Refactor OS-specific parts of PowerPC backend
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors system kernel alien.c-types cpu.architecture cpu.ppc ;
IN: cpu.ppc.linux
t "longlong" c-type (>>stack-align?)
t "ulonglong" c-type (>>stack-align?)
M: linux reserved-area-size 2 ;
M: linux lr-save 1 ;
M: float-regs param-regs { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } ;
M: ppc value-structs? drop f ;
M: ppc fp-shadows-int? drop f ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors system kernel alien.c-types cpu.architecture cpu.ppc ;
IN: cpu.ppc.macosx
4 "longlong" c-type (>>align)
4 "ulonglong" c-type (>>align)
4 "double" c-type (>>align)
M: macosx reserved-area-size 6 ;
M: macosx lr-save 2 ;
M: float-regs param-regs { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 } ;
M: ppc value-structs? drop t ;
M: ppc fp-shadows-int? drop t ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ USING: accessors assocs sequences kernel combinators make math
math.order math.ranges system namespaces locals layouts words
alien alien.c-types cpu.architecture cpu.ppc.assembler
compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.constants compiler.codegen compiler.codegen.fixup
compiler.cfg.intrinsics compiler.cfg.stack-frame ;
compiler.constants compiler.codegen compiler.codegen.fixup ;
IN: cpu.ppc
! PowerPC register assignments:
@ -16,31 +15,15 @@ IN: cpu.ppc
! f0-f29: float vregs
! f30, f31: float scratch
<< {
{ [ os macosx? ] [
4 "longlong" c-type (>>align)
4 "ulonglong" c-type (>>align)
4 "double" c-type (>>align)
] }
{ [ os linux? ] [
t "longlong" c-type (>>stack-align?)
t "ulonglong" c-type (>>stack-align?)
] }
} cond
\ ##integer>float t frame-required? set-word-prop
\ ##float>integer t frame-required? set-word-prop >>
M: ppc machine-registers
{ int-regs T{ range f 2 26 1 } }
{ double-float-regs T{ range f 0 29 1 } }
{ double-float-regs T{ range f 0 28 1 } }
} ;
: scratch-reg 28 ; inline
: fp-scratch-reg 30 ; inline
: fp-scratch-reg-1 29 ; inline
: fp-scratch-reg-2 30 ; inline
M: ppc two-operand? f ;
@ -70,21 +53,9 @@ M: ppc %replace loc>operand STW ;
M: ppc %inc-d ( n -- ) ds-reg (%inc) ;
M: ppc %inc-r ( n -- ) rs-reg (%inc) ;
: reserved-area-size ( -- n )
os {
{ linux [ 2 ] }
{ macosx [ 6 ] }
} case cells ; foldable
HOOK: reserved-area-size os ( -- n )
HOOK: lr-save os ( -- n )
! The start of the stack frame contains the size of this frame
! as well as the currently executing XT
: factor-area-size ( -- n ) 2 cells ; foldable
: next-save ( n -- i ) cell - ;
: xt-save ( n -- i ) 2 cells - ;
! Next, we have the spill area as well as the FFI parameter area.
! They overlap, since basic blocks with FFI calls will never
! spill.
: param@ ( n -- x ) reserved-area-size + ; inline
: param-save-size ( -- n ) 8 cells ; foldable
@ -92,38 +63,19 @@ M: ppc %inc-r ( n -- ) rs-reg (%inc) ;
: local@ ( n -- x )
reserved-area-size param-save-size + + ; inline
: spill-integer-base ( -- n )
stack-frame get spill-counts>> double-float-regs swap at
double-float-regs reg-size * ;
: factor-area-size ( -- n ) 2 cells ; foldable
: spill-integer@ ( n -- offset )
cells spill-integer-base + param@ ;
: next-save ( n -- i ) cell - ;
: spill-float@ ( n -- offset )
double-float-regs reg-size * param@ ;
! Some FP intrinsics need a temporary scratch area in the stack
! frame, 8 bytes in size
: scratch@ ( n -- offset )
stack-frame get total-size>>
factor-area-size -
param-save-size -
+ ;
! Finally we have the linkage area
: lr-save ( -- n )
os {
{ linux [ 1 ] }
{ macosx [ 2 ] }
} case cells ; foldable
: xt-save ( n -- i ) 2 cells - ;
M: ppc stack-frame-size ( stack-frame -- i )
[ spill-counts>> [ swap reg-size * ] { } assoc>map sum ]
[ params>> ]
[ return>> ]
tri + +
param-save-size +
reserved-area-size +
param-save-size +
factor-area-size +
4 cells align ;
@ -246,19 +198,19 @@ M: ppc %div-float FDIV ;
M:: ppc %integer>float ( dst src -- )
HEX: 4330 scratch-reg LIS
scratch-reg 1 0 scratch@ STW
scratch-reg 1 0 param@ STW
scratch-reg src MR
scratch-reg dup HEX: 8000 XORIS
scratch-reg 1 4 scratch@ STW
dst 1 0 scratch@ LFD
scratch-reg 1 cell param@ STW
fp-scratch-reg-2 1 0 param@ LFD
scratch-reg 4503601774854144.0 %load-indirect
fp-scratch-reg scratch-reg float-offset LFD
dst dst fp-scratch-reg FSUB ;
fp-scratch-reg-2 scratch-reg float-offset LFD
fp-scratch-reg-2 fp-scratch-reg-2 fp-scratch-reg-2 FSUB ;
M:: ppc %float>integer ( dst src -- )
fp-scratch-reg src FCTIWZ
fp-scratch-reg 1 0 scratch@ STFD
dst 1 4 scratch@ LWZ ;
fp-scratch-reg-1 src FCTIWZ
fp-scratch-reg-2 1 0 param@ STFD
dst 1 4 param@ LWZ ;
M: ppc %copy ( dst src -- ) MR ;
@ -266,10 +218,6 @@ M: ppc %copy-float ( dst src -- ) FMR ;
M: ppc %unbox-float ( dst src -- ) float-offset LFD ;
M:: ppc %box-float ( dst src temp -- )
dst 16 float temp %allot
src dst float-offset STFD ;
M:: ppc %unbox-any-c-ptr ( dst src temp -- )
{ "is-byte-array" "end" "start" } [ define-label ] each
@ -401,12 +349,12 @@ M: ppc %gc
"end" resolve-label ;
M: ppc %prologue ( n -- )
0 11 LOAD32 rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-this
0 scratch-reg LOAD32 rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rel-this
1 1 pick neg ADDI
11 1 pick xt-save STW
dup 11 LI
11 1 pick next-save STW
scratch-reg 1 pick xt-save STW
dup scratch-reg LI
scratch-reg 1 pick next-save STW
0 1 rot lr-save + STW ;
M: ppc %epilogue ( n -- )
@ -457,22 +405,38 @@ M: ppc %compare-branch (%compare) %branch ;
M: ppc %compare-imm-branch (%compare-imm) %branch ;
M: ppc %compare-float-branch (%compare-float) %branch ;
M: ppc %spill-integer ( src n -- ) spill-integer@ 1 swap STW ;
M: ppc %reload-integer ( dst n -- ) spill-integer@ 1 swap LWZ ;
: spill-integer-base ( stack-frame -- n )
[ params>> ] [ return>> ] bi + ;
M: ppc %spill-float ( src n -- ) spill-float@ 1 swap STFD ;
M: ppc %reload-float ( dst n -- ) spill-float@ 1 swap LFD ;
: stack@ 1 swap ; inline
: spill-integer@ ( n -- reg offset )
stack-frame get spill-integer-base
+ stack@ ;
: spill-float-base ( stack-frame -- n )
[ spill-counts>> int-regs swap at int-regs reg-size * ]
[ params>> ]
[ return>> ]
tri + + ;
: spill-float@ ( n -- reg offset )
double-float-regs reg-size *
stack-frame get spill-float-base
+ stack@ ;
M: ppc %spill-integer ( src n -- ) spill-integer@ STW ;
M: ppc %reload-integer ( dst n -- ) spill-integer@ LWZ ;
M: ppc %spill-float ( src n -- ) spill-float@ STFD ;
M: ppc %reload-float ( dst n -- ) spill-float@ LFD ;
M: ppc %loop-entry ;
M: int-regs return-reg drop 3 ;
M: int-regs param-regs drop { 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 } ;
M: float-regs return-reg drop 1 ;
M: float-regs param-regs
drop os H{
{ macosx { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 } }
{ linux { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 } }
} at ;
M: int-regs %save-param-reg drop 1 rot local@ STW ;
M: int-regs %load-param-reg drop 1 rot local@ LWZ ;
@ -595,13 +559,6 @@ M: ppc %callback-value ( ctype -- )
! Unbox former top of data stack to return registers
unbox-return ;
M: ppc value-structs?
#! On Linux/PPC, value structs are passed in the same way
#! as reference structs, we just have to make a copy first.
os linux? not ;
M: ppc fp-shadows-int? ( -- ? ) os macosx? ;
M: ppc small-enough? ( n -- ? ) -32768 32767 between? ;
M: ppc struct-small-enough? ( size -- ? ) drop f ;
@ -611,3 +568,10 @@ M: ppc %box-small-struct
M: ppc %unbox-small-struct
drop "No small structs" throw ;
USE: vocabs.loader
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "cpu.ppc.macosx" require ] }
{ [ os linux? ] [ "cpu.ppc.linux" require ] }
} cond
Reference in New Issue