tnetstrings: vocab to parse "tagged netstrings".

John Benediktsson 2011-08-19 19:02:29 -07:00
parent fc13ae09c0
commit 6f0b3f119d
4 changed files with 126 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
John Benediktsson

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Reader and writer for "tagged netstrings"

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
! Copyright (C) 2011 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: kernel tnetstrings sequences tools.test ;
[ t ] [
{ H{ } "0:}" }
{ { } "0:]" }
{ "" "0:\"" }
{ t "4:true!" }
{ f "5:false!" }
{ 12345 "5:12345#" }
{ "this is cool" "12:this is cool\"" }
H{ { "hello" { 12345678901 "this" } } }
{ 12345 67890 "xxxxx" }
} [
first2 [ tnetstring> = ] [ swap >tnetstring = ] 2bi and
] all?
] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
! Copyright (C) 2011 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: arrays assocs combinators formatting hashtables kernel
math math.parser sequences splitting strings ;
IN: tnetstrings
: parse-payload ( data -- remain payload payload-type )
":" split1 swap string>number cut unclip swapd ;
DEFER: parse-tnetstring
: parse-list ( data -- value )
[ { } ] [
[ dup empty? not ] [ parse-tnetstring ] produce nip
] if-empty ;
: parse-pair ( data -- extra value key )
parse-tnetstring [
[ "Unbalanced dictionary store" throw ] when-empty
[ "Invalid value, null not allowed" throw ] unless*
] dip ;
: parse-dict ( data -- value )
[ H{ } ] [
[ dup empty? not ] [ parse-pair swap 2array ] produce
nip >hashtable
] if-empty ;
: parse-bool ( data -- ? )
{ "true" [ t ] }
{ "false" [ f ] }
[ "Invalid bool: %s" sprintf throw ]
} case ;
: parse-null ( data -- f )
[ f ] [ drop "Payload must be 0 length" throw ] if-empty ;
: parse-tnetstring ( data -- remain value )
parse-payload {
{ CHAR: # [ string>number ] }
{ CHAR: " [ ] }
{ CHAR: } [ parse-dict ] }
{ CHAR: ] [ parse-list ] }
{ CHAR: ! [ parse-bool ] }
{ CHAR: ~ [ parse-null ] }
{ CHAR: , [ ] }
[ "Invalid payload type: %c" sprintf throw ]
} case ;
: tnetstring> ( string -- value )
parse-tnetstring swap [
"Had trailing junk: %s" sprintf throw
] unless-empty ;
DEFER: dump-tnetstring
: dump ( string type -- string )
[ [ length ] keep ] dip "%d:%s%s" sprintf ;
: dump-number ( data -- string ) number>string "#" dump ;
: dump-string ( data -- string ) "\"" dump ;
: dump-list ( data -- string )
[ dump-tnetstring ] map "" concat-as "]" dump ;
: dump-dict ( data -- string )
>alist [ first2 [ dump-tnetstring ] bi@ append ] map
"" concat-as "}" dump ;
: dump-bool ( ? -- string )
"4:true!" "5:false!" ? ;
: dump-tnetstring ( data -- string )
{ [ dup boolean? ] [ dump-bool ] }
{ [ dup number? ] [ dump-number ] }
{ [ dup string? ] [ dump-string ] }
{ [ dup sequence? ] [ dump-list ] }
{ [ dup assoc? ] [ dump-dict ] }
[ "Can't serialize object" throw ]
} cond ;
: >tnetstring ( value -- string )
dump-tnetstring ;