Merge branch 'more-simd'

Slava Pestov 2009-09-28 23:12:48 -05:00
commit 6382aaabd5
14 changed files with 286 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -51,9 +51,6 @@ insn-classes get [
: ^^unbox-c-ptr ( src class -- dst )
[ next-vreg dup ] 2dip next-vreg ##unbox-c-ptr ;
: ^^neg ( src -- dst )
[ 0 ^^load-literal ] dip ^^sub ;
: ^^allot-tuple ( n -- dst )
2 + cells tuple ^^allot ;

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@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ PURE-INSN: ##not
def: dst/int-rep
use: src/int-rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##neg
def: dst/int-rep
use: src/int-rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##log2
def: dst/int-rep
use: src/int-rep ;
@ -270,6 +274,10 @@ def: dst
use: src/int-rep
literal: rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##zero-vector
def: dst
literal: rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##broadcast-vector
def: dst
use: src/scalar-rep
@ -285,6 +293,16 @@ def: dst
use: src1/scalar-rep src2/scalar-rep src3/scalar-rep src4/scalar-rep
literal: rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##shuffle-vector
def: dst
use: src
literal: shuffle rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##select-vector
def: dst
use: src
literal: n rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##add-vector
def: dst
use: src1 src2
@ -335,6 +353,11 @@ def: dst
use: src1 src2
literal: rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##dot-vector
def: dst/scalar-rep
use: src1 src2
literal: rep ;
PURE-INSN: ##horizontal-add-vector
def: dst/scalar-rep
use: src

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@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-v/) [ [ ^^div-vector ] emit-binary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vmin) [ [ ^^min-vector ] emit-binary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vmax) [ [ ^^max-vector ] emit-binary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-v.) [ [ ^^dot-vector ] emit-binary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vabs) [ [ ^^abs-vector ] emit-unary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vsqrt) [ [ ^^sqrt-vector ] emit-unary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vbitand) [ [ ^^and-vector ] emit-binary-vector-op ] }
@ -177,6 +178,8 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-broadcast) [ [ ^^broadcast-vector ] emit-unary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-gather-2) [ emit-gather-vector-2 ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-gather-4) [ emit-gather-vector-4 ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-vshuffle) [ emit-shuffle-vector ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-select) [ emit-select-vector ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:(simd-sum) [ [ ^^horizontal-add-vector ] emit-unary-vector-op ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:alien-vector [ emit-alien-vector ] }
{ math.vectors.simd.intrinsics:set-alien-vector [ emit-set-alien-vector ] }

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@ -1,32 +1,51 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors byte-arrays fry cpu.architecture kernel math
sequences macros generalizations combinators
combinators.short-circuit arrays
compiler.cfg.builder.blocks compiler.cfg.stacks
compiler.cfg.stacks.local compiler.cfg.hats
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.cfg.intrinsics.alien ;
IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.simd
MACRO: check-elements ( quots -- )
[ length '[ _ firstn ] ]
[ '[ _ spread ] ]
[ length 1 - \ and <repetition> [ ] like ]
tri 3append ;
MACRO: if-literals-match ( quots -- )
[ length ] [ ] [ length ] tri
! n quots n n
! node quot
dup node-input-infos
_ tail-slice* [ literal>> ] map
dup _ check-elements
] dip
swap [
! node literals quot
[ _ firstn ] dip call
] [ 2drop emit-primitive ] if
] ;
: emit-vector-op ( node quot: ( rep -- ) -- )
[ dup node-input-infos last literal>> dup representation? ] dip
'[ nip @ ] [ drop emit-primitive ] if ; inline
{ [ representation? ] } if-literals-match ; inline
: emit-binary-vector-op ( node quot -- )
'[ [ ds-drop 2inputs ] dip @ ds-push ] emit-vector-op ; inline
'[ [ ds-drop 2inputs ] dip @ ds-push ]
emit-vector-op ; inline
: emit-unary-vector-op ( node quot -- )
'[ [ ds-drop ds-pop ] dip @ ds-push ] emit-vector-op ; inline
'[ [ ds-drop ds-pop ] dip @ ds-push ]
emit-vector-op ; inline
: emit-horizontal-shift ( node quot -- )
dup node-input-infos
[ second literal>> ] [ third literal>> ] bi
2dup [ integer? ] [ representation? ] bi* and
] dip
'[ [ drop ds-drop ds-drop ds-pop ] 2dip @ ds-push ]
[ 2drop emit-primitive ]
if ; inline
'[ [ -2 inc-d ds-pop ] 2dip @ ds-push ]
{ [ integer? ] [ representation? ] } if-literals-match ; inline
: emit-gather-vector-2 ( node -- )
[ ^^gather-vector-2 ] emit-binary-vector-op ;
@ -45,6 +64,16 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.simd
] emit-vector-op ;
: shuffle? ( obj -- ? ) { [ array? ] [ [ integer? ] all? ] } 1&& ;
: emit-shuffle-vector ( node -- )
[ [ -2 inc-d ds-pop ] 2dip ^^shuffle-vector ds-push ]
{ [ shuffle? ] [ representation? ] } if-literals-match ; inline
: emit-select-vector ( node -- )
[ [ -2 inc-d ds-pop ] 2dip ^^select-vector ds-push ]
{ [ integer? ] [ representation? ] } if-literals-match ; inline
: emit-alien-vector ( node -- )
dup [

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@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ CODEGEN: ##sar-imm %sar-imm
CODEGEN: ##min %min
CODEGEN: ##max %max
CODEGEN: ##not %not
CODEGEN: ##neg %neg
CODEGEN: ##log2 %log2
CODEGEN: ##copy %copy
CODEGEN: ##unbox-float %unbox-float
@ -160,9 +161,12 @@ CODEGEN: ##double>single-float %double>single-float
CODEGEN: ##integer>float %integer>float
CODEGEN: ##float>integer %float>integer
CODEGEN: ##unbox-vector %unbox-vector
CODEGEN: ##zero-vector %zero-vector
CODEGEN: ##broadcast-vector %broadcast-vector
CODEGEN: ##gather-vector-2 %gather-vector-2
CODEGEN: ##gather-vector-4 %gather-vector-4
CODEGEN: ##shuffle-vector %shuffle-vector
CODEGEN: ##select-vector %select-vector
CODEGEN: ##box-vector %box-vector
CODEGEN: ##add-vector %add-vector
CODEGEN: ##saturated-add-vector %saturated-add-vector
@ -174,6 +178,7 @@ CODEGEN: ##saturated-mul-vector %saturated-mul-vector
CODEGEN: ##div-vector %div-vector
CODEGEN: ##min-vector %min-vector
CODEGEN: ##max-vector %max-vector
CODEGEN: ##dot-vector %dot-vector
CODEGEN: ##sqrt-vector %sqrt-vector
CODEGEN: ##horizontal-add-vector %horizontal-add-vector
CODEGEN: ##horizontal-sub-vector %horizontal-sub-vector

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@ -24,22 +24,27 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.simd
} [ { byte-array } "default-output-classes" set-word-prop ] each
\ (simd-sum) [
nip dup literal?>> [
: scalar-output-class ( rep -- class )
dup literal?>> [
literal>> scalar-rep-of {
{ float-rep [ float ] }
{ double-rep [ float ] }
[ integer ]
[ drop integer ]
} case
] [ drop real ] if
] "outputs" set-word-prop
<class-info> ;
\ (simd-sum) [ nip scalar-output-class ] "outputs" set-word-prop
\ (simd-v.) [ 2nip scalar-output-class ] "outputs" set-word-prop
\ assert-positive [
real [0,inf] <class/interval-info> value-info-intersect

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@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ HOOK: %sar-imm cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %min cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %max cpu ( dst src1 src2 -- )
HOOK: %not cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %neg cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %log2 cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %copy cpu ( dst src rep -- )
@ -210,9 +211,12 @@ HOOK: %float>integer cpu ( dst src -- )
HOOK: %box-vector cpu ( dst src temp rep -- )
HOOK: %unbox-vector cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %zero-vector cpu ( dst rep -- )
HOOK: %broadcast-vector cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %gather-vector-2 cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %gather-vector-4 cpu ( dst src1 src2 src3 src4 rep -- )
HOOK: %shuffle-vector cpu ( dst src shuffle rep -- )
HOOK: %select-vector cpu ( dst src n rep -- )
HOOK: %add-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %saturated-add-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %add-sub-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
@ -223,6 +227,7 @@ HOOK: %saturated-mul-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %div-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %min-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %max-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %dot-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %sqrt-vector cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %horizontal-add-vector cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %horizontal-sub-vector cpu ( dst src rep -- )
@ -239,9 +244,12 @@ HOOK: %horizontal-shr-vector cpu ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
HOOK: %integer>scalar cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %scalar>integer cpu ( dst src rep -- )
HOOK: %zero-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %broadcast-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %gather-vector-2-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %gather-vector-4-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %shuffle-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %select-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %add-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %saturated-add-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %add-sub-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
@ -252,6 +260,7 @@ HOOK: %saturated-mul-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %div-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %min-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %max-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %dot-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %sqrt-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %horizontal-add-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )
HOOK: %horizontal-sub-vector-reps cpu ( -- reps )

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@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ M: x86 %min int-rep two-operand [ CMP ] [ CMOVG ] 2bi ;
M: x86 %max int-rep two-operand [ CMP ] [ CMOVL ] 2bi ;
M: x86 %not int-rep one-operand NOT ;
M: x86 %neg int-rep one-operand NEG ;
M: x86 %log2 BSR ;
GENERIC: copy-register* ( dst src rep -- )
@ -578,6 +579,19 @@ MACRO: available-reps ( alist -- )
reverse [ { } ] suffix
'[ _ cond ] ;
M: x86 %zero-vector
{ double-2-rep [ dup XORPD ] }
{ float-4-rep [ dup XORPS ] }
[ drop dup PXOR ]
} case ;
M: x86 %zero-vector-reps
{ sse? { float-4-rep } }
{ sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } }
} available-reps ;
: unsign-rep ( rep -- rep' )
{ uint-4-rep int-4-rep }
@ -588,8 +602,8 @@ MACRO: available-reps ( alist -- )
M:: x86 %broadcast-vector ( dst src rep -- )
rep unsign-rep {
{ float-4-rep [
dst src float-4-rep %copy
{ float-4-rep [
dst src float-4-rep %copy
dst dst { 0 0 0 0 } SHUFPS
] }
{ double-2-rep [
@ -663,6 +677,55 @@ M: x86 %gather-vector-2-reps
{ sse2? { double-2-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } }
} available-reps ;
: double-2-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- )
{ { 0 1 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 0 } [ dup UNPCKLPD ] }
{ { 1 1 } [ dup UNPCKHPD ] }
[ dupd SHUFPD ]
} case ;
: float-4-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- )
{ { 0 1 2 3 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 0 2 2 } [ dup MOVSLDUP ] }
{ { 1 1 3 3 } [ dup MOVSHDUP ] }
{ { 0 1 0 1 } [ dup MOVLHPS ] }
{ { 2 3 2 3 } [ dup MOVHLPS ] }
{ { 0 0 1 1 } [ dup UNPCKLPS ] }
{ { 2 2 3 3 } [ dup UNPCKHPS ] }
[ dupd SHUFPS ]
} case ;
: int-4-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- )
{ { 0 1 2 3 } [ drop ] }
{ { 0 0 1 1 } [ dup PUNPCKLDQ ] }
{ { 2 2 3 3 } [ dup PUNPCKHDQ ] }
{ { 0 1 0 1 } [ dup PUNPCKLQDQ ] }
{ { 2 3 2 3 } [ dup PUNPCKHQDQ ] }
[ dupd PSHUFD ]
} case ;
: longlong-2-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- )
first2 [ 2 * dup 1 + ] bi@ 4array int-4-shuffle ;
M:: x86 %shuffle-vector ( dst src shuffle rep -- )
dst src rep %copy
dst shuffle rep unsign-rep {
{ double-2-rep [ double-2-shuffle ] }
{ float-4-rep [ float-4-shuffle ] }
{ int-4-rep [ int-4-shuffle ] }
{ longlong-2-rep [ longlong-2-shuffle ] }
} case ;
M: x86 %shuffle-vector-reps
{ sse2? { double-2-rep float-4-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } }
} available-reps ;
M: x86 %select-vector-reps { } ;
M: x86 %add-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- )
[ two-operand ] keep
@ -820,6 +883,28 @@ M: x86 %max-vector-reps
{ sse4.1? { char-16-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } }
} available-reps ;
M: x86 %dot-vector
[ two-operand ] keep
{ float-4-rep [
[ HEX: ff DPPS ]
[ [ MULPS ] [ drop dup float-4-rep %horizontal-add-vector ] 2bi ]
] }
{ double-2-rep [
[ HEX: ff DPPD ]
[ [ MULPD ] [ drop dup double-2-rep %horizontal-add-vector ] 2bi ]
] }
} case ;
M: x86 %dot-vector-reps
{ sse3? { float-4-rep double-2-rep } }
} available-reps ;
M: x86 %horizontal-add-vector ( dst src rep -- )
{ float-4-rep [ [ float-4-rep %copy ] [ HADDPS ] [ HADDPS ] 2tri ] }

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ ERROR: bad-schema schema ;
:: high-level-ops ( ctor elt-class -- assoc )
! Some SIMD operations are defined in terms of others.
{ vneg [ [ dup v- ] keep v- ] }
{ vneg [ [ dup vbitxor ] keep v- ] }
{ n+v [ [ ctor execute ] dip v+ ] }
{ v+n [ ctor execute v+ ] }
{ n-v [ [ ctor execute ] dip v- ] }
@ -71,20 +71,17 @@ ERROR: bad-schema schema ;
! To compute dot product and distance with integer vectors, we
! have to do things less efficiently, with integer overflow checks,
! in the general case.
elt-class m:float = [
{ distance [ v- norm ] }
{ v. [ v* sum ] }
} append
] when ;
elt-class m:float = [ { distance [ v- norm ] } suffix ] when ;
:: simd-vector-words ( class ctor rep vv->v vn->v v->v v->n -- )
:: simd-vector-words ( class ctor rep vv->v vn->v vv->n v->v v->n -- )
rep rep-component-type c-type-boxed-class :> elt-class
{ { +vector+ +vector+ -> +vector+ } vv->v }
{ { +vector+ +scalar+ -> +vector+ } vn->v }
{ { +vector+ +literal+ -> +vector+ } vn->v }
{ { +vector+ +vector+ -> +scalar+ } vv->n }
{ { +vector+ -> +vector+ } v->v }
{ { +vector+ -> +scalar+ } v->n }
{ { +vector+ -> +nonnegative+ } v->n }
@ -121,6 +118,7 @@ SET-NTH [ T dup c-setter array-accessor ]
A-rep [ A name>> "-rep" append "cpu.architecture" lookup ]
A-vv->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vv->v-op
A-vn->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vn->v-op
A-vv->n-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vv->n-op
A-v->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-v->v-op
A-v->n-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-v->n-op
@ -186,13 +184,16 @@ INSTANCE: A sequence
: A-vn->v-op ( v1 v2 quot -- v3 )
[ [ underlying>> ] dip A-rep ] dip call \ A boa ; inline
: A-vv->n-op ( v1 v2 quot -- n )
[ [ underlying>> ] bi@ A-rep ] dip call ; inline
: A-v->v-op ( v1 quot -- v2 )
[ underlying>> A-rep ] dip call \ A boa ; inline
: A-v->n-op ( v quot -- n )
[ underlying>> A-rep ] dip call ; inline
\ A \ A-with \ A-rep \ A-vv->v-op \ A-vn->v-op \ A-v->v-op \ A-v->n-op simd-vector-words
\ A \ A-with \ A-rep \ A-vv->v-op \ A-vn->v-op \ A-vv->n-op \ A-v->v-op \ A-v->n-op simd-vector-words
\ A \ A-rep define-simd-128-type
@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ A-deref DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-deref
A-rep [ A/2 name>> "-rep" append "cpu.architecture" lookup ]
A-vv->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vv->v-op
A-vn->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vn->v-op
A-vv->n-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-vv->n-op
A-v->v-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-v->v-op
A-v->n-op DEFINES-PRIVATE ${A}-v->n-op
@ -317,6 +319,11 @@ INSTANCE: A sequence
[ [ [ underlying2>> ] dip A-rep ] dip call ] 3bi
\ A boa ; inline
: A-vv->n-op ( v1 v2 quot -- v3 )
[ [ [ underlying1>> ] bi@ A-rep ] dip call ]
[ [ [ underlying2>> ] bi@ A-rep ] dip call ] 3bi
+ ; inline
: A-v->v-op ( v1 combine-quot -- v2 )
[ [ underlying1>> A-rep ] dip call ]
[ [ underlying2>> A-rep ] dip call ] 2bi
@ -325,7 +332,7 @@ INSTANCE: A sequence
: A-v->n-op ( v1 combine-quot -- v2 )
[ [ underlying1>> ] [ underlying2>> ] bi A-rep (simd-v+) A-rep ] dip call ; inline
\ A \ A-with \ A-rep \ A-vv->v-op \ A-vn->v-op \ A-v->v-op \ A-v->n-op simd-vector-words
\ A \ A-with \ A-rep \ A-vv->v-op \ A-vn->v-op \ A-vv->n-op \ A-v->v-op \ A-v->n-op simd-vector-words
\ A \ A-rep define-simd-256-type

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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ SIMD-OP: v*
SIMD-OP: vmin
SIMD-OP: vmax
SIMD-OP: vsqrt
SIMD-OP: sum
SIMD-OP: vabs
@ -47,10 +48,12 @@ SIMD-OP: vlshift
SIMD-OP: vrshift
SIMD-OP: hlshift
SIMD-OP: hrshift
SIMD-OP: vshuffle
: (simd-broadcast) ( x rep -- v ) bad-simd-call ;
: (simd-gather-2) ( a b rep -- v ) bad-simd-call ;
: (simd-gather-4) ( a b c d rep -- v ) bad-simd-call ;
: (simd-select) ( v n rep -- x ) bad-simd-call ;
: assert-positive ( x -- y ) ;
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ M: vector-rep supported-simd-op?
{ \ (simd-v/) [ %div-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-vmin) [ %min-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-vmax) [ %max-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-v.) [ %dot-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-vsqrt) [ %sqrt-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-sum) [ %horizontal-add-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-vabs) [ %abs-vector-reps ] }
@ -121,7 +125,9 @@ M: vector-rep supported-simd-op?
{ \ (simd-vrshift) [ %shr-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-hlshift) [ %horizontal-shl-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-hrshift) [ %horizontal-shr-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-vshuffle) [ %shuffle-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-broadcast) [ %broadcast-vector-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-gather-2) [ %gather-vector-2-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-gather-4) [ %gather-vector-4-reps ] }
{ \ (simd-select) [ %select-vector-reps ] }
} case member? ;

View File

@ -148,13 +148,14 @@ CONSTANT: simd-classes
: remove-integer-words ( alist -- alist' )
[ drop { vlshift vrshift } member? not ] assoc-filter ;
: remove-horizontal-shifts ( alist -- alist' )
[ drop { hlshift hrshift } member? not ] assoc-filter ;
: remove-special-words ( alist -- alist' )
! These have their own tests later
[ drop { hlshift hrshift vshuffle } member? not ] assoc-filter ;
: ops-to-check ( elt-class -- alist )
[ vector-words >alist ] dip
float = [ remove-integer-words ] [ remove-float-words ] if
remove-horizontal-shifts ;
remove-special-words ;
: check-vector-ops ( class elt-class compare-quot -- )
@ -271,3 +272,47 @@ STRUCT: simd-struct
[ int-4{ 1 2 4 8 } ]
[ int-4{ 256 512 1024 2048 } [ { int-4 } declare 1 hrshift ] compile-call ] unit-test
! Shuffles
: test-shuffle ( input shuffle -- failures )
[ dup class 1array ] dip
'[ _ declare _ vshuffle ]
[ call ] [ compile-call ] 2bi = not ; inline
: shuffles-for ( seq -- shuffles )
length {
{ 2 [
{ 0 1 }
{ 1 1 }
{ 1 0 }
{ 0 0 }
] }
{ 4 [
{ 1 2 3 0 }
{ 0 1 2 3 }
{ 1 1 2 2 }
{ 0 0 1 1 }
{ 2 2 3 3 }
{ 0 1 0 1 }
{ 2 3 2 3 }
{ 0 0 2 2 }
{ 1 1 3 3 }
{ 0 1 0 1 }
{ 2 2 3 3 }
] }
} case ;
: test-shuffles ( input -- failures )
dup shuffles-for [ test-shuffle ] with filter ; inline
[ { } ] [ float-4{ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 } test-shuffles ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ int-4{ 1 2 3 4 } test-shuffles ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ uint-4{ 1 2 3 4 } test-shuffles ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ double-2{ 1.0 2.0 } test-shuffles ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ longlong-2{ 1 2 } test-shuffles ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ ulonglong-2{ 1 2 } test-shuffles ] unit-test

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ namespaces assocs fry splitting classes.algebra generalizations
locals ;
IN: math.vectors.specialization
SYMBOLS: -> +vector+ +scalar+ +nonnegative+ ;
SYMBOLS: -> +vector+ +scalar+ +nonnegative+ +literal+ ;
: signature-for-schema ( array-type elt-type schema -- signature )
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ SYMBOLS: -> +vector+ +scalar+ +nonnegative+ ;
{ +vector+ [ drop ] }
{ +scalar+ [ nip ] }
{ +nonnegative+ [ nip ] }
{ +literal+ [ 2drop object ] }
} case
] with with map ;
@ -87,8 +88,9 @@ H{
{ vbitxor { +vector+ +vector+ -> +vector+ } }
{ vlshift { +vector+ +scalar+ -> +vector+ } }
{ vrshift { +vector+ +scalar+ -> +vector+ } }
{ hlshift { +vector+ +scalar+ -> +vector+ } }
{ hrshift { +vector+ +scalar+ -> +vector+ } }
{ hlshift { +vector+ +literal+ -> +vector+ } }
{ hrshift { +vector+ +literal+ -> +vector+ } }
{ vshuffle { +vector+ +literal+ -> +vector+ } }
PREDICATE: vector-word < word vector-words key? ;
@ -102,7 +104,10 @@ M: vector-word subwords specializations values [ word? ] filter ;
: add-specialization ( new-word signature word -- )
specializations set-at ;
: word-schema ( word -- schema ) vector-words at ;
ERROR: bad-vector-word word ;
: word-schema ( word -- schema )
vector-words ?at [ bad-vector-word ] unless ;
: inputs ( schema -- seq ) { -> } split first ;
@ -129,8 +134,8 @@ M: vector-word subwords specializations values [ word? ] filter ;
{ [ dup complex class<= ] [ vector-words keys { vsqrt } diff ] }
[ { } ]
} cond
! Don't specialize horizontal shifts at all, they're only for SIMD
{ hlshift hrshift } diff
! Don't specialize horizontal shifts or shuffles at all, they're only for SIMD
{ hlshift hrshift vshuffle } diff
nip ;
:: specialize-vector-words ( array-type elt-type simd -- )

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@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ $nl
{ $subsection vbitxor }
{ $subsection vlshift }
{ $subsection vrshift }
{ $subsection vshuffle }
"Inner product and norm:"
{ $subsection v. }
{ $subsection norm }
@ -231,6 +233,18 @@ HELP: hrshift
{ $values { "u" "a SIMD array" } { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "w" "a SIMD array" } }
{ $description "Shifts the entire SIMD array to the right by " { $snippet "n" } " bytes. This word may only be used in a context where the compiler can statically infer that the input is a SIMD array." } ;
HELP: vshuffle
{ $values { "u" "a SIMD array" } { "perm" "an array of integers" } { "v" "a SIMD array" } }
{ $description "Permutes the elements of a SIMD array. Duplicate entries are allowed in the permutation." }
{ $examples
{ $example
"USING: alien.c-types math.vectors math.vectors.simd" "prettyprint ;"
"SIMD: int"
"int-4{ 69 42 911 13 } { 1 3 2 3 } vshuffle ."
"int-4{ 42 13 911 13 }"
} ;
HELP: norm-sq
{ $values { "v" "a sequence of numbers" } { "x" "a non-negative real number" } }
{ $description "Computes the squared length of a mathematical vector." } ;

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@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ PRIVATE>
GENERIC: new-underlying ( underlying seq -- seq' )
: change-underlying ( seq quot -- seq' )
'[ underlying>> @ ] keep new-underlying ; inline
: vbitand ( u v -- w ) over '[ _ [ bitand ] fp-bitwise-op ] 2map ;
@ -74,6 +77,14 @@ PRIVATE>
: vbitxor ( u v -- w ) over '[ _ [ bitxor ] fp-bitwise-op ] 2map ;
: vbitnot ( u -- w ) dup '[ _ [ bitnot ] fp-bitwise-unary ] map ;
: vshuffle ( u perm -- v ) swap [ nths ] keep like ;
: vlshift ( u n -- w ) '[ _ shift ] map ;
: vrshift ( u n -- w ) neg '[ _ shift ] map ;
: hlshift ( u n -- w ) '[ _ <byte-array> prepend 16 head ] change-underlying ;
: hrshift ( u n -- w ) '[ _ <byte-array> append 16 tail* ] change-underlying ;
: vand ( u v -- w ) [ and ] 2map ;
: vor ( u v -- w ) [ or ] 2map ;
: vxor ( u v -- w ) [ xor ] 2map ;
@ -88,15 +99,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: v? ( ? u v -- w ) [ ? ] pick 3map-as ;
: vlshift ( u n -- w ) '[ _ shift ] map ;
: vrshift ( u n -- w ) neg '[ _ shift ] map ;
: hlshift ( u n -- w )
[ [ underlying>> ] dip <byte-array> prepend 16 head ] [ drop ] 2bi new-underlying ;
: hrshift ( u n -- w )
[ [ underlying>> ] dip <byte-array> append 16 tail* ] [ drop ] 2bi new-underlying ;
: vfloor ( u -- v ) [ floor ] map ;
: vceiling ( u -- v ) [ ceiling ] map ;
: vtruncate ( u -- v ) [ truncate ] map ;