Fix potential DoS attack
@ -2,85 +2,60 @@ IN:
USING: accessors kernel namespaces io io.sockets
|||| io.encodings.ascii io.streams.duplex
classes words destructors threads tools.test
concurrency.promises byte-arrays ;
concurrency.promises byte-arrays locals ;
\ <secure-config> must-infer
{ 1 0 } [ [ ] with-secure-context ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
: with-test-context
"resource:extra/openssl/test/server.pem" >>key-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/root.pem" >>ca-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/dh1024.pem" >>dh-file
"password" >>password
swap with-secure-context ;
:: server-test ( quot -- )
"resource:extra/openssl/test/server.pem" >>key-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/root.pem" >>ca-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/dh1024.pem" >>dh-file
"password" >byte-array >>password
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept [
class word-name write
quot call
] curry with-stream
] with-disposal
] with-secure-context
] "SSL server test" spawn drop
] unit-test
] with-test-context
] "SSL server test" spawn drop ;
[ "secure" ] [
: client-test
<secure-config> [
"" "port" get ?promise <inet4> <secure> ascii <client> drop contents
] with-secure-context
] unit-test
] with-secure-context ;
[ ] [ [ class word-name write ] server-test ] unit-test
[ "secure" ] [ client-test ] unit-test
! Now, see what happens if the server closes the connection prematurely
! [ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
! [ ] [
! [
! <secure-config>
! "resource:extra/openssl/test/server.pem" >>key-file
! "resource:extra/openssl/test/root.pem" >>ca-file
! "resource:extra/openssl/test/dh1024.pem" >>dh-file
! "password" >byte-array >>password
! [
! "" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
! dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
! accept drop
! [
! dup in>> stream>> handle>> f >>connected drop
! "hello" over stream-write dup stream-flush
! ] with-disposal
! ] with-disposal
! ] with-secure-context
! ] "SSL server test" spawn drop
! ] unit-test
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
! [
! <secure-config> [
! "" "port" get ?promise <inet4> <secure> ascii <client> drop contents
! ] with-secure-context
! ] [ \ premature-close = ] must-fail-with
[ ] [
input-stream get stream>> handle>> f >>connected drop
"hello" write flush
] server-test
] unit-test
[ client-test ] [ premature-close? ] must-fail-with
! Now, try validating the certificate. This should fail because its
! actually an invalid certificate
[ ] [ <promise> "port" set ] unit-test
[ ] [
"resource:extra/openssl/test/server.pem" >>key-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/root.pem" >>ca-file
"resource:extra/openssl/test/dh1024.pem" >>dh-file
"password" >>password
"" 0 <inet4> <secure> ascii <server> [
dup addr>> addrspec>> port>> "port" get fulfill
accept drop dispose
] with-disposal
] with-secure-context
] "SSL server test" spawn drop
] unit-test
[ ] [ [ drop ] server-test ] unit-test
<secure-config> [
@ -125,12 +125,14 @@ M: secure (accept)
{ 1 [ drop f ] }
{ 0 [
dup handle>> SSL_want
{ SSL_NOTHING [ dup handle>> SSL_shutdown check-shutdown-response ] }
{ SSL_READING [ drop +input+ ] }
{ SSL_WRITING [ drop +output+ ] }
} case
dup handle>> dup f 0 SSL_read 2dup SSL_get_error
{ SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN [ 2drop dup handle>> SSL_shutdown check-shutdown-response ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ [ 3drop +input+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE [ 3drop +output+ ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL [ syscall-error ] }
{ SSL_ERROR_SSL [ (ssl-error) ] }
} case
] }
{ -1 [
handle>> -1 SSL_get_error
Reference in New Issue