ui.backend.*: the offscreen buffer hooks appear unused - let's delete!
@ -15,18 +15,12 @@ HOOK: (open-window) ui-backend ( world -- )
HOOK: (close-window) ui-backend ( handle -- )
HOOK: (open-offscreen-buffer) ui-backend ( world -- )
HOOK: (close-offscreen-buffer) ui-backend ( handle -- )
HOOK: raise-window* ui-backend ( world -- )
GENERIC: select-gl-context ( handle -- )
GENERIC: flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
HOOK: offscreen-pixels ui-backend ( world -- alien w h )
HOOK: (with-ui) ui-backend ( quot -- )
HOOK: (grab-input) ui-backend ( handle -- )
@ -15,10 +15,8 @@ IN: ui.backend.cocoa
TUPLE: handle ;
TUPLE: window-handle < handle view window ;
TUPLE: offscreen-handle < handle context buffer ;
C: <window-handle> window-handle
C: <offscreen-handle> offscreen-handle
SINGLETON: cocoa-ui-backend
@ -181,31 +179,8 @@ M: cocoa-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
NSApp 1 -> activateIgnoringOtherApps:
] when* ;
: pixel-size ( pixel-format -- size )
color-bits (pixel-format-attribute) -3 shift ;
: offscreen-buffer ( world pixel-format -- alien w h pitch )
[ dim>> first2 ] [ pixel-size ] bi*
{ [ * * malloc ] [ 2drop ] [ drop nip ] [ nip * ] } 3cleave ;
:: gadget-offscreen-context ( world -- context buffer )
world [
nip :> pf
NSOpenGLContext -> alloc pf handle>> f -> initWithFormat:shareContext:
dup world pf offscreen-buffer
4 npick [ -> setOffScreen:width:height:rowbytes: ] dip
] with-world-pixel-format ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (open-offscreen-buffer) ( world -- )
dup gadget-offscreen-context <offscreen-handle> >>handle drop ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (close-offscreen-buffer) ( handle -- )
[ context>> -> release ]
[ buffer>> free ] bi ;
GENERIC: (gl-context) ( handle -- context )
M: window-handle (gl-context) view>> -> openGLContext ;
M: offscreen-handle (gl-context) context>> ;
M: handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )
(gl-context) -> makeCurrentContext ;
@ -213,9 +188,6 @@ M: handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )
M: handle flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
(gl-context) -> flushBuffer ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend offscreen-pixels ( world -- alien w h )
[ handle>> buffer>> ] [ dim>> first2 neg ] bi ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend beep ( -- )
NSBeep ;
@ -22,9 +22,7 @@ SINGLETON: windows-ui-backend
TUPLE: win-base hDC hRC ;
TUPLE: win < win-base hWnd world title ;
TUPLE: win-offscreen < win-base hBitmap bits ;
C: <win> win
C: <win-offscreen> win-offscreen
@ -734,20 +732,6 @@ M: win-base select-gl-context ( handle -- )
M: win-base flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
hDC>> SwapBuffers win32-error=0/f ;
: setup-offscreen-gl ( world -- )
dup [ handle>> ] [ dim>> ] bi make-offscreen-dc-and-bitmap
[ >>hDC ] [ >>hBitmap ] [ >>bits ] tri* drop [
swap [ handle>> hDC>> set-pixel-format ] [ get-rc ] bi
] with-world-pixel-format ;
M: windows-ui-backend (open-offscreen-buffer) ( world -- )
win-offscreen new >>handle
setup-offscreen-gl ;
M: windows-ui-backend (close-offscreen-buffer) ( handle -- )
[ hDC>> DeleteDC drop ]
[ hBitmap>> DeleteObject drop ] bi ;
! Windows 32-bit bitmaps don't actually use the alpha byte of
! each pixel; it's left as zero
@ -759,9 +743,6 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-offscreen-buffer) ( handle -- )
: (opaque-pixels) ( world -- pixels )
[ handle>> bits>> ] [ dim>> ] bi bitmap>byte-array (make-opaque) ;
M: windows-ui-backend offscreen-pixels ( world -- alien w h )
[ (opaque-pixels) ] [ dim>> first2 ] bi ;
M: windows-ui-backend raise-window* ( world -- )
handle>> [ hWnd>> SetFocus drop ] when* ;
@ -50,10 +50,8 @@ SINGLETON: x11-ui-backend
TUPLE: x11-handle-base glx ;
TUPLE: x11-handle < x11-handle-base window xic ;
TUPLE: x11-pixmap-handle < x11-handle-base pixmap glx-pixmap ;
C: <x11-handle> x11-handle
C: <x11-pixmap-handle> x11-pixmap-handle
M: world expose-event nip relayout ;
@ -367,27 +365,6 @@ M: x11-handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )
M: x11-handle flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
dpy get swap window>> glXSwapBuffers ;
M: x11-pixmap-handle select-gl-context ( handle -- )
dpy get swap
[ glx-pixmap>> ] [ glx>> ] bi glXMakeCurrent
[ "Failed to set current GLX context" throw ] unless ;
M: x11-pixmap-handle flush-gl-context ( handle -- )
drop ;
M: x11-ui-backend (open-offscreen-buffer) ( world -- )
dup [ [ dim>> ] [ handle>> ] bi* glx-pixmap ] with-world-pixel-format
<x11-pixmap-handle> >>handle drop ;
M: x11-ui-backend (close-offscreen-buffer) ( handle -- )
dpy get swap
[ glx-pixmap>> glXDestroyGLXPixmap ]
[ pixmap>> XFreePixmap drop ]
[ glx>> glXDestroyContext ] 2tri ;
M: x11-ui-backend offscreen-pixels ( world -- alien w h )
[ [ dim>> ] [ handle>> pixmap>> ] bi pixmap-bits ] [ dim>> first2 ] bi ;
M: x11-ui-backend (with-ui) ( quot -- )
f [
Reference in New Issue