Merge branch 'master' of git://

Slava Pestov 2009-05-10 14:55:02 -05:00
commit 66d03fa6d3
112 changed files with 1795 additions and 899 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ GENERIC: (eql?) ( obj1 obj2 -- ? )
M: integer (eql?) = ;
M: float (eql?)
over float? [ fp-bitwise= ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
M: sequence (eql?)
over sequence? [
2dup [ length ] bi@ =

View File

@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ SYMBOL: bytes-read
: calculate-pad-length ( length -- length' )
[ 56 < 55 119 ? ] keep - ;
: calculate-pad-length-long ( length -- length' )
[ 120 < 119 247 ? ] keep - ;
: pad-last-block ( str big-endian? length -- str )
[ % ] 2dip HEX: 80 ,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,42 @@
USING: arrays kernel math namespaces sequences tools.test checksums.sha2 checksums ;
[ "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ] [ "" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad" ] [ "abc" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "f7846f55cf23e14eebeab5b4e1550cad5b509e3348fbc4efa3a1413d393cb650" ] [ "message digest" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "71c480df93d6ae2f1efad1447c66c9525e316218cf51fc8d9ed832f2daf18b73" ] [ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "db4bfcbd4da0cd85a60c3c37d3fbd8805c77f15fc6b1fdfe614ee0a7c8fdb4c0" ] [ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "f371bc4a311f2b009eef952dd83ca80e2b60026c8e935592d0f9c308453c813e" ] [ "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890" sha-256 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
USING: arrays kernel math namespaces sequences tools.test
checksums.sha2 checksums ;
IN: checksums.sha2.tests
: test-checksum ( text identifier -- checksum )
checksum-bytes hex-string ;
[ "75388b16512776cc5dba5da1fd890150b0c6455cb4f58b1952522525" ]
sha-224 test-checksum
] unit-test
[ "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" ]
[ "" sha-256 test-checksum ] unit-test
[ "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad" ]
[ "abc" sha-256 test-checksum ] unit-test
[ "f7846f55cf23e14eebeab5b4e1550cad5b509e3348fbc4efa3a1413d393cb650" ]
[ "message digest" sha-256 test-checksum ] unit-test
[ "71c480df93d6ae2f1efad1447c66c9525e316218cf51fc8d9ed832f2daf18b73" ]
[ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" sha-256 test-checksum ] unit-test
[ "db4bfcbd4da0cd85a60c3c37d3fbd8805c77f15fc6b1fdfe614ee0a7c8fdb4c0" ]
sha-256 test-checksum
] unit-test
[ "f371bc4a311f2b009eef952dd83ca80e2b60026c8e935592d0f9c308453c813e" ]
sha-256 test-checksum
] unit-test
! [ "8e959b75dae313da8cf4f72814fc143f8f7779c6eb9f7fa17299aeadb6889018501d289e4900f7e4331b99dec4b5433ac7d329eeb6dd26545e96e55b874be909" ]
! [ "abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmnhijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu" sha-512 test-checksum ] unit-test

View File

@ -2,12 +2,27 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel splitting grouping math sequences namespaces make
io.binary math.bitwise checksums checksums.common
sbufs strings ;
sbufs strings math.ranges fry combinators
accessors locals ;
IN: checksums.sha2
SINGLETON: sha-224
SINGLETON: sha-256
SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
INSTANCE: sha-224 checksum
INSTANCE: sha-256 checksum
TUPLE: sha2-state K H word-size block-size ;
TUPLE: sha2-short < sha2-state ;
TUPLE: sha2-long < sha2-state ;
TUPLE: sha-224-state < sha2-short ;
TUPLE: sha-256-state < sha2-short ;
@ -18,13 +33,43 @@ CONSTANT: f 5
: initial-H-256 ( -- seq )
CONSTANT: initial-H-224
HEX: c1059ed8 HEX: 367cd507 HEX: 3070dd17 HEX: f70e5939
HEX: ffc00b31 HEX: 68581511 HEX: 64f98fa7 HEX: befa4fa4
CONSTANT: initial-H-256
HEX: 6a09e667 HEX: bb67ae85 HEX: 3c6ef372 HEX: a54ff53a
HEX: 510e527f HEX: 9b05688c HEX: 1f83d9ab HEX: 5be0cd19
} ;
: K-256 ( -- seq )
CONSTANT: initial-H-384
HEX: cbbb9d5dc1059ed8
HEX: 629a292a367cd507
HEX: 9159015a3070dd17
HEX: 152fecd8f70e5939
HEX: 67332667ffc00b31
HEX: 8eb44a8768581511
HEX: db0c2e0d64f98fa7
HEX: 47b5481dbefa4fa4
CONSTANT: initial-H-512
HEX: 6a09e667f3bcc908
HEX: bb67ae8584caa73b
HEX: 3c6ef372fe94f82b
HEX: a54ff53a5f1d36f1
HEX: 510e527fade682d1
HEX: 9b05688c2b3e6c1f
HEX: 1f83d9abfb41bd6b
HEX: 5be0cd19137e2179
HEX: 428a2f98 HEX: 71374491 HEX: b5c0fbcf HEX: e9b5dba5
HEX: 3956c25b HEX: 59f111f1 HEX: 923f82a4 HEX: ab1c5ed5
@ -42,62 +87,163 @@ CONSTANT: h 7
HEX: 391c0cb3 HEX: 4ed8aa4a HEX: 5b9cca4f HEX: 682e6ff3
HEX: 748f82ee HEX: 78a5636f HEX: 84c87814 HEX: 8cc70208
HEX: 90befffa HEX: a4506ceb HEX: bef9a3f7 HEX: c67178f2
} ;
HEX: 428a2f98d728ae22 HEX: 7137449123ef65cd HEX: b5c0fbcfec4d3b2f HEX: e9b5dba58189dbbc
HEX: 3956c25bf348b538 HEX: 59f111f1b605d019 HEX: 923f82a4af194f9b HEX: ab1c5ed5da6d8118
HEX: d807aa98a3030242 HEX: 12835b0145706fbe HEX: 243185be4ee4b28c HEX: 550c7dc3d5ffb4e2
HEX: 72be5d74f27b896f HEX: 80deb1fe3b1696b1 HEX: 9bdc06a725c71235 HEX: c19bf174cf692694
HEX: e49b69c19ef14ad2 HEX: efbe4786384f25e3 HEX: 0fc19dc68b8cd5b5 HEX: 240ca1cc77ac9c65
HEX: 2de92c6f592b0275 HEX: 4a7484aa6ea6e483 HEX: 5cb0a9dcbd41fbd4 HEX: 76f988da831153b5
HEX: 983e5152ee66dfab HEX: a831c66d2db43210 HEX: b00327c898fb213f HEX: bf597fc7beef0ee4
HEX: c6e00bf33da88fc2 HEX: d5a79147930aa725 HEX: 06ca6351e003826f HEX: 142929670a0e6e70
HEX: 27b70a8546d22ffc HEX: 2e1b21385c26c926 HEX: 4d2c6dfc5ac42aed HEX: 53380d139d95b3df
HEX: 650a73548baf63de HEX: 766a0abb3c77b2a8 HEX: 81c2c92e47edaee6 HEX: 92722c851482353b
HEX: a2bfe8a14cf10364 HEX: a81a664bbc423001 HEX: c24b8b70d0f89791 HEX: c76c51a30654be30
HEX: d192e819d6ef5218 HEX: d69906245565a910 HEX: f40e35855771202a HEX: 106aa07032bbd1b8
HEX: 19a4c116b8d2d0c8 HEX: 1e376c085141ab53 HEX: 2748774cdf8eeb99 HEX: 34b0bcb5e19b48a8
HEX: 391c0cb3c5c95a63 HEX: 4ed8aa4ae3418acb HEX: 5b9cca4f7763e373 HEX: 682e6ff3d6b2b8a3
HEX: 748f82ee5defb2fc HEX: 78a5636f43172f60 HEX: 84c87814a1f0ab72 HEX: 8cc702081a6439ec
HEX: 90befffa23631e28 HEX: a4506cebde82bde9 HEX: bef9a3f7b2c67915 HEX: c67178f2e372532b
HEX: ca273eceea26619c HEX: d186b8c721c0c207 HEX: eada7dd6cde0eb1e HEX: f57d4f7fee6ed178
HEX: 06f067aa72176fba HEX: 0a637dc5a2c898a6 HEX: 113f9804bef90dae HEX: 1b710b35131c471b
HEX: 28db77f523047d84 HEX: 32caab7b40c72493 HEX: 3c9ebe0a15c9bebc HEX: 431d67c49c100d4c
HEX: 4cc5d4becb3e42b6 HEX: 597f299cfc657e2a HEX: 5fcb6fab3ad6faec HEX: 6c44198c4a475817
ALIAS: K-512 K-384
: s0-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -7 bitroll-32 ] keep
[ -18 bitroll-32 ] keep
-3 shift bitxor bitxor ; inline
[ -7 bitroll-32 ]
[ -18 bitroll-32 ]
[ -3 shift ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: s1-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -17 bitroll-32 ] keep
[ -19 bitroll-32 ] keep
-10 shift bitxor bitxor ; inline
: process-M-256 ( seq n -- )
[ 16 - swap nth ] 2keep
[ 15 - swap nth s0-256 ] 2keep
[ 7 - swap nth ] 2keep
[ 2 - swap nth s1-256 ] 2keep
[ + + w+ ] 2dip swap set-nth ; inline
: prepare-message-schedule ( seq -- w-seq )
word-size get group [ be> ] map block-size get 0 pad-tail
dup 16 64 dup <slice> [
] with each ;
: ch ( x y z -- x' )
[ bitxor bitand ] keep bitxor ;
: maj ( x y z -- x' )
[ [ bitand ] 2keep bitor ] dip bitand bitor ;
[ -17 bitroll-32 ]
[ -19 bitroll-32 ]
[ -10 shift ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: S0-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -2 bitroll-32 ] keep
[ -13 bitroll-32 ] keep
-22 bitroll-32 bitxor bitxor ; inline
[ -2 bitroll-32 ]
[ -13 bitroll-32 ]
[ -22 bitroll-32 ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: S1-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -6 bitroll-32 ] keep
[ -11 bitroll-32 ] keep
-25 bitroll-32 bitxor bitxor ; inline
[ -6 bitroll-32 ]
[ -11 bitroll-32 ]
[ -25 bitroll-32 ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: slice3 ( n seq -- a b c ) [ dup 3 + ] dip <slice> first3 ; inline
: s0-512 ( x -- x' )
[ -1 bitroll-64 ]
[ -8 bitroll-64 ]
[ -7 shift ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: T1 ( W n -- T1 )
[ swap nth ] keep
K get nth +
e vars get slice3 ch +
e vars get nth S1-256 +
h vars get nth w+ ;
: s1-512 ( x -- x' )
[ -19 bitroll-64 ]
[ -61 bitroll-64 ]
[ -6 shift ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: T2 ( -- T2 )
a vars get nth S0-256
a vars get slice3 maj w+ ;
: S0-512 ( x -- x' )
[ -28 bitroll-64 ]
[ -34 bitroll-64 ]
[ -39 bitroll-64 ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: update-vars ( T1 T2 -- )
vars get
: S1-512 ( x -- x' )
[ -14 bitroll-64 ]
[ -18 bitroll-64 ]
[ -41 bitroll-64 ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: process-M-256 ( n seq -- )
[ [ 16 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 15 - ] dip nth s0-256 ]
[ [ 7 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 2 - ] dip nth s1-256 w+ w+ w+ ]
[ ]
} 2cleave set-nth ; inline
: process-M-512 ( n seq -- )
[ [ 16 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 15 - ] dip nth s0-512 ]
[ [ 7 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 2 - ] dip nth s1-512 w+ w+ w+ ]
[ ]
} 2cleave set-nth ; inline
: ch ( x y z -- x' )
[ bitxor bitand ] keep bitxor ; inline
: maj ( x y z -- x' )
[ [ bitand ] [ bitor ] 2bi ] dip bitand bitor ; inline
: slice3 ( n seq -- a b c )
[ dup 3 + ] dip <slice> first3 ; inline
GENERIC: pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
M: sha2-short pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
dup [
HEX: 80 ,
[ 64 mod calculate-pad-length 0 <string> % ]
[ 3 shift 8 >be % ] bi
] "" make append ;
M: sha2-long pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
drop dup [
HEX: 80 ,
[ 128 mod calculate-pad-length-long 0 <string> % ]
[ 3 shift 8 >be % ] bi
] "" make append ;
: seq>byte-array ( seq n -- string )
'[ _ >be ] map B{ } join ;
:: T1-256 ( n M H sha2 -- T1 )
n M nth
n sha2 K>> nth +
e H slice3 ch w+
e H nth S1-256 w+
h H nth w+ ; inline
: T2-256 ( H -- T2 )
[ a swap nth S0-256 ]
[ a swap slice3 maj w+ ] bi ; inline
:: T1-512 ( n M H sha2 -- T1 )
n M nth
n sha2 K>> nth +
e H slice3 ch w+
e H nth S1-512 w+
h H nth w+ ; inline
: T2-512 ( H -- T2 )
[ a swap nth S0-512 ]
[ a swap slice3 maj w+ ] bi ; inline
: update-H ( T1 T2 H -- )
h g pick exchange
g f pick exchange
f e pick exchange
@ -105,42 +251,56 @@ CONSTANT: h 7
d c pick exchange
c b pick exchange
b a pick exchange
[ w+ a ] dip set-nth ;
[ w+ a ] dip set-nth ; inline
: process-chunk ( M -- )
H get clone vars set
prepare-message-schedule block-size get [
T1 T2 update-vars
] with each vars get H get [ w+ ] 2map H set ;
: prepare-message-schedule ( seq sha2 -- w-seq )
[ word-size>> <sliced-groups> [ be> ] map ]
block-size>> [ 0 pad-tail 16 ] keep [a,b) over
'[ _ process-M-256 ] each
] bi ; inline
: seq>byte-array ( n seq -- string )
[ swap [ >be % ] curry each ] B{ } make ;
:: process-chunk ( M block-size cloned-H sha2 -- )
block-size [
M cloned-H sha2 T1-256
cloned-H T2-256
cloned-H update-H
] each
cloned-H sha2 H>> [ w+ ] 2map sha2 (>>H) ; inline
: preprocess-plaintext ( string big-endian? -- padded-string )
#! pad 0x80 then 00 til 8 bytes left, then 64bit length in bits
[ >sbuf ] dip over [
HEX: 80 ,
dup length HEX: 3f bitand
calculate-pad-length 0 <string> %
length 3 shift 8 rot [ >be ] [ >le ] if %
] "" make over push-all ;
: sha2-steps ( sliced-groups state -- )
[ prepare-message-schedule ]
[ [ block-size>> ] [ H>> clone ] [ ] tri process-chunk ] bi
] each ;
: byte-array>sha2 ( byte-array -- string )
t preprocess-plaintext
block-size get group [ process-chunk ] each
4 H get seq>byte-array ;
: byte-array>sha2 ( bytes state -- )
[ [ pad-initial-bytes ] [ nip block-size>> ] 2bi <sliced-groups> ]
[ sha2-steps ] bi ;
: <sha-224-state> ( -- sha2-state )
sha-224-state new
K-256 >>K
initial-H-224 >>H
4 >>word-size
64 >>block-size ;
: <sha-256-state> ( -- sha2-state )
sha-256-state new
K-256 >>K
initial-H-256 >>H
4 >>word-size
64 >>block-size ;
SINGLETON: sha-256
INSTANCE: sha-256 checksum
M: sha-224 checksum-bytes
drop <sha-224-state>
[ byte-array>sha2 ]
[ H>> 7 head 4 seq>byte-array ] bi ;
M: sha-256 checksum-bytes
drop [
K-256 K set
initial-H-256 H set
4 word-size set
64 block-size set
] with-scope ;
drop <sha-256-state>
[ byte-array>sha2 ]
[ H>> 4 seq>byte-array ] bi ;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
USING: strings arrays hashtables assocs sequences fry macros
cocoa.messages cocoa.classes cocoa.application cocoa kernel
namespaces io.backend math cocoa.enumeration byte-arrays
combinators alien.c-types words core-foundation
combinators alien.c-types words core-foundation quotations core-foundation.utilities ;
IN: cocoa.plists
@ -41,10 +41,16 @@ DEFER: plist>
*void* [ -> release "read-plist failed" throw ] when* ;
MACRO: objc-class-case ( alist -- quot )
[ [ '[ dup _ execute -> isKindOfClass: c-bool> ] ] dip ] assoc-map '[ _ cond ] ;
dup callable?
[ first2 [ '[ dup _ execute -> isKindOfClass: c-bool> ] ] dip 2array ]
] map '[ _ cond ] ;
ERROR: invalid-plist-object object ;
: plist> ( plist -- value )
{ NSString [ (plist-NSString>) ] }
@ -53,6 +59,7 @@ PRIVATE>
{ NSArray [ (plist-NSArray>) ] }
{ NSDictionary [ (plist-NSDictionary>) ] }
{ NSObject [ ] }
[ invalid-plist-object ]
} objc-class-case ;
: read-plist ( path -- assoc )

View File

@ -105,6 +105,15 @@ CONSTANT: kCGLRendererGenericFloatID HEX: 00020400
FUNCTION: CGLError CGLSetParameter ( CGLContextObj ctx, CGLContextParameter pname, GLint* params ) ;
FUNCTION: CGDirectDisplayID CGMainDisplayID ( ) ;
FUNCTION: CGError CGDisplayHideCursor ( CGDirectDisplayID display ) ;
FUNCTION: CGError CGDisplayShowCursor ( CGDirectDisplayID display ) ;
FUNCTION: CGError CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition ( boolean_t connected ) ;
FUNCTION: CGError CGWarpMouseCursorPosition ( CGPoint newCursorPosition ) ;
: bitmap-flags ( -- flags )

View File

@ -90,5 +90,8 @@ TYPEDEF: void* CGContextRef
TYPEDEF: uint CGBitmapInfo
TYPEDEF: int CGError
TYPEDEF: uint CGDirectDisplayID
TYPEDEF: int boolean_t
TYPEDEF: void* CGLContextObj
TYPEDEF: int CGLContextParameter
TYPEDEF: int CGLContextParameter

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ $nl
"Iterating over elements:"
{ $subsection dlist-each }
{ $subsection dlist-find }
{ $subsection dlist-filter }
{ $subsection dlist-any? }
"Deleting a node matching a predicate:"
{ $subsection delete-node-if* }
@ -40,6 +41,11 @@ HELP: dlist-find
"This operation is O(n)."
} ;
HELP: dlist-filter
{ $values { "dlist" { $link dlist } } { "quot" quotation } { "dlist" { $link dlist } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each element of the " { $link dlist } " in turn, removing the corresponding nodes if the quotation returns " { $link f } "." }
{ $side-effects { "dlist" } } ;
HELP: dlist-any?
{ $values { "dlist" { $link dlist } } { "quot" quotation } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Just like " { $link dlist-find } " except it doesn't return the object." }

View File

@ -79,3 +79,8 @@ IN: dlists.tests
[ V{ f 3 1 f } ] [ <dlist> 1 over push-front 3 over push-front f over push-front f over push-back dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ <dlist> dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 0 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 0 1 2 3 4 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 1 2 3 4 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 1 2 3 4 5 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test
[ V{ 0 2 4 } ] [ <dlist> { 0 1 2 3 4 5 } over push-all-back [ even? ] dlist-filter dlist>seq ] unit-test

View File

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ M: dlist pop-front* ( dlist -- )
[ empty-dlist ] unless*
[ f ] change-next drop
f over set-prev-when
] change-front drop
] keep
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ M: dlist pop-back* ( dlist -- )
[ empty-dlist ] unless*
[ f ] change-prev drop
f over set-next-when
] change-back drop
] keep
@ -157,6 +157,9 @@ M: dlist clear-deque ( dlist -- )
: 1dlist ( obj -- dlist ) <dlist> [ push-front ] keep ;
: dlist-filter ( dlist quot -- dlist )
over [ '[ dup obj>> @ [ drop ] [ _ delete-node ] if ] dlist-each-node ] keep ; inline
M: dlist clone
<dlist> [ '[ _ push-back ] dlist-each ] keep ;

View File

@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ IN: math.bitwise
: w- ( int int -- int ) - 32 bits ; inline
: w* ( int int -- int ) * 32 bits ; inline
! 64-bit arithmetic
: W+ ( int int -- int ) + 64 bits ; inline
: W- ( int int -- int ) - 64 bits ; inline
: W* ( int int -- int ) * 64 bits ; inline
! flags
MACRO: flags ( values -- )
[ 0 ] [ [ ?execute bitor ] curry compose ] reduce ;
@ -106,3 +111,10 @@ PRIVATE>
: >signed ( x n -- y )
2dup neg 1 + shift 1 = [ 2^ - ] [ drop ] if ;
: >odd ( n -- int ) 0 set-bit ; foldable
: >even ( n -- int ) 0 clear-bit ; foldable
: next-even ( m -- n ) >even 2 + ; foldable
: next-odd ( m -- n ) dup even? [ 1 + ] [ 2 + ] if ; foldable

View File

@ -1,37 +1,93 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel math math.order sequences ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel math math.order multiline sequences ;
IN: math.combinatorics
HELP: factorial
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "n!" integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the product of all positive integers less than or equal to " { $snippet "n" } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "4 factorial ." "24" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"4 factorial ." "24" }
} ;
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "k" "a non-negative integer" } { "nPk" integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the total number of unique permutations of size " { $snippet "k" } " (order does matter) that can be taken from a set of size " { $snippet "n" } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "10 4 nPk ." "5040" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"10 4 nPk ." "5040" }
} ;
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "k" "a non-negative integer" } { "nCk" integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the total number of unique combinations of size " { $snippet "k" } " (order does not matter) that can be taken from a set of size " { $snippet "n" } ". Commonly written as \"n choose k\"." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "10 4 nCk ." "210" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"10 4 nCk ." "210" }
} ;
HELP: permutation
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "seq" sequence } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs the " { $snippet "nth" } " lexicographical permutation of " { $snippet "seq" } "." }
{ $notes "Permutations are 0-based and a bounds error will be thrown if " { $snippet "n" } " is larger than " { $snippet "seq length factorial 1-" } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "1 3 permutation ." "{ 0 2 1 }" } { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "5 { \"apple\" \"banana\" \"orange\" } permutation ." "{ \"orange\" \"banana\" \"apple\" }" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"1 3 permutation ." "{ 0 2 1 }" }
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"5 { \"apple\" \"banana\" \"orange\" } permutation ." "{ \"orange\" \"banana\" \"apple\" }" }
} ;
HELP: all-permutations
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence containing all permutations of " { $snippet "seq" } " in lexicographical order." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "3 all-permutations ." "{ { 0 1 2 } { 0 2 1 } { 1 0 2 } { 1 2 0 } { 2 0 1 } { 2 1 0 } }" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"3 all-permutations ." "{ { 0 1 2 } { 0 2 1 } { 1 0 2 } { 1 2 0 } { 2 0 1 } { 2 1 0 } }" }
} ;
HELP: each-permutation
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "quot" { $quotation "( seq -- )" } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each permuation of " { $snippet "seq" } " in order." } ;
HELP: inverse-permutation
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "permutation" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence of indices representing the lexicographical permutation of " { $snippet "seq" } "." }
{ $notes "All items in " { $snippet "seq" } " must be comparable by " { $link <=> } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "\"dcba\" inverse-permutation ." "{ 3 2 1 0 }" } { $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;" "{ 12 56 34 78 } inverse-permutation ." "{ 0 2 1 3 }" } } ;
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"\"dcba\" inverse-permutation ." "{ 3 2 1 0 }" }
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"{ 12 56 34 78 } inverse-permutation ." "{ 0 2 1 3 }" }
} ;
HELP: combination
{ $values { "m" "a non-negative integer" } { "seq" sequence } { "k" "a non-negative integer" } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs the " { $snippet "mth" } " lexicographical combination of " { $snippet "seq" } " choosing " { $snippet "k" } " elements." }
{ $notes "Combinations are 0-based and a bounds error will be thrown if " { $snippet "m" } " is larger than " { $snippet "seq length k nCk" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics sequences prettyprint ;"
"6 7 iota 4 combination ." "{ 0 1 3 6 }" }
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"0 { \"a\" \"b\" \"c\" \"d\" } 2 combination ." "{ \"a\" \"b\" }" }
} ;
HELP: all-combinations
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "k" "a non-negative integer" } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Outputs a sequence containing all combinations of " { $snippet "seq" } " choosing " { $snippet "k" } " elements, in lexicographical order." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: math.combinatorics prettyprint ;"
"{ \"a\" \"b\" \"c\" \"d\" } 2 all-combinations ."
<" {
{ "a" "b" }
{ "a" "c" }
{ "a" "d" }
{ "b" "c" }
{ "b" "d" }
{ "c" "d" }
}"> } } ;
HELP: each-combination
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "k" "a non-negative integer" } { "quot" { $quotation "( seq -- )" } } }
{ $description "Applies the quotation to each combination of " { $snippet "seq" } " choosing " { $snippet "k" } " elements, in order." } ;
IN: math.combinatorics.private

View File

@ -1,18 +1,6 @@
USING: math.combinatorics math.combinatorics.private tools.test ;
USING: math.combinatorics math.combinatorics.private tools.test sequences ;
IN: math.combinatorics.tests
[ { } ] [ 0 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 1 0 } ] [ 1 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 } ] [ 859 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 2 3 } ] [ { 0 0 0 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 3 2 } ] [ { 0 0 1 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 0 6 3 5 4 } ] [ { 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 2 3 } ] [ 0 4 permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 3 2 } ] [ 1 4 permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 0 6 3 5 4 } ] [ 859 7 permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 0 factorial ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 1 factorial ] unit-test
[ 3628800 ] [ 10 factorial ] unit-test
@ -31,6 +19,19 @@ IN: math.combinatorics.tests
[ 2598960 ] [ 52 5 nCk ] unit-test
[ 2598960 ] [ 52 47 nCk ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ 0 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 1 0 } ] [ 1 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 } ] [ 859 factoradic ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 2 3 } ] [ { 0 0 0 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 3 2 } ] [ { 0 0 1 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 0 6 3 5 4 } ] [ { 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 } >permutation ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 2 3 } ] [ 0 4 iota permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 3 2 } ] [ 1 4 iota permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ { 1 2 0 6 3 5 4 } ] [ 859 7 iota permutation-indices ] unit-test
[ { "a" "b" "c" "d" } ] [ 0 { "a" "b" "c" "d" } permutation ] unit-test
[ { "d" "c" "b" "a" } ] [ 23 { "a" "b" "c" "d" } permutation ] unit-test
[ { "d" "a" "b" "c" } ] [ 18 { "a" "b" "c" "d" } permutation ] unit-test
@ -43,3 +44,29 @@ IN: math.combinatorics.tests
[ { 2 1 0 } ] [ { "c" "b" "a" } inverse-permutation ] unit-test
[ { 3 0 2 1 } ] [ { 12 45 34 2 } inverse-permutation ] unit-test
[ 2598960 ] [ 52 iota 5 <combo> choose ] unit-test
[ 6 3 13 6 ] [ 7 4 28 next-values ] unit-test
[ 5 2 3 5 ] [ 6 3 13 next-values ] unit-test
[ 3 1 0 3 ] [ 5 2 3 next-values ] unit-test
[ 0 0 0 0 ] [ 3 1 0 next-values ] unit-test
[ 9 ] [ 0 5 iota 3 <combo> dual-index ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ 9 5 iota 3 <combo> dual-index ] unit-test
[ 179 ] [ 72 10 iota 5 <combo> dual-index ] unit-test
[ { 5 3 2 1 } ] [ 7 4 <combo> 8 combinadic ] unit-test
[ { 4 3 2 1 0 } ] [ 10 iota 5 <combo> 0 combinadic ] unit-test
[ { 8 6 3 1 0 } ] [ 10 iota 5 <combo> 72 combinadic ] unit-test
[ { 9 8 7 6 5 } ] [ 10 iota 5 <combo> 251 combinadic ] unit-test
[ { 0 1 2 } ] [ 0 5 iota 3 <combo> combination-indices ] unit-test
[ { 2 3 4 } ] [ 9 5 iota 3 <combo> combination-indices ] unit-test
[ { "a" "b" "c" } ] [ 0 { "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" } 3 combination ] unit-test
[ { "c" "d" "e" } ] [ 9 { "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" } 3 combination ] unit-test
[ { { "a" "b" } { "a" "c" }
{ "a" "d" } { "b" "c" }
{ "b" "d" } { "c" "d" } } ] [ { "a" "b" "c" "d" } 2 all-combinations ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman, Aaron Schaefer.
! Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman, Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs kernel math math.order math.ranges mirrors
namespaces sequences sorting fry ;
USING: accessors assocs binary-search fry kernel locals math math.order
math.ranges mirrors namespaces sequences sorting ;
IN: math.combinatorics
@ -12,14 +12,27 @@ IN: math.combinatorics
: twiddle ( n k -- n k )
2dup - dupd > [ dupd - ] when ; inline
! See this article for explanation of the factoradic-based permutation methodology:
: factorial ( n -- n! )
1 [ 1 + * ] reduce ;
: nPk ( n k -- nPk )
2dup possible? [ dupd - [a,b) product ] [ 2drop 0 ] if ;
: nCk ( n k -- nCk )
twiddle [ nPk ] keep factorial / ;
! Factoradic-based permutation methodology
: factoradic ( n -- factoradic )
0 [ over 0 > ] [ 1+ [ /mod ] keep swap ] produce reverse 2nip ;
0 [ over 0 > ] [ 1 + [ /mod ] keep swap ] produce reverse 2nip ;
: (>permutation) ( seq n -- seq )
[ '[ _ dupd >= [ 1+ ] when ] map ] keep prefix ;
[ '[ _ dupd >= [ 1 + ] when ] map ] keep prefix ;
: >permutation ( factoradic -- permutation )
reverse 1 cut [ (>permutation) ] each ;
@ -29,27 +42,84 @@ IN: math.combinatorics
: factorial ( n -- n! )
1 [ 1+ * ] reduce ;
: nPk ( n k -- nPk )
2dup possible? [ dupd - [a,b) product ] [ 2drop 0 ] if ;
: nCk ( n k -- nCk )
twiddle [ nPk ] keep factorial / ;
: permutation ( n seq -- seq )
[ permutation-indices ] keep nths ;
: all-permutations ( seq -- seq )
[ length factorial ] keep '[ _ permutation ] map ;
[ length factorial ] keep
'[ _ permutation ] map ;
: each-permutation ( seq quot -- )
[ [ length factorial ] keep ] dip
'[ _ permutation @ ] each ; inline
: reduce-permutations ( seq initial quot -- result )
: reduce-permutations ( seq identity quot -- result )
swapd each-permutation ; inline
: inverse-permutation ( seq -- permutation )
<enum> >alist sort-values keys ;
! Combinadic-based combination methodology
TUPLE: combo
{ seq sequence }
{ k integer } ;
C: <combo> combo
: choose ( combo -- nCk )
[ seq>> length ] [ k>> ] bi nCk ;
: largest-value ( a b x -- v )
dup 0 = [
drop 1 - nip
] [
[ [0,b) ] 2dip '[ _ nCk _ >=< ] search nip
] if ;
:: next-values ( a b x -- a' b' x' v )
a b x largest-value dup :> v ! a'
b 1 - ! b'
x v b nCk - ! x'
v ; ! v == a'
: dual-index ( m combo -- m' )
choose 1 - swap - ;
: initial-values ( combo m -- n k m )
[ [ seq>> length ] [ k>> ] bi ] dip ;
: combinadic ( combo m -- combinadic )
initial-values [ over 0 > ] [ next-values ] produce
[ 3drop ] dip ;
: combination-indices ( m combo -- seq )
[ tuck dual-index combinadic ] keep
seq>> length 1 - swap [ - ] with map ;
: apply-combination ( m combo -- seq )
[ combination-indices ] keep seq>> nths ;
: combination ( m seq k -- seq )
<combo> apply-combination ;
: all-combinations ( seq k -- seq )
<combo> [ choose [0,b) ] keep
'[ _ apply-combination ] map ;
: each-combination ( seq k quot -- )
[ <combo> [ choose [0,b) ] keep ] dip
'[ _ apply-combination @ ] each ; inline
: map-combinations ( seq k quot -- )
[ <combo> [ choose [0,b) ] keep ] dip
'[ _ apply-combination @ ] map ; inline
: reduce-combinations ( seq k identity quot -- result )
[ -rot ] dip each-combination ; inline

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences math ;
IN: math.miller-rabin
HELP: find-relative-prime
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a number that is relatively prime to " { $snippet "n" } "." } ;
HELP: find-relative-prime*
{ $values
{ "n" integer } { "guess" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a number that is relatively prime to " { $snippet "n" } ", starting by trying " { $snippet "guess" } "." } ;
HELP: miller-rabin
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Returns true if the number is a prime. Calls " { $link miller-rabin* } " with a default of 10 Miller-Rabin tests." } ;
{ miller-rabin miller-rabin* } related-words
HELP: miller-rabin*
{ $values
{ "n" integer } { "numtrials" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Performs " { $snippet "numtrials" } " trials of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test algorithm and returns true if prime." } ;
HELP: next-prime
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Tests consecutive numbers for primality with " { $link miller-rabin } " and returns the next prime." } ;
HELP: next-safe-prime
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "q" integer }
{ $description "Tests consecutive numbers and returns the next safe prime. A safe prime is desirable in cryptography applications such as Diffie-Hellman and SRP6." } ;
HELP: random-bits*
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "n" integer }
{ $description "Returns an integer exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: random-prime
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a prime number exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: random-safe-prime
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a safe prime number " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: safe-prime?
{ $values
{ "q" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Tests whether the number is a safe prime. A safe prime " { $snippet "p" } " must be prime, as must " { $snippet "(p - 1) / 2" } "." } ;
HELP: unique-primes
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer } { "n" integer }
{ "seq" sequence }
{ $description "Generates a sequence of " { $snippet "n" } " unique prime numbers with exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits." } ;
ARTICLE: "math.miller-rabin" "Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.miller-rabin" } " vocabulary implements the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test and utility words that use it in order to generate random prime numbers." $nl
"The Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test:"
{ $subsection miller-rabin }
{ $subsection miller-rabin* }
"Generating relative prime numbers:"
{ $subsection find-relative-prime }
{ $subsection find-relative-prime* }
"Generating prime numbers:"
{ $subsection next-prime }
{ $subsection random-prime }
"Generating safe prime numbers:"
{ $subsection next-safe-prime }
{ $subsection random-safe-prime } ;
ABOUT: "math.miller-rabin"

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
USING: math.miller-rabin tools.test kernel sequences
math.miller-rabin.private math ;
IN: math.miller-rabin.tests
[ f ] [ 473155932665450549999756893736999469773678960651272093993257221235459777950185377130233556540099119926369437865330559863 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 3 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 36 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 37 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 1 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 2 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 5 ] [ 3 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 101 ] [ 100 next-prime ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2135623355842621559 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ 100000000000031 ] [ 100000000000000 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 863 ] [ 862 next-safe-prime ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 862 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 7 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 31 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 47 safe-prime-candidate? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 47 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 863 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1000 [ drop 15 miller-rabin ] any? ] unit-test
[ 47 ] [ 31 next-safe-prime ] unit-test
[ 49 ] [ 50 random-prime log2 ] unit-test
[ 49 ] [ 50 random-bits* log2 ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators kernel locals math math.functions math.ranges
random sequences sets combinators.short-circuit math.bitwise
math math.order ;
IN: math.miller-rabin
: >odd ( n -- int ) 0 set-bit ; foldable
: >even ( n -- int ) 0 clear-bit ; foldable
: next-even ( m -- n ) >even 2 + ;
: next-odd ( m -- n ) dup even? [ 1 + ] [ 2 + ] if ;
:: (miller-rabin) ( n trials -- ? )
n 1 - :> n-1
n-1 factor-2s :> s :> r
0 :> a!
trials [
2 n 2 - [a,b] random a!
a s n ^mod 1 = [
] [
r iota [
2^ s * a swap n ^mod n - -1 =
] any? not
] if
] any? not ;
: miller-rabin* ( n numtrials -- ? )
over {
{ [ dup 1 <= ] [ 3drop f ] }
{ [ dup 2 = ] [ 3drop t ] }
{ [ dup even? ] [ 3drop f ] }
[ drop (miller-rabin) ]
} cond ;
: miller-rabin ( n -- ? ) 10 miller-rabin* ;
ERROR: prime-range-error n ;
: next-prime ( n -- p )
dup 1 < [ prime-range-error ] when
dup 1 = [
drop 2
] [
next-odd dup miller-rabin [ next-prime ] unless
] if ;
: random-bits* ( numbits -- n )
1 - [ random-bits ] keep set-bit ;
: random-prime ( numbits -- p )
random-bits* next-prime ;
ERROR: no-relative-prime n ;
: (find-relative-prime) ( n guess -- p )
over 1 <= [ over no-relative-prime ] when
dup 1 <= [ drop 3 ] when
2dup gcd nip 1 > [ 2 + (find-relative-prime) ] [ nip ] if ;
: find-relative-prime* ( n guess -- p )
#! find a prime relative to n with initial guess
>odd (find-relative-prime) ;
: find-relative-prime ( n -- p )
dup random find-relative-prime* ;
ERROR: too-few-primes ;
: unique-primes ( numbits n -- seq )
#! generate two primes
dup 5 < [ too-few-primes ] when
2dup [ random-prime ] curry replicate
dup all-unique? [ 2nip ] [ drop unique-primes ] if ;
! Safe primes are of the form p = 2q + 1, p,q are prime
! See
: safe-prime-candidate? ( n -- ? )
1 + 6 divisor? ;
: next-safe-prime-candidate ( n -- candidate )
next-prime dup safe-prime-candidate?
[ next-safe-prime-candidate ] unless ;
: safe-prime? ( q -- ? )
[ 1 - 2 / dup integer? [ miller-rabin ] [ drop f ] if ]
[ miller-rabin ]
} 1&& ;
: next-safe-prime ( n -- q )
dup safe-prime? [ next-safe-prime ] unless ;
: random-safe-prime ( numbits -- p )
random-bits* next-safe-prime ;

View File

@ -93,7 +93,13 @@ HELP: pdiff
{ $description "Finds the derivative of " { $snippet "p" } "." } ;
HELP: polyval
{ $values { "p" "a polynomial" } { "x" number } { "p[x]" number } }
{ $values { "x" number } { "p" "a polynomial" } { "p[x]" number } }
{ $description "Evaluate " { $snippet "p" } " with the input " { $snippet "x" } "." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "{ 1 0 1 } 2 polyval ." "5" } } ;
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "2 { 1 0 1 } polyval ." "5" } } ;
HELP: polyval*
{ $values { "p" "a literal polynomial" } }
{ $description "Macro version of " { $link polyval } ". Evaluates the literal polynomial " { $snippet "p" } " at the value off the top of the stack." }
{ $examples { $example "USING: math.polynomials prettyprint ;" "2 { 1 0 1 } polyval* ." "5" } } ;
{ polyval polyval* } related-words

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel make math math.order math.vectors sequences
splitting vectors ;
splitting vectors macros combinators ;
IN: math.polynomials
@ -80,6 +80,12 @@ PRIVATE>
: pdiff ( p -- p' )
dup length v* { 0 } ?head drop ;
: polyval ( p x -- p[x] )
[ dup length ] dip powers v. ;
: polyval ( x p -- p[x] )
[ length swap powers ] [ nip ] 2bi v. ;
MACRO: polyval* ( p -- )
[ 1 tail [ \ * swap \ + [ ] 3sequence ] map ]
[ first \ drop swap [ ] 2sequence ] bi
prefix \ cleave [ ] 2sequence ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays combinators kernel make math math.functions math.primes sequences ;
USING: arrays combinators kernel make math math.functions
math.primes sequences ;
IN: math.primes.factors

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel ;
IN: math.primes.lucas-lehmer
HELP: lucas-lehmer
{ $values
{ "p" "a prime number" }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Runs the Lucas-Lehmer test on the prime " { $snippet "p" } " and returns " { $link t } " if " { $snippet "(2 ^ p) - 1" } " is prime." }
{ $examples
{ $example "! Test that (2 ^ 61) - 1 is prime:"
"USING: math.primes.lucas-lehmer prettyprint ;"
"61 lucas-lehmer ."
} ;
ARTICLE: "math.primes.lucas-lehmer" "Lucas-Lehmer Mersenne Primality test"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.primes.lucas-lehmer" } " vocabulary tests numbers of the form " { $snippet "(2 ^ p) - 1" } " for primality, where " { $snippet "p" } " is prime." $nl
"Run the Lucas-Lehmer test:"
{ $subsection lucas-lehmer } ;
ABOUT: "math.primes.lucas-lehmer"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test math.primes.lucas-lehmer ;
IN: math.primes.lucas-lehmer.tests
[ t ] [ 2 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 3 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 4 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 5 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 6 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 11 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 13 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 61 lucas-lehmer ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators fry kernel locals math
math.primes combinators.short-circuit ;
IN: math.primes.lucas-lehmer
ERROR: invalid-lucas-lehmer-candidate obj ;
: do-lucas-lehmer ( p -- ? )
[ drop 4 ] [ 2 - ] [ 2^ 1 - ] tri
'[ sq 2 - _ mod ] times 0 = ;
: lucas-lehmer-guard ( obj -- obj )
dup { [ integer? ] [ 0 > ] } 1&&
[ invalid-lucas-lehmer-candidate ] unless ;
: lucas-lehmer ( p -- ? )
{ [ dup 2 = ] [ drop t ] }
{ [ dup prime? ] [ do-lucas-lehmer ] }
[ drop f ]
} cond ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences math ;
IN: math.primes.miller-rabin
HELP: miller-rabin
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Returns true if the number is a prime. Calls " { $link miller-rabin* } " with a default of 10 Miller-Rabin tests." } ;
{ miller-rabin miller-rabin* } related-words
HELP: miller-rabin*
{ $values
{ "n" integer } { "numtrials" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Performs " { $snippet "numtrials" } " trials of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test algorithm and returns true if prime." } ;
ARTICLE: "math.primes.miller-rabin" "Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.primes.miller-rabin" } " vocabulary implements the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test and utility words that use it in order to generate random prime numbers." $nl
"The Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test:"
{ $subsection miller-rabin }
{ $subsection miller-rabin* } ;
ABOUT: "math.primes.miller-rabin"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
USING: kernel math.primes.miller-rabin sequences tools.test ;
IN: math.primes.miller-rabin.tests
[ f ] [ 473155932665450549999756893736999469773678960651272093993257221235459777950185377130233556540099119926369437865330559863 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 3 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 36 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 37 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2135623355842621559 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1000 [ drop 15 miller-rabin ] any? ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators combinators.short-circuit kernel locals math
math.functions math.ranges random sequences sets ;
IN: math.primes.miller-rabin
:: (miller-rabin) ( n trials -- ? )
n 1 - :> n-1
n-1 factor-2s :> s :> r
0 :> a!
trials [
2 n 2 - [a,b] random a!
a s n ^mod 1 = [
] [
r iota [
2^ s * a swap n ^mod n - -1 =
] any? not
] if
] any? not ;
: miller-rabin* ( n numtrials -- ? )
over {
{ [ dup 1 <= ] [ 3drop f ] }
{ [ dup 2 = ] [ 3drop t ] }
{ [ dup even? ] [ 3drop f ] }
[ drop (miller-rabin) ]
} cond ;
: miller-rabin ( n -- ? ) 10 miller-rabin* ;

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
USING: help.markup help.syntax math sequences ;
IN: math.primes
{ next-prime prime? } related-words
HELP: next-prime
{ $values { "n" "an integer not smaller than 2" } { "p" "a prime number" } }
{ $values { "n" integer } { "p" "a prime number" } }
{ $description "Return the next prime number greater than " { $snippet "n" } "." } ;
HELP: prime?
@ -20,3 +20,48 @@ HELP: primes-upto
HELP: primes-between
{ $values { "low" "an integer" } { "high" "an integer" } { "seq" "a sequence" } }
{ $description "Return a sequence containing all the prime numbers between " { $snippet "low" } " and " { $snippet "high" } "." } ;
HELP: find-relative-prime
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a number that is relatively prime to " { $snippet "n" } "." } ;
HELP: find-relative-prime*
{ $values
{ "n" integer } { "guess" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a number that is relatively prime to " { $snippet "n" } ", starting by trying " { $snippet "guess" } "." } ;
HELP: random-prime
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a prime number exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: unique-primes
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer } { "n" integer }
{ "seq" sequence }
{ $description "Generates a sequence of " { $snippet "n" } " unique prime numbers with exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits." } ;
ARTICLE: "math.primes" "Prime numbers"
"The " { $vocab-link "math.primes" } " vocabulary implements words related to prime numbers. Serveral useful vocabularies exist for testing primality. The Sieve of Eratosthenes in " { $vocab-link "math.primes.erato" } " is useful for testing primality below five million. For larger integers, " { $vocab-link "math.primes.miller-rabin" } " is a fast probabilstic primality test. The " { $vocab-link "math.primes.lucas-lehmer" } " vocabulary implements an algorithm for finding huge Mersenne prime numbers." $nl
"Testing if a number is prime:"
{ $subsection prime? }
"Generating prime numbers:"
{ $subsection next-prime }
{ $subsection primes-upto }
{ $subsection primes-between }
{ $subsection random-prime }
"Generating relative prime numbers:"
{ $subsection find-relative-prime }
{ $subsection find-relative-prime* }
"Make a sequence of random prime numbers:"
{ $subsection unique-primes } ;
ABOUT: "math.primes"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
USING: arrays math.primes tools.test ;
USING: arrays math math.primes math.primes.miller-rabin
tools.test ;
IN: math.primes.tests
{ 1237 } [ 1234 next-prime ] unit-test
{ f t } [ 1234 prime? 1237 prime? ] unit-test
@ -7,3 +9,12 @@ USING: arrays math.primes tools.test ;
{ { 4999963 4999999 5000011 5000077 5000081 } }
[ 4999962 5000082 primes-between >array ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 1 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 2 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 5 ] [ 3 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 101 ] [ 100 next-prime ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 2135623355842621559 miller-rabin ] unit-test
[ 100000000000031 ] [ 100000000000000 next-prime ] unit-test
[ 49 ] [ 50 random-prime log2 ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators kernel math math.functions math.miller-rabin
math.order math.primes.erato math.ranges sequences ;
USING: combinators kernel math math.bitwise math.functions
math.order math.primes.erato math.primes.miller-rabin
math.ranges random sequences sets fry ;
IN: math.primes
@ -21,7 +22,11 @@ PRIVATE>
} cond ; foldable
: next-prime ( n -- p )
next-odd [ dup really-prime? ] [ 2 + ] until ; foldable
dup 2 < [
drop 2
] [
next-odd [ dup really-prime? ] [ 2 + ] until
] if ; foldable
: primes-between ( low high -- seq )
[ dup 3 max dup even? [ 1 + ] when ] dip
@ -31,3 +36,34 @@ PRIVATE>
: primes-upto ( n -- seq ) 2 swap primes-between ;
: coprime? ( a b -- ? ) gcd nip 1 = ; foldable
: random-prime ( numbits -- p )
random-bits* next-prime ;
: estimated-primes ( m -- n )
dup log / ; foldable
ERROR: no-relative-prime n ;
: (find-relative-prime) ( n guess -- p )
over 1 <= [ over no-relative-prime ] when
dup 1 <= [ drop 3 ] when
2dup gcd nip 1 > [ 2 + (find-relative-prime) ] [ nip ] if ;
: find-relative-prime* ( n guess -- p )
#! find a prime relative to n with initial guess
>odd (find-relative-prime) ;
: find-relative-prime ( n -- p )
dup random find-relative-prime* ;
ERROR: too-few-primes n numbits ;
: unique-primes ( n numbits -- seq )
2dup 2^ estimated-primes > [ too-few-primes ] when
2dup '[ _ random-prime ] replicate
dup all-unique? [ 2nip ] [ drop unique-primes ] if ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators.short-circuit help.markup help.syntax kernel
math math.functions math.primes random ;
HELP: next-safe-prime
{ $values
{ "n" integer }
{ "q" integer }
{ $description "Tests consecutive numbers and returns the next safe prime. A safe prime is desirable in cryptography applications such as Diffie-Hellman and SRP6." } ;
HELP: random-safe-prime
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "p" integer }
{ $description "Returns a safe prime number " { $snippet "numbits" } " bits in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: safe-prime?
{ $values
{ "q" integer }
{ "?" "a boolean" }
{ $description "Tests whether the number is a safe prime. A safe prime " { $snippet "p" } " must be prime, as must " { $snippet "(p - 1) / 2" } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "" "Safe prime numbers"
"The " { $vocab-link "" } " vocabulary implements words to calculate safe prime numbers. Safe primes are of the form p = 2q + 1, where p,q are prime. Safe primes have desirable qualities for cryptographic applications." $nl
"Testing if a number is a safe prime:"
{ $subsection safe-prime? }
"Generating safe prime numbers:"
{ $subsection next-safe-prime }
{ $subsection random-safe-prime } ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test ;
[ 863 ] [ 862 next-safe-prime ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 862 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 7 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 31 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 47 safe-prime-candidate? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 47 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 863 safe-prime? ] unit-test
[ 47 ] [ 31 next-safe-prime ] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators.short-circuit kernel math math.functions
math.primes random ;
: safe-prime-candidate? ( n -- ? )
1 + 6 divisor? ;
: next-safe-prime-candidate ( n -- candidate )
next-prime dup safe-prime-candidate?
[ next-safe-prime-candidate ] unless ;
: safe-prime? ( q -- ? )
[ 1 - 2 / dup integer? [ prime? ] [ drop f ] if ]
[ prime? ]
} 1&& ;
: next-safe-prime ( n -- q )
dup safe-prime? [ next-safe-prime ] unless ;
: random-safe-prime ( numbits -- p )
random-bits* next-safe-prime ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors math.rectangles kernel prettyprint.custom prettyprint.backend ;
IN: math.rectangles.prettyprint
M: rect pprint*
\ RECT: [ [ loc>> ] [ dim>> ] bi [ pprint* ] bi@ ] pprint-prefix ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel arrays sequences math math.vectors accessors
parser prettyprint.custom prettyprint.backend ;
parser ;
IN: math.rectangles
TUPLE: rect { loc initial: { 0 0 } } { dim initial: { 0 0 } } ;
@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ TUPLE: rect { loc initial: { 0 0 } } { dim initial: { 0 0 } } ;
SYNTAX: RECT: scan-object scan-object <rect> parsed ;
M: rect pprint*
\ RECT: [ [ loc>> ] [ dim>> ] bi [ pprint* ] bi@ ] pprint-prefix ;
: <zero-rect> ( -- rect ) rect new ; inline
: point>rect ( loc -- rect ) { 0 0 } <rect> ; inline
@ -21,6 +18,8 @@ M: rect pprint*
: rect-extent ( rect -- loc ext ) rect-bounds over v+ ;
: rect-center ( rect -- center ) rect-bounds 2 v/n v+ ;
: with-rect-extents ( rect1 rect2 loc-quot: ( loc1 loc2 -- ) ext-quot: ( ext1 ext2 -- ) -- )
[ [ rect-extent ] bi@ ] 2dip bi-curry* bi* ; inline
@ -62,3 +61,7 @@ M: rect contains-point?
[ [ loc>> ] dip (>>loc) ]
[ [ dim>> ] dip (>>dim) ]
2bi ; inline
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" vocab [ "math.rectangles.prettyprint" require ] when

View File

@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ USING: math.vectors tools.test ;
[ { 1.75 1.75 } ] [ { 1.0 2.5 } { 2.5 1.0 } 0.5 vnlerp ] unit-test
[ { 1.75 2.125 } ] [ { 1.0 2.5 } { 2.5 1.0 } { 0.5 0.25 } vlerp ] unit-test
[ 1.125 ] [ 0.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 { 0.5 0.25 } bilerp ] unit-test

View File

@ -41,6 +41,17 @@ IN: math.vectors
: set-axis ( u v axis -- w )
[ [ zero? 2over ? ] dip swap nth ] map-index 2nip ;
: 2tetra@ ( p q r s t u v w quot -- )
dup [ [ 2bi@ ] curry 4dip ] dip 2bi@ ; inline
: trilerp ( aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb {t,u,v} -- a_tuv )
[ first lerp ] [ second lerp ] [ third lerp ] tri-curry
[ 2tetra@ ] [ 2bi@ ] [ call ] tri* ;
: bilerp ( aa ba ab bb {t,u} -- a_tu )
[ first lerp ] [ second lerp ] bi-curry
[ 2bi@ ] [ call ] bi* ;
: vlerp ( a b t -- a_t )
[ lerp ] 3map ;
@ -68,3 +79,6 @@ HINTS: v. { array array } ;
HINTS: vlerp { array array array } ;
HINTS: vnlerp { array array object } ;
HINTS: bilerp { object object object object array } ;
HINTS: trilerp { object object object object object object object object array } ;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ IN: random.mersenne-twister.tests
100 [ 100 random ] replicate ;
: test-rng ( seed quot -- )
[ <mersenne-twister> ] dip with-random ; inline
[ <mersenne-twister> ] dip with-random ; inline
[ f ] [ 1234 [ randoms randoms = ] test-rng ] unit-test

View File

@ -40,9 +40,17 @@ HELP: random-bytes
} ;
HELP: random-bits
{ $values { "n" "an integer" } { "r" "a random integer" } }
{ $values { "numbits" integer } { "r" "a random integer" } }
{ $description "Outputs an random integer n bits in length." } ;
HELP: random-bits*
{ $values
{ "numbits" integer }
{ "n" integer }
{ $description "Returns an integer exactly " { $snippet "numbits" } " in length, with the topmost bit set to one." } ;
HELP: with-random
{ $values { "tuple" "a random generator" } { "quot" "a quotation" } }
{ $description "Calls the quotation with the random generator in a dynamic variable. All random numbers will be generated using this random generator." } ;
@ -93,6 +101,9 @@ $nl
"Randomizing a sequence:"
{ $subsection randomize }
"Deleting a random element from a sequence:"
{ $subsection delete-random } ;
{ $subsection delete-random }
"Random numbers with " { $snippet "n" } " bits:"
{ $subsection random-bits }
{ $subsection random-bits* } ;
ABOUT: "random"

View File

@ -23,3 +23,5 @@ IN: random.tests
[ f ]
[ 100 [ { 0 1 } random ] replicate all-equal? ] unit-test
[ 49 ] [ 50 random-bits* log2 ] unit-test

View File

@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ M: f random-32* ( obj -- * ) no-random-number-generator ;
: random-bits ( n -- r ) 2^ random-integer ;
: random-bits ( numbits -- r ) 2^ random-integer ;
: random-bits* ( numbits -- n )
1 - [ random-bits ] keep set-bit ;
: random ( seq -- elt )
[ f ] [

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ IN: specialized-arrays.tests
USING: tools.test specialized-arrays sequences specialized-arrays.bool
specialized-arrays.ushort alien.c-types accessors kernel specialized-arrays.char arrays ; specialized-arrays.char
specialized-arrays.uint arrays combinators ;
[ t ] [ { 1 2 3 } >int-array int-array? ] unit-test
@ -10,7 +11,13 @@ specialized-arrays.char arrays ;
[ 2 ] [ int-array{ 1 2 3 } second ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { t f t } >bool-array underlying>> { 1 0 1 } >char-array underlying>> = ] unit-test
[ t ] [
{ t f t } >bool-array underlying>>
{ 1 0 1 } "bool" heap-size {
{ 1 [ >char-array ] }
{ 4 [ >uint-array ] }
} case underlying>> =
] unit-test
[ ushort-array{ 1234 } ] [
little-endian? B{ 210 4 } B{ 4 210 } ? byte-array>ushort-array

View File

@ -31,4 +31,8 @@ HOOK: offscreen-pixels ui-backend ( world -- alien w h )
'[ select-gl-context @ ]
[ flush-gl-context gl-error ] bi ; inline
HOOK: (with-ui) ui-backend ( quot -- )
HOOK: (with-ui) ui-backend ( quot -- )
HOOK: (grab-input) ui-backend ( handle -- )
HOOK: (ungrab-input) ui-backend ( handle -- )

View File

@ -122,6 +122,17 @@ M:: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
M: cocoa-ui-backend (close-window) ( handle -- )
window>> -> release ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (grab-input) ( handle -- )
0 CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition drop
CGMainDisplayID CGDisplayHideCursor drop
window>> -> frame CGRect>rect rect-center
first2 <CGPoint> CGWarpMouseCursorPosition drop ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (ungrab-input) ( handle -- )
CGMainDisplayID CGDisplayShowCursor drop
1 CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition drop ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend close-window ( gadget -- )
find-world [
handle>> [

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ threads libc combinators fry combinators.short-circuit continuations
command-line shuffle opengl ui.render ascii math.bitwise locals
accessors math.rectangles math.order ascii calendar
io.encodings.utf16n windows.errors literals ui.pixel-formats
ui.pixel-formats.private memoize classes ;
ui.pixel-formats.private memoize classes struct-arrays ;
SINGLETON: windows-ui-backend
@ -703,9 +703,23 @@ M: windows-ui-backend beep ( -- )
"MONITORINFOEX" <c-object> dup length over set-MONITORINFOEX-cbSize
[ GetMonitorInfo win32-error=0/f ] keep MONITORINFOEX-rcMonitor ;
: client-area>RECT ( hwnd -- RECT )
"RECT" <c-object>
[ GetClientRect win32-error=0/f ]
[ "POINT" byte-array>struct-array [ ClientToScreen drop ] with each ]
[ nip ] 2tri ;
: hwnd>RECT ( hwnd -- RECT )
"RECT" <c-object> [ GetWindowRect win32-error=0/f ] keep ;
M: windows-ui-backend (grab-input) ( handle -- )
0 ShowCursor drop
hWnd>> client-area>RECT ClipCursor drop ;
M: windows-ui-backend (ungrab-input) ( handle -- )
f ClipCursor drop
1 ShowCursor drop ;
: fullscreen-flags ( -- n )

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces
make sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting
binary-search vectors dlists deques models threads
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals
prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom ;
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals ;
IN: ui.gadgets
! Values for orientation slot
@ -28,9 +27,6 @@ interior
model ;
! Don't print gadgets with RECT: syntax
M: gadget pprint* pprint-tuple ;
M: gadget equal? 2drop f ;
M: gadget hashcode* nip [ [ \ gadget counter ] unless* ] change-id id>> ;
@ -397,3 +393,7 @@ M: f request-focus-on 2drop ;
: focus-path ( gadget -- seq )
[ focus>> ] follow ;
USING: vocabs vocabs.loader ;
"prettyprint" vocab [ "ui.gadgets.prettyprint" require ] when

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: ui.gadgets prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom ;
IN: ui.gadgets.prettyprint
! Don't print gadgets with RECT: syntax
M: gadget pprint* pprint-tuple ;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ CONSTANT: default-world-pixel-format-attributes
{ windowed double-buffered T{ depth-bits { value 16 } } }
TUPLE: world < track
active? focused?
active? focused? grab-input?
title status status-owner
text-handle handle images
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ TUPLE: world < track
TUPLE: world-attributes
{ world-class initial: world }
@ -63,13 +64,15 @@ M: world request-focus-on ( child gadget -- )
vertical swap new-track
t >>root?
t >>active?
{ 0 0 } >>window-loc ;
{ 0 0 } >>window-loc
f >>grab-input? ;
: apply-world-attributes ( world attributes -- world )
[ title>> >>title ]
[ status>> >>status ]
[ pixel-format-attributes>> >>pixel-format-attributes ]
[ grab-input?>> >>grab-input? ]
[ gadgets>> [ 1 track-add ] each ]
} cleave ;

View File

@ -41,14 +41,23 @@ SYMBOL: windows
lose-focus swap each-gesture
gain-focus swap each-gesture ;
: ?grab-input ( world -- )
dup grab-input?>> [ handle>> (grab-input) ] [ drop ] if ;
: ?ungrab-input ( world -- )
dup grab-input?>> [ handle>> (ungrab-input) ] [ drop ] if ;
: focus-world ( world -- )
t >>focused?
dup raised-window
focus-path f focus-gestures ;
[ ?grab-input ] [
dup raised-window
focus-path f focus-gestures
] bi ;
: unfocus-world ( world -- )
f >>focused?
focus-path f swap focus-gestures ;
[ ?ungrab-input ]
[ focus-path f swap focus-gestures ] bi ;
: try-to-open-window ( world -- )

basis/windows/user32/user32.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ FUNCTION: HDC BeginPaint ( HWND hwnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint ) ;
FUNCTION: HWND ChildWindowFromPoint ( HWND hWndParent, POINT point ) ;
! FUNCTION: ChildWindowFromPointEx
! FUNCTION: ClientThreadSetup
! FUNCTION: ClientToScreen
FUNCTION: BOOL ClientToScreen ( HWND hWnd, POINT* point ) ;
! FUNCTION: CliImmSetHotKey
! FUNCTION: ClipCursor
FUNCTION: int ClipCursor ( RECT* clipRect ) ;
FUNCTION: BOOL CloseClipboard ( ) ;
! FUNCTION: CloseDesktop
! FUNCTION: CloseWindow
@ -1363,7 +1363,7 @@ CONSTANT: HWND_TOP f
! FUNCTION: SetWindowWord
! FUNCTION: SetWinEventHook
! FUNCTION: ShowCaret
! FUNCTION: ShowCursor
FUNCTION: int ShowCursor ( BOOL show ) ;
! FUNCTION: ShowOwnedPopups
! FUNCTION: ShowScrollBar
! FUNCTION: ShowStartGlass

View File

@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ M: hi-tag-dispatch-engine compile-engine
: build-fast-hash ( methods -- buckets )
>alist V{ } clone [ hashcode 1array ] distribute-buckets
[ compile-engines* >alist >array ] map ;
[ compile-engines* >alist { } join ] map ;
M: echelon-dispatch-engine compile-engine
dup n>> 0 = [

View File

@ -245,10 +245,22 @@ HELP: times
{ $example "USING: io math ;" "3 [ \"Hi\" print ] times" "Hi\nHi\nHi" }
} ;
HELP: fp-special?
{ $values { "x" real } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE special value (Not-a-Number or Infinity). While " { $snippet "x" } " can be any real number, this word will only ever yield true if " { $snippet "x" } " is a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: fp-nan?
{ $values { "x" real } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Not-a-Number value. While " { $snippet "x" } " can be any real number, this word will only ever yield true if " { $snippet "x" } " is a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: fp-qnan?
{ $values { "x" real } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Quiet Not-a-Number value. While " { $snippet "x" } " can be any real number, this word will only ever yield true if " { $snippet "x" } " is a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: fp-snan?
{ $values { "x" real } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Signaling Not-a-Number value. While " { $snippet "x" } " can be any real number, this word will only ever yield true if " { $snippet "x" } " is a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: fp-infinity?
{ $values { "x" real } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Infinity value. While " { $snippet "x" } " can be any real number, this word will only ever yield true if " { $snippet "x" } " is a " { $link float } "." }
@ -257,7 +269,26 @@ HELP: fp-infinity?
{ $example "USING: io kernel math ;" "-1/0. [ fp-infinity? ] [ 0 < ] bi and [ \"negative infinity\" print ] when" "negative infinity" }
} ;
{ fp-nan? fp-infinity? } related-words
HELP: fp-nan-payload
{ $values { "x" real } { "bits" integer } }
{ $description "If " { $snippet "x" } " is an IEEE Not-a-Number value, returns the payload encoded in the value. Returns " { $link f } " if " { $snippet "x" } " is not a " { $link float } "." } ;
HELP: <fp-nan>
{ $values { "payload" integer } { "nan" float } }
{ $description "Constructs an IEEE Not-a-Number value with a payload of " { $snippet "payload" } "." }
{ $notes "A " { $snippet "payload" } " of " { $snippet "0" } " will construct an Infinity value." } ;
{ fp-special? fp-nan? fp-qnan? fp-snan? fp-infinity? fp-nan-payload <fp-nan> } related-words
HELP: next-float
{ $values { "m" float } { "n" float } }
{ $description "Returns the least representable " { $link float } " value greater than " { $snippet "m" } "." } ;
HELP: prev-float
{ $values { "m" float } { "n" float } }
{ $description "Returns the greatest representable " { $link float } " value less than " { $snippet "m" } "." } ;
{ next-float prev-float } related-words
HELP: real-part
{ $values { "z" number } { "x" real } }

View File

@ -12,7 +12,24 @@ IN: math.tests
[ f ] [ 1/0. fp-nan? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ -1/0. fp-nan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -0/0. fp-nan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1 <fp-nan> fp-nan? ] unit-test
! [ t ] [ 1 <fp-nan> fp-snan? ] unit-test
! [ f ] [ 1 <fp-nan> fp-qnan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ HEX: 8000000000001 <fp-nan> fp-nan? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ HEX: 8000000000001 <fp-nan> fp-snan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ HEX: 8000000000001 <fp-nan> fp-qnan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1/0. fp-infinity? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -1/0. fp-infinity? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ -0/0. fp-infinity? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 0 <fp-nan> fp-nan? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 0 <fp-nan> fp-infinity? ] unit-test
[ 0.0 ] [ -0.0 next-float ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1.0 dup next-float < ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -1.0 dup next-float < ] unit-test
[ -0.0 ] [ 0.0 prev-float ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1.0 dup prev-float > ] unit-test
[ t ] [ -1.0 dup prev-float > ] unit-test

View File

@ -81,26 +81,64 @@ TUPLE: complex { real real read-only } { imaginary real read-only } ;
UNION: number real complex ;
GENERIC: fp-nan? ( x -- ? )
: fp-bitwise= ( x y -- ? ) [ double>bits ] bi@ = ; inline
GENERIC: fp-special? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-nan? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-qnan? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-snan? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-infinity? ( x -- ? )
GENERIC: fp-nan-payload ( x -- bits )
M: object fp-special?
drop f ;
M: object fp-nan?
drop f ;
M: float fp-nan?
double>bits -51 shift HEX: fff [ bitand ] keep = ;
GENERIC: fp-infinity? ( x -- ? )
M: object fp-qnan?
drop f ;
M: object fp-snan?
drop f ;
M: object fp-infinity?
drop f ;
M: object fp-nan-payload
drop f ;
M: float fp-infinity? ( float -- ? )
M: float fp-special?
double>bits -52 shift HEX: 7ff [ bitand ] keep = ;
M: float fp-nan-payload
double>bits HEX: fffffffffffff bitand ; foldable flushable
M: float fp-nan?
dup fp-special? [ fp-nan-payload zero? not ] [ drop f ] if ;
M: float fp-qnan?
dup fp-nan? [ fp-nan-payload HEX: 8000000000000 bitand zero? not ] [ drop f ] if ;
M: float fp-snan?
dup fp-nan? [ fp-nan-payload HEX: 8000000000000 bitand zero? ] [ drop f ] if ;
M: float fp-infinity?
dup fp-special? [ fp-nan-payload zero? ] [ drop f ] if ;
: <fp-nan> ( payload -- nan )
HEX: 7ff0000000000000 bitor bits>double ; foldable flushable
: next-float ( m -- n )
dup -52 shift HEX: 7ff [ bitand ] keep = [
HEX: fffffffffffff bitand 0 =
] [
drop f
] if ;
dup -0.0 double>bits > [ 1 - bits>double ] [ ! negative non-zero
dup -0.0 double>bits = [ drop 0.0 ] [ ! negative zero
1 + bits>double ! positive
] if
] if ; foldable flushable
: prev-float ( m -- n )
dup -0.0 double>bits >= [ 1 + bits>double ] [ ! negative
dup 0.0 double>bits = [ drop -0.0 ] [ ! positive zero
1 - bits>double ! positive non-zero
] if
] if ; foldable flushable
: next-power-of-2 ( m -- n )
dup 2 <= [ drop 2 ] [ 1 - log2 1 + 2^ ] if ; inline

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ IN: benchmark.pidigits
: >matrix ( q s r t -- z )
4array 2 group ;
: produce ( z n -- z' )
: produce ( z y -- z' )
[ 10 ] dip -10 * 0 1 >matrix swap m. ;
: gen-x ( x -- matrix )

View File

@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ MEMO: opad ( -- seq ) 64 HEX: 5c <array> ;
: init-hmac ( K -- o i )
64 0 pad-tail
[ opad seq-bitxor ] keep
ipad seq-bitxor ;
[ opad seq-bitxor ]
[ ipad seq-bitxor ] bi ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math.miller-rabin kernel math math.functions namespaces
sequences accessors ;
USING: math.primes.miller-rabin kernel math math.functions
namespaces sequences accessors ;
IN: crypto.rsa
! The private key is the only secret.

View File

@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ ARTICLE: "game-input" "Game controller input"
{ $subsection mouse-state } ;
HELP: open-game-input
{ $description "Initializes the game input interface. An exception will be thrown if the initialization fails. If the game input interface is already opened, nothing happens." } ;
{ $description "Initializes the game input interface. An exception will be thrown if the initialization fails. Calls to open-game-input are reference counted; each call to open-game-input needs a corresponding call to close-game-input to close the game input interface." } ;
HELP: close-game-input
{ $description "Closes the game input interface, releasing any allocated resources. Once this word is called, any remaining " { $link controller } " objects are invalid. If the game input interface is not opened, nothing happens." } ;
{ $description "Closes the game input interface, releasing any allocated resources. Once this word is called, any remaining " { $link controller } " objects are invalid." } ;
HELP: game-input-opened?
{ $values { "?" "a boolean" } }

View File

@ -1,38 +1,61 @@
USING: arrays accessors continuations kernel system
USING: arrays accessors continuations kernel math system
sequences namespaces init vocabs vocabs.loader combinators ;
IN: game-input
SYMBOLS: game-input-backend game-input-opened ;
game-input-opened [ 0 ] initialize
HOOK: (open-game-input) game-input-backend ( -- )
HOOK: (close-game-input) game-input-backend ( -- )
HOOK: (reset-game-input) game-input-backend ( -- )
HOOK: get-controllers game-input-backend ( -- sequence )
HOOK: product-string game-input-backend ( controller -- string )
HOOK: product-id game-input-backend ( controller -- id )
HOOK: instance-id game-input-backend ( controller -- id )
HOOK: read-controller game-input-backend ( controller -- controller-state )
HOOK: calibrate-controller game-input-backend ( controller -- )
HOOK: read-keyboard game-input-backend ( -- keyboard-state )
HOOK: read-mouse game-input-backend ( -- mouse-state )
HOOK: reset-mouse game-input-backend ( -- )
: game-input-opened? ( -- ? )
game-input-opened get ;
game-input-opened get zero? not ;
M: f (reset-game-input) ;
: reset-game-input ( -- )
game-input-opened off
(reset-game-input) ;
[ reset-game-input ] "game-input" add-init-hook
ERROR: game-input-not-open ;
: open-game-input ( -- )
game-input-opened? [
game-input-opened on
] unless ;
] unless
game-input-opened [ 1+ ] change-global
reset-mouse ;
: close-game-input ( -- )
game-input-opened [
dup zero? [ game-input-not-open ] when
] change-global
game-input-opened? [
] when ;
] unless ;
: with-game-input ( quot -- )
open-game-input [ close-game-input ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
@ -48,12 +71,6 @@ SYMBOLS:
pov-up pov-up-right pov-right pov-down-right
pov-down pov-down-left pov-left pov-up-left ;
HOOK: get-controllers game-input-backend ( -- sequence )
HOOK: product-string game-input-backend ( controller -- string )
HOOK: product-id game-input-backend ( controller -- id )
HOOK: instance-id game-input-backend ( controller -- id )
: find-controller-products ( product-id -- sequence )
get-controllers [ product-id = ] with filter ;
: find-controller-instance ( product-id instance-id -- controller/f )
@ -63,25 +80,16 @@ HOOK: instance-id game-input-backend ( controller -- id )
[ instance-id = ] 2bi* and
] with with find nip ;
HOOK: read-controller game-input-backend ( controller -- controller-state )
HOOK: calibrate-controller game-input-backend ( controller -- )
TUPLE: keyboard-state keys ;
M: keyboard-state clone
call-next-method dup keys>> clone >>keys ;
HOOK: read-keyboard game-input-backend ( -- keyboard-state )
TUPLE: mouse-state dx dy scroll-dx scroll-dy buttons ;
M: mouse-state clone
call-next-method dup buttons>> clone >>buttons ;
HOOK: read-mouse game-input-backend ( -- mouse-state )
HOOK: reset-mouse game-input-backend ( -- )
{ [ os windows? ] [ "game-input.dinput" require ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "game-input.iokit" require ] }

View File

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
USING: cocoa cocoa.plists core-foundation iokit iokit.hid
kernel cocoa.enumeration destructors math.parser cocoa.application
sequences locals combinators.short-circuit threads
namespaces assocs vectors arrays combinators
namespaces assocs vectors arrays combinators hints alien accessors sequences.private
alien.c-types math parser game-input vectors ;
IN: game-input.iokit
SINGLETON: iokit-game-input-backend
SYMBOLS: +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +mouse-state+ +controller-states+ ;
iokit-game-input-backend game-input-backend set-global
: hid-manager-matching ( matching-seq -- alien )
@ -23,7 +25,6 @@ iokit-game-input-backend game-input-backend set-global
CONSTANT: game-devices-matching-seq
H{ { "DeviceUsage" 1 } { "DeviceUsagePage" 1 } } ! pointers
H{ { "DeviceUsage" 2 } { "DeviceUsagePage" 1 } } ! mouses
H{ { "DeviceUsage" 4 } { "DeviceUsagePage" 1 } } ! joysticks
H{ { "DeviceUsage" 5 } { "DeviceUsagePage" 1 } } ! gamepads
@ -88,19 +89,17 @@ CONSTANT: hat-switch-matching-hash
game-devices-matching-seq hid-manager-matching ;
: device-property ( device key -- value )
<NSString> IOHIDDeviceGetProperty plist> ;
<NSString> IOHIDDeviceGetProperty [ plist> ] [ f ] if* ;
: element-property ( element key -- value )
<NSString> IOHIDElementGetProperty plist> ;
<NSString> IOHIDElementGetProperty [ plist> ] [ f ] if* ;
: set-element-property ( element key value -- )
[ <NSString> ] [ >plist ] bi* IOHIDElementSetProperty drop ;
: transfer-element-property ( element from-key to-key -- )
[ dupd element-property ] dip swap set-element-property ;
[ dupd element-property ] dip swap
[ set-element-property ] [ 2drop ] if* ;
: mouse-device? ( device -- ? )
[ 1 1 IOHIDDeviceConformsTo ]
[ 1 2 IOHIDDeviceConformsTo ]
} 1|| ;
1 2 IOHIDDeviceConformsTo ;
: controller-device? ( device -- ? )
@ -113,28 +112,31 @@ CONSTANT: hat-switch-matching-hash
[ IOHIDElementGetUsagePage ] [ IOHIDElementGetUsage ] bi
2array ;
: button? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
first 9 = ; inline
: keyboard-key? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
first 7 = ; inline
: button? ( element -- ? )
IOHIDElementGetUsagePage 9 = ; inline
: keyboard-key? ( element -- ? )
IOHIDElementGetUsagePage 7 = ; inline
: axis? ( element -- ? )
IOHIDElementGetUsagePage 1 = ; inline
: x-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 30 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 30 = ; inline
: y-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 31 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 31 = ; inline
: z-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 32 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 32 = ; inline
: rx-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 33 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 33 = ; inline
: ry-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 34 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 34 = ; inline
: rz-axis? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 35 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 35 = ; inline
: slider? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 36 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 36 = ; inline
: wheel? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 38 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 38 = ; inline
: hat-switch? ( {usage-page,usage} -- ? )
{ 1 HEX: 39 } = ; inline
IOHIDElementGetUsage HEX: 39 = ; inline
CONSTANT: pov-values
@ -152,45 +154,55 @@ CONSTANT: pov-values
: pov-value ( value -- pov-direction )
IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue pov-values ?nth [ pov-neutral ] unless* ;
: record-button ( hid-value usage state -- )
[ button-value ] [ second 1- ] [ buttons>> ] tri* set-nth ;
: record-button ( state hid-value element -- )
[ buttons>> ] [ button-value ] [ IOHIDElementGetUsage 1- ] tri* rot set-nth ;
: record-controller ( controller-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement element-usage {
{ [ dup button? ] [ rot record-button ] }
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>x drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>y drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>z drop ] }
{ [ dup rx-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>rx drop ] }
{ [ dup ry-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>ry drop ] }
{ [ dup rz-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>rz drop ] }
{ [ dup slider? ] [ drop axis-value >>slider drop ] }
{ [ dup hat-switch? ] [ drop pov-value >>pov drop ] }
dup IOHIDValueGetElement {
{ [ dup button? ] [ record-button ] }
{ [ dup axis? ] [ {
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>x drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>y drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>z drop ] }
{ [ dup rx-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>rx drop ] }
{ [ dup ry-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>ry drop ] }
{ [ dup rz-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>rz drop ] }
{ [ dup slider? ] [ drop axis-value >>slider drop ] }
{ [ dup hat-switch? ] [ drop pov-value >>pov drop ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond ;
SYMBOLS: +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +mouse-state+ +controller-states+ ;
HINTS: record-controller { controller-state alien } ;
: ?set-nth ( value nth seq -- )
2dup bounds-check? [ set-nth-unsafe ] [ 3drop ] if ;
: record-keyboard ( value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement element-usage keyboard-key? [
: record-keyboard ( keyboard-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement dup keyboard-key? [
[ IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue c-bool> ]
[ IOHIDValueGetElement IOHIDElementGetUsage ] bi
+keyboard-state+ get ?set-nth
] [ drop ] if ;
[ IOHIDElementGetUsage ] bi*
rot ?set-nth
] [ 3drop ] if ;
: record-mouse ( value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement element-usage {
{ [ dup button? ] [ +mouse-state+ get record-button ] }
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-dy drop ] }
{ [ dup wheel? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-scroll-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-scroll-dy drop ] }
[ 2drop ]
HINTS: record-keyboard { array alien } ;
: record-mouse ( mouse-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement {
{ [ dup button? ] [ record-button ] }
{ [ dup axis? ] [ {
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-dy drop ] }
{ [ dup wheel? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-scroll-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-scroll-dy drop ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond ;
HINTS: record-mouse { mouse-state alien } ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend read-mouse
+mouse-state+ get ;
@ -263,8 +275,8 @@ M: iokit-game-input-backend reset-mouse
{ [ sender controller-device? ] [
sender +controller-states+ get at value record-controller
] }
{ [ sender mouse-device? ] [ value record-mouse ] }
[ value record-keyboard ]
{ [ sender mouse-device? ] [ +mouse-state+ get value record-mouse ] }
[ +keyboard-state+ get value record-keyboard ]
} cond
] IOHIDValueCallback ;
@ -289,7 +301,7 @@ M: iokit-game-input-backend (open-game-input)
} cleave ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend (reset-game-input)
{ +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +controller-states+ }
{ +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +mouse-state+ +controller-states+ }
[ f swap set-global ] each ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend (close-game-input)
@ -304,6 +316,7 @@ M: iokit-game-input-backend (close-game-input)
] change-global
f +keyboard-state+ set-global
f +mouse-state+ set-global
f +controller-states+ set-global
] when ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
USING: accessors game-input game-loop kernel math ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ;
IN: game-worlds
TUPLE: game-world < world
{ tick-slice float initial: 0.0 } ;
GENERIC: tick-length ( world -- millis )
M: game-world draw*
swap >>tick-slice draw-world ;
M: game-world begin-world
dup [ tick-length ] [ ] bi <game-loop> [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop
open-game-input ;
M: game-world end-world
[ [ stop-loop ] when* f ] change-game-loop
drop ;
M: game-world focusable-child* drop t ;

View File

@ -162,18 +162,19 @@ M: key-caps-gadget pref-dim* drop KEYBOARD-SIZE ;
relayout-1 ;
M: key-caps-gadget graft*
dup '[ _ update-key-caps-state ] FREQUENCY every >>alarm
drop ;
M: key-caps-gadget ungraft*
alarm>> [ cancel-alarm ] when* ;
alarm>> [ cancel-alarm ] when*
close-game-input ;
M: key-caps-gadget handle-gesture
drop [ key-down? ] [ key-up? ] bi or not ;
: key-caps ( -- )
<key-caps-gadget> { 5 5 } <border> "Key Caps" open-window
] with-ui ;

View File

@ -112,8 +112,7 @@ IN:
"Benchmark timings"
benchmarks-file eval-file benchmarks-table
] output>array
] with-report ;

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ CONSTANT: identity-transform T{ affine-transform f { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 0.0
[ drop origin>> ] 2tri
v+ v+ ;
: <identity> ( -- a )
{ 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } { 0.0 0.0 } <affine-transform> ;
: <translation> ( origin -- a )
[ { 1.0 0.0 } { 0.0 1.0 } ] dip <affine-transform> ;
: <rotation> ( theta -- transform )

View File

@ -1,61 +1,60 @@
USING: byte-arrays combinators fry images kernel locals math
math.affine-transforms math.functions math.order
math.polynomials math.vectors random random.mersenne-twister
sequences sequences.product ;
sequences sequences.product hints arrays sequences.private
combinators.short-circuit math.private ;
IN: noise
: <perlin-noise-table> ( -- table )
256 iota >byte-array randomize dup append ;
256 iota >byte-array randomize dup append ; inline
: with-seed ( seed quot -- )
[ <mersenne-twister> ] dip with-random ; inline
: fade ( point -- point' )
{ 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 -15.0 6.0 } swap [ polyval ] with map ;
: (fade) ( x y z -- x' y' z' )
[ { 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 -15.0 6.0 } polyval* ] tri@ ;
:: grad ( hash gradients -- gradient )
hash 8 bitand zero? [ gradients first ] [ gradients second ] if
HINTS: (fade) { float float float } ;
: fade ( point -- point' )
first3 (fade) 3array ; inline
:: grad ( hash x y z -- gradient )
hash 8 bitand zero? [ x ] [ y ] if
:> u
hash 12 bitand zero?
[ gradients second ]
[ hash 13 bitand 12 = [ gradients first ] [ gradients third ] if ] if
[ y ] [ hash 13 bitand 12 = [ x ] [ z ] if ] if
:> v
hash 1 bitand zero? [ u ] [ u neg ] if
hash 2 bitand zero? [ v ] [ v neg ] if + ;
HINTS: grad { fixnum float float float } ;
: unit-cube ( point -- cube )
[ floor >fixnum 256 mod ] map ;
[ floor >fixnum 256 rem ] map ;
:: hashes ( table cube -- aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb )
cube first :> x
cube second :> y
cube third :> z
x table nth y + :> a
x 1 + table nth y + :> b
:: hashes ( table x y z -- aaa baa aba bba aab bab abb bbb )
x table nth-unsafe y fixnum+fast :> a
x 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe y fixnum+fast :> b
a table nth z + :> aa
b table nth z + :> ba
a 1 + table nth z + :> ab
b 1 + table nth z + :> bb
a table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> aa
b table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> ba
a 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> ab
b 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe z fixnum+fast :> bb
aa table nth
ba table nth
ab table nth
bb table nth
aa 1 + table nth
ba 1 + table nth
ab 1 + table nth
bb 1 + table nth ;
aa table nth-unsafe
ba table nth-unsafe
ab table nth-unsafe
bb table nth-unsafe
aa 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
ba 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
ab 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe
bb 1 fixnum+fast table nth-unsafe ; inline
:: 2tetra@ ( p q r s t u v w quot -- )
p q quot call
r s quot call
t u quot call
v w quot call
; inline
HINTS: hashes { byte-array fixnum fixnum fixnum } ;
: >byte-map ( floats -- bytes )
[ 255.0 * >fixnum ] B{ } map-as ;
@ -63,26 +62,33 @@ IN: noise
: >image ( bytes dim -- image )
swap [ L f ] dip image boa ;
:: perlin-noise ( table point -- value )
:: perlin-noise-unsafe ( table point -- value )
point unit-cube :> cube
point dup vfloor v- :> gradients
gradients fade :> faded
table cube hashes {
[ gradients grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 0.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 -1.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 -1.0 0.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 0.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 0.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { 0.0 -1.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
[ gradients { -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 } v+ grad ]
table cube first3 hashes {
[ gradients first3 grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
[ gradients first3 [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] [ 1.0 - ] tri* grad ]
} spread
[ faded first lerp ] 2tetra@
[ faded second lerp ] 2bi@
faded third lerp ;
faded trilerp ;
ERROR: invalid-perlin-noise-table table ;
: validate-table ( table -- table )
dup { [ byte-array? ] [ length 512 >= ] } 1&&
[ invalid-perlin-noise-table ] unless ;
: perlin-noise ( table point -- value )
[ validate-table ] dip perlin-noise-unsafe ; inline
: normalize-0-1 ( sequence -- sequence' )
[ supremum ] [ infimum [ - ] keep ] [ ] tri
@ -92,7 +98,8 @@ PRIVATE>
[ 0.0 max 1.0 min ] map ;
: perlin-noise-map ( table transform dim -- map )
[ iota ] map [ a.v 0.0 suffix perlin-noise ] with with product-map ;
[ validate-table ] 2dip
[ iota ] map [ a.v 0.0 suffix perlin-noise-unsafe ] with with product-map ;
: perlin-noise-byte-map ( table transform dim -- map )
perlin-noise-map normalize-0-1 >byte-map ;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ USING: help.markup help.syntax strings ;
IN: poker
HELP: <hand>
{ $values { "str" string } { "hand" "a new hand" } }
{ $values { "str" string } { "hand" "a new " { $link hand } } }
{ $description "Creates a new poker hand containing the cards specified in " { $snippet "str" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: kernel math.order poker prettyprint ;"
@ -12,8 +12,16 @@ HELP: <hand>
{ $notes "Cards may be specified in any order. Hands are directly comparable to each other on the basis of their computed value. Two hands are considered equal when they would tie in a game (despite being composed of different cards)." } ;
HELP: best-hand
{ $values { "str" string } { "hand" "a new " { $link hand } } }
{ $description "Creates a new poker hand containing the best possible combination of the cards specified in " { $snippet "str" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: kernel poker prettyprint ;"
"\"AS KD JC KH 2D 2S KC\" best-hand >value ." "\"Full House\"" }
} ;
HELP: >cards
{ $values { "hand" "a hand" } { "str" string } }
{ $values { "hand" hand } { "str" string } }
{ $description "Outputs a string representation of a hand's cards." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: poker prettyprint ;"
@ -21,10 +29,18 @@ HELP: >cards
} ;
HELP: >value
{ $values { "hand" "a hand" } { "str" string } }
{ $values { "hand" hand } { "str" string } }
{ $description "Outputs a string representation of a hand's value." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: poker prettyprint ;"
"\"AC KC QC JC TC\" <hand> >value ." "\"Straight Flush\"" }
{ $notes "This should not be used as a basis for hand comparison." } ;
HELP: <deck>
{ $values { "deck" "a new " { $link deck } } }
{ $description "Creates a standard deck of 52 cards." } ;
HELP: shuffle
{ $values { "deck" deck } { "deck" "a shuffled " { $link deck } } }
{ $description "Shuffles the cards in " { $snippet "deck" } ", in-place, using the Fisher-Yates algorithm." } ;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: accessors poker poker.private tools.test math.order kernel ;
USING: accessors kernel math.order poker poker.private tools.test ;
IN: poker.tests
[ 134236965 ] [ "KD" >ckf ] unit-test
@ -26,3 +26,5 @@ IN: poker.tests
[ t ] [ "7C 5D 4H 3S 2C" "7D 5D 4D 3C 2S" [ <hand> ] bi@ = ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "7C 5D 4H 3S 2C" "7D 5D 4D 3C 2S" [ <hand> ] bi@ eq? ] unit-test
[ 190 ] [ "AS KD JC KH 2D 2S KC" best-hand value>> ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (c) 2009 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors ascii binary-search combinators kernel locals math
math.bitwise math.order poker.arrays sequences splitting ;
! Copyright (c) 2009 Aaron Schaefer. All rights reserved.
! The contents of this file are licensed under the Simplified BSD License
! A copy of the license is available at
USING: accessors arrays ascii binary-search combinators kernel locals math
math.bitwise math.combinatorics math.order poker.arrays random sequences
sequences.product splitting ;
IN: poker
! The algorithm used is based on Cactus Kev's Poker Hand Evaluator with
@ -47,19 +49,21 @@ CONSTANT: QUEEN 10
CONSTANT: SUIT_STR { "C" "D" "H" "S" }
CONSTANT: RANK_STR { "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "T" "J" "Q" "K" "A" }
CONSTANT: VALUE_STR { "" "Straight Flush" "Four of a Kind" "Full House" "Flush"
CONSTANT: VALUE_STR { "Straight Flush" "Four of a Kind" "Full House" "Flush"
"Straight" "Three of a Kind" "Two Pair" "One Pair" "High Card" }
: card-rank-prime ( rank -- n )
@ -108,6 +112,9 @@ CONSTANT: VALUE_STR { "" "Straight Flush" "Four of a Kind" "Full House" "Flush"
#! Cactus Kev Format
>upper 1 cut (>ckf) ;
: parse-cards ( str -- seq )
" " split [ >ckf ] map ;
: flush? ( cards -- ? )
HEX: F000 [ bitand ] reduce 0 = not ;
@ -152,8 +159,8 @@ CONSTANT: VALUE_STR { "" "Straight Flush" "Four of a Kind" "Full House" "Flush"
[ drop "S" ]
} cond ;
: hand-rank ( hand -- rank )
value>> {
: hand-rank ( value -- rank )
{ [ dup 6185 > ] [ drop HIGH_CARD ] } ! 1277 high card
{ [ dup 3325 > ] [ drop ONE_PAIR ] } ! 2860 one pair
{ [ dup 2467 > ] [ drop TWO_PAIR ] } ! 858 two pair
@ -165,24 +172,38 @@ CONSTANT: VALUE_STR { "" "Straight Flush" "Four of a Kind" "Full House" "Flush"
[ drop STRAIGHT_FLUSH ] ! 10 straight-flushes
} cond ;
: card>string ( card -- str )
[ >card-rank ] [ >card-suit ] bi append ;
TUPLE: hand
{ cards sequence }
{ value integer } ;
{ value integer initial: 9999 } ;
M: hand <=> [ value>> ] compare ;
M: hand equal?
over hand? [ [ value>> ] bi@ = ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: <hand> ( str -- hand )
" " split [ >ckf ] map
dup hand-value hand boa ;
parse-cards dup hand-value hand boa ;
: best-hand ( str -- hand )
parse-cards 5 hand new
[ dup hand-value hand boa min ] reduce-combinations ;
: >cards ( hand -- str )
cards>> [
[ >card-rank ] [ >card-suit ] bi append
] map " " join ;
cards>> [ card>string ] map " " join ;
: >value ( hand -- str )
hand-rank VALUE_STR nth ;
value>> hand-rank VALUE_STR nth ;
TUPLE: deck
{ cards sequence } ;
: <deck> ( -- deck )
RANK_STR SUIT_STR 2array [ concat >ckf ] product-map deck boa ;
: shuffle ( deck -- deck )
[ randomize ] change-cards ;

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
5-card poker hand evaluator
Poker hand evaluator

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Aaron Schaefer, Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Aaron Schaefer, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.ranges project-euler.common sequences
sets ;
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ PRIVATE>
: euler001b ( -- answer )
1000 [ [ 5 mod ] [ 3 mod ] bi [ 0 = ] either? ] filter sum ;
1000 [0,b) [ [ 5 mod ] [ 3 mod ] bi [ 0 = ] either? ] filter sum ;
! [ euler001b ] 100 ave-time
! 0 ms ave run time - 0.06 SD (100 trials)
: euler001c ( -- answer )
1000 [ { 3 5 } [ divisor? ] with any? ] filter sum ;
1000 [0,b) [ { 3 5 } [ divisor? ] with any? ] filter sum ;
! [ euler001c ] 100 ave-time
! 0 ms ave run time - 0.06 SD (100 trials)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007 Aaron Schaefer.
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math math.functions sequences project-euler.common ;
USING: math math.functions math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.005
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ IN: project-euler.005
! --------
: euler005 ( -- answer )
20 1 [ 1+ lcm ] reduce ;
20 [1,b] 1 [ lcm ] reduce ;
! [ euler005 ] 100 ave-time
! 0 ms ave run time - 0.14 SD (100 trials)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007 Samuel Tardieu, Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math project-euler.common sequences ;
USING: kernel math math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.018
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ IN: project-euler.018
91 71 52 38 17 14 91 43 58 50 27 29 48
63 66 04 68 89 53 67 30 73 16 69 87 40 31
04 62 98 27 23 09 70 98 73 93 38 53 60 04 23
} 15 iota [ 1+ cut swap ] map nip ;
} 15 [1,b] [ cut swap ] map nip ;

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ IN: project-euler.025
! Memoized brute force
MEMO: fib ( m -- n )
dup 1 > [ 1- dup fib swap 1- fib + ] when ;
dup 1 > [ [ 1 - fib ] [ 2 - fib ] bi + ] when ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.primes project-euler.common sequences
project-euler.common ;
USING: kernel math math.primes math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.027
@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ IN: project-euler.027
: source-027 ( -- seq )
1000 [ prime? ] filter [ dup [ neg ] map append ] keep
1000 [0,b) [ prime? ] filter [ dup [ neg ] map append ] keep
cartesian-product [ first2 < ] filter ;
: quadratic ( b a n -- m )

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions project-euler.common sequences ;
USING: kernel math math.functions math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.030
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ IN: project-euler.030
: euler030 ( -- answer )
325537 [ dup sum-fifth-powers = ] filter sum 1- ;
325537 [0,b) [ dup sum-fifth-powers = ] filter sum 1- ;
! [ euler030 ] 100 ave-time
! 1700 ms ave run time - 64.84 SD (100 trials)

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ IN: project-euler.032
: source-032 ( -- seq )
9 factorial iota [
9 permutation [ 1+ ] map 10 digits>integer
9 permutation [ 1 + ] map 10 digits>integer
] map ;
: 1and4 ( n -- ? )

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.primes math.ranges sequences project-euler.common ;
USING: kernel math math.functions math.primes math.ranges
sequences project-euler.common math.bitwise ;
IN: project-euler.046

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions sequences project-euler.common ;
USING: kernel math math.functions math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.048
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ IN: project-euler.048
! --------
: euler048 ( -- answer )
1000 [ 1+ dup ^ ] sigma 10 10 ^ mod ;
1000 [1,b] [ dup ^ ] sigma 10 10 ^ mod ;
! [ euler048 ] 100 ave-time
! 276 ms run / 1 ms GC ave time - 100 trials

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.parser project-euler.common sequences ;
USING: kernel math math.parser math.ranges project-euler.common sequences ;
IN: project-euler.055
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ IN: project-euler.055
: euler055 ( -- answer )
10000 [ lychrel? ] count ;
10000 [0,b) [ lychrel? ] count ;
! [ euler055 ] 100 ave-time
! 478 ms ave run time - 30.63 SD (100 trials)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Samuel Tardieu
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions math.parser sequences project-euler.common ;
USING: kernel math math.functions math.parser math.ranges project-euler.common
sequences ;
IN: project-euler.057
@ -11,14 +12,14 @@ IN: project-euler.057
! It is possible to show that the square root of two can be expressed
! as an infinite continued fraction.
! √ 2 = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + ... ))) = 1.414213...
! √ 2 = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + ... ))) = 1.414213...
! By expanding this for the first four iterations, we get:
! 1 + 1/2 = 3/2 = 1.5
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/2) = 7/5 = 1.4
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2)) = 17/12 = 1.41666...
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2))) = 41/29 = 1.41379...
! 1 + 1/2 = 3/2 = 1.5
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/2) = 7/5 = 1.4
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2)) = 17/12 = 1.41666...
! 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2))) = 41/29 = 1.41379...
! The next three expansions are 99/70, 239/169, and 577/408, but the
! eighth expansion, 1393/985, is the first example where the number of
@ -35,9 +36,9 @@ IN: project-euler.057
>fraction [ number>string length ] bi@ > ; inline
: euler057 ( -- answer )
0 1000 [ drop 2 + recip dup 1+ longer-numerator? ] count nip ;
0 1000 [0,b) [ drop 2 + recip dup 1 + longer-numerator? ] count nip ;
! [ euler057 ] time
! 3.375118 seconds
! [ euler057 ] 100 ave-time
! 1728 ms ave run time - 80.81 SD (100 trials)
SOLUTION: euler057

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Mertens.
! See for BSD license.
USING: hints kernel locals math math.order sequences sequences.private project-euler.common ;
USING: hints kernel locals math math.order math.ranges project-euler.common
sequences sequences.private ;
IN: project-euler.150
@ -50,13 +51,13 @@ IN: project-euler.150
615949 * 797807 + 20 2^ rem dup 19 2^ - ; inline
: sums-triangle ( -- seq )
0 1000 iota [ 1+ [ next ] replicate partial-sums ] map nip ;
0 1000 [1,b] [ [ next ] replicate partial-sums ] map nip ;
:: (euler150) ( m -- n )
[let | table [ sums-triangle ] |
m [| x |
x 1+ [| y |
m x - iota [| z |
m x - [0,b) [| z |
x z + table nth-unsafe
[ y z + 1+ swap nth-unsafe ]
[ y swap nth-unsafe ] bi -

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays kernel lists make math math.functions math.matrices
math.miller-rabin math.order math.parser math.primes.factors
math.primes.miller-rabin math.order math.parser math.primes.factors
math.primes.lists math.ranges math.ratios namespaces parser prettyprint
quotations sequences sorting strings vocabs vocabs.parser
words ;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: kernel math sequences namespaces
math.miller-rabin math.functions accessors random ;
math.primes.miller-rabin math.functions accessors random ;
IN: random.blum-blum-shub
! Blum Blum Shub, n = pq, x_i+1 = x_i ^ 2 mod n

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ ERROR: checksum-error header ;
: trim-string ( seq -- newseq ) [ "\0 " member? ] trim ;
: read-c-string ( n -- str/f )
read [ zero? ] trim-tail [ f ] when-empty ;
read [ zero? ] trim-tail [ f ] when-empty >string ;
: read-tar-header ( -- obj )
\ tar-header new

View File

@ -1,18 +1,51 @@
USING: multiline ;
IN: terrain.shaders
STRING: sky-vertex-shader
uniform float sky_theta;
varying vec3 direction;
void main()
vec4 v = vec4(gl_Vertex.xy, -1.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = v;
float s = sin(sky_theta), c = cos(sky_theta);
direction = mat3(1, 0, 0, 0, c, s, 0, -s, c)
* (gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(, 0.0)).xyz;
STRING: sky-pixel-shader
uniform sampler2D sky;
uniform float sky_gradient, sky_theta;
const vec4 SKY_COLOR_A = vec4(0.25, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0),
SKY_COLOR_B = vec4(0.6, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0);
varying vec3 direction;
void main()
float t = texture2D(sky, normalize( * 0.5 + vec2(0.5)).x + sky_gradient;
gl_FragColor = mix(SKY_COLOR_A, SKY_COLOR_B, sin(6.28*t));
STRING: terrain-vertex-shader
uniform sampler2D heightmap;
uniform vec4 component_scale;
varying vec2 heightcoords;
const vec4 COMPONENT_SCALE = vec4(0.5, 0.01, 0.002, 0.0);
float height(sampler2D map, vec2 coords)
vec4 v = texture2D(map, coords);
return dot(v, COMPONENT_SCALE);
return dot(v, component_scale);
void main()
@ -27,15 +60,14 @@ void main()
STRING: terrain-pixel-shader
uniform sampler2D heightmap;
uniform vec4 component_scale;
varying vec2 heightcoords;
const vec4 COMPONENT_SCALE = vec4(0.5, 0.01, 0.002, 0.0);
float height(sampler2D map, vec2 coords)
vec4 v = texture2D(map, coords);
return dot(v, COMPONENT_SCALE);
return dot(v, component_scale);
void main()

View File

@ -1,30 +1,43 @@
USING: accessors arrays combinators game-input
game-input.scancodes game-loop kernel literals locals math
math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order
USING: accessors arrays combinators game-input game-loop
game-input.scancodes grouping kernel literals locals
math math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order
math.vectors opengl opengl.capabilities
opengl.shaders opengl.textures opengl.textures.private
sequences sequences.product specialized-arrays.float
terrain.generation terrain.shaders ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats ;
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats game-worlds method-chains
math.affine-transforms noise ;
IN: terrain
CONSTANT: FOV $[ 2.0 sqrt 1+ ]
CONSTANT: NEAR-PLANE $[ 1.0 1024.0 / ]
CONSTANT: EYE-START { 0.5 0.5 1.2 }
CONSTANT: TICK-LENGTH $[ 1000 30 /i ]
CONSTANT: PLAYER-HEIGHT $[ 1.0 256.0 / ]
CONSTANT: GRAVITY $[ 1.0 4096.0 / ]
CONSTANT: JUMP $[ 1.0 1024.0 / ]
CONSTANT: MOUSE-SCALE $[ 1.0 10.0 / ]
CONSTANT: MOVEMENT-SPEED $[ 1.0 16384.0 / ]
CONSTANT: COMPONENT-SCALE { 0.5 0.01 0.0005 0.0 }
CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-size { 512 512 }
CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-distance { $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] }
CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-row-length $[ 512 1 + 2 * ]
TUPLE: terrain-world < world
eye yaw pitch
TUPLE: player
location yaw pitch velocity ;
TUPLE: terrain-world < game-world
sky-image sky-texture sky-program
terrain terrain-segment terrain-texture terrain-program
game-loop ;
terrain-vertex-buffer ;
M: terrain-world tick-length
drop 1000 30 /i ;
: frustum ( dim -- -x x -y y near far )
dup first2 min v/n
@ -32,12 +45,13 @@ TUPLE: terrain-world < world
: set-modelview-matrix ( gadget -- )
[ pitch>> 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef ]
[ yaw>> 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef ]
[ eye>> vneg first3 glTranslatef ] tri ;
[ location>> vneg first3 glTranslatef ] tri ;
: vertex-array-vertex ( x z -- vertex )
[ terrain-vertex-distance first * ]
@ -79,82 +93,131 @@ TUPLE: terrain-world < world
p cos :> cosp
p sin :> sinp
cosy 0.0 siny neg 3array
siny sinp * cosp cosy sinp * 3array
siny cosp * sinp neg cosy cosp * 3array 3array
cosy 0.0 siny neg 3array
siny sinp * cosp cosy sinp * 3array
siny cosp * sinp neg cosy cosp * 3array 3array
v swap v.m ;
: forward-vector ( world -- v )
[ yaw>> ] [ pitch>> ] bi
: forward-vector ( player -- v )
yaw>> 0.0
{ 0.0 0.0 $ MOVEMENT-SPEED } vneg eye-rotate ;
: rightward-vector ( world -- v )
[ yaw>> ] [ pitch>> ] bi
: rightward-vector ( player -- v )
yaw>> 0.0
{ $ MOVEMENT-SPEED 0.0 0.0 } eye-rotate ;
: move-forward ( world -- )
dup forward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-eye drop ;
: move-backward ( world -- )
dup forward-vector [ v- ] curry change-eye drop ;
: move-leftward ( world -- )
dup rightward-vector [ v- ] curry change-eye drop ;
: move-rightward ( world -- )
dup rightward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-eye drop ;
: walk-forward ( player -- )
dup forward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ;
: walk-backward ( player -- )
dup forward-vector [ v- ] curry change-velocity drop ;
: walk-leftward ( player -- )
dup rightward-vector [ v- ] curry change-velocity drop ;
: walk-rightward ( player -- )
dup rightward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ;
: jump ( player -- )
[ { 0.0 $ JUMP 0.0 } v+ ] change-velocity drop ;
: rotate-with-mouse ( world mouse -- )
: clamp-pitch ( pitch -- pitch' )
90.0 min -90.0 max ;
: rotate-with-mouse ( player mouse -- )
[ dx>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + ] curry change-yaw ]
[ dy>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + ] curry change-pitch ] bi
[ dy>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + clamp-pitch ] curry change-pitch ] bi
drop ;
:: handle-input ( world -- )
world player>> :> player
read-keyboard keys>> :> keys
key-w keys nth [ world move-forward ] when
key-s keys nth [ world move-backward ] when
key-a keys nth [ world move-leftward ] when
key-d keys nth [ world move-rightward ] when
world read-mouse rotate-with-mouse
key-w keys nth [ player walk-forward ] when
key-s keys nth [ player walk-backward ] when
key-a keys nth [ player walk-leftward ] when
key-d keys nth [ player walk-rightward ] when
key-space keys nth [ player jump ] when
key-escape keys nth [ world close-window ] when
player read-mouse rotate-with-mouse
reset-mouse ;
M: terrain-world tick*
[ handle-input ] keep
! [ eye>> ] [ yaw>> ] [ pitch>> ] tri 3array P ! debug
: apply-friction ( velocity -- velocity' )
: apply-gravity ( velocity -- velocity' )
1 over [ GRAVITY - ] change-nth ;
: clamp-coords ( coords dim -- coords' )
[ { 0 0 } vmax ] dip { 2 2 } v- vmin ;
:: pixel-indices ( coords dim -- indices )
coords vfloor [ >integer ] map dim clamp-coords :> floor-coords
floor-coords first2 dim first * + :> base-index
base-index dim first + :> next-row-index
base-index 1 +
next-row-index 1 + 4array ;
:: terrain-height-at ( segment point -- height )
segment dim>> :> dim
dim point v* :> pixel
pixel dup vfloor v- :> pixel-mantissa
segment bitmap>> 4 <groups> :> pixels
pixel dim pixel-indices :> indices
indices [ pixels nth COMPONENT-SCALE v. 255.0 / ] map
first4 pixel-mantissa bilerp ;
: collide ( segment location -- location' )
[ [ first ] [ third ] bi 2array terrain-height-at PLAYER-HEIGHT + ]
[ [ 1 ] 2dip [ max ] with change-nth ]
[ ] tri ;
: tick-player ( world player -- )
[ apply-friction apply-gravity ] change-velocity
dup velocity>> [ v+ [ terrain-segment>> ] dip collide ] curry with change-location
drop ;
M: terrain-world draw*
nip draw-world ;
M: terrain-world tick*
[ dup focused?>> [ handle-input ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup player>> tick-player ] bi ;
: set-heightmap-texture-parameters ( texture -- )
: set-texture-parameters ( texture -- )
GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit
M: terrain-world begin-world
: sky-gradient ( world -- t )
game-loop>> tick-number>> SKY-PERIOD mod SKY-PERIOD /f ;
: sky-theta ( world -- theta )
game-loop>> tick-number>> SKY-SPEED * ;
BEFORE: terrain-world begin-world
"2.0" { "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object" "GL_ARB_shader_objects" }
GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable
GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glEnableClientState
0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 glClearColor
0.0 >>yaw
0.0 >>pitch
PLAYER-START-LOCATION 0.0 0.0 { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } player boa >>player
<perlin-noise-table> 0.01 0.01 <scale> { 512 512 } perlin-noise-image
[ >>sky-image ] keep
make-texture [ set-texture-parameters ] keep >>sky-texture
<terrain> [ >>terrain ] keep
{ 0 0 } terrain-segment [ >>terrain-segment ] keep
make-texture [ set-heightmap-texture-parameters ] keep >>terrain-texture
make-texture [ set-texture-parameters ] keep >>terrain-texture
sky-vertex-shader sky-pixel-shader <simple-gl-program>
terrain-vertex-shader terrain-pixel-shader <simple-gl-program>
vertex-array >vertex-buffer >>terrain-vertex-buffer
TICK-LENGTH over <game-loop> [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop
drop ;
M: terrain-world end-world
AFTER: terrain-world end-world
[ game-loop>> stop-loop ]
[ terrain-vertex-buffer>> delete-gl-buffer ]
[ terrain-program>> delete-gl-program ]
[ terrain-texture>> delete-texture ]
[ sky-program>> delete-gl-program ]
[ sky-texture>> delete-texture ]
} cleave ;
M: terrain-world resize-world
@ -164,20 +227,27 @@ M: terrain-world resize-world
[ frustum glFrustum ] bi ;
M: terrain-world draw-world*
[ set-modelview-matrix ]
[ terrain-texture>> GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit ]
[ dup terrain-program>> [
"heightmap" glGetUniformLocation 0 glUniform1i
terrain-vertex-buffer>> draw-vertex-buffer
] with-gl-program ]
tri gl-error ;
[ set-modelview-matrix ]
[ terrain-texture>> GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit ]
[ sky-texture>> GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE1 bind-texture-unit ]
[ GL_DEPTH_TEST glDisable dup sky-program>> [
[ nip "sky" glGetUniformLocation 1 glUniform1i ]
[ "sky_gradient" glGetUniformLocation swap sky-gradient glUniform1f ]
[ "sky_theta" glGetUniformLocation swap sky-theta glUniform1f ] 2tri
{ -1.0 -1.0 } { 2.0 2.0 } gl-fill-rect
] with-gl-program ]
[ GL_DEPTH_TEST glEnable dup terrain-program>> [
[ "heightmap" glGetUniformLocation 0 glUniform1i ]
[ "component_scale" glGetUniformLocation COMPONENT-SCALE first4 glUniform4f ] bi
terrain-vertex-buffer>> draw-vertex-buffer
] with-gl-program ]
} cleave gl-error ;
M: terrain-world focusable-child* drop t ;
M: terrain-world pref-dim* drop { 640 480 } ;
: terrain-window ( -- )
f T{ world-attributes
{ world-class terrain-world }
{ title "Terrain" }
@ -186,5 +256,8 @@ M: terrain-world pref-dim* drop { 640 480 } ;
T{ depth-bits { value 24 } }
} }
{ grab-input? t }
} open-window
] with-ui ;
MAIN: terrain-window

View File

@ -24,10 +24,7 @@ void iterate_callstack(cell top, cell bottom, CALLSTACK_ITER iterator)
void iterate_callstack_object(callstack *stack, CALLSTACK_ITER iterator)
cell top = (cell)FIRST_STACK_FRAME(stack);
cell bottom = top + untag_fixnum(stack->length);
callstack *allot_callstack(cell size)
@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ PRIMITIVE(callstack)
size = 0;
callstack *stack = allot_callstack(size);
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ PRIMITIVE(set_callstack)
callstack *stack = untag_check<callstack>(dpop());
@ -173,12 +170,11 @@ PRIMITIVE(callstack_to_array)
stack_frame *innermost_stack_frame(callstack *callstack)
stack_frame *innermost_stack_frame(callstack *stack)
stack_frame *top = FIRST_STACK_FRAME(callstack);
cell bottom = (cell)top + untag_fixnum(callstack->length);
stack_frame *frame = (stack_frame *)bottom - 1;
stack_frame *top = stack->top();
stack_frame *bottom = stack->bottom();
stack_frame *frame = bottom - 1;
while(frame >= top && frame_successor(frame) >= top)
frame = frame_successor(frame);

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ inline static cell callstack_size(cell size)
return sizeof(callstack) + size;
#define FIRST_STACK_FRAME(stack) (stack_frame *)((stack) + 1)
typedef void (*CALLSTACK_ITER)(stack_frame *frame);
stack_frame *fix_callstack_top(stack_frame *top, stack_frame *bottom);

View File

@ -3,6 +3,21 @@
namespace factor
static relocation_type relocation_type_of(relocation_entry r)
return (relocation_type)((r & 0xf0000000) >> 28);
static relocation_class relocation_class_of(relocation_entry r)
return (relocation_class)((r & 0x0f000000) >> 24);
static cell relocation_offset_of(relocation_entry r)
return (r & 0x00ffffff);
void flush_icache_for(code_block *block)
@ -125,11 +140,11 @@ void *get_rel_symbol(array *literals, cell index)
cell compute_relocation(relocation_entry rel, cell index, code_block *compiled)
array *literals = untag<array>(compiled->literals);
cell offset = REL_OFFSET(rel) + (cell)compiled->xt();
cell offset = relocation_offset_of(rel) + (cell)compiled->xt();
#define ARG array_nth(literals,index)
return (cell)primitives[untag_fixnum(ARG)];
@ -174,7 +189,7 @@ void iterate_relocations(code_block *compiled, relocation_iterator iter)
relocation_entry rel = relocation->data<relocation_entry>()[i];
index += number_of_parameters(REL_TYPE(rel));
index += number_of_parameters(relocation_type_of(rel));
@ -217,25 +232,25 @@ void store_address_in_code_block(cell klass, cell offset, fixnum absolute_value)
store_address_2_2((cell *)offset,absolute_value);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,absolute_value,REL_ABSOLUTE_PPC_2_MASK,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,absolute_value,rel_absolute_ppc_2_mask,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value,REL_RELATIVE_PPC_2_MASK,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value,rel_relative_ppc_2_mask,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value,REL_RELATIVE_PPC_3_MASK,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value,rel_relative_ppc_3_mask,0);
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value - sizeof(cell) * 2,
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value - sizeof(cell),
store_address_masked((cell *)offset,relative_value - sizeof(cell) * 2,
critical_error("Bad rel class",klass);
@ -245,12 +260,12 @@ void store_address_in_code_block(cell klass, cell offset, fixnum absolute_value)
void update_literal_references_step(relocation_entry rel, cell index, code_block *compiled)
if(relocation_type_of(rel) == RT_IMMEDIATE)
cell offset = REL_OFFSET(rel) + (cell)(compiled + 1);
cell offset = relocation_offset_of(rel) + (cell)(compiled + 1);
array *literals = untag<array>(compiled->literals);
fixnum absolute_value = array_nth(literals,index);
@ -297,14 +312,14 @@ void relocate_code_block_step(relocation_entry rel, cell index, code_block *comp
REL_OFFSET(rel) + (cell)compiled->xt(),
relocation_offset_of(rel) + (cell)compiled->xt(),
void update_word_references_step(relocation_entry rel, cell index, code_block *compiled)
relocation_type type = REL_TYPE(rel);
relocation_type type = relocation_type_of(rel);
if(type == RT_XT || type == RT_XT_PIC || type == RT_XT_PIC_TAIL)
@ -369,7 +384,7 @@ void mark_stack_frame_step(stack_frame *frame)
/* Mark code blocks executing in currently active stack frames. */
void mark_active_blocks(context *stacks)
if(collecting_gen == TENURED)
if(collecting_gen == data->tenured())
cell top = (cell)stacks->callstack_top;
cell bottom = (cell)stacks->callstack_bottom;
@ -410,7 +425,7 @@ void mark_object_code_block(object *object)
/* Perform all fixups on a code block */
void relocate_code_block(code_block *compiled)
compiled->last_scan = NURSERY;
compiled->last_scan = data->nursery();
compiled->needs_fixup = false;
@ -480,7 +495,7 @@ code_block *add_code_block(
/* compiled header */
compiled->type = type;
compiled->last_scan = NURSERY;
compiled->last_scan = data->nursery();
compiled->needs_fixup = true;
compiled->relocation = relocation.value();
@ -499,7 +514,7 @@ code_block *add_code_block(
/* next time we do a minor GC, we have to scan the code heap for
literals */
last_code_heap_scan = NURSERY;
last_code_heap_scan = data->nursery();
return compiled;

View File

@ -51,17 +51,14 @@ enum relocation_class {
#define REL_ABSOLUTE_PPC_2_MASK 0xffff
#define REL_RELATIVE_PPC_2_MASK 0xfffc
#define REL_RELATIVE_PPC_3_MASK 0x3fffffc
#define REL_RELATIVE_ARM_3_MASK 0xffffff
static const cell rel_absolute_ppc_2_mask = 0xffff;
static const cell rel_relative_ppc_2_mask = 0xfffc;
static const cell rel_relative_ppc_3_mask = 0x3fffffc;
static const cell rel_indirect_arm_mask = 0xfff;
static const cell rel_relative_arm_3_mask = 0xffffff;
/* code relocation table consists of a table of entries for each fixup */
typedef u32 relocation_entry;
#define REL_TYPE(r) (relocation_type)(((r) & 0xf0000000) >> 28)
#define REL_CLASS(r) (relocation_class)(((r) & 0x0f000000) >> 24)
#define REL_OFFSET(r) ((r) & 0x00ffffff)
void flush_icache_for(code_block *compiled);

View File

@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ void new_heap(heap *heap, cell size)
static void add_to_free_list(heap *heap, free_heap_block *block)
if(block->size < free_list_count * block_size_increment)
int index = block->size / BLOCK_SIZE_INCREMENT;
int index = block->size / block_size_increment;
block->next_free = heap->free.small_blocks[index];
heap->free.small_blocks[index] = block;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void build_free_list(heap *heap, cell size)
size = (size + block_size_increment - 1) & ~(block_size_increment - 1);
heap_block *scan = first_block(heap);
free_heap_block *end = (free_heap_block *)(heap->seg->start + size);
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ static free_heap_block *find_free_block(heap *heap, cell size)
cell attempt = size;
while(attempt < free_list_count * block_size_increment)
int index = attempt / BLOCK_SIZE_INCREMENT;
int index = attempt / block_size_increment;
free_heap_block *block = heap->free.small_blocks[index];
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static free_heap_block *split_free_block(heap *heap, free_heap_block *block, cel
/* Allocate a block of memory from the mark and sweep GC heap */
heap_block *heap_allot(heap *heap, cell size)
size = (size + block_size_increment - 1) & ~(block_size_increment - 1);
free_heap_block *block = find_free_block(heap,size);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
namespace factor
#define FREE_LIST_COUNT 16
static const cell free_list_count = 16;
static const cell block_size_increment = 32;
struct heap_free_list {
free_heap_block *small_blocks[FREE_LIST_COUNT];
free_heap_block *small_blocks[free_list_count];
free_heap_block *large_blocks;

View File

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ void reset_retainstack()
rs = rs_bot - sizeof(cell);
#define RESERVED (64 * sizeof(cell))
static const cell stack_reserved = (64 * sizeof(cell));
void fix_stacks()
if(ds + sizeof(cell) < ds_bot || ds + RESERVED >= ds_top) reset_datastack();
if(rs + sizeof(cell) < rs_bot || rs + RESERVED >= rs_top) reset_retainstack();
if(ds + sizeof(cell) < ds_bot || ds + stack_reserved >= ds_top) reset_datastack();
if(rs + sizeof(cell) < rs_bot || rs + stack_reserved >= rs_top) reset_retainstack();
/* called before entry into foreign C code. Note that ds and rs might

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ inline static void check_call_site(cell return_address)
#define B_MASK 0x3fffffc
static const cell b_mask = 0x3fffffc;
inline static void *get_call_target(cell return_address)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ inline static void *get_call_target(cell return_address)
cell insn = *(cell *)return_address;
cell unsigned_addr = (insn & B_MASK);
cell unsigned_addr = (insn & b_mask);
fixnum signed_addr = (fixnum)(unsigned_addr << 6) >> 6;
return (void *)(signed_addr + return_address);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ inline static void set_call_target(cell return_address, void *target)
cell insn = *(cell *)return_address;
fixnum relative_address = ((cell)target - return_address);
insn = ((insn & ~B_MASK) | (relative_address & B_MASK));
insn = ((insn & ~b_mask) | (relative_address & b_mask));
*(cell *)return_address = insn;
/* Flush the cache line containing the call we just patched */

View File

@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ bool performing_gc;
bool performing_compaction;
cell collecting_gen;
/* if true, we collecting AGING space for the second time, so if it is still
full, we go on to collect TENURED */
/* if true, we collecting aging space for the second time, so if it is still
full, we go on to collect tenured */
bool collecting_aging_again;
/* in case a generation fills up in the middle of a gc, we jump back
up to try collecting the next generation. */
jmp_buf gc_jmp;
gc_stats stats[MAX_GEN_COUNT];
gc_stats stats[max_gen_count];
u64 cards_scanned;
u64 decks_scanned;
u64 card_scan_time;
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ data_heap *old_data_heap;
void init_data_gc()
performing_gc = false;
last_code_heap_scan = NURSERY;
last_code_heap_scan = data->nursery();
collecting_aging_again = false;
@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ static bool should_copy_p(object *untagged)
return false;
if(collecting_gen == TENURED)
if(collecting_gen == data->tenured())
return true;
else if(HAVE_AGING_P && collecting_gen == AGING)
return !in_zone(&data->generations[TENURED],untagged);
else if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
else if(data->have_aging_p() && collecting_gen == data->aging())
return !in_zone(&data->generations[data->tenured()],untagged);
else if(collecting_gen == data->nursery())
return in_zone(&nursery,untagged);
@ -186,19 +186,19 @@ static void copy_gen_cards(cell gen)
/* if we are collecting the nursery, we care about old->nursery pointers
but not old->aging pointers */
if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
if(collecting_gen == data->nursery())
mask = card_points_to_nursery;
/* after the collection, no old->nursery pointers remain
anywhere, but old->aging pointers might remain in tenured
space */
if(gen == TENURED)
if(gen == data->tenured())
unmask = card_points_to_nursery;
/* after the collection, all cards in aging space can be
cleared */
else if(HAVE_AGING_P && gen == AGING)
unmask = CARD_MARK_MASK;
else if(data->have_aging_p() && gen == data->aging())
unmask = card_mark_mask;
critical_error("bug in copy_gen_cards",gen);
@ -208,20 +208,20 @@ static void copy_gen_cards(cell gen)
/* if we are collecting aging space into tenured space, we care about
all old->nursery and old->aging pointers. no old->aging pointers can
remain */
else if(HAVE_AGING_P && collecting_gen == AGING)
else if(data->have_aging_p() && collecting_gen == data->aging())
unmask = CARD_MARK_MASK;
mask = card_points_to_aging;
unmask = card_mark_mask;
/* after we collect aging space into the aging semispace, no
old->nursery pointers remain but tenured space might still have
pointers to aging space. */
mask = card_points_to_aging;
unmask = card_points_to_nursery;
@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ static cell copy_next_from_aging(cell scan)
cell tenured_start = data->generations[TENURED].start;
cell tenured_end = data->generations[TENURED].end;
cell tenured_start = data->generations[data->tenured()].start;
cell tenured_end = data->generations[data->tenured()].end;
cell newspace_start = newspace->start;
cell newspace_end = newspace->end;
@ -421,17 +421,17 @@ static cell copy_next_from_tenured(cell scan)
void copy_reachable_objects(cell scan, cell *end)
if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
if(collecting_gen == data->nursery())
while(scan < *end)
scan = copy_next_from_nursery(scan);
else if(HAVE_AGING_P && collecting_gen == AGING)
else if(data->have_aging_p() && collecting_gen == data->aging())
while(scan < *end)
scan = copy_next_from_aging(scan);
else if(collecting_gen == TENURED)
else if(collecting_gen == data->tenured())
while(scan < *end)
scan = copy_next_from_tenured(scan);
@ -443,12 +443,12 @@ static void begin_gc(cell requested_bytes)
if(collecting_gen != TENURED)
if(collecting_gen != data->tenured())
critical_error("Invalid parameters to begin_gc",0);
old_data_heap = data;
newspace = &data->generations[TENURED];
newspace = &data->generations[data->tenured()];
else if(collecting_accumulation_gen_p())
@ -491,12 +491,12 @@ static void end_gc(cell gc_elapsed)
/* all younger generations except are now empty.
if collecting_gen == NURSERY here, we only have 1 generation;
if collecting_gen == data->nursery() here, we only have 1 generation;
old-school Cheney collector */
if(collecting_gen != NURSERY)
reset_generations(NURSERY,collecting_gen - 1);
if(collecting_gen != data->nursery())
reset_generations(data->nursery(),collecting_gen - 1);
else if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
else if(collecting_gen == data->nursery())
{ = nursery.start;
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ static void end_gc(cell gc_elapsed)
/* all generations up to and including the one
collected are now empty */
collecting_aging_again = false;
@ -534,17 +534,17 @@ void garbage_collection(cell gen,
/* We have no older generations we can try collecting, so we
resort to growing the data heap */
if(collecting_gen == TENURED)
if(collecting_gen == data->tenured())
growing_data_heap = true;
/* see the comment in unmark_marked() */
/* we try collecting AGING space twice before going on to
collect TENURED */
else if(HAVE_AGING_P
&& collecting_gen == AGING
/* we try collecting aging space twice before going on to
collect tenured */
else if(data->have_aging_p()
&& collecting_gen == data->aging()
&& !collecting_aging_again)
collecting_aging_again = true;
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ void garbage_collection(cell gen,
if(collecting_gen == TENURED)
if(collecting_gen == data->tenured())
@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ void garbage_collection(cell gen,
void gc()
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ PRIMITIVE(gc_stats)
cell i;
u64 total_gc_time = 0;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_GEN_COUNT; i++)
for(i = 0; i < max_gen_count; i++)
gc_stats *s = &stats[i];
@ -635,8 +635,7 @@ PRIMITIVE(gc_stats)
void clear_gc_stats()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_GEN_COUNT; i++)
for(cell i = 0; i < max_gen_count; i++)
cards_scanned = 0;
@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ PRIMITIVE(become)
VM_C_API void minor_gc()

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