Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -59,10 +59,38 @@ slots ;
: <value-info> ( -- info ) \ value-info new ;
: read-only-slots ( values class -- slots )
#! Delegation.
all-slots rest-slice
[ read-only>> [ drop f ] unless ] 2map
{ f f } prepend ;
DEFER: <literal-info>
: init-literal-info ( info -- info )
#! Delegation.
dup literal>> class >>class
dup literal>> dup real? [ [a,a] >>interval ] [
[ [-inf,inf] >>interval ] dip
{ [ dup complex? ] [
[ real-part <literal-info> ]
[ imaginary-part <literal-info> ] bi
2array >>slots
] }
{ [ dup tuple? ] [
tuple-slots rest-slice
[ <literal-info> ] map
] [ class ] bi read-only-slots >>slots
] }
[ drop ]
} cond
] if ; inline
: init-value-info ( info -- info )
dup literal?>> [
dup literal>> class >>class
dup literal>> dup real? [ [a,a] ] [ drop [-inf,inf] ] if >>interval
] [
dup [ class>> null-class? ] [ interval>> empty-interval eq? ] bi or [
null >>class
@ -73,7 +101,7 @@ slots ;
dup [ class>> ] [ interval>> ] bi interval>literal
[ >>literal ] [ >>literal? ] bi*
] if
] if ;
] if ; inline
: <class/interval-info> ( class interval -- info )
@ -411,6 +411,14 @@ TUPLE: mixed-mutable-immutable { x integer } { y sequence read-only } ;
] final-classes
] unit-test
[ V{ integer array } ] [
[ 2drop T{ mixed-mutable-immutable f 3 { } } ]
[ { array } declare mixed-mutable-immutable boa ] if
[ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi
] final-classes
] unit-test
! Recursive propagation
: recursive-test-1 ( a -- b ) recursive-test-1 ; inline recursive
@ -573,6 +581,14 @@ MIXIN: empty-mixin
[ V{ fixnum } ] [ [ [ bignum-shift drop ] keep ] final-classes ] unit-test
[ V{ float } ] [
[ { float float } declare <complex> ]
[ 2drop C{ 0.0 0.0 } ]
if real-part
] final-classes
] unit-test
! [ V{ string } ] [
! [ dup string? t xor [ "A" throw ] [ ] if ] final-classes
! ] unit-test
@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ UNION: fixed-length-sequence array byte-array string ;
: tuple-constructor? ( word -- ? )
{ <tuple-boa> <complex> } memq? ;
: read-only-slots ( values class -- slots )
#! Delegation.
all-slots rest-slice
[ read-only>> [ drop f ] unless ] 2map
{ f f } prepend ;
: fold-<tuple-boa> ( values class -- info )
[ , f , [ literal>> ] map % ] { } make >tuple
<literal-info> ;
@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
! Alien intrinsics
: %alien-accessor ( quot -- )
"offset" operand dup %untag-fixnum
"offset" operand dup "alien" operand ADD
"value" operand "offset" operand 0 roll call ; inline
"scratch" operand "offset" operand "alien" operand ADD
"value" operand "scratch" operand 0 roll call ; inline
: alien-integer-get-template
@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
{ unboxed-c-ptr "alien" c-ptr }
{ f "offset" fixnum }
} }
{ +scratch+ { "scratch" } }
{ +clobber+ { "value" "offset" } }
} ;
@ -44,29 +44,29 @@ M: pasteboard set-clipboard-contents
dup install-window-delegate
over -> release
] keep set-world-handle ;
] keep (>>handle) ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
world-handle window>> swap <NSString> -> setTitle: ;
handle>> window>> swap <NSString> -> setTitle: ;
: enter-fullscreen ( world -- )
world-handle view>>
handle>> view>>
NSScreen -> mainScreen
f -> enterFullScreenMode:withOptions:
drop ;
: exit-fullscreen ( world -- )
world-handle view>> f -> exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ;
handle>> view>> f -> exitFullScreenModeWithOptions: ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend set-fullscreen* ( ? world -- )
swap [ enter-fullscreen ] [ exit-fullscreen ] if ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend fullscreen* ( world -- ? )
world-handle view>> -> isInFullScreenMode zero? not ;
handle>> view>> -> isInFullScreenMode zero? not ;
: auto-position ( world -- )
dup window-loc>> { 0 0 } = [
world-handle window>> -> center
handle>> window>> -> center
] [
] if ;
@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ M: cocoa-ui-backend fullscreen* ( world -- ? )
M: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
dup gadget-window
dup auto-position
world-handle window>> f -> makeKeyAndOrderFront: ;
handle>> window>> f -> makeKeyAndOrderFront: ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (close-window) ( handle -- )
window>> -> release ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend close-window ( gadget -- )
find-world [
world-handle [
handle>> [
window>> f -> performClose:
] when*
] when* ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
world-handle [
handle>> [
window>> dup f -> orderFront: -> makeKeyWindow
NSApp 1 -> activateIgnoringOtherApps:
] when* ;
@ -19,3 +19,11 @@ M: byte-array resize
resize-byte-array ;
INSTANCE: byte-array sequence
: 1byte-array ( x -- array ) 1 <byte-array> [ set-first ] keep ; inline
: 2byte-array ( x y -- array ) B{ } 2sequence ; inline
: 3byte-array ( x y z -- array ) B{ } 3sequence ; inline
: 4byte-array ( w x y z -- array ) B{ } 4sequence ; inline
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
USING: math math.order kernel arrays byte-arrays sequences
colors.hsv benchmark.mandel.params ;
IN: benchmark.mandel.colors
: scale 255 * >fixnum ; inline
: scale-rgb ( r g b -- n ) [ scale ] tri@ 3byte-array ;
: sat 0.85 ; inline
: val 0.85 ; inline
: <color-map> ( nb-cols -- map )
dup [
360 * swap 1+ / sat val
3array hsv>rgb first3 scale-rgb
] with map ;
: color-map ( -- map )
nb-iter max-color min <color-map> ; foldable
@ -1,69 +1,45 @@
USING: arrays io kernel math math.order namespaces sequences
byte-arrays byte-vectors math.functions math.parser io.files
colors.hsv io.encodings.binary ;
USING: arrays io kernel math math.functions math.order
math.parser sequences locals byte-arrays byte-vectors io.files
io.encodings.binary benchmark.mandel.params
benchmark.mandel.colors ;
IN: benchmark.mandel
: max-color 360 ; inline
: zoom-fact 0.8 ; inline
: width 640 ; inline
: height 480 ; inline
: nb-iter 40 ; inline
: center -0.65 ; inline
: scale 255 * >fixnum ; inline
: scale-rgb ( r g b -- n ) [ scale ] tri@ 3array ;
: sat 0.85 ; inline
: val 0.85 ; inline
: <color-map> ( nb-cols -- map )
dup [
360 * swap 1+ / sat val
3array hsv>rgb first3 scale-rgb
] with map ;
: iter ( c z nb-iter -- x )
over absq 4.0 >= over zero? or
[ 2nip ] [ 1- >r sq dupd + r> iter ] if ; inline recursive
SYMBOL: cols
dup 0 <= [ 2nip ] [
over absq 4.0 >= [ 2nip ] [
>r sq dupd + r> 1- iter
] if
] if ; inline recursive
: x-inc width 200000 zoom-fact * / ; inline
: y-inc height 150000 zoom-fact * / ; inline
: c ( i j -- c )
x-inc * center real-part x-inc width 2 / * - + >float
y-inc * center imaginary-part y-inc height 2 / * - + >float
[ x-inc * center real-part x-inc width 2 / * - + >float ]
[ y-inc * center imaginary-part y-inc height 2 / * - + >float ] bi*
rect> ; inline
: render ( -- )
:: render ( accum -- )
height [
width swap [
c 0 nb-iter iter dup zero? [
drop "\0\0\0"
] [
cols get [ length mod ] keep nth
] if %
c C{ 0.0 0.0 } nb-iter iter dup zero?
[ drop B{ 0 0 0 } ] [ color-map [ length mod ] keep nth ] if
accum push-all
] curry each
] each ;
] each ; inline
: ppm-header ( w h -- )
"P6\n" % swap # " " % # "\n255\n" % ;
:: ppm-header ( accum -- )
"P6\n" accum push-all
width number>string accum push-all
" " accum push-all
height number>string accum push-all
"\n255\n" accum push-all ; inline
: buf-size ( -- n ) width height * 3 * 100 + ;
: buf-size ( -- n ) width height * 3 * 100 + ; inline
: mandel ( -- data )
buf-size <byte-vector> building set
width height ppm-header
nb-iter max-color min <color-map> cols set
building get >byte-array
] with-scope ;
buf-size <byte-vector>
[ ppm-header ] [ render ] [ B{ } like ] tri ;
: mandel-main ( -- )
mandel "mandel.ppm" temp-file binary set-file-contents ;
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
IN: benchmark.mandel.params
: max-color 360 ; inline
: zoom-fact 0.8 ; inline
: width 640 ; inline
: height 480 ; inline
: nb-iter 40 ; inline
: center -0.65 ; inline
Reference in New Issue