fix [[link]]-foo --- should not create a list

Doug Coleman 2008-09-24 19:26:37 -05:00
parent 7e5af60cbc
commit 72685aa77e
2 changed files with 3 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -139,5 +139,5 @@ link-no-follow? off
[ "<p>before:\n<pre><span class='OPERATOR'>{</span> <span class='DIGIT'>1</span> <span class='DIGIT'>2</span> <span class='DIGIT'>3</span> <span class='OPERATOR'>}</span> <span class='DIGIT'>1</span> tail\n</pre></p>" ]
[ "before:\n[factor{{ 1 2 3 } 1 tail}]" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<a href='Factor'>Factor</a>-rific!" ]
[ "[[Factor]]-rific" convert-farkup ] unit-test
[ "<p><a href='Factor'>Factor</a>-rific!</p>" ]
[ "[[Factor]]-rific!" convert-farkup ] unit-test

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@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ TUPLE: line ;
EBNF: parse-farkup
nl = ("\r\n" | "\r" | "\n") => [[ drop "\n" ]]
2nl = nl nl
heading1 = "=" (!("=" | nl).)+ "="
=> [[ second >string heading1 boa ]]
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ table = ((table-row nl => [[ first ]] )+ table-row? | table-row)
text = (!(nl | code | heading | inline-delimiter | table ).)+
=> [[ >string ]]
paragraph-item = (table | list | code | text | inline-tag | inline-delimiter)+
paragraph-item = (table | nl list | code | text | inline-tag | inline-delimiter)+
paragraph = ((paragraph-item nl => [[ first ]])+ nl+ => [[ first ]]
| (paragraph-item nl)+ paragraph-item?
| paragraph-item)