Refactor to make better use of fry and cleave to show what is going on. Create named words for wrapper alien-callbacks so it is easy to see what code gets generated. Change com-query-interface to malloc the buffer for the returned interface pointer to avoid GC heisenbugs when calling into a com-wrapped factor object

Joe Groff 2008-06-12 22:51:20 -07:00
parent fa71934d2c
commit 7bd7222b07
2 changed files with 74 additions and 44 deletions

extra/windows/com/com.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types windows.ole32
windows.types continuations kernel alien.syntax ;
windows.types continuations kernel alien.syntax libc ;
LIBRARY: ole32
@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ COM-INTERFACE: IDropTarget IUnknown {00000122-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
HRESULT Drop ( IDataObject* pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect ) ;
: com-query-interface ( interface iid -- interface' )
f <void*>
[ IUnknown::QueryInterface ole32-error ] keep
*void* ;
"void*" heap-size [
[ IUnknown::QueryInterface ole32-error ] keep *void*
] with-malloc ;
: com-add-ref ( interface -- interface )
[ IUnknown::AddRef drop ] keep ; inline

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
USING: alien alien.c-types continuations kernel
sequences.lib namespaces windows.ole32 libc
sequences.lib namespaces windows.ole32 libc vocabs
assocs accessors arrays sequences quotations combinators
math combinators.lib words compiler.units destructors ;
math combinators.lib words compiler.units destructors fry
math.parser ;
TUPLE: com-wrapper vtbls freed? ;
TUPLE: com-wrapper vtbls disposed ;
@ -14,6 +15,16 @@ SYMBOL: +wrapped-objects+
[ H{ } +wrapped-objects+ set-global ]
SYMBOL: +vtbl-counter+
+vtbl-counter+ get-global
[ 0 +vtbl-counter+ set-global ]
"" create-vocab drop
: (next-vtbl-counter) ( -- n )
+vtbl-counter+ [ 1+ dup ] change ;
: com-unwrap ( wrapped -- object )
+wrapped-objects+ get-global at*
[ "invalid COM wrapping pointer" throw ] unless ;
@ -22,34 +33,38 @@ unless
[ +wrapped-objects+ get-global delete-at ] keep
free ;
: (make-query-interface) ( interfaces -- quot )
: (query-interface-cases) ( interfaces -- cases )
[ swap 16 memory>byte-array ] %
[ find-com-interface-definition family-tree [ iid>> ] map ] dip
1quotation [ 2array ] curry map
] map-index concat
[ drop f ] suffix ;
: (make-query-interface) ( interfaces -- quot )
swap 16 memory>byte-array
, case
>r find-com-interface-definition family-tree
r> 1quotation [ >r iid>> r> 2array ] curry map
] map-index concat
[ drop f ] suffix ,
\ case ,
"void*" heap-size
[ * rot <displaced-alien> com-add-ref 0 rot set-void*-nth S_OK ]
curry ,
[ nip f 0 rot set-void*-nth E_NOINTERFACE ] ,
\ if* ,
] [ ] make ;
"void*" heap-size * rot <displaced-alien> com-add-ref
0 rot set-void*-nth S_OK
] [ nip f 0 rot set-void*-nth E_NOINTERFACE ] if*
] ;
: (make-add-ref) ( interfaces -- quot )
length "void*" heap-size * [ swap <displaced-alien>
length "void*" heap-size * '[
, swap <displaced-alien>
0 over ulong-nth
1+ [ 0 rot set-ulong-nth ] keep
] curry ;
] ;
: (make-release) ( interfaces -- quot )
length "void*" heap-size * [ over <displaced-alien>
length "void*" heap-size * '[
, over <displaced-alien>
0 over ulong-nth
1- [ 0 rot set-ulong-nth ] keep
dup zero? [ swap (free-wrapped-object) ] [ nip ] if
] curry ;
] ;
: (make-iunknown-methods) ( interfaces -- quots )
[ (make-query-interface) ]
@ -60,32 +75,48 @@ unless
: (thunk) ( n -- quot )
dup 0 =
[ drop [ ] ]
[ "void*" heap-size neg * [ swap <displaced-alien> ] curry ]
[ "void*" heap-size neg * '[ , swap <displaced-alien> ] ]
if ;
: (thunked-quots) ( quots iunknown-methods thunk -- quots' )
[ [ swap 2array ] curry map swap ] keep
[ com-unwrap ] compose [ swap 2array ] curry map append ;
: (thunked-quots) ( quots iunknown-methods thunk -- {thunk,quot}s )
[ '[ , '[ @ com-unwrap ] [ swap 2array ] curry map ] ]
[ '[ , [ swap 2array ] curry map ] ] bi bi*
swap append ;
: compile-alien-callback ( return parameters abi quot -- alien )
: compile-alien-callback ( word return parameters abi quot -- alien )
[ alien-callback ] 4 ncurry
[ gensym [ swap (( -- alien )) define-declared ] keep ]
[ [ (( -- alien )) define-declared ] pick slip ]
execute ;
: (make-vtbl) ( interface-name quots iunknown-methods n -- )
: (byte-array-to-malloced-buffer) ( byte-array -- alien )
[ byte-length malloc ] [ over byte-array>memory ] bi ;
: (callback-word) ( function-name interface-name counter -- word )
[ "::" rot 3append "-callback-" ] dip number>string 3append
"" create ;
: (finish-thunk) ( param-count thunk quot -- thunked-quot )
[ dup empty? [ 2drop [ ] ] [ swap 1- '[ , , ndip ] ] if ]
dip compose ;
: (make-vtbl) ( interface-name quots iunknown-methods n -- vtbl )
(thunk) (thunked-quots)
swap find-com-interface-definition family-tree-functions [
[ return>> ] [ parameters>> [ first ] map ] bi
dup length 1- roll [
first dup empty?
[ 2drop [ ] ]
[ swap [ ndip ] 2curry ]
] [ second ] bi compose
swap [ find-com-interface-definition family-tree-functions ]
keep (next-vtbl-counter) '[
swap [
[ name>> , , (callback-word) ]
[ return>> ] [
[ [ first ] map ]
[ length ] bi
] tri
] [
first2 (finish-thunk)
] bi*
"stdcall" swap compile-alien-callback
] 2map >c-void*-array [ byte-length malloc ] keep
over byte-array>memory ;
] 2map >c-void*-array
(byte-array-to-malloced-buffer) ;
: (make-vtbls) ( implementations -- vtbls )
dup [ first ] map (make-iunknown-methods)
@ -102,11 +133,10 @@ PRIVATE>
: <com-wrapper> ( implementations -- wrapper )
(make-vtbls) f com-wrapper boa ;
M: com-wrapper dispose
t >>freed?
M: com-wrapper dispose*
vtbls>> [ free ] each ;
: com-wrap ( object wrapper -- wrapped-object )
dup (malloc-wrapped-object) >r vtbls>> r>
[ vtbls>> ] [ (malloc-wrapped-object) ] bi
[ [ set-void*-nth ] curry each-index ] keep
[ +wrapped-objects+ get-global set-at ] keep ;