comboboxes use frp

Sam Anklesaria 2009-07-28 11:40:58 -05:00
parent 16e44372e3
commit 7a5309f075
2 changed files with 15 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ M: frp-table row-columns quot>> [ call( a -- b ) ] [ drop f ] if* ;
M: frp-table row-value val-quot>> [ call( a -- b ) ] [ drop f ] if* ;
M: frp-table row-color color-quot>> [ call( a -- b ) ] [ drop f ] if* ;
: <frp-table> ( model -- table ) f frp-table new-table dup >>renderer
: new-frp-table ( model class -- table ) f swap new-table dup >>renderer
V{ } clone <basic> >>selected-values V{ } clone <basic> >>selected-indices*
f <basic> >>actions dup [ actions>> set-model ] curry >>action ;
: <frp-table> ( model -- table ) frp-table new-frp-table ;
: <frp-table*> ( -- table ) V{ } clone <model> <frp-table> ;
: <frp-list> ( column-model -- table ) <frp-table> [ 1array ] >>quot ;
: <frp-list*> ( -- table ) V{ } clone <model> <frp-list> ;
@ -52,11 +53,10 @@ M: frp-field model-changed 2dup frp-model>> =
: <frp-action-field> ( -- field ) f <action-field> dup [ set-control-value ] curry >>quot
f <model> >>model ;
: image-prep ( -- quot ) scan current-vocab name>> "vocab:" "/icons/" surround ".tiff" surround [ <image-name> ] [ load-image ] [ ] tri
[ \ cached-image "memoize" word-prop set-at ] 3curry ;
SYNTAX: IMG-FRP-BTN: image-prep [ <frp-button> ] append over push-all ;
: image-prep ( -- image ) scan current-vocab name>> "vocab:" "/icons/" surround ".tiff" surround <image-name> dup cached-image drop ;
SYNTAX: IMG-FRP-BTN: image-prep [ <frp-button> ] curry over push-all ;
SYNTAX: IMG-BTN: image-prep [ swap <button> ] append over push-all ;
SYNTAX: IMG-BTN: image-prep [ swap <button> ] curry over push-all ;
GENERIC: output-model ( gadget -- model )
M: gadget output-model model>> ;

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@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
USING: accessors arrays kernel math.rectangles models sequences
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.labels
ui.gadgets.tables ui.gestures ;
USING: accessors arrays kernel math.rectangles sequences
ui.frp.gadgets ui.frp.signals ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.labels ui.gadgets.tables ui.gestures ;
IN: ui.gadgets.comboboxes
TUPLE: combo-table < table spawner ;
TUPLE: combo-table < frp-table spawner ;
M: combo-table handle-gesture [ call-next-method ] 2keep swap
M: combo-table handle-gesture [ call-next-method drop ] 2keep swap
T{ button-up } = [
[ spawner>> ]
[ selected-value>> value>> [ swap set-control-value ] [ drop ] if* ]
[ hide-glass ] tri drop t
] [ drop ] if ;
[ selected-row [ swap set-control-value ] [ 2drop ] if ]
[ hide-glass ] tri
] [ drop ] if t ;
TUPLE: combobox < label-control table ;
combobox H{
{ T{ button-down } [ dup table>> over >>spawner <zero-rect> show-glass ] }
} set-gestures
: <combobox> ( options -- combobox ) [ first [ combobox new-label ] keep <model> >>model ] keep
[ 1array ] map <model> trivial-renderer combo-table new-table
>>table ;
: <combobox> ( options -- combobox ) [ first [ combobox new-label ] keep <basic> >>model ] keep
<basic> combo-table new-frp-table [ 1array ] >>quot >>table ;