Merge up with Joe's earlier change that added s3tc

Erik Charlebois 2010-02-13 02:41:03 -08:00
commit 6a039cdc76
11 changed files with 239 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -554,9 +554,6 @@ M: ulonglong-2-rep rep-component-type drop ulonglong ;
M: float-4-rep rep-component-type drop float ;
M: double-2-rep rep-component-type drop double ;
: rep-length ( rep -- n )
16 swap rep-component-type heap-size /i ; foldable
: (unsigned-interval) ( bytes -- from to ) [ 0 ] dip 8 * 2^ 1 - ; foldable
: unsigned-interval ( c-type -- from to ) heap-size (unsigned-interval) ; foldable
: (signed-interval) ( bytes -- from to ) 8 * 1 - 2^ [ neg ] [ 1 - ] bi ; foldable

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors sequences classes.tuple
classes.tuple.private arrays math math.private slots.private
@ -50,7 +50,10 @@ DEFER: record-literal-allocation
if* ;
M: #push escape-analysis*
[ out-d>> first ] [ literal>> ] bi record-literal-allocation ;
dup literal>> layout-up-to-date?
[ [ out-d>> first ] [ literal>> ] bi record-literal-allocation ]
[ out-d>> unknown-allocations ]
if ;
: record-unknown-allocation ( #call -- )
[ in-d>> add-escaping-values ]

View File

@ -79,14 +79,6 @@ M: callable splicing-nodes splicing-body ;
: inline-math-method ( #call word -- ? )
dupd inlining-math-method eliminate-dispatch ;
: inlining-math-partial ( #call word -- class/f quot/f )
[ "derived-from" word-prop first inlining-math-method ]
[ nip 1quotation ] 2bi
[ = not ] [ drop ] 2bi and ;
: inline-math-partial ( #call word -- ? )
dupd inlining-math-partial eliminate-dispatch ;
! Method body inlining
SYMBOL: history

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry assocs arrays byte-arrays strings accessors sequences
kernel slots classes.algebra classes.tuple classes.tuple.private
words math math.private combinators sequences.private namespaces
slots.private classes ;
combinators.short-circuit words math math.private combinators
sequences.private namespaces slots.private classes ;
IN: compiler.tree.propagation.slots
! Propagation of immutable slots and array lengths
@ -52,8 +53,18 @@ UNION: fixed-length-sequence array byte-array string ;
dup [ read-only>> ] when ;
: literal-info-slot ( slot object -- info/f )
2dup class read-only-slot?
[ swap slot <literal-info> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
#! literal-info-slot makes an unsafe call to 'slot'.
#! Check that the layout is up to date to avoid accessing the
#! wrong slot during a compilation unit where reshaping took
#! place. This could happen otherwise because the "slots" word
#! property would reflect the new layout, but instances in the
#! heap would use the old layout since instances are updated
#! immediately after compilation.
[ class read-only-slot? ]
[ nip layout-up-to-date? ]
[ swap slot <literal-info> ]
} 2&& ;
: length-accessor? ( slot info -- ? )
[ 1 = ] [ length>> ] bi* and ;

View File

@ -169,6 +169,19 @@ M: uint-scalar-rep rep-size drop 4 ;
M: longlong-scalar-rep rep-size drop 8 ;
M: ulonglong-scalar-rep rep-size drop 8 ;
GENERIC: rep-length ( rep -- n ) foldable
M: char-16-rep rep-length drop 16 ;
M: uchar-16-rep rep-length drop 16 ;
M: short-8-rep rep-length drop 8 ;
M: ushort-8-rep rep-length drop 8 ;
M: int-4-rep rep-length drop 4 ;
M: uint-4-rep rep-length drop 4 ;
M: longlong-2-rep rep-length drop 2 ;
M: ulonglong-2-rep rep-length drop 2 ;
M: float-4-rep rep-length drop 4 ;
M: double-2-rep rep-length drop 2 ;
GENERIC: rep-component-type ( rep -- n )
! Methods defined in alien.c-types

View File

GL-FUNCTION: void glClearColorIiEXT { } ( GLint r, GLint g, GLint b, GLint a ) ;
GL-FUNCTION: void glClearColorIuiEXT { } ( GLuint r, GLuint g, GLuint b, GLuint a ) ;
! GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
! GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1

View File

@ -746,3 +746,21 @@ TUPLE: g < a-g ;
[ ] [ "IN: classes.tuple.tests MIXIN: a-g TUPLE: g ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ t ] [ g new layout-of "g" get layout-of eq? ] unit-test
! Joe Groff discovered this bug
DEFER: factor-crashes-anymore
[ ] [
"IN: classes.tuple.tests
TUPLE: unsafe-slot-access ;
CONSTANT: unsafe-slot-access' T{ unsafe-slot-access }" eval( -- )
] unit-test
[ ] [
"IN: classes.tuple.tests
USE: accessors
TUPLE: unsafe-slot-access { x read-only initial: 31337 } ;
: factor-crashes-anymore ( -- x ) unsafe-slot-access' x>> ;" eval( -- )
] unit-test
[ 31337 ] [ factor-crashes-anymore ] unit-test

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ M: tuple class layout-of 2 slot { word } declare ; inline
: tuple-size ( tuple -- size )
layout-of 3 slot { fixnum } declare ; inline
: layout-up-to-date? ( object -- ? )
dup tuple?
[ [ layout-of ] [ class tuple-layout ] bi eq? ] [ drop t ] if ;
: check-tuple ( object -- tuple )
dup tuple? [ not-a-tuple ] unless ; inline

View File

@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ HELP: <texture-rectangle>
{ $description "Creates a new rectangle texture. The new texture starts out with no image data; " { $link allocate-texture } " or " { $link allocate-texture-image } " must be used to allocate memory for the texture." }
{ $notes "Rectangle textures require OpenGL 3.1 or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle" } " extension." } ;
HELP: allocate-compressed-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer } { "dim" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of " { $link integer } "s" } { "compressed-data" compressed-texture-data }
{ $description "Allocates a new block of GPU memory for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a " { $link texture-data-target } ". The new data is initialized with compressed texture data from the given " { $link compressed-texture-data } " object." }
{ $notes "Using a " { $link buffer-ptr } " as the " { $snippet "ptr" } " of a " { $snippet "compressed-texture-data" } " object requires OpenGL 2.1 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object" } " extension." } ;
HELP: allocate-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer } { "dim" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of " { $link integer } "s" } { "data" { $maybe texture-data } }
@ -101,7 +108,7 @@ HELP: allocate-texture-image
{ $description "Allocates a new block of GPU memory for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a " { $link texture-data-target } " and initializes it with the contents of an " { $link image } "." } ;
{ allocate-texture allocate-texture-image } related-words
{ allocate-compressed-texture allocate-texture allocate-texture-image } related-words
HELP: clamp-texcoord-to-border
{ $class-description "This " { $link texture-wrap } " value clamps texture coordinates to a texture's border." } ;
@ -140,6 +147,21 @@ HELP: image>texture-data
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link texture-data } " tuple referencing the pixel data from an " { $link image } "." } ;
HELP: read-compressed-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer }
{ "byte-array" byte-array }
{ $description "Reads the entire compressed image for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a texture into a new " { $link byte-array } ". The format of the data in the byte array is determined by the " { $link compressed-texture-format } " of the data originally allocated by " { $link allocate-compressed-texture } " for the texture." } ;
HELP: read-compressed-texture-to
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer }
{ "gpu-data-ptr" byte-array }
{ $description "Reads the entire compressed image for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a texture into the CPU or GPU memory referenced by " { $link gpu-data-ptr } ". The format of the written data is determined by the " { $link compressed-texture-format } " of the data originally allocated by " { $link allocate-compressed-texture } " for the texture." }
{ $notes "Reading texture data into a GPU " { $snippet "buffer-ptr" } " requires OpenGL 2.1 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object" } " extension." } ;
HELP: read-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer }
@ -158,10 +180,10 @@ HELP: read-texture-to
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer } { "gpu-data-ptr" gpu-data-ptr }
{ $description "Reads the entire image for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a texture into the CPU or GPU memory referenced by " { $link gpu-data-ptr } ". The format of the data in the byte array is determined by the " { $link component-order } " and " { $link component-type } " of the texture." }
{ $description "Reads the entire image for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of a texture into the CPU or GPU memory referenced by " { $link gpu-data-ptr } ". The format of the written data is determined by the " { $link component-order } " and " { $link component-type } " of the texture." }
{ $notes "Reading texture data into a GPU " { $snippet "buffer-ptr" } " requires OpenGL 2.1 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object" } " extension." } ;
{ read-texture read-texture-image read-texture-to } related-words
{ read-compressed-texture read-compressed-texture-to read-texture read-texture-image read-texture-to } related-words
HELP: repeat-texcoord
{ $class-description "This " { $link texture-wrap } " value causes the texture image to be repeated through texture coordinate space." } ;
@ -256,6 +278,13 @@ HELP: texture-dim
{ $description "Returns the dimensions of the memory allocated for the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of the given " { $link texture-data-target } "." } ;
HELP: compressed-texture-data-size
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer }
{ "size" integer }
{ $description "Returns the size in bytes of the memory allocated for the compressed texture data making up the " { $snippet "level" } "th level of detail of the given " { $link texture-data-target } "." } ;
HELP: texture-filter
{ $class-description { $snippet "texture-filter" } " values are used in a " { $link texture-parameters } " tuple to determine how a texture should be sampled between pixels or between levels of detail. " { $link filter-linear } " selects linear filtering, while " { $link filter-nearest } " selects nearest-neighbor sampling." } ;
@ -277,6 +306,13 @@ HELP: texture-rectangle
{ $class-description "A two-dimensional rectangle " { $link texture } " object. Textures of this type are dimensioned by pairs of integers in calls to " { $link allocate-texture } " and " { $link update-texture } ". Rectangle textures differ from normal 2D textures (" { $link texture-2d } ") in that texture coordinates map directly to pixel coordinates when they are sampled from shader code, rather than being normalized into the 0.0 to 1.0 range as with other texture types. Also, rectangle textures do not support mipmapping or texture wrapping." }
{ $notes "Rectangle textures require OpenGL 3.1 or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle" } " extension." } ;
HELP: update-compressed-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer } { "loc" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of integers" } { "dim" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of integers" } { "compressed-data" texture-data }
{ $description "Updates the linear, rectangular, or cubic subregion of a compressed " { $link texture-data-target } " bounded by " { $snippet "loc" } " and " { $snippet "dim" } " with the data referenced by the given " { $link compressed-texture-data } " tuple. The given level of detail of the texture must have been previously allocated for compressed data with " { $link allocate-compressed-texture } "." }
{ $notes "Using a " { $link buffer-ptr } " as the " { $snippet "ptr" } " of a " { $snippet "compressed-texture-data" } " object requires OpenGL 2.1 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object" } " extension." } ;
HELP: update-texture
{ $values
{ "tdt" texture-data-target } { "level" integer } { "loc" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of integers" } { "dim" "an " { $link integer } " or sequence of integers" } { "data" texture-data }
@ -290,22 +326,59 @@ HELP: update-texture-image
{ $description "Updates the linear, rectangular, or cubic subregion of a " { $link texture-data-target } " bounded by " { $snippet "loc" } " and " { $snippet "dim" } " with new image data from an " { $link image } " object." } ;
{ update-texture update-texture-image } related-words
{ update-compressed-texture update-texture update-texture-image } related-words
HELP: compressed-texture-format
{ $class-description { $snippet "compressed-texture-format" } " values are used as part of a " { $link compressed-texture-data } " tuple to specify the binary format of texture data being given to " { $link allocate-compressed-texture } " or " { $link update-compressed-texture } ". The following compressed formats are available:"
{ $list
{ { $link DXT1-RGB } }
{ { $link DXT1-RGBA } }
{ { $link DXT3 } }
{ { $link DXT5 } }
{ { $link RGTC1 } }
{ { $link RGTC1-SIGNED } }
{ { $link RGTC2 } }
{ { $link RGTC2-SIGNED } }
} }
{ $notes "The " { $snippet "DXT1" } " formats require either the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" } " or " { $snippet "GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1" } " extension. The other " { $snippet "DXT" } " formats require the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" } " extension. The " { $snippet "RGTC" } " formats require OpenGL 3.0 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc" } " extension." } ;
HELP: compressed-texture-data
{ $class-description { $snippet "compressed-texture-data" } " tuples are used to feed compressed texture data to " { $link allocate-compressed-texture } " and " { $link update-compressed-texture } "."
{ $list
{ "The " { $snippet "ptr" } " slot references either CPU memory (as a " { $link byte-array } " or " { $link alien } ") or a GPU " { $link buffer-ptr } " that contains the image data." }
{ "The " { $snippet "format" } " slot determines the " { $link compressed-texture-format } " of the referenced data." }
{ "The " { $snippet "length" } " slot determines the size in bytes of the referenced data." }
} }
{ $notes "Using a " { $link buffer-ptr } " as the " { $snippet "ptr" } " of a " { $snippet "texture-data" } " object requires OpenGL 2.1 or later or the " { $snippet "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object" } " extension." } ;
{ compressed-texture-data <compressed-texture-data> } related-words
ARTICLE: "gpu.textures" "Texture objects"
"The " { $vocab-link "gpu.textures" } " vocabulary provides words for creating, allocating, updating, and reading GPU texture objects."
{ $subsections
"Words are also provided to interface textures with the " { $vocab-link "images" } " library:"
"Words are also provided to use " { $link image } " objects from the " { $vocab-link "images" } " library as data sources and destinations for texture data:"
{ $subsections
"Compressed texture data can also be supplied and read:"
{ $subsections
} ;
ABOUT: "gpu.textures"

View File

@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ C: <texture-data> texture-data
UNION: ?texture-data texture-data POSTPONE: f ;
UNION: ?float-array float-array POSTPONE: f ;
VARIANT: compressed-texture-format
TUPLE: compressed-texture-data
{ ptr read-only }
{ format compressed-texture-format read-only }
{ length integer read-only } ;
C: <compressed-texture-data> compressed-texture-data
UNION: ?compressed-texture-data compressed-texture-data POSTPONE: f ;
VARIANT: texture-wrap
clamp-texcoord-to-edge clamp-texcoord-to-border repeat-texcoord repeat-texcoord-mirrored ;
VARIANT: texture-filter
@ -76,6 +88,18 @@ M: cube-map-face texture-object
M: texture texture-object
; inline
: gl-compressed-texture-format ( format -- gl-format )
} case ; inline
: gl-wrap ( wrap -- gl-wrap )
{ clamp-texcoord-to-edge [ GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE ] }
@ -159,49 +183,77 @@ M: cube-map-face texture-data-gl-target
: ?product ( x -- y )
dup number? [ product ] unless ; inline
:: (allocate-texture) ( tdt level dim data dim-quot teximage-quot -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level texture texture-gl-internal-format
dim dim-quot call 0 texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer teximage-quot with-gpu-data-ptr ; inline
:: (allocate-compressed-texture) ( tdt level dim compressed-data dim-quot teximage-quot -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level compressed-data format>> gl-compressed-texture-format
dim dim-quot call 0 compressed-data [ length>> ] [ ptr>> ] bi
pixel-unpack-buffer teximage-quot with-gpu-data-ptr ; inline
:: (update-texture) ( tdt level loc dim data dim-quot texsubimage-quot -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
loc dim dim-quot bi@
texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer texsubimage-quot with-gpu-data-ptr ; inline
:: (update-compressed-texture) ( tdt level loc dim compressed-data dim-quot texsubimage-quot -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
loc dim dim-quot bi@
compressed-data [ format>> gl-compressed-texture-format ] [ length>> ] [ ptr>> ] tri
pixel-unpack-buffer texsubimage-quot with-gpu-data-ptr ; inline
GENERIC# allocate-texture 3 ( tdt level dim data -- )
M:: texture-1d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level texture texture-gl-internal-format
dim 0 texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexImage1D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-1d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
[ ] [ glTexImage1D ] (allocate-texture) ;
M:: texture-2d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level texture texture-gl-internal-format
dim first2 0 texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexImage2D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-2d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
[ first2 ] [ glTexImage2D ] (allocate-texture) ;
M:: texture-3d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level texture texture-gl-internal-format
dim first3 0 texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexImage3D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-3d-data-target allocate-texture ( tdt level dim data -- )
[ first3 ] [ glTexImage3D ] (allocate-texture) ;
GENERIC# allocate-compressed-texture 3 ( tdt level dim compressed-data -- )
M: texture-1d-data-target allocate-compressed-texture ( tdt level dim compressed-data -- )
[ ] [ glCompressedTexImage1D ] (allocate-compressed-texture) ;
M: texture-2d-data-target allocate-compressed-texture ( tdt level dim compressed-data -- )
[ first2 ] [ glCompressedTexImage2D ] (allocate-compressed-texture) ;
M: texture-3d-data-target allocate-compressed-texture ( tdt level dim compressed-data -- )
[ first3 ] [ glCompressedTexImage3D ] (allocate-compressed-texture) ;
GENERIC# update-texture 4 ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
M:: texture-1d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
loc dim texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexSubImage1D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-1d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
[ ] [ glTexSubImage1D ] (update-texture) ;
M:: texture-2d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
loc dim [ first2 ] bi@
texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexSubImage2D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-2d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
[ first2 ] [ glTexSubImage2D ] (update-texture) ;
M:: texture-3d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
loc dim [ first3 ] bi@
texture data texture-data-gl-args
pixel-unpack-buffer [ glTexSubImage3D ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
M: texture-3d-data-target update-texture ( tdt level loc dim data -- )
[ first3 ] [ glTexSubImage3D ] (update-texture) ;
GENERIC# update-compressed-texture 4 ( tdt level loc dim compressed-data -- )
M: texture-1d-data-target update-compressed-texture ( tdt level loc dim compressed-data -- )
[ ] [ glCompressedTexSubImage1D ] (update-compressed-texture) ;
M: texture-2d-data-target update-compressed-texture ( tdt level loc dim compressed-data -- )
[ first2 ] [ glCompressedTexSubImage2D ] (update-compressed-texture) ;
M: texture-3d-data-target update-compressed-texture ( tdt level loc dim compressed-data -- )
[ first3 ] [ glCompressedTexSubImage3D ] (update-compressed-texture) ;
: image>texture-data ( image -- dim texture-data )
{ [ dim>> ] [ bitmap>> ] [ component-order>> ] [ component-type>> ] } cleave
@ -211,13 +263,13 @@ GENERIC# texture-dim 1 ( tdt level -- dim )
M:: texture-1d-data-target texture-dim ( tdt level -- dim )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH get-texture-int ;
tdt texture-data-gl-target level GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH get-texture-int ; inline
M:: texture-2d-data-target texture-dim ( tdt level -- dim )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
[ GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH get-texture-int ] [ GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT get-texture-int ] 2bi
2array ;
2array ; inline
M:: texture-3d-data-target texture-dim ( tdt level -- dim )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
@ -225,7 +277,11 @@ M:: texture-3d-data-target texture-dim ( tdt level -- dim )
[ GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH get-texture-int ]
[ GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT get-texture-int ]
[ GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH get-texture-int ] 2tri
3array ;
3array ; inline
: compressed-texture-data-size ( tdt level -- size )
[ [ bind-tdt drop ] [ texture-data-gl-target ] bi ] dip
GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE get-texture-int ; inline
: texture-data-size ( tdt level -- size )
[ texture-dim ?product ] [ drop texture-object bytes-per-pixel ] 2bi * ; inline
@ -237,9 +293,18 @@ TYPED:: read-texture-to ( tdt: texture-data-target level: integer gpu-data-ptr -
gpu-data-ptr pixel-pack-buffer [ glGetTexImage ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
TYPED: read-texture ( tdt: texture-data-target level: integer -- byte-array: byte-array )
2dup texture-data-size <byte-array>
2dup texture-data-size (byte-array)
[ read-texture-to ] keep ;
TYPED:: read-compressed-texture-to ( tdt: texture-data-target level: integer gpu-data-ptr -- )
tdt bind-tdt :> texture
tdt texture-data-gl-target level
gpu-data-ptr pixel-pack-buffer [ glGetCompressedTexImage ] with-gpu-data-ptr ;
TYPED: read-compressed-texture ( tdt: texture-data-target level: integer -- byte-array: byte-array )
2dup compressed-texture-data-size (byte-array)
[ read-compressed-texture-to ] keep ;
: allocate-texture-image ( tdt level image -- )
image>texture-data allocate-texture ; inline

View File

@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ terrain-world H{
{ 0 2 3 3 } vshuffle terrain-height-at PLAYER-HEIGHT +
-1/0. swap -1/0. -1/0. float-4-boa
] keep vmax ;
] keep vmax ; inline
:: collide ( world player -- )
TYPED:: collide ( world: terrain-world player: player -- )
world terrain-segment>> :> segment
player location>> :> location
segment location (collide) :> location'