formatting: make printf faster.

John Benediktsson 2014-02-10 20:39:08 -08:00
parent a82dc84f2d
commit 6e0a9fdf1f
1 changed files with 20 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar combinators fry kernel
generalizations io io.streams.string macros math math.functions
math.parser peg.ebnf prettyprint quotations sequences splitting
strings unicode.categories vectors
present ;
USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar combinators fry generalizations io io.streams.string
kernel macros math math.functions math.parser namespaces
peg.ebnf present prettyprint quotations sequences strings unicode.categories vectors ;
FROM: math.parser.private => format-float ;
IN: formatting
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ width = (width_)? => [[ [ ] or ]]
digits_ = "." ([0-9])* => [[ second >digits ]]
digits = (digits_)? => [[ 6 or ]]
fmt-% = "%" => [[ [ "%" ] ]]
fmt-% = "%" => [[ "%" ]]
fmt-c = "c" => [[ [ 1string ] ]]
fmt-C = "C" => [[ [ 1string >upper ] ]]
fmt-s = "s" => [[ [ present ] ]]
@ -82,28 +82,33 @@ lists = "[%" types ", %]" => [[ second '[ _ map ", " join "{ " prepend "
assocs = "[%" types ": %" types " %]" => [[ [ second ] [ fourth ] bi '[ unzip [ _ map ] dip _ map zip [ ":" join ] map ", " join "{ " prepend " }" append ] ]]
formats = "%" (types|fmt-%|lists|assocs|unknown) => [[ second '[ _ dip ] ]]
formats = "%" (types|fmt-%|lists|assocs|unknown) => [[ second ]]
plain-text = (!("%").)+ => [[ >string '[ _ swap ] ]]
plain-text = (!("%").)+ => [[ >string ]]
text = (formats|plain-text)* => [[ <reversed> [ [ [ push ] keep ] append ] map ]]
text = (formats|plain-text)* => [[ ]]
MACRO: printf ( format-string -- )
parse-printf [ length ] keep compose-all
'[ _ <vector> @ <reversed> [ write ] each ] ;
parse-printf [ [ callable? ] count ] keep [
dup string? [ 1quotation ] [ [ 1 - ] dip ] if
over [ ndip ] 2curry
] map nip [ compose-all ] [ length ] bi '[
@ output-stream get [ stream-write ] curry _ napply
] ;
: sprintf ( format-string -- result )
[ printf ] with-string-writer ; inline
: vprintf ( seq format-string -- )
parse-printf reverse! [
first dup string?
[ '[ _ write ] ] [ '[ unclip-slice @ write ] ] if
] map concat call( x -- x ) drop ;
parse-printf output-stream get '[
dup string? [
[ unclip-slice ] dip call( x -- y )
] unless _ stream-write
] each drop ;
: vsprintf ( seq format-string -- result )
[ vprintf ] with-string-writer ; inline