth-unsafe
aa 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
ba 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
ab 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
bb 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe ; inline
:: 2tetra@ ( p q r s t u v w quot -- )
p q quot call
r s quot call
t u quot call
v w quot call
; inline
HINTS: hashes { byte-array fixnum fixnum fixnum } ;
: >byte-map ( floats -- bytes )
[ 255.0 * >fixnum ] B{ } map-as ;
@ -63,26 +62,33 @@ IN: noise
: >image ( bytes dim -- image )
swap [ L f ] dip image boa ;
:: perlin-noise ( table point -- value )
:: perlin-noise-unsafe ( table point -- value )
point unit-cube :> cube
point dup vfloor v- :> gradients
gradients fade :> faded
table cube hashes {
[ gradients grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 0.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 -1.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 -1.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 0.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 0.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
table cube first3 hashes {
[ gradients first3 grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
} spread
[ faded first lerp ] 2tetra@
[ faded second lerp ] 2bi@
faded third lerp ;
faded trilerp ;
ERROR: invalid-perlin-noise-table table ;
: validate-table ( table -- table )
dup { [ byte-array? ] [ length 512 >= ] } 1&&
[ invalid-perlin-noise-table ] unless ;
: perlin-noise ( table point -- value )
[ validate-table ] dip perlin-noise-unsafe ; inline
: normalize-0-1 ( sequence -- sequence' )
[ supremum ] [ infimum [ - ] keep ] [ ] tri
@ -92,7 +98,8 @@ PRIVATE>
[ 0.0 max 1.0 min ] map ;
: perlin-noise-map ( table transform dim -- map )
[ iota ] map [ a.v 0.0 suffix perlin-noise ] with with product-map ;
[ validate-table ] 2dip
[ iota ] map [ a.v 0.0 suffix perlin-noise-unsafe ] with with product-map ;
: perlin-noise-byte-map ( table transform dim -- map )
perlin-noise-map normalize-0-1 >byte-map ;
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
USING: accessors arrays combinators game-input
game-input.scancodes game-loop grouping kernel literals locals
USING: accessors arrays combinators game-input game-loop
game-input.scancodes grouping kernel literals locals
math math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order
math.vectors opengl opengl.capabilities
opengl.shaders opengl.textures opengl.textures.private
sequences sequences.product specialized-arrays.float
terrain.generation terrain.shaders ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats ;
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats game-worlds method-chains ;
IN: terrain
CONSTANT: FOV $[ 2.0 sqrt 1+ ]
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ CONSTANT: PLAYER-START-LOCATION { 0.5 0.51 0.5 }
CONSTANT: PLAYER-HEIGHT $[ 3.0 1024.0 / ]
CONSTANT: GRAVITY $[ 1.0 4096.0 / ]
CONSTANT: JUMP $[ 1.0 1024.0 / ]
CONSTANT: TICK-LENGTH $[ 1000 30 /i ]
CONSTANT: MOUSE-SCALE $[ 1.0 10.0 / ]
CONSTANT: MOVEMENT-SPEED $[ 1.0 16384.0 / ]
@ -28,11 +27,13 @@ CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-row-length $[ 512 1 + 2 * ]
TUPLE: player
location yaw pitch velocity ;
TUPLE: terrain-world < world
TUPLE: terrain-world < game-world
terrain terrain-segment terrain-texture terrain-program
game-loop ;
terrain-vertex-buffer ;
M: terrain-world tick-length
drop 1000 30 /i ;
: frustum ( dim -- -x x -y y near far )
dup first2 min v/n
@ -137,8 +138,11 @@ TUPLE: terrain-world < world
: apply-gravity ( velocity -- velocity' )
1 over [ GRAVITY - ] change-nth ;
: clamp-coords ( coords dim -- coords' )
[ { 0 0 } vmax ] dip { 2 2 } v- vmin ;
:: pixel-indices ( coords dim -- indices )
coords vfloor [ >integer ] map :> floor-coords
coords vfloor [ >integer ] map dim clamp-coords :> floor-coords
floor-coords first2 dim first * + :> base-index
base-index dim first + :> next-row-index
@ -171,9 +175,6 @@ M: terrain-world tick*
[ dup focused?>> [ handle-input ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup player>> tick-player ] bi ;
M: terrain-world draw*
nip draw-world ;
: set-heightmap-texture-parameters ( texture -- )
GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit
@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ M: terrain-world draw*
M: terrain-world begin-world
BEFORE: terrain-world begin-world
"2.0" { "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object" "GL_ARB_shader_objects" }
@ -195,14 +196,10 @@ M: terrain-world begin-world
terrain-vertex-shader terrain-pixel-shader <simple-gl-program>
vertex-array >vertex-buffer >>terrain-vertex-buffer
TICK-LENGTH over <game-loop> [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop
drop ;
M: terrain-world end-world
AFTER: terrain-world end-world
[ game-loop>> stop-loop ]
[ terrain-vertex-buffer>> delete-gl-buffer ]
[ terrain-program>> delete-gl-program ]
[ terrain-texture>> delete-texture ]
@ -224,7 +221,6 @@ M: terrain-world draw-world*
] with-gl-program ]
tri gl-error ;
M: terrain-world focusable-child* drop t ;
M: terrain-world pref-dim* drop { 640 480 } ;
: terrain-window ( -- )
@ -8,15 +8,14 @@ cell megamorphic_cache_misses;
static cell search_lookup_alist(cell table, cell klass)
array *pairs = untag<array>(table);
fixnum index = array_capacity(pairs) - 1;
array *elements = untag<array>(table);
fixnum index = array_capacity(elements) - 2;
while(index >= 0)
array *pair = untag<array>(array_nth(pairs,index));
if(array_nth(pair,0) == klass)
return array_nth(pair,1);
if(array_nth(elements,index) == klass)
return array_nth(elements,index + 1);
index -= 2;
return F;
Reference in New Issue