factor-shell: Initial commit.
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
! Copyright (C) 2018 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: tools.test factor-shell ;
IN: factor-shell.tests
! Absolute paths
{ "/" } [ "/" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/.." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/.." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/../" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/../." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/.././" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/.././././././" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/../././/////./././/././././//././././././." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/../../../..////.././././././/../" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/Users" } [ "/Users/../../../Users" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/Users" } [ "/Users" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/Users" } [ "/Users/." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "/Users/foo/bar" } [ "/Users/foo/bar" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
! Relative paths
{ "." } [ f canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "." } [ "" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "." } [ "." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "." } [ "./" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "." } [ "./." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ ".." } [ ".." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ ".." } [ "../" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ ".." } [ "../." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ ".." } [ ".././././././//." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "../.." } [ "../.." canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "../.." } [ "../../" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
{ "../.." } [ "../.././././/./././" canonicalize-path ] unit-test
! Root paths
{ "/" } [ "/" root-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users" root-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "//" root-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "//Users" root-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/foo/bar////././." root-path ] unit-test
{ "/" } [ "/Users/////" root-path ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
! Copyright (C) 2018 Doug Coleman.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes.parser classes.tuple
combinators combinators.extras combinators.short-circuit
combinators.smart continuations fry io io.backend
io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.files.info io.launcher
io.pathnames io.standard-paths kernel lexer libc math math.order
multiline multiline.private namespaces parser prettyprint
sequences sequences.deep splitting strings system
system-info.macosx tools.hexdump unicode unix.signals unix.users
words ;
IN: factor-shell
! General utils.
: trim-blanks ( string -- string' ) [ blank? ] trim ; inline
: trim-head-blanks ( string -- string' ) [ blank? ] trim-head ; inline
: trim-tail-blanks ( string -- string' ) [ blank? ] trim-tail ; inline
GENERIC: find-command-path ( obj -- obj' )
M: sequence find-command-path
0 over [ find-in-standard-login-path ] change-nth ;
M: process find-command-path
[ find-command-path ] change-command ;
GENERIC#: run-process>string 1 ( command encoding -- string )
M: array run-process>string ( command encoding -- string )
[ <process> swap >>command +new-session+ >>group ] dip
[ find-command-path ] dip
[ contents ] with-process-reader ; inline
M: string run-process>string
[ <process> swap >>command +new-session+ >>group ] dip
[ contents ] with-process-reader ; inline
: run-utf8-process>string ( command -- string )
utf8 run-process>string ; inline
! Shell things.
SYMBOL: factsh-directory-stack
factsh-directory-stack [ V{ } clone ] initialize
SYMBOL: previous-directory
SYMBOL: pending-directory
: pushd ( string -- )
factsh-directory-stack get push ;
: popd ( -- string )
factsh-directory-stack get pop ;
: matching-delimiter ( ch -- ch' )
{ CHAR: ( CHAR: ) }
{ CHAR: [ CHAR: ] }
{ CHAR: { CHAR: } }
{ CHAR: < CHAR: > }
{ CHAR: : CHAR: ; }
} ?at drop ;
: matching-delimiter-string ( string -- string' )
[ matching-delimiter ] map ;
[ create-class-in dup tuple { "payload" } define-tuple-class ]
[ ] bi
{ "[[" "[=[" "[==[" "[===[" "[====[" } [
[ append create-word-in dup reset-generic ]
[ nip matching-delimiter-string ] 2bi
'[ _ parse-multiline-string _ boa suffix! ] define-syntax
] with with each ;
GENERIC: execute-string ( obj -- string )
M: FACTOR execute-string
payload>> "-e=" prepend vm-path swap 2array run-utf8-process>string ;
M: PYTHON execute-string
payload>> 1array { "python" "-c" } prepend run-utf8-process>string ;
M: RUBY execute-string
payload>> 1array { "ruby" "-e" } prepend run-utf8-process>string ;
ERROR: expected-len1 obj ;
: len1 ( seq -- obj ) dup length 1 = [ first ] [ expected-len1 ] if ;
ERROR: expected-len2 obj ;
: len2 ( seq -- obj1 obj2 ) dup length 2 = [ first2 ] [ expected-len2 ] if ;
: find-binary-name ( string -- string/path ? )
dup find-in-standard-login-path [ nip t ] [ f ] if* ;
: transfer ( var1 var2 -- )
[ get ] dip set ; inline
: swap-vars ( var1 var2 -- )
[ [ get ] bi@ ] 2keep [ set ] dip set ; inline
ERROR: builtin-failed command argument message ;
: check-directory-exists ( to -- to )
dup { [ exists? ] [ file-info directory? ] } 1&&
[ "cd" swap "No such directory" builtin-failed ] unless ;
: root-path ( path -- path' )
dup absolute-path? [
dup [ path-separator? ] find
drop 1 + head
] when ;
: relative-path ( path -- relative-path )
dup absolute-path? [
dup [ path-separator? ] find
drop 1 + tail
] when ;
: canonicalize-path ( path -- path' )
[ path-separator? ] split-when
[ { "." "" } member? ] reject
V{ } clone [
dup ".." = [
over empty?
[ over push ]
[ over ?last ".." = [ over push ] [ drop dup pop* ] if ] if
] [
over push
] if
] reduce
] keep dup absolute-path? [
[ ".." = ] trim-head
path-separator join
] dip root-path prepend-path
] [
drop path-separator join [ "." ] when-empty
] if ;
: count-canonical-path-components ( path -- n )
canonicalize-path [ CHAR: / = ] count 1 + ;
: mismatch-tail ( seq1 seq2 -- seq1 seq2 )
2dup mismatch [ 2dup [ length ] bi@ min ] unless*
'[ _ tail ] bi@ ;
! c:\ vs d:\ -- no relative path possible. also impossible on unix.
: derive-both-absolute ( absolute-path1 absolute-path2 -- path1-relative-to-path2 )
[ "/" split ] bi@ mismatch-tail [ "/" join ] bi@
[ ".." ] replicate "/" join prepend-path ;
: derive-relative-path ( path1 path2 -- path1-relative-to-path2 )
[ canonicalize-path ] bi@
{ [ 2dup [ absolute-path ] both? ] [ derive-both-absolute ] }
[ "unimplemented" throw ]
} cond ; inline
: home-directory? ( path -- ? ) "~" head? ;
: current-directory? ( path -- ? ) "./" head? ;
: fixup-home-directory ( path -- path' )
[ path-separator? ] split-when
dup first length 1 > [
unclip [ "/" join ] [ rest home parent-directory prepend ] bi* append
] [
"/" join
] if ;
: our-cd ( args -- string/f )
_ [ trim-blanks ] map
current-directory pending-directory transfer
current-directory '[ drop home ] change
] [
{ [ dup { "-" } sequence= ] [ drop previous-directory get current-directory set ] }
{ [ dup first home-directory? ] [ first fixup-home-directory current-directory set ] }
! { { "-L" } [ ] }
! { { "-P" } [ ] }
[ len1 normalize-path canonicalize-path check-directory-exists current-directory set ]
} cond
] if-empty
pending-directory previous-directory transfer f
] [
] recover ;
SYMBOL: exit-shell?
ERROR: unknown-command cmd args ;
: eval-factsh ( string -- string-output )
[ blank? ] trim-head " " split harvest [
] [
unclip {
{ "cd" [ our-cd ] }
{ "ls" [ { "ls" } prepend utf8 run-process>string ] }
{ "pwd" [ drop current-directory get "\n" append ] }
{ "exit" [ [ 0 exit-shell? set ] [ len1 exit-shell? set ] if-empty "logout\n" ] }
! { "pushd" [ len1 current-directory get ] }
! { "popd" [ current-directory get ] }
dup current-directory? [
dup current-directory get prepend-path
dup exists? [
2nip run-utf8-process>string
] [
swap unknown-command
] if
] [
find-binary-name [ prefix run-utf8-process>string ]
[ swap unknown-command ] if
] if
} case
] if-empty ;
: computer-name ( -- string ) { 1 10 } sysctl-query-string "." split1 drop ;
: osx-bash-prompt ( -- string )
computer-name ":"
current-directory get
dup home = [ drop "~" ] [ file-name ] if
" " real-user-name "$ >> "
] "" append-outputs-as ;
: echo-prompt ( -- )
osx-bash-prompt write flush ;
SYMBOL: shell-last-exit
GENERIC: handle-repl-error ( obj -- )
M: unknown-command handle-repl-error
cmd>> ": command not found" append print ;
M: process-failed handle-repl-error
process>> status>> shell-last-exit set ;
: factsh-repl ( -- )
! [ "hello SIGUSR1" print flush ] SIGUSR1 add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGINT" print flush ] SIGINT add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGSTOP" print flush ] SIGSTOP add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGQUIT" print flush ] SIGQUIT add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGHUP" print flush ] SIGHUP add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGTERM" print flush ] SIGTERM add-signal-handler
[ "hello SIGHUP" print flush ] SIGHUP add-signal-handler
f exit-shell? [
current-directory previous-directory transfer
[ echo-prompt readln [ eval-factsh [ write ] when* ] [ nl t exit-shell? set ] if* ]
[ handle-repl-error ] recover
exit-shell? get not
] loop
] with-variable ;
MAIN: factsh-repl
! PYTHON[[ print("hi")]] execute-string
! RUBY[[ printf('hello')]] execute-string
! FACTOR[[ USE: io "hi" print ]] execute-string
! stty -a
! ps ax -O tpgid
! http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/149741/why-is-sigint-not-propagated-to-child-process-when-sent-to-its-parent-process
Reference in New Issue