Targa image file loading and saving for RGB and ARGB uncompressed images

erikc 2010-01-25 16:38:04 -08:00
parent 6306d58f77
commit 66aaebe08d
2 changed files with 291 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Erik Charlebois

basis/images/tga/tga.factor Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Charlebois
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors images images.loader io io.binary kernel
locals math sequences io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.string
calendar math.ranges math.parser colors arrays hashtables
ui.pixel-formats combinators continuations ;
IN: images.tga
SINGLETON: tga-image
"tga" tga-image register-image-class
ERROR: bad-tga-header ;
ERROR: bad-tga-footer ;
ERROR: bad-tga-extension-size ;
ERROR: bad-tga-timestamp ;
ERROR: bad-tga-unsupported ;
: read-id-length ( -- byte )
1 read le> ; inline
: read-color-map-type ( -- byte )
1 read le> dup
{ 0 1 } member? [ bad-tga-header ] unless ;
: read-image-type ( -- byte )
1 read le> dup
{ 0 1 2 3 9 10 11 } member? [ bad-tga-header ] unless ; inline
: read-color-map-first ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-color-map-length ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-color-map-entry-size ( -- byte )
1 read le> ; inline
: read-x-origin ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-y-origin ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-image-width ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-image-height ( -- short )
2 read le> ; inline
: read-pixel-depth ( -- byte )
1 read le> ; inline
: read-image-descriptor ( -- alpha-bits pixel-order )
1 read le>
[ 7 bitand ] [ 24 bitand -3 shift ] bi ; inline
: read-image-id ( length -- image-id )
read ; inline
: read-color-map ( type length elt-size -- color-map )
pick 1 = [ 8 align 8 / * read ] [ 2drop f ] if swap drop ; inline
: read-image-data ( width height depth -- image-data )
8 align 8 / * * read ; inline
: read-extension-area-offset ( -- offset )
4 read le> ; inline
: read-developer-directory-offset ( -- offset )
4 read le> ; inline
: read-signature ( -- )
18 read ascii decode "TRUEVISION-XFILE.\0" = [ bad-tga-footer ] unless ; inline
: read-extension-size ( -- )
2 read le> 495 = [ bad-tga-extension-size ] unless ; inline
: read-author-name ( -- string )
41 read ascii decode [ 0 = ] trim ; inline
: read-author-comments ( -- string )
4 iota [ drop 81 read ascii decode [ 0 = ] trim ] map concat ; inline
: read-date-timestamp ( -- timestamp )
timestamp new
2 read le> dup 12 [1,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>month
2 read le> dup 31 [1,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>day
2 read le> >>year
2 read le> dup 23 [0,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>hour
2 read le> dup 59 [0,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>minute
2 read le> dup 59 [0,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>second ; inline
: read-job-name ( -- string )
41 read ascii decode [ 0 = ] trim ; inline
: read-job-time ( -- duration )
duration new
2 read le> >>hour
2 read le> dup 59 [0,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>minute
2 read le> dup 59 [0,b] member? [ bad-tga-timestamp ] unless >>second ; inline
: read-software-id ( -- string )
41 read ascii decode [ 0 = ] trim ; inline
: read-software-version ( -- string )
2 read le> 100 /f number>string
1 read ascii decode append [ " " = ] trim ; inline
:: read-key-color ( -- color )
1 read le> 255 /f :> alpha
1 read le> 255 /f
1 read le> 255 /f
1 read le> 255 /f
alpha <rgba> ; inline
: read-pixel-aspect-ratio ( -- aspect-ratio )
2 read le> 2 read le> /f ; inline
: read-gamma-value ( -- gamma-value )
2 read le> 2 read le> /f ; inline
: read-color-correction-offset ( -- offset )
4 read le> ; inline
: read-postage-stamp-offset ( -- offset )
4 read le> ; inline
: read-scan-line-offset ( -- offset )
4 read le> ; inline
: read-premultiplied-alpha ( -- boolean )
1 read le> 4 = ; inline
: read-scan-line-table ( height -- scan-offsets )
iota [ drop 4 read le> ] map ; inline
: read-postage-stamp-image ( depth -- postage-data )
8 align 8 / 1 read le> 1 read le> * * read ; inline
:: read-color-correction-table ( -- correction-table )
256 iota
4 iota
2 read le> 65535 /f :> alpha
2 read le> 65535 /f
2 read le> 65535 /f
2 read le> 65535 /f
alpha <rgba>
] map
] map ; inline
: read-developer-directory ( -- developer-directory )
2 read le> iota
2 read le>
4 read le>
4 read le>
] map ; inline
: read-developer-areas ( developer-directory -- developer-area-map )
[ first ]
[ dup third second seek-absolute seek-input read ] bi 2array
] map >hashtable ; inline
:: read-tga ( -- image )
#! Read header
read-id-length :> id-length
read-color-map-type :> map-type
read-image-type :> image-type
read-color-map-first :> map-first
read-color-map-length :> map-length
read-color-map-entry-size :> map-entry-size
read-x-origin :> x-origin
read-y-origin :> y-origin
read-image-width :> image-width
read-image-height :> image-height
read-pixel-depth :> pixel-depth
read-image-descriptor :> ( alpha-bits pixel-order )
id-length read-image-id :> image-id
map-type map-length map-entry-size read-color-map :> color-map-data
image-width image-height pixel-depth read-image-data :> image-data
#! Read optional footer
26 seek-end seek-input
read-extension-area-offset :> extension-offset
read-developer-directory-offset :> directory-offset
#! Read optional extension section
extension-offset 0 =
extension-offset seek-absolute seek-input
read-author-name :> author-name
read-author-comments :> author-comments
read-date-timestamp :> date-timestamp
read-job-name :> job-name
read-job-time :> job-time
read-software-id :> software-id
read-software-version :> software-version
read-key-color :> key-color
read-pixel-aspect-ratio :> aspect-ratio
read-gamma-value :> gamma-value
read-color-correction-offset :> color-correction-offset
read-postage-stamp-offset :> postage-stamp-offset
read-scan-line-offset :> scan-line-offset
read-premultiplied-alpha :> premultiplied-alpha
color-correction-offset 0 =
color-correction-offset seek-absolute seek-input
read-color-correction-table :> color-correction-table
] unless
postage-stamp-offset 0 =
postage-stamp-offset seek-absolute seek-input
pixel-depth read-postage-stamp-image :> postage-data
] unless
scan-line-offset seek-absolute seek-input
image-height read-scan-line-table :> scan-offsets
#! Read optional developer section
directory-offset 0 =
[ f ]
directory-offset seek-absolute seek-input
read-developer-directory read-developer-areas
] if :> developer-areas
] unless
] ignore-errors
#! Only 24-bit uncompressed RGB and 32-bit uncompressed ARGB are supported.
#! Other formats would need to be converted to work within the image class.
map-type 0 = [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
image-type 2 = [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
pixel-depth { 24 32 } member? [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
pixel-order { 0 2 } member? [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
#! Create image instance
image new
alpha-bits 0 = [ RGB ] [ ARGB ] if >>component-order
{ image-width image-height } >>dim
pixel-order 0 = >>upside-down?
image-data >>bitmap
ubyte-components >>component-type ;
M: tga-image stream>image
drop [ read-tga ] with-input-stream ;
M: tga-image image>stream
component-order>> { RGB ARGB } member? [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
] keep
B{ 0 } write #! id-length
B{ 0 } write #! map-type
B{ 2 } write #! image-type
B{ 0 0 0 0 0 } write #! color map first, length, entry size
B{ 0 0 0 0 } write #! x-origin, y-origin
[ dim>> first 2 >le write ]
[ dim>> second 2 >le write ]
[ component-order>>
{ RGB [ B{ 24 } write ] }
{ ARGB [ B{ 32 } write ] }
} case
dup component-order>>
{ RGB [ 0 ] }
{ ARGB [ 8 ] }
} case swap
upside-down?>> [ 0 ] [ 2 ] if 3 shift bitor
1 >le write
[ bitmap>> write ]
} cleave ;