diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
index 7aa61e84da..4f802c5207 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf-tests.factor
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf words ;
+USING: kernel tools.test peg peg.ebnf words math math.parser ;
 IN: peg.ebnf.tests
 { T{ ebnf-non-terminal f "abc" } } [
@@ -160,6 +160,25 @@ IN: peg.ebnf.tests
   "1-1" [EBNF foo='1' '+' '1' => [[ drop "foo" ]] | '1' '-' '1' => [[ drop "bar" ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
 ] unit-test
+{ 6 } [
+  "4+2" [EBNF num=[0-9] => [[ digit> ]] foo=num:x '+' num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
+{ 6 } [
+  "4+2" [EBNF foo=[0-9]:x '+' [0-9]:y => [[ drop x digit> y digit> + ]] EBNF] call parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
+{ 10 } [
+  { 1 2 3 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
+{ f } [
+  { "a" 2 3 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call 
+] unit-test
+{ 3 } [
+  { 1 2 "a" 4 } [EBNF num=. ?[ number? ]? list=list:x num:y => [[ drop x y + ]] | num EBNF] call parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
 { V{ V{ 49 } "+" V{ 49 } } } [ 
   #! Test direct left recursion. 
diff --git a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
index af61c3aae0..4f00edbd3c 100644
--- a/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/ebnf/ebnf.factor
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 USING: kernel compiler.units parser words arrays strings math.parser sequences 
        quotations vectors namespaces math assocs continuations peg
        peg.parsers unicode.categories multiline combinators.lib 
-       splitting accessors ;
+       splitting accessors effects sequences.deep ;
 IN: peg.ebnf
 TUPLE: ebnf-non-terminal symbol ;
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ TUPLE: ebnf-repeat1 group ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-optional group ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-rule symbol elements ;
 TUPLE: ebnf-action parser code ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-var parser name ;
+TUPLE: ebnf-semantic parser code ;
 TUPLE: ebnf rules ;
 C: <ebnf-non-terminal> ebnf-non-terminal
@@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ C: <ebnf-repeat1> ebnf-repeat1
 C: <ebnf-optional> ebnf-optional
 C: <ebnf-rule> ebnf-rule
 C: <ebnf-action> ebnf-action
+C: <ebnf-var> ebnf-var
+C: <ebnf-semantic> ebnf-semantic
 C: <ebnf> ebnf
 : syntax ( string -- parser )
@@ -79,6 +83,7 @@ C: <ebnf> ebnf
       [ dup CHAR: * = ]
       [ dup CHAR: + = ]
       [ dup CHAR: ? = ]
+      [ dup CHAR: : = ]
     } || not nip    
   ] satisfy repeat1 [ >string <ebnf-non-terminal> ] action ;
@@ -99,7 +104,7 @@ C: <ebnf> ebnf
     "]" syntax ,
   ] seq* [ first >string <ebnf-range> ] action ;
-: 'element' ( -- parser )
+: ('element') ( -- parser )
   #! An element of a rule. It can be a terminal or a 
   #! non-terminal but must not be followed by a "=". 
   #! The latter indicates that it is the beginning of a
@@ -117,6 +122,12 @@ C: <ebnf> ebnf
     ] choice* ,
   ] seq* [ first ] action ;
+: 'element' ( -- parser )
+  [
+    [ ('element') , ":" syntax , "a-zA-Z" range-pattern repeat1 [ >string ] action , ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-var> ] action ,
+    ('element') ,
+  ] choice* ;
 DEFER: 'choice'
 : grouped ( quot suffix  -- parser )
@@ -147,6 +158,7 @@ DEFER: 'choice'
 : 'factor-code' ( -- parser )
     "]]" token ensure-not ,
+    "]?" token ensure-not ,
     [ drop t ] satisfy ,
   ] seq* [ first ] action repeat0 [ >string ] action ;
@@ -184,14 +196,15 @@ DEFER: 'choice'
 : 'action' ( -- parser )
    "[[" 'factor-code' "]]" syntax-pack ;
+: 'semantic' ( -- parser )
+   "?[" 'factor-code' "]?" syntax-pack ;
 : 'sequence' ( -- parser )
   #! A sequence of terminals and non-terminals, including
   #! groupings of those. 
-    [ 
-      ('sequence') ,
-      'action' ,
-    ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-action> ] action ,
+    [ ('sequence') , 'action' , ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-action> ] action ,
+    [ ('sequence') , 'semantic' , ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-semantic> ] action ,
     ('sequence') ,
   ] choice* repeat1 [ 
      dup length 1 = [ first ] [ <ebnf-sequence> ] if
@@ -200,6 +213,7 @@ DEFER: 'choice'
 : 'actioned-sequence' ( -- parser )
     [ 'sequence' , "=>" syntax , 'action' , ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-action> ] action ,
+    [ 'sequence' , ":" syntax , "a-zA-Z" range-pattern repeat1 [ >string ] action , ] seq* [ first2 <ebnf-var> ] action ,
     'sequence' ,
   ] choice* ;
@@ -223,15 +237,17 @@ GENERIC: (transform) ( ast -- parser )
 SYMBOL: parser
 SYMBOL: main
+SYMBOL: vars
 : transform ( ast -- object )
-  H{ } clone dup dup [ parser set swap (transform) main set ] bind ;
+  H{ } clone dup dup [ parser set V{ } vars set swap (transform) main set ] bind ;
 M: ebnf (transform) ( ast -- parser )
   rules>> [ (transform) ] map peek ;
 M: ebnf-rule (transform) ( ast -- parser )
-  dup elements>> (transform) [
+  dup elements>> 
+  vars get clone vars [ (transform) ] with-variable [
     swap symbol>> set
   ] keep ;
@@ -266,9 +282,30 @@ M: ebnf-repeat1 (transform) ( ast -- parser )
 M: ebnf-optional (transform) ( ast -- parser )
   transform-group optional ;
+: build-locals ( string vars -- string )
+  dup empty? [
+    drop
+  ] [
+    [
+      "USING: locals namespaces ;  [let* | " %
+      [ dup % " [ \"" % % "\" get ] " % ] each
+      " | " %
+      %  
+      " ] with-locals" %     
+    ] "" make 
+  ] if ;
 M: ebnf-action (transform) ( ast -- parser )
   [ parser>> (transform) ] keep
-  code>> string-lines [ parse-lines ] with-compilation-unit action ;
+  code>> vars get build-locals string-lines [ parse-lines ] with-compilation-unit action ;
+M: ebnf-semantic (transform) ( ast -- parser )
+  [ parser>> (transform) ] keep
+  code>> vars get build-locals string-lines [ parse-lines ] with-compilation-unit semantic ;
+M: ebnf-var (transform) ( ast -- parser )
+  [ parser>> (transform) ] [ name>> ] bi 
+  dup vars get push [ dupd set ] curry action ;
 M: ebnf-terminal (transform) ( ast -- parser )
   symbol>> token sp ;
@@ -296,12 +333,12 @@ M: ebnf-non-terminal (transform) ( ast -- parser )
 : ebnf>quot ( string -- hashtable quot )
   'ebnf' parse check-parse-result 
   parse-result-ast transform dup dup parser [ main swap at compile ] with-variable
-  [ compiled-parse ] curry ;
+  [ compiled-parse ] curry [ with-scope ] curry ;
 : [EBNF "EBNF]" parse-multiline-string ebnf>quot nip parsed ; parsing
 : EBNF: 
   ";EBNF" parse-multiline-string
-  ebnf>quot swapd define "ebnf-parser" set-word-prop ; parsing
+  ebnf>quot swapd 1 1 <effect> define-declared "ebnf-parser" set-word-prop ; parsing
diff --git a/extra/peg/peg-docs.factor b/extra/peg/peg-docs.factor
index e7bd255569..5f200be78e 100644
--- a/extra/peg/peg-docs.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/peg-docs.factor
@@ -95,6 +95,19 @@ HELP: optional
     "Returns a parser that parses 0 or 1 instances of the 'p1' parser. The AST produced is "
     "'f' if 0 instances are parsed the AST produced is 'f', otherwise it is the AST produced by 'p1'." } ;
+HELP: semantic
+{ $values 
+  { "parser" "a parser" } 
+  { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect ( object -- bool )" } 
+{ $description 
+    "Returns a parser that succeeds if the 'p1' parser succeeds and the quotation called with "
+    "the AST produced by 'p1' on the stack returns true." }
+{ $examples 
+  { $example "\"A\" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 > ] semantic parse" "f" } 
+  { $example "\"C\" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 > ] semantic parse parse-result-ast " "67" } 
+} ;
 HELP: ensure
 { $values 
   { "parser" "a parser" } 
@@ -124,7 +137,7 @@ HELP: action
     "Returns a parser that calls the 'p1' parser and applies the quotation to the AST resulting "
     "from that parse. The result of the quotation is then used as the final AST. This can be used "
     "for manipulating the parse tree to produce a AST better suited for the task at hand rather than "
-    "the default AST." }
+    "the default AST. If the quotation returns " { $link fail } " then the parser fails." }
 { $code "CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 range [ to-digit ] action" } ;
 HELP: sp
diff --git a/extra/peg/peg-tests.factor b/extra/peg/peg-tests.factor
index f57fe83220..fcec33f7c2 100644
--- a/extra/peg/peg-tests.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/peg-tests.factor
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: kernel tools.test strings namespaces arrays sequences peg peg.private accessors words ;
+USING: kernel tools.test strings namespaces arrays sequences peg peg.private accessors words math ;
 IN: peg.tests
 { f } [
@@ -182,4 +182,13 @@ IN: peg.tests
   [ f , "a" token , ] seq*
   dup parsers>>
   dupd 0 swap set-nth compile word?
-] unit-test
\ No newline at end of file
+] unit-test
+{ f } [
+  "A" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 >= ] semantic parse 
+] unit-test
+{ CHAR: B } [
+  "B" [ drop t ] satisfy [ 66 >= ] semantic parse parse-result-ast
+] unit-test
diff --git a/extra/peg/peg.factor b/extra/peg/peg.factor
index 68aab7d820..9e35c5b9be 100755
--- a/extra/peg/peg.factor
+++ b/extra/peg/peg.factor
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 USING: kernel sequences strings namespaces math assocs shuffle 
        vectors arrays combinators.lib math.parser match
        unicode.categories sequences.lib compiler.units parser
-       words quotations effects memoize accessors locals ;
+       words quotations effects memoize accessors locals effects ;
 IN: peg
 USE: prettyprint
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
 :: parser-body ( parser -- quot )
   #! Return the body of the word that is the compiled version
   #! of the parser.
-  [let* | rule [ parser (compile) define-temp dup parser "peg" set-word-prop ] 
+  [let* | rule [ gensym dup parser (compile) 0 1 <effect> define-declared dup parser "peg" set-word-prop ] 
       rule pos get apply-rule dup fail = [ 
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
       ] if
   ] ;
 : compiled-parser ( parser -- word )
   #! Look to see if the given parser has been compiled.
   #! If not, compile it to a temporary word, cache it,
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
   dup compiled>> [
   ] [
-    gensym tuck >>compiled 2dup parser-body define dupd "peg" set-word-prop
+    gensym tuck >>compiled 2dup parser-body 0 1 <effect> define-declared dupd "peg" set-word-prop
   ] if* ;
 : compile ( parser -- word )
@@ -414,6 +414,23 @@ TUPLE: optional-parser p1 ;
 M: optional-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
   p1>> compiled-parser \ ?quot optional-pattern match-replace ;
+TUPLE: semantic-parser p1 quot ;
+MATCH-VARS: ?parser ;
+: semantic-pattern ( -- quot )
+  [
+    ?parser [
+      dup parse-result-ast ?quot call [ drop f ] unless
+    ] [
+      f
+    ] if*
+  ] ;
+M: semantic-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
+  [ p1>> compiled-parser ] [ quot>> ] bi  
+  2array { ?parser ?quot } semantic-pattern match-replace ;
 TUPLE: ensure-parser p1 ;
 : ensure-pattern ( -- quot )
@@ -490,8 +507,11 @@ M: box-parser (compile) ( parser -- quot )
   #! Calls the quotation at compile time
   #! to produce the parser to be compiled.
   #! This differs from 'delay' which calls
-  #! it at run time.
-  quot>> call compiled-parser 1quotation ;
+  #! it at run time. Due to using the runtime
+  #! environment at compile time, this parser
+  #! must not be cached, so we clear out the
+  #! delgates cache.
+  f >>compiled quot>> call compiled-parser 1quotation ;
@@ -543,6 +563,9 @@ PRIVATE>
 : optional ( parser -- parser )
   optional-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
+: semantic ( parser quot -- parser )
+  semantic-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
 : ensure ( parser -- parser )
   ensure-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
@@ -562,7 +585,12 @@ PRIVATE>
   delay-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
 : box ( quot -- parser )
-  box-parser construct-boa init-parser ;
+  #! because a box has its quotation run at compile time
+  #! it must always have a new parser delgate created, 
+  #! not a cached one. This is because the same box,
+  #! compiled twice can have a different compiled word
+  #! due to running at compile time.
+  box-parser construct-boa next-id f <parser> over set-delegate ;
 : PEG:
   (:) [