a little bit more rice on game-input.iokit

Joe Groff 2009-05-08 19:16:45 -05:00
parent b7ac44cfd4
commit 77c8f38372
1 changed files with 27 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: cocoa cocoa.plists core-foundation iokit iokit.hid
kernel cocoa.enumeration destructors math.parser cocoa.application
sequences locals combinators.short-circuit threads
namespaces assocs vectors arrays combinators
namespaces assocs vectors arrays combinators hints alien
core-foundation.run-loop accessors sequences.private
alien.c-types math parser game-input vectors ;
IN: game-input.iokit
@ -99,9 +99,7 @@ CONSTANT: hat-switch-matching-hash
[ set-element-property ] [ 2drop ] if* ;
: mouse-device? ( device -- ? )
[ 1 2 IOHIDDeviceConformsTo ]
} 1|| ;
1 2 IOHIDDeviceConformsTo ;
: controller-device? ( device -- ? )
@ -156,12 +154,12 @@ CONSTANT: pov-values
: pov-value ( value -- pov-direction )
IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue pov-values ?nth [ pov-neutral ] unless* ;
: record-button ( hid-value element state -- )
[ button-value ] [ IOHIDElementGetUsage 1- ] [ buttons>> ] tri* set-nth ;
: record-button ( state hid-value element -- )
[ buttons>> ] [ button-value ] [ IOHIDElementGetUsage 1- ] tri* rot set-nth ;
: record-controller ( controller-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement {
{ [ dup button? ] [ rot record-button ] }
{ [ dup button? ] [ record-button ] }
{ [ dup axis? ] [ {
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>x drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop axis-value >>y drop ] }
@ -176,29 +174,35 @@ CONSTANT: pov-values
[ 3drop ]
} cond ;
HINTS: record-controller { controller-state alien } ;
: ?set-nth ( value nth seq -- )
2dup bounds-check? [ set-nth-unsafe ] [ 3drop ] if ;
: record-keyboard ( value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement keyboard-key? [
: record-keyboard ( keyboard-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement dup keyboard-key? [
[ IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue c-bool> ]
[ IOHIDValueGetElement IOHIDElementGetUsage ] bi
+keyboard-state+ get ?set-nth
] [ drop ] if ;
[ IOHIDElementGetUsage ] bi*
rot ?set-nth
] [ 3drop ] if ;
: record-mouse ( value -- )
HINTS: record-keyboard { array alien } ;
: record-mouse ( mouse-state value -- )
dup IOHIDValueGetElement {
{ [ dup button? ] [ +mouse-state+ get record-button ] }
{ [ dup button? ] [ record-button ] }
{ [ dup axis? ] [ {
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-dy drop ] }
{ [ dup wheel? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-scroll-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value +mouse-state+ get [ + ] change-scroll-dy drop ] }
[ 2drop ]
{ [ dup x-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup y-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-dy drop ] }
{ [ dup wheel? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-scroll-dx drop ] }
{ [ dup z-axis? ] [ drop mouse-axis-value [ + ] curry change-scroll-dy drop ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond ] }
[ 2drop ]
[ 3drop ]
} cond ;
HINTS: record-mouse { mouse-state alien } ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend read-mouse
+mouse-state+ get ;
@ -271,8 +275,8 @@ M: iokit-game-input-backend reset-mouse
{ [ sender controller-device? ] [
sender +controller-states+ get at value record-controller
] }
{ [ sender mouse-device? ] [ value record-mouse ] }
[ value record-keyboard ]
{ [ sender mouse-device? ] [ +mouse-state+ get value record-mouse ] }
[ +keyboard-state+ get value record-keyboard ]
} cond
] IOHIDValueCallback ;
@ -297,7 +301,7 @@ M: iokit-game-input-backend (open-game-input)
} cleave ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend (reset-game-input)
{ +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +controller-states+ }
{ +hid-manager+ +keyboard-state+ +mouse-state+ +controller-states+ }
[ f swap set-global ] each ;
M: iokit-game-input-backend (close-game-input)