gadgets: remove rect (moved to math.geometry.rect)

Eduardo Cavazos 2008-07-11 18:13:41 -05:00
parent 1026587d63
commit 6235d0b16f
1 changed files with 4 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,51 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces
sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting vectors
dlists dequeues models threads concurrency.flags math.order ;
sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting vectors
dlists dequeues models threads concurrency.flags
math.order math.geometry.rect ;
IN: ui.gadgets
SYMBOL: ui-notify-flag
: notify-ui-thread ( -- ) ui-notify-flag get-global raise-flag ;
TUPLE: rect { loc initial: { 0 0 } } { dim initial: { 0 0 } } ;
: <zero-rect> ( -- rect ) rect new ;
C: <rect> rect
M: array rect-loc ;
M: array rect-dim drop { 0 0 } ;
: rect-bounds ( rect -- loc dim ) dup rect-loc swap rect-dim ;
: rect-extent ( rect -- loc ext ) rect-bounds over v+ ;
: 2rect-extent ( rect rect -- loc1 loc2 ext1 ext2 )
[ rect-extent ] bi@ swapd ;
: <extent-rect> ( loc ext -- rect ) over [v-] <rect> ;
: offset-rect ( rect loc -- newrect )
over rect-loc v+ swap rect-dim <rect> ;
: (rect-intersect) ( rect rect -- array array )
2rect-extent vmin >r vmax r> ;
: rect-intersect ( rect1 rect2 -- newrect )
(rect-intersect) <extent-rect> ;
: intersects? ( rect/point rect -- ? )
(rect-intersect) [v-] { 0 0 } = ;
: (rect-union) ( rect rect -- array array )
2rect-extent vmax >r vmin r> ;
: rect-union ( rect1 rect2 -- newrect )
(rect-union) <extent-rect> ;
TUPLE: gadget < rect
pref-dim parent children orientation focus
visible? root? clipped? layout-state graft-state graft-node