Merge branch 'master' of git://

Joe Groff 2010-02-07 00:13:44 -08:00
commit 72f7f472b9
32 changed files with 454 additions and 308 deletions

View File

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ CONSTANT: ctx-reg 16
rs-reg ctx-reg context-retainstack-offset LWZ ;
0 3 LOAD32 rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rt-literal jit-rel
11 3 profile-count-offset LWZ
0 12 LOAD32 rc-absolute-ppc-2/2 rt-literal jit-rel
11 12 profile-count-offset LWZ
11 11 1 tag-fixnum ADDI
11 3 profile-count-offset STW
11 3 word-code-offset LWZ
11 12 profile-count-offset STW
11 12 word-code-offset LWZ
11 11 compiled-header-size ADDI

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ IN: bootstrap.x86
! load entry point
safe-reg -7 [] LEA
safe-reg 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rt-this jit-rel
! save stack frame size
stack-frame-size PUSH
! push entry point

View File

@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ ERROR: bad-tga-unsupported ;
] unless
] ignore-errors
#! Only 24-bit uncompressed RGB and 32-bit uncompressed ARGB are supported.
#! Only 24-bit uncompressed BGR and 32-bit uncompressed BGRA are supported.
#! Other formats would need to be converted to work within the image class.
map-type 0 = [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
image-type 2 = [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ ERROR: bad-tga-unsupported ;
#! Create image instance
image new
alpha-bits 0 = [ RGB ] [ ARGB ] if >>component-order
alpha-bits 0 = [ BGR ] [ BGRA ] if >>component-order
{ image-width image-height } >>dim
pixel-order 0 = >>upside-down?
image-data >>bitmap
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ M: tga-image stream>image
M: tga-image image>stream
component-order>> { RGB ARGB } member? [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
component-order>> { BGRA BGRA } member? [ bad-tga-unsupported ] unless
] keep
B{ 0 } write #! id-length
@ -272,15 +272,15 @@ M: tga-image image>stream
[ dim>> second 2 >le write ]
[ component-order>>
{ RGB [ B{ 24 } write ] }
{ ARGB [ B{ 32 } write ] }
{ BGR [ B{ 24 } write ] }
{ BGRA [ B{ 32 } write ] }
} case
dup component-order>>
{ RGB [ 0 ] }
{ ARGB [ 8 ] }
{ BGR [ 0 ] }
{ BGRA [ 8 ] }
} case swap
upside-down?>> [ 0 ] [ 2 ] if 3 shift bitor
1 >le write

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ USING: io.files io.files.temp io.directories io.pathnames
tools.test io.launcher arrays io namespaces continuations math
io.encodings.binary io.encodings.ascii accessors kernel
sequences io.encodings.utf8 destructors io.streams.duplex locals
concurrency.promises threads unix.process calendar ;
concurrency.promises threads unix.process calendar unix ;
[ ] [
[ "launcher-test-1" temp-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ concurrency.promises threads unix.process calendar ;
[ p fulfill ] [ wait-for-process s fulfill ] bi
] in-thread
p 1 seconds ?promise-timeout handle>> 9 kill drop
p 1 seconds ?promise-timeout handle>> kill-process*
s ?promise 0 =
] unit-test

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ M: unix kill-process* ( pid -- )
TUPLE: signal n ;
: code>status ( code -- obj )
dup WIFEXITED [ WEXITSTATUS ] [ WTERMSIG signal boa ] if ;
dup WIFSIGNALED [ WTERMSIG signal boa ] [ WEXITSTATUS ] if ;
M: unix wait-for-processes ( -- ? )
0 <int> -1 over WNOHANG waitpid

View File

@ -502,6 +502,7 @@ SYMBOL: nc-buttons
{ APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_BACKWARD [ pick window left-action send-action ] }
{ APPCOMMAND_BROWSER_FORWARD [ pick window right-action send-action ] }
[ drop ]
} case 3drop ;
: handle-wm-buttondown ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ HELP: line-metrics
{ $contract "Outputs a " { $link metrics } " object with text measurements." } ;
ARTICLE: "text-rendering" "Rendering text"
"The " { $vocab-link "ui.text" } " vocabulary provides a cross-platform interface to the operating system's native font rendering engine. Currently, it uses Core Text on Mac OS X and FreeType on Windows and X11."
"The " { $vocab-link "ui.text" } " vocabulary provides a cross-platform interface to the operating system's native font rendering engine. Currently, it uses Core Text on Mac OS X, Uniscribe on Windows and Pango on X11."
{ $subsections "fonts" }
"Measuring text:"
{ $subsections

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.crossref help.stylesheet help.topics help.syntax
definitions io prettyprint summary arrays math sequences vocabs strings
see hashtables assocs game.models.collada.private game.models.util ;
see hashtables assocs game.models.collada.private game.models
game.models.util ;
IN: game.models.collada
ABOUT: "game.models.collada"

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ locals math math.parser sequences sequences.deep
specialized-arrays.instances.alien.c-types.uint splitting xml xml.traversal math.order
namespaces combinators images gpu.shaders io make
namespaces combinators images gpu.shaders io make game.models
game.models.util io.encodings.ascii game.models.loader ;
IN: game.models.collada
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ VERTEX-FORMAT: collada-vertex-format
[ flatten >float-array ]
[ flatten >uint-array ]
bi* collada-vertex-format model boa
bi* collada-vertex-format f model boa
] bi ;
: mesh>triangles ( sources vertices mesh-tag -- models )

View File

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ see ;
IN: game.models
HELP: model
{ $class-description "Tuple of a packed attribute buffer, index buffer and vertex format suitable for a single OpenGL draw call." } ;
{ $class-description "Tuple of a packed attribute buffer, index buffer, vertex format and material suitable for a single OpenGL draw call." } ;

View File

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
IN: game.models
TUPLE: model attribute-buffer index-buffer vertex-format ;
TUPLE: model attribute-buffer index-buffer vertex-format material ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Charlebois
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.crossref help.stylesheet help.topics help.syntax
definitions io prettyprint summary arrays math sequences vocabs strings
see hashtables assocs game.models.obj.private game.models
game.models.util io.pathnames ;
IN: game.models.obj
ABOUT: "game.models.obj"
ARTICLE: "game.models.obj" "Conversion of Wavefront OBJ assets"
"The " { $vocab-link "game.models.obj" } " vocabulary implements words for converting Wavefront OBJ assets to data suitable for use with OpenGL." ;
HELP: material
{ $class-description "Tuple describing the GPU state that needs to be applied prior to rendering geometry tagged with this material." } ;
HELP: cm
{ $values { "current-material" material } }
{ $description "Convenience word for accessing the current material while parsing primitives." } ;
HELP: md
{ $values { "material-dictionary" assoc } }
{ $description "Convenience word for accessing the material dictionary while parsing primitives. " } ;
HELP: strings>floats
{ $values { "strings" sequence } { "floats" sequence } }
{ $description "Convert a sequence of strings to a sequence of floats." } ;
HELP: strings>faces
{ $values { "strings" sequence } { "faces" sequence } }
{ $description "Convert a sequence of '/'-delimited strings into a sequence of sequences of numbers. Each number is an index into the vertex, texture or normal tables, respectively." } ;
HELP: split-string
{ $values { "string" string } { "strings" sequence } }
{ $description "Split the given string on whitespace." } ;
HELP: line>mtl
{ $values { "line" string } }
{ $description "Process a line from a material file within the current parsing context." } ;
HELP: read-mtl
{ $values { "file" pathname } { "material-dictionary" assoc } }
{ $description "Read the specified material file and generate a material dictionary keyed by material name." } ;
HELP: obj-vertex-format
{ $class-description "Vertex format used for rendering OBJ geometry." } ;
HELP: triangle>aos
{ $values { "x" sequence } { "y" sequence } }
{ $description "Convert a sequence of vertex, texture and normal indices into a sequence of vertex, texture and normal values." } ;
HELP: quad>aos
{ $values { "x" sequence } { "y" sequence } { "z" sequence } }
{ $description "Convert a sequence of vertex, texture and normal indices into two sequences of vertex, texture and normal values. This splits a quad into two triangles." } ;
HELP: face>aos
{ $values { "x" sequence } { "y" sequence } }
{ $description "Convert a face line to a sequence of vertex attributes." } ;
HELP: push*
{ $values { "elt" "an object" } { "seq" sequence } { "seq" sequence } }
{ $description "Push the value onto the sequence, keeping the sequence on the stack." } ;
HELP: push-current-model
{ $description "Push the current model being built onto the models list and initialize a fresh empty model." } ;
HELP: line>obj
{ $values { "line" string } }
{ $description "Process a line from the object file within the current parsing context." } ;

View File

@ -1,98 +1,166 @@
! Copyright (C) 2010 Your name.
! Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Charlebois
! See for BSD license.
USING: io io.encodings.ascii math.parser sequences splitting kernel
assocs io.files combinators math.order math namespaces
arrays sequences.deep accessors
game.models.util gpu.shaders images game.models.loader ;
game.models game.models.util gpu.shaders images
game.models.loader prettyprint ;
IN: game.models.obj
SINGLETON: obj-models
"obj" ascii obj-models register-models-class
SYMBOLS: v vt vn i ;
SYMBOLS: vp vt vn current-model current-material material-dictionary models ;
TUPLE: material
{ name initial: f }
{ ambient-reflectivity initial: { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } }
{ diffuse-reflectivity initial: { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } }
{ specular-reflectivity initial: { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } }
{ transmission-filter initial: { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } }
{ dissolve initial: 1.0 }
{ specular-exponent initial: 10.0 }
{ refraction-index initial: 1.5 }
{ ambient-map initial: f }
{ diffuse-map initial: f }
{ specular-map initial: f }
{ specular-exponent-map initial: f }
{ dissolve-map initial: f }
{ displacement-map initial: f }
{ bump-map initial: f }
{ reflection-map initial: f } ;
: cm ( -- current-material ) current-material get ; inline
: md ( -- material-dictionary ) material-dictionary get ; inline
: strings>floats ( strings -- floats )
[ string>float ] map ;
: strings>faces ( strings -- faces )
[ "/" split [ string>number ] map ] map ;
: split-string ( string -- strings )
" \t\n" split harvest ;
: line>mtl ( line -- )
" \t\n" split harvest
[ rest ] [ first ] bi
{ "newmtl" [ first
[ material new swap >>name current-material set ]
[ cm swap md set-at ] bi
] }
{ "Ka" [ 3 head [ string>float ] map cm (>>ambient-reflectivity) ] }
{ "Kd" [ 3 head [ string>float ] map cm (>>diffuse-reflectivity) ] }
{ "Ks" [ 3 head [ string>float ] map cm (>>specular-reflectivity) ] }
{ "Tf" [ 3 head [ string>float ] map cm (>>transmission-filter) ] }
{ "d" [ first string>float cm (>>dissolve) ] }
{ "Ns" [ first string>float cm (>>specular-exponent) ] }
{ "Ni" [ first string>float cm (>>refraction-index) ] }
{ "map_Ka" [ first cm (>>ambient-map) ] }
{ "map_Kd" [ first cm (>>diffuse-map) ] }
{ "map_Ks" [ first cm (>>specular-map) ] }
{ "map_Ns" [ first cm (>>specular-exponent-map) ] }
{ "map_d" [ first cm (>>dissolve-map) ] }
{ "map_bump" [ first cm (>>bump-map) ] }
{ "bump" [ first cm (>>bump-map) ] }
{ "disp" [ first cm (>>displacement-map) ] }
{ "refl" [ first cm (>>reflection-map) ] }
[ 2drop ]
} case
] unless-empty ;
: read-mtl ( file -- material-dictionary )
f current-material set
H{ } clone material-dictionary set
] H{ } make-assoc
ascii file-lines [ line>mtl ] each
] bind ;
VERTEX-FORMAT: obj-vertex-format
{ "POSITION" float-components 3 f }
{ "TEXCOORD" float-components 2 f }
{ "NORMAL" float-components 3 f } ;
: string>floats ( x -- y )
[ string>float ] map ;
: string>faces ( x -- y )
[ "/" split [ string>number ] map ] map ;
: 3face>aos ( x -- y )
dup length {
{ 3
[ 1 - v get nth ]
[ 1 - vt get nth ]
[ 1 - vn get nth ] tri* 3array flatten
] }
{ 2
[ 1 - v get nth ]
[ 1 - vt get nth ] bi* 2array flatten
] }
} case ;
: 4face>aos ( x -- y z )
[ 3 head [ 3face>aos 1array ] map ]
[ [ 0 swap nth ] [ 2 swap nth ] [ 3 swap nth ] tri 3array [ 3face>aos 1array ] map ]
: faces>aos ( x -- y )
: triangle>aos ( x -- y )
dup length
{ 3 [ [ 3face>aos 1array ] map 1array ] }
{ 4 [ 4face>aos 2array ] }
{ 3 [
[ 1 - vp get nth ]
[ 1 - vt get nth ]
[ 1 - vn get nth ] tri* 3array flatten
] }
{ 2 [
[ 1 - vp get nth ]
[ 1 - vt get nth ] bi* 2array flatten
] }
} case ;
: quad>aos ( x -- y z )
[ 3 head [ triangle>aos 1array ] map ]
[ [ 2 swap nth ]
[ 3 swap nth ]
[ 0 swap nth ] tri 3array
[ triangle>aos 1array ] map ]
bi ;
: face>aos ( x -- y )
dup length
{ 3 [ [ triangle>aos 1array ] map 1array ] }
{ 4 [ quad>aos 2array ] }
} case ;
: push* ( x z -- y )
: push* ( elt seq -- seq )
[ push ] keep ;
: push-current-model ( -- )
current-model get [
[ dseq>> flatten >float-array ]
[ iseq>> flatten >uint-array ]
bi obj-vertex-format current-material get model boa models get push
V{ } V{ } H{ } <indexed-seq> current-model set
] unless-empty ;
: line>obj ( line -- )
" \t\n" split harvest dup
length 1 >
[ rest ] [ first ] bi
{ "#" [ drop ] }
{ "v" [ string>floats 3 head v [ push* ] change ] }
{ "vt" [ string>floats 2 head vt [ push* ] change ] }
{ "vn" [ string>floats 3 head vn [ push* ] change ] }
{ "f" [ string>faces faces>aos [ [ i [ push* ] change ] each ] each ] }
{ "o" [ drop ] }
{ "g" [ drop ] }
{ "s" [ drop ] }
{ "mtllib" [ drop ] }
{ "usemtl" [ drop ] }
{ "mtllib" [ first read-mtl material-dictionary set ] }
{ "v" [ strings>floats 3 head vp [ push* ] change ] }
{ "vt" [ strings>floats 2 head vt [ push* ] change ] }
{ "vn" [ strings>floats 3 head vn [ push* ] change ] }
{ "usemtl" [ push-current-model first md at current-material set ] }
{ "f" [ strings>faces face>aos [ [ current-model [ push* ] change ] each ] each ] }
[ 2drop ]
} case
[ drop ] if ;
] unless-empty ;
M: obj-models stream>models
V{ }
[ clone v set ]
[ clone vt set ]
[ clone vn set ] tri
V{ } V{ } H{ } <indexed-seq> i set
V{ } clone vp set
V{ } clone vt set
V{ } clone vn set
V{ } clone models set
V{ } V{ } H{ } <indexed-seq> current-model set
f current-material set
f material-dictionary set
] H{ } make-assoc
[ line>obj ] each-stream-line i get
] bind
[ dseq>> flatten >float-array ]
[ iseq>> flatten >uint-array ] bi obj-vertex-format model boa 1array ;
[ line>obj ] each-stream-line push-current-model
models get
] bind ;

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
USING: sequences accessors kernel locals assocs ;
IN: game.models.util
TUPLE: model attribute-buffer index-buffer vertex-format ;
TUPLE: indexed-seq dseq iseq rassoc ;
INSTANCE: indexed-seq sequence

View File

@ -8,93 +8,109 @@ io io.encodings.ascii io.files io.files.temp kernel locals math
math.matrices math.vectors.simd math.parser math.vectors
method-chains namespaces sequences splitting threads ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats specialized-arrays
specialized-vectors literals fry xml
xml.traversal sequences.deep destructors math.bitwise
game.models.obj game.models.loader game.models.collada ;
specialized-vectors literals fry
sequences.deep destructors math.bitwise
game.models game.models.obj game.models.loader game.models.collada
prettyprint images.tga ;
FROM: alien.c-types => float ;
IN: model-viewer
GLSL-SHADER: model-vertex-shader vertex-shader
uniform mat4 mv_matrix, p_matrix;
uniform vec3 light_position;
GLSL-SHADER: obj-vertex-shader vertex-shader
uniform mat4 mv_matrix;
uniform mat4 p_matrix;
attribute vec3 POSITION;
attribute vec3 TEXCOORD;
attribute vec3 NORMAL;
attribute vec2 TEXCOORD;
varying vec2 texit;
varying vec3 norm;
varying vec2 texcoord_fs;
varying vec3 normal_fs;
varying vec3 world_pos_fs;
void main()
vec4 position = mv_matrix * vec4(POSITION, 1.0);
gl_Position = p_matrix * position;
texit = TEXCOORD;
norm = NORMAL;
gl_Position = p_matrix * position;
world_pos_fs = POSITION;
texcoord_fs = TEXCOORD;
normal_fs = NORMAL;
GLSL-SHADER: model-fragment-shader fragment-shader
varying vec2 texit;
varying vec3 norm;
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(texit, 0, 1) + vec4(norm, 1);
GLSL-PROGRAM: model-program
model-vertex-shader model-fragment-shader ;
GLSL-SHADER: debug-vertex-shader vertex-shader
GLSL-SHADER: obj-fragment-shader fragment-shader
uniform mat4 mv_matrix, p_matrix;
uniform vec3 light_position;
attribute vec3 POSITION;
attribute vec3 COLOR;
varying vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D map_Ka;
uniform sampler2D map_bump;
uniform vec3 Ka;
uniform vec3 view_pos;
uniform vec3 light;
varying vec2 texcoord_fs;
varying vec3 normal_fs;
varying vec3 world_pos_fs;
void main()
gl_Position = p_matrix * mv_matrix * vec4(POSITION, 1.0);
color = vec4(COLOR, 1);
vec4 d = texture2D(map_Ka, texcoord_fs.xy);
vec3 b = texture2D(map_bump, texcoord_fs.xy).xyz;
vec3 n = normal_fs;
vec3 v = normalize(view_pos - world_pos_fs);
vec3 l = normalize(light);
vec3 h = normalize(v + l);
float cosTh = saturate(dot(n, l));
gl_FragColor = d * cosTh
+ d * 0.5 * cosTh * pow(saturate(dot(n, h)), 10.0) ;
GLSL-SHADER: debug-fragment-shader fragment-shader
varying vec4 color;
void main()
gl_FragColor = color;
GLSL-PROGRAM: debug-program debug-vertex-shader debug-fragment-shader ;
GLSL-PROGRAM: obj-program
obj-vertex-shader obj-fragment-shader ;
UNIFORM-TUPLE: model-uniforms < mvp-uniforms
{ "light-position" vec3-uniform f } ;
{ "map_Ka" texture-uniform f }
{ "map_bump" texture-uniform f }
{ "Ka" vec3-uniform f }
{ "light" vec3-uniform f }
{ "view_pos" vec3-uniform f }
TUPLE: model-state
index-vectors ;
kas ;
TUPLE: model-world < wasd-world
{ model-state model-state } ;
TUPLE: model-world < wasd-world model-path model-state ;
VERTEX-FORMAT: model-vertex
{ "POSITION" float-components 3 f }
{ "NORMAL" float-components 3 f }
{ "TEXCOORD" float-components 2 f } ;
TUPLE: vbo
index-buffer index-count vertex-format texture bump ka ;
VERTEX-FORMAT: debug-vertex
{ "POSITION" float-components 3 f }
{ "COLOR" float-components 3 f } ;
TUPLE: vbo vertex-buffer index-buffer index-count vertex-format ;
: white-image ( -- image )
{ 1 1 } BGR ubyte-components f
B{ 255 255 255 } image boa ;
: up-image ( -- image )
{ 1 1 } BGR ubyte-components f
B{ 0 0 0 } image boa ;
: make-texture ( pathname alt -- texture )
swap [ nip load-image ] [ ] if*
[ component-order>> ]
[ component-type>> ] bi
T{ texture-parameters
{ wrap repeat-texcoord }
{ min-filter filter-linear }
{ min-mipmap-filter f } }
0 swap [ allocate-texture-image ] 3keep 2drop
] bi ;
: <model-buffers> ( models -- buffers )
@ -102,110 +118,104 @@ TUPLE: vbo vertex-buffer index-buffer index-count vertex-format ;
[ index-buffer>> underlying>> static-upload draw-usage index-buffer byte-array>buffer ]
[ index-buffer>> length ]
[ vertex-format>> ]
[ material>> ambient-map>> white-image make-texture ]
[ material>> bump-map>> up-image make-texture ]
[ material>> ambient-reflectivity>> ]
} cleave vbo boa
] map ;
: fill-model-state ( model-state -- )
dup models>> <model-buffers>
[ vertex-buffer>> model-program <program-instance> ]
[ vertex-format>> ] bi buffer>vertex-array
] map >>vertex-arrays drop
[ index-buffer>> ] [ index-count>> ] bi
'[ _ 0 <buffer-ptr> _ uint-indexes <index-elements> ] call
] map >>index-vectors drop
] 2bi ;
: model-files ( -- files )
{ "C:/Users/erikc/Downloads/test2.dae"
"C:/Users/erikc/Downloads/Sponza.obj" } ;
: <model-state> ( -- model-state )
model-state new
model-files [ load-models ] [ append ] map-reduce >>models ;
M: model-world begin-game-world
{ 0.0 0.0 2.0 } 0 0 set-wasd-view
<model-state> [ fill-model-state drop ] [ >>model-state drop ] 2bi ;
: <model-uniforms> ( world -- uniforms )
[ wasd-mv-matrix ] [ wasd-p-matrix ] bi
{ -10000.0 10000.0 10000.0 } ! light position
model-uniforms boa ;
: draw-line ( world from to color -- )
[ 3 head ] tri@ dup -rot append -rot append swap append >float-array
underlying>> stream-upload draw-usage vertex-buffer byte-array>buffer
debug-program <program-instance> debug-vertex buffer>vertex-array
{ 0 1 } >uint-array stream-upload draw-usage index-buffer byte-array>buffer
2 '[ _ 0 <buffer-ptr> _ uint-indexes <index-elements> ] call
rot <model-uniforms>
{ "primitive-mode" [ 3drop lines-mode ] }
{ "uniforms" [ nip nip ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ drop drop ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop nip ] }
} 3<render-set> render ;
[ vertex-buffer>> obj-program <program-instance> ]
[ vertex-format>> ] bi buffer>vertex-array
] map >>vertex-arrays drop
[ index-buffer>> ] [ index-count>> ] bi
'[ _ 0 <buffer-ptr> _ uint-indexes <index-elements> ] call
] map >>index-vectors drop
[ [ texture>> ] map >>textures drop ]
[ [ bump>> ] map >>bumps drop ]
[ [ ka>> ] map >>kas drop ]
} 2cleave ;
: draw-lines ( world lines -- )
3 <groups> [ first3 draw-line ] with each ; inline
: <model-state> ( model-world -- model-state )
model-path>> 1array model-state new swap
[ load-models ] [ append ] map-reduce >>models ;
: draw-axes ( world -- )
{ { 0 0 0 } { 1 0 0 } { 1 0 0 }
{ 0 0 0 } { 0 1 0 } { 0 1 0 }
{ 0 0 0 } { 0 0 1 } { 0 0 1 } } draw-lines ;
: draw-model ( world -- )
:: <model-uniforms> ( world -- uniforms )
world model-state>>
[ textures>> ] [ bumps>> ] [ kas>> ] tri
[| texture bump ka |
world wasd-mv-matrix
world wasd-p-matrix
texture bump ka
{ 0.5 0.5 0.5 }
world location>>
model-uniforms boa
] 3map ;
: clear-screen ( -- )
0 0 0 0 glClearColor
1 glClearDepth
HEX: ffffffff glClearStencil
GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT } flags glClear ;
: draw-model ( world -- )
face-ccw cull-back <triangle-cull-state> set-gpu-state
cmp-less <depth-state> set-gpu-state
[ model-state>> vertex-arrays>> ]
[ model-state>> index-vectors>> ]
[ <model-uniforms> ]
triangle-fill dup t <triangle-state> set-gpu-state
face-ccw cull-back <triangle-cull-state> set-gpu-state
cmp-less <depth-state> set-gpu-state
[ model-state>> vertex-arrays>> ]
[ model-state>> index-vectors>> ]
[ <model-uniforms> ]
{ "primitive-mode" [ 3drop triangles-mode ] }
{ "uniforms" [ nip nip ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ drop drop ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop nip ] }
} 3<render-set> render
] curry 2each
cmp-always <depth-state> set-gpu-state
bi ;
{ "primitive-mode" [ 3drop triangles-mode ] }
{ "uniforms" [ nip nip ] }
{ "vertex-array" [ drop drop ] }
{ "indexes" [ drop nip ] }
} 3<render-set> render
] 3each ;
M: model-world draw-world*
draw-model ;
TUPLE: model-attributes < game-attributes model-path ;
M: model-world draw-world* draw-model ;
M: model-world wasd-movement-speed drop 1/4. ;
M: model-world wasd-near-plane drop 1/32. ;
M: model-world wasd-far-plane drop 1024.0 ;
M: model-world begin-game-world
{ 0.0 0.0 2.0 } 0 0 set-wasd-view
[ <model-state> [ fill-model-state ] keep ] [ (>>model-state) ] bi ;
M: model-world apply-world-attributes
[ model-path>> >>model-path ]
[ call-next-method ]
} cleave ;
GAME: model-viewer {
{ world-class model-world }
{ title "Model Viewer" }
{ pixel-format-attributes { windowed double-buffered } }
{ grab-input? t }
{ use-game-input? t }
{ pref-dim { 1024 768 } }
{ tick-interval-micros $[ 60 fps ] }
} ;
:: open-model-viewer ( model-path -- )
T{ model-attributes
{ world-class model-world }
{ grab-input? t }
{ title "Model Viewer" }
{ pixel-format-attributes
{ windowed double-buffered }
{ pref-dim { 1024 768 } }
{ tick-interval-micros 16666 }
{ use-game-input? t }
{ model-path model-path }
] with-ui ;

View File

@ -287,6 +287,7 @@
("\\_<\\()\\))\\_>" (1 ")("))
;; Quotations:
("\\_<'\\(\\[\\)\\_>" (1 "(]")) ; fried
("\\_<$\\(\\[\\)\\_>" (1 "(]")) ; parse-time
("\\_<\\(\\[\\)\\_>" (1 "(]"))
("\\_<\\(\\]\\)\\_>" (1 ")["))))

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SHARED_FLAG = -dynamiclib
ifdef X11
LIBS = -lm -framework Cocoa -L/opt/local/lib $(X11_UI_LIBS) -Wl,-dylib_file,/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib:/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
LIBS = -lm -framework Cocoa -framework AppKit
LIBS = -lm -framework Cocoa -framework AppKit
LINKER = $(CPP) $(CFLAGS) -dynamiclib -single_module -std=gnu99 \

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ typedef fixnum bignum_length_type;
#define BIGNUM_ASSERT(expression) \
{ \
if (! (expression)) \

View File

@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ inline static bool tail_call_site_p(cell return_address)
inline static unsigned int fpu_status(unsigned int status)
unsigned int r = 0;
unsigned int r = 0;
if (status & 0x20000000)
if (status & 0x20000000)
if (status & 0x10000000)
if (status & 0x10000000)
if (status & 0x08000000)
if (status & 0x08000000)
if (status & 0x04000000)
if (status & 0x04000000)
if (status & 0x02000000)
if (status & 0x02000000)
return r;
return r;
/* Defined in assembly */

View File

@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ inline static bool tail_call_site_p(cell return_address)
inline static unsigned int fpu_status(unsigned int status)
unsigned int r = 0;
unsigned int r = 0;
if (status & 0x01)
if (status & 0x01)
if (status & 0x04)
if (status & 0x04)
if (status & 0x08)
if (status & 0x08)
if (status & 0x10)
if (status & 0x10)
if (status & 0x20)
if (status & 0x20)
return r;
return r;

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ cell object::binary_payload_start() const
return sizeof(wrapper);
critical_error("Invalid header",(cell)this);
return 0; /* can't happen */
return 0; /* can't happen */

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ void factor_vm::collect_mark_impl(bool trace_contexts_p)

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct gc_event {
struct gc_state {
gc_op op;
u64 start_time;
jmp_buf gc_unwind;
jmp_buf gc_unwind;
gc_event *event;
explicit gc_state(gc_op op_, factor_vm *parent);

View File

@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void factor_vm::primitive_fopen()
FILE *file;
file = safe_fopen((char *)(path.untagged() + 1),
(char *)(mode.untagged() + 1));
(char *)(mode.untagged() + 1));
@ -187,31 +187,24 @@ void factor_vm::primitive_fread()
data_root<byte_array> buf(allot_uninitialized_array<byte_array>(size),this);
int c = safe_fread(buf.untagged() + 1,1,size,file);
if(c == 0)
int c = safe_fread(buf.untagged() + 1,1,size,file);
if(c == 0)
byte_array *new_buf = allot_byte_array(c);
memcpy(new_buf + 1, buf.untagged() + 1,c);
buf = new_buf;
byte_array *new_buf = allot_byte_array(c);
memcpy(new_buf + 1, buf.untagged() + 1,c);
buf = new_buf;

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ struct jit {
return position;
void set_position(fixnum position_)
void set_position(fixnum position_)
position = position_;

View File

@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_xor()
void factor_vm::primitive_bignum_shift()
fixnum y = untag_fixnum(ctx->pop());
bignum* x = untag<bignum>(ctx->pop());
bignum* x = untag<bignum>(ctx->pop());

View File

@ -6,35 +6,35 @@ namespace factor
inline static unsigned int uap_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_387)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_387)
struct save87 *x87 = (struct save87 *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
return x87->sv_env.en_sw;
else if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
struct savexmm *xmm = (struct savexmm *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
return xmm->sv_env.en_sw | xmm->sv_env.en_mxcsr;
return 0;
inline static void uap_clear_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_387)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_387)
struct save87 *x87 = (struct save87 *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
x87->sv_env.en_sw = 0;
else if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
struct savexmm *xmm = (struct savexmm *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
xmm->sv_env.en_sw = 0;
xmm->sv_env.en_mxcsr &= 0xffffffc0;

View File

@ -6,25 +6,25 @@ namespace factor
inline static unsigned int uap_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
struct savefpu *xmm = (struct savefpu *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
return xmm->sv_env.en_sw | xmm->sv_env.en_mxcsr;
return 0;
inline static void uap_clear_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
if (ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpformat == _MC_FPFMT_XMM)
struct savefpu *xmm = (struct savefpu *)(&ucontext->uc_mcontext.mc_fpstate);
xmm->sv_env.en_sw = 0;
xmm->sv_env.en_mxcsr &= 0xffffffc0;

View File

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ namespace factor
inline static unsigned int uap_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
return ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->swd
| ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->mxcsr;
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
return ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->swd
| ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->mxcsr;
inline static void uap_clear_fpu_status(void *uap)
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->swd = 0;
ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->mxcsr &= 0xffffffc0;
ucontext_t *ucontext = (ucontext_t *)uap;
ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->swd = 0;
ucontext->uc_mcontext.fpregs->mxcsr &= 0xffffffc0;
#define UAP_STACK_POINTER(ucontext) (((ucontext_t *)ucontext)->uc_mcontext.gregs[15])

View File

@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ u64 system_micros()
/* On VirtualBox, QueryPerformanceCounter does not increment
the high part every time the low part overflows. Workaround. */
u64 nano_count()
@ -53,8 +51,14 @@ u64 nano_count()
if(ret == 0)
fatal_error("QueryPerformanceFrequency", 0);
if(count.LowPart < lo)
hi += 1;
#ifdef FACTOR_64
hi = count.HighPart;
/* On VirtualBox, QueryPerformanceCounter does not increment
the high part every time the low part overflows. Workaround. */
if(lo > count.LowPart)
lo = count.LowPart;
return (u64)((((u64)hi << 32) | (u64)lo)*(1000000000.0/frequency.QuadPart));
@ -75,12 +79,12 @@ LONG factor_vm::exception_handler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pe)
signal_callstack_top = NULL;
switch (e->ExceptionCode)
switch (e->ExceptionCode)
signal_fault_addr = e->ExceptionInformation[1];
c->EIP = (cell)factor::memory_signal_handler_impl;
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ LONG factor_vm::exception_handler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pe)
#ifdef FACTOR_AMD64
#ifdef FACTOR_64
signal_fpu_status = fpu_status(MXCSR(c));
signal_fpu_status = fpu_status(X87SW(c) | MXCSR(c));

View File

@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ segment::~segment()
long getpagesize()
static long g_pagesize = 0;
if (! g_pagesize)
SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
GetSystemInfo (&system_info);
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ long getpagesize()
void factor_vm::move_file(const vm_char *path1, const vm_char *path2)
if(MoveFileEx((path1),(path2),MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) == false)
if(MoveFileEx((path1),(path2),MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) == false)

View File

@ -184,20 +184,20 @@ struct factor_vm
void bignum_destructive_add(bignum * bignum, bignum_digit_type n);
void bignum_destructive_scale_up(bignum * bignum, bignum_digit_type factor);
void bignum_divide_unsigned_large_denominator(bignum * numerator, bignum * denominator,
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder, int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder, int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
void bignum_divide_unsigned_normalized(bignum * u, bignum * v, bignum * q);
bignum_digit_type bignum_divide_subtract(bignum_digit_type * v_start, bignum_digit_type * v_end,
bignum_digit_type guess, bignum_digit_type * u_start);
bignum_digit_type guess, bignum_digit_type * u_start);
void bignum_divide_unsigned_medium_denominator(bignum * numerator,bignum_digit_type denominator,
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder,int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder,int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
void bignum_destructive_normalization(bignum * source, bignum * target, int shift_left);
void bignum_destructive_unnormalization(bignum * bignum, int shift_right);
bignum_digit_type bignum_digit_divide(bignum_digit_type uh, bignum_digit_type ul,
bignum_digit_type v, bignum_digit_type * q) /* return value */;
bignum_digit_type v, bignum_digit_type * q) /* return value */;
bignum_digit_type bignum_digit_divide_subtract(bignum_digit_type v1, bignum_digit_type v2,
bignum_digit_type guess, bignum_digit_type * u);
bignum_digit_type guess, bignum_digit_type * u);
void bignum_divide_unsigned_small_denominator(bignum * numerator, bignum_digit_type denominator,
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder,int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
bignum * * quotient, bignum * * remainder,int q_negative_p, int r_negative_p);
bignum_digit_type bignum_destructive_scale_down(bignum * bignum, bignum_digit_type denominator);
bignum * bignum_remainder_unsigned_small_denominator(bignum * n, bignum_digit_type d, int negative_p);
bignum *bignum_digit_to_bignum(bignum_digit_type digit, int negative_p);
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ struct factor_vm
if(!(current_gc && current_gc->op == collect_growing_heap_op))
assert((cell)pointer >= data->seg->start
&& (cell)pointer < data->seg->end);
&& (cell)pointer < data->seg->end);