Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -17,11 +17,9 @@ HOOK: io-multiplex io-backend ( ms -- )
HOOK: normalize-directory io-backend ( str -- newstr )
M: object normalize-directory ;
HOOK: normalize-pathname io-backend ( str -- newstr )
M: object normalize-pathname ;
M: object normalize-directory normalize-pathname ;
: set-io-backend ( io-backend -- )
io-backend set-global init-io init-stdio ;
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
IN: io.files.tests
USING: tools.test io.files io threads kernel continuations io.encodings.ascii
io.files.unique sequences strings accessors ;
USING: tools.test io.files io threads kernel continuations
io.encodings.ascii io.files.unique sequences strings accessors
io.encodings.utf8 ;
[ ] [ "blahblah" temp-file dup exists? [ delete-directory ] [ drop ] if ] unit-test
[ ] [ "blahblah" temp-file make-directory ] unit-test
@ -82,6 +83,12 @@ io.files.unique sequences strings accessors ;
"delete-tree-test" temp-file delete-tree
] unit-test
[ { { "kernel" t } } ] [
"core" resource-path [
"." directory [ first "kernel" = ] subset
] with-directory
] unit-test
[ ] [
"copy-tree-test/a/b/c" temp-file make-directories
] unit-test
@ -130,6 +137,15 @@ io.files.unique sequences strings accessors ;
[ t ] [ cwd "misc" resource-path [ ] with-directory cwd = ] unit-test
[ t ] [
temp-directory [ "hi41" "test41" utf8 set-file-contents ] with-directory
temp-directory "test41" append-path utf8 file-contents "hi41" =
] unit-test
[ t ] [
temp-directory [ "test41" file-info size>> ] with-directory 4 =
] unit-test
[ ] [ "append-test" temp-file dup exists? [ delete-file ] [ drop ] if ] unit-test
[ ] [ "append-test" temp-file ascii <file-appender> dispose ] unit-test
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ HOOK: (file-writer) io-backend ( path -- stream )
HOOK: (file-appender) io-backend ( path -- stream )
: <file-reader> ( path encoding -- stream )
swap (file-reader) swap <decoder> ;
swap normalize-pathname (file-reader) swap <decoder> ;
: <file-writer> ( path encoding -- stream )
swap (file-writer) swap <encoder> ;
swap normalize-pathname (file-writer) swap <encoder> ;
: <file-appender> ( path encoding -- stream )
swap (file-appender) swap <encoder> ;
swap normalize-pathname (file-appender) swap <encoder> ;
: file-lines ( path encoding -- seq )
<file-reader> lines ;
@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ DEFER: copy-tree-into
: temp-file ( name -- path ) temp-directory prepend-path ;
M: object normalize-pathname ( path -- path' )
current-directory get prepend-path ;
! Pathname presentations
TUPLE: pathname string ;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ M: unix-io copy-file ( from to -- )
\ file-info construct-boa ;
M: unix-io file-info ( path -- info )
stat* stat>file-info ;
normalize-pathname stat* stat>file-info ;
M: unix-io link-info ( path -- info )
lstat* stat>file-info ;
normalize-pathname lstat* stat>file-info ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
IN: io.unix.launcher.tests
USING: io.files tools.test io.launcher arrays io namespaces
continuations math io.encodings.binary io.encodings.ascii
accessors kernel sequences ;
accessors kernel sequences io.encodings.utf8 ;
[ ] [
[ "launcher-test-1" temp-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
@ -95,3 +95,15 @@ accessors kernel sequences ;
+replace-environment+ >>environment-mode
ascii <process-stream> lines
] unit-test
[ "hi\n" ] [
temp-directory [
[ "aloha" delete-file ] ignore-errors
{ "echo" "hi" } >>command
"aloha" >>stdout
] with-directory
temp-directory "aloha" append-path
utf8 file-contents
] unit-test
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ USE: unix
2nip reset-fd ;
: redirect-file ( obj mode fd -- )
>r file-mode open dup io-error r> redirect-fd ;
>r >r normalize-pathname r> file-mode
open dup io-error r> redirect-fd ;
: redirect-closed ( obj mode fd -- )
>r >r drop "/dev/null" r> r> redirect-file ;
@ -67,9 +68,9 @@ USE: unix
: spawn-process ( process -- * )
current-directory get cd
current-directory get cd
dup pass-environment? [
dup get-environment set-os-envs
] when
@ -89,4 +89,7 @@ SYMBOLS: +read-only+ +hidden+ +system+
] if ;
M: windows-nt-io file-info ( path -- info )
get-file-information-stat ;
normalize-pathname get-file-information-stat ;
M: windows-nt-io link-info ( path -- info )
file-info ;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ M: win32-file close-handle ( handle -- )
! Clean up resources (open handle) if add-completion fails
: open-file ( path access-mode create-mode flags -- handle )
>r >r >r normalize-pathname r>
>r >r
share-mode security-attributes-inherit r> r> CreateFile-flags f CreateFile
dup invalid-handle? dup close-later
dup add-completion
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: kernel sequences strings namespaces math assocs shuffle
vectors arrays combinators.lib math.parser match
unicode.categories sequences.lib compiler.units parser
words quotations effects memoize accessors combinators.cleave ;
words quotations effects memoize accessors
combinators.cleave locals ;
IN: peg
TUPLE: parse-result remaining ast ;
@ -14,9 +15,23 @@ SYMBOL: ignore
parse-result construct-boa ;
SYMBOL: compiled-parsers
SYMBOL: packrat
SYMBOL: failed
GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
:: run-packrat-parser ( input quot c -- result )
input slice? [ input slice-from ] [ 0 ] if
quot c [ drop H{ } clone ] cache
drop input quot call
] cache ; inline
: run-parser ( input quot -- result )
#! If a packrat cache is available, use memoization for
#! packrat parsing, otherwise do a standard peg call.
packrat get [ run-packrat-parser ] [ call ] if* ; inline
: compiled-parser ( parser -- word )
#! Look to see if the given parser has been compiled.
#! If not, compile it to a temporary word, cache it,
@ -24,11 +39,11 @@ GENERIC: (compile) ( parser -- quot )
dup compiled-parsers get at [
] [
dup (compile) define-temp
dup (compile) [ run-parser ] curry define-temp
[ swap compiled-parsers get set-at ] keep
] if* ;
MEMO: compile ( parser -- word )
: compile ( parser -- word )
H{ } clone compiled-parsers [
[ compiled-parser ] with-compilation-unit
] with-variable ;
@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
USING: arrays ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.viewports ui.gadgets.frames ui.gadgets.grids
ui.gadgets.theme ui.gadgets.sliders ui.gestures kernel math
namespaces sequences models combinators math.vectors ;
namespaces sequences models combinators math.vectors
tuples ;
IN: ui.gadgets.scrollers
TUPLE: scroller viewport x y follows ;
: find-scroller ( gadget -- scroller/f )
[ scroller? ] find-parent ;
[ [ scroller? ] is? ] find-parent ;
: scroll-up-page scroller-y -1 swap slide-by-page ;
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ kernel models namespaces parser quotations sequences ui.commands
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.labelled
ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures ui.operations vocabs words
prettyprint listener debugger threads boxes concurrency.flags ;
prettyprint listener debugger threads boxes concurrency.flags
math arrays ;
TUPLE: listener-gadget input output stack ;
@ -23,9 +24,19 @@ TUPLE: listener-gadget input output stack ;
: <listener-input> ( listener -- gadget )
listener-gadget-output <pane-stream> <interactor> ;
TUPLE: input-scroller ;
: <input-scroller> ( interactor -- scroller )
input-scroller construct-empty
[ set-gadget-delegate ] keep ;
M: input-scroller pref-dim*
drop { 0 100 } ;
: listener-input, ( -- )
g <listener-input> g-> set-listener-gadget-input
<scroller> "Input" <labelled-gadget> f track, ;
<input-scroller> "Input" <labelled-gadget> f track, ;
: welcome. ( -- )
"If this is your first time with Factor, please read the " print
Reference in New Issue