Merge branch 'master' of git:// into specialized-arrays
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ math.bitwise byte-arrays alien combinators calendar
io.encodings.binary accessors sequences strings system
io.files.private destructors vocabs.loader calendar.unix
unix.stat alien.c-types arrays unix.users unix.groups
environment fry io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.statfs
environment fry io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings
combinators.short-circuit ;
IN: io.unix.files
@ -76,15 +76,64 @@ M: unix copy-file ( from to -- )
[ swap file-info permissions>> chmod io-error ]
2bi ;
HOOK: stat>file-info os ( stat -- file-info )
TUPLE: unix-file-system-info < file-system-info
block-size preferred-block-size
blocks blocks-free blocks-available
files files-free files-available
name-max flags id ;
HOOK: stat>type os ( stat -- file-info )
HOOK: new-file-system-info os ( -- file-system-info )
HOOK: new-file-info os ( -- class )
M: unix new-file-system-info ( -- ) unix-file-system-info new ;
HOOK: file-system-statfs os ( path -- statfs )
M: unix file-system-statfs drop f ;
HOOK: file-system-statvfs os ( path -- statvfs )
M: unix file-system-statvfs drop f ;
HOOK: statfs>file-system-info os ( file-system-info statfs -- file-system-info' )
M: unix statfs>file-system-info drop ;
HOOK: statvfs>file-system-info os ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-info' )
M: unix statvfs>file-system-info drop ;
: file-system-calculations ( file-system-info -- file-system-info' )
[ dup [ blocks-available>> ] [ block-size>> ] bi * >>free-space drop ]
[ dup [ blocks>> ] [ block-size>> ] bi * >>total-space drop ]
[ dup [ total-space>> ] [ free-space>> ] bi - >>used-space drop ]
[ ]
} cleave ;
M: unix file-system-info
[ new-file-system-info ] dip
[ file-system-statfs statfs>file-system-info ]
[ file-system-statvfs statvfs>file-system-info ] bi
file-system-calculations ;
os {
{ linux [ "io.unix.files.linux" require ] }
{ macosx [ "io.unix.files.macosx" require ] }
{ freebsd [ "io.unix.files.freebsd" require ] }
{ netbsd [ "io.unix.files.netbsd" require ] }
{ openbsd [ "io.unix.files.openbsd" require ] }
} case
TUPLE: unix-file-info < file-info uid gid dev ino
nlink rdev blocks blocksize ;
HOOK: new-file-info os ( -- file-info )
HOOK: stat>file-info os ( stat -- file-info )
HOOK: stat>type os ( stat -- file-info )
M: unix file-info ( path -- info )
normalize-path file-status stat>file-info ;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators
io.backend io.files io.unix.files kernel math system unix
unix.statfs unix.statvfs.freebsd ;
IN: io.unix.files.freebsd
M: freebsd file-system-statvfs ( path -- byte-array )
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error ;
M: freebsd statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-info )
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>files-available ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flags ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
} cleave ;
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators csv
io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.streams.string io.unix.files
kernel namespaces sequences system unix unix.statfs.linux
unix.statvfs.linux ;
IN: io.unix.files.linux
TUPLE: linux-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
namelen spare ;
M: linux new-file-system-info linux-file-system-info new ;
M: linux file-system-statfs ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs64" <c-object> tuck statfs64 io-error ;
M: linux statfs>file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ statfs64-f_type >>type ]
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs64-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statfs64-f_namelen >>namelen ]
[ statfs64-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statfs64-f_spare >>spare ]
} cleave ;
M: linux file-system-statvfs ( path -- byte-array )
"statvfs64" <c-object> tuck statvfs64 io-error ;
M: linux statvfs>file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ statvfs64-f_flag >>flags ]
[ statvfs64-f_namemax >>name-max ]
} cleave ;
TUPLE: mtab-entry file-system-name mount-point type options
frequency pass-number ;
: mtab-csv>mtab-entry ( csv -- mtab-entry )
[ mtab-entry new ] dip
[ first >>file-system-name ]
[ second >>mount-point ]
[ third >>type ]
[ fourth <string-reader> csv first >>options ]
[ 4 swap nth >>frequency ]
[ 5 swap nth >>pass-number ]
} cleave ;
: parse-mtab ( -- array )
"/etc/mtab" utf8 <file-reader>
CHAR: \s delimiter set csv
] with-scope
[ mtab-csv>mtab-entry ] map ;
M: linux file-systems
parse-mtab [
[ mount-point>> file-system-info ] keep
[ file-system-name>> >>device-name ]
[ mount-point>> >>mount-point ]
[ type>> >>type ]
} cleave
] map ;
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.strings combinators
grouping io.encodings.utf8 io.files kernel math sequences
system unix unix.statfs.macosx io.unix.files unix.statvfs.macosx ;
IN: io.unix.files.macosx
TUPLE: macosx-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
io-size owner type-id filesystem-subtype ;
M: macosx file-systems ( -- array )
f <void*> dup 0 getmntinfo64 dup io-error
[ *void* ] dip
"statfs64" heap-size [ * memory>byte-array ] keep group
[ [ new-file-system-info ] dip statfs>file-system-info ] map ;
M: macosx new-file-system-info macosx-file-system-info new ;
M: macosx file-system-statfs ( normalized-path -- statfs )
"statfs64" <c-object> tuck statfs64 io-error ;
M: macosx file-system-statvfs ( normalized-path -- statvfs )
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error ;
M: macosx statfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info byte-array -- file-system-info' )
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statfs64-f_iosize >>io-size ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs64-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statfs64-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statfs64-f_type >>type-id ]
[ statfs64-f_flags >>flags ]
[ statfs64-f_fssubtype >>filesystem-subtype ]
[ statfs64-f_fstypename utf8 alien>string >>type ]
[ statfs64-f_mntonname utf8 alien>string >>mount-point ]
[ statfs64-f_mntfromname utf8 alien>string >>device-name ]
} cleave ;
M: macosx statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info byte-array -- file-system-info' )
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>files-available ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
} cleave ;
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax kernel unix.stat math unix
combinators system io.backend accessors alien.c-types
io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.types unix.statfs
io.unix.files io.files unix.statvfs.netbsd ;
IN: io.unix.files.netbsd
TUPLE: netbsd-file-system-info < unix-file-system-info
blocks-reserved files-reserved
owner io-size
sync-reads sync-writes
async-reads async-writes
idx mount-from spare ;
M: netbsd new-file-system-info netbsd-file-system-info new ;
M: netbsd file-system-statvfs
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error ;
M: netbsd statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-info' )
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flags ]
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_iosize >>io-size ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statvfs-f_bresvd >>blocks-reserved ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>files-available ]
[ statvfs-f_fresvd >>files-reserved ]
[ statvfs-f_syncreads >>sync-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_syncwrites >>sync-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncreads >>async-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncwrites >>async-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_fsidx >>idx ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
[ statvfs-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statvfs-f_spare >>spare ]
[ statvfs-f_fstypename alien>native-string >>type ]
[ statvfs-f_mntonname alien>native-string >>mount-point ]
[ statvfs-f_mntfromname alien>native-string >>device-name ]
} cleave ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax accessors combinators kernel
unix.types math system io.backend alien.c-types unix
io.files io.unix.files unix.statvfs.openbsd ;
IN: io.unix.files.openbsd
M: openbsd file-system-statvfs ( normalized-path -- statvfs )
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error ;
M: openbsd statvfs>file-system-info ( file-system-info statvfs -- file-system-info' )
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>preferred-block-size ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>files-available ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>id ]
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flags ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>name-max ]
} cleave ;
@ -257,9 +257,6 @@ M: winnt link-info ( path -- info )
HOOK: root-directory os ( string -- string' )
TUPLE: winnt-file-system-info < file-system-info
total-bytes total-free-bytes ;
: file-system-type ( normalized-path -- str )
MAX_PATH 1+ <byte-array>
@ -269,21 +266,28 @@ total-bytes total-free-bytes ;
[ GetVolumeInformation win32-error=0/f ] 2keep drop
utf16n alien>string ;
: file-system-space ( normalized-path -- free-space total-bytes total-free-bytes )
: file-system-space ( normalized-path -- available-space total-space free-space )
"ULARGE_INTEGER" <c-object>
"ULARGE_INTEGER" <c-object>
"ULARGE_INTEGER" <c-object>
[ GetDiskFreeSpaceEx win32-error=0/f ] 3keep ;
: calculate-file-system-info ( file-system-info -- file-system-info' )
[ dup [ total-space>> ] [ free-space>> ] bi - >>used-space drop ]
[ ]
} cleave ;
M: winnt file-system-info ( path -- file-system-info )
normalize-path root-directory
dup [ file-system-type ] [ file-system-space ] bi
\ winnt-file-system-info new
swap *ulonglong >>total-free-bytes
swap *ulonglong >>total-bytes
\ file-system-info new
swap *ulonglong >>free-space
swap *ulonglong >>total-space
swap *ulonglong >>available-space
swap >>type
swap >>mount-point ;
swap >>mount-point
calculate-file-system-info ;
: volume>paths ( string -- array )
16384 "ushort" <c-array> tuck dup length
@ -324,7 +328,7 @@ M: winnt file-systems ( -- array )
find-volumes [ volume>paths ] map
concat [
[ file-system-info ]
[ drop winnt-file-system-info new swap >>mount-point ] recover
[ drop \ file-system-info new swap >>mount-point ] recover
] map ;
: file-times ( path -- timestamp timestamp timestamp )
@ -22,32 +22,3 @@ C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" } ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
TUPLE: freebsd-file-system-info < file-system-info
bavail bfree blocks favail ffree files
bsize flag frsize fsid namemax ;
M: freebsd >file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ freebsd-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statvfs-f_bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>bavail ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>bfree ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>favail ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flag ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>frsize ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>fsid ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>namemax ]
} cleave ;
M: freebsd file-system-info ( path -- byte-array )
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types combinators kernel unix.stat
math accessors system unix io.backend layouts vocabs.loader
alien.syntax unix.statfs io.files ;
IN: unix.statfs.linux
C-STRUCT: statfs
{ "long" "f_type" }
{ "long" "f_bsize" }
{ "long" "f_blocks" }
{ "long" "f_bfree" }
{ "long" "f_bavail" }
{ "long" "f_files" }
{ "long" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsid_t" "f_fsid" }
{ "long" "f_namelen" } ;
FUNCTION: int statfs ( char* path, statfs* buf ) ;
TUPLE: linux32-file-system-info < file-system-info
bsize blocks bfree bavail files ffree fsid namelen
frsize spare ;
M: linux >file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ linux32-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statfs-f_bsize ]
[ statfs-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statfs-f_type >>type ]
[ statfs-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs-f_bfree >>bfree ]
[ statfs-f_bavail >>bavail ]
[ statfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statfs-f_fsid >>fsid ]
[ statfs-f_namelen >>namelen ]
} cleave ;
M: linux file-system-info ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs" <c-object> tuck statfs io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types combinators kernel unix.stat
math accessors system unix io.backend layouts vocabs.loader
alien.syntax unix.statfs io.files ;
IN: unix.statfs.linux
C-STRUCT: statfs64
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_type" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_bsize" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_files" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "__fsid_t" "f_fsid" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_namelen" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_frsize" }
{ { "__SWORD_TYPE" 5 } "f_spare" } ;
FUNCTION: int statfs64 ( char* path, statfs64* buf ) ;
TUPLE: linux64-file-system-info < file-system-info
bsize blocks bfree bavail files ffree fsid namelen
frsize spare ;
M: linux >file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ linux64-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statfs64-f_bsize ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statfs64-f_type >>type ]
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs64-f_bfree >>bfree ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>bavail ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>fsid ]
[ statfs64-f_namelen >>namelen ]
[ statfs64-f_frsize >>frsize ]
[ statfs64-f_spare >>spare ]
} cleave ;
M: linux file-system-info ( path -- byte-array )
"statfs64" <c-object> tuck statfs64 io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,43 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types combinators kernel unix.stat
math accessors system unix io.backend layouts vocabs.loader
sequences csv io.streams.string io.encodings.utf8 namespaces
unix.statfs io.files ;
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statfs.linux
cell-bits {
{ 32 [ "unix.statfs.linux.32" require ] }
{ 64 [ "unix.statfs.linux.64" require ] }
} case
C-STRUCT: statfs64
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_type" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_bsize" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_files" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "__fsid_t" "f_fsid" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_namelen" }
{ "__SWORD_TYPE" "f_frsize" }
{ { "__SWORD_TYPE" 5 } "f_spare" } ;
TUPLE: mtab-entry file-system-name mount-point type options
frequency pass-number ;
: mtab-csv>mtab-entry ( csv -- mtab-entry )
[ mtab-entry new ] dip
[ first >>file-system-name ]
[ second >>mount-point ]
[ third >>type ]
[ fourth <string-reader> csv first >>options ]
[ 4 swap nth >>frequency ]
[ 5 swap nth >>pass-number ]
} cleave ;
: parse-mtab ( -- array )
"/etc/mtab" utf8 <file-reader>
CHAR: \s delimiter set csv
] with-scope
[ mtab-csv>mtab-entry ] map ;
M: linux file-systems
parse-mtab [
[ mount-point>> file-system-info ] keep
[ file-system-name>> >>device-name ]
[ mount-point>> >>mount-point ]
[ type>> >>type ]
} cleave
] map ;
FUNCTION: int statfs64 ( char* path, statfs64* buf ) ;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: alien.c-types io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.string
kernel sequences unix.stat accessors unix combinators math
grouping system unix.statfs io.files io.backend alien.strings
math.bitwise alien.syntax ;
math.bitwise alien.syntax io.unix.files ;
IN: unix.statfs.macosx
: MNT_RDONLY HEX: 00000001 ; inline
@ -116,50 +116,3 @@ C-STRUCT: statfs64
FUNCTION: int statfs64 ( char* path, statfs64* buf ) ;
FUNCTION: int getmntinfo64 ( statfs64** mntbufp, int flags ) ;
TUPLE: macosx-file-system-info < file-system-info
block-size io-size blocks blocks-free blocks-available files
files-free file-system-id owner type-id flags filesystem-subtype ;
M: macosx file-systems ( -- array )
f <void*> dup 0 getmntinfo64 dup io-error
[ *void* ] dip
"statfs64" heap-size [ * memory>byte-array ] keep group
[ >file-system-info ] map ;
M: macosx >file-system-info ( byte-array -- file-system-info )
[ \ macosx-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statfs64-f_bavail ] [ statfs64-f_bsize ] bi *
[ statfs64-f_mntonname utf8 alien>string >>mount-point ]
[ statfs64-f_bsize >>block-size ]
[ statfs64-f_iosize >>io-size ]
[ statfs64-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statfs64-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statfs64-f_bavail >>blocks-available ]
[ statfs64-f_files >>files ]
[ statfs64-f_ffree >>files-free ]
[ statfs64-f_fsid >>file-system-id ]
[ statfs64-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statfs64-f_type >>type-id ]
[ statfs64-f_flags >>flags ]
[ statfs64-f_fssubtype >>filesystem-subtype ]
statfs64-f_fstypename utf8 alien>string
utf8 alien>string >>device-name
} cleave ;
M: macosx file-system-info ( path -- file-system-info )
"statfs64" <c-object> tuck statfs64 io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -4,75 +4,3 @@ USING: alien.syntax kernel unix.stat math unix
combinators system io.backend accessors alien.c-types
io.encodings.utf8 alien.strings unix.types unix.statfs io.files ;
IN: unix.statfs.netbsd
: _VFS_NAMELEN 32 ; inline
: _VFS_MNAMELEN 1024 ; inline
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_iosize" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bresvd" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_fresvd" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_syncreads" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_syncwrites" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_asyncreads" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_asyncwrites" }
{ "fsid_t" "f_fsidx" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" }
{ "uid_t" "f_owner" }
{ { "uint32_t" 4 } "f_spare" }
{ { "char" _VFS_NAMELEN } "f_fstypename" }
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntonname" }
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntfromname" } ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
TUPLE: netbsd-file-system-info < file-system-info
flag bsize frsize io-size
blocks blocks-free blocks-available blocks-reserved
files ffree sync-reads sync-writes async-reads async-writes
fsidx fsid namemax owner spare fstype mnotonname mntfromname
file-system-type-name mount-from ;
M: netbsd >file-system-info ( byte-array -- netbsd-file-system-info )
[ \ netbsd-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statvfs-f_bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flag ]
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>frsize ]
[ statvfs-f_iosize >>io-size ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>blocks-free ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>blocks-available ]
[ statvfs-f_fresvd >>blocks-reserved ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statvfs-f_syncreads >>sync-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_syncwrites >>sync-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncreads >>async-reads ]
[ statvfs-f_asyncwrites >>async-writes ]
[ statvfs-f_fsidx >>fsidx ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>namemax ]
[ statvfs-f_owner >>owner ]
[ statvfs-f_spare >>spare ]
[ statvfs-f_fstypename utf8 alien>string >>file-system-type-name ]
[ statvfs-f_mntonname utf8 alien>string >>mount-point ]
[ statvfs-f_mntfromname utf8 alien>string >>mount-from ]
} cleave ;
M: netbsd file-system-info
normalize-path "statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax kernel unix ;
IN: unix.statfs.openbsd.32
: MFSNAMELEN 16 ; inline
: MNAMELEN 90 ; inline
C-STRUCT: statfs
{ "u_int32_t" "f_flags" }
{ "int32_t" "f_bsize" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_iosize" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "int32_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_files" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsid_t" "f_fsid" }
{ "uid_t" "f_owner" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_syncwrites" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_asyncwrites" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_ctime" }
{ { "u_int32_t" 3 } "f_spare" }
{ { "char" MFSNAMELEN } "f_fstypename" }
{ { "char" MNAMELEN } "f_mntonname" }
{ { "char" MNAMELEN } "f_mntfromname" } ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax unix ;
IN: unix.statfs.openbsd.64
: MFSNAMELEN 16 ; inline
: MNAMELEN 90 ; inline
C-STRUCT: statfss
{ "u_int32_t" "f_flags" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_bsize" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_iosize" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "int64_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_files" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "int64_t" "f_favail" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_syncwrites" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_syncreads" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_asyncwrites" }
{ "u_int64_t" "f_asyncreads" }
{ "fsid_t" "f_fsid" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_namemax" }
{ "uid_t" "f_owner" }
{ "u_int32_t" "f_ctime" }
{ { "u_int32_t" 3 } " f_spare" }
{ { "char" MFSNAMELEN } "f_fstypename" }
{ { "char" MNAMELEN } "f_mntonname" }
{ { "char" MNAMELEN } "f_mntfromname" }
{ { "char" 512 } "mount_info" } ;
! { "mount_info" "mount_info" } ;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax accessors combinators kernel
unix.types math system io.backend alien.c-types unix
unix.statfs io.files ;
IN: unix.statfs.openbsd
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" } ;
: ST_RDONLY 1 ; inline
: ST_NOSUID 2 ; inline
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
TUPLE: openbsd-file-system-info < file-system-info
bsize frsize blocks bfree bavail files ffree favail
fsid flag namemax ;
M: openbsd >file-system-info ( struct -- statfs )
[ \ openbsd-file-system-info new ] dip
[ statvfs-f_bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail ] bi * >>free-space
[ statvfs-f_bsize >>bsize ]
[ statvfs-f_frsize >>frsize ]
[ statvfs-f_blocks >>blocks ]
[ statvfs-f_bfree >>bfree ]
[ statvfs-f_bavail >>bavail ]
[ statvfs-f_files >>files ]
[ statvfs-f_ffree >>ffree ]
[ statvfs-f_favail >>favail ]
[ statvfs-f_fsid >>fsid ]
[ statvfs-f_flag >>flag ]
[ statvfs-f_namemax >>namemax ]
} cleave ;
M: openbsd file-system-info ( path -- byte-array )
"statvfs" <c-object> tuck statvfs io-error
>file-system-info ;
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ USING: sequences system vocabs.loader combinators accessors
kernel math.order sorting ;
IN: unix.statfs
HOOK: >file-system-info os ( struct -- statfs )
os {
{ linux [ "unix.statfs.linux" require ] }
{ macosx [ "unix.statfs.macosx" require ] }
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statvfs.freebsd
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" } ;
! Flags
: ST_RDONLY HEX: 1 ; inline ! Read-only file system
: ST_NOSUID HEX: 2 ; inline ! Does not honor setuid/setgid
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statvfs.linux
C-STRUCT: statvfs64
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "__fsblkcnt64_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_files" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "__fsfilcnt64_t" "f_favail" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" }
{ { "int" 6 } "__f_spare" } ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs64 ( char* path, statvfs64* buf ) ;
: ST_RDONLY 1 ; inline ! Mount read-only.
: ST_NOSUID 2 ; inline ! Ignore suid and sgid bits.
: ST_NODEV 4 ; inline ! Disallow access to device special files.
: ST_NOEXEC 8 ; inline ! Disallow program execution.
: ST_SYNCHRONOUS 16 ; inline ! Writes are synced at once.
: ST_MANDLOCK 64 ; inline ! Allow mandatory locks on an FS.
: ST_WRITE 128 ; inline ! Write on file/directory/symlink.
: ST_APPEND 256 ; inline ! Append-only file.
: ST_IMMUTABLE 512 ; inline ! Immutable file.
: ST_NOATIME 1024 ; inline ! Do not update access times.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statvfs.macosx
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" } ;
! Flags
: ST_RDONLY HEX: 1 ; inline ! Read-only file system
: ST_NOSUID HEX: 2 ; inline ! Does not honor setuid/setgid
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statvfs.netbsd
: _VFS_NAMELEN 32 ; inline
: _VFS_MNAMELEN 1024 ; inline
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_iosize" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bresvd" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_fresvd" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_syncreads" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_syncwrites" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_asyncreads" }
{ "uint64_t" "f_asyncwrites" }
{ "fsid_t" "f_fsidx" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" }
{ "uid_t" "f_owner" }
{ { "uint32_t" 4 } "f_spare" }
{ { "char" _VFS_NAMELEN } "f_fstypename" }
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntonname" }
{ { "char" _VFS_MNAMELEN } "f_mntfromname" } ;
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.syntax ;
IN: unix.statvfs.openbsd
C-STRUCT: statvfs
{ "ulong" "f_bsize" }
{ "ulong" "f_frsize" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_blocks" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bfree" }
{ "fsblkcnt_t" "f_bavail" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_files" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_ffree" }
{ "fsfilcnt_t" "f_favail" }
{ "ulong" "f_fsid" }
{ "ulong" "f_flag" }
{ "ulong" "f_namemax" } ;
: ST_RDONLY 1 ; inline
: ST_NOSUID 2 ; inline
FUNCTION: int statvfs ( char* path, statvfs* buf ) ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators system vocabs.loader ;
IN: unix.statvfs
os {
{ linux [ "unix.statvfs.linux" require ] }
{ macosx [ "unix.statvfs.macosx" require ] }
{ freebsd [ "unix.statvfs.freebsd" require ] }
{ netbsd [ "unix.statvfs.netbsd" require ] }
{ openbsd [ "unix.statvfs.openbsd" require ] }
} case
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ SYMBOL: +unknown+
HOOK: file-systems os ( -- array )
TUPLE: file-system-info device-name mount-point type free-space ;
TUPLE: file-system-info device-name mount-point type
available-space free-space used-space total-space ;
HOOK: file-system-info os ( path -- file-system-info )
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Joe Groff
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Stanford Bunny rendered with cartoon-style lines instead of shading
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Reference in New Issue