Merge branch 'master' of git://

Doug Coleman 2008-09-15 10:00:10 -05:00
commit 628ee1b9d8
18 changed files with 454 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -190,3 +190,8 @@ M: heap heap-pop ( heap -- value key )
[ dup heap-empty? not ]
[ dup heap-pop swap 2array ]
[ ] produce nip ;
: slurp-heap ( heap quot: ( elt -- ) -- )
over heap-empty? [ 2drop ] [
[ [ heap-pop drop ] dip call ] [ slurp-heap ] 2bi
] if ; inline recursive

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: system cpu.x86.assembler compiler.registers compiler.backend ;
USING: system cpu.x86.assembler compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.backend ;
IN: compiler.backend.x86.32
M: x86.32 machine-registers
{ int-regs { EAX ECX EDX EBP EBX } }
{ float-regs { XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 } }
{ double-float-regs { XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 } }
} ;

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: system cpu.x86.assembler compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.backend ;
IN: compiler.backend.x86.64
M: x86.64 machine-registers
{ int-regs { RAX RCX RDX RBP RSI RDI R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 } }
{ double-float-regs {
} }
} ;

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@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ compiler.cfg
compiler.registers ;
compiler.alien ;
IN: compiler.cfg.builder
! Convert tree SSA IR to CFG (not quite SSA yet) IR.

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@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs accessors arrays kernel sequences namespaces
math compiler.instructions.syntax ;
IN: compiler.instructions
math compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.instructions.syntax ;
IN: compiler.cfg.instructions
! Virtual CPU instructions, used by CFG and machine IRs
INSN: %cond-branch vreg ;
INSN: %unary dst src ;
TUPLE: %cond-branch < insn src ;
TUPLE: %unary < insn dst src ;
TUPLE: %nullary < insn dst ;
! Stack operations
INSN: %peek vreg loc ;
INSN: %replace vreg loc ;
INSN: %load-literal < %nullary obj ;
INSN: %peek < %nullary loc ;
INSN: %replace src loc ;
INSN: %inc-d n ;
INSN: %inc-r n ;
INSN: %load-literal obj vreg ;
! Calling convention
INSN: %return ;
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ INSN: %return ;
! Subroutine calls
INSN: %call word ;
INSN: %jump word ;
INSN: %intrinsic quot vregs ;
INSN: %intrinsic quot regs ;
! Jump tables
INSN: %dispatch-label label ;
@ -46,14 +47,18 @@ INSN: %alien-invoke params ;
INSN: %alien-indirect params ;
INSN: %alien-callback params ;
GENERIC: defs-vregs ( insn -- seq )
GENERIC: uses-vregs ( insn -- seq )
M: %nullary defs-vregs dst>> >vreg 1array ;
M: %unary defs-vregs dst>> >vreg 1array ;
M: insn defs-vregs drop f ;
M: %replace uses-vregs src>> >vreg 1array ;
M: %unary uses-vregs src>> >vreg 1array ;
M: insn uses-vregs drop f ;
M: %peek uses-vregs vreg>> 1array ;
M: %replace uses-vregs vreg>> 1array ;
M: %load-literal uses-vregs vreg>> 1array ;
M: %unary uses-vregs [ dst>> ] [ src>> ] bi 2array ;
M: %intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
! M: %intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
! Instructions used by CFG IR only.
INSN: %prologue ;
@ -64,12 +69,16 @@ INSN: %branch ;
INSN: %branch-f < %cond-branch ;
INSN: %branch-t < %cond-branch ;
INSN: %if-intrinsic quot vregs ;
INSN: %boolean-intrinsic quot vregs out ;
INSN: %boolean-intrinsic quot vregs dst ;
M: %cond-branch uses-vregs vreg>> 1array ;
M: %if-intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
M: %boolean-intrinsic uses-vregs
[ vregs>> values ] [ out>> ] bi suffix ;
M: %cond-branch uses-vregs src>> 1array ;
! M: %if-intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
M: %boolean-intrinsic defs-vregs dst>> 1array ;
! M: %boolean-intrinsic uses-vregs
! [ vregs>> values ] [ out>> ] bi suffix ;
! Instructions used by machine IR only.
INSN: _prologue n ;
@ -85,12 +94,15 @@ INSN: _label label ;
: resolve-label ( label/name -- )
dup label? [ get ] unless _label ;
TUPLE: _cond-branch vreg label ;
TUPLE: _cond-branch < insn src label ;
INSN: _branch label ;
INSN: _branch-f < _cond-branch ;
INSN: _branch-t < _cond-branch ;
INSN: _if-intrinsic label quot vregs ;
M: _cond-branch uses-vregs vreg>> 1array ;
M: _if-intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
M: _cond-branch uses-vregs src>> >vreg 1array ;
! M: _if-intrinsic uses-vregs vregs>> values ;
INSN: _spill src n ;
INSN: _reload dst n ;

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: classes.tuple classes.tuple.parser kernel words
make parser ;
IN: compiler.instructions.syntax
make fry sequences parser ;
IN: compiler.cfg.instructions.syntax
TUPLE: insn ;
parse-tuple-definition "regs" suffix
[ dup tuple eq? [ drop insn ] when ] dip
[ define-tuple-class ]
[ 2drop save-location ]
[ 2drop dup [ boa , ] curry define-inline ]
[ 2drop dup '[ f _ boa , ] define-inline ]
3tri ; parsing

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@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces sequences math math.order kernel assocs
accessors vectors fry
accessors vectors fry heaps
compiler.backend ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation
! Mapping from vregs to machine registers
SYMBOL: register-allocation
! Mapping from register classes to sequences of machine registers
SYMBOL: free-registers
! Mapping from vregs to spill locations
SYMBOL: spill-locations
: free-registers-for ( vreg -- seq )
reg-class>> free-registers get at ;
! Vector of active live intervals, in order of increasing end point
: deallocate-register ( live-interval -- )
[ reg>> ] [ vreg>> ] bi free-registers-for push ;
! Vector of active live intervals
SYMBOL: active-intervals
: add-active ( live-interval -- )
@ -21,70 +24,136 @@ SYMBOL: active-intervals
: delete-active ( live-interval -- )
active-intervals get delete ;
! Mapping from register classes to sequences of machine registers
SYMBOL: free-registers
: expire-old-intervals ( n -- )
active-intervals get
swap '[ end>> _ < ] partition
active-intervals set
[ deallocate-register ] each ;
! Counter of spill locations
: expire-old-uses ( n -- )
active-intervals get
swap '[ uses>> dup peek _ < [ pop* ] [ drop ] if ] each ;
: update-state ( live-interval -- )
start>> [ expire-old-intervals ] [ expire-old-uses ] bi ;
! Minheap of live intervals which still need a register allocation
SYMBOL: unhandled-intervals
! Start index of current live interval. We ensure that all
! live intervals added to the unhandled set have a start index
! strictly greater than ths one. This ensures that we can catch
! infinite loop situations.
SYMBOL: progress
: check-progress ( live-interval -- )
start>> progress get <= [ "No progress" throw ] when ; inline
: add-unhandled ( live-interval -- )
[ check-progress ]
[ dup start>> unhandled-intervals get heap-push ]
bi ;
: init-unhandled ( live-intervals -- )
[ [ start>> ] keep ] { } map>assoc
unhandled-intervals get heap-push-all ;
: assign-free-register ( live-interval registers -- )
#! If the live interval does not have any uses, it means it
#! will be spilled immediately, so it still needs a register
#! to compute the new value, but we don't add the interval
#! to the active set and we don't remove the register from
#! the free list.
over uses>> empty?
[ peek >>reg drop ] [ pop >>reg add-active ] if ;
! Spilling
SYMBOL: spill-counter
: next-spill-location ( -- n )
spill-counter [ dup 1+ ] change ;
: assign-spill ( live-interval -- )
next-spill-location swap vreg>> spill-locations get set-at ;
: free-registers-for ( vreg -- seq )
reg-class>> free-registers get at ;
: free-register ( vreg -- )
#! Free machine register currently assigned to vreg.
[ register-allocation get at ] [ free-registers-for ] bi push ;
: expire-old-intervals ( live-interval -- )
active-intervals get
swap '[ end>> _ start>> < ] partition
active-intervals set
[ vreg>> free-register ] each ;
: interval-to-spill ( -- live-interval )
#! We spill the interval with the longest remaining range.
#! We spill the interval with the most distant use location.
active-intervals get unclip-slice [
[ [ end>> ] bi@ > ] most
[ [ uses>> peek ] bi@ > ] most
] reduce ;
: reuse-register ( live-interval to-spill -- )
vreg>> swap vreg>>
register-allocation get
tuck [ at ] [ set-at ] 2bi* ;
: check-split ( live-interval -- )
[ start>> ] [ end>> ] bi = [ "Cannot split any further" throw ] when ;
: spill-at-interval ( live-interval -- )
: split-interval ( live-interval -- before after )
#! Split the live interval at the location of its first use.
#! 'Before' now starts and ends on the same instruction.
[ check-split ]
[ clone [ uses>> delete-all ] [ dup start>> >>end ] bi ]
[ clone f >>reg dup uses>> peek >>start ]
tri ;
: record-split ( live-interval before after -- )
[ >>split-before ] [ >>split-after ] bi* drop ;
: assign-spill ( before after -- before after )
#! If it has been spilled already, reuse spill location.
over reload-from>> [ next-spill-location ] unless*
tuck [ >>spill-to ] [ >>reload-from ] 2bi* ;
: split-and-spill ( live-interval -- before after )
dup split-interval [ record-split ] [ assign-spill ] 2bi ;
: reuse-register ( new existing -- )
reg>> >>reg
dup uses>> empty? [ deallocate-register ] [ add-active ] if ;
: spill-existing ( new existing -- )
#! Our new interval will be used before the active interval
#! with the most distant use location. Spill the existing
#! interval, then process the new interval and the tail end
#! of the existing interval again.
[ reuse-register ]
[ delete-active ]
[ split-and-spill [ drop ] [ add-unhandled ] bi* ] tri ;
: spill-new ( new existing -- )
#! Our new interval will be used after the active interval
#! with the most distant use location. Split the new
#! interval, then process both parts of the new interval
#! again.
[ split-and-spill add-unhandled ] dip spill-existing ;
: spill-existing? ( new existing -- ? )
over uses>> empty? [ 2drop t ] [ [ uses>> peek ] bi@ < ] if ;
: assign-blocked-register ( live-interval -- )
2dup [ end>> ] bi@ > [
[ reuse-register ]
[ nip assign-spill ]
[ [ add-active ] [ delete-active ] bi* ]
] [ drop assign-spill ] if ;
2dup spill-existing?
[ spill-existing ] [ spill-new ] if ;
: init-allocator ( -- )
H{ } clone register-allocation set
H{ } clone spill-locations set
V{ } clone active-intervals set
machine-registers [ >vector ] assoc-map free-registers set
0 spill-counter set ;
: assign-register ( live-interval register -- )
swap vreg>> register-allocation get set-at ;
: allocate-register ( live-interval -- )
: assign-register ( live-interval -- )
dup vreg>> free-registers-for [
] [
[ pop assign-register ]
[ drop add-active ]
] if-empty ;
: allocate-registers ( live-intervals -- )
[ [ expire-old-intervals ] [ allocate-register ] bi ] each ;
! Main loop
: init-allocator ( registers -- )
V{ } clone active-intervals set
<min-heap> unhandled-intervals set
[ reverse >vector ] assoc-map free-registers set
0 spill-counter set
-1 progress set ;
: handle-interval ( live-interval -- )
[ start>> progress set ] [ update-state ] [ assign-register ] tri ;
: (allocate-registers) ( -- )
unhandled-intervals get [ handle-interval ] slurp-heap ;
: allocate-registers ( live-intervals machine-registers -- live-intervals )
#! This modifies the input live-intervals.
dup init-unhandled
] with-scope ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
USING: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment tools.test ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment.tests
\ assign-registers must-infer

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel math assocs namespaces sequences heaps
fry make
compiler.cfg.instructions ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment
! A vector of live intervals. There is linear searching involved
! but since we never have too many machine registers (around 30
! at most) and we probably won't have that many live at any one
! time anyway, it is not a problem to check each element.
SYMBOL: active-intervals
: add-active ( live-interval -- )
active-intervals get push ;
: lookup-register ( vreg -- reg )
active-intervals get [ vreg>> = ] with find nip reg>> ;
! Minheap of live intervals which still need a register allocation
SYMBOL: unhandled-intervals
: add-unhandled ( live-interval -- )
dup split-before>> [
[ split-before>> ] [ split-after>> ] bi
[ add-unhandled ] bi@
] [
dup start>> unhandled-intervals get heap-push
] if ;
: init-unhandled ( live-intervals -- )
[ add-unhandled ] each ;
: insert-spill ( live-interval -- )
[ reg>> ] [ spill-to>> ] bi dup [ _spill ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: expire-old-intervals ( n -- )
active-intervals get
swap '[ end>> _ = ] partition
active-intervals set
[ insert-spill ] each ;
: insert-reload ( live-interval -- )
[ reg>> ] [ reload-from>> ] bi dup [ _reload ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: activate-new-intervals ( n -- )
#! Any live intervals which start on the current instruction
#! are added to the active set.
unhandled-intervals get dup heap-empty? [ 2drop ] [
2dup heap-peek drop start>> = [
heap-pop drop [ add-active ] [ insert-reload ] bi
] [ 2drop ] if
] if ;
: (assign-registers) ( insn -- )
[ defs-vregs ] [ uses-vregs ] bi append
active-intervals get swap '[ vreg>> _ member? ] filter
[ [ vreg>> ] [ reg>> ] bi ] { } map>assoc
>>regs drop ;
: init-assignment ( live-intervals -- )
V{ } clone active-intervals set
<min-heap> unhandled-intervals set
init-unhandled ;
: assign-registers ( insns live-intervals -- insns' )
[ activate-new-intervals ]
[ drop [ (assign-registers) ] [ , ] bi ]
[ expire-old-intervals ]
] each-index
] { } make ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel sequences sets arrays
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.debugger
: check-assigned ( live-intervals -- )
[ "Not all intervals have registers" throw ] unless
] each ;
: split-children ( live-interval -- seq )
dup split-before>> [
[ split-before>> ] [ split-after>> ] bi
[ split-children ] bi@
] [ 1array ] if ;
: check-linear-scan ( live-intervals machine-registers -- )
[ [ clone ] map ] dip allocate-registers
[ split-children ] map concat check-assigned ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.tests
USING: tools.test random sorting sequences sets hashtables assocs
kernel fry arrays splitting namespaces math accessors vectors
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.debugger ;
[ ] [
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 1 } } } { start 0 } { end 100 } { uses V{ 100 } } }
H{ { f { "A" } } }
] unit-test
[ ] [
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 1 } } } { start 0 } { end 10 } { uses V{ 10 } } }
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 2 } } } { start 11 } { end 20 } { uses V{ 20 } } }
H{ { f { "A" } } }
] unit-test
[ ] [
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 1 } } } { start 0 } { end 100 } { uses V{ 100 } } }
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 2 } } } { start 30 } { end 60 } { uses V{ 60 } } }
H{ { f { "A" } } }
] unit-test
[ ] [
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 1 } } } { start 0 } { end 100 } { uses V{ 100 } } }
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 2 } } } { start 30 } { end 200 } { uses V{ 200 } } }
H{ { f { "A" } } }
] unit-test
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 1 } } } { start 0 } { end 100 } { uses V{ 100 } } }
T{ live-interval { vreg T{ vreg { n 2 } } } { start 30 } { end 100 } { uses V{ 100 } } }
H{ { f { "A" } } }
] must-fail
SYMBOL: available
SYMBOL: taken
SYMBOL: max-registers
SYMBOL: max-insns
SYMBOL: max-uses
: not-taken ( -- n )
available get keys dup empty? [ "Oops" throw ] when
dup taken get nth 1 + max-registers get = [
dup available get delete-at
] [
dup taken get [ 1 + ] change-nth
] if ;
: random-live-intervals ( num-intervals max-uses max-registers max-insns -- seq )
max-insns set
max-registers set
max-uses set
max-insns get [ 0 ] replicate taken set
max-insns get [ dup ] H{ } map>assoc available set
live-interval new
swap f swap vreg boa >>vreg
max-uses get random 2 max [ not-taken ] replicate natural-sort
unclip [ >vector >>uses ] [ >>start ] bi*
dup uses>> first >>end
] map
] with-scope ;
: random-test ( num-intervals max-uses max-registers max-insns -- )
over >r random-live-intervals r> f associate check-linear-scan ;
[ ] [ 30 2 1 60 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 60 2 2 60 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 80 2 3 200 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 70 2 5 30 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 60 2 6 30 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 2 10 10 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 10 4 2 60 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 10 20 2 400 random-test ] unit-test
[ ] [ 10 20 4 300 random-test ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan
! See
! and
: linear-scan ( mr -- mr' )
dup compute-live-intervals
machine-registers allocate-registers
] change-instructions ;

View File

@ -1,32 +1,49 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces kernel assocs accessors sequences math
math.order sorting compiler.instructions compiler.registers ;
USING: namespaces kernel assocs accessors sequences math fry
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers ;
TUPLE: live-interval < identity-tuple vreg start end ;
TUPLE: live-interval < identity-tuple
reg spill-to reload-from split-before split-after
start end uses ;
M: live-interval hashcode* nip [ start>> ] [ end>> 1000 * ] bi + ;
: <live-interval> ( start vreg -- live-interval )
live-interval new
swap >>vreg
swap >>start
V{ } clone >>uses ;
M: live-interval hashcode*
nip [ start>> ] [ end>> 1000 * ] bi + ;
M: live-interval clone
call-next-method [ clone ] change-uses ;
! Mapping from vreg to live-interval
SYMBOL: live-intervals
: update-live-interval ( n vreg -- )
: add-use ( n vreg live-intervals -- )
at [ (>>end) ] [ uses>> push ] 2bi ;
: new-live-interval ( n vreg live-intervals -- )
2dup key? [ "Multiple defs" throw ] when
[ [ <live-interval> ] keep ] dip set-at ;
: compute-live-intervals* ( insn n -- )
live-intervals get
[ over f live-interval boa ] cache
(>>end) ;
[ [ uses-vregs ] 2dip '[ _ swap _ add-use ] each ]
[ [ defs-vregs ] 2dip '[ _ swap _ new-live-interval ] each ]
3bi ;
: compute-live-intervals* ( n insn -- )
uses-vregs [ update-live-interval ] with each ;
: sort-live-intervals ( assoc -- seq' )
#! Sort by increasing start location.
values [ [ start>> ] compare ] sort ;
: finalize-live-intervals ( assoc -- seq' )
#! Reverse uses lists so that we can pop values off.
values dup [ uses>> reverse-here ] each ;
: compute-live-intervals ( instructions -- live-intervals )
H{ } clone [
live-intervals [
[ swap compute-live-intervals* ] each-index
[ compute-live-intervals* ] each-index
] with-variable
] keep sort-live-intervals ;
] keep finalize-live-intervals ;

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math accessors sequences namespaces make
combinators compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.rpo compiler.instructions
compiler.instructions.syntax ;
compiler.cfg.instructions.syntax ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linearization
! Convert CFG IR to machine IR.
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ M: %branch linearize-insn
dup successors>> first2 swap label>> ; inline
: boolean-conditional ( basic-block insn -- basic-block successor vreg label2 )
[ conditional ] [ vreg>> ] bi* swap ; inline
[ conditional ] [ src>> ] bi* swap ; inline
M: %branch-f linearize-insn
boolean-conditional _branch-f emit-branch ;
@ -70,10 +73,10 @@ M: %boolean-intrinsic linearize-insn
"false" define-label
"end" define-label
"false" get over [ quot>> ] [ vregs>> ] bi _if-intrinsic
t over out>> %load-literal
dup dst>> t %load-literal
"end" get _branch
"false" resolve-label
f over out>> %load-literal
dup dst>> f %load-literal
"end" resolve-label
] with-scope
2drop ;

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors namespaces math kernel ;
IN: compiler.registers
IN: compiler.cfg.registers
! Virtual CPU registers, used by CFG and machine IRs

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors namespaces make math sequences
compiler.instructions ;
compiler.cfg.instructions ;
IN: compiler.cfg.rpo
: post-order-traversal ( basic-block -- )

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@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
USING: arrays assocs classes classes.private classes.algebra
combinators hashtables kernel layouts math fry namespaces
quotations sequences system vectors words effects alien
byte-arrays accessors sets math.order compiler.instructions
compiler.registers ;
byte-arrays accessors sets math.order compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.registers ;
IN: compiler.cfg.stacks
! Converting stack operations into register operations, while
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ M: constant move-spec class ;
{ { f unboxed-c-ptr } [ %move-bug ] }
{ { f unboxed-byte-array } [ %move-bug ] }
{ { f constant } [ value>> swap %load-literal ] }
{ { f constant } [ value>> %load-literal ] }
{ { f float } [ %box-float ] }
{ { f unboxed-alien } [ %box-alien ] }

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs accessors sequences kernel fry namespaces
quotations combinators classes.algebra compiler.instructions
compiler.registers compiler.cfg.stacks ;
quotations combinators classes.algebra compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.stacks ;
IN: compiler.cfg.templates
USE: qualified