Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ HELP: time+
{ $description "Adds two durations to produce a duration or adds a timestamp and a duration to produce a timestamp. The calculation takes timezones into account." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar math.order prettyprint ;"
"10 months 2 months time+ 1 year <=> ."
"10 months 2 months time+ 1 years <=> ."
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar math.order prettyprint ;"
@ -193,3 +193,109 @@ HELP: time+
} ;
HELP: dt>years
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in years." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"6 months dt>years ."
} ;
HELP: dt>months
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in months." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"30 days dt>months ."
} ;
HELP: dt>days
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in days." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"6 hours dt>days ."
} ;
HELP: dt>hours
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in hours." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"3/4 days dt>hours ."
} ;
HELP: dt>minutes
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in minutes." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"6 hours dt>minutes ."
} ;
HELP: dt>seconds
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in seconds." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"6 minutes dt>seconds ."
} ;
HELP: dt>milliseconds
{ $values { "duration" duration } { "x" number } }
{ $description "Calculates the length of a duration in milliseconds." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar prettyprint ;"
"6 seconds dt>milliseconds ."
} ;
{ dt>years dt>months dt>days dt>hours dt>minutes dt>seconds dt>milliseconds } related-words
HELP: time-
{ $values { "time1" "timestamp or duration" } { "time2" "timestamp or duration" } { "time3" "timestamp or duration" } }
{ $description "Subtracts two durations to produce a duration or subtracts a duration from a timestamp to produce a timestamp. The calculation takes timezones into account." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: calendar math.order prettyprint ;"
"10 months 2 months time- 8 months <=> ."
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar math.order prettyprint ;"
"2010 1 1 <date> 3 days time- day>> ."
} ;
{ time+ time- } related-words
HELP: convert-timezone
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "duration" duration } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Converts the " { $snippet "timestamp" } "'s " { $snippet "gmt-offset" } " to the GMT offset represented by the " { $snippet "duration" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar prettyprint ;"
"gmt noon instant -5 >>hour convert-timezone gmt-offset>> hour>> ."
} ;
HELP: >local-time
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $description "Converts the " { $snippet "timestamp" } " to the timezone of your computer." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar kernel prettyprint ;"
"now gmt >local-time [ gmt-offset>> ] bi@ = ."
} ;
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: month-abbreviation ( n -- string )
check-month 1- month-abbreviations nth ;
: day-counts { 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 } ; inline
: day-names ( -- array )
"Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday"
@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: >time< ( timestamp -- hour minute second )
[ hour>> ] [ minute>> ] [ second>> ] tri ;
MEMO: instant ( -- duration ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 <duration> ;
: instant ( -- duration ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 <duration> ;
: years ( x -- duration ) instant clone swap >>year ;
: months ( x -- duration ) instant clone swap >>month ;
: days ( x -- duration ) instant clone swap >>day ;
@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ M: duration <=> [ dt>years ] compare ;
: dt>seconds ( duration -- x ) dt>years seconds-per-year * ;
: dt>milliseconds ( duration -- x ) dt>seconds 1000 * ;
GENERIC: time- ( time1 time2 -- time )
GENERIC: time- ( time1 time2 -- time3 )
: convert-timezone ( timestamp duration -- timestamp )
over gmt-offset>> over = [ drop ] [
@ -323,12 +325,9 @@ MEMO: unix-1970 ( -- timestamp )
unix-1970 millis milliseconds time+ ;
: now ( -- timestamp ) gmt >local-time ;
: hence ( duration -- timestamp ) now swap time+ ;
: ago ( duration -- timestamp ) now swap time- ;
: day-counts { 0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 } ; inline
: zeller-congruence ( year month day -- n )
#! Zeller Congruence
@ -395,7 +394,6 @@ M: timestamp days-in-year ( timestamp -- n ) year>> days-in-year ;
: time-since-midnight ( timestamp -- duration )
dup midnight time- ;
M: timestamp sleep-until timestamp>millis sleep-until ;
M: duration sleep hence sleep-until ;
@ -84,6 +84,13 @@ FUNCTION: tiny ffi_test_17 int x ;
[ 3 ] [ "ffi_test_1" f dlsym indirect-test-1 ] unit-test
: indirect-test-1' ( ptr -- )
"int" { } "cdecl" alien-indirect drop ;
{ 1 0 } [ indirect-test-1' ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ "ffi_test_1" f dlsym indirect-test-1' ] unit-test
[ -1 indirect-test-1 ] must-fail
: indirect-test-2 ( x y ptr -- result )
@ -81,11 +81,19 @@ M: #alien-indirect compute-live-values* nip look-at-inputs ;
] ;
: drop-dead-outputs ( node -- nodes )
: drop-dead-outputs ( node -- #shuffle )
dup out-d>> drop-dead-values tuck in-d>> >>out-d drop ;
: some-outputs-dead? ( #call -- ? )
out-d>> [ live-value? not ] contains? ;
: maybe-drop-dead-outputs ( node -- nodes )
dup some-outputs-dead? [
dup drop-dead-outputs 2array
] when ;
M: #introduce remove-dead-code* ( #introduce -- nodes )
dup drop-dead-outputs 2array ;
maybe-drop-dead-outputs ;
M: #>r remove-dead-code*
[ filter-live ] change-out-r
@ -110,17 +118,9 @@ M: #push remove-dead-code*
[ in-d>> #drop remove-dead-code* ]
bi ;
: some-outputs-dead? ( #call -- ? )
out-d>> [ live-value? not ] contains? ;
M: #call remove-dead-code*
dup dead-flushable-call? [
] [
dup some-outputs-dead? [
dup drop-dead-outputs 2array
] when
] if ;
dup dead-flushable-call?
[ remove-flushable-call ] [ maybe-drop-dead-outputs ] if ;
M: #shuffle remove-dead-code*
[ filter-live ] change-in-d
@ -136,3 +136,9 @@ M: #copy remove-dead-code*
M: #terminate remove-dead-code*
[ filter-live ] change-in-d
[ filter-live ] change-in-r ;
M: #alien-invoke remove-dead-code*
maybe-drop-dead-outputs ;
M: #alien-indirect remove-dead-code*
maybe-drop-dead-outputs ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors sequences parser kernel help help.markup
USING: fry accessors sequences parser kernel help help.markup
help.topics words strings classes tools.vocabs namespaces io
io.streams.string prettyprint definitions arrays vectors
combinators combinators.short-circuit splitting debugger
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ IN: help.lint
} swap [ elements f like ] curry contains? ;
} swap '[ , elements empty? not ] contains? ;
: check-values ( word element -- )
@ -108,12 +108,10 @@ M: help-error error.
articles get keys
vocabs [ dup vocab-docs-path swap ] H{ } map>assoc
H{ } clone [
[ dup >link where dup ] 2dip
[ >r >r first r> at r> push-at ] 2curry
[ 2drop ]
] 2curry each
dup >link where dup
[ first , at , push-at ] [ 2drop ] if
] each
] keep ;
: check-about ( vocab -- )
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ IN: help.topics.tests
[ ] [ { "test" "a" } "Test A" { { $subsection foo } } <article> add-article ] unit-test
[ ] [ "Test A" { { $subsection foo } } <article> { "test" "a" } add-article ] unit-test
! Test article location recording
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ windows.types math windows.kernel32
namespaces io.launcher kernel sequences windows.errors
splitting system threads init strings combinators
io.backend accessors concurrency.flags io.files assocs
io.files.private windows destructors classes.tuple.lib ;
io.files.private windows destructors ;
TUPLE: CreateProcess-args
@ -30,7 +30,19 @@ TUPLE: CreateProcess-args
0 >>dwCreateFlags ;
: call-CreateProcess ( CreateProcess-args -- )
CreateProcess-args >tuple< CreateProcess win32-error=0/f ;
[ lpApplicationName>> ]
[ lpCommandLine>> ]
[ lpProcessAttributes>> ]
[ lpThreadAttributes>> ]
[ bInheritHandles>> ]
[ dwCreateFlags>> ]
[ lpEnvironment>> ]
[ lpCurrentDirectory>> ]
[ lpStartupInfo>> ]
[ lpProcessInformation>> ]
} cleave
CreateProcess win32-error=0/f ;
: count-trailing-backslashes ( str n -- str n )
>r "\\" ?tail r> swap [
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types arrays assocs combinators
continuations destructors io io.backend io.ports io.timeouts
|||| libc kernel math namespaces
sequences threads classes.tuple.lib windows windows.errors
windows.kernel32 strings splitting io.files
io.buffers qualified ascii system
sequences threads windows windows.errors windows.kernel32
strings splitting io.files io.buffers qualified ascii system
accessors locals ;
QUALIFIED: windows.winsock
@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
USING: alien alien.accessors alien.c-types byte-arrays
continuations destructors io.ports io.timeouts io.sockets
io.sockets io namespaces io.streams.duplex
|||| windows.winsock kernel libc math sequences
threads classes.tuple.lib system combinators accessors ;
|||| windows.winsock kernel
libc math sequences threads system combinators accessors ;
: malloc-int ( object -- object )
@ -28,71 +27,89 @@ M: winnt WSASocket-flags ( -- DWORD )
] keep *void* ;
TUPLE: ConnectEx-args port
s* name* namelen* lpSendBuffer* dwSendDataLength*
lpdwBytesSent* lpOverlapped* ptr* ;
s name namelen lpSendBuffer dwSendDataLength
lpdwBytesSent lpOverlapped ptr ;
: wait-for-socket ( args -- n )
[ lpOverlapped*>> ] [ port>> ] bi twiddle-thumbs ;
[ lpOverlapped>> ] [ port>> ] bi twiddle-thumbs ; inline
: <ConnectEx-args> ( sockaddr size -- ConnectEx )
ConnectEx-args new
swap >>namelen*
swap >>name*
f >>lpSendBuffer*
0 >>dwSendDataLength*
f >>lpdwBytesSent*
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped* ;
swap >>namelen
swap >>name
f >>lpSendBuffer
0 >>dwSendDataLength
f >>lpdwBytesSent
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped ; inline
: call-ConnectEx ( ConnectEx -- )
ConnectEx-args >tuple*<
[ s>> ]
[ name>> ]
[ namelen>> ]
[ lpSendBuffer>> ]
[ dwSendDataLength>> ]
[ lpdwBytesSent>> ]
[ lpOverlapped>> ]
[ ptr>> ]
} cleave
{ "SOCKET" "sockaddr_in*" "int" "PVOID" "DWORD" "LPDWORD" "void*" }
"stdcall" alien-indirect drop
winsock-error-string [ throw ] when* ;
winsock-error-string [ throw ] when* ; inline
M: object establish-connection ( client-out remote -- )
make-sockaddr/size <ConnectEx-args>
swap >>port
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s*
dup s*>> get-ConnectEx-ptr >>ptr*
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s
dup s>> get-ConnectEx-ptr >>ptr
dup call-ConnectEx
wait-for-socket drop ;
TUPLE: AcceptEx-args port
sListenSocket* sAcceptSocket* lpOutputBuffer* dwReceiveDataLength*
dwLocalAddressLength* dwRemoteAddressLength* lpdwBytesReceived* lpOverlapped* ;
sListenSocket sAcceptSocket lpOutputBuffer dwReceiveDataLength
dwLocalAddressLength dwRemoteAddressLength lpdwBytesReceived lpOverlapped ;
: init-accept-buffer ( addr AcceptEx -- )
swap sockaddr-type heap-size 16 +
[ >>dwLocalAddressLength* ] [ >>dwRemoteAddressLength* ] bi
dup dwLocalAddressLength*>> 2 * malloc &free >>lpOutputBuffer*
drop ;
[ >>dwLocalAddressLength ] [ >>dwRemoteAddressLength ] bi
dup dwLocalAddressLength>> 2 * malloc &free >>lpOutputBuffer
drop ; inline
: <AcceptEx-args> ( server addr -- AcceptEx )
AcceptEx-args new
2dup init-accept-buffer
swap SOCK_STREAM open-socket |dispose handle>> >>sAcceptSocket*
over handle>> handle>> >>sListenSocket*
swap SOCK_STREAM open-socket |dispose handle>> >>sAcceptSocket
over handle>> handle>> >>sListenSocket
swap >>port
0 >>dwReceiveDataLength*
f >>lpdwBytesReceived*
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped* ;
0 >>dwReceiveDataLength
f >>lpdwBytesReceived
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped ; inline
: call-AcceptEx ( AcceptEx -- )
AcceptEx-args >tuple*< AcceptEx drop
winsock-error-string [ throw ] when* ;
[ sListenSocket>> ]
[ sAcceptSocket>> ]
[ lpOutputBuffer>> ]
[ dwReceiveDataLength>> ]
[ dwLocalAddressLength>> ]
[ dwRemoteAddressLength>> ]
[ lpdwBytesReceived>> ]
[ lpOverlapped>> ]
} cleave AcceptEx drop
winsock-error-string [ throw ] when* ; inline
: extract-remote-address ( AcceptEx -- sockaddr )
[ lpOutputBuffer*>> ]
[ dwReceiveDataLength*>> ]
[ dwLocalAddressLength*>> ]
[ dwRemoteAddressLength*>> ]
[ lpOutputBuffer>> ]
[ dwReceiveDataLength>> ]
[ dwLocalAddressLength>> ]
[ dwRemoteAddressLength>> ]
} cleave
f <void*>
0 <int>
f <void*>
[ 0 <int> GetAcceptExSockaddrs ] keep *void* ;
[ 0 <int> GetAcceptExSockaddrs ] keep *void* ; inline
M: object (accept) ( server addr -- handle sockaddr )
@ -100,39 +117,49 @@ M: object (accept) ( server addr -- handle sockaddr )
[ call-AcceptEx ]
[ wait-for-socket drop ]
[ sAcceptSocket*>> <win32-socket> ]
[ sAcceptSocket>> <win32-socket> ]
[ extract-remote-address ]
} cleave
] with-destructors ;
TUPLE: WSARecvFrom-args port
s* lpBuffers* dwBufferCount* lpNumberOfBytesRecvd*
lpFlags* lpFrom* lpFromLen* lpOverlapped* lpCompletionRoutine* ;
s lpBuffers dwBufferCount lpNumberOfBytesRecvd
lpFlags lpFrom lpFromLen lpOverlapped lpCompletionRoutine ;
: make-receive-buffer ( -- WSABUF )
"WSABUF" malloc-object &free
default-buffer-size get over set-WSABUF-len
default-buffer-size get malloc &free over set-WSABUF-buf ;
default-buffer-size get malloc &free over set-WSABUF-buf ; inline
: <WSARecvFrom-args> ( datagram -- WSARecvFrom )
WSARecvFrom-args new
swap >>port
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s*
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s
dup port>> addr>> sockaddr-type heap-size
[ malloc &free >>lpFrom* ]
[ malloc-int &free >>lpFromLen* ] bi
make-receive-buffer >>lpBuffers*
1 >>dwBufferCount*
0 malloc-int &free >>lpFlags*
0 malloc-int &free >>lpNumberOfBytesRecvd*
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped* ;
[ malloc &free >>lpFrom ]
[ malloc-int &free >>lpFromLen ] bi
make-receive-buffer >>lpBuffers
1 >>dwBufferCount
0 malloc-int &free >>lpFlags
0 malloc-int &free >>lpNumberOfBytesRecvd
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped ; inline
: call-WSARecvFrom ( WSARecvFrom -- )
WSARecvFrom-args >tuple*< WSARecvFrom socket-error* ;
[ s>> ]
[ lpBuffers>> ]
[ dwBufferCount>> ]
[ lpNumberOfBytesRecvd>> ]
[ lpFlags>> ]
[ lpFrom>> ]
[ lpFromLen>> ]
[ lpOverlapped>> ]
[ lpCompletionRoutine>> ]
} cleave WSARecvFrom socket-error* ; inline
: parse-WSARecvFrom ( n WSARecvFrom -- packet sockaddr )
[ lpBuffers*>> WSABUF-buf swap memory>byte-array ]
[ [ lpFrom*>> ] [ lpFromLen*>> *int ] bi memory>byte-array ] bi ;
[ lpBuffers>> WSABUF-buf swap memory>byte-array ]
[ [ lpFrom>> ] [ lpFromLen>> *int ] bi memory>byte-array ] bi ; inline
M: winnt (receive) ( datagram -- packet addrspec )
@ -144,31 +171,41 @@ M: winnt (receive) ( datagram -- packet addrspec )
] with-destructors ;
TUPLE: WSASendTo-args port
s* lpBuffers* dwBufferCount* lpNumberOfBytesSent*
dwFlags* lpTo* iToLen* lpOverlapped* lpCompletionRoutine* ;
s lpBuffers dwBufferCount lpNumberOfBytesSent
dwFlags lpTo iToLen lpOverlapped lpCompletionRoutine ;
: make-send-buffer ( packet -- WSABUF )
"WSABUF" malloc-object &free
[ >r malloc-byte-array &free r> set-WSABUF-buf ]
[ >r length r> set-WSABUF-len ]
[ nip ]
2tri ;
2tri ; inline
: <WSASendTo-args> ( packet addrspec datagram -- WSASendTo )
WSASendTo-args new
swap >>port
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s*
dup port>> handle>> handle>> >>s
swap make-sockaddr/size
>r malloc-byte-array &free
r> [ >>lpTo* ] [ >>iToLen* ] bi*
swap make-send-buffer >>lpBuffers*
1 >>dwBufferCount*
0 >>dwFlags*
0 <uint> >>lpNumberOfBytesSent*
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped* ;
r> [ >>lpTo ] [ >>iToLen ] bi*
swap make-send-buffer >>lpBuffers
1 >>dwBufferCount
0 >>dwFlags
0 <uint> >>lpNumberOfBytesSent
(make-overlapped) >>lpOverlapped ; inline
: call-WSASendTo ( WSASendTo -- )
WSASendTo-args >tuple*< WSASendTo socket-error* ;
[ s>> ]
[ lpBuffers>> ]
[ dwBufferCount>> ]
[ lpNumberOfBytesSent>> ]
[ dwFlags>> ]
[ lpTo>> ]
[ iToLen>> ]
[ lpOverlapped>> ]
[ lpCompletionRoutine>> ]
} cleave WSASendTo socket-error* ; inline
M: winnt (send) ( packet addrspec datagram -- )
@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ IN: tools.deploy.shaker
@ -67,9 +67,12 @@ M: button-paint draw-interior
M: button-paint draw-boundary
button-paint draw-boundary ;
: align-left ( button -- button )
{ 0 1/2 } >>align ; inline
: roll-button-theme ( button -- button )
f black <solid> dup f <button-paint> >>boundary
{ 0 1/2 } >>align ; inline
align-left ; inline
: <roll-button> ( label quot -- button )
<button> roll-button-theme ;
@ -141,7 +144,8 @@ TUPLE: checkbox < button ;
<checkmark> label-on-right checkbox-theme
[ model>> toggle-model ]
checkbox new-button
swap >>model ;
swap >>model
align-left ;
M: checkbox model-changed
swap model-value over (>>selected?) relayout-1 ;
@ -179,7 +183,8 @@ TUPLE: radio-control < button value ;
[ [ value>> ] keep set-control-value ]
radio-control new-button
swap >>model
swap >>value ; inline
swap >>value
align-left ; inline
M: radio-control model-changed
swap model-value
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ HELP: motion
{ $examples { $code "T{ motion }" } } ;
HELP: drag
{ $class-description "Mouse drag gesture. The " { $link drag-# } " slot is either set to a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected." } ;
{ $class-description "Mouse drag gesture. The " { $snippet "#" } " slot is either set to a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected." } ;
HELP: button-up
{ $class-description "Mouse button up gesture. Instances have two slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link button-up-mods } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $link button-up-# } " - a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected" }
{ { $snippet "mods" } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "#" } " - a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected" }
{ $examples { $code "T{ button-up f f 1 }" "T{ button-up }" } } ;
@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ HELP: button-up
HELP: button-down
{ $class-description "Mouse button down gesture. Instances have two slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link button-down-mods } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $link button-down-# } " - a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected" }
{ { $snippet "mods" } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "#" } " - a mouse button number, or " { $link f } " indicating no specific button is expected" }
{ $examples { $code "T{ button-down f f 1 }" "T{ button-down }" } } ;
@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ HELP: S+
HELP: key-down
{ $class-description "Key down gesture. Instances have two slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link key-down-mods } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $link key-down-sym } " - a string denoting the key pressed; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "mods" } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "sym" } " - a string denoting the key pressed; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ $examples { $code "T{ key-down f { C+ } \"a\" }" "T{ key-down f f \"TAB\" }" } } ;
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ HELP: key-down
HELP: key-up
{ $class-description "Key up gesture. Instances have two slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link key-up-mods } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $link key-up-sym } " - a string denoting the key pressed; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "mods" } " - a sequence of modifiers; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ { $snippet "sym" } " - a string denoting the key pressed; see " { $link "keyboard-gestures" } }
{ $examples { $code "T{ key-up f { C+ } \"a\" }" "T{ key-up f f \"TAB\" }" } } ;
@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ SYMBOL: drag-timer
: send-button-down ( gesture loc world -- )
dup button-down-#
dup #>>
dup update-click# hand-buttons get-global push
button-gesture ;
: send-button-up ( gesture loc world -- )
dup button-up-# hand-buttons get-global delete
dup #>> hand-buttons get-global delete
button-gesture ;
@ -261,21 +261,21 @@ GENERIC: gesture>string ( gesture -- string/f )
[ name>> ] map concat >string ;
M: key-down gesture>string
dup key-down-mods modifiers>string
swap key-down-sym append ;
dup mods>> modifiers>string
swap sym>> append ;
M: button-up gesture>string
dup button-up-mods modifiers>string %
dup mods>> modifiers>string %
"Click Button" %
button-up-# [ " " % # ] when*
#>> [ " " % # ] when*
] "" make ;
M: button-down gesture>string
dup button-down-mods modifiers>string %
dup mods>> modifiers>string %
"Press Button" %
button-down-# [ " " % # ] when*
#>> [ " " % # ] when*
] "" make ;
M: left-action gesture>string drop "Swipe left" ;
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ HELP: operation
"Operations have the following slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link operation-predicate } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- ? )" } }
{ { $link operation-command } " - a " { $link word } }
{ { $link operation-translator } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- newobj )" } ", or " { $link f } }
{ { $link operation-hook } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- newobj )" } ", or " { $link f } }
{ { $link operation-listener? } " - a boolean" }
{ { $snippet "predicate" } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- ? )" } }
{ { $snippet "command" } " - a " { $link word } }
{ { $snippet "translator" } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- newobj )" } ", or " { $link f } }
{ { $snippet "hook" } " - a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( obj -- newobj )" } ", or " { $link f } }
{ { $snippet "listener?" } " - a boolean" }
} } ;
HELP: operation-gesture
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ HELP: operations
HELP: object-operations
{ $values { "obj" object } { "operations" "a sequence of " { $link operation } " instances" } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of operations applicable to the given object, by testing each defined operation's " { $link operation-predicate } " quotation in turn." } ;
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of operations applicable to the given object, by testing each defined operation's " { $snippet "predicate" } " quotation in turn." } ;
HELP: primary-operation
{ $values { "obj" object } { "operation" "an " { $link operation } " or " { $link f } } }
@ -19,34 +19,34 @@ TUPLE: operation predicate command translator hook listener? ;
swap >>predicate ;
PREDICATE: listener-operation < operation
dup operation-command listener-command?
swap operation-listener? or ;
dup command>> listener-command?
swap listener?>> or ;
M: operation command-name
operation-command command-name ;
command>> command-name ;
M: operation command-description
operation-command command-description ;
command>> command-description ;
M: operation command-word operation-command command-word ;
M: operation command-word command>> command-word ;
: operation-gesture ( operation -- gesture )
operation-command +keyboard+ word-prop ;
command>> +keyboard+ word-prop ;
SYMBOL: operations
: object-operations ( obj -- operations )
operations get [ operation-predicate call ] with filter ;
operations get [ predicate>> call ] with filter ;
: find-operation ( obj quot -- command )
>r object-operations r> find-last nip ; inline
: primary-operation ( obj -- operation )
[ operation-command +primary+ word-prop ] find-operation ;
[ command>> +primary+ word-prop ] find-operation ;
: secondary-operation ( obj -- operation )
[ operation-command +secondary+ word-prop ] find-operation
[ command>> +secondary+ word-prop ] find-operation
[ ] [ primary-operation ] ?if ;
: default-flags ( -- assoc )
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ SYMBOL: operations
: modify-operation ( hook translator operation -- operation )
tuck set-operation-translator
tuck set-operation-hook
t over set-operation-listener? ;
tuck (>>translator)
tuck (>>hook)
t over (>>listener?) ;
: modify-operations ( operations hook translator -- operations )
rot [ >r 2dup r> modify-operation ] map 2nip ;
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ SYMBOL: operations
: operation-quot ( target command -- quot )
swap literalize ,
dup operation-translator %
operation-command ,
dup translator>> %
command>> ,
] [ ] make ;
M: operation invoke-command ( target command -- )
[ operation-hook call ] keep operation-quot call ;
[ hook>> call ] keep operation-quot call ;
@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ HELP: draw-boundary
{ $contract "Draws the boundary of a gadget by making OpenGL calls. The " { $snippet "boundary" } " slot may be set to objects implementing this generic word." } ;
HELP: solid
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-boundary } " and " { $link draw-interior } " generic words to draw a solid outline or a solid fill, respectively. The " { $link solid-color } " slot stores a color specifier." } ;
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-boundary } " and " { $link draw-interior } " generic words to draw a solid outline or a solid fill, respectively. The " { $snippet "color" } " slot stores a color specifier." } ;
HELP: gradient
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-interior } " generic word to draw a smoothly shaded transition between colors. The " { $link gradient-colors } " slot stores a sequence of color specifiers and the gradient is drawn in the direction given by the " { $snippet "orientation" } " slot of the gadget." } ;
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-interior } " generic word to draw a smoothly shaded transition between colors. The " { $snippet "colors" } " slot stores a sequence of color specifiers and the gradient is drawn in the direction given by the " { $snippet "orientation" } " slot of the gadget." } ;
HELP: polygon
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-boundary } " and " { $link draw-interior } " generic words to draw a solid outline or a solid filled polygon, respectively. Instances of " { $link polygon } " have two slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link polygon-color } " - a color specifier" }
{ { $link polygon-points } " - a sequence of points" }
{ { $snippet "color" } " - a color specifier" }
{ { $snippet "points" } " - a sequence of points" }
} ;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ C: <solid> solid
! Solid pen
: (solid) ( gadget paint -- loc dim )
solid-color set-color rect-dim >r origin get dup r> v+ ;
color>> set-color rect-dim >r origin get dup r> v+ ;
M: solid draw-interior (solid) gl-fill-rect ;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ C: <gradient> gradient
M: gradient draw-interior
origin get [
over orientation>>
swap gradient-colors
swap colors>>
rot rect-dim
] with-translation ;
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ C: <polygon> polygon
: draw-polygon ( polygon quot -- )
origin get [
>r dup polygon-color set-color polygon-points r> call
>r dup color>> set-color points>> r> call
] with-translation ; inline
M: polygon draw-boundary
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ TUPLE: debugger < track restarts ;
-rot <restart-list> >>restarts
dup restarts>> rot <debugger-display> <scroller> 1 track-add ;
M: debugger focusable-child* debugger-restarts ;
M: debugger focusable-child* restarts>> ;
: debugger-window ( error -- )
#! No restarts for the debugger window
@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ TUPLE: deploy-gadget < pack vocab settings ;
[ deploy-gadget? ] find-parent ;
: find-deploy-vocab ( gadget -- vocab )
find-deploy-gadget deploy-gadget-vocab ;
find-deploy-gadget vocab>> ;
: find-deploy-config ( gadget -- config )
find-deploy-vocab deploy-config ;
: find-deploy-settings ( gadget -- settings )
find-deploy-gadget deploy-gadget-settings ;
find-deploy-gadget settings>> ;
: com-revert ( gadget -- )
dup find-deploy-config
@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ inspector-gadget "multi-touch" f {
} define-command-map
M: inspector-gadget tool-scroller
inspector-gadget-pane find-scroller ;
pane>> find-scroller ;
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ M: interactor model-changed
] with-output-stream* ;
: add-interactor-history ( str interactor -- )
over empty? [ 2drop ] [ interactor-history adjoin ] if ;
over empty? [ 2drop ] [ history>> adjoin ] if ;
: interactor-continue ( obj interactor -- )
mailbox>> mailbox-put ;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ M: listener-command invoke-command ( target command -- )
command-quot call-listener ;
M: listener-operation invoke-command ( target command -- )
[ operation-hook call ] keep operation-quot call-listener ;
[ hook>> call ] keep operation-quot call-listener ;
: eval-listener ( string -- )
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ M: engine-word word-completion-string
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: insert-word ( word -- )
get-workspace workspace-listener input>>
get-workspace listener>> input>>
[ >r word-completion-string r> user-input ]
[ interactor-use use-if-necessary ]
2bi ;
@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ TUPLE: stack-display < track ;
1 track-add ;
M: stack-display tool-scroller
find-workspace workspace-listener tool-scroller ;
find-workspace listener>> tool-scroller ;
: ui-listener-hook ( listener -- )
>r datastack r> listener-gadget-stack set-model ;
>r datastack r> stack>> set-model ;
: ui-error-hook ( error listener -- )
find-workspace debugger-popup ;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ M: stack-display tool-scroller
} cleave ;
: init-listener ( listener -- )
f <model> swap set-listener-gadget-stack ;
f <model> swap (>>stack) ;
: <listener-gadget> ( -- gadget )
{ 0 1 } listener-gadget new-track
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ TUPLE: profiler-gadget < track pane ;
dup pane>> <scroller> 1 track-add ;
: with-profiler-pane ( gadget quot -- )
>r profiler-gadget-pane r> with-pane ;
>r pane>> r> with-pane ;
: com-full-profile ( gadget -- )
[ profile. ] with-profiler-pane ;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ IN:
TUPLE: live-search < track field list ;
: search-value ( live-search -- value )
live-search-list list-value ;
list>> list-value ;
: search-gesture ( gesture live-search -- operation/f )
search-value object-operations
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ M: live-search handle-gesture ( gesture live-search -- ? )
[ live-search? ] find-parent ;
: find-search-list ( gadget -- list )
find-live-search live-search-list ;
find-live-search list>> ;
TUPLE: search-field < editor ;
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ search-field H{
over field>> set-editor-string
dup field>> end-of-document ;
M: live-search focusable-child* live-search-field ;
M: live-search focusable-child* field>> ;
M: live-search pref-dim* drop { 400 200 } ;
: current-word ( workspace -- string )
workspace-listener listener-gadget-input selected-word ;
listener>> input>> selected-word ;
: definition-candidates ( words -- candidates )
[ dup synopsis >lower ] { } map>assoc sort-values ;
@ -149,10 +149,10 @@ M: live-search pref-dim* drop { 400 200 } ;
f [ string>> ] <live-search> ;
: listener-history ( listener -- seq )
listener-gadget-input interactor-history <reversed> ;
input>> history>> <reversed> ;
: com-history ( workspace -- )
"" over workspace-listener listener-history <history-search>
"" over listener>> listener-history <history-search>
"History search" show-titled-popup ;
workspace "toolbar" f {
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ IN:
M: workspace model-changed
dup workspace-listener listener-gadget-output scroll>bottom
dup listener>> output>> scroll>bottom
dup resize-workspace
request-focus ;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ walker-gadget "toolbar" f {
: walker-for-thread? ( thread gadget -- ? )
{ [ dup walker-gadget? not ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ dup walker-gadget-closing? ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ dup closing?>> ] [ 2drop f ] }
[ thread>> eq? ]
} cond ;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ M: gadget tool-scroller drop f ;
book>> children>> [ class eq? ] with find ;
: show-tool ( class workspace -- tool )
[ find-tool swap ] keep workspace-book model>>
[ find-tool swap ] keep book>> model>>
set-model ;
: select-tool ( workspace class -- ) swap show-tool drop ;
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ SYMBOL: workspace-dim
M: workspace pref-dim* drop workspace-dim get ;
M: workspace focusable-child*
dup workspace-popup [ ] [ workspace-listener ] ?if ;
dup popup>> [ ] [ listener>> ] ?if ;
: workspace-page ( workspace -- gadget )
workspace-book current-page ;
book>> current-page ;
M: workspace tool-scroller ( workspace -- scroller )
workspace-page tool-scroller ;
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
IN: ui.traverse.tests
USING: ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.labels namespaces sequences kernel
USING: accessors ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.labels namespaces sequences kernel
math arrays tools.test io ui.gadgets.panes ui.traverse
definitions compiler.units ;
M: array gadget-children ;
IN: ui.traverse.tests
M: array children>> ;
GENERIC: (flatten-tree) ( node -- )
@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ M: method-body crossref?
drop [ <method> dup ] 2keep reveal-method
] if ;
PREDICATE: default-method < word "default" word-prop ;
M: default-method irrelevant? drop t ;
: <default-method> ( generic combination -- method )
[ drop object bootstrap-word swap <method> ] [ make-default-method ] 2bi
[ define ] [ drop t "default" set-word-prop ] [ drop ] 2tri ;
@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ M: method-body definer
M: method-body forget*
dup "forgotten" word-prop [ drop ] [
dup "default" word-prop [ drop ] [
dup default-method? [ drop ] [
[ "method-class" word-prop ]
[ "method-generic" word-prop ] bi
@ -26,10 +26,6 @@ ERROR: no-method object generic ;
: error-method ( word -- quot )
picker swap [ no-method ] curry append ;
: default-method ( word -- pair )
"default-method" word-prop
object bootstrap-word swap 2array ;
: push-method ( method specializer atomic assoc -- )
[ H{ } clone <predicate-dispatch-engine> ] unless*
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup kernel prettyprint sequences ;
IN: classes.tuple.lib
HELP: >tuple<
{ $values { "class" "a tuple class" } }
{ $description "Explodes the tuple so that tuple slots are on the stack in the order listed in the tuple." }
{ $example
"USING: kernel prettyprint classes.tuple.lib ;"
"IN: scratchpad"
"TUPLE: foo a b c ;"
"1 2 3 \\ foo boa \\ foo >tuple< .s"
{ $notes "Words using " { $snippet ">tuple<" } " may be compiled." }
{ $see-also >tuple*< } ;
HELP: >tuple*<
{ $values { "class" "a tuple class" } }
{ $description "Explodes the tuple so that tuple slots ending with '*' are on the stack in the order listed in the tuple." }
{ $example
"USING: kernel prettyprint classes.tuple.lib ;"
"IN: scratchpad"
"TUPLE: foo a bb* ccc dddd* ;"
"1 2 3 4 \\ foo boa \\ foo >tuple*< .s"
{ $notes "Words using " { $snippet ">tuple*<" } " may be compiled." }
{ $see-also >tuple< } ;
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
USING: kernel tools.test classes.tuple.lib ;
IN: classes.tuple.lib.tests
TUPLE: foo a b* c d* e f* ;
[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ foo boa \ foo >tuple< ] unit-test
[ 2 4 6 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 \ foo boa \ foo >tuple*< ] unit-test
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel macros sequences slots words classes.tuple
quotations combinators accessors ;
IN: classes.tuple.lib
: reader-slots ( seq -- quot )
[ reader>> 1quotation ] map [ cleave ] curry ;
MACRO: >tuple< ( class -- )
all-slots rest-slice reader-slots ;
MACRO: >tuple*< ( class -- )
[ slot-spec-name "*" tail? ] filter
reader-slots ;
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
USING: kernel sequences sets combinators.cleave
obj obj.view obj.util obj.print ;
IN: obj.examples.todo
SYM: person types adjoin
SYM: todo types adjoin
SYM: owners properties adjoin
SYM: eta properties adjoin
SYM: notes properties adjoin
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SYM: slava { type person } define-object
SYM: doug { type person } define-object
SYM: ed { type person } define-object
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SYM: compiler-bugs
type todo
owners { slava }
notes {
"Investitage FEP on Terrorist"
"Problem with cutler in VirtualBox?"
SYM: remove-old-accessors-from-core
type todo
owners { slava }
SYM: move-db-and-web-framework-to-basis
type todo
owners { slava }
SYM: remove-old-accessors-from-basis
type todo
owners { doug ed }
SYM: blas-on-bsd
type todo
owners { slava doug }
SYM: multi-methods-backend
type todo
owners { slava }
SYM: update-core-for-multi-methods { type todo owners { slava } } define-object
SYM: update-basis-for-multi-methods { type todo } define-object
SYM: update-extra-for-multi-methods { type todo } define-object
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: todo-list ( -- )
objects [ type -> todo = ] filter
[ { [ self -> ] [ owners -> ] [ eta -> ] } 1arr ]
{ "ITEM" "OWNERS" "ETA" } prefix
print-table ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ -40,7 +40,13 @@ PREDICATE: obj-list < word \ objects = ;
M: obj-list article-title ( objects -- title ) drop "Objects" ;
! M: obj-list article-content ( objects -- title )
! execute
! [ [ type -> ] [ ] bi 2array ] map
! { $tab , } bake ;
M: obj-list article-content ( objects -- title )
[ [ type -> ] [ ] bi 2array ] map
{ $tab , } bake ;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
USING: tools.deploy.config ;
{ deploy-reflection 1 }
{ deploy-random? t }
{ deploy-word-defs? f }
{ deploy-word-props? f }
{ deploy-name "Spheres" }
{ deploy-compiler? t }
{ deploy-math? t }
{ deploy-io 1 }
{ deploy-threads? t }
{ "stop-after-last-window?" t }
{ deploy-ui? t }
{ deploy-c-types? f }
Reference in New Issue