first commit of db stuff
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs classes continuations kernel math
namespaces sequences sequences.lib tuples words ;
IN: db
TUPLE: db handle ;
C: <db> db ( handle -- obj )
! HOOK: db-create db ( str -- )
! HOOK: db-drop db ( str -- )
GENERIC: db-open ( db -- )
GENERIC: db-close ( db -- )
TUPLE: statement sql params handle bound? n max ;
TUPLE: simple-statement ;
TUPLE: bound-statement ;
TUPLE: prepared-statement ;
TUPLE: prepared-bound-statement ;
HOOK: <simple-statement> db ( str -- statement )
HOOK: <bound-statement> db ( str obj -- statement )
HOOK: <prepared-statement> db ( str -- statement )
HOOK: <prepared-bound-statement> db ( str obj -- statement )
! TUPLE: result sql params handle n max ;
GENERIC: #rows ( statement -- n )
GENERIC: #columns ( statement -- n )
GENERIC# row-column 1 ( statement n -- obj )
GENERIC: advance-row ( statement -- ? )
GENERIC: prepare-statement ( statement -- )
GENERIC: reset-statement ( statement -- )
GENERIC: bind-statement* ( obj statement -- )
GENERIC: rebind-statement ( obj statement -- )
: bind-statement ( obj statement -- )
2dup dup statement-bound? [
] [
] if
tuck set-statement-params
t swap set-statement-bound? ;
: sql-row ( statement -- seq )
dup #columns [ row-column ] with map ;
: query-each ( statement quot -- )
over advance-row [
] [
[ call ] 2keep query-each
] if ; inline
: query-map ( statement quot -- seq )
accumulator >r query-each r> { } like ; inline
: with-db ( db quot -- )
over db-open
[ db swap with-variable ] curry with-disposal
] with-scope ;
: do-statement ( statement -- )
[ advance-row drop ] with-disposal ;
: do-query ( query -- rows )
[ [ sql-row ] query-map ] with-disposal ;
: do-simple-query ( sql -- rows )
<simple-statement> do-query ;
: do-bound-query ( sql obj -- rows )
<bound-statement> do-query ;
: do-simple-command ( sql -- )
<simple-statement> do-statement ;
: do-bound-command ( sql obj -- )
<bound-statement> do-statement ;
SYMBOL: in-transaction
HOOK: begin-transaction db ( -- )
HOOK: commit-transaction db ( -- )
HOOK: rollback-transaction db ( -- )
: in-transaction? ( -- ? ) in-transaction get ;
: with-transaction ( quot -- )
t in-transaction [
[ ] [ rollback-transaction ] cleanup commit-transaction
] with-variable ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
! adapted from libpq-fe.h version 7.4.7
! tested on debian linux with postgresql 7.4.7
! Updated to 8.1
USING: alien alien.syntax combinators system ;
IN: db.postgresql.ffi
"postgresql" {
{ [ win32? ] [ "libpq.dll" ] }
{ [ macosx? ] [ "/opt/local/lib/postgresql81/libpq.dylib" ] }
{ [ unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library
! ConnSatusType
: CONNECTION_OK HEX: 0 ; inline
: CONNECTION_BAD HEX: 1 ; inline
! PostgresPollingStatusType
: PGRES_POLLING_OK HEX: 3 ; inline
! ExecStatusType;
: PGRES_COMMAND_OK HEX: 1 ; inline
: PGRES_TUPLES_OK HEX: 2 ; inline
: PGRES_COPY_OUT HEX: 3 ; inline
: PGRES_COPY_IN HEX: 4 ; inline
! PGTransactionStatusType;
: PQTRANS_IDLE HEX: 0 ; inline
: PQTRANS_ACTIVE HEX: 1 ; inline
! PGVerbosity;
: PQERRORS_TERSE HEX: 0 ; inline
TYPEDEF: int size_t
TYPEDEF: int ConnStatusType
TYPEDEF: int ExecStatusType
TYPEDEF: int PostgresPollingStatusType
TYPEDEF: int PGTransactionStatusType
TYPEDEF: int PGVerbosity
TYPEDEF: void* PGconn*
TYPEDEF: void* PGresult*
TYPEDEF: void* PGcancel*
TYPEDEF: uint Oid
TYPEDEF: uint* Oid*
TYPEDEF: char pqbool
TYPEDEF: void* PQconninfoOption*
TYPEDEF: void* PGnotify*
TYPEDEF: void* PQArgBlock*
TYPEDEF: void* PQprintOpt*
LIBRARY: postgresql
! Exported functions of libpq
! === in fe-connect.c ===
! make a new client connection to the backend
! Asynchronous (non-blocking)
FUNCTION: PGconn* PQconnectStart ( char* conninfo ) ;
FUNCTION: PostgresPollingStatusType PQconnectPoll ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Synchronous (blocking)
FUNCTION: PGconn* PQconnectdb ( char* conninfo ) ;
FUNCTION: PGconn* PQsetdbLogin ( char* pghost, char* pgport,
char* pgoptions, char* pgtty,
char* dbName,
char* login, char* pwd ) ;
f f PQsetdbLogin ;
! close the current connection and free the PGconn data structure
FUNCTION: void PQfinish ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! get info about connection options known to PQconnectdb
FUNCTION: PQconninfoOption* PQconndefaults ( ) ;
! free the data structure returned by PQconndefaults()
FUNCTION: void PQconninfoFree ( PQconninfoOption* connOptions ) ;
! close the current connection and restablish a new one with the same
! parameters
! Asynchronous (non-blocking)
FUNCTION: int PQresetStart ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: PostgresPollingStatusType PQresetPoll ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Synchronous (blocking)
FUNCTION: void PQreset ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! request a cancel structure
FUNCTION: PGcancel* PQgetCancel ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! free a cancel structure
FUNCTION: void PQfreeCancel ( PGcancel* cancel ) ;
! issue a cancel request
FUNCTION: int PQrequestCancel ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Accessor functions for PGconn objects
FUNCTION: char* PQdb ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQuser ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQpass ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQhost ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQport ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQtty ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQoptions ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: ConnStatusType PQstatus ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: PGTransactionStatusType PQtransactionStatus ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQparameterStatus ( PGconn* conn,
char* paramName ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQprotocolVersion ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! FUNCTION: int PQServerVersion ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQerrorMessage ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQsocket ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQbackendPID ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQclientEncoding ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQsetClientEncoding ( PGconn* conn, char* encoding ) ;
! May not be compiled into libpq
! Get the SSL structure associated with a connection
FUNCTION: SSL* PQgetssl ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Tell libpq whether it needs to initialize OpenSSL
FUNCTION: void PQinitSSL ( int do_init ) ;
! Set verbosity for PQerrorMessage and PQresultErrorMessage
FUNCTION: PGVerbosity PQsetErrorVerbosity ( PGconn* conn,
PGVerbosity verbosity ) ;
! Enable/disable tracing
FUNCTION: void PQtrace ( PGconn* conn, FILE* debug_port ) ;
FUNCTION: void PQuntrace ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Function types for notice-handling callbacks
! typedef void (*PQnoticeReceiver) (void *arg, PGresult *res);
! typedef void (*PQnoticeProcessor) (void *arg, char* message);
! ALIAS: void* PQnoticeReceiver
! ALIAS: void* PQnoticeProcessor
! Override default notice handling routines
! FUNCTION: PQnoticeReceiver PQsetNoticeReceiver ( PGconn* conn,
! PQnoticeReceiver proc,
! void* arg ) ;
! FUNCTION: PQnoticeProcessor PQsetNoticeProcessor ( PGconn* conn,
! PQnoticeProcessor proc,
! void* arg ) ;
! === in fe-exec.c ===
! Simple synchronous query
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQexec ( PGconn* conn, char* query ) ;
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQexecParams ( PGconn* conn,
char* command,
int nParams,
Oid* paramTypes,
char** paramValues,
int* paramLengths,
int* paramFormats,
int resultFormat ) ;
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQprepare ( PGconn* conn, char* stmtName,
char* query, int nParams,
Oid* paramTypes ) ;
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQexecPrepared ( PGconn* conn,
char* stmtName,
int nParams,
char** paramValues,
int* paramLengths,
int* paramFormats,
int resultFormat ) ;
! Interface for multiple-result or asynchronous queries
FUNCTION: int PQsendQuery ( PGconn* conn, char* query ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQsendQueryParams ( PGconn* conn,
char* command,
int nParams,
Oid* paramTypes,
char** paramValues,
int* paramLengths,
int* paramFormats,
int resultFormat ) ;
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQsendPrepare ( PGconn* conn, char* stmtName,
char* query, int nParams,
Oid* paramTypes ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQsendQueryPrepared ( PGconn* conn,
char* stmtName,
int nParams,
char** paramValues,
int *paramLengths,
int *paramFormats,
int resultFormat ) ;
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQgetResult ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Routines for managing an asynchronous query
FUNCTION: int PQisBusy ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQconsumeInput ( PGconn* conn ) ;
FUNCTION: PGnotify* PQnotifies ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Routines for copy in/out
FUNCTION: int PQputCopyData ( PGconn* conn, char* buffer, int nbytes ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQputCopyEnd ( PGconn* conn, char* errormsg ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQgetCopyData ( PGconn* conn, char** buffer, int async ) ;
! Deprecated routines for copy in/out
FUNCTION: int PQgetline ( PGconn* conn, char* string, int length ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQputline ( PGconn* conn, char* string ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQgetlineAsync ( PGconn* conn, char* buffer, int bufsize ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQputnbytes ( PGconn* conn, char* buffer, int nbytes ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQendcopy ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Set blocking/nonblocking connection to the backend
FUNCTION: int PQsetnonblocking ( PGconn* conn, int arg ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQisnonblocking ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! Force the write buffer to be written (or at least try)
FUNCTION: int PQflush ( PGconn* conn ) ;
! * "Fast path" interface --- not really recommended for application
! * use
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQfn ( PGconn* conn,
int fnid,
int* result_buf,
int* result_len,
int result_is_int,
PQArgBlock* args,
int nargs ) ;
! Accessor functions for PGresult objects
FUNCTION: ExecStatusType PQresultStatus ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQresStatus ( ExecStatusType status ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQresultErrorMessage ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQresultErrorField ( PGresult* res, int fieldcode ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQntuples ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQnfields ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQbinaryTuples ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQfname ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQfnumber ( PGresult* res, char* field_name ) ;
FUNCTION: Oid PQftable ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQftablecol ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQfformat ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: Oid PQftype ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQfsize ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQfmod ( PGresult* res, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQcmdStatus ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQoidStatus ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: Oid PQoidValue ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQcmdTuples ( PGresult* res ) ;
FUNCTION: char* PQgetvalue ( PGresult* res, int tup_num, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQgetlength ( PGresult* res, int tup_num, int field_num ) ;
FUNCTION: int PQgetisnull ( PGresult* res, int tup_num, int field_num ) ;
! Delete a PGresult
FUNCTION: void PQclear ( PGresult* res ) ;
! For freeing other alloc'd results, such as PGnotify structs
FUNCTION: void PQfreemem ( void* ptr ) ;
! Exists for backward compatibility.
: PQfreeNotify PQfreemem ;
! Make an empty PGresult with given status (some apps find this
! useful). If conn is not NULL and status indicates an error, the
! conn's errorMessage is copied.
FUNCTION: PGresult* PQmakeEmptyPGresult ( PGconn* conn, ExecStatusType status ) ;
! Quoting strings before inclusion in queries.
FUNCTION: size_t PQescapeStringConn ( PGconn* conn,
char* to, char* from, size_t length,
int* error ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* PQescapeByteaConn ( PGconn* conn,
char* from, size_t length,
size_t* to_length ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* PQunescapeBytea ( uchar* strtext,
size_t* retbuflen ) ;
! These forms are deprecated!
FUNCTION: size_t PQescapeString ( void* to, char* from, size_t length ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar* PQescapeBytea ( uchar* bintext, size_t binlen,
size_t* bytealen ) ;
! === in fe-print.c ===
FUNCTION: void PQprint ( FILE* fout, PGresult* res, PQprintOpt* ps ) ;
! really old printing routines
FUNCTION: void PQdisplayTuples ( PGresult* res,
FILE* fp,
int fillAlign,
char* fieldSep,
int printHeader,
int quiet ) ;
FUNCTION: void PQprintTuples ( PGresult* res,
FILE* fout,
int printAttName,
int terseOutput,
int width ) ;
! === in fe-lobj.c ===
! Large-object access routines
FUNCTION: int lo_open ( PGconn* conn, Oid lobjId, int mode ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_close ( PGconn* conn, int fd ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_read ( PGconn* conn, int fd, char* buf, size_t len ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_write ( PGconn* conn, int fd, char* buf, size_t len ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_lseek ( PGconn* conn, int fd, int offset, int whence ) ;
FUNCTION: Oid lo_creat ( PGconn* conn, int mode ) ;
! FUNCTION: Oid lo_creat ( PGconn* conn, Oid lobjId ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_tell ( PGconn* conn, int fd ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_unlink ( PGconn* conn, Oid lobjId ) ;
FUNCTION: Oid lo_import ( PGconn* conn, char* filename ) ;
FUNCTION: int lo_export ( PGconn* conn, Oid lobjId, char* filename ) ;
! === in fe-misc.c ===
! Determine length of multibyte encoded char at *s
FUNCTION: int PQmblen ( uchar* s, int encoding ) ;
! Determine display length of multibyte encoded char at *s
FUNCTION: int PQdsplen ( uchar* s, int encoding ) ;
! Get encoding id from environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING
FUNCTION: int PQenv2encoding ( ) ;
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
USING: arrays continuations db io kernel math namespaces
quotations sequences db.postgresql.ffi ;
IN: db.postgresql.lib
SYMBOL: query-res
: connect-postgres ( host port pgopts pgtty db user pass -- conn )
dup PQstatus zero? [ "couldn't connect to database" throw ] unless ;
: postgresql-result-error-message ( res -- str/f )
dup zero? [
drop f
] [
PQresultErrorMessage [ CHAR: \n = ] right-trim
] if ;
: postgres-result-error ( res -- )
postgresql-result-error-message [ throw ] when* ;
: postgresql-error-message ( -- str )
db get db-handle PQerrorMessage [ CHAR: \n = ] right-trim ;
: postgresql-error ( res -- res )
dup [ postgresql-error-message throw ] unless ;
: postgresql-result-ok? ( n -- ? )
: do-postgresql-statement ( statement -- res )
db get db-handle swap statement-sql PQexec dup postgresql-result-ok? [
dup postgresql-result-error-message swap PQclear throw
] unless ;
! : do-command ( str -- )
! 1quotation \ (do-command) add db get swap call ;
! : prepare ( str quot word -- conn quot )
! rot 1quotation swap append swap append db get swap ;
! : do-query ( str quot -- )
! [ (do-query) query-res set ] prepare catch
! [ rethrow ] [ query-res get PQclear ] if* ;
! : result>seq ( -- seq )
! query-res get [ PQnfields ] keep PQntuples
! [ swap [ query-res get -rot PQgetvalue ] with map ] with map ;
! : print-table ( seq -- )
! [ [ write bl ] each "\n" write ] each ;
! select * from animal where name = 'Simba'
! select * from animal where name = $1
! : (do-query) ( PGconn query -- PGresult* )
! ! For queries that do not return rows, PQexec() returns PGRES_COMMAND_OK
! ! For queries that return rows, PQexec() returns PGRES_TUPLES_OK
! PQexec dup postgresql-result-ok? [
! dup postgresql-error-message swap PQclear throw
! ] unless ;
! : (do-command) ( PGconn query -- PGresult* )
! [ (do-query) ] catch
! [
! swap
! "non-fatal error: " print
! "\tQuery: " write "'" write write "'" print
! "\t" write print
! ] when* drop ;
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
! You will need to run 'createdb factor-test' to create the database.
! Set username and password in the 'connect' word.
USING: kernel db.postgresql alien continuations io prettyprint
sequences namespaces tools.test ;
IN: temporary
: test-connection ( host port pgopts pgtty db user pass -- bool )
[ [ ] with-postgres ] catch "Error connecting!" "Connected!" ? print ;
[ ] [ "localhost" "" "" "" "factor-test" "postgres" "" test-connection ] unit-test
[ ] [ "localhost" "postgres" "" "factor-test" <postgresql-db> [ ] with-db ] unit-test
! just a basic demo
"localhost" "postgres" "" "factor-test" <postgresql-db> [
[ ] [ "drop table animal" do-command ] unit-test
[ ] [ "create table animal (id serial not null primary key, species varchar(256), name varchar(256), age integer)" do-command ] unit-test
[ ] [ "insert into animal (species, name, age) values ('lion', 'Mufasa', 5)"
do-command ] unit-test
[ ] [ "select * from animal where name = 'Mufasa'" [ ] do-query ] unit-test
[ ] [ "select * from animal where name = 'Mufasa'" [
result>seq length 1 = [
"...there can only be one Mufasa..." throw
] unless
] do-query
] unit-test
[ ] [ "insert into animal (species, name, age) values ('lion', 'Simba', 1)"
do-command ] unit-test
[ ] [
"select * from animal"
"Animal table:" print
result>seq print-table
] do-query
] unit-test
! intentional errors
! [ "select asdf from animal"
! [ ] do-query ] catch [ "caught: " write print ] when*
! "select asdf from animal" [ ] do-query
! "aofijweafew" do-command
] with-db
"localhost" "postgres" "" "factor-test" <postgresql-db> [
[ ] [ "drop table animal" do-command ] unit-test
] with-db
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
! adapted from libpq-fe.h version 7.4.7
! tested on debian linux with postgresql 7.4.7
USING: arrays assocs alien alien.syntax continuations io
kernel math namespaces prettyprint quotations
sequences debugger db db.postgresql.lib db.postgresql.ffi ;
IN: db.postgresql
TUPLE: postgresql-db host port pgopts pgtty db user pass ;
TUPLE: postgresql-statement ;
: <postgresql-statement> ( statement -- postgresql-statement )
postgresql-statement construct-delegate ;
: <postgresql-db> ( host user pass db -- obj )
} postgresql-db construct ;
M: postgresql-db db-open ( db -- )
dup {
} get-slots connect-postgres <db> swap set-delegate ;
M: postgresql-db dispose ( db -- )
db-handle PQfinish ;
: with-postgresql ( host ust pass db quot -- )
>r <postgresql-db> r> with-disposal ;
M: postgresql-statement #rows ( statement -- n )
statement-handle PQntuples ;
M: postgresql-statement #columns ( statement -- n )
statement-handle PQnfields ;
M: postgresql-statement row-column ( statement n -- obj )
>r dup statement-handle swap statement-n r> PQgetvalue ;
: init-statement ( statement -- )
dup statement-max [
dup do-postgresql-statement over set-statement-handle
dup #rows over set-statement-max
-1 over set-statement-n
] unless drop ;
: increment-n ( statement -- n )
dup statement-n 1+ dup rot set-statement-n ;
M: postgresql-statement advance-row ( statement -- ? )
dup init-statement
dup increment-n swap statement-max >= ;
M: postgresql-statement dispose ( query -- )
dup statement-handle PQclear
0 0 rot { set-statement-n set-statement-max } set-slots ;
M: postgresql-statement prepare-statement ( statement -- )
>r db get db-handle "" r>
dup statement-sql swap statement-params
dup assoc-size swap PQprepare postgresql-error
] keep set-statement-handle ;
M: postgresql-db <simple-statement> ( sql -- statement )
{ set-statement-sql } statement construct
<postgresql-statement> ;
M: postgresql-db <bound-statement> ( sql array -- statement )
{ set-statement-sql set-statement-params } statement construct
<postgresql-statement> ;
M: postgresql-db <prepared-statement> ( sql -- statement )
M: postgresql-db <prepared-bound-statement> ( sql seq -- statement )
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Chris Double
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Double, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
! An interface to the sqlite database. Tested against sqlite v3.1.3.
! Not all functions have been wrapped yet. Only those directly involving
! executing SQL calls and obtaining results.
USING: alien compiler kernel math namespaces sequences strings alien.syntax
system combinators ;
IN: db.sqlite.ffi
"sqlite" {
{ [ winnt? ] [ "sqlite3.dll" ] }
{ [ macosx? ] [ "/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib" ] }
{ [ unix? ] [ "" ] }
} cond "cdecl" add-library >>
! Return values from sqlite functions
: SQLITE_OK 0 ; inline ! Successful result
: SQLITE_ERROR 1 ; inline ! SQL error or missing database
: SQLITE_INTERNAL 2 ; inline ! An internal logic error in SQLite
: SQLITE_PERM 3 ; inline ! Access permission denied
: SQLITE_ABORT 4 ; inline ! Callback routine requested an abort
: SQLITE_BUSY 5 ; inline ! The database file is locked
: SQLITE_LOCKED 6 ; inline ! A table in the database is locked
: SQLITE_NOMEM 7 ; inline ! A malloc() failed
: SQLITE_READONLY 8 ; inline ! Attempt to write a readonly database
: SQLITE_INTERRUPT 9 ; inline ! Operation terminated by sqlite_interrupt()
: SQLITE_IOERR 10 ; inline ! Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
: SQLITE_CORRUPT 11 ; inline ! The database disk image is malformed
: SQLITE_NOTFOUND 12 ; inline ! (Internal Only) Table or record not found
: SQLITE_FULL 13 ; inline ! Insertion failed because database is full
: SQLITE_CANTOPEN 14 ; inline ! Unable to open the database file
: SQLITE_PROTOCOL 15 ; inline ! Database lock protocol error
: SQLITE_EMPTY 16 ; inline ! (Internal Only) Database table is empty
: SQLITE_SCHEMA 17 ; inline ! The database schema changed
: SQLITE_TOOBIG 18 ; inline ! Too much data for one row of a table
: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT 19 ; inline ! Abort due to contraint violation
: SQLITE_MISMATCH 20 ; inline ! Data type mismatch
: SQLITE_MISUSE 21 ; inline ! Library used incorrectly
: SQLITE_NOLFS 22 ; inline ! Uses OS features not supported on host
: SQLITE_AUTH 23 ; inline ! Authorization denied
: SQLITE_FORMAT 24 ; inline ! Auxiliary database format error
: SQLITE_RANGE 25 ; inline ! 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
: SQLITE_NOTADB 26 ; inline ! File opened that is not a database file
: sqlite-error-messages ( -- seq ) {
"Successful result"
"SQL error or missing database"
"An internal logic error in SQLite"
"Access permission denied"
"Callback routine requested an abort"
"The database file is locked"
"A table in the database is locked"
"A malloc() failed"
"Attempt to write a readonly database"
"Operation terminated by sqlite_interrupt()"
"Some kind of disk I/O error occurred"
"The database disk image is malformed"
"(Internal Only) Table or record not found"
"Insertion failed because database is full"
"Unable to open the database file"
"Database lock protocol error"
"(Internal Only) Database table is empty"
"The database schema changed"
"Too much data for one row of a table"
"Abort due to contraint violation"
"Data type mismatch"
"Library used incorrectly"
"Uses OS features not supported on host"
"Authorization denied"
"Auxiliary database format error"
"2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range"
"File opened that is not a database file"
} ;
: SQLITE_ROW 100 ; inline ! sqlite_step() has another row ready
: SQLITE_DONE 101 ; inline ! sqlite_step() has finished executing
! Return values from the sqlite3_column_type function
: SQLITE_INTEGER 1 ; inline
: SQLITE_FLOAT 2 ; inline
: SQLITE_TEXT 3 ; inline
: SQLITE_BLOB 4 ; inline
: SQLITE_NULL 5 ; inline
! Values for the 'destructor' parameter of the 'bind' routines.
: SQLITE_STATIC 0 ; inline
: SQLITE_TRANSIENT -1 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY HEX: 00000001 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE HEX: 00000002 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE HEX: 00000004 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_EXCLUSIVE HEX: 00000010 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_DB HEX: 00000100 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_DB HEX: 00000200 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_TRANSIENT_DB HEX: 00000400 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_MAIN_JOURNAL HEX: 00000800 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_TEMP_JOURNAL HEX: 00001000 ; inline
: SQLITE_OPEN_SUBJOURNAL HEX: 00002000 ; inline
TYPEDEF: void sqlite3
TYPEDEF: void sqlite3_stmt
LIBRARY: sqlite
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_open ( char* filename, void* ppDb ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_open_v2 ( char* filename, void* ppDb, int flags, char* zVfs ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_close ( sqlite3* pDb ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_prepare ( sqlite3* pDb, char* zSql, int nBytes, void* ppStmt, void* pzTail ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_finalize ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_reset ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_step ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ( sqlite3* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_blob ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, void* ptr, int len, int destructor ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_int ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, int n ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_null ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int n ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_text ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int index, char* text, int len, int destructor ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_bind_parameter_index ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, char* name ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_column_count ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt ) ;
FUNCTION: void* sqlite3_column_blob ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_column_bytes ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: char* sqlite3_column_decltype ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_column_int ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_column_name ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: char* sqlite3_column_text ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
FUNCTION: int sqlite3_column_type ( sqlite3_stmt* pStmt, int col ) ;
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
USING: alien.c-types assocs kernel math math.parser sequences
db.sqlite.ffi ;
IN: db.sqlite.lib
TUPLE: sqlite-error n message ;
: sqlite-check-result ( result -- )
dup SQLITE_OK = [
] [
dup sqlite-error-messages nth
sqlite-error construct-boa throw
] if ;
: sqlite-open ( filename -- db )
"void*" <c-object>
[ sqlite3_open sqlite-check-result ] keep *void* ;
: sqlite-close ( db -- )
sqlite3_close sqlite-check-result ;
: sqlite-last-insert-rowid ( db -- rowid )
sqlite3_last_insert_rowid ;
: sqlite-prepare ( db sql -- statement )
#! TODO: Support multiple statements in the SQL string.
dup length "void*" <c-object> "void*" <c-object>
[ sqlite3_prepare sqlite-check-result ] 2keep
drop *void* ;
: sqlite-bind-text ( statement index text -- )
dup number? [ number>string ] when
dup length SQLITE_TRANSIENT sqlite3_bind_text sqlite-check-result ;
: sqlite-bind-parameter-index ( statement name -- index )
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index ;
: sqlite-bind-text-by-name ( statement name text -- )
>r dupd sqlite-bind-parameter-index r> sqlite-bind-text ;
: sqlite-bind-assoc ( statement assoc -- )
swap [
-rot sqlite-bind-text-by-name
] curry assoc-each ;
: sqlite-finalize ( statement -- )
sqlite3_finalize sqlite-check-result ;
: sqlite-reset ( statement -- )
sqlite3_reset sqlite-check-result ;
: sqlite-#columns ( query -- int )
sqlite3_column_count ;
: sqlite-column ( statement index -- string )
sqlite3_column_text ;
: sqlite-row ( statement -- seq )
dup sqlite-#columns [ sqlite-column ] with map ;
! 2dup sqlite3_column_type .
: step-complete? ( step-result -- bool )
dup SQLITE_ROW = [
drop f
] [
dup SQLITE_DONE = [ drop t ] [ sqlite-check-result t ] if
] if ;
: sqlite-step ( prepared -- )
dup sqlite3_step step-complete? [
] [
] if ;
: sqlite-next ( prepared -- )
sqlite3_step step-complete? ;
: sqlite-each ( statement quot -- )
over sqlite3_step step-complete? [
] [
[ call ] 2keep sqlite-each
] if ; inline
DEFER: (sqlite-map)
: (sqlite-map) ( statement quot seq -- )
pick sqlite3_step step-complete? [
] [
>r 2dup call r> swap add (sqlite-map)
] if ;
: sqlite-map ( statement quot -- seq )
{ } (sqlite-map) ;
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
USING: io io.files io.launcher kernel namespaces
prettyprint tools.test db.sqlite db db.sql sequences
continuations ;
IN: temporary
! "sqlite3 -init test.txt test.db"
: test.db "extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path ;
: (create-db) ( -- str )
"sqlite3 -init " %
"extra/db/sqlite/test.txt" resource-path %
" " %
test.db %
] "" make ;
: create-db ( -- ) (create-db) run-process drop ;
[ ] [ test.db delete-file ] unit-test
[ ] [ create-db ] unit-test
{ "John" "America" }
{ "Jane" "New Zealand" }
] [ test.db [ "select * from person" do-simple-query ] with-sqlite ] unit-test
{ { "John" "America" } }
] [
test.db [
"select * from person where name = :name and country = :country"
{ { ":name" "Jane" } { ":country" "New Zealand" } }
<bound-statement> dup [ sql-row ] query-map
{ { "Jane" "New Zealand" } } = [ "test fails" throw ] unless
{ { ":name" "John" } { ":country" "America" } } over bind-statement
dup [ sql-row ] query-map swap dispose
] with-sqlite
] unit-test
{ "1" "John" "America" }
{ "2" "Jane" "New Zealand" }
] [ test.db [ "select rowid, * from person" do-simple-query ] with-sqlite ] unit-test
] [
"extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path [
"insert into person(name, country) values('Jimmy', 'Canada')"
] with-sqlite
] unit-test
{ "1" "John" "America" }
{ "2" "Jane" "New Zealand" }
{ "3" "Jimmy" "Canada" }
] [ test.db [ "select rowid, * from person" do-simple-query ] with-sqlite ] unit-test
"extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path [
"insert into person(name, country) values('Jose', 'Mexico')" do-simple-command
"insert into person(name, country) values('Jose', 'Mexico')" do-simple-command
"oops" throw
] with-transaction
] with-sqlite
] unit-test-fails
[ 3 ] [
"extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path [
"select * from person" do-simple-query length
] with-sqlite
] unit-test
] [
"extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path [
"insert into person(name, country) values('Jose', 'Mexico')" do-simple-command
"insert into person(name, country) values('Jose', 'Mexico')" do-simple-command
] with-transaction
] with-sqlite
] unit-test
[ 5 ] [
"extra/db/sqlite/test.db" resource-path [
"select * from person" do-simple-query length
] with-sqlite
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Chris Double, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien arrays assocs classes compiler db db.sql hashtables
io.files kernel math math.parser namespaces prettyprint sequences
strings sqlite.lib tuples alien.c-types continuations
db.sqlite.lib db.sqlite.ffi ;
IN: db.sqlite
TUPLE: sqlite-db path ;
C: <sqlite-db> sqlite-db
M: sqlite-db db-open ( db -- )
dup sqlite-db-path sqlite-open <db>
swap set-delegate ;
M: sqlite-db dispose ( obj -- )
dup db-handle sqlite-close
f over set-db-handle
f swap set-delegate ;
: with-sqlite ( path quot -- )
>r <sqlite-db> r> with-db ; inline
TUPLE: sqlite-statement ;
C: <sqlite-statement> sqlite-statement
M: sqlite-db <simple-statement> ( str -- obj )
<prepared-statement> ;
M: sqlite-db <bound-statement> ( str -- obj )
<prepared-bound-statement> ;
M: sqlite-db <prepared-statement> ( str -- obj )
db get db-handle over sqlite-prepare
{ set-statement-sql set-statement-handle } statement construct
<sqlite-statement> [ set-delegate ] keep ;
M: sqlite-db <prepared-bound-statement> ( str assoc -- obj )
swap <prepared-statement> tuck bind-statement ;
M: sqlite-statement dispose ( statement -- )
statement-handle sqlite-finalize ;
M: sqlite-statement bind-statement* ( assoc statement -- )
statement-handle swap sqlite-bind-assoc ;
M: sqlite-statement rebind-statement ( assoc statement -- )
dup reset-statement
statement-handle swap sqlite-bind-assoc ;
M: sqlite-statement #columns ( statement -- n )
statement-handle sqlite-#columns ;
M: sqlite-statement row-column ( statement n -- obj )
>r statement-handle r> sqlite-column ;
M: sqlite-statement advance-row ( statement -- ? )
statement-handle sqlite-next ;
M: sqlite-statement reset-statement ( statement -- )
statement-handle sqlite-reset ;
M: sqlite-db begin-transaction ( -- )
"BEGIN" do-simple-command ;
M: sqlite-db commit-transaction ( -- )
"COMMIT" do-simple-command ;
M: sqlite-db rollback-transaction ( -- )
"ROLLBACK" do-simple-command ;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
create table person (name varchar(30), country varchar(30));
insert into person values('John', 'America');
insert into person values('Jane', 'New Zealand');
Reference in New Issue