diff --git a/basis/xml/errors/errors-tests.factor b/basis/xml/errors/errors-tests.factor
index e72e465f0d..426ef57736 100644
--- a/basis/xml/errors/errors-tests.factor
+++ b/basis/xml/errors/errors-tests.factor
@@ -6,22 +6,27 @@ IN: xml.errors.tests
'[ _ string>xml ] swap '[ _ = ] must-fail-with ;
T{ no-entity f 1 10 "nbsp" } " " xml-error-test
-T{ mismatched f 1 8 T{ name f "" "x" "" } T{ name f "" "y" "" }
-} "" xml-error-test
+T{ mismatched f 1 8 T{ name f "" "x" "" } T{ name f "" "y" "" } }
+ "" xml-error-test
T{ unclosed f 1 4 V{ T{ name f "" "x" "" } } } "" xml-error-test
T{ nonexist-ns f 1 5 "x" } "" xml-error-test
T{ unopened f 1 5 } "" xml-error-test
-T{ not-yes/no f 1 41 "maybe" } "" xml-error-test
+T{ not-yes/no f 1 41 "maybe" }
+ "" xml-error-test
T{ extra-attrs f 1 32 V{ T{ name f "" "foo" f } }
} "" xml-error-test
-T{ bad-version f 1 28 "5 million" } "" xml-error-test
+T{ bad-version f 1 28 "5 million" }
+ "" xml-error-test
T{ notags f } "" xml-error-test
T{ multitags } "" xml-error-test
-T{ bad-prolog f 1 26 T{ prolog f "1.0" "UTF-8" f }
-} "" xml-error-test
+T{ bad-prolog f 1 26 T{ prolog f "1.0" "UTF-8" f } }
+ "" xml-error-test
T{ capitalized-prolog f 1 6 "XmL" } ""
+ xml-error-test
T{ pre/post-content f "x" t } "x" xml-error-test
T{ versionless-prolog f 1 8 } "" xml-error-test
-T{ bad-instruction f 1 11 T{ instruction f "xsl" }
-} "" xml-error-test
+T{ bad-instruction f 1 11 T{ instruction f "xsl" } }
+ "" xml-error-test
+T{ unclosed-quote f 1 13 } " } "." }
@@ -324,6 +321,15 @@ HELP: state-parse
HELP: pre/post-content
{ $class-description "describes the error where a non-whitespace string is used before or after the main tag in an XML document. Contains two slots: string contains the offending string, and pre? is t if it occured before the main tag and f if it occured after" } ;
+HELP: unclosed-quote
+{ $class-description "describes the error where a quotation for an attribute value is opened but not closed before the end of the document." } ;
+HELP: bad-name
+{ $class-description "describes the error where a name is used, for example in an XML tag or attribute key, which is invalid." } ;
+HELP: quoteless-attr
+{ $class-description "describes the error where an attribute of an XML tag is missing quotes around a value." } ;
HELP: entities
{ $description "a hash table from default XML entity names (like & and <) to the characters they represent. This is automatically included when parsing any XML document." }
{ $see-also html-entities } ;
@@ -444,6 +450,9 @@ ARTICLE: { "xml" "errors" } "XML parsing errors"
{ $subsection expected }
{ $subsection no-entity }
{ $subsection pre/post-content }
+ { $subsection unclosed-quote }
+ { $subsection bad-name }
+ { $subsection quoteless-attr }
"Additionally, most of these errors delegate to " { $link parsing-error } " in order to provide more information"
"Note that, in parsing an XML document, only the first error is reported." ;
@@ -456,7 +465,7 @@ ARTICLE: { "xml" "entities" } "XML entities"
{ $subsection with-html-entities } ;
ARTICLE: "xml" "XML parser"
-"The " { $vocab-link "xml" } " vocabulary implements the XML 1.1 standard, converting strings of text into XML and vice versa."
+"The " { $vocab-link "xml" } " vocabulary implements the XML 1.0 and 1.1 standards, converting strings of text into XML and vice versa."
{ $subsection { "xml" "reading" } }
{ $subsection { "xml" "writing" } }
{ $subsection { "xml" "classes" } }