Merge branch 'master' of git://

Doug Coleman 2008-09-25 10:38:25 -05:00
commit 6ef4eea4ab
12 changed files with 303 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -62,3 +62,15 @@ IN: calendar.format.tests
T{ duration f 0 0 0 -5 0 0 }
] [ "2008-05-26T00:37:42.12345-05:00" rfc3339>timestamp ] unit-test
T{ timestamp
{ year 2008 }
{ month 10 }
{ day 2 }
{ hour 23 }
{ minute 59 }
{ second 59 }
{ gmt-offset T{ duration f 0 0 0 0 0 0 } }
] [ "Thursday, 02-Oct-2008 23:59:59 GMT" cookie-string>timestamp ] unit-test

View File

@ -201,9 +201,13 @@ ERROR: invalid-timestamp-format ;
: rfc822>timestamp ( str -- timestamp )
[ (rfc822>timestamp) ] with-string-reader ;
: check-day-name ( str -- )
[ day-abbreviations3 member? ] [ day-names member? ] bi or
check-timestamp drop ;
: (cookie-string>timestamp-1) ( -- timestamp )
timestamp new
"," read-token day-abbreviations3 member? check-timestamp drop
"," read-token check-day-name
read1 CHAR: \s assert=
"-" read-token checked-number >>day
"-" read-token month-abbreviations index 1+ check-timestamp >>month
@ -218,7 +222,7 @@ ERROR: invalid-timestamp-format ;
: (cookie-string>timestamp-2) ( -- timestamp )
timestamp new
read-sp day-abbreviations3 member? check-timestamp drop
read-sp check-day-name
read-sp month-abbreviations index 1+ check-timestamp >>month
read-sp checked-number >>day
":" read-token checked-number >>hour

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
USING: http help.markup help.syntax io.files io.streams.string
io.encodings.8-bit io.encodings.binary kernel strings urls
byte-arrays strings assocs sequences ;
IN: http.client
HELP: download-failed
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link http-request } " if the server returns a status code other than 200. The " { $slot "response" } " and " { $slot "body" } " slots can be inspected for the underlying cause of the problem." } ;
HELP: too-many-redirects
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link http-request } " if the server returns a chain of than " { $link max-redirects } " redirections." } ;
HELP: <get-request>
{ $values { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } { "request" request } }
{ $description "Constructs an HTTP GET request for retrieving the URL." }
{ $notes "The request can be passed on to " { $link http-request } ", possibly after cookies and headers are set." } ;
HELP: <post-request>
{ $values { "post-data" object } { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } { "request" request } }
{ $description "Constructs an HTTP POST request for submitting post data to the URL." }
{ $notes "The request can be passed on to " { $link http-request } ", possibly after cookies and headers are set." } ;
HELP: download
{ $values { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } }
{ $description "Downloads the contents of the URL to a file in the " { $link current-directory } " having the same file name." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the HTTP request fails." } ;
HELP: download-to
{ $values { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } { "file" "a pathname string" } }
{ $description "Downloads the contents of the URL to a file with the given pathname." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the HTTP request fails." } ;
HELP: http-get
{ $values { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } { "response" response } { "data" sequence } }
{ $description "Downloads the contents of a URL." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the HTTP request fails." } ;
HELP: http-post
{ $values { "post-data" object } { "url" "a " { $link url } " or " { $link string } } { "response" response } { "data" sequence } }
{ $description "Submits a form at a URL." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the HTTP request fails." } ;
HELP: http-request
{ $values { "request" request } { "response" response } { "data" sequence } }
{ $description "Sends an HTTP request to an HTTP server, and reads the response." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if the HTTP request fails." } ;
ARTICLE: "http.client.get" "GET requests with the HTTP client"
"Basic usage involves passing a " { $link url } " and getting a " { $link response } " and data back:"
{ $subsection http-get }
"Utilities to retrieve a " { $link url } " and save the contents to a file:"
{ $subsection download }
{ $subsection download-to }
"Advanced usage involves constructing a " { $link request } ", which allows " { $link "http.cookies" } " and " { $link "http.headers" } " to be set:"
{ $subsection <get-request> }
{ $subsection http-request } ;
ARTICLE: "" "POST requests with the HTTP client"
"As with GET requests, there is a high-level word which takes a " { $link url } " and a lower-level word which constructs an HTTP request object which can be passed to " { $link http-request } ":"
{ $subsection http-post }
{ $subsection <post-request> }
"Both words take a post data parameter, which can be one of the following:"
{ $list
{ "a " { $link byte-array } " or " { $link string } " is sent the server without further encoding" }
{ "an " { $link assoc } " is interpreted as a series of form parameters, which are encoded with " { $link assoc>query } }
{ { $link f } " denotes that there is no post data" }
} ;
ARTICLE: "http.client.encoding" "Character encodings and the HTTP client"
"The " { $link http-request } ", " { $link http-get } " and " { $link http-post } " words output a sequence containing data that was sent by the server."
"If the server specifies a " { $snippet "content-type" } " header with a character encoding, the HTTP client decodes the data using this character encoding, and the sequence will be a string."
"If no encoding was specified but the MIME type is a text type, the " { $link latin1 } " encoding is assumed, and the sequence will be a string."
"For any other MIME type, the " { $link binary } " encoding is assumed, and thus the data is returned literally in a byte array." ;
ARTICLE: "http.client.errors" "HTTP client errors"
"HTTP operations may fail for one of two reasons. The first is an I/O error resulting from a network problem; a name server lookup failure, or a refused connection. The second is a protocol-level error returned by the server. There are two such errors:"
{ $subsection download-failed }
{ $subsection too-many-redirects } ;
ARTICLE: "http.client" "HTTP client"
"The " { $vocab-link "http.client" } " vocabulary implements an HTTP and HTTPS client on top of " { $link "http" } "."
"There are two primary usage patterns, data retrieval with GET requests and form submission with POST requests:"
{ $subsection "http.client.get" }
{ $subsection "" }
"More esoteric use-cases, for example HTTP methods other than the above, are accomodated by constructing an empty request object with " { $link <request> } " and filling everything in by hand."
{ $subsection "http.client.encoding" }
{ $subsection "http.client.errors" }
{ $see-also "urls" } ;
ABOUT: "http.client"

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ IN: http.client
[ content-type>> "content-type" pick set-at ]
] when*
over cookies>> f like [ unparse-cookie "cookie" pick set-at ] when*
over cookies>> [ unparse-cookie "cookie" pick set-at ] unless-empty
write-header ;
GENERIC: >post-data ( object -- post-data )

basis/http/http-docs.factor Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
USING: assocs help.markup help.syntax io.streams.string sequences strings present math kernel byte-arrays urls
calendar ;
IN: http
HELP: <request>
{ $values { "request" request } }
{ $description "Creates an empty request." } ;
HELP: request
{ $description "An HTTP request."
"Instances contain the following slots:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "method" } { "The HTTP method as a " { $link string } ". The most frequently-used HTTP methods are " { $snippet "GET" } ", " { $snippet "HEAD" } " and " { $snippet "POST" } "." } }
{ { $slot "url" } { "The " { $link url } " being requested" } }
{ { $slot "version" } { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } }
{ { $slot "header" } { "An assoc of HTTP header values. See " { $link "http.headers" } } }
{ { $slot "post-data" } { "See " { $link "" } } }
{ { $slot "cookies" } { "A sequence of HTTP cookies. See " { $link "http.cookies" } } }
} } ;
HELP: <response>
{ $values { "response" response } }
{ $description "Creates an empty response." } ;
HELP: response
{ $class-description "An HTTP response."
"Instances contain the following slots:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "version" } { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } }
{ { $slot "code" } { "HTTP status code, an " { $link integer } ". Examples are 200 for success, 404 for file not found, and so on." } }
{ { $slot "message" } { "HTTP status message, only displayed to the user. If the status code is 200, the status message might be ``Success'', for example." } }
{ { $slot "header" } { "An assoc of HTTP header values. See " { $link "http.headers" } } }
{ { $slot "cookies" } { "A sequence of HTTP cookies. See " { $link "http.cookies" } } }
{ { $slot "content-type" } { "an HTTP content type" } }
{ { $slot "content-charset" } { "an encoding descriptor. See " { $link "io.encodings" } } }
{ { $slot "body" } { "an HTTP response body" } }
} } ;
HELP: <raw-response>
{ $values { "response" raw-response } }
{ $description "Creates an empty raw response." } ;
HELP: raw-response
{ $class-description "A minimal HTTP response used by webapps which need full control over all output sent to the client. Most webapps can use " { $link response } " instead."
"Instances contain the following slots:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "version" } { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } }
{ { $slot "code" } { "HTTP status code, an " { $link integer } ". Examples are 200 for success, 404 for file not found, and so on." } }
{ { $slot "message" } { "HTTP status message, only displayed to the user. If the status code is 200, the status message might be ``Success'', for example." } }
{ { $slot "body" } { "an HTTP response body" } }
} } ;
HELP: <cookie>
{ $values { "value" object } { "name" string } { "cookie" cookie } }
{ $description "Creates a cookie with the specified name and value. The value can be any object supported by the " { $link present } " word." } ;
HELP: cookie
{ $class-description
"An HTTP cookie."
"Instances contain a number of slots which correspond exactly to the fields of a cookie in the cookie specification:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "name" } { "The cookie name, a " { $link string } } }
{ { $slot "value" } { "The cookie value, an object supported by " { $link present } } }
{ { $slot "comment" } { "A " { $link string } } }
{ { $slot "path" } { "The pathname prefix where the cookie is valid, a " { $link string } } }
{ { $slot "domain" } { "The domain name where the cookie is valid, a " { $link string } } }
{ { $slot "expires" } { "The expiry time, a " { $link timestamp } " or " { $link f } " for a session cookie" } }
{ { $slot "max-age" } { "The expiry duration, a " { $link duration } " or " { $link f } " for a session cookie" } }
{ { $slot "http-only" } { "If set to a true value, JavaScript code cannot see the cookie" } }
{ { $slot "secure" } { "If set to a true value, the cookie is only sent for " { $snippet "https" } " protocol connections" } }
"Only one of " { $snippet "expires" } " and " { $snippet "max-age" } " can be set; the latter is preferred and is supported by all modern browsers." } ;
HELP: delete-cookie
{ $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "name" string } }
{ $description "Deletes a cookie from a request or response." }
{ $side-effects "request/response" } ;
HELP: get-cookie
{ $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "name" string } { "cookie/f" "a " { $link cookie } " or " { $link f } } }
{ $description "Gets a named cookie from a request or response." } ;
HELP: put-cookie
{ $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "cookie" cookie } }
{ $description "Stores a cookie in a request or response." }
{ $side-effects "request/response" } ;
HELP: <post-data>
{ $values { "raw" byte-array } { "content-type" "a MIME type string" } { "post-data" post-data } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link post-data } "." } ;
HELP: header
{ $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "key" string } { "value" string } }
{ $description "Obtains an HTTP header value from a request or response." } ;
HELP: post-data
{ $class-description "HTTP POST data passed in a POST request."
"Instances contain the following slots:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "raw" } { "The raw bytes of the POST data" } }
{ { $slot "content" } { "The POST data. This can be in a higher-level form, such as an assoc of POST parameters, a string, or an XML document" } }
{ { $slot "content-type" } "A MIME type" }
} } ;
HELP: set-header
{ $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "value" object } { "key" string } }
{ $description "Stores a value into the HTTP header of a request or response. The value can be any object supported by " { $link present } "." }
{ $notes "This word always returns the same object that was input. This allows for a ``pipeline'' coding style, where several header parameters are set in a row." }
{ $side-effects "request/response" } ;
ARTICLE: "http.cookies" "HTTP cookies"
"Every " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " instance can contain cookies."
"The " { $vocab-link "furnace.sessions" } " vocabulary implements session management using cookies, thus the most common use case can be taken care of without working with cookies directly."
"The class of cookies:"
{ $subsection cookie }
"Creating cookies:"
{ $subsection <cookie> }
"Getting, adding, and deleting cookies in " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " objects:"
{ $subsection get-cookie }
{ $subsection put-cookie }
{ $subsection delete-cookie } ;
ARTICLE: "http.headers" "HTTP headers"
"Every " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " has a set of HTTP headers stored in the " { $slot "header" } " slot. Header names are normalized to lower-case when a request or response is being parsed."
{ $subsection header }
{ $subsection set-header } ;
ARTICLE: "" "HTTP post data"
"Every " { $link request } " where the " { $slot "method" } " slot is " { $snippet "POST" } " can contain post data."
{ $subsection post-data }
{ $subsection <post-data> } ;
ARTICLE: "http" "HTTP protocol objects"
"The " { $vocab-link "http" } " vocabulary contains data types shared by " { $vocab-link "http.client" } " and " { $vocab-link "http.server" } "."
"The HTTP client sends an HTTP request to the server and receives an HTTP response back. The HTTP server receives HTTP requests from clients and sends HTTP responses back."
"HTTP requests:"
{ $subsection request }
{ $subsection <request> }
"Requests can contain form submissions:"
{ $subsection "" }
"HTTP responses:"
{ $subsection response }
{ $subsection <response> }
"Raw responses only contain a status line, with no header. They are used by webapps which need full control over the HTTP response, for example " { $vocab-link "http.server.cgi" } ":"
{ $subsection raw-response }
{ $subsection <raw-response> }
"Both requests and responses support some common functionality:"
{ $subsection "http.headers" }
{ $subsection "http.cookies" }
{ $see-also "urls" } ;
ABOUT: "http"

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ HELP: [let
} ;
HELP: [let*
{ $syntax "[let* | binding1 [ value1... ]\n binding2 [ value2... ]\n ... |\n body... ]" }
{ $syntax "[let* | binding1 [ value1... ]\n binding2 [ value2... ]\n ... |\n body... ]" }
{ $description "Introduces a set of lexical bindings and evaluates the body. The values are evaluated sequentially, and may refer to previous bindings from the same " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " form; for Lisp programmers, this means that " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " is equivalent to the Lisp " { $snippet "let*" } ", not " { $snippet "let" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example

View File

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ HELP: >url
{ $examples
"If we convert a string to a URL and print it out again, it will print similarly to the input string, except some normalization may have occurred:"
{ $example
"USING: accessors io urls ;"
"USING: accessors prettyprint urls ;"
"\"\" >url ."
"We can examine the URL object:"
{ $example
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ HELP: >url
"\"\" >url host>> print"
"A relative URL does not have a protocol or host component:"
"A relative URL does not have a protocol, host or port:"
{ $example
"USING: accessors io urls ;"
"USING: accessors prettyprint urls ;"
"\"file.txt\" >url protocol>> ."
@ -47,13 +47,12 @@ HELP: URL"
} ;
HELP: assoc>query
{ $values
{ "hash" hashtable }
{ "str" string } }
{ $values { "assoc" assoc } { "str" string } }
{ $description "Converts an assoc of query parameters into a query string, performing URL encoding." }
{ $notes "This word is used to implement the " { $link present } " method on URLs; it is also used by the HTTP client to encode POST requests." }
{ $examples
{ $example
"USING: io urls ;"
"{ { \"from\" \"Lead\" } { \"to\" \"Gold, please\" } }"
"assoc>query print"
@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ HELP: query-param
"USING: io urls ;"
"\"item\" query-param print"
"\"French Fries\""
"French Fries"
} ;
@ -219,8 +218,8 @@ ARTICLE: "url-utilities" "URL implementation utilities"
{ $subsection secure-protocol? }
{ $subsection url-append-path } ;
ARTICLE: "urls" "URLs"
"The " { $vocab-link "urls" } " implements a URL data type. The benefit of using a data type to prepresent URLs rather than a string is that the parsing, printing and escaping logic is encapsulated and reused, rather than re-implemented in a potentially buggy manner every time."
ARTICLE: "urls" "URL objects"
"The " { $vocab-link "urls" } " vocabulary implements a URL data type. The benefit of using a data type to prepresent URLs rather than a string is that the parsing, printing and escaping logic is encapsulated and reused, rather than re-implemented in a potentially buggy manner every time."
"URL objects are used heavily by the " { $vocab-link "http" } " and " { $vocab-link "furnace" } " vocabularies, and are also useful on their own."

View File

@ -2,19 +2,19 @@ IN: urls.tests
USING: urls urls.private tools.test
arrays kernel assocs present accessors ;
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello+world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "~hello world" ] [ "%7ehello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%XX" url-decode ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "%XX%XX%X" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ " ! " ] [ "%20%21%20" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%x" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello%20world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "%20%21%20" ] [ " ! " url-encode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello+world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello%20world" url-decode ] unit-test
[ " ! " ] [ "%20%21%20" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello world" ] [ "hello world%x" url-decode ] unit-test
[ "hello+world" ] [ "hello world" url-encode ] unit-test
[ "+%21+" ] [ " ! " url-encode ] unit-test
[ "\u001234hi\u002045" ] [ "\u001234hi\u002045" url-encode url-decode ] unit-test

View File

@ -104,8 +104,15 @@ TUPLE: url protocol username password host port path query anchor ;
: query-param ( url key -- value )
swap query>> at ;
: delete-query-param ( url key -- url )
over query>> delete-at ;
: set-query-param ( url value key -- url )
'[ [ _ _ ] dip ?set-at ] change-query ;
over [
'[ [ _ _ ] dip ?set-at ] change-query
] [
nip delete-query-param
] if ;
: parse-host ( string -- host port )
":" split1 [ url-decode ] [

View File

@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ HELP: UNION:
{ $syntax "INTERSECTION: class participants... ;" }
{ $values { "class" "a new class word to define" } { "participants" "a list of class words separated by whitespace" } }
{ $description "Defines an intersection class. An object is an instance of a union class if it is an instance of all of its participants." } ;
{ $description "Defines an intersection class. An object is an instance of an intersection class if it is an instance of all of its participants." } ;
{ $syntax "MIXIN: class" }

View File

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ function foldl(f, initial, seq) {
for(var i=0; i< seq.length; ++i)
initial = f(initial, seq[i]);
return initial;
"> main \ javascript rule (parse) remaining>> length zero?
}"> main \ javascript rule (parse) remaining>> length zero?
] unit-test
{ t } [
@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ ParseState.prototype.from = function(index) {
r.cache = this.cache;
r.length = this.length - index;
return r;
"> main \ javascript rule (parse) remaining>> length zero?
}"> main \ javascript rule (parse) remaining>> length zero?
] unit-test

View File

@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ BEGIN
CALL square;
x := x + 1;
"> main \ pl0 rule (parse) remaining>> empty?
END."> main \ pl0 rule (parse) remaining>> empty?
] unit-test
{ f } [