ui.text.freetype: update for ui.text API changes
@ -5,24 +5,17 @@ math math.vectors namespaces opengl opengl.gl opengl.sprites assocs
sequences io.files continuations freetype
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.text ui.text.private ui.backend
byte-arrays accessors locals specialized-arrays.direct.uchar
combinators.smart ;
combinators.smart fonts memoize ;
IN: ui.text.freetype
SINGLETON: freetype-renderer
SYMBOL: open-fonts
M: freetype-renderer finish-text-rendering drop ;
: freetype-error ( n -- )
zero? [ "FreeType error" throw ] unless ;
0 = [ "FreeType error" throw ] unless ;
DEFER: freetype
: init-freetype ( -- )
global [
f <void*> dup FT_Init_FreeType freetype-error
*void* \ freetype set
H{ } clone open-fonts set
] bind ;
DEFER: init-freetype
: freetype ( -- alien )
\ freetype get-global expired? [ init-freetype ] when
@ -33,16 +26,8 @@ ascent descent height handle widths ;
M: freetype-font hashcode* drop freetype-font hashcode* ;
: close-font ( font -- ) handle>> FT_Done_Face ;
: close-freetype ( -- )
global [
open-fonts [ [ drop close-font ] assoc-each f ] change
freetype [ FT_Done_FreeType f ] change
] bind ;
M: freetype-renderer free-fonts ( world -- )
values [ second free-sprites ] each ;
values [ free-sprites ] each ;
: ttf-name ( font -- name )
[ [ name>> ] [ bold?>> ] [ italic?>> ] tri ] output>array H{
@ -58,21 +43,20 @@ M: freetype-renderer free-fonts ( world -- )
{ { "serif" t f } "VeraSeBd" }
{ { "serif" t t } "VeraBI" }
{ { "serif" f t } "VeraIt" }
} at ;
} at [ "No such font" throw ] unless* ;
: ttf-path ( name -- string )
"resource:fonts/" ".ttf" surround ;
: (open-face) ( path length -- face )
MEMO: ttf-font ( font -- contents length )
ttf-name ttf-path malloc-file-contents ;
: open-face ( font -- face )
#! We use FT_New_Memory_Face, not FT_New_Face, since
#! FT_New_Face only takes an ASCII path name and causes
#! problems on localized versions of Windows
[ freetype ] 2dip 0 f <void*> [
FT_New_Memory_Face freetype-error
] keep *void* ;
: open-face ( font -- face )
ttf-name ttf-path malloc-file-contents (open-face) ;
[ freetype ] dip ttf-font 0 f <void*>
[ FT_New_Memory_Face freetype-error ] keep *void* ;
@ -100,24 +84,25 @@ SYMBOL: dpi
[ dup handle>> 0 ] dip
6 shift dpi get-global dup FT_Set_Char_Size freetype-error ;
: <freetype-font> ( font -- open-font )
MEMO: (open-font) ( font -- open-font )
freetype-font new
H{ } clone >>widths
over open-face >>handle
swap size>> set-char-size
init-font ;
: open-font ( font -- open-font )
freetype drop open-fonts get [ <freetype-font> ] cache ;
GENERIC: open-font ( font -- open-font )
M: font open-font
clone f >>background f >>foreground (open-font) ;
: load-glyph ( font char -- glyph )
[ handle>> dup ] dip 0 FT_Load_Char
freetype-error face-glyph ;
: char-width ( open-font char -- w )
over widths>> [
dupd load-glyph glyph-hori-advance ft-ceil
] cache nip ;
swap [ widths>> ] keep
[ swap load-glyph glyph-hori-advance ft-ceil ] curry cache ;
M: freetype-renderer string-width ( font string -- w )
[ [ 0 ] dip open-font ] dip [ char-width + ] with each ;
@ -195,26 +180,39 @@ M: freetype-renderer string-height ( font string -- h )
: char-widths ( open-font string -- widths )
[ char-width ] with { } map-as ;
: scan-sums ( seq -- seq' )
: sums ( seq -- seq )
0 [ + ] accumulate nip ;
:: (draw-string) ( open-font sprites string loc -- )
: font-sprites ( font world -- sprites )
fonts>> [ drop H{ } clone ] cache ;
: draw-background ( widths open-font -- )
[ sum ] [ height>> ] bi* 2array gl-fill-rect ;
:: draw-selection ( widths open-font line -- )
line color>> gl-color
widths line start>> head-slice sum 0 2array [
line [ start>> ] [ end>> ] bi widths <slice> sum
open-font height>> 2array gl-fill-rect
] with-translation ;
M:: freetype-renderer draw-string ( font line loc -- )
line dup selection? [ string>> ] when :> string
font open-font :> open-font
open-font world get font-sprites :> sprites
open-font string char-widths :> widths
loc [
string open-font string char-widths scan-sums [
[ open-font sprites ] 2dip draw-char
] 2each
font background>> gl-color
widths open-font draw-background
line selection? [ widths open-font line draw-selection ] when
font foreground>> gl-color
string widths sums [ [ open-font sprites ] 2dip draw-char ] 2each
] with-translation
] do-enabled ;
: font-sprites ( font world -- open-font sprites )
fonts>> [ open-font H{ } clone 2array ] cache first2 ;
M: freetype-renderer draw-string ( font string loc -- )
[ world get font-sprites ] 2dip (draw-string) ;
: run-char-widths ( open-font string -- widths )
char-widths [ scan-sums ] [ 2 v/n ] bi v+ ;
char-widths [ sums ] [ 2 v/n ] bi v+ ;
M: freetype-renderer x>offset ( x font string -- n )
[ open-font ] dip
@ -222,6 +220,19 @@ M: freetype-renderer x>offset ( x font string -- n )
[ ] [ length ] ?if ;
M:: freetype-renderer offset>x ( n font string -- x )
font open-font string n head string-width ;
font string n head-slice string-width ;
M: freetype-renderer line-metrics ( font string -- metrics )
[ string-width ]
[ drop open-font [ ascent>> ft-ceil ] [ descent>> ft-ceil ] bi 0 ] 2bi
metrics boa ;
: init-freetype ( -- )
global [
f <void*> dup FT_Init_FreeType freetype-error
*void* \ freetype set
\ (open-font) reset-memoized
\ ttf-font reset-memoized
] bind ;
freetype-renderer font-renderer set-global
Reference in New Issue