game-of-life: even faster by factoring out the neighbor rows.

John Benediktsson 2018-03-11 11:48:35 -07:00
parent ac1029e8eb
commit 6a215adbbb
1 changed files with 14 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -29,18 +29,22 @@ IN: game-of-life
grid grid-dim { fixnum fixnum } declare :> ( rows cols )
rows [ cols <byte-array> ] replicate :> neighbors
grid { array } declare [| row j |
j 1 fixnum-fast 0 rows 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
j 1 fixnum+fast 0 rows 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
[ neighbors nth-unsafe { byte-array } declare ] tri@ :>
( above same below )
row { bit-array } declare [| cell i |
cell [
{ -1 0 1 } [| y |
y j fixnum+fast 0 rows 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
neighbors nth-unsafe { byte-array } declare
{ -1 0 1 } [| x |
x y [ 0 eq? ] both? [ drop ] [
x i fixnum+fast 0 cols 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
swap [ 1 fixnum+fast ] change-nth-unsafe
] if
] with each
] each
i 1 fixnum-fast 0 cols 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
i 1 fixnum+fast 0 cols 1 fixnum-fast wraparound
[ [ above [ 1 fixnum+fast ] change-nth-unsafe ] tri@ ]
[ nip [ same [ 1 fixnum+fast ] change-nth-unsafe ] bi@ ]
[ [ below [ 1 fixnum+fast ] change-nth-unsafe ] tri@ ]
] when
] each-index
] each-index neighbors ;