Use TDMSC algorithm to compute Phi placement

Slava Pestov 2009-07-28 11:16:10 -05:00
parent 5fe3bcff4d
commit 62fe308776
8 changed files with 210 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ compiler.cfg.predecessors ;
: test-dominance ( -- )
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup compute-dominance
dup compute-dom-frontiers
compute-dfs ;
compute-dominance ;
! Example with no back edges
V{ } 0 test-bb
@ -35,11 +33,6 @@ V{ } 5 test-bb
[ t ] [ 0 get dom-children 1 get 2 get 4 get 3array set= ] unit-test
[ { 4 } ] [ 1 get dom-frontier [ number>> ] map ] unit-test
[ { 4 } ] [ 2 get dom-frontier [ number>> ] map ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ 0 get dom-frontier ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ 4 get dom-frontier ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 0 get 3 get dominates? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 3 get 4 get dominates? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1 get 4 get dominates? ] unit-test
@ -81,25 +74,3 @@ V{ } 5 test-bb
[ ] [ test-dominance ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 0 5 [a,b] [ get dom-parent 0 get eq? ] all? ] unit-test
V{ } 0 test-bb
V{ } 1 test-bb
V{ } 2 test-bb
V{ } 3 test-bb
V{ } 4 test-bb
V{ } 5 test-bb
V{ } 6 test-bb
0 get 1 get 5 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
1 get 2 get 3 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
2 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
3 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
4 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
5 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
[ ] [ test-dominance ] unit-test
[ t ] [
2 get 3 get 2array iterated-dom-frontier
4 get 6 get 2array set=
] unit-test

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs combinators sets math fry kernel math.order
dlists deques namespaces sequences sorting compiler.cfg.rpo ;
dlists deques vectors namespaces sequences sorting locals
compiler.cfg.rpo ;
IN: compiler.cfg.dominance
! Reference:
@ -60,60 +61,6 @@ PRIVATE>
[ '[ 2dup eq? [ 2drop ] [ _ push-at ] if ] assoc-each ] keep
dom-childrens set ;
: compute-dominance ( cfg -- )
compute-dom-parents compute-dom-children ;
! Maps bb -> DF(bb)
SYMBOL: dom-frontiers
: compute-dom-frontier ( bb pred -- )
2dup [ dom-parent ] dip eq? [ 2drop ] [
[ dom-frontiers get conjoin-at ]
[ dom-parent compute-dom-frontier ] 2bi
] if ;
: dom-frontier ( bb -- set ) dom-frontiers get at keys ;
: compute-dom-frontiers ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone dom-frontiers set
dup predecessors>> dup length 2 >= [
[ compute-dom-frontier ] with each
] [ 2drop ] if
] each-basic-block ;
SYMBOLS: work-list visited ;
: add-to-work-list ( bb -- )
dom-frontier work-list get push-all-front ;
: iterated-dom-frontier-step ( bb -- )
dup visited get key? [ drop ] [
[ visited get conjoin ]
[ add-to-work-list ] bi
] if ;
: iterated-dom-frontier ( bbs -- bbs' )
<dlist> work-list set
H{ } clone visited set
[ add-to-work-list ] each
work-list get [ iterated-dom-frontier-step ] slurp-deque
visited get keys
] with-scope ;
SYMBOLS: preorder maxpreorder ;
@ -131,13 +78,25 @@ PRIVATE>
[ dupd maxpreorder get set-at ]
tri ;
: compute-dfs ( cfg -- )
H{ } clone preorder set
H{ } clone maxpreorder set
[ 0 ] dip entry>> (compute-dfs) drop ;
: compute-dominance ( cfg -- )
[ compute-dom-parents compute-dom-children ] [ compute-dfs ] bi ;
: dominates? ( bb1 bb2 -- ? )
! Requires DFS to be computed
swap [ pre-of ] [ [ pre-of ] [ maxpre-of ] bi ] bi* between? ;
swap [ pre-of ] [ [ pre-of ] [ maxpre-of ] bi ] bi* between? ;
:: breadth-first-order ( cfg -- bfo )
<dlist> :> work-list
cfg post-order length <vector> :> accum
cfg entry>> work-list push-front
work-list [
[ accum push ]
[ dom-children work-list push-all-front ] bi
] slurp-deque
accum ;

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@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ compiler.cfg.renaming
compiler.cfg.instructions ;
compiler.cfg.instructions ;
! SSA construction. Predecessors must be computed first.
@ -34,9 +35,9 @@ SYMBOL: inserting-phi-nodes
: compute-phi-nodes-for ( vreg bbs -- )
dup length 2 >= [
iterated-dom-frontier [
] with each
] with merge-set-each
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: compute-phi-nodes ( -- )
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ PRIVATE>
[ ]
[ compute-live-sets ]
[ compute-dominance ]
[ compute-dom-frontiers ]
[ compute-merge-sets ]
[ compute-defs compute-phi-nodes insert-phi-nodes ]
[ rename ]
} cleave ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
USING: accessors arrays compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.debugger
compiler.cfg.dominance compiler.cfg.predecessors kernel namespaces sequences
tools.test vectors sets ;
: test-tdmsc ( -- )
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup compute-dominance
compute-merge-sets ;
V{ } 0 test-bb
V{ } 1 test-bb
V{ } 2 test-bb
V{ } 3 test-bb
V{ } 4 test-bb
V{ } 5 test-bb
0 get 1 get 2 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
1 get 3 get 1vector >>successors drop
2 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
3 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
4 get 5 get 1vector >>successors drop
[ ] [ test-tdmsc ] unit-test
[ V{ 4 } ] [ 1 get 1array merge-set [ number>> ] map ] unit-test
[ V{ 4 } ] [ 2 get 1array merge-set [ number>> ] map ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ 0 get 1array merge-set ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ 4 get 1array merge-set ] unit-test
V{ } 0 test-bb
V{ } 1 test-bb
V{ } 2 test-bb
V{ } 3 test-bb
V{ } 4 test-bb
V{ } 5 test-bb
V{ } 6 test-bb
0 get 1 get 5 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
1 get 2 get 3 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
2 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
3 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
4 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
5 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
[ ] [ test-tdmsc ] unit-test
[ t ] [
2 get 3 get 2array merge-set
4 get 6 get 2array set=
] unit-test
V{ } 0 test-bb
V{ } 1 test-bb
V{ } 2 test-bb
V{ } 3 test-bb
V{ } 4 test-bb
V{ } 5 test-bb
V{ } 6 test-bb
V{ } 7 test-bb
0 get 1 get 1vector >>successors drop
1 get 2 get 1vector >>successors drop
2 get 3 get 6 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
3 get 4 get 1vector >>successors drop
6 get 7 get 1vector >>successors drop
4 get 5 get 1vector >>successors drop
5 get 2 get 1vector >>successors drop
[ ] [ test-tdmsc ] unit-test
[ V{ 2 } ] [ { 2 3 4 5 } [ get ] map merge-set [ number>> ] map ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ { 0 1 6 7 } [ get ] map merge-set ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs bit-arrays bit-sets fry
hashtables hints kernel locals math namespaces sequences sets
compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.dominance compiler.cfg.rpo ;
! TDMSC-I algorithm from "A Practical and Fast Iterative Algorithm for
! Phi-Function Computation Using DJ Graphs"
SYMBOLS: visited merge-sets levels again? ;
: init-merge-sets ( cfg -- )
post-order dup length '[ _ <bit-array> ] H{ } map>assoc merge-sets set ;
: compute-levels ( cfg -- )
0 over entry>> associate [
_ [ [ dom-parent ] dip at 1 + ] 2keep set-at
] each-basic-block
] keep levels set ;
: j-edge? ( from to -- ? )
2dup eq? [ 2drop f ] [ dominates? not ] if ;
: level ( bb -- n ) levels get at ; inline
: set-bit ( bit-array n -- )
[ t ] 2dip swap set-nth ;
: update-merge-set ( tmp to -- )
[ merge-sets get ] dip
[ merge-sets get at bit-set-union ]
[ dupd number>> set-bit ]
] change-at ;
:: walk ( tmp to lnode -- lnode )
tmp level to level >= [
tmp to update-merge-set
tmp dom-parent to tmp walk
] [ lnode ] if ;
: each-incoming-j-edge ( bb quot: ( from to -- ) -- )
[ [ predecessors>> ] keep ] dip
'[ _ 2dup j-edge? _ [ 2drop ] if ] each ; inline
: visited? ( pair -- ? ) visited get key? ;
: consistent? ( snode lnode -- ? )
[ merge-sets get at ] bi@ swap bit-set-subset? ;
: (process-edge) ( from to -- )
f walk [
2dup 2array visited? [
consistent? [ again? on ] unless
] [ 2drop ] if
] each-incoming-j-edge ;
: process-edge ( from to -- )
2dup 2array dup visited? [ 3drop ] [
visited get conjoin
] if ;
: process-block ( bb -- )
[ process-edge ] each-incoming-j-edge ;
: compute-merge-set-step ( bfo -- )
visited get clear-assoc
[ process-block ] each ;
: compute-merge-set-loop ( cfg -- )
'[ again? off _ compute-merge-set-step again? get ]
loop ;
: (merge-set) ( bbs -- flags rpo )
merge-sets get '[ _ at ] [ bit-set-union ] map-reduce
cfg get reverse-post-order ; inline
: filter-by ( flags seq -- seq' )
[ drop ] pusher [ 2each ] dip ;
HINTS: filter-by { bit-array object } ;
: compute-merge-sets ( cfg -- )
dup cfg set
H{ } clone visited set
[ compute-levels ]
[ init-merge-sets ]
[ compute-merge-set-loop ]
tri ;
: merge-set-each ( bbs quot: ( bb -- ) -- )
[ (merge-set) ] dip '[
swap _ [ drop ] if
] 2each ; inline
: merge-set ( bbs -- bbs' )
(merge-set) filter-by ;

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@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ SYMBOL: seen
dup split-critical-edges
dup compute-def-use
dup compute-dominance
dup compute-dfs
dup compute-live-ranges
dup process-blocks

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@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 6 D 0 } } clone 6 test-bb
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup compute-dominance
dup compute-def-use
clean-up-forest ;

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors assocs fry kernel math math.order
namespaces sequences sorting vectors compiler.cfg.def-use
compiler.cfg.dominance compiler.cfg.registers ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.forest
IN: compiler.cfg.ssa.destruction.forest
TUPLE: dom-forest-node vreg bb children ;
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ TUPLE: dom-forest-node vreg bb children ;
: compute-dom-forest ( vregs -- forest )
! compute-dfs must be called on the CFG first
<virtual-root> [
[ sort-vregs-by-bb ] dip